Sned8 Behavior Management & Modification Report

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TEACHNIQUES For general & special education classroom

To learn additional strategies and behavioral techniques in addition to our

previous topic that can be used in the general and special education

To understand the importance of utilizing this variety of strategies in

managing the learners behavior to have a good learning environment.
If you work in education, particularly special education, you
understand how difficult it can be to manage a classroom with a wide
range of special needs. Those behaviors are frequently distracting and
frustrating to both teachers and other students. As educators, whether in
general or special education classroom, must master different classroom
and behavior management to effectively establish a good learning
environment. For this presentation, I'll be showing additional behavior
management and modification strategies that can be helpful in minimizing
our learners disruptive behavior and maintaining the good ones.
Modification and

Praising a student for what he has done right will reinforce good
behavior and create confidence in making the right choices.

it is important to discourage negative behaviors, it is even

more essential to emphasize the positive ones.

Praising our students use of specific tactics should go a long way

in ensuring he or she continues to use these tactics. and you may
motivate other students to do the same.

motivational and behavior-reinforcement technique.

students sometimes need extra help in remembering what is

expected of them, behavior-wise.

Providing tangible rewards for mastered behaviors or

accomplishments is one way to remind them about what works in
the classroom.
behavior charts and ACTIVE

Behavior charts are use in tracking our learner's good behaviors

is one way to modify bad ones.
Whenever a child makes it through a day (or part of a day or
hour) without demonstrating the negative behavior, she receives
a sticker or check mark on her behavior chart.
Focusing on being good for small segments of time (the smaller,
the better) helps the student keep track of what is expected of
her so that she can behave accordingly.
behavior charts or ACTIVE

For active supervision, the teachers actively involve in what is

happening inside the classroom.
Proximity is very effective in addressing potential negative
behaviors, with this the teacher can monitor what the students
are doing and your presence can helps prevent negative
behaiviors from happening.
Don’t think of this as you watching them, looking for unwanted
behaviors. Instead, approach it positively, as a way to interact
about what they are working on.

Redirecting a child from an undesirable behavior to one that is

more appropriate is an effective behavior modification technique
used in most special education classrooms today.

With redirection, the child is distracted from the inappropriate

behavior and is encouraged to focus on a task that will help him to
behave correctly.
Instead of being punished for his inappropriateness, he is given
the opportunity to make a different choice when he becomes
involved in a different activity.

Involving the student in her own behavior assessment is another way that
special education teachers modify unwanted behaviors in the classroom.
When the student knows exactly what is expected of her and is asked to
keep track of and judge her own compliance with the rules, she is generally
more apt to obey them.
Giving her the power to evaluate her own behavior will boost confidence
and self-esteem, as well as make her more aware of her impulses and her
ability to control them.
It’s usually best to talk to the student in private. Research shows that
punishing students in front of peers has “limited value.”

Students understand schools have rules. As a teacher, you want

to let your students know about your expectations. Establish
expectations with your students about how your classroom
operates, the more likely students will be to follow them.
A well-equipped special education classroom will have plenty of
visuals, such as step charts and behavior charts. providing clear
visual cues, the special education teacher will reinforce the
students' self-sufficiency and decision-making abilities. Having a
visual code, such as hand motions, can keep a student's wandering
attention on the right track.

Modeling appropriate behavior is one of the most effective

means of behavior modification in any classroom.

By demonstrating the right way to behave, the teacher provides a

guide as to what is expected and also proves that the behavior is
Extinction or ignore
disruptive behavior

There are some who might think that ignoring bad behaviors is
not a good strategy. However, it can be a very effective
strategy when ignoring is done deliberately.
If you have a behavior that is causing problems from a particular
student in the classroom, instead of continually addressing it, try
to ignore it. Then give the student positive feedback for other
things and all the cue and reminders.
later on the student will realize that there is no incentive to
continue with the unwanted behavior.
As future educators, specially in special education, it is important to
have a wide range of knowledge on the behavior strategies and
modification to fit our students unique needs. it really challenges us
teachers to be creative, adaptive, and flexible in utilizing this strategies
inside the classroom.

Behavior management and modification is not just about minimizing bad

behavior and nurturing the good ones, it is also about establishing to
our students good attitude and behavior in the learning process.
Presented by: Micca Marzado

Mckillip (2017). Behavior Modification Techniques in Special Education. Retrieve from behavior-

Prodigy. 20 Classroom Management Strategies and Techniques (2021). Retrieve from

Insights to Behavior. Special Education Classroom Behavior Management Strategies for K12 (2020).
Retrieve from

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