Young: Model Package 2022
Young: Model Package 2022
Young: Model Package 2022
Food Is...
International Packaging
Design Competition
Model Obaly a.s., member of Model Group
(hereinafter referred to as "Model Obaly" or "Announcer")
announces a competition for designers Model Young Package 2022.
Abstract Prizes
Category Unlimited
1st place 2500 EUR
2nd place 1200 EUR
Model Obaly a. s. 3rd place 1000 EUR
The contestants are obliged to submit their competition work Method of filing the application
in the form of a functional prototype of the packaging on a 1:1
The works of participants who have registered via the online
scale, the design must be a functional mock-up. The model
registration form on the website and have their work submit-
must be well built, taking into account possible representa-
ted by post or personally to the organizer will be accepted for
tive and exhibition purposes. Only prototypes with the unique
the competition.
registration code will be included in the evaluation process.
(Prototypes/packaging containing unique registration code -
Competition designs must be submitted at the post office no
as shown below).
later than on the closing date of the competition (decisive is
the date of the postmark or postal license holder). Designs can
Terms and conditions of participation also be handed over in person, but only on the closing date
and competition categories between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.
The competition is open to participants from all over the world
from 15 years of age, students, and professional designers. The competition work has to be sent to the address of the
Competitors can enter the following categories: organizer of the competition:
1. High school – Students of secondary and tertiary Czechdesign,
schools from 15 years of age Vojtěšská 3, 110 00 Prague 1,
2. Unlimited – University students and designers without Czech Republic
age restrictions
[email protected]
Table of contents
4. DATES 6
1. Subject of the competition 2. The theme
The Model Young Package is a competition focused on paper The theme of the competition for 2022 is „Food Is…”
products. Prototypes of packaging made of corrugated and
solid cardboard and other paper materials are accepted for Food is no longer just about quenching hunger or cravings.
the competition. Food is... ritual, art, inspiration. Food is... enjoyment, relaxation,
health, joy, passion, love, addiction. Food is simply a part of our
In the case of particularly successful designs, the announcer everyday life and properly designed packaging can enhance
may address the author for the completion and implementation this experience.
of the design in production.
Food is part of every day and the demands on it are still grow-
ing, including its packaging requirements. Packaging today
no longer serves only as a protection of a certain object but
often tells a story. It can be a story of quality, origin, organic
or farm cultivation, or a story of preparation. The packaging
can elevate food to the level of a gift, it can entertain, surprise,
evoke joy, pull us out of the stereotype and return us to the
present. Like the food it hides, the packaging must meet the
uncompromising conditions for quality, environmental friend-
liness, and practicality at the same time.
3. Conditions of 4. Dates
participation Competition deadline: 11th May 2022
The registration form will be open
The competition is announced as international, single-phase,
until 11th May 2022, 11 a.m.
open and anonymous. The competition is open to participants
from all over the world over 15 years of age, students, and
Competition work can be submitted
professional designers who meet the competition conditions
in person on 11th May 2022 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
described in these rules.
5. Used material 6. Registration
The material used for the competition work must be a material The contestant registers for the contest via the online regis-
that is printable, type-used by Model Obaly a.s., especially the tration form located on the contest website young-package.
whole range of corrugated cardboard, smooth and laminated com/en. Here, the contestant will fill in the contact details and
cardboard, other materials can be used as additional material. a description of the submitted design, which will be available
More about the materials can be found on www.modelgroup. to the jury during the evaluation.
After registration, the contestant will receive an unique reg-
The competition work must not contain any real food, medi- istration code via email, which must be stated directly on the
cines, or nutritional supplements. Violation of this requirement competition prototype (in the most elegant way) as well as
means exclusion from the competition. on the envelope or package in which the work will be sent!
The contestant can apply for free corrugated cardboard at In the case of multiple authors, the work is registered only
one of the MODEL Pack Shop branches, which are located in once. For the names of more authors, space is reserved in the
Opava, Prague, or Bratislava. For pick-up, please contact the registration form.
relevant branch at
It is possible to apply for a 3-layer cardboard type E (thick- In the case of submitting multiple works from one author, it is
ness about 1.5mm) or B (thickness about 3mm) and 5-layer necessary to register each separately.
cardboard type BC (thickness 7mm). All materials are brown-
ish-brown in sheets of 120 x 80 cm.
7. Submission of work 8. Evaluation of the
The competition design prototype is sent by the delivery ser-
competing designs
vice packed so that it arrives undamaged, i.e. in a reasonably
The packaging should bring new solutions and impress with
large box or envelope, where it is stably secured.
a visionary concept. The jury of the competition will evaluate
in particular:
The contestant also writes the unique registration code of
→ innovation, creativity
their work on an envelope or on a package!
→ design creativity
→ functionality
The competing design must be submitted at the post office
→ packaging ergonomics and easy handling (the pack-
no later than on the closing date of the competition (the date
aging should work perfectly so that it can be easily
of stamping is decisive).
opened by an elderly person or child)
→ ecological aspect
The competing prototype is sent to the address of the com-
→ quality level of model processing
petition organizer:
Czechdesign, Vojtesska 3, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
The winner will be determined by a jury appointed by the or-
ganizer. The organizer will ensure that the jury does not know
Competition prototypes can be submitted in person on 11 May
who is the author of the evaluated competition entries, nor
2022 from 2 pm to 5 pm
does it have access to the identification or contact details of
the competitors. The jury's decisions are final.
Notice for foreign participants: The consignment will contain
a declaration for the customs office: "This is an item sent to the
The organizer reserves the right of final decision in all matters
international Model Young Package competition and its value
related to the competition, including its interruption or cancel-
for customs purposes is a maximum of 10 EUR."
lation of the entire competition or its individual categories. The
organizer reserves the right to cancel the competition at any
time. The organizer reserves the right not to select a winner or
to evaluate more than one candidate in the same order in the
competition, as well as the right to award only certain prizes.
9. Prizes 10. Legal Notice
Category Unlimited – Universities & Designers By registering, the contestant confirms that he / she has read
1st place 2500 EUR and agrees to these competition rules and undertakes to com-
2nd place 1200 EUR ply with them. The contestant is entitled to send only such a
3rd place 1000 EUR competition work, which is the result of his own creative activity,
or the creative activity of a team of authors who agree to par-
Category High Schools – Secondary schools and tertiary ticipate in the competition and with these rules and proceed in
professional schools accordance with the contestant. The contestant is responsible
1st place 1500 EUR for having the consent of all co-authors (including consent to
2nd place 600 EUR the use of their personal data) who participated in the regis-
3rd place 500 EUR tered competition work.
In addition, special prizes will be awarded: The contestant is obliged and guarantees that by creating a
→ ● Model Group Innovation Centre Award competition prototype and using it for the purpose of the com-
→ ● Czechdesign Award petition, he / she has not unjustifiably interfered with any rights
→ ● The Chairman of the Jury‘s Award of third parties, especially copyright and related rights in the
sense of Act no. No. 121/2000 Sb., Copyright Act, as amended.
One of the winners will obtain a three-week paid internship By submitting the competition prototype, the contestant de-
at the Model Group Innovation Centre. clares that he is entitled to exercise all rights related to the
production and use of the work. In case this statement proves
The reward (prize) will be paid to the winner by transfer to to be untrue, the competitor is deemed responsible for all the
the bank account specified by him / her no later than 30 days damages potentially incurred to the announcer or the organizer.
from the communication of payment details to the organizer
(in case of providing complete details). Payment details for Authors may not participate in the competition, or co-authors
the prize will be requested from the winner after the results or collaborators who directly participated in the preparation of
are announced. the competition and announcement of the competition are full
members or alternates of the jury, secretary of the jury, examiner
If the competition prototype is the work of a team, the organ- of competition proposals or invited expert of this competition,
izer will transfer the reward in full to the account of the person spouses, permanent project partners, immediate superiors or
who registered the competition prototype. The contestant direct collaborators of these persons. Furthermore, employ-
who registered the competition prototype is responsible for ees of the announcer or the organizer of the competition who
the subsequent distribution of the remuneration among the participated in the discussion and approval of the competition
individual authors (team members) according to the amount conditions, the competition assignment or will participate in the
of their percentage share in the competition prototype or ac- discussion and approval of the results of the competition may
cording to another collective agreement. In case that for any not participate in the competition. If during the competition it
objective reasons it is not possible to pay the prize to the ac- turns out that the invited participants do not meet this condi-
count communicated by the contestant, the organizer reserves tion, they will be excluded from the competition.
the right to delay the payment of the prize until a replacement
account is given to another representative of the chosen team. Both the announcer and the organizer undertake not to misuse
any of the proposals, or parts thereof. The contestant under-
The day of debiting the amount from the organizer's account is stands that the submitted competition proposal (competition
considered proper fulfillment of the obligation of the organizer prototype) and the author's name may be published by the
(and the announcer) to pay the winner's reward. The reward announcer and the organizer and further used for exhibition,
is subject to taxation pursuant to Act No. 586/1992 Sb., On news, archive and promotional purposes, by appropriate uses,
Income Taxes, as amended. including communication via the Internet. This authorization is
granted as qualifying, gratuitous, without time, space, technol-
ogy and quantitative restrictions. The proposal may be further
provided by the announcer and the organizer and used by a
third party for the same purposes.
→ with the publication of a possible story / topic and reimburses the competitors for the costs associated with par-
photo in the media ticipation in the competition or any other costs unless explicitly
stated in these rules. The winner is obliged to settle his / her
The contestant grants the announcer and the organizer ex- tax obligations if it incurs to them in connection with receiv-
clusivity in the presentation of the competition work for the ing the prize. The financial reward for the winner is subject to
duration of the current year (until 30th December, 2023). The withholding tax.
contestant thereby acknowledges that any use of the compe-
tition work (works) by the contestant or a third party, as well The legal order of the Czech Republic is decisive for all legal
as the granting or transfer of usage rights for the benefit of a relations, rules of participation, competition conditions, con-
third party, is prohibited during the competition for conflict with tractual arrangements and usage rights. All persons concerned
the interests of the announcer and the competition organizer. are obliged to proceed in resolving any disputes related to the
competition, preferably by conciliation with the participation
Registered prototypes with delivery to the organizer's address, of the organizer of the competition.
i.e. to the registered office of z. s., become the
property of the competition announcer, the competition Model The competitor acknowledges and expressly agrees to the pro-
Obaly a.s. cessing of his personal data in accordance with Article 7 of
In the event that the competition prototype (work) is shortlisted Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, on the protection
within the jury's evaluation, the contestant also undertakes to of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data
refrain from using and transferring rights without the prior ex- and on the free movement of such data.
press consent of the organizer for a period of 4 months follow- The personal data provided in the registration form are pro-
ing the announcement of the competition results. Within the cessed for the identification and registration of competitors
specified period, the announcer has a priority right to conclude (hereinafter also referred to as the "participant in the competi-
a paid license agreement with the contestants regarding the tion") for the period from their provision within the competition
provision of exclusive usage rights related to the competition until the announcement of the competition results, resp. until a
prototype (works) for commercial purposes. If the announcer possible written withdrawal of consent, but for a maximum of 2
or organizer exercises his pre-emptive right and offers the con- years from their provision. After this period, the administrator
testant the conclusion of a contract for a fee, the competitor is (who in this case is the announcer), resp. the processor (which
obliged to conclude the contract and provide the rights. Con- in this case is the organizer), is obliged to immediately destroy
versely, if the priority right is not exercised, the contestant is no all personal data provided in accordance with the Personal Data
longer bound by it. (However, this does not affect the rights of Protection Act. Personal data are obtained from the participant
the organizer and the announcer to use the competition work of the competition on the basis of electronic communication,
for exhibition, news and promotional purposes, even after the through which the data subject communicates them to the or-
competition). ganizer of the competition. Personal data of the participant of
the competition will be processed to the above extent in the
In all matters directly affecting the competition, in particular the electronic database of the administrator / processor. All data
announcement of the results of the competition, in registration is stored in digital form.
and technical matters, communication between the contest-
ant and the announcer will take place via email (by sending a At the same time, by submitting the competition registration
message by simple e-mail) or orally by telephone. If a team of form, the competitor agrees that the announcer / organizer will
authors participates in the competition, communication takes send him / her information about the competition by e-mail via
place with the competitor who registered the competition work. a newsletter, which may also cover future years of the Model
Young Package competition or may contain business informa-
Neither the announcer nor the organizer is liable for damages in tion and offers. The subscription to the newsletter is made au-
the event that the selected finalists and / or winners of the com- tomatically within the registration form; You can unsubscribe
petition cannot be successfully contacted at the e-mail address at any time via the web application.
and / or mobile phone number provided during registration for
the competition (communication problems on the part of the The participant of the competition has the right to:
competitor, especially for incorrect or non-functional e-mail → request information on what personal data are being
address and / or mobile phone number). Neither the organizer processed
nor the announcer of the competition is responsible for tech- → request clarification regarding the processing of per-
nical problems in the transmission of data by electronic means. sonal data
→ request access to this data and have it updated or cor-
Participation in the competition is not subject to any fee. The rected
costs associated with the production of the competition proto- → request the deletion of this personal data.
type, or other costs of the competitor are borne by each com-
petitor. Neither the announcer nor the organizer pays for or
Each participant in the competition has the right to request Responsibility of the announcer and the organizer
the administrator or processor to block, correct, supplement
Neither the organizer nor the announcer are responsible for:
or destroy their personal data. The participant has the right to
→ processing or evaluating any inaccurate information,
revoke his / her data protection consent at any time with fu-
technical or other errors that will be provided to him
ture effect via email at [email protected]. Withdrawal of
upon registration.
consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on
→ no problems or technical failures, in particular any tele-
the consent given before its withdrawal. Withdrawal of consent
phone network or lines, computer internet systems,
also does not affect the processing of personal data that the
servers or computer equipment providers which are
controller processes on a different legal basis than the consent
not within its competence, as a result of which any
granted by the participant.
person would not be able to enter the competition or
complete his entry.
For more information on the processing of personal data, see
→ loss of data, non-delivery or delay of the consignment
the announcer's website
and others caused by third parties used for the trans-
port and delivery of consignments or data.
→ protection of copyright and intellectual property rights.
About the competition
The Model Young Package is an internationally recognized
competition that has existed since 1996. Today, it is the larg-
est packaging design competition of its kind in the world
and, thanks to its diverse categories and vibrant community,
is among the most prominent designers. Every year, several
young talents take part in it. The word "young" has nothing to
do with age, but means "new to the field." Because age doesn't
matter and everyone can shine with an extraordinary idea.
Competition announcer
Model Obaly a. s.
with its registered office at Těšínská 2675/102,
Předměstí, 746 01 Opava
CIN: 45192944
entered in the Commercial Register kept
at the Regional Court in Ostrava, dept. B, vl. 456
Competition organizator
Czechdesign, z. s.
with its registered office at Vojtěšská 244/3,
Nové Město, 110 00 Prague 1
CIN: 26633191
entered in the Federal Register kept
at the Municipal Court in Prague, file. No .: L 13811
[email protected]
All information about the competition
can be found on the website