FM Eu Atex 2018 11

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2 Equipment or Protective systems intended for use in Potentially

Explosive Atmospheres - Directive 2014/34/EU
3 EU-Type Examination Certificate No: FM08ATEX0042X
4 Equipment or protective system: UD10*****, FlexVu® UD10 Universal Display Unit
(Type Reference and Name)

5 Name of Applicant: Detector Electronics Corporation

6 Address of Applicant: ~ 690~ West :110th Street

Minneapolis, MN 55438
United States of America

7 This equipment or protective system and any acceptable variation thereto is specified in the schedule to
this certificate and documents therein referred to.

8 FM Approvals Ltd, notified body number 1725 in accordance with Article 17 of Directive 2014/34/EU of
26 February 2014, certifies that this equipment has been found to comply with the Essential Health and
Safety Requirements relating to the design and construction of equipment intended for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres given in Annex li to the Directive.

The examination and test results are recorded in confidential report number:

3031089 dated 24th October 2008

9 Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements, with the exception of those identified in
item 15 of the schedule to this certificate, has been assessed by compliance with the following documents:

EN 60079-0:2012 + A 11 :2013, EN 60079-1 :2014, EN 60079-29-1 :2007, EN 50271 :201 O,

EN 60079-29-4:2010 and EN 60529:1991 + A 1 :2000 + A2:2013.

1O If the sign 'X' is placed after the certificate number, it indicates that the equipment is subject to specific
conditions of use specified in the schedule to this certificate.

11 This EU-Type Examination certificate relates only to the design, examination and tests of the specified
equipment or protective system in accordance to the directive 2014/34/EU. Further requirements of the
Directive apply to the manufacturing process and supply of this equipment or protective system. These are
not covered by this certificate.

12 The marking of the equipment or protective system shall include:

li 2 G Ex d IIC T6 Gb Ta= -SSºC to +7SºC; (FlexVu® UD1 O with and without NTMOS UD1 0abcd2f)
li 2 G Ex d IIC TS Gb Ta= -40ºC to +7SºC; (FlexVu® UD10 with and without NTMOS UD10ab28d2f)
li 2 G Ex d IIC TS Gb Ta= -40ºC to +7SºC; (FlexVu® UD10 with CGS and/or LON UD10abcd2C)

Digitally signed by Nicholas Ludlam

ON: en=Nicholas Ludlam, o=FM
Approvals, ou,
email=nicholas.ludlam@fmapproval, c=GB
Date: 2018.11.07 10:54:19 Z

Nicholas Ludlam
Deputy Certification Manager, FM Approvals Ltd.

Issue date: 7th November 2018

FM Approvals Ltd. 1 Windsor Dials, Windsor, Berkshire, UK. SL4 1 RS
T: +44 (O) 1753 750 000 F: +44 (O) 1753 868 700 E-mail: [email protected]

F ATEX 020 (Apr/16) Page 1 of 4

to EU-Type Examination Certificate No. FM08ATEX0042X

13 Description of Equipment or Protective System:

The FlexVu® UD1 O is a Universal Display and Control Unit for use with unspecified detector heads. The
housing is of stainless steel or epoxy coated aluminium and are identical in design with the only variation
within the material. There are up to five entries tapped for either½" NPT, ¾" NPT, M20 or M25. The
cover screws directly to the base ofthe enclosure and has a cemented window on the face of the cover.
Firmware version rev. 6.44.

The enclosures have an ingress protection rating of IP66.

FlexVu® UD10abcde2f, Universal Display Unit (with anti without optional NTMOS conditioning
li 2 G Ex d IIC T6 Gb
a= Enclosure Type: A or S
b = Number of ports: 2, 3, 4, or 5
c = Thread Type: E, F, Mor N
d = Output: 25, 27 or 28
e= Approval: W, E, S, T (one or more letters may be used)
f = Optional Conditioning board: N or Blank

U = 18-30 VDC. P= 7 Watts maximum (option d = 25 or 27) or 6 Watts maximum (option d = 28).
The operating temperature range of the apparatus is -55ºC to +75ºC (option d = 25 or 27) or -40ºC to
+75ºC (option d =28). ·

FlexVu® UD10abcde2C, Universal Display Unit (with optional CGS conditioning board)
112 G Ex d IIC T5 Gb
a = Enclosure Type: A or S
b = Number of ports: 2, 3, 4, or 5
e= Thread Type: E, F, Mor N
d = Output: 25, 27 or 28
e= Approval: W, E, S, T (one or more letters may be used)

Electrical parameters
U= 18-30 VDC. P= 11 Watts maximum (option d = 25 & 27) or 1 O Watts maximum (option d = 28)
The operating temperature range of the apparatus is -40ºC to + 75ºC.

14 Specific Conditions of Use:

1) The UD10 control unit complies with EN 60079-29-1 when connected to a Detector Head that also
been evaluated to EN 60079-29-1.
2) The UD10 with CGS interface board and CGS sensor (UD10*****C) complies with EN 60079-29-1.
3) The FlexVu® UD1 O control unit complies with EN 60079-29-4 when connected to a Detector Head
that also has been evaluated to EN 60079-29-4.
4) Flameproof joints are not user serviceable; contact Det-Tronics Service.

15 Essential Health and Safety Requirements:

The relevant EHSRs that have not been addressed by the standards listed in this certificate have been
identified and assessed in the confidential report identified in item 8.

FM Approvals Ltd. 1 Windsor Dials, Windsor, Berkshire, UK. SL4 1 RS
T: +44 (O) 1753 750 000 F: +44 (O) 1753 868 700 E-mail: [email protected]

F ATEX 020 (Apr/16) Page 2 of 4

to EU-Type Examination Certificate No. FM08ATEX0042X

16 Test and Assessment Procedure and Conditions:

This EU-Type Examination Certificate is the result of testing of a sample of the product submitted, in
accordance with the provisions of the relevant specific standard(s), and assessment of supporting
documentation. lt does not imply an assessment of the whole production.

Whilst this certificate may be used in support of a manufacturer's claim for GE Marking, FM Approvals
Ltd accepts no responsibility for the compliance of the equipment against all applicable Directives in all

This Certificate has been issued in accordance with FM Approvals Ltd's ATEX Certification Scheme.

17 Schedule Drawings

A list of the significant parts of the technical documentation is annexed to this certificate and a copy has
been kept by the Notified Body.

18 Certificate History
Details of the supplements to this certificate are described below:

Date Description

29th October 2008 Original Issue 3031089EC dated 24th October 2008.
29th January 2009 to Supplement 1 and 2:
2ath Ma 2009 See Certificate dated 28th Ma 2009 for detai Is
Supplement 3:
Report Reference: Supplement 4 to 3031089EC dated 2nd February 201 O
ath February 201 O
Description of the Change: addition of optional conditioning board and
im rovements to firmware
Supplement 4:
Report Reference: Supplement 5 to 3031089EC dated 28th March 2011
Description of the Change:
13th June 2011
1) Verification of compliance with EN 60079-29-1 :2007, EN 50241-1 :1999
and EN 50241-2:1999
2 im rovements to firmware and hardware
Supplement 5:
Report Reference: Supplement 6 to 3031089EC dated 3rd June 2011
30th June 2011 Description of the Change:
1) Clarification of product marking
2 The addition of a new conditionin board and model variation.
Supplement 6:
4th October 2011 Report Reference: Supplement 7 to 3031089EC dated 16th September 2011
Descri tion of the Chan e: im rovements to firmware
Supplement 7:
Report Reference: 3031089rev111213 dated 2 February 2012
Description of the Change:
21st February 2012 1) Verification of compliance with EN 60079-0:2009 and EN 60079-
1 :2007;
2) Revision to markings to comply with EN 60079-0:2009;
3 Various drawin s revised.
FM Approvals Ltd. 1 Windsor Dials, Windsor, Berkshire, UK. SL4 1 RS
T: +44 (O) 1753 750 000 F: +44 (O) 1753 868 700 E-mail: [email protected]

F ATEX 020 (Apr/16) Page 3 of 4

to EU-Type Examination Certificate No. FM08ATEX0042X

Date Description
Supplement 8:
2ath August 2012 Report Reference: 3043957 dated 9 July 2012
Descrï tion of the Chan e: hardware u dates
Supplement 9:
Report Reference: 3045878 dated 15 January 2013
Description of the Change:
1) Firmware update for SIL performance and update of standards; 61779-
21st January 2013 1,4
removed, 50241-1 ,4 replaced with 60079-29-4 and added 50271.
2) Added model codes for SIL performance and additional entry options
examined under original certification.
3 Condensed listin to two model o tions instead of four.
Supplement 1 O:
Report Reference: - 3057039 dated 30th August 2016
Description of the Change:
05th September 2016
1) Firmware update.
2) Verification of compliance with EN 60079-0:2012 and EN 60079-
1 :2014.
Supplement 11:
Report Reference: 3057 413 dated 15th January 2017
15th January 2017
Description of the Change: Clarification of addition of½" NP=í and M20
threaded entries.
Supplement 12:
7th November 2018 Report Reference: PR451665 dated 23rd October 2018
Descri tion of the Chan e: Firmware u date for the UD10


FM Approvals Ltd. 1 Windsor Dials, Windsor, Berkshire, UK. SL4 1 RS

T: +44 (O) 1753 750 000 F: +44 (O) 1753 868 700 E-mail: [email protected]

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