Booting Up Process of A Computer
Booting Up Process of A Computer
Booting Up Process of A Computer
How it happens?
th isÿjkafka flfiao POST is the first activated program from BIOS
m%:ufhka BIOS ys POST wdrïN fõ
Alternating Current ( AC ) comes to the power ( Power On Self-Test )
supply unit ( PSU ) of the computer
mß.Klfha cj iemhqï tAllhg m%;Hdj¾: This checks all the components of the computer
Odrd .,d tAu isÿfõ including
It converts AC into Direct Current ( DC ) RAM,
tu.ska tAjd ir, Odrd njg m;alrhs CPU,
When we press the power button, the PSU Mouse
releases power to the other components of the Keyboard,
computer and the computer starts working GPU etc.
fnd;a;u tnQ úg cj iemhqï tAllh úiska and confirms if they are properly working
mß.Klfha b;sß ix>gl j,g n,h ksoyia fuu.ska mß.Klfha ish¨ ix>gl ksis mßÈ
lsÍu isÿlrhs l%shd;aul jkafka oehs mßlaYd lr n,hs
If the CMOS chip looses power, the BIOS settings After completing this step, the operating system
will be reset to factory defaults of the computer takes over control, starting to
CMOS Ñmhg n,h ,eîu wvd, jqjfyd;a BIOS manage hardware and providing a user interface
ieliqï ish,a, kej; uq,a ;;ajhg m;afõ to the user