Mms Paper
Mms Paper
Mms Paper
International Conference on
Ubiquitous Intelligence in
Computing, Oslo, Norway
June 23-25 2008
(Springer LNCS 5061)
An Analysis of the
Manufacturing Messaging Specification Protocol
1 Introduction
We will in this paper present an analysis of the Manufacturing Messaging Specifi-
cation (MMS3 ) protocol and propose improvements based on our findings. MMS
is defined in the ISO 9506 standard [1], and there is also some information avail-
able in white-papers from SISCO4 [2–4]. We have tested the MMS protocol as
implemented in a major brand of controller used in the process control industry.
We will in the following look closer into the construction of MMS packages and
how they may be altered and forged.
MMS is an application-layer protocol which specifies services for exchange of
real-time data and supervisory control information between networked devices
and/or computer applications. It is designed to provide a generic messaging
system for communication between heterogeneous industrial devices, and the
specification only describes the network-visible aspects of communication. By
choosing this strategy, the MMS does not specify the internal workings of an
entity, only the communication between a client and a server, allowing vendors
full flexibility in their implementation. In order to provide this independence, the
MMS defines a complete communication mechanism between entities, composed
of [3]:
1. Objects: A set of standard objects which must exist in every conformant
device, on which operations can be executed (examples: read and write local
variables, signal events).
In this paper, MMS does not stand for Multimedia Messaging Service, as is often
the case elsewhere.
System Integration Specialists Company - not to be confused with Cisco
2. Messages: A set of standard messages exchanged between a client and a
server station for the purpose of controlling these objects
3. Encoding Rules: A set of encoding rules for these messages (how values
and parameters are mapped to bits and bytes when transmitted)
4. Protocol: A set of protocols (rules for exchanging messages between de-
MMS composes a model from the definition of objects, services and behavior
named the Virtual Manufacturing Device (VMD) Model. The VMD uses an
object-oriented approach to represent different physical industrial (real) devices
in a generic manner. Some of these objects are variables, variable type definitions,
programs, events, historical logs (called journals) and semaphores. Along with
the definition of these objects, MMS defines a set of communications services
that an application can use to manipulate these objects.
We observe that in the literature the terms services, service primitives and
messages are all used to describe the functions that manipulate objects or their
attributes. We will therefore in this paper use the term service primitive as this
is used in the ISO 9506 standard [1], unless we are citing directly from a written
source, in which case the quote will be evident in the text. The standard also
refers to physical industrial devices as “real devices” and we will continue to use
this terminology to avoid confusion.
As MMS is based on an object oriented approach, we will give a brief intro-
duction to the addressing and object hierarchy of MMS, before focusing on the
network communication.
The MMS architecture is based on a common client server model. Real devices
used in industrial networks often contain an MMS server allowing the device to
be monitored and managed from an MMS client. An MMS client is typically
part of an control builder application or an MMS-to-OPC gateway (MMS/OPC
GW). A control builder is an application used to program and monitor industrial
controllers. Both the control builder and the MMS/OPC GW use service prim-
itives provided in the MMS to manage devices containing MMS servers. This is
depicted in Fig. 1 [2].
As MMS does not specify how to address clients and servers, an entity con-
taining an MMS client or server must rely on the addressing scheme of underlying
protocols in the process of establishing an application association to support the
MMS environment[1]. In practice, clients and servers are addressed by their IP
address and the MMS server uses port number 102. The addressing allows for
an MMS context to be negotiated between two peer applications.
To address an MMS object variable, MMS provides several different address
modes. MMS allows an address to have different syntax, based on the imple-
menter’s choice of what is most appropriate for that device. The specification
separates between named and unnamed variables.
Fig. 1. The VMD model depicting communication between an MMS client and an
MMS server
MMS uses access control lists to provide explicit control of the ability to
access or alter MMS objects. Protection requirements for an MMS variable are
inherited from the underlying real variable in the real device. These requirements
are established by the access method in the MMS object. ISO 9506 [1] states
that each object within an MMS implementation must contain a reference to
an Access Control List object that specifies the conditions under which services
directed at the named object may succeed. For the purposes of specifying the
control conditions, services are grouped into six classes as described in table
1. Access control is enforced through special mechanisms provided by MMS.
These mechanisms include possession of a semaphore, identity of user (Appli-
cation Reference), and the submission of a password (which may be arbitrarily
2 ASN.1
MMS uses ASN.1 to encode data at the OSI presentation layer before trans-
mission. The ASN.1 representation of data is independent of machine-oriented
structures and encodings and also of the physical representation of the data (re-
Fig. 3. The MMS communication stack specified as OSI layers
The Basic Encoding Rules are one of the original encoding rules specified by the
ASN.1 standard for encoding abstract information into a concrete data stream.
The rules, collectively referred to as a transfer syntax in ASN.1 parlance, specify
the exact octet sequences which are used to encode any given data item before it
is transmitted over a network. The BER syntax is defined by the ITU-T’s X.690
standards document, which is part of the ASN.1 document series.
BER is a self-identifying and self-delimiting encoding scheme, which means
that each data value can be identified, extracted and decoded individually [6].
Each data element is encoded using a triplet consisting of a type identifier (tag),
a length description and the actual data element. The use of such a triplet
for encoding is commonly referred to as a tag-length-value (TLV) encoding. A
generic triplet is depicted below.
The use of TLV encoding allows any receiver to decode the ASN.1 information
from an incomplete information stream, without any pre-knowledge of the size,
content or semantic meaning of the data. Assuming that the communicating
parties share the same context specific module definitions.
BER uses a unique code as an identifier for an ASN.1 data type. This iden-
tifier is encoded as one or more bytes of every data type and creates the tag.
The identifier is well-structured to allow the representation of three levels of
information within one such code, as illustrated in table 3. On the highest level,
Table 3. Description of the BER identifier.
represented by the highest-order two bits of the tag octet(s), the class of the
data type is encoded [6]. The third highest bit of the identifier indicates whether
the represented data type is a primitive or constructed one. A constructed data
type can be seen as a complex or compound data type hierarchically based on
one or more primitive data types. The remainder of the identifier is a numeric
tag associated with a data type within a class. Tags ranging from 0 to 30 can be
associated with the remaining 5 bits of the octet. For larger tags, these 5 bits
are set to 111111, and one or more subsequent octets are used to encode the tag.
ISO 8823 states that the OSI transport protocol exchanges information between
peers in discrete units of information called Transport Protocol Data Units (TP-
DUs) [7]. This is a fundamental difference between the TCP and the network
service expected by Transport Protocol Class 0 (TP 0). The difference is that
TCP manages a continuous stream of octets, with no explicit boundaries, while
TP0 expects information to be sent and delivered in discrete objects termed net-
work service data units. Therefore RFC 1006 [8] describes that all TPDUs shall
be encapsulated in discrete units called TPKTs. The TPKT layer, depicted in
figure 4, is used to provide these discrete packets to the OSI Connection-Oriented
Transport Protocol (COTP) on top of TCP.
We have intercepted some packages using Wireshark. As Wireshark did not
support the MMS protocol at the time of testing, we were forced to manually
decode the MMS PDUs. When looking at MMS communication in Wireshark
we found the underlying MMS protocol stack depicted in 4.
As there was no publicly available documentation on how the vendor had
implemented the MMS protocol we had to analyse the protocol stack. As we
see in Fig. 4, there are two protocols running on top of TCP. Above TCP we
find TPKT, which is a packet format used to emulate the ISO transport services
COTP on top of TCP. RFC 1006 [8] describes how to implement ISO’s transport
protocol class 0 on top of TCP. ISO 9506 [1] stipulates the use of OSI transport
class 4 in conjunction with MMS. Nevertheless RFC 1006 [8] describes the use of
Fig. 4. The MMS communication stack as Wireshark detects it
OSI transport class 0 to emulate an ISO Transport Service on top of the TCP.
The reason for using ISO’s OSI transport class 0 on top of TCP/IP instead
of transport class 4 is that transport class 0 achieves identical functionality as
transport class 4 when running on top of TCP. The TCP layer provides reliable
transport service through error detection and retransmission. It also handles
segmentation and reassembly of PDUs. As TCP provides all these properties as
part of its service to the next layer, there is no reason to implement them again.
A TPKT consists of two parts: a packet-header and a TPDU. The format of
the header is constant regardless of the type of packet, as illustrated in Fig. 5.
The field labeled vrsn is the version number which according to RFC 1006
[8] always is three. The next field, reserved, is reserved for further use. The
last field is the packet length. This field contains the length of entire packet in
octets, including packet-header. The maximum TPDU size is 65531 octets, with
a payload of maximum 65524 octets.
According to Wireshark we find COTP above the TPKT layer. RFC 0905
[9] describes the ISO 8073 specification. The COTP PDU is described in Fig. 6.
The header length in octets is indicated by a binary number in the length
indicator (LI) field. This field has a maximum value of 254 (1111 1110)5 . The
next field is divided into two parts, first the PDU type specification (T), which
The value 255 (1111 1111) is reserved for possible extensions
Fig. 6. Format of COTP PDU
describes the structure of the rest of the PDU, e.g., Data Transfer (1111) as
described in Figure 6. The PDU type is encoded as a four bit word. The full list
of codes for data types can be found in [9]. The second part, is the credit part
(CDT) which is used to indicate a reliable transport service, but this is always
set to 0000 as TP 0 does not offer reliable transport. The third field contains the
TPDU number and an end of transfer indication flag. In all data transfer packets
the EOT flag is set and the TPDU number is zero; this might be because the
service relies on TCP sequence numbering on the transport layer, but we have
not found any written documentation to support this theory.
We wish to note that there is no reference to ACSE in our packet dump. We
verified through Wireshark’s documentation that ACSE is a supported protocol
[10]. That leaves us with two possible conclusions:
We are fully capable of decoding the whole payload of the COTP PDU to
MMS structured ASN.1 text. We therefore conclude that the current implemen-
tation of the MMS has omitted the ACSE layer, making the ACSE authentication
facilities forfeit. This means that there are no authentication or access control
facilities at the lower layers of the MMS stack.
Now knowing the underlying protocols which MMS is running on, we will study
the MMS message communication between the MMS client and the MMS server
and try to determine if there are any signs of security mechanisms. We used the
client software to create a small program which we downloaded to the controller
over MMS. The program was a very simple counting application as decribed in
C code below:
int i=0;
The controller will now report the value of i back to the client at regular
intervals using MMS. Once the program was downloaded to the controller and
running, we used Wireshark to capture MMS communication on the network.
The first thing we noticed when we examined the packet dump in Wireshark,
was that there is a pattern in packet communication repeating itself in a period
of eight. This pattern was first identified by packet sizes repeating themselves at
a period of eight.
We wish to note that we chose an arbitrary packet in our packet dump as our
starting point and decoded packages sequentially from that point. We chose this
strategy to simulate an attacker tapping into a network at an arbitrary point in
a0 41 02 01 7b a4 3c a1 3a a0 38 30 0c a0 0a
80 08 24 4d 53 47 24 31 24 24 30 15 a0 13 80
11 24 48 57 53 34 35 38 35 34 33 32 30 3a 4e
4f 52 4d 30 11 a0 0f 80 0d 24 4d 53 47 24 35
35 32 36 35 38 39 36
The package above is encoded in BERs TLV format. We know this from [2]
and [3] which are whitepapers publicly available on the internet. We must there-
for use the decoding rules described in section 3 to decode each TLV pair. When
decoding this first PDU, with the help of the MMS syntax module[11], we found
that this is a confirmed-Request PDU. This confirmed-Request PDU contains
an integer id named invokeID with value 123 and confirmedServiceRequest for
an read operation. The read-request specifies a listOfVariables with three items.
Each item is a vmd-specific object name containing the identifier. We decoded
these identifiers to:
– $MSG$1$$
– $HWS45854320:NORM
– $MSG$55265896
Space does not permit going through the entire decoding process, but for
illustrtive purposes, the beginning of the first PDU is decoded below. Using
table 3 we decode the first PDU to the following textual ASN.1 structure:
a0 CONTENT SPECIFIC c o n s t r u c t e d nr 0
3 41 LENGTH=65
5 02 UNIVERSAL p r i m i t i v e nr 2 (INTEGER)
7 7b 123
9 a4 CONTENT SPECIFIC c o n s t r u c t e d nr 4
3c LENGTH=60
a1 CONTENT SPECIFIC c o n s t r u c t e d nr 1
13 3a LENGTH=58
15 a0 CONTENT SPECIFIC c o n s t r u c t e d nr 0
38 LENGTH=56
30 UNIVERSAL c o n s t r u c t e d nr 16 (SEQUENCE)
19 0c LENGTH=12
21 a0 CONTENT SPECIFIC c o n s t r u c t e d nr 0
0a LENGTH=10
80 CONTENT SPECIFIC p r i m i t i v e nr 0
25 08 LENGTH=8
27 24 $
4d M
29 53 S
47 G
31 24 $
31 1
33 24 $
24 $
35 . . . etc .
We observe that MMS utilizes many CONTENT SPECIFIC tags to identify
MMS specific data types. As stated earlier we can use the MMS module definition
to decode these tags. This module is publicly available for anyone at [11] or
through Google .
6 Security in MMS
After analysing MMS protocol communications we will in this section look into
the security mechanisms defined by the MMS standard. The standard does spec-
ify means for access control through accessControlList objects. We quote from
the ISO standard [1]:
T he &accessMethod field for an Named Variable object shall specify
the mode of access. If the Address is declarable (and obtainable) using
MMS services, the &accessMethod field shall have the value public, and
the Address attribute shall be defined and available to MMS clients
requesting the attributes of the Named Variable object. Otherwise, the
value of this field is a local issue. The public access method shall not be
available unless vadr is supported.
From the quote above we see that each Named Object Variable has an ac-
cessMethod field, which specify the mode of access. According to the standard,
if the address is declarable and obtainable using MMS service primitives the ac-
cessMethod shall have the value public. Access to all objects can be controlled by
a special object, the Access Control List, that tells which client can read, delete
or modify the object. On a general level MMS specifies that if the accessMethod
is public the following field shall appear and if the &accessMethod is anything
but public, the following field shall not appear. But there are some exceptions.
An MMS server may declare an MMS variable that exists only at the instant of
access. Such a variable does not have an address per se, but is still accessible at
that instant. We see that the standard provides mechanisms for access control,
but to our knowledge there are no other security mechanisms included in the
MMS standard. We quote from the Security Considerations section in the ISO
standard [1]:
When implementing MMS in secure or safety critical applications, fea-
tures of the OSI security architecture may need to be implemented.
This International Standard provides simple facilities for authentication
(passwords) and access control. Systems requiring a higher degree of
security will have to consider features beyond the scope of this Interna-
tional Standard. This International Standard does not provide facilities
for non-repudiation.
As stated above, MMS itself is not designed with information security in
mind. This indicates that security should be enforced at some lower layer, but
as we have seen through our analysis of the MMS, there is no security enforced
at any layer. The ACSE layer could have offered some security features, but as
the ACSE layer is omitted from our implementation those features are forfeit.
According to the ISO standard the MMS protocol should have implemented
some simple facilities for password authentication and access control. We wanted
to study these mechanisms to see what security they really offer, but as they are
at best optional and at worst not implemented they provide no security what so
ever. We have through our analysis seen that they do not exsist.
When analysing the MMS we have found no protection against replay attacks.
This is a major concern, as anyone with access to the network may sniff up a
packet and then replay it on the network at a an inappropriate moment. We do
not regard the invokeID field as such a mechanism as it is easily changed.
7 Conclusion
The Manufacturing Messaging Protocol (MMS) is a complex protocol that is
rendered even more complex by the implementation of an OSI transportation
protocol on top of TCP. MMS offers very limited security mechanisms, and
equipment we have studied does not appear to have implemented even these
mechanisms. It is clear that if MMS is to be used in process control networks
that have to fulfil information security requirements, major modifications have
to be made to the protocol.
The research for this paper was conducted while Mr. Sørensen was a student at
the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
1. Industrial automation systems, Manufacturing Message Specification. Part 1, ISO
ISO Standard ISO 9506-1:2003(E), 2003.
2. “Overview and introduction to the Manufacturing Message Specification
(MMS),” System Integration Specialists Company (SISCO), 6605 19,5
Mile Road, Sterling Heights, MI 48314-1408, USA, Tech. Rep., 1995,
3. H. Falk and J. Robbins, “An Explanation of the Architecture of the MMS stan-
dard,” System Integration Specialists Company (SISCO), SISCO, 6605 19,5 Mile
Road, Sterling Heights, MI 48314-1408, USA, Tech. Rep., 1995.
4. H. Falk and D. M. Burns, “MMS and ASN.1 Encoding,” System Integration Spe-
cialists Company (SISCO), SISCO, 6605 19,5 Mile Road, Sterling Heights, MI
48314-1408, USA, Tech. Rep., 2001.
5. L. Floyd and D. Ronald, “Manufacturing automation protocol,” Conference Record
- International Conference on Communications, pp. 620 – 624, 1985.
6. “Basic encoding rules,” Vijay Mukhi’s Computer Institute, India, February 2007.
[Online]. Available:
7. Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Connection-oriented pre-
sentation protocol: Protocol specification., ISO ISO Standard ISO/IEC 8823-1:1994,
8. M. T. Rose and D. E. Cass, “RFC 1006: ISO transport services on top of the
TCP: Version 3,” May 1987, obsoletes RFC0983. Updated by RFC 2126. Status:
STANDARD. [Online]. Available:
9. A. M. McKenzie, “RFC 905: ISO transport protocol specification ISO DP 8073,”
Apr. 1984. [Online]. Available:
10. “Wireshark wiki on ACSE,” Published on Wireshark’s wiki page, June 2006.
[Online]. Available:
11. “SISCO’s MMS syntax,” Published on Systems Integration Specialists
Company (SISCO), Inc. Homepage, February 2007. [Online]. Available: abstract syntax.txt