LIBER CHAOTICA - Chaos Expansion For 2e 40k
LIBER CHAOTICA - Chaos Expansion For 2e 40k
LIBER CHAOTICA - Chaos Expansion For 2e 40k
Translator’s note: This fan-written set of additional/alternative rules for Chaos armies in 2nd Edition 40k was first published on
the French fan-site “Taran”, at, which the reader is encouraged to visit. It incorporates adapted elements
from Slaves to Darkness and The Lost and the Damned as well as alternative rules of the authors’ own suggestion.
The Mark of Nurgle CHAPLAINS
Grants Toughness +1 and hatred of daemons of Tzeentch and Contrary to what you might have been told, Chaos Space
models bearing the Mark of Tzeentch. Marines still use Apothecaries, Techmarines and Chaplains.
And so the Word Bearers, as much as I like them, are not the
The Mark of Slaanesh only ones to still have chaplains (cf. p13 Codex Chaos).
Grants immunity to psychology and break tests, with the Exalted Champion:………………………………... 111pts
exception of hatred towards Khorne daemons and models Mighty Champion:…………………………………. 78pts
bearing the Mark of Khorne. Aspiring Champion:………………………………... 50pts
The profiles are the same as those for Champions on Codex
The Mark of Tzeentch
Chaos p28.
Grants the power to nullify psychic powers used against the
bearer on a 4+. The Mark of the Changer of the Ways is WEAPONS Corrupted Crozius Arcanum, Bolt Pistol and
available to any Champion, sorcerer or not. Marked models hate Frag Grenades.
daemons of Nurgle and models bearing the Mark of Nurgle. ARMOUR Power Armour, Rosarius.
WARGEAR The Aspiring Champion may take one Wargear
Marking Squads card or Chaos Reward, the Mighty Champion,
For those who really want to, all squads in the army list may be two, and the Exalted Champion, three.
given the Mark of their Power for the following cost: A Chaplain may be given additional equipment
chosen from the Armour, Assault Weapons,
Mark of Khorne: +10pts/model Special Weapons and grenades sections of the
Mark of Nurgle: +10pts/model Wargear list. He may ride a bike for +20 pts.
Mark of Slaanesh: +5pts/model MARKS OF For the Mighty or Exalted Champion:
Mark of Tzeentch: +5pts/model CHAOS Khorne +30pts, Nurgle +20pts, Slaanesh +10pts
Note that all the models in a squad must be marked if any are. or Tzeentch +10pts.
This also implies rejection of the idea that all Tzeentch’s For the Aspiring Champion:
marines have become spirits in walking suits of armour. If you Khorne +15pts, Nurgle +10pts, Slaanesh +5pts
buy a squad with the same number of models as their or Tzeentch +5pts.
Power’s sacred number, the Marks of Nurgle and Khorne SPECIAL RULES
cost 5 points per model, and the Marks of Slaanesh and ⁃ Independent character.
Tzeentch are free. ⁃ Rapid Fire.
⁃ Impious Dogma: Any unit in the same legion as the
The Weaponry of Chaos Chaplain within 8” may reroll any failed break or
The transition from Rogue Trader to 2nd Edition was unfortunate psychology test.
for the weaponry of Chaos. For some strange reason,
multimeltas disappeared entirely, and the heavy plasma gun was CHAOS WAR ALTAR……… 50pts +5pts per Keeper
relegated to dreadnoughts only. A Chaos Army may contain a unique altar dedicated to the
These two weapons can be bought just like other Heavy Power it serves, or to Chaos in general. This is an alternative to
Weapons for the following costs: the Battle Standard or Chaos Icon of an army.
Multimelta: +65pts The Altar Keepers carry, pull or push the altar. The look of the
Mk.1 Heavy Plasma Gun: +45pts altar is up to the player and any suitable model may be used to
Note that the weapons remain without targeters. represent it.
CHARACTERS Altar Keeper 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7