LIBER CHAOTICA - Chaos Expansion For 2e 40k

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The document proposes alternative rules for Chaos armies in Warhammer 40k, allowing for mono-god armies and more flexibility in unit choices and abilities.

Khorne daemons would be summoned using Bloodstones, which champions of Khorne can purchase. Rolling on a table determines Khorne's response when a Bloodstone is crushed.

Units bearing the Mark of Khorne gain frenzy and a +1 save modifier, and hatred of Slaanesh units.


By Slaaneshchild and Patatovich

Version V3.2
Translated into English by CB*
The 2nd Ed. Codex Chaos is full of irregularities. Here we present some general rules to improve it, make it more attractive and
closer to the background. Of course, you can make some killer combos, but remember the first rule: play to have fun!
This document is intended as an addition to the official Chaos Space Marine army list, but can also be added to the Daemon World
list, or to the Chaos Renegades army list also available at


Grants frenzy, a +1 saving throw modifier (ie. not simply an
I think that Codex Chaos does not correctly explain the idea of automatic 2+; Terminators remain at 3+ on 2D6 and Abaddon
the Mark of Chaos. A Mark is evidence of the great favour of its remains an exception with 2+ on 2D6), and hatred of Slaanesh
associated Chaos Power. It means that the Power is personally daemons and anyone who bears the Mark of Slaanesh.
following the progression of the individual who has been named
“Champion”. And each Power has many hordes of followers Summoning Khorne Daemons
who do not bear this precious Mark. Players wishing to field an Khorne is not the Power of hand to hand combat alone. It is
army devoted to a single Power should not, therefore, be obliged stupid to summon daemons of Khorne on the sole basis of hits
to give the relevant Mark to all the troops in their army. Not in melee. As such, Khorne daemons do not use the system
everyone has this honour. described in Codex Chaos but instead use Bloodstones,
This means, for example, that a player wishing to field a 100% described below.
World Eaters or 100% Death Guard army is not obliged to make
do with the Khorne Berserker or Plague Marine army list entries. BLOODSTONE OF KHORNE +5pts per stone
Not every World Eater is a berserker, nor every one of the Death All Champions of Khorne (characters who bear the Mark of
Guard a Plague Marine. The Emperor’s Children are not all Khorne) may buy any number of Bloodstones.
Noise Marines nor vice versa (or even, not all Thousand Sons A Bloodstone may be used to summon daemons of Khorne. The
are walking suits of armour, but this is up for debate). Bloodstone may be crushed at the end of any psychic phase.
What is more, the Codex makes the mistake of giving all Marked Khorne’s response to his Champion’s request is determined by
troops a particular style of combat: Khorne has hand-to-hand, rolling a D6 and consulting the table below. It is possible to crush
Slaanesh a support role, Nurgle has tactics and Tzeentch has… more than one Bloodstone at once and thus roll as many D6 as
er… no one really knows :) Bloodstones crushed, each of which applies the same modifier(s).
Each result is applied separately – it is thus possible for a champion
The following rules provide a framework to put these different both to succeed in summoning daemons, and also to be killed in the
ideas into practice. process.
The following modifiers apply and are cumulative:
Marks of Chaos and Army Selection
The Chaos Powers hate each other, even if it can happen that +1 The Champion has inflicted at least one wound in the
they sometimes form alliances. battle, be it by shooting or in hand-to-hand.
+1 The Champion has killed one or more psykers or servants
of Slaanesh during the battle.
All Chaos armies are by default monotheistic. +1 the Champion is in contact with an icon bearer or an altar
A player thus has five choices: Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, of Khorne.
Nurgle, or Chaos Undivided.
In the first four cases, the player can choose to Mark troops, or D6 Result
not, and may only take daemons, squads and characters who 1 No daemons appear. The Bloodstone emits a mighty
serve the patron Power of the army. shriek of unearthly joy and drains the Champion of blood.
The Bloodstone disappears immediately into the void and
In the fifth case, Chaos Undivided, the player may not include the drained shell of the Champion collapses.
daemons, characters or squads dedicated to a specific, individual 2 No daemons appear. The Bloodstone is lost.
Power. 3 No daemons appear but the Bloodstone is not lost and the
It is nonetheless possible to take individually devoted troops as Champion may try again at the end of the next psychic
Allies. phase with the usual modifiers applied.
4 Khorne grants the Champion 1D8 summoning points.
NB: No Slaanesh unit will ever take to the field with an army
5 Khorne grants the Champion 2D8 summoning points.
devoted to Khorne or vice versa. The same applies for Nurgle 6+ Khorne grants the Champion 3D8 summoning points.
and Tzeentch. If any summoning points are awarded the bloodstone is consumed
and the points must immediately be used to summon daemons
The Chaos Lord previously bought from the army list, otherwise they are lost. The
Does not have the right to take multiple marks of Chaos. daemons must be placed within 6” of the Champion who crushed
the Bloodstone(s), even if the Champion was killed in the process.

Translator’s note: This fan-written set of additional/alternative rules for Chaos armies in 2nd Edition 40k was first published on
the French fan-site “Taran”, at, which the reader is encouraged to visit. It incorporates adapted elements
from Slaves to Darkness and The Lost and the Damned as well as alternative rules of the authors’ own suggestion.
The Mark of Nurgle CHAPLAINS
Grants Toughness +1 and hatred of daemons of Tzeentch and Contrary to what you might have been told, Chaos Space
models bearing the Mark of Tzeentch. Marines still use Apothecaries, Techmarines and Chaplains.
And so the Word Bearers, as much as I like them, are not the
The Mark of Slaanesh only ones to still have chaplains (cf. p13 Codex Chaos).
Grants immunity to psychology and break tests, with the Exalted Champion:………………………………... 111pts
exception of hatred towards Khorne daemons and models Mighty Champion:…………………………………. 78pts
bearing the Mark of Khorne. Aspiring Champion:………………………………... 50pts
The profiles are the same as those for Champions on Codex
The Mark of Tzeentch
Chaos p28.
Grants the power to nullify psychic powers used against the
bearer on a 4+. The Mark of the Changer of the Ways is WEAPONS Corrupted Crozius Arcanum, Bolt Pistol and
available to any Champion, sorcerer or not. Marked models hate Frag Grenades.
daemons of Nurgle and models bearing the Mark of Nurgle. ARMOUR Power Armour, Rosarius.
WARGEAR The Aspiring Champion may take one Wargear
Marking Squads card or Chaos Reward, the Mighty Champion,
For those who really want to, all squads in the army list may be two, and the Exalted Champion, three.
given the Mark of their Power for the following cost: A Chaplain may be given additional equipment
chosen from the Armour, Assault Weapons,
Mark of Khorne: +10pts/model Special Weapons and grenades sections of the
Mark of Nurgle: +10pts/model Wargear list. He may ride a bike for +20 pts.
Mark of Slaanesh: +5pts/model MARKS OF For the Mighty or Exalted Champion:
Mark of Tzeentch: +5pts/model CHAOS Khorne +30pts, Nurgle +20pts, Slaanesh +10pts
Note that all the models in a squad must be marked if any are. or Tzeentch +10pts.
This also implies rejection of the idea that all Tzeentch’s For the Aspiring Champion:
marines have become spirits in walking suits of armour. If you Khorne +15pts, Nurgle +10pts, Slaanesh +5pts
buy a squad with the same number of models as their or Tzeentch +5pts.
Power’s sacred number, the Marks of Nurgle and Khorne SPECIAL RULES
cost 5 points per model, and the Marks of Slaanesh and ⁃ Independent character.
Tzeentch are free. ⁃ Rapid Fire.
⁃ Impious Dogma: Any unit in the same legion as the
The Weaponry of Chaos Chaplain within 8” may reroll any failed break or
The transition from Rogue Trader to 2nd Edition was unfortunate psychology test.
for the weaponry of Chaos. For some strange reason,
multimeltas disappeared entirely, and the heavy plasma gun was CHAOS WAR ALTAR……… 50pts +5pts per Keeper
relegated to dreadnoughts only. A Chaos Army may contain a unique altar dedicated to the
These two weapons can be bought just like other Heavy Power it serves, or to Chaos in general. This is an alternative to
Weapons for the following costs: the Battle Standard or Chaos Icon of an army.
Multimelta: +65pts The Altar Keepers carry, pull or push the altar. The look of the
Mk.1 Heavy Plasma Gun: +45pts altar is up to the player and any suitable model may be used to
Note that the weapons remain without targeters. represent it.
CHARACTERS Altar Keeper 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

SQUAD Altar plus 2 to 10 Keepers.

WEAPONS Hand weapons.
A character bearing the Mark of Slaanesh may be equipped with ARMOUR None.
one of the following Noise Weapons: WARGEAR The Keepers may be given Assault Weapons
Sonic Blaster:…………………………………………... +10pts chosen from the Wargear list.
Doom Siren:……………………………………………. +15pts SPECIAL RULES
⁃ The Altar counts as the Battle Standard of the army and
APOTHECARIES……………………………… +10pts grants a reroll on leadership tests taken by friendly troops
within 12”.
A Champion (Aspiring, Mighty or Exalted), may be made an ⁃ The Altar is automatically counted as bearing the Mark
Apothecary for a cost of +10pts. of the Power to which it is dedicated for the purposes of
The Champion gains a medi-pack (see Wargear card) and summoning daemons and their potential banishment.
becomes an independent character. ⁃ A Chaos Icon may be added to the Altar.
⁃ At the start of the game, the Altar contains 1D6
TECHMARINES……………………………….. +10pts summoning points of the Power to which it is dedicated.
A Champion (Aspiring, Mighty or Exalted), may be made a ⁃ The Altar cannot be destroyed in and of itself. However,
Techmarine for a cost of +10pts. once all its Keepers are killed, the unit counts as
destroyed. The Keepers may never leave the Altar they
The Champion gains the repair skill in the same way as a are responsible for.
loyalist Techmarine and becomes an independent character. ⁃ The Keepers are immune to break and psychology tests.
DAEMON PRINCE……………………... 50pts+extras SQUADS
Daemon Princes are mortal servants of Chaos whose deeds have
pleased their patron Power. They have been rewarded by being
POSSESSED MARINES………………… 45pts/model
granted immortality in the form of daemonhood.
Contrary to what we are given to believe, possessed marines are
Daemon Princes are subject to all the same rules as other
not a creation of later editions but have been around since Rogue
daemons and may be summoned for 6 summoning points.
Trader. It seemed to me a shame to lose these troops in 2 nd
Note that you can play an un-Marked Daemon Prince as a non- Edition. In the first edition, these troops were the simple result
aligned daemon. The profile given below is the basic profile for of a mix between a possessing daemon and a marine. The
a Daemon Prince without a Mark of Chaos or Chaos Rewards. problem was that crosses between Greater Daemons and
Daemon Princes were also possible, and it turned into a mess.
Daemon Prince 4 5 5 4 4 2 6 3 9 The idea here is to follow the same principle as in Rogue Trader,
but only with Lesser Daemons. The profile below is the result.
⁃ The usual vulnerabilities and immunities of daemons
apply, including the daemonic aura saving throw of 4+. Possessed Marine 4 5 5 4 4 1 5 2 10
⁃ Causes fear.
SQUAD 3 to 9 models.
WEAPONS Bolt Pistol.
Customising Daemon Princes
ARMOUR Power armour.
Since no two Daemon Princes are alike, the standard profile
above may be modified for the costs given in the following table: WARGEAR The Possessed Marines may be given any
Assault Weapon for the additional cost
Bonus: +1 +2 +3 indicated. They may be given boltguns for +3pts
M +5pts +10pts +20pts each. One model per squad may be given a
WS +15pts +30pts +60pts Special Weapon.
S +5pts +10pts +20pts MARK OF The Possessed Marines must all bear the Mark
T +10pts +20pts +40pts CHAOS of their patron Power – this mark is included in
the points cost given above.
W +10pts +20pts +40pts
I +5pts +10pts +20pts
⁃ Cause fear.
A +5pts +10pts +20pts
⁃ The Possessed Marines are deployed like other troops
Ld +10pts - - and do not need to be summoned.
Cause Terror +15pts ⁃ The Possessed Marines have the same immunities and
Note that the Marks of Chaos, and other Chaos Rewards, can vulnerabilities as daemons, including the daemonic aura
further modify the profile. save of 4+. They cannot, however, be banished, since
they bear the mark of their patron Power.
Daemon Princes may bear a Mark of Chaos: ⁃ The Possessed Marines regenerate in the same way as
Khorne +5pts Bloodletters of Khorne.
Nurgle +10pts ⁃ The Possessed Marines of Nurgle, Slaanesh and
Slaanesh +5pts Tzeentch have psychic powers in the same way as lesser
Tzeentch +10 pts daemons (see Codex Chaos p. 66).
Note that in the case of Khorne, the Daemon Prince gains an
unmodifiable 5+ armour saving throw in addition to its PLAGUE ZOMBIES……………………... 63pts/squad
daemonic aura save. Plague Zombies are a creation of the Realm of Chaos books,
Daemon Princes may have an unlimited number of Chaos long since forgotten… but here they are again! Brains!!!
Rewards (both generic and those associated with their patron A squad of Plague Zombies may not be accompanied by any
Power). other model and they may never use any leadership value except
All Daemon Princes except those of Khorne may also be psykers their own.
at a cost of +25pts per level. Marked Daemon Princes use the
disciplines of their patron Power as their primary discipline, and M WS BS S T W I A Ld
the Adeptus and Librarian decks as Tertiary disciplines. Non Plague Zombie 3 2 0 3 4 1 1 1 5
aligned Daemon Princes use the Adeptus and Librarian decks as
dual tertiary disciplines, and have no primary discipline. SQUAD 7 models.
⁃ Infiltration.
⁃ Cause fear.
⁃ Immune to break and psychology tests.
⁃ Immune to flash, poison, gases and virus.
⁃ May not benefit from combat drugs, frenzon or medi-
Tzeentch, the Master of Fortune, attracts a great number of Veteran Chaos Space Marines are sometimes deployed in large
Aspiring Sorcerers. Not yet having won their Power’s favour, squads to escort a powerful Champion. They thus form a retinue.
these psykers often gather in groups under the command of a Veterans deployed as a retinue may form squads of 3 to 9
proven Champion of Tzeentch. models. If so deployed, they may not infiltrate.
A psyker of any level who bears the Mark of Tzeentch (Chaos
Space Marine or other) may be joined by a group of eight Thrall 0-1 CHAOS ANDROID WARBAND…… 35pts/model
Wizards, of which he becomes the squad leader. The Thrall The Chaos Android is a skeleton made of plasteel. The method
Wizards draw warp flux to the Champion and grant access to of its construction is a secret known only to the Squat Engineers
extra psychic powers. allied to Chaos Renegades. Each Android contains a Lesser
This squad is bought from the squads section of the army list but Daemon, a living spirit imprisoned inside its plasteel shell by the
is attached to one specific psyker for the duration of the battle. efforts of a Chaos Sorcerer.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld The daemon cannot stand being imprisoned in this way and tries
Thrall Wizard 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 to escape, but its pact obliges it to obey any orders it is given.
The daemon will always try to interpret these orders in the most
SQUAD 8 models. obtuse manner, so as not to do what is asked of it.
WEAPONS Hand weapons. A Chaos army (Space Marines, Cults, Daemon World,
ARMOUR None. Renegade) may include one unit of Chaos Androids, which
SPECIAL RULES counts towards the Support allowance.
If the Thrall Wizards are in coherency with their Champion
at the beginning of a psychic phase, they grant him access to M WS BS S T W I A Ld
the following benefits: Chaos Android 4 5 5 5 5 1 5 2 7
⁃ The Champion gains an extra 1d6-1 Warp cards, or 1D3-
1 if the squad is reduced to half strength by material SQUAD 3 to 9 models.
losses or by loss of squad coherency. WEAPONS Bolter with bayonet (no parry).
⁃ The Champion has access to eight additional psychic ARMOUR Plasteel exoskeleton (4+ on 1D6).
powers drawn from the Adeptus or Librarian decks in WARGEAR None.
addition to his previous powers. SPECIAL RULES
Effects of losses or break of squad coherency: ⁃ Cause fear.
⁃ If a Thrall Wizard is killed, the Champion loses one ⁃ The Chaos Androids have the same immunities and
psychic power, drawn at random, per Thrall Wizard lost. vulnerabilities as daemons, with the exceptions that they
⁃ If the Champion is killed, the Thrall Wizards can fight have no daemonic aura save, and are affected by graviton
normally but may not use psychic powers. weapons and haywire grenades in the same way as
⁃ Note that a loss of squad coherency has the same effects Terminators, due to their metallic exoskeleton.
as above but it is temporary, until coherency can be ⁃ The Chaos Androids may not use the Ld of mortals for
restored. The Champion or the Thralls may move to their break or psychology tests. A Greater Daemon or
regain coherency in their next movement phase. Daemon Prince may, however, command the unit.
⁃ The Chaos Androids are subject to fire frenzy, in a similar
way to Chaos Space Marine Dreadnoughts – see details
BEASTMAN SLAVES…………………... 13pts/model
Armies of Chaos, especially traitor Space Marine legions, are
often accompanied by enslaved Beastmen. Chaos Android Fire Frenzy
The Beastman slaves can be commanded by a Techmarine or Chaos Androids are affected by both frenzy and stupidity.
Forge Marine (see below), who controls the frenzon injectors Since these effects cannot operate simultaneously, follow
and explosive collars the Beastmen wear. the procedure below to determine their behaviour:
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 1. At the beginning of each turn, measure to see if any enemies are
Beastman 4 4 3 3 4 2 3 1 7 in charge range of at least one Chaos Android. If so, the unit
becomes frenzied and is immune to stupidity until the start of its
SQUAD 5 to 9 models. next turn. As such the unit must declare a charge and try to enter
WEAPONS Hand weapons. hand-to-hand combat unless it passes a leadership test. Each Chaos
ARMOUR None. Android doubles its attacks to 4 and must always use its follow-up
WARGEAR The Beastmen may carry a primitive shield or a move after hand-to-hand to engage another enemy or move closer
two-handed weapon for +1pt per model. to one if none are in range.
All models in the squad may be given frenzon 2. If there are no enemies within charge range the Chaos Androids
injectors for +1pt per model. are blinded by rage and must test for stupidity. If they pass the unit
All models in the squad may be given an may move and fight normally. If they fail, they suffer from stupidity
explosive collar for +½pt per model. until the start of their next turn. The usual rules for stupidity apply
SPECIAL RULES (see main rules), with one exception: they shoot during the shooting
⁃ Explosive collar: A broken squad of Beastmen may be phase as detailed in 3. Below.
rallied automatically during a rally phase, even if it is not 3. In the shooting phase, roll 1D6 for each Chaos Android
in cover, provided the Techmarine or Forge Marine suffering from stupidity. On a roll of 2-6, the model shoots at the
accompanying it is still alive. One of the explosive nearest enemy in its fire arc. On a roll of 1, the Chaos Android fires
collars is detonated, and the sight is sufficient to indiscriminately at friend or foe alike – it shoots at the nearest model
automatically rally the remaining squad members. One to it irrespective of allegiance, avoiding only other Chaos Androids
Beastman model is removed as a casualty. and daemons.
This list combines the Chaos Rewards from Codex Chaos (some
FORGE MARINE………………………………... 25pts with slight changes) and adds some new ones.
You can take up to 3 Forge Marines per Techmarine (see The Rewards may be taken more than once in an army provided
Characters section) in the army. they are given to different models. No two models may however
Forge Marines are assistants to Techmarines. They can operate have exactly the same combination of rewards.
support weapons, command squads of Beastman Slaves, or form Rewards of specific Powers may only be given to models
a squad with a Techmarine as leader. They may also drive tanks. bearing the Mark of that Power.
Forge Marine 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8
These rewards are for any Champion, even those who do not
WEAPONS Bolt Pistol and Frag grenades. bear any Mark of Chaos, unless specifically stated.
ARMOUR Power Armour.
WARGEAR May be given additional equipment from the Daemon Weapons
Assault Weapons, Special Weapons and The two weapons below replace the Daemon Weapon Wargear
grenades sections of the Wargear list. card. One cannot have more than a single Daemon Weapon!
SPECIAL RULES The bearer of a Daemon Weapon must use it in hand to hand
⁃ Rapid Fire combat and must hit the enemy only with the Daemon Weapon,
⁃ A Forge Marine may operate a support weapon. The cost even if the model is equipped with another close combat weapon
given below is added to the cost of the Forge Marine. in the other hand. This does not however prevent the bearer from
using an anti-vehicle weapon (power fist, grenade etc.) against
Support Weapons a vehicle or building.
Chaos Space Marines use support weapons. They still deploy
certain models that have been out of use in the Imperium for Greater Daemon Weapon…………………........... 40pts
millennia (These are ideally represented by older models first This weapon contains a bound Greater Daemon.
released for Rogue Trader).
The wielder gains WS+2 (to a maximum of 10), S+2 (10max),
Chaos Space Marine support weapons do not have targeters. A+2, and parry. The weapon counts as a force weapon against
⁃ Rapier Laser Destroyer……………………. +45pts daemons and psykers and automatically kills any model it
⁃ Thudd Gun…………………………...……. +30pts wounds.
⁃ Mole Mortar……………………………….. +40pts Additionally, each time an enemy model is killed by this
⁃ Tarantula: weapon, roll 1D10. On a 1, the bearer suffers one wound, with
Twin-linked lascannon…………... +55pts no saves possible.
Multimelta (single)………………. +65pts
Twin-linked missile launchers…… +55pts
Lesser Daemon Weapon…………………………. 20pts
Twin-linked autocannon…………. +50pts
This weapon contains a bound Lesser Daemon.
Twin-linked heavy bolters……….. +30pts
Twin-linked grenade launchers….. +15pts The wielder gains WS+1 (max 10), S+1, A+1, and parry. The
Conversion beamer (single)……… +50pts weapon counts as a force weapon against daemons and psykers.
Additionally, each time an enemy model is killed by this
ATTACK BIKE………………………. 45pts+weapons weapon, roll 1D20. On a 1, the bearer suffers one wound, with
no saves possible.
Chaos Space Marine Attack Bikes are comparable to those of
loyalist Space Marines – use the same vehicle datafax card, with
Horrific Appearance………………………………. 5pts
the adjustments below:
The Champion’s face takes on the features of a daemon or
M WS BS S T W I A Ld fearsome monster. The Champion now causes fear.
Marine Crew 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8
Regeneration……………………………………... 30pts
CREW Two Chaos Space Marines. The Champion can regenerate very quickly. He obtains a save
WEAPONS Crew: Bolt Pistol. of 4+ on 1D6 against every wound lost.
Bike: Twin-linked bolters with a 90 degree
forward fire arc. Additional arm…………………………………… 10pts
Sidecar: One of the following: The Champion gains +1 Attack and an arm which may be
Multimelta +65pts equipped normally (e.g. a third close combat weapon may be
Heavy bolter +15pts equipped). He may fire with two different pistols in the same
ARMOUR Power Armour shooting phase at a -1 modifier to each shot. Rapid fire with two
WARGEAR The crew may choose additional equipment weapons at once is prohibited.
from the Assault Weapons and Special
Weapons sections of the Wargear list. Horns………………………………………...……… 1pt
The Champion gains +1 Attack when charging.

Crab Claw…………………………………..……… 3pts

The Champion gains +1 Attack and +1 Strength.
Wings……………………………………………... 15pts REWARDS OF KHORNE
The Champion gains wings which function exactly like a jump
pack, using the standard rules for jump packs in the main rules. Collar of Khorne [official]……………………….. 30pts
Psychic powers targeting the wearer are automatically nullified.
Combat Familiar (except Khorne)……………….. 35pts Force weapons used against the wearer lose their Strength bonus
The Champion is accompanied by a Familiar with the following and, if the wearer is a daemon, do not wound automatically.
Praise of Khorne [official]……………………….. 20pts
The bearer may reroll any failed saving throw (not field saves).
Combat Familiar 4 5 3 5 3 2 5 3 7

SPECIAL RULES Juggernaut [official – points cost changed]……... 25pts

⁃ The Familiar is a daemon, with the same vulnerabilities The model rides a Juggernaut of Khorne. Since this daemon is a
and immunities as daemons, except its aura save is 5+ on Reward, it does not need to be summoned.
1D6. M WS BS S T W I A Ld
⁃ The Familiar may never move more than 2” away from
Juggernaut 7 3 0 5 5 3 2 2 10
its master.
⁃ Small size: -1 to hit at range.
⁃ It always does exactly the same thing as its master Axe of Khorne [official]………………………….. 15pts
Champion: when the Champion runs, it runs, when the The Axe of Khorne is the weapon of the Bloodthirsters. It adds
Champion charges, it charges, etc. +1 to the bearer’s Strength and causes 1D3 wounds.

Psychic Power Familiar (except Khorne)………… 25pts Hellblade………………………………………….. 20pts

The Champion is accompanied by a Familiar with the following Rewarded by Khorne, the Champion wields a Hellblade, the
profile: weapon of the Bloodletters. The Hellblade adds +1 to the
wielder’s Strength, causes 1D3 wounds, and allows the wielder
M WS BS S T W I A Ld to parry.
Psychic Familiar 4 2 2 3 3 2 4 1 7
Berzerk Charge…………………………………... 15pts
SPECIAL RULES Like a Berzerker, the Champion is driven by the rage of the
⁃ The Familiar is a daemon, with the same vulnerabilities Blood God, and may triple his move when charging.
and immunities as daemons, except its aura save is 5+ on
⁃ The Familiar may never move more than 2” away from
its master.
⁃ Small size: -1 to hit at range. Beast of Nurgle [official]…………………………. 40pts
⁃ It always does exactly the same thing as its master The Champion is accompanied by a Beast of Nurgle.
Champion: when the Champion runs, it runs, when the
Champion charges, it charges, etc. Nurgle’s Rot [official]……………………………... 5pts
⁃ As long as the Familiar remains in coherency, the At the end of the hand to hand combat phase, mortal models in
Champion has access to one additional psychic power base to base contact with the Champion take 1 wound, with no
(either a Chaos Power of the patron Power, or one drawn saves of any kind allowed.
from the Adeptus or Librarian decks, at the player’s
choice). This additional Power does not change the Cloud of Flies [official]…………………………….. 5pts
psyker’s level. Models in base to base contact with the Champion suffer a -1
modifier in hand to hand combat.
Warp Flux Familiar (except Khorne)…………….. 15pts
The Champion is accompanied by a Familiar with the following Plaguesword [official]……………………………. 50pts
profile: The Plaguesword will kill outright a mortal model it wounds on
a 1d6 roll of 4+. Note that the Plague sword allows the bearer to
M WS BS S T W I A Ld parry [confirmed by official FAQ]
Warp Familiar 4 2 2 3 3 2 4 1 7
Death Head of Nurgle……………………………. 30pts
A Death Head is made from the skull of a conquered foe of
⁃ The Familiar is a daemon, with the same vulnerabilities
Nurgle. The skull’s orifices are stuffed with wax to make it
and immunities as daemons, except its aura save is 5+ on watertight, and the brain cavity is filled with pus and contagious
1D6. disease.
⁃ The Familiar may never move more than 2” away from
its master The Death Head is thrown like a grenade. Once it touches the
⁃ Small size: -1 to hit at range ground, the skull bursts open, releasing its noxious contents.
⁃ It always does exactly the same thing as its master Once the point of impact has been determined, place a 1½”
Champion: when the Champion runs, it runs, when the template. All models wholly covered are immediately affected,
Champion charges, it charges, etc. those partially covered on a 4+. All affected models immediately
⁃ As long as the Familiar remains in coherency, the fall to the ground and begin to decay painfully, exactly as though
Champion may retain two Force Cards in hand instead of affected by the Plague Wind psychic power. Any losses caused
discarding all of them at the end of each psychic phase. by the Death Head generate Plaguebearers in the same way as
Plague Wind.
Palanquin of Nurgle……………………………… 50pts REWARDS OF SLAANESH
A few of Grandfather Nurgle’s especially favoured Champions
are rewarded with a personal Palanquin, carried by a throng of Gaze of Slaanesh [official]……………………….. 10pts
Nurglings. The Palanquin and its Nurgling bearers count as a Any model attacking the bearer in hand-to-hand has its Attacks
single model and use a single stat block, given below. reduced by 1.
Allure of Slaanesh [official]……………………… 20pts
Palanquin 4 3 3 3 3 6 4 1D3 7
Models must test Ld on 3D6 to strike the bearer in hand-to-hand.
SPECIAL RULES If they fail the test they fight as normal, but any hits are
⁃ The Palanquin has the same vulnerabilities and considered misses and the round is considered a draw. Once an
immunities as daemons and a daemonic aura save of 4+. enemy model has passed the test it need not take it again.
⁃ Causes fear.
⁃ Ranged damage is distributed with a roll of 1D6: 1-3 = Scream of Slaanesh [official]……………………… 5pts
Palanquin, 4-6 = Passenger. The bearer causes fear when it charges.
⁃ In hand-to-hand combat, the palanquin may not be
attacked as long as its passenger lives. However, the Steed of Slaanesh [official]……………………….. 25pts
Nurglings make it very difficult for the passenger to be The figure rides a Steed of Slaanesh. Since it is a Reward, this
attacked, and so the Champion gains +1WS and +1 daemon does not need to be summoned.
Attack. Additionally, in each round of hand-to-hand
combat, 1D3 S3 hits are distributed among any models M WS BS S T W I A Ld
attacking the Champion. Steed of Slaanesh 12 3 0 4 5 1 6 1 10
⁃ Psychic powers may target either the Palanquin or the
passenger, but both benefit from a unique, unmodifiable SPECIAL RULES
psychic save of 4+ on 1D6 thanks to Nurgle’s blessings. ⁃ The Steed is a daemon with the usual vulnerabilities and
A successful save nullifies the Power. immunities. Its daemonic aura save is not applied to its
⁃ Causes fear
Trail of Slime……………………………………... 10pts ⁃ Cavalry (+1 to saving throw, +1 Attack)
The Champion has been especially blessed by Nurgle. His legs ⁃ Prehensile tongue. In hand-to-hand, mark the Steed’s
have atrophied and been replaced by the body of a vast slug. attack by using a different coloured die – if the result on
Like Beasts of Nurgle, he leaves behind him a trail of corrosive this die is higher than any others used, the enemy’s attack
slime. The Champion may no longer be mounted on a bike. strength is reduced by 1D3 points)
Stream of Corruption……………………………. 15pts Prehensile Tongue………………………………... 10pts
The Champion gains a Stream of Corruption attack in the same Blessed by Slaanesh, the Champion is endowed with a long
way as a Great Unclean One: use a flamer template and models
prehensile tongue which allows him to trap enemies, and
affected roll under their Initiative on 1D6. If the roll is failed
models suffer a S7 hit with a -2 saving throw modifier.
The Champion gains +1 Attack and a tongue that behaves in the
Staff of Nurgle…………………………..………... 30pts same way as that of a Steed of Slaanesh (see above).
The Champion is rewarded by Grandfather Nurgle, who grants
him a potent psychic staff. Soporific Musk…………………………………… 15pts
The Champion exudes a sweet odour which overwhelms the
The Staff is used in the psychic phase like a psychic power and mind with waves of soporific pleasure. This Reward has the
requires 1 Force Card to use. Choose a model in line of sight of same effect as the musk of a Fiend of Slaanesh (enemies in hand-
the Champion within 18”. The model must roll under its to-hand double the value of any fumbles and critical hits are
Toughness on 1D6. If it fails, it dies instantly irrespective of
saving throws or number of remaining wounds. A 6 is always a
failure. The Staff’s power is always nullified on a roll of 4+ and
the user may not be killed by Daemonic Attack. The Daemonic
Rod of Command………………………………… 25pts
Attack card does, however, automatically nullify the Staff’s An obscene creation, the rod of command may be used in the
effect. psychic phase like a psychic power with Force 1, which may be
nullified in the usual way. If the power takes effect, a squad or
model in line of sight and within 18” of the bearer is
automatically affected by stupidity, as detailed in the main
Psychology rules.
At the beginning of each turn, the squad or model affected may
take a Ld test with a -1 modifier to avoid the effect. If the test is
failed, the stupidity remains.
The rod may affect several models or squads at once. Its effect
is always nullified on a roll of 4+. If Daemonic Attack is played
the user is not affected but the Rod’s power is however
automatically nullified.

Breathe Fire [official]…………………………….. 10pts Body of a Flamer…………………………………... 5pts

The Champion breathes fire exactly as if it were equipped with Rewarded by Tzeentch, the Champion is given the body of a
a flamer. Flamer. Like the daemon, the Champion now moves by
bounding, and his base Move is increased to 7 (note, not to 9,
Destiny of Tzeentch [official]…………………….. 25pts unlike the daemon).
If an army contains a model with this Reward, Warp cards are
always dealt to its side first, even in the opponent’s psychic Flamer Arm………………………………………. 10pts
phase. Furthermore, the bearer’s side always uses the first The Great Conspirator grants the Champion the arm of a Flamer.
psychic power. If both sides contain a bearer of this Reward, The arm continually spits blue and pink flames.
they cancel out and the normal rules apply. In hand-to-hand, the bearer gains +1 Attack and causes 1D3
wounds. In the shooting phase, the bearer may make an attack
Fortune of Tzeentch [official]……………………. 40pts with a range of 6” that causes 1D6 S3 hits.
The Champion gains a free Nullify per psychic phase, which
always works on a 4+. Ecstatic Duplication……………………………… 20pts
The Champion duplicates on death in the same way as Horrors.
Disc of Tzeentch [official]………………………... 30pts If the Champion dies, replace the model with 1D6 Blue Horrors,
The Champion rides a Disc of Tzeentch. Since it is a Reward, which form a new unit.
this daemon does not need to be summoned.
Globe of Change………………………………….. 25pts
These rare globes contain powerful mutagenic substances.
Disc of Tzeentch 12 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 10
A globe is used like a grenade. Once the point of impact is
SPECIAL RULES determined, place a 3” template. All models wholly within the
⁃ The Disc is a daemon with the usual vulnerabilities and area are automatically affected, those partially within are
immunities. Its daemonic aura save is not applied to its affected on a 4+. All affected models fall to the ground and begin
rider. to mutate painfully. They suffer from the effects of a Firestorm
⁃ Causes fear. of Tzeentch. Any losses generate Horrors in the same way as the
⁃ Cavalry (+1 to saving throw, +1 Attack). psychic power.


Nurgle Armies are always accompanied by an immense Cloud of Flies, which takes part in the battle. Rules for the Cloud of Flies in
Rogue Trader were published in The Lost and the Damned. These are the rules I propose for 2 nd Edition, which compensate somewhat
in my view for the relative weakness of Nurgle Armies.
A Cloud of Flies is present in a Chaos Army if there are at least 14 Nurgle Daemons or models bearing the Mark of Nurgle on
the table at the beginning of the game. With fewer than 14, the Cloud of Flies is not sufficiently coherent to have an effect on the
game. Even if the number of countable models later drops below 14, the Cloud does not dissipate (since corpses also attract flies).
The flies are innumerable, and even if a powerful insecticide were used against them, the Cloud would soon re-form in the same
place or elsewhere.
The Cloud of Flies is represented by a 3” template.
At the beginning of the Chaos Army’s first movement phase, the Nurgle player places the Cloud of Flies template anywhere on the
table. At the beginning of subsequent movement phases, the player may choose to leave it in place, or move it to any other location
on the table.
The Cloud is indestructible but it may be moved by certain psychic powers (namely Kop Dis! and Assail).
The flies cause further problems by getting into air filters, blocking sensor arrays, and so on. Every model covered by the Cloud,
even partially, must roll 1D6 on the following table, as soon as the template is placed:
Type of Model D6 roll to be affected
Avatar, daemons, models bearing the Mark of Nurgle Not affected
Vehicles, Robots, Dreadnoughts, Terminators 6
Models wearing Power, Rune or Aspect armours, Tyranids 5, 6
All other infantry 4, 5, 6
If a model is affected, it is literally covered in large black flies. It may neither move, nor shoot, nor use psychic powers and its WS
is halved, rounding up. These penalties are added to any imposed by the presence of flies around Plaguebearers, Champions, or
Affected vehicles may not shoot this turn and go out of control if they were moving.
The effects of the Cloud end if it is moved. If the Cloud remains in place each model must test again each turn. The Cloud of Flies
breaks overwatch for a squad if even a single member is affected.

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