TC12 P3 OIML Guide EVCS Draft

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The document discusses technical requirements and metrological controls for electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSEs). It defines various terms related to EVSE components and metrological characteristics. It also provides methods to estimate the combined maximum error of an EVSE based on type test results and influence factors.

EVSEs are classified based on whether they have a separately type approved meter or an embedded metrology.

Some of the metrological characteristics defined for EVSEs include current, starting current, minimum current, transitional current, and maximum current.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document


Reference number:
Supersedes document: none

OIML TC 12 P3 Circulated to P- and O-members and liaison bodies

and external organisations for:
Electric vehicle charging stations

Convenor: Matthijs van der Wiel, The Netherlands

TITLE OF THE CD (English):

Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment
Part 1: Metrological and Technical Requirements
Part 2: Metrological controls and performance tests

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Contents ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Explanatory Note ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Part 1 Metrological and technical requirements..................................................................................... 8
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 8
2 Terms and Definitions ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) ........................................................................... 8
EVSE with separately type approved meter .............................................................. 8
EVSE with embedded metrology ............................................................................... 8
2.2 Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 8
Connection point....................................................................................................... 8
Control system .......................................................................................................... 8
Client interface ......................................................................................................... 8
Measuring element.................................................................................................... 8
Current circuit .......................................................................................................... 9
Voltage circuit .......................................................................................................... 9
Indicating device or display...................................................................................... 9
Energy register ......................................................................................................... 9
Adjustment device ..................................................................................................... 9
Ancillary device ........................................................................................................ 9
Sub-assembly ............................................................................................................ 9
Transaction ............................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Metrological characteristics .................................................................................................. 9
Current (I)................................................................................................................. 9
Starting current (Ist) .................................................................................................. 9
Minimum current (Imin) ............................................................................................. 9
Transitional current (Itr) ........................................................................................... 9
Maximum current (Imax) .......................................................................................... 10
Voltage (U) ............................................................................................................. 10
Nominal voltage (Unom) ........................................................................................... 10
Nominal frequency (fnom)......................................................................................... 10
Harmonic ................................................................................................................ 10
Harmonic number ................................................................................................... 10
Distortion factor (d)................................................................................................ 10
Power factor (PF) ................................................................................................... 10
Power, instantaneous.............................................................................................. 10
Power, active .......................................................................................................... 10
Energy, active (𝑬𝒂) ................................................................................................ 11
Relative error (of indication) .................................................................................. 11
Maximum permissible error (MPE)........................................................................ 11
Base maximum permissible error (BMPE) ............................................................. 11
Maximum permissible error shift............................................................................ 11
Intrinsic error ......................................................................................................... 11
Initial intrinsic error ............................................................................................... 11
Minimum measured quantity (MMQ) ..................................................................... 11
OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Influence quantity ................................................................................................... 12

Influence factor ....................................................................................................... 12
Disturbance ............................................................................................................ 12
Rated operating condition ...................................................................................... 12
Reference condition ................................................................................................ 12
Accuracy class ........................................................................................................ 12
Durability................................................................................................................ 12
Significant fault....................................................................................................... 12
Checking facility ..................................................................................................... 12
Bidirectional (energy) flow ..................................................................................... 12
Positive direction only (energy) flow ...................................................................... 13
Positive (energy) flow ............................................................................................. 13
Negative (energy) flow............................................................................................ 13
Reverse (energy) flow ............................................................................................. 13
Legally relevant ...................................................................................................... 13
Legally relevant transaction data ........................................................................... 13
3 Metrological Requirements ............................................................................................................ 13
3.1 Units of measurement........................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Rated operating conditions .................................................................................................. 13
3.3 Accuracy requirements ........................................................................................................ 14
General ................................................................................................................... 14
Direction of energy flow ......................................................................................... 14
Base maximum permissible errors.......................................................................... 14
No load ................................................................................................................... 15
Allowed effects of influence quantities ................................................................... 15
Allowed effects of disturbances .............................................................................. 17
Mechanical disturbances ........................................................................................ 18
3.4 Markings .............................................................................................................................. 19
3.5 Suitability for use ................................................................................................................. 19
General ................................................................................................................... 19
Transactions ........................................................................................................... 20
Multiple Tariffs ....................................................................................................... 20
Power Outage ......................................................................................................... 20
3.6 Access to data ...................................................................................................................... 21
Readability of result................................................................................................ 21
Client interfaces ...................................................................................................... 21
Registers ................................................................................................................. 21
Testability ............................................................................................................... 22
3.7 Protection of metrological properties .................................................................................. 22
General ................................................................................................................... 22
Software requirements ............................................................................................ 22
Software protection................................................................................................. 23
Parameter protection .............................................................................................. 23
Separation of electronic devices and sub-assemblies ............................................. 24
Separation of software parts ................................................................................... 24
Updates to Legally Relevant Software .................................................................... 25
OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Checking facility event record ................................................................................ 26

Storage of data, transmission via communication systems ..................................... 26
3.8 Durability ............................................................................................................................. 27
3.9 Presumption of compliance .................................................................................................. 27
Part 2 Metrological controls and performance tests ............................................................................. 28
4 Type approval................................................................................................................................. 28
4.1 Documentation ..................................................................................................................... 28
4.2 Type definition ..................................................................................................................... 29
Type test sampling .................................................................................................. 29
4.3 Validation Procedure ........................................................................................................... 29
5 Test program .................................................................................................................................. 30
6 Test procedures for type approval ................................................................................................. 30
6.1 Test conditions ..................................................................................................................... 30
6.2 Tests for compliance with maximum permissible errors ...................................................... 31
Determination of initial intrinsic error................................................................... 31
Self heating ............................................................................................................. 31
Test of no-load condition ........................................................................................ 31
Starting current....................................................................................................... 32
6.3 Tests for influence quantities ............................................................................................... 32
General ................................................................................................................... 32
Temperature dependence ........................................................................................ 32
Voltage variation .................................................................................................... 32
Frequency variation................................................................................................ 33
Harmonics in voltage and current .......................................................................... 33
Reversed phase sequence (any two phases interchanged) ...................................... 36
Continuous (DC) magnetic induction of external origin ........................................ 36
Magnetic field (AC, power frequency) of external origin ....................................... 36
Electromagnetic fields ............................................................................................ 36
Operation of ancillary devices................................................................................ 38
6.4 Tests for disturbances .......................................................................................................... 38
General instructions for disturbance tests .............................................................. 38
Electrostatic discharge ........................................................................................... 38
Fast transients ........................................................................................................ 39
Voltage dips and interruptions ............................................................................... 39
Surges on AC mains power lines ............................................................................ 40
Short-time overcurrent............................................................................................ 41
Impulse voltage ....................................................................................................... 41
Environmental tests ................................................................................................ 43
Durability test ......................................................................................................... 47
Mechanical tests ..................................................................................................... 47
7 Examination for conformity with type ............................................................................................ 48
8 Verification and re-verification...................................................................................................... 48
8.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 48
8.2 Testing .................................................................................................................................. 48
Calibration status ................................................................................................... 48
Conformity check .................................................................................................... 48
OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Warming-up ............................................................................................................ 49
Minimum test programme ....................................................................................... 49
Sealing .................................................................................................................... 49
8.3 Reference conditions for initial and subsequent verifications in a laboratory .................... 49
8.4 Additional requirements for statistical verifications............................................................ 50
Lot 50
Samples ................................................................................................................... 50
Statistical testing..................................................................................................... 50
8.5 In situ testing ........................................................................................................................ 50
Annex A Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 51
Annex B Estimation of combined errors ............................................................................................. 54

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Explanatory Note
As a result of the transition from fossil fuels to sustainable forms of energy, worldwide developments in the
area of charging electrical vehicles (EVs) are proceeding at a rapid pace. In this newly developing market, it
is important that trading parties have confidence that the amount of energy transferred is measured fairly and
accurately. Regulators in various individual economies have started or are starting initiatives to develop
national or regional metrology regulation for Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), of which the
requirements are not always mutually exchangeable.
The need for international guidance on metrology for EVSE was already agreed upon by the CIML at their
51st meeting in 2016 in Strasbourg, where they decided on the mandate to revise R 46:2012 “ACTIVE
ENERGY ELECTRICITY METERS”. Recommendations for EVSE metrology were initially foreseen to be
embedded in the next version of R 46. By 2021, however, it became apparent that the needs of the EVSE
market and of regulators were more urgent than what could be met by the timeline expected for the publication
of the revised R 46. Initial work on an international document on EVSE requirements and test procedures was
done as part of the revision process for R 46. This effort was subsequently split off into a separate project
group, established in October 2021. The existence of the new project group allowed the development of a self-
contained OIML publication for EVSE, separate from R 46, and which could be published on a faster timeline
than that of the ongoing revision of R 46. While there are obvious similarities between ‘traditional’ (utility
type) electricity metering and charging EVs, there are also profound differences. This separate OIML
publication for EVSE allows for a clear treatment of the unique aspects of EV charging, such as the direct sales
nature of transactions, means of conveying the measurement result, and typical progressions of current levels
over time.
Initially this new project group determined that the most expedient way to introduce guidance related to EVSE
is to develop a Guide document based on many aspects of R46. This resulting OIML Guide, G XX
“ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT”, while based on R 46, is not a metering document in the
sense of MID:ANNEX V ACTIVE ELECTRICAL ENERGY METERS (MI-003). The intention of this
international Guide is to provide a blueprint of requirements and procedures for type testing, to be used by
national regulators and approval authorities to set up their own legislation. In this Guide, the EVSE is
considered as a unique built for purpose system which incorporates AC or DC energy metrology. Whether the
metrology in the EVSE is accomplished using a separately type approved meter or integrated into the
electronics of the EVSE does not affect the requirements for testing or performance of the EVSE.
Practical technical experience in testing and approving DC charging is lacking in some respects. Still, DC
charging applications constitute an important, growing portion of the EV charging market, and fair trade of
electrical energy in DC is deemed at least as important as in AC. Measuring DC energy by EVSE is therefore
explicitly covered in this Guide, be it in a rudimentary way.
Immediately following the development of this Guide, the same OIML project group will begin working to
produce a full Recommendation on EVSE. The major parts of this Guide are already styled as ‘part 1’ and
‘part 2’ of an OIML Recommendation. The Recommendation will be a finetuned, more elaborate version of
the text of this Guide, and will contain all mandatory parts. Once the Recommendation on EVSE is published,
OIML intends to retract this Guide.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

The International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) is a worldwide, intergovernmental organization
whose primary aim is to harmonize the regulations and metrological controls applied by the national
metrological services, or related organizations, of its Member States.
The two main categories of OIML publications are:
• International Recommendations (OIML R), which are model regulations that establish the metrological
characteristics required of certain measuring instruments and which specify methods and equipment for
checking their conformity; the OIML Member States shall implement these Recommendations to the greatest
possible extent;
• International Documents (OIML D), which are informative in nature and intended to improve the work of
the metrological services.
OIML Draft Recommendations and Documents are developed by technical committees or subcommittees
which are formed by the Member States. Certain international and regional institutions also participate on a
consultation basis.
Cooperative agreements are established between OIML and certain institutions, such as ISO and IEC, with the
objective of avoiding contradictory requirements; consequently, manufacturers and users of measuring
instruments, test laboratories, etc. may apply simultaneously OIML publications and those of other institutions.
International Recommendations and International Documents are published in French (F) and English (E) and
are subject to periodic revision.
This publication - reference OIML G xx, edition xxxx (E) – was developed by the Working Group on the
Revision of R 46 of the OIML Technical Committee TC 12/WG 3 . It was approved for final publication by
the International Committee of Legal Metrology in xxxx.
OIML publications may be obtained from the Organization’s headquarters:
Bureau International de Métrologie Légale
11, rue Turgot - 75009 Paris - France
Telephone: 33 (0)1 48 78 12 82 and 42 85 27 11
Fax: 33 (0)1 42 82 17 27
E-mail: [email protected]

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Part 1 Metrological and technical requirements

1 Scope
This document provides guidance as to the metrological and technical requirements applicable to electric
vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) subject to legal metrological controls. The requirements are provided for
type approval, verification, re-verification and in situ testing. They also apply to modifications that may be
made to existing approved devices.
The provisions set out here apply only to active electrical energy measurements and computation of transaction
This Guide is structured very similarly to a Recommendation since it is the intention of the working group to
transform it into a Recommendation as soon as possible.

2 Terms and Definitions

The terminology used in this Guide conforms to the OIML International Document D 11 “General
Requirements for Electronic Measuring Instruments” [1], and conforms to the International Vocabulary of
Basic and General Terms in Metrology (VIM) [3] and the International Vocabulary of Legal Metrology
(VIML) [4]. Terminology from OIML International Document D 31, “General requirements for software
controlled measuring instruments” [2] is also applicable particularly for 3.7 and the associated validation
procedures in 4.3 In addition, for the purposes of this Guide, the following definitions shall apply:
2.1 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)
A device intended to supply or receive electrical energy to or from an electric vehicle and to measure that
energy, store and report the result to the customer, and if necessary, transmit the information to a billing system.
EVSE with separately type approved meter
In this configuration the basic metrology is provided by a separately type approved meter which has been
tested for compliance with R46 requirements.
EVSE with embedded metrology
In this configuration the metrology is an integral part of the EVSE and not required to be separately type
2.2 Definitions
Connection point
Point where one electric vehicle is connected to the fixed installation. [definition 3.1.5 of IEC 61851-1]
Remark 1: In case the output cable is a fixed part of the charging system, this point is defined as the connector at the end of the cable
Otherwise, the connection point is defined as the point of the charging system where the cable is plugged in.

Control system
A collection of hardware and software, which may include a load control switch as well as a communication
interface, which collectively manage the process of charging.
Client interface
A facility of the EVSE that may be local or remote that provides access to legally relevant transaction data to
a user.
Note: National Authorities may require a local client interface (indicating device).
Measuring element
Part of the EVSE that transforms a current and a voltage into a signal proportional to the power and or energy.
Note: A measuring element can be based on an electromagnetic, electrical or an electronic principle.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Current circuit
Connections of the EVSE and part of the measuring element through which flows the current of the electric
vehicle to which the EVSE is connected.
Voltage circuit
Connections, components, wiring and cables of the EVSE which provide voltage to the electric vehicle.
Indicating device or display
Part of the EVSE that implements the client interface either continuously or on demand.
Note 1: An indicating device may also be used to display other relevant information.
Note 2: An indicating device is local to the EVSE.

Energy register
Part of the system that stores the energy measured in a transaction.
Note 1: In this document unless otherwise noted, register shall mean energy register.
Note 2: This energy register is not the same as the energy accumulation register in a R-46 compliant meter.
Adjustment device
Device or function incorporated in the EVSE that allows the error curve to be shifted with a view to bringing
errors (of indication) within the maximum permissible errors.
Ancillary device
Device within the EVSE that is not used during the transaction.
Note: Since the testing used in this Guide is all transactional any device which is routinely required to be active during a transaction
will have its effect tested automatically. Ancillary devices are devices which may or may not be active at any time but are not used as
part of the transactional process.
Example: An EVSE might have a display which shows advertisements for a business. It would be an ancillary device.

Part of a device having a recognizable function of its own.
The process of authorizing, connecting to the electric vehicle, delivering/receiving energy, terminating the
delivery/receiving, presenting the information relevant to the process to the customer, transmitting and
receiving acknowledgement of any billing information.
2.3 Metrological characteristics
Current (I)
RMS value of the electrical current flowing to or from the EVSE through the connection point.
Starting current (Ist)
Lowest value of current specified at which the EVSE should register electrical energy at unity power factor
and, for poly-phase EVSE, with balanced load.
Minimum current (Imin)
Lowest value of current at which the EVSE is specified to meet the accuracy requirements of this Guide.
Transitional current (Itr)
Value of current at and above which the EVSE is specified to lie within the smallest maximum permissible
error corresponding to the accuracy class of the EVSE.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Maximum current (Imax)

Highest value of current at which the EVSE is specified by the manufacturer to meet the accuracy requirements
of this Guide.
Voltage (U)
RMS value of the electrical voltage supplied to the electric vehicle at the connection point.
Nominal voltage (Unom)
Voltage specified by the manufacturer for normal operation of the EVSE. An EVSE may have multiple Unom.
Nominal frequency (fnom)
Frequency of the voltage (and current) specified by the manufacturer for operation of the EVSE.
Part of a signal that has a frequency that is an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency of the signal. The
fundamental frequency is generally the nominal frequency (fnom)
Harmonic number
Integer number used to identify a harmonic. It is the ratio of the frequency of a harmonic to the fundamental
frequency of the signal.
Distortion factor (d)
Ratio of the RMS value of the harmonic content (obtained e.g. by subtracting from a non-sinusoidal alternating
quantity its fundamental term) to the RMS value of the fundamental term. The distortion factor is usually
expressed in percentage. It is equivalent to THD, total harmonic distortion.
Power factor (PF)
Ratio of the active power to the apparent power.
Note: An EVSE is not required to measure apparent energy or power factor. Performance is verified using a reference that can measure
apparent energy and power factor.

Power, instantaneous
Rate at which energy is transported. Instantaneous power is the product of voltage and current at each instance
of time.
p(t ) = u(t )  i(t )

u(t) is the instantaneous voltage
i(t) is the instantaneous current
p(t) is the instantaneous power
Power, active
The integral of the instantaneous power over a single cycle.
1 𝑇
𝑃= ∫ 𝑢(𝑡)𝑖(𝑡)𝑑𝑡
𝑇 0
T is the period of the voltage waveform.
At sinusoidal conditions active power is the product of the RMS value of current and voltage and the cosine
of the phase angle between them, calculated for each phase. It is usually expressed in kW.
Active power 𝑃 = 𝑈𝐼 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜑.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Energy, active (𝑬𝒂 )

Instantaneous active power integrated over time.
𝐸𝑎 = ∫ 𝑝(𝑡) ⋅ 𝑑𝑡

𝐸𝑎 is the active energy.
k is the number of cycles
Other symbols are as defined in 2.3.13
Note: (1) Active energy is usually expressed in kWh or MWh. Refer to 3.1 for requirements on units of measurement.

Relative error (of indication)

Measured quantity value minus reference quantity value, divided by the reference quantity value. The relative
error is usually expressed as a percentage.
Note: Since this Recommendation deals only with relative error, the short form “error” is used for relative error.

Maximum permissible error (MPE)

Extreme value of measurement error, with respect to a known reference quantity value, permitted by
specifications or regulations for a given measurement, measuring instrument, or measuring system. OIML
D31::2019 3.1.28
Note 1: Usually, the term “maximum permissible errors” or “limits of error” is used where there are two extreme values.
Note 2: The term “tolerance” should not be used to designate ‘maximum permissible error’
Note: In this Recommendation, the maximum permissible error is a combination of the base maximum permissible error and the
maximum permissible error shift as described in Annex B.

Base maximum permissible error (BMPE)

Extreme values of the error (of indication) of a EVSE, permitted by this Guide, when the current and power
factor are varied within the intervals given by the rated operating conditions, and when the EVSE is otherwise
operated at reference conditions.
Note: In this Guide, the maximum permissible error is a combination of the base maximum permissible error and the maximum
permissible error shift as described in Annex B.

Maximum permissible error shift

Extreme values of the change in error (of indication) of an EVSE, permitted by this Guide, when a single
influence factor is taken from its value at reference conditions and varied within the rated operating conditions.
For each influence factor there is one corresponding maximum permissible error shift.
Note: In this Guide, the maximum permissible error is a combination of the base maximum permissible error and the maximum
permissible error shift as described in Annex B.

Intrinsic error
Error of a measuring instrument, determined under reference conditions. [OIML D11:2013, 3.8]
Initial intrinsic error
Intrinsic error of a measuring instrument as determined prior to performance tests and durability evaluations.
[OIML D11:2013, 3.9]
Minimum measured quantity (MMQ)
The minimum quantity of energy delivered in a transaction for which the manufacturer specifies that the EVSE
will meet the BMPE of the EVSE’s accuracy class. The MMQ shall not be greater than 0.5 kWh.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Influence quantity
Quantity that, in a direct measurement, does not affect the quantity that is actually measured, but affects the
relation between the indication and the measurement result. [OIML D11:2013, 3.15]
Guide Comment: The definition of influence quantity is understood to include values associated with measurement standards, reference
materials and reference data upon which the result of a measurement may depend, as well as phenomena such as short-term measuring
instrument fluctuations and quantities such as ambient temperature, barometric pressure and humidity.

Influence factor
Influence quantity having a value within the rated operating conditions of the measuring instrument specified
in this Guide. [OIML D11:2013, 3.15.1]
Influence quantity having a value within the limits specified in this Guide, but outside the specified rated
operating conditions of the measuring instrument. [OIML D11:2013, 3.15.2]
Note: An influence quantity is a disturbance if the rated operating conditions for that influence quantity are not specified.

Rated operating condition

Operating condition that must be fulfilled during measurement in order that a measuring instrument or
measuring system perform as designed. [OIML D11:2013, 3.16]
Note: Rated operating conditions generally specify intervals of values for a quantity being measured and for any influence quantity.

Reference condition
Operating condition prescribed for evaluating the performance of a measuring instrument or measuring system
or for comparison of measurement results. [OIML D11:2013, 3.17]
Note 1 Reference operating conditions specify intervals of values of the measurand and of the influence quantities.
Note 2 In IEC 60050-300, item 311-06-02, the term “reference condition” refers to an operating condition under which the specified
instrumental measurement uncertainty is the smallest possible.

Accuracy class
Class of measuring instruments or measuring systems that meet stated metrological requirements that are
intended to keep measurement errors or instrumental uncertainties within specified limits under specified
operating conditions.
Note: In this Guide, the stated metrological requirements for accuracy class include permissible responses to disturbances.

Ability of a measuring instrument to maintain its performance characteristics over a period of use. [OIML
D11:2013, 3.18]
Significant fault
A failure of the device when subjected to a disturbance in which the device appears to function correctly but
is actually providing legally relevant data outside the acceptable limits. Ceasing to function is not a significant
fault. If a disturbance interrupts a transaction, then either: (a) the transaction must be cancelled or (b) when the
disturbance is removed, the transaction must be completed correctly.
Checking facility
Facility that is incorporated in the EVSE and which enables faults that would otherwise be significant faults
to be detected and acted upon in such a way that incorrect registration is prohibited. [OIML D11:2013, 3.19
Faults that are detected and acted upon by means of a checking facility shall not be considered as significant
Bidirectional (energy) flow
Capability of EVSE to measure energy flow in both directions (to EV and from EV).

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Positive direction only (energy) flow

Capability of EVSE to measure energy flow in only one direction (to EV).
Positive (energy) flow
Direction of energy flow to the EV.
Negative (energy) flow
For bidirectional and unidirectional EVSE, direction of energy flow from the EV through the EVSE to the
nominal supply. Note, for positive direction only, the opposite direction is termed reverse energy flow (see
Reverse (energy) flow
For positive direction only EVSE, direction of flow in the opposite direction to positive.
Legally relevant
Software/hardware/data or part of the software/hardware/data of a measuring instrument which interferes with
properties regulated by legal metrology, e.g. the accuracy of the measurement or the correct functioning of the
measuring instrument.
Legally relevant transaction data
At a minimum the legally relevant transaction data shall include energy transferred, unit price and total value
of the transaction.

3 Metrological Requirements
3.1 Units of measurement
The active electrical energy shall be expressed using one of the following symbols: Wh, kWh, MWh, GWh.
3.2 Rated operating conditions
Rated operating conditions are specified in Table 1.
Table 1 Rated operating conditions

Condition or
Values, Ranges
influence quantity
Frequency (1-Δ )fnom ≤ f ≤(1+Δ) fnom where fnom is to be specified by the manufacturer.
If the manufacturer specifies more than one nominal frequency, the rated operating conditions
shall be the combination of all (1-Δ )fnom ≤ f ≤(1+Δ) fnom intervals
National authorities shall specify a value for Δ which is appropriate for the stability of their
distribution network. Values typically range from 0.1% to 2%.
Voltage 0.9 times lowest Unom to 1.1 times highest Unom

Current Imaxis to be specified by the manufacturer.

Ist 1.5A 0.02 Imax 5 5
Imin 3.0A 0.05 Imax 10 10
Itr 5.0A 0.10 Imax 20 40
Imax ≤ 80A >80A ≤200 >200
Power factor ≥0.98
Temperature From lower temperature limit to upper temperature limit as specified by manufacturer.
The manufacturer shall specify the lower temperature limit from the values:
-55 ºC, -40 ºC, -25 ºC, -10 ºC, +5 ºC.
The manufacturer shall specify the upper temperature limit from the values:
+30 ºC, +40 ºC, +55 ºC, +70 ºC, +85 ºC.
OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Humidity and water With respect to humidity, the manufacturer shall specify the environment class for which the
system is intended:
H1: enclosed locations where the instruments are not subjected to condensed
water, precipitation, or ice formations;
H2: enclosed locations where the instruments may be subjected to condensed
water, to water from sources other than rain and to ice formations;
H3: open locations with average climatic conditions.
Harmonics The voltage and current shall be allowed to deviate from the sinusoidal form, as given by the
requirements in clause 3.3.5, Table 4, “Harmonics in voltage and current circuits”.
Load balance All loads shall be balanced.

3.3 Accuracy requirements

The manufacturer shall specify the accuracy class of the EVSE to be one of A, B or C.
The EVSE shall be designed and manufactured such that its error does not exceed the maximum permissible
error for the specified class under rated operating conditions.
The EVSE shall be designed and manufactured such that, when exposed to disturbances, significant faults do
not occur.
Direction of energy flow
Where a manufacturer has specified that an EVSE is capable of bidirectional energy flow, the EVSE shall
correctly handle both positive and negative mean energy flow and shall fulfil the requirement of this Guide for
energy flow in both directions. The polarity of energy flow shall be defined by the manufacturer’s connection
instructions for the EVSE. For AC EVSE the mean energy flow refers to the active power integrated over at
least one cycle of the nominal frequency.
An EVSE shall fall into at least one of the following categories:
• Two-register, bidirectional; where the EVSE is specified as capable of measuring both positive and
negative mean energy flow, as defined by the connection of the EVSE and electric vehicle, and
where the positive result and negative result are placed in different registers.
• Single-register, positive direction only; where the EVSE is specified as capable of measuring and
registering only positive mean energy flow. It may inherently, by its design, register only positive
mean energy flow or it may be equipped with a reverse running detent. The manufacturer shall
specify which method is used.
• For bidirectional EVSE, energy registration shall occur in the correct register when the direction of
flow changes.
Note: The terms “single-register” and “two-register” in the list above refer to the basic energy register(s) only. A EVSE may have other
registers, e.g. for storage of tariff and/or phase information.
Note: The national authority may determine what EVSE types and calculation methods are appropriate.

Base maximum permissible errors

The intrinsic error shall be within the base maximum permissible error stated in Table 2 when the current is
varied within the limits given by Table 2 (operating range), and when the EVSE is otherwise operated at
reference conditions and the minimum measured quantities.
Table 2. Base maximum permissible errors

Quantity Base maximum permissible errors (%) for of class

Current I A B C

Imin ≤ I < Itr Unity ±2.5 ±1.5 ±1.0

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Itr ≤ I ≤ Imax Unity ±2.0 ±1.0 ±0.5

Note: The combined maximum permissible error (CMPE) and the combined maximum error (CME) resulting from the type evaluation
can be calculated as presented in Annex B. Regional or national authorities may require this CME to fulfil the CMPE or to meet other
limits (not related to the CMPE) determined by the regional or national authorities.
Note: Figure 1 is provided as an example of the use of the various break points for accuracy with respect to current. The figure represents
an accuracy class B EVSE with Imax= 30 A.

Figure 1 BMPE versus current requirements


Ist Imin Itr Example: Imax
Imax = 30 amps
Class B (1%)



0.0 1.5 3.00 5.00 30.0


No load
No significant energy shall be registered under conditions of no load.
Note: the EVSE may stop measuring energy for currents below Ist.

Allowed effects of influence quantities

The temperature coefficient of the EVSE shall fulfil the requirements of Table 3 when the EVSE is otherwise
operated at reference conditions.
Table 3. Limits for temperature coefficient of error
Limits for temperature coefficient
(%/K) for EVSE of class(1)
Influence quantity

Temperature coefficient, over any interval of the temperature

range, which is not less than 15 K and not greater than 23 K, for ±0.1 ±0.05 ±0.03
current Itr ≤ I ≤ Imax

(1) These values are doubled below -10 °C and above +50 °C.

When the load current is held constant at a point within the rated operating range with the EVSE otherwise
operated at reference conditions, and when any single influence quantity is varied from its value at reference
conditions to its extreme values defined in Table 4, the variation of error shall be such that the additional
percentage error is within the corresponding limit of error shift stated in Table 4. The EVSE shall continue to
function after the completion of each of these tests.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Table 4 Limit of error shift due to influence quantities.

Limit of error shift (%) for EVSE of class

Influence quantity Value
Test Current A B C

Continuous current at
Self-heating 6.2.2 Imax ±1 ±0.5 ±0.25

0.9 times lowest Unom to

Voltage variation 1.1 times highest Unom
6.3.3 †‡ Itr ≤ I ≤ Imax ±1.0 ±0.7 ±0.2

fnom ±Δ% 6.3.4 †‡ Itr ≤ I ≤ Imax ±0.8 ±0.5 ±0.2

Harmonics in
voltage and current d < 5% I
circuits(1) 6.3.5†‡ Itr ≤ I ≤ Imax ±1.0 ±0.6 ±0.3
d < 10% U

Ripple on voltage
d < ??% I
and current circuits
d < ??% U

Reversed phase
Any two phases
sequence (3-phase 6.3.6 †‡ Itr ≤ I ≤ Imax ±1.5 ±1.5 ±0.1

Continuous (DC)
200 mT at 30 mm from
magnetic induction (2) 6.3.7 Itr ≤ I ≤ Imax ±3 ±1.5 ±0.75
(2) core surface
of external origin

Magnetic field
(AC, power
400 A/m 6.3.8 Itr ≤ I ≤ Imax ±2.5 ±1.3 ±0.5
frequency) of
external origin.

Radiated, RF, f = 80 to 6000 MHz,

electromagnetic Field strength ≤ 30 †‡ Itr ≤ I ≤ Imax ±3 ±2 ±1
fields V/m

disturbances, low 2 kHz – 150 kHz†‡ Itr ≤ I ≤ Imax

disturbances, f = 0.15 to 80 MHz, †‡ Itr ≤ I ≤ Imax ±3 ±2 ±1
induced by radio Amplitude ≤ 10 V
frequency fields

Ancillary devices
Operation of 1/3 1/3 1/3
operated with I= Imin 6.3.10 Itr ≤ I ≤ Imax BMPE BMPE BMPE
ancillary devices
and Imax

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

† These tests are not required when the metrology is implemented by a separately approved meter whose type approval
specifications meet or exceed those of this guide.

‡ These tests are not required for DC systems where the EVSE consists of multiple enclosures connected by DC power busses.
(1) As long as the RMS value of the current is not higher than Imax and the peak value of the current is not higher than 1.41·Imax.
(2) Manufacturers may additionally include an alarm upon detection of a continuous (DC) magnetic induction of greater than
200 mT. National authorities may select a lower magnetic induction for national requirements.
(3) Direct or indirect, conducted disturbances induced by radio-frequency fields.

Allowed effects of disturbances General
The EVSE shall withstand disturbances that may be encountered under conditions of normal use; as stated in
clause 3.3.1, no significant fault shall occur for any of the disturbances listed in Table 5, Table 6 and Table 7.
If an EVSE is operated under the conditions outlined in Table 5, Table 6 or Table 7 and no transaction is in
progress, a change in the registers or pulses of the test output shall not be considered as a significant fault. Electrical Disturbances
The electrical disturbances tests can be performed either individually with an error check after each test or as
a group with a single error check after all tests have been performed. An error shift larger than 1.0 BMPE shall
not occur.
Table 5. Electrical Disturbances

Disturbance quantity Ref. Level of disturbance Allowed effects

8 kV contact discharge;
Electrostatic discharges 6.4.2 No significant fault.
15 kV air discharge.
Voltage and current circuits:
Fast transients 6.4.3 ‡ 2kV; No significant fault.
Auxiliary circuits: 1.0 kV.

Test a: 30%, 0.5 cycles

No significant fault. EVSE
Voltage dips 6.4.4 Test b: 60%, 1 cycle
may shutdown.
Test c: 60%, 25/30 cycles (1)
Voltage interruptions 6.4.4 0%, 250/300 cycles (3) No significant fault.
Voltage circuits: 1kV line to
Surges on AC mains power line, 2kV line to earth;
6.4.5 †‡ No significant fault.
lines Auxiliary circuits: 1kV line to
line, 2kV line to earth.

No significant fault. No
Short-time overcurrent 6.4.6 †‡ 5·Imax.
damage shall occur.

1.5 k U (100 ≤ U < 150) No significant fault. No

Impulse voltage 6.4.7
2.5 k U (150 ≤ U < 300) damage shall occur.

† These tests are not required when the metrology is implemented by a separately approved meter whose type approval
specifications meet or exceed those of this guide.

‡ These tests are not required for DC systems where the EVSE consists of multiple enclosures connected by DC power busses.
OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document Environmental Disturbances

The environmental disturbances tests can be performed either individually with an error check after each test
or as a group with a single error check after all tests have been performed. An error shift larger than 1.0 BMPE
shall not occur.

Table 6. Environmental Disturbances

Disturbance quantity Ref. Level of disturbance Allowed effects

No alteration in appearance
2 -1
Protection against solar 0.76 W·m ·nm at 340 nm, or impairment in
radiation with cycling rig for 66 days. functionality, metrological
properties and sealing.
No interference with correct
Protection against ingress operation or impairment of IP 54, category 2 enclosure
of dust safety, including tracking
along creepage distances.
One standard temperature
Dry heat higher than upper specified No significant fault.
temperature limit, 2 h

One standard temperature

Cold lower than lower specified No significant fault.
temperature limit, 2 h

H1: 30 °C, 85%;, H2: Cyclic 25 °C, 95% to No significant fault. No
Damp Heat 40 °C, 93%; evidence of any mechanical damage or corrosion.
H3: Cyclic 25 °C, 95% to
55 °C, 93%.
No significant fault. No
H3 only, 0.07 L/min (per
Water evidence of any mechanical
nozzle), 0 ° and 180 °, 10 min
damage or corrosion.

High current and/or

Durability 6.4.9 temperature for a sustained No significant fault.
period of time.
† These tests are not required when the metrology is implemented by a separately approved meter whose type approval
specifications meet or exceed those of this guide.

‡ These tests are not required for DC systems where the EVSE consists of multiple enclosures connected by DC power busses.

Mechanical disturbances
Mechanic disturbances are intended to simulate conditions encountered during transportation. National
authorities may eliminate any of these requirements when the EVSE is too large to perform the associated test
reasonably and at a reasonable cost. These requirements may also be eliminated from type approval if in situ
testing is performed prior to an EVSE being put into service.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Table 7. Mechanical Disturbances

Ref. Level of disturbance Allowed effects

No significant fault. Function

Vibration in three mutually
Vibration†‡ perpendicular axes.
of the EVSE shall not be
Pulse shape: Half-sine, Peak No significant fault. Function
Shock†‡ acceleration: 30 gn , Pulse of the EVSE shall not be
duration: 18 ms. impaired.
† These tests are not required when the metrology is implemented by a separately approved meter whose type approval
specifications meet or exceed those of this guide.

‡ These tests are not required for DC systems where the EVSE consists of multiple enclosures connected by DC power busses.

3.4 Markings
National authorities shall determine what information must be marked on every EVSE. The EVSE shall have
a clearly visible nameplate and the following are recommended minimum markings:
• approval mark
• approval number/identifier
• manufacturer
• year of manufacture
• manufacturer model
• serial number
• voltage range
• current range (minimum current and maximum current)
• frequency
• temperature range
• accuracy class
• MMQ (minimum measurement quantity)
The markings shall be indelible, distinct and legible from outside the EVSE. The markings of EVSE’s intended
for outdoor locations shall withstand solar radiation.
If the serial number is affixed to dismountable parts, the serial number shall also be provided in a position
where it is not readily disassociated from parts determining the metrological characteristics.
Symbols or their equivalent may be used where appropriate. See e.g. IEC 62053-52, Electricity metering
equipment (AC) - Particular requirements - Part 52: Symbols, or other designations accepted by local
3.5 Suitability for use
General EVSEs shall fulfil all requirements in this Guide. This includes all metrological requirements and
the requirements on software and the internal clock (if applicable).
Remark 1: Additionally, national authorities may specify requirements to measure the total energy consumption from the grid, delivered
by the energy supplier.
Remark 2: National authorities may require additional legally relevant information to be made accessible to the end user, such as time
and date, customer ID, station ID, meter ID. Accuracy shall be determined at the connection point. If the EVSE has integral external connecting
cables and if corrections are applied to compensate for the energy loss introduced by such cables, those
cables shall be sealed. The EVSE shall have no means to allow measured energy to be diverted between point of
measurement and the EV .
OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document If an EVSE is capable of receiving electrical energy from the vehicle to be transferred to the
source, then:
a) the client interface shall be able to display all necessary information related to the transactions in both
b) the EVSE shall be of the "two-register, bidirectional" category, as defined in section 3.3.2 of this
c) the accuracy requirements are fulfilled for both directions, and
d) all other requirements are applicable to this kind of transaction as well.
Transactions When settlement takes place at a later moment in time than the completion of the transaction, the
legally relevant data referenced in must be either stored in the EVSE or secured and stored externally
for retrieval at the later time.
Note: National authorities may require that the legally relevant data is stored inside the EVSE. For externally stored data, national
authorities may also impose specific requirements on data security. Means shall be provided to automatically terminate the transaction in the event of an unauthorized
break in the connection with the vehicle. Any legally relevant data associated with the terminated transaction
shall remain valid until the transaction is completed.
Multiple Tariffs
EVSE that can apply multiple tariffs during delivery shall meet the following requirements:
1) they must be able to measure and store data relevant for billing,
2) the minimum storage period for this data can be determined by national authorities,
3) the sum of all energy registered in multi-tariff registers shall be equal to the total energy transferred
during the transaction,
4) only one register can be active at any period of time during a transaction,
5) it shall be clear for each part of the transaction:
a. the amount of energy transferred,
b. the time interval over which the energy was transferred,
c. the direction of energy transfer, if applicable,
d. the unit price that was applied.
Power Outage
In the event of a supply power outage:
1) the transaction shall be paused at the time of the supply power outage,
2) once power is restored,
a) if the EVSE is able to determine it is connected to the same vehicle before and after the supply
power outage, the EVSE may continue charging without additional authorization and the transaction
that was in process can complete normally,
b) if the EVSE is NOT able to determine it is connected to the same vehicle before and after the supply
power outage, the EVSE shall terminate the transaction at the point that the power failed,
i) the EVSE may abandon the charging session with no charge to the customer, or
ii) the EVSE may complete the transaction charging the customer for only the services provided up
to the point of power failure. In this case all requirements for a completed transaction apply.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

3.6 Access to data

Readability of result An EVSE shall make the legally relevant data accessible to the end user through the client
interface. This shall be done in accordance with and/or The EVSE is provided with an indicating device locally visible from the outside of the EVSE
under normal conditions of use and is capable of showing the legally relevant data as indicated in The EVSE is provided with a non-local client interface to provide the end user access to the data,
where the following minimum requirements must be fulfilled:
• the EVSE is provided with communication means to send out all necessary legally relevant data as
indicated in,
• all transported legally relevant data is secured by the EVSE, by state-of-the-art cryptographic means,
• the legally relevant data shall be made accessible to the end user together with all information required
to check the authenticity, using fit for purpose technical means, which are not part of the EVSE.
Remark 3: National authorities may decide whether a local physical client interface according to clause is mandatory or
whether the solution according to clause can be allowed or whether additional requirements are needed.
Remark 4: State of the art cryptographic means are published by institutes like NIST, BSI etc.

Client interfaces
The following requirements apply to all client interfaces;
• they shall be able to display all data relevant for billing purposes,
• for multi-tariff devices, the data for each tariff applied shall be displayed. Local indicating devices
EVSE having at least one local indicating device that implements the client interface shall meet the following
• it shall be easy to read,
• any decimal fractions shall be clearly indicated,
• It shall not be significantly affected by exposure to normal operating conditions over the maximum
duration of the EVSE lifetime.
Note: The National authority may or may not require a local indicating display.

Electronic registers shall be non-volatile so that they retain stored values upon loss of power. Stored values
shall not be overwritten and shall be capable of being retrieved upon restoration of power. The register shall
be capable of storing and displaying an amount of energy of at least 999kWh. This capability for storage and
display applies to all registers relevant for billing including positive and negative flow registers for
bidirectional EVSE and tariff registers for multi-tariff EVSE.
Note: The National Authority may change the energy required for register rollover.

In the case of electronic registers, the minimum retention time is until the transaction is finalized or cancelled.
If electronic indicating devices have segments, then the EVSE shall be provided with a display test that
switches all the display segments on then off for the purpose of determining whether all display segments are
The system shall have one or more registers for the energy delivered to the electrical vehicle for a transaction,
which shall be reset to zero at the beginning of a new transaction. The reset to zero function shall be disabled
while a charging event is ongoing.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Testability The EVSE shall provide legally relevant energy data, processed with a resolution of 0.0001 kWh or
better where the least significant digit increments by 1. The EVSE shall provide price per kWh and total value of transaction data. The primary mode of testing shall be based on the energy displayed on the client interface of the
EVSE. Transaction data should be read directly from the client interface or from the cryptographic secured
data-package of the legally relevant data, via a communication interface.
If present, testing may also be performed while using a dedicated pulse output. The pulse output shall conform
to the following: The energy per pulse shall be no greater than the resolution of the client interface. There is a clear relationship between the pulse output and the indication on the client interface.
Specifically, the energy represented by the pulse train during a transaction shall agree with that displayed on
the client interface within ±1 least significant digit. The characteristics of the optical output should conform to the following:
The wavelength of the radiated signals for emitting systems shall be between 800 nm and 1 000
The optical output in the EVSE shall generate a signal with a radiation strength ET over a
reference surface (optically active area) at a distance of 10 mm ± 1 mm from the surface of
the EVSE, with the following limiting values:
ON-condition : 250 μW/cm2 ≤ ET ≤ 7 500 μW/cm2
OFF-condition: ET ≤ 10 μW/cm2
The existence of a pulse output does not eliminate the requirements of and
3.7 Protection of metrological properties
EVSE shall be provided with the means to protect their metrological properties. National authorities shall determine
levels of authorised access for software protection (3.7.3), parameter protection (3.7.4) and checking facility event record
All means to protect the metrological properties of an EVSE intended for outdoor locations shall withstand solar radiation.
Software requirements
Legally relevant software of an EVSE shall be clearly identified with the software version or another token.
The identification may consist of more than one part but at least one part shall be dedicated to the legal purpose.
The identification shall be inextricably linked to the software itself and shall be presented on command or
displayed during operation. It is permissible to have more than one legally relevant software part, however
each legally relevant software part shall be identified.
As an exception, an imprint of the software identification on the EVSE shall be an acceptable solution if it
satisfies the following conditions:
a) The user interface does not have any control capability to activate the indication of the software
identification on the display, or the display does not technically allow the identification of the
software to be shown
b) After production of the EVSE a change of the software is not possible, or only possible if the
hardware or a hardware component is also changed.
Note: The manufacturer of the hardware or the concerned hardware component is responsible for ensuring that the software
identification is conspicuously and correctly marked on the EVSE.

The software identification and the means of identification shall be stated in the type approval certificate.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Software protection Prevention of misuse
An EVSE shall be constructed in such a way that possibilities for unintentional, accidental, or intentional
misuse are minimal. Fraud protection Legally relevant software shall be protected in such a way that evidence of any intervention (e.g.
software updates, parameters changes) shall be apparent. Updates to legally relevant software or legally
relevant software parameters are permitted if the EVSE complies with requirements under section 3.7.7;
otherwise, legally relevant software shall be secured against unauthorised modification, loading, or changes
by swapping the memory device. Mechanical sealing or other technical means may be necessary to secure
EVSE. Audit trails are considered to be part of the legally relevant software and should be protected as such. Only clearly documented functions (see 4.1) are allowed to be activated by the user interface,
which shall be realized in such a way that it does not facilitate fraudulent use. Software protection shall comprise of appropriate sealing by mechanical, electronic and/or
cryptographic means, making an intervention impossible or evident.
a) The software of a measuring instrument is constructed such that there is no way to modify the
parameters and legally relevant configuration but via a switch protected menu. This switch is
mechanically sealed in the inactive position, making modification of the parameters and of the
legally relevant configuration impossible. To modify the parameters and configuration, the switch
has to be switched, inevitably breaking the seal by doing so.
b) The software of a measuring instrument is constructed such that there is no way to access the
parameters and legally relevant configuration but by authorized persons. The access is recorded in
an audit trail including the identity of the person (or at least of the smart card used).
Note: As an example, if a person wants to enter the parameter menu item a smart card containing a PIN as part of a
cryptographic certificate could be used. The software of the instrument must be able to verify the authenticity of the PIN
by the certificate and allows the parameter menu item to be entered.

Parameter protection
Parameters that fix the legally relevant characteristics of the EVSE shall be secured against unauthorized
modification. If necessary for the purpose of verification, the current parameter settings shall be capable of
being displayed.
Device-specific parameters may be adjustable or selectable only in a special operational mode of the EVSE.
They may be classified as those that should be protected (unalterable) and those that may be accessed (settable
parameters) by an authorized person, e.g., the instrument owner, repairer.
National authorities may require an additional totalizing register, which cannot be reset without breaking a
metrological seal (physical and/or digital seal). Zeroing the totalizing register that stores the total energy of all
metered transactions shall be considered as a modification of a device specific parameter. Therefore, all
relevant requirements applicable to device specific parameter are applicable to the zeroing operation.
It shall not be possible to make any modifications to software parameters during a transaction.
National regulations may prescribe that certain device-specific parameters to be available to the instrument
owner. In such a case, the EVSE shall be fitted with a facility to automatically and non-erasably record any
adjustment of the device-specific parameter, e.g., an audit trail. The instrument shall be capable of presenting
the recorded data.
The traceability means and records are part of the legally relevant software and should be protected as such.
The software employed for displaying the audit trail belongs to the fixed legally relevant software.
Note: An event counter is not a technically acceptable solution.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Separation of electronic devices and sub-assemblies

Legally relevant parts of an EVSE – whether software or hardware parts – shall not be inadmissibly influenced
by other parts of the EVSE. Sub-assemblies or electronic devices of an EVSE that perform legally relevant functions shall be
identified, clearly defined, and documented. They form the legally relevant part of the measuring system. If
the sub-assemblies that perform legally relevant functions are not identified, all sub-assemblies shall be
considered to perform legally relevant functions.
a) An EVSE is equipped with a WiFi interface for connecting an electronic device to read out
measurement values. The EVSE stores all the relevant quantities and keeps the values available for
being read out until the transaction is finalized. In this system only the EVSE is the legally relevant
device. Other legally non-relevant devices may exist and may be connected to the interface of the
instrument provided requirement is fulfilled. Securing of the data transmission itself (see 3.7.9)
is not required. During type testing, it shall be demonstrated that the relevant functions and data of sub-assemblies
and electronic devices cannot be inadmissibly influenced by commands received via the interface.
This implies that there is an unambiguous assignment of each command to all initiated functions or data
changes in the sub-assembly or electronic device.
Note: If “legally relevant” sub-assemblies or electronic devices interact with other “legally relevant” sub-assemblies or electronic
devices, refer to 3.7.9.

a) The software of the EVSE (see example of, above) is able to receive commands for selecting
the quantities required. It combines the measurement value with additional information – e.g. time
stamp, EVSE ID – and sends this data set back to the requesting device. The software only accepts
commands for the selection of valid allowed quantities and discards any other command, sending back
only an error message. There may be securing means for the contents of the data set but they are not
required, as the transmitted data set is not subject to legal control.
b) Inside the housing that can be sealed there is a switch that defines the operating mode of the EVSE:
one switch setting indicates the verified mode and the other the non-verified mode (securing means
other than a mechanical seal are possible; see examples When interpreting received
commands the software checks the position of the switch: in the non-verified mode the command set
that the software accepts is extended compared to the mode described above; e.g. it may be possible
to adjust the calibration factor by a command that is discarded in the verified mode.
Separation of software parts All software modules (programs, subroutines, objects, etc.) that perform legally relevant functions
or that contain legally relevant data domains form the legally relevant software part of an EVSE; it shall be
made identifiable as described in 3.7.2. If the software modules that perform legally relevant functions are
not identified, the whole software shall be considered as legally relevant. If the legally relevant software part communicates with other software parts, a software interface
shall be defined. All communication shall be performed exclusively via this interface. The legally relevant
software part and the interface shall be clearly documented. All legally relevant functions and data domains
of the software shall be described to enable a type approval authority to decide on correct software
separation. The software interface consists of program code and dedicated data domains. Defined coded
commands or data are exchanged between the software parts by storing to the dedicated data domain by one
software part and reading from it by the other. Writing and reading program code is part of the software
interface. There shall be an unambiguous assignment of each command to all initiated functions or data
changes in the legally relevant part of the software. Commands that communicate through the software

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

interface shall be declared and documented. Only documented commands are allowed to be activated
through the software interface. The manufacturer shall state the completeness of the documentation of
Updates to Legally Relevant Software
Updating the legally relevant software of an EVSE in the field should be considered as:
• a modification of the EVSEer, when exchanging the software with another approved version;
• a repair of the EVSE, when re-installing the same version.
An EVSE which has been modified or repaired while in service may require initial or subsequent verification,
dependant on national regulations.
National authorities may prescribe that the software update mechanism is disabled by means of a sealable
setting (physical switch, secured parameter) where software updates for instruments in use is not allowed. In
this case it must not be possible to update legally relevant software without breaking the seal.
Software which is not necessary for the correct functioning of the EVSE does not require verification after
being updated.
Only versions of legally relevant software that conform to the approved type are allowed for use Verified Update
The software to be updated can be loaded locally, i.e. directly on the measuring device, or remotely via a
network. Loading and installation may be two different steps or combined into one, depending on the needs of
the technical solution. A person should be on the installation site of the EVSE to check the effectiveness of the
update. After the update of the legally relevant software of an EVSE (exchange with another approved version
or re-installation) the EVSE is not allowed to be employed for legal purposes before a verification of the
instrument has been performed and the securing means have been renewed. Traced Update
The software is implemented in the instrument according to the requirements for Traced Update ( to Traced Update is the procedure of changing software in a verified instrument or device after which
the subsequent verification by a responsible person at place is not necessary. The software to be updated can
be loaded locally, i.e. directly on the measuring device or remotely via a network. The software update is
recorded in an audit trail. The procedure of a Traced Update comprises several steps: loading, integrity
checking, checking of the origin (authentication), installation, logging and activation. Traced Update of software shall be automatic. On completion of the update procedure the software
protection environment shall be at the same level as required by the type approval. The target EVSE shall have fixed legally relevant software that cannot be updated and that contains
all of the checking functions necessary for fulfilling Traced Update requirements. Technical means shall be employed to guarantee the authenticity of the loaded software, i.e. that it
originates from the owner of the type approval certificate. If the loaded software fails the authenticity check,
the instrument shall discard it and use the previous version of the software or switch to an inoperable mode. Technical means shall be employed to ensure the integrity of the loaded software, i.e. that it has not
been inadmissibly changed before loading. This can be accomplished by adding a checksum or hash code of
the loaded software and verifying it during the loading procedure. If the loaded software fails this test, the
instrument shall discard it and use the previous version of the software or switch to an inoperable mode. In
this mode, the measuring functions shall be inhibited. It shall only be possible to resume the download
procedure, without omitting any steps in the process for Traced Update. Appropriate technical means, e.g. an audit trail, shall be employed to ensure that Traced Updates of
legally relevant software are adequately traceable within the instrument for subsequent verification and
surveillance or inspection.
The audit trail shall contain at minimum the following information: success/failure of the update procedure,
software identification of the installed version, software identification of the previous installed version, time

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

stamp of the event, identification of the downloading party. An entry shall be generated for each update attempt
regardless of the success.
The storage device that supports the Traced Update shall have sufficient capacity to ensure the traceability of
Traced Updates of legally relevant software between at least two successive verifications in the field or
inspection. After having reached the limit of the storage for the audit trail, it shall be ensured by technical
means that further downloads are impossible without breaking a seal.
Note: This requirement enables inspection authorities, which are responsible for the metrological surveillance of legally controlled
instruments, to back-trace Traced Updates of legally relevant software over an adequate period of time (depending on national
legislation). It is assumed that the manufacturer of the EVSE keeps his customer well informed about updates
of the software, especially the legally relevant part, and that the customer will not deny updating it.
Furthermore, it is assumed that manufacturer and customer, user, or owner of the instrument will agree on an
appropriate procedure of performing a download depending on the use and location of the instrument.
Depending on the needs and on national legal legislation it may be necessary for the user or owner of the
measuring instrument to have to give his consent to a download. If the requirements in through cannot be fulfilled, it is still possible to update the
legally non-relevant software part. In this case the following requirements shall be met:
• there is a distinct separation between the legally relevant and non-relevant software,
• the whole legally relevant software part cannot be updated without breaking a seal,
it is stated in the type approval certificate that updating of the legally non-relevant part is acceptable.
Checking facility event record
If the EVSE is equipped with a checking facility, the event record of the facility shall have room for at least
100 events (or an alternative number determined by the national authority) and shall be of a first-in-first-out
type. It shall not be possible to change or zero the event record without breaking a seal and/or without
authorised access, for example by means of a code (password) or of a special device (hard key, etc.).
Storage of data, transmission via communication systems General
If measurement values are used at another place than the place of measurement or at a later time than the time
of measurement, they possibly have to leave the EVSE (electronic device, sub-assembly) and be stored or
transmitted in an insecure environment before they are used for legal purposes. In this case the following
requirements apply: The measurement value stored or transmitted shall be accompanied by all relevant information
necessary for future legally relevant use. The legally relevant data shall be protected by software means to guarantee the authenticity,
integrity and, if necessary, correctness of the information concerning the time of measurement. The software
that displays or further processes the measurement values and accompanying data shall check the time of
measurement, authenticity, and integrity of the data after having read them from the insecure storage or after
having received them from an insecure transmission channel. If an irregularity is detected, the data shall be
discarded or marked unusable.
Confidential keys employed for protecting data shall be kept secret and secured in the EVSE. Means shall be
provided whereby these keys can only be input or read if a seal is broken. Software modules that prepare data for storing or sending, or that check data after reading or
receiving, belong to the legally relevant software part. Automatic storing When data storage is required, measurement data must be stored automatically when the
measurement is concluded, i.e. when the final value has been generated. When the final value is from a
calculation, all data that are necessary for the calculation must be automatically stored with the final value.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document The storage device must have sufficient permanency to ensure that the data are not corrupted under
normal storage conditions. There shall be sufficient memory storage for any particular application. Stored data may be deleted if the transaction is settled.
Note: This shall not apply to the cumulative register and audit trail. Data transmission The measurement shall not be inadmissibly influenced by a transmission delay. If network services become unavailable, no legally relevant measurement data shall be lost. Clock times
Clock times used in transactions shall be accurate to ±60 s with respect to legal time.
3.8 Durability
The EVSE shall be designed to maintain an adequate stability of its metrological characteristics over a
reverification period period specified by the national authority or 5 years if none is specified, provided that it
is properly installed, maintained and used according to the manufacturer’s instructions when in the
environmental conditions for which it is intended. The manufacturer shall provide evidence to support the
durability claim.
The EVSE shall be designed to reduce as far as possible the effect of a defect that would lead to an inaccurate
measurement result.
The EVSE shall be designed and manufactured such that either:
a) Significant durability errors do not occur, or
b) Significant durability errors are detected and acted upon by means of a durability protection.
3.9 Presumption of compliance
The type of EVSE is presumed to comply with the provisions in Section 3 if it passes the examination and tests
specified in Part 2 of this Guide.

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Part 2 Metrological controls and performance tests

4 Type approval
4.1 Documentation
The documentation submitted with the application for type approval shall include:
• Identification of the type, including
▪ name or trademark and type designation
▪ version(s) of hardware and software
▪ drawing of name plate
• Metrological characteristics of the EVSE, including
▪ a description of the principle(s) of measurement
▪ metrological specifications such as accuracy class and rated operating conditions (section 3.1)
▪ any steps which should be performed prior to testing the EVSE;
• The technical specification for the EVSE, including
▪ a block diagram with a functional description of the components and devices,
▪ drawings, diagrams and general software information, explaining the construction and operation,
including interlocks,
▪ description and position of seals or other means of protection,
▪ documentation related to durability characteristics,
▪ any document or other evidence that the design and construction of the EVSE complies with the
requirements of this Guide,
▪ specified clock frequencies,
▪ energy consumption of the EVSE.
• User manual.
• Installation manual
• A description of the checking facility for significant faults, if applicable.
In addition, software documentation shall include:
• a description of the legally relevant software and how the requirements are met:
▪ list of software modules that belong to the legally relevant part including a declaration that all
legally relevant functions are included in the description;
▪ description of the software interfaces of the legally relevant software part and of the commands
and data flows via this interface including a statement of completeness;
▪ description of the generation of the software identification;
▪ list of parameters to be protected and description of protection means;
• a description of security means of the operating system (password, etc. if applicable);
• a description of the (software) sealing method(s);
• an overview of the system hardware, e.g. topology block diagram, type of computer(s), type of
network, etc.;
• where a hardware component is deemed legally relevant or where it performs legally relevant
functions, this should also be identified;
• a description of the accuracy of the algorithms (e.g. filtering of A/D conversion results, price
calculation, rounding algorithms, etc.);
• a description of the user interface, menus and dialogues;
• the software identification and instructions for obtaining it from an instrument in use;
• list of commands of each hardware interface of the measuring instrument / electronic device / sub-
assembly including a statement of completeness;
OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

• list of durability errors that are detected by the software and if necessary for understanding, a
description of the detecting algorithms;
• a description of data sets stored or transmitted;
• if fault detection is realized in the software, a list of faults that are detected and a description of the
detecting algorithm;
• the operating manual.
Furthermore, if the type approval is to be based on existing type test documentation, the application for type
approval shall be accompanied by type test documents or other evidence that supports the assertion that the
design and characteristics of the measuring instrument comply with the requirements of this Guide.
4.2 Type definition
EVSE produced by the same manufacturer may form a type provided they have similar metrological properties
resulting from the use of the same uniform construction of parts/modules that determine the metrological
A type may have several current ranges and several values of the nominal voltage and frequency, and include
several connection modes and several ancillary devices.
Note: The same uniform construction normally means the same construction of the measuring elements, the same construction of
metering software, the same construction of the register and indicating device, the same temperature compensation mechanism, the
same construction of case, terminal block, and mechanical interface.

Type test sampling

The manufacturer shall provide at least as many specimens of the EVSE as are required by the national
authority. The type test shall be made on one or more specimens of the EVSE, selected by the type test body,
to establish its specific characteristics and to prove its conformity with the requirements of this Guide. In the
case of modifications to the EVSE made after or during the type test and affecting only part of the EVSE, the
issuing body may deem it sufficient to perform limited tests on the characteristics that may be affected by the
4.3 Validation Procedure
The validation procedure consists of a combination of analysis methods and tests as shown in Table 8. The
abbreviations used are described in Table 9
Table 8. Validation procedures for specified requirements.

Requirement Validation procedure

3.7.2 Software identification AD + VFTSw Prevention misuse AD + VFTSw Fraud protection AD + VFTSw
3.7.4 Parameter protection AD + VFTSw
3.7.5 Separation of electronic devices and sub-assemblies AD
3.7.6 Separation of software parts AD
3.7.9 Storage of data, transmission via communication systems AD + VFTSw Data protection with respect to time of measurement AD + VFTSw Automatic storing AD + VFTSw Transmission delay AD + VFTSw Transmission interruption AD + VFTSw Time stamp AD + VFTSw
Error! Maintenance and re-configuration AD

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Table 9 Validation procedure abbreviations

Abbreviation Description OIML D 31:2008 Clause

AD Analysis of the documentation and validation of the design
VFTSw Validation by functional testing of software functions

5 Test program
Testing of EVSE is done using the same transactional process as is used in normal operation of the EVSE.
This process consists of at least the following steps:
1) Initiating a charging session using the standard handshake exchange between the EVSE and a vehicle.
2) Charging at a specified power level for a specified quantity of energy (must be greater than the MMQ).
3) Terminate the transaction as would an electric vehicle.
4) Compare the energy delivered and transaction cost provided by the EVSE with the test equipment.
The initial intrinsic error shall be determined as the first test on the EVSE, as described in 6.2.1.
Power shall be applied to the EVSE for a period of 15 minutes before the start of testing
The order of the test points for initial intrinsic error shall be from lowest current to highest current and then
from highest current to lowest current. For each test point, the resulting error shall be the mean of these
measurements. In each case two times the minimum measured quantity of energy shall be delivered.
The determination of the initial intrinsic error (at reference conditions) shall always be carried out before tests
of influence quantities and before disturbance tests that relate to a limit of error shift requirement or to a
significant fault condition for error.
Otherwise, the order of tests is not prescribed in this Guide.
If an EVSE is specified for both single phase and three phase operation, then both configurations shall be
National authorities may prescribe more stringent test regimes than those described in this section.

6 Test procedures for type approval

6.1 Test conditions
Unless otherwise stated in the individual test instructions, all influence quantities except for the influence
quantity being tested shall be held at reference conditions as given by Table 10 during type approval tests.
Table 10 Reference conditions and their tolerances

Quantity Reference conditions Tolerance

Voltage(s) Unom ±1%
Ambient temperature 23º C(1) ± 2ºC
AC EVSE fnom ± 0.3 %
DC EVSE DC ripple ≤ 2 %
Waveform (U and I)
AC EVSE Sinusoidal d≤2%
DC EVSE DC ripple ≤ 2 %
Magnetic induction of external origin at reference 0T B ≤ 0.05 mT
Electromagnetic RF fields 30 kHz to 6 GHz 0 V/m ≤ 1 V/m

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Operating position for instruments sensitive to Mounting as stated by ± 3.0 º

position manufacturer
Load balance (3-phase AC EVSE)(2) Equal current in all current ±2%
(1) Tests may be performed at other temperatures if the results are corrected to the reference temperature by applying the temperature
coefficient established in the type tests and provided an appropriate uncertainty analysis is carried out.
(2) The requirement applies to both phase-to-phase and phase-neutral for poly-phase EVSE
Note: The reference conditions and their tolerance are given to ensure reproducibility between testing laboratories, not to determine
the accuracy of the tests. The demands on short term stability during test for influence factors may be much higher than shown in
this table.

Table 11. Load conditions and their tolerances in tests

Quantity Conditions Tolerance

Current Current range of device under test Class A, B: ± 2 %
Class C: ±1%
Power factor Power factor range of device under test Current to voltage phase difference ± 2 º
Note: The load conditions and their tolerance are given to ensure reproducibility between testing laboratories, not to determine the
accuracy of the tests. The demands on short time stability during test for influence factors may be much higher than shown in this table.

For most tests, the measured power will be constant if the other influence quantities are kept constant at
reference conditions. However, this is not possible for some tests such as influence of voltage variation and
load unbalance. Therefore, the error shift shall always be measured as the shift of the relative error and not of
the absolute power.
6.2 Tests for compliance with maximum permissible errors
Determination of initial intrinsic error
Object of the test: To verify that the error of the EVSE at reference conditions is less than the relevant
BMPE. given in Table 2. Base maximum permissible errors.
Test Procedure: EVSE that are specified as being capable of bidirectional or unidirectional energy
measurement as described in 3.3.2 shall meet the relevant BMPE. requirements of
Table 2. Base maximum permissible errors for energy flow in both positive and
negative directions.
Mandatory test points: Tests shall be conducted at unity power factor at Imin , Itr , 50% Imax and Imax for a
delivered energy of at least the minimum measured quantity.
Self heating
Object of the test: To verify that the EVSE is able to carry Imax continuously as specified in Table 4.
Test Procedure: The test shall be carried out as follows: The test shall be conducted for six hours or for
the time required to deliver 60 kWh of energy whichever is shorter. The test shall be
performed at Imax.
The error shift compared to the intrinsic error shall comply with the requirements
given in Table 4 Limit of error shift due to influence quantities.
Test of no-load condition
Object of the test: To verify the no-load performance of the EVSE given in 3.3.4.
Test Procedure: For this test, there shall be no current delivered to the load. The test shall be performed
at Unom for a duration of 10 minutes. No more than 1 Wh of energy shall be registered.

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Starting current
Object of the test: To verify that the EVSE starts and continues to operate at Ist as given by Table 1 Rated
operating conditionsTable 1 Rated operating conditions.
Test Procedure: The EVSE shall be subjected to a current equal to the starting current Ist for a delivered
energy of the minimum measured quantity. If the EVSE is designed for the
measurement of energy in both directions, then this test shall be applied once with
energy flowing in each direction. The effect of an intentional delay in measurement
after reversal of energy direction should be taken into account when performing the
The EVSE shall register a minimum of 75% of the energy delivered.
Mandatory test points: The voltage shall be at the lowest Unom.
6.3 Tests for influence quantities
The purpose of these tests is to verify the requirements of section 3.3.3 due to the variation of a single influence
quantity. For influence quantities listed in Table 4, it shall be verified that the error shift due to the variation
of any single influence quantity is within the corresponding limit of error shift stated in Table 4 (See also the
definition of maximum permissible error shift in 2.3.19).
All tests for AC EVSE are performed at PF = 1 unless stated otherwise. All tests for DC EVSE are performed
with voltage and current ripple less than 2% unless stated otherwise.
Temperature dependence
Object of the test: To verify that the temperature coefficient requirements of Table 3 are fulfilled.
Test Procedure: For each test point, the error of the EVSE shall be determined at each of the upper and
lower ambient temperature limits specified for the EVSE, and at each of the
temperatures from the following list in between:
-55 ºC, -40 ºC, -25 ºC, -10 ºC, +5 ºC, +23 ºC, +40 ºC, +55 ºC, +70 ºC, +85 ºC
Furthermore, for each pair of test points the temperature coefficient, c, shall be
determined as follows:
𝑒u − 𝑒𝑙
𝑡u − 𝑡l
where eu and el are the errors at the upper and the lower temperatures respectively in
the temperature interval of interest; and
tu and tl are the upper and the lower temperatures respectively in the temperature
interval of interest.
Each temperature coefficient must be in accordance with the requirements of Table 3.
Mandatory test points: The test shall, at minimum, be performed at a current of 50%Imax.

Voltage variation
Object of the test: To verify that the error shift due to voltage variations complies with the requirements
of Table 4.
Test Procedure: The error shift, compared to the intrinsic error at Unom, shall be measured when the
voltage is varied within the corresponding rated operating range. For poly-phase
EVSE, the test voltage shall be balanced.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Mandatory test points: If all Unom are in the range 208V to 240V then tests shall be run at 200V and 250V.
Otherwise, if several Unom values are stated, the test shall be run at the 0.9 times the
lowest Unom, all Unom and 1.1 times the highest Unom. The test current shall be 50%Imax.
DC EVSE (output voltage)
Test Procedure: The error shift, compared to the intrinsic error at Unom, shall be measured when the
voltage is varied within the corresponding rated operating range.
Mandatory test points: For EVSE with Umax < 500 V tests shall be performed at Umax, 80% Umax, and 60%
Umax.. For EVSE with Umax ≥ 500 V additional test points at 40% Umax and 20% Umax
shall be added.
Frequency variation
Object of the test: To verify that the error shift due to frequency variations complies with the
requirements of Table 4.
Test Procedure: The error shift, compared to the intrinsic error at fnom, shall be measured when the
frequency is varied within the corresponding rated operating range. If several fnom
values are stated, the test shall be repeated with each fnom value.
Mandatory test points: The test shall, at minimum, be performed at PF = 1 for a current of 50%Imax , and at
frequencies of (100+Δ)% fnom and (100-Δ)% fnom . This test may be omitted if Δ
specified by the national authority is less than 0.5%.
Harmonics in voltage and current
Object of the test: To verify that the error shift due to harmonics complies with the requirements for AC
Test Procedure: The error shift, compared to the intrinsic error at sinusoidal conditions, shall be
measured under each set of conditions described below.
Harmonic amplitudes are calculated relative to the amplitude of the fundamental
frequency component of the voltage or current respectively. Phase angle is calculated
relative to the zero-crossing of the fundamental frequency voltage or current
component respectively.
Mandatory test points: The test shall, at minimum, be performed at 50% Imax, PF = 1, where the power factor
is given for the fundamental component.
Test #1: With a sinusoidal voltage of the highest Unom and current of waveform EV#1 with a
fundamental of 50% Imax measure the energy for a delivery of not less than MMQ.
The error shift shall not exceed that stated in Table 4.
Test #2: With voltage of waveform EV#1 with the fundamental equal to the highest Unom and
current of waveform EV#1 with a fundamental of 50%Imax measure the energy for a
delivery of not less than MMQ.
The error shift shall not exceed that stated in Table 4.
Test #3: With voltage waveform EV#2 with the fundamental equal to the highest Unom and
current waveform EV#1 with a fundamental of 50% Imax measure the accuracy for a
delivery of not less than MMQ.
The error shift shall not exceed that stated in Table 4.

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Table 12 EV waveform #1
Harmonic Amplitude Phase angle Harmonic Amplitude Phase angle
number (%) (°) number (%) (°)
1 100.00 0 2 0.25 188
3 3.00 217 4 0.20 150
5 2.40 212 6 0.16 232
7 2.28 159 8 0.15 205
9 2.16 143 10 0.14 165
11 2.05 254 12 0.00 -
13 1.95 95 14 0.00 -
15 1.85 188 16 0.00 -
17 1.76 266 18 0.00 -
19 1.67 168 20 0.00 -
21 1.59 216 22 0.00 -
23 1.51 247 24 0.00 -
25 1.43 240 26 0.00 -
27 1.36 120 28 0.00 -
29 1.29 239 30 0.00 -
31 1.23 29 32 0.00 -
33 1.17 133 34 0.00 -
35 1.11 59 36 0.00 -
37 1.05 135 38 0.00 -
39 1.00 370 40 0.00 -


Amplitude (relative to fundamantal = 100)


0 90 180 270 360



One cycle (degrees)

Figure 2 EV waveform #1

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Table 13 EV waveform #2
Harmonic Amplitude Phase Harmonic Amplitude Phase
number (%) (°) number (%) (°)
1 100 0 2 0.00 -
3 3.8 217 4 0.00 -
5 2.4 212 6 0.00 -
7 2.28 159 8 0.00 -
9 2.16 143 10 0.00 -
11 2.05 254 12 0.00 -
713 1.7 95 14 0.00 -
15 1.85 188 16 0.00 -
17 1.76 266 18 0.00 -
19 1.67 168 20 0.00 -
21 0.00 0.00 22 0.00 -
23 0.00 0.00 24 0.00
25 0.00 0.00 26 0.00 -
27 0.00 0.00 28 0.00 -
29 0.00 0.00 30 0.00 -
31 0.00 0.00 32 0.00 -
33 0.00 0.00 34 0.00 -
35 0.00 0.00 36 0.00 -
37 0.00 0.00 38 0.00 -
39 0.00 0.00 40 0.00 -

Figure 3 EV waveform #2

Amplitude (relative to fundamantal = 100)


0 90 180 270 360



One cycle (degrees)

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Reversed phase sequence (any two phases interchanged)

Object of the test: To verify that the error shift due to interchanging any two of the three phases complies
with the requirements of Table 4. This test only applies to three-phase meters.
Test Procedure: The error shift, compared to the intrinsic error at reference conditions, shall be
measured when any two of the three phases are interchanged.
Mandatory test points: The test shall, at minimum, be performed at a reference current of 50 % Imax, PF = 1
with any two of the three phases interchanged. Additional test points may be specified
by national authorities.
Continuous (DC) magnetic induction of external origin
Applicable standard: None.
Object of the test: To verify that the error shift due to continuous (DC) magnetic induction of external
origin complies with the requirements of Table 4.
Test Procedure: The error shift, compared to the intrinsic error at reference conditions, shall be
measured when the EVSE is subjected to continuous magnetic induction with a probe
in the form of a permanent magnet with a surface area of at least 2000 mm2. The
magnetic field along the axis of the magnet’s core shall comply with details specified
in Table 14 (1).
Note (1): National authorities may select a lower magnetic induction for national requirements.

Table 14. Specifications of the field along axis of the magnet’s core

Distance from magnet Magnetic Tolerance

surface induction

30 mm 200 mT ±30 mT

Mandatory test points: 6 points per EVSE surface. The test shall, at minimum, be performed at 50% Imax.
The greatest error shift is to be noted as the test result.
Note: Neodymium or niobium permanent magnets are recommended for this test.

Magnetic field (AC, power frequency) of external origin

Applicable standard: IEC 61000-4-8.
Object of the test: To verify that the error shift due to an AC magnetic field at power frequency
complies with the requirements of Table 4.
Test procedure in brief: The error shift, compared to the intrinsic error at reference conditions, shall be
measured when the EVSE is exposed to a magnetic field at each fnom under the most
unfavourable condition of phase and direction.
Test severity: Continuous field, 400 A/m.
Mandatory test points: The test shall, at minimum, be performed at 50 % Imax.
Electromagnetic fields Radiated, radio frequency (RF), electromagnetic fields
Applicable standard: IEC 61000-4-3.
Object of the test: To verify that the error shift due to radiated, radio frequency, electromagnetic fields
complies with the requirements of Table 4.
Test Procedure in brief: The error shift, compared to the intrinsic error at sinusoidal conditions, shall be
measured when the EVSE is subjected to electromagnetic RF fields. The
electromagnetic field strength shall be as specified by the severity level and the field
uniformity shall be as defined by the standard referenced. The frequency ranges to

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

be considered are swept with the modulated signal, pausing to adjust the RF signal
level or to switch oscillators and antennas as necessary. Where the frequency range
is swept incrementally, the step size shall not exceed 1 % of the preceding frequency
value. The test time for a 1 % frequency change shall not be less than the time to
make a measurement and in any case not less than 0.5 seconds.
The cable length exposed to the electromagnetic field shall be 1 m.
The test shall be performed with the generating antenna facing each side of the
EVSE. When the EVSE can be used in different orientations (i.e. vertical or
horizontal) all sides shall be exposed to the fields during the test.
The carrier shall be modulated with 80 % AM at 1 kHz sine wave.
The EVSE shall be separately tested at the manufacturer’s specified clock
Any other sensitive frequencies shall also be analysed separately.
Note: Usually these sensitive frequencies can be expected to be the frequencies emitted by the EVSE.

Test Condition: During the test, the EVSE shall be energized with reference voltage and a current
equal to 50%Imax. The measurement error of the EVSE shall be monitored by
comparison with a reference standard not exposed to the electromagnetic field or
immune to the field, or by an equally suitable method. The error at each 1%
incremental interval of the carrier frequency shall be monitored and compared to
the requirements of Table 4. When using a continuous frequency sweep, this can be
accomplished by adjusting the ratio of the sweep time and the time of each
measurement. When using incremental 1% frequency steps, this can be
accomplished by adjusting the dwell time on each frequency to fit the measurement
Test severities: 80 MHz to 6000 MHz at a field strength of 30 V/m. Immunity to Conducted Disturbances, Induced by Low Frequency Fields
Applicable standard:
Object of the test:
Test procedure in brief:
Test severity:
Frequency range: Immunity to Conducted Disturbances, Induced by Radiofrequency Fields

Applicable standard: IEC 61000-4-6.
Object of the test: To verify that the error shift due to conducted disturbances, induced by RF fields
complies with the requirements of Table 4.
Test procedure in brief: A radiofrequency electromagnetic current to simulate the influence of
electromagnetic fields shall be coupled or injected into the power ports and I/O ports
of the EVSE using coupling/decoupling devices as defined in the standard
referenced. The performance of the test equipment consisting of an RF generator,
(de)coupling devices, attenuators, etc. shall be verified.
The EVSE shall be tested as a tabletop instrument. During the test, the EVSE shall
be energized with reference voltage and a current equal to 50%Imax. The error at
each 1% incremental interval of the carrier frequency shall be monitored and
compared to the requirements of Table 4. When using a continuous frequency
sweep, this can be accomplished by adjusting the ratio of the sweep time and the
OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

time of each measurement. When using incremental 1% frequency steps, this can
be accomplished by adjusting the dwell time on each frequency to fit the
measurement time. The test time for a 1 % frequency change shall not be less than
the time to make a measurement and in any case not less than 0.5 seconds.
If the EVSE is a poly-phase EVSE, the tests shall be performed at all extremities of
the cable.
Test severity: RF amplitude (50 Ω ): 10 V (e.m.f.)
Frequency range: 0.15 MHz to 80 MHz
Modulation: 80 % AM, 1 kHz sine wave
Operation of ancillary devices
Object of the test: To verify compliance with the provisions of Table 4 under conditions of operation
of ancillary devices. The operation of ancillary devices shall be tested to ensure that
they do not affect the metrological performance of the EVSE.
Test Procedure: In this test, the EVSE shall be operated at reference conditions and its error
continuously monitored, while ancillary devices such as communication devices,
relays and other I/O circuits are operated.
Allowed effects: The functionality of the EVSE shall not be impaired and the error shift due to the
operation of the ancillary devices shall always be less than the error shift limit
specified in Table 4.
Mandatory test point: 50%Imax.
6.4 Tests for disturbances
General instructions for disturbance tests
These tests are to verify that the EVSE fulfils the requirements for the influence of disturbances as given by
Table 5, Table 6 and Table 7. Tests are to be performed using one disturbance at a time; all other influence
quantities shall be set to reference conditions unless otherwise stated in the relevant test description. No
significant fault shall occur. Unless otherwise stated, each test shall confirm by measurement that the EVSE
still fulfils the base maximum permissible error requirements after the disturbance test.
Temporary loss of functionality is allowed as long as the EVSE returns to normal functionality automatically
when the disturbance is removed.
The mandatory test point for the check of base maximum permissible error is 50% Imax, PF = 1.
Electrostatic discharge
Applicable standard: IEC 61000-4-2.
Object of the test: To verify compliance with the requirements of and Table 5 under conditions
of direct and indirect electrostatic discharge.
Test procedure in brief: An ESD generator shall be used with performance characteristics specified in the
referenced standard. Before starting the tests, the performance of the generator shall
be verified. At least 10 discharges, in the most sensitive polarity, shall be applied.
For a EVSE not equipped with a ground terminal, the EVSE shall be fully
discharged between discharges. Contact discharge is the preferred test method. Air
discharges shall be used where contact discharge cannot be applied.
Direct application: In the contact discharge mode to be carried out on conductive surfaces, the electrode
shall be in contact with the EVSE. In the air discharge mode on insulated surfaces,
the electrode is approached to the EVSE and the discharge occurs by spark.
Indirect application: The discharges are applied in the contact mode to coupling planes mounted in the
vicinity of the EVSE.

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Test #1: A transaction shall be performed at Unom and 50%Imax for a sufficient quantity of
energy to allow all of the discharges to be applied.
Apply the discharges during the transaction.
Allowed effects: No significant fault shall occur. If the transaction is interrupted by the discharges,
it shall be terminated without billing of the customer.
Test #2: After Test #1 is completed, a transaction shall be performed at Unom and 50%Imax
for a delivery of at least the MMQ of energy.
Allowed effects: An error shift larger than 1.0 BMPE constitutes shall not occur.
Test severity: Contact discharge voltage (1): 8 kV
Air discharge voltage (2): 15 kV
Note (1): Contact discharges shall be applied on conductive surfaces.
Note (2): Air discharges shall be applied on non-conductive surfaces.

Performance verification: Accuracy test.

Mandatory test points: 50%Imax
Allowed effects: Error shift less than 1.0 BMPE.
Fast transients
Applicable standards: IEC 61000-4-1, IEC 61000-4-4.
Object of the test: To verify compliance with the requirements of and Table 5 under conditions
where electrical bursts are superimposed on voltage and current circuits, and I/O
and communication ports.
Test procedure in brief: A burst generator shall be used with the performance characteristics specified in the
referenced standard. The EVSE shall be subjected to bursts of voltage spikes for
which the repetition frequency of the impulses and peak values of the output voltage
on 50 Ohm and 1000 Ohm loads are defined in the referenced standard. The
characteristics of the generator shall be verified before connecting the EVSE. Both
positive and negative polarity bursts shall be applied. The duration of the test shall
not be less than 1 min for each amplitude and polarity. A capacitive coupling clamp,
as defined in the standard, shall be used to couple to I/O and communication lines
with a reference voltage over 40 V. The test pulses shall be applied continuously
during the measurement time.
Test conditions: The EVSE voltage and auxiliary circuits shall be energised with reference voltage
The cable length between the coupling device and the EVSE shall be 1 m.
The test voltage shall be applied in common mode (line-to-earth) to:
the input power circuits;
the auxiliary circuits, if separated from the voltage circuits in normal
operation and with a reference voltage over 40 V.
Test severity: Test voltage on the input power circuits: 2 kV.
Test voltage on auxiliary circuits with a reference voltage over 40 V: 1 kV.
Performance verification: Accuracy test.
Mandatory test points: 50%Imax
Allowed effects: Error shift less than 1.0 BMPE.
Voltage dips and interruptions
Applicable standards: IEC 61000-4-11, IEC 61000-6-1, IEC 61000-6-2.
OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Object of the test: To verify compliance with the requirements of and Table 5 under conditions
of short time mains voltage reductions (dips and interruptions).
Test procedure in brief: A test generator, which is able to reduce the amplitude of the AC mains voltage over
an operator-defined period of time, should be used in this test. The performance of
the test generator shall be verified before connecting the EVSE.
The mains voltage reductions shall be repeated 10 times with an interval of at least
10 seconds.
Test conditions: Perform during a transaction with voltage circuits initially energized with Unom and
no current flowing. If the EVSE shuts down at any point during either test that test
is considered complete.
Test severities: Voltage dips:

Test Test a Test b Test c

Reduction: to 30 % Unom to 60 % Unom to 60 % Unom

Duration: 0.5 cycles 1 cycle 25 cycles (50 Hz)

30 cycles (60 Hz)

Voltage interruption test:

Reduction: to 0 % Unom
Duration: 250 cycles (50 Hz)
300 cycles (60 Hz)

Allowed effect: The transaction shall terminate when the EVSE shuts down. The transaction shall
be cancelled with no charge to the customer.
Performance verification: Accuracy test.
Mandatory test points: 50%Imax
Allowed effects: Error shift less than 1.0 BMPE.

Surges on AC mains power lines

Applicable standard: IEC 61000-4-5.
Object of the test: To verify compliance with the requirements of and Table 5 under conditions
where electrical surges are superimposed on the mains voltage and, if applicable,
on I/O and communication ports.
Test procedure in brief: A surge generator shall be used with the performance characteristics specified in
the referenced standard. The test consists of exposure to surges for which the rise
time, pulse width, peak values of the output voltage/current on high/low impedance
load, and minimum time interval between two successive pulses are defined in the
referenced standard.
The characteristics of the generator shall be verified before connecting the EVSE.
Test conditions: EVSE in operating condition;
• voltage circuits energized with nominal voltage;
• without any current in the current circuits and the current terminals shall be
• cable length between surge generator and EVSE: 1 m;
• tested in differential mode (line to line);
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• phase angle: pulses to be applied at 60° and 240° relative to zero crossing of
AC supply;
Test severities: Voltage circuits:
Line to line: Test voltage: 1.0 kV, generator source impedance: 2 Ω
Line to earth(1): Test voltage: 2.0 kV, generator source impedance: 2 Ω
Number of tests: 5 positive and 5 negative
Repetition rate: maximum 1/min.
Auxiliary circuits with a reference voltage over 40 V:
Line to line: Test voltage 1.0 kV, generator source impedance 42 Ω
Line to earth(1): Test voltage 2.0 kV, generator source impedance 42 Ω
Number of tests: 5 positive and 5 negative
Repetition rate: maximum 1/min.
(1): For cases where the earth of the EVSE is separate to neutral.

Performance verification: Accuracy test.

Mandatory test points: 50%Imax
Allowed effects: Error shift less than 1.0 BMPE.
Short-time overcurrent
Object of the test: To verify compliance with the requirements of and Table 5 under conditions
of a short time overcurrent.
Test procedure in brief: The EVSE shall be able to handle the current caused by a short-circuit within the
electric vehicle, when the EVSE is protected with the proper fuses or breakers.
Test current: A current equivalent to 5·Imax (+0 %, -10%), for 0.5 cycle.
The test current shall be applied to one phase at the time. The test current value
given is the RMS value, not the peak value.
Allowed effects: No damage shall occur. With the voltage reconnected the EVSE shall be allowed to
return to normal temperatures (about one hour). The error shift, compared to the
initial error before the test, shall then be less than the limit of error shift given by
Table 5.
Performance verification: Accuracy test.
Mandatory test points: 50%Imax
Allowed effects: Error shift less than 1.0 BMPE.
Impulse voltage General
Object of the test: To verify compliance with the requirements of and Table 5 under conditions
of impulse voltage.
General test procedure: The EVSE and its incorporated ancillary devices, if any, shall be such that they
retain adequate dielectric qualities, taking account of the atmospheric influences
and different voltages to which they are subjected under normal conditions of use.
The EVSE shall withstand the impulse voltage test as specified below. The test shall
be carried out only on complete EVSE.
For the purpose of this test, the term “earth” has the following meaning:
when the EVSE case is made of metal, the “earth” is the case itself, placed on
a flat, conducting surface;
OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

when the EVSE case or only part of it is made of insulating material, the
“earth” is a conductive foil wrapped around the EVSE touching all accessible
conductive parts and connected to the flat, conducting surface on which the
EVSE is placed. The distances between the conductive foil and the terminals,
and between the conductive foil and the holes for the conductors, shall be no
more than 2 cm.
During the impulse voltage test, the circuits that are not under test shall be connected
to the earth.
General test conditions: ambient temperature: 15 C to 25 C;
relative humidity: 25 % to 75 %;
atmospheric pressure: 86 kPa to 106 kPa.
Allowed effects: No significant fault. No damage shall occur.
Performance verification: Accuracy test.
Mandatory test points: 50%Imax
Allowed effects: Error shift less than 1.0 BMPE. Impulse Voltage Test Procedure
Test Conditions: impulse waveform: 1.2/50 µs impulse specified in IEC 60060-1;
voltage rise time: ± 30 %;
voltage fall time: ± 20 %;
source energy: 10.0 J ± 1.0 J;
test voltage: in accordance with Table 15;
test voltage tolerance: +0 –10 %.
Note: The selection of the source impedance is at the discretion of the testing
For each test (see and the impulse voltage is applied ten times with one polarity and then
repeated ten times with the other polarity. The minimum time between impulses shall be 30 seconds.
Table 15 Impulse voltage test levels

Voltage phase to earth derived from Rated impulse voltage (U)

rated system voltage (U)

100 V  U < 150 V 1 500 V

150 V  U < 300 V 2 500 V

300 V  U < 600 V 4 000 V

Note: The above comply with IEC 61010-1 Level III
National authority may change the applicable rated impulse voltage levels.

Allowed effects: No significant fault. No damage shall occur.

Performance verification: Accuracy test.
Mandatory test points: 50%Imax
Allowed effects: Error shift less than 1.0 BMPE.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document Impulse voltage tests for circuits and between circuits

Test Procedure: The test shall be made independently on each circuit (or assembly of circuits) which
is insulated from other circuits of the EVSE in normal use. The terminals of the
circuits which are not subjected to impulse voltage shall be connected to earth.
Thus, when the voltage and current circuits of a measuring element are connected
together in normal use, the test shall be made on the whole. The other end of the
voltage circuit shall be connected to earth and the impulse voltage shall be applied
between the terminal of the current circuit and earth. When several voltage circuits
of a EVSE have a common point, this point shall be connected to earth and the
impulse voltage successively applied between each of the free ends of the
connections (or the current circuit connected to it) and earth. The other end of this
current circuit shall be open.
When the voltage and current circuits of the same measuring element are separated
and appropriately insulated in normal use (e.g. each circuit connected to measuring
transformer), the test shall be made separately on each circuit.
During the test of a current circuit, the terminals of the other circuits shall be
connected to earth and the impulse voltage shall be applied between one of the
terminals of the current circuit and earth. During the test of a voltage circuit, the
terminals of the other circuits and one of the terminals of the voltage circuit under
test shall be connected to earth and the impulse voltage shall be applied between the
other terminal of the voltage circuit and earth.
The auxiliary circuits intended to be connected either directly to the mains or to the
same voltage transformers as the EVSE circuits, and with a reference voltage over
40 V, shall be subjected to the impulse voltage test by being tied together with a
voltage circuit during tests. The other auxiliary circuits shall not be tested.
Allowed effects: No significant fault. No damage shall occur.
Performance verification: Accuracy test.
Mandatory test points: 50%Imax
Allowed effects: Error shift less than 1.0 BMPE. Impulse voltage test of electric circuits relative to earth
Test procedure: All the terminals of the electric circuits of the EVSE, including those of the auxiliary
circuits with a reference voltage over 40 V, shall be connected together.
The auxiliary circuits with a reference voltage below or equal to 40 V shall be
connected to earth. The impulse voltage shall be applied between all the electric
circuits and earth.
Allowed effects: No significant fault. No flashover, disruptive discharge or puncture shall occur.
Performance verification: Accuracy test.
Mandatory test points: 50%Imax
Allowed effects: Error shift less than 1.0 BMPE.

Environmental tests
Tests through comprise a suite of tests for immunity to various environmental disturbances. All
tests are performed with the EVSE unpowered. Tests may be performed in any order. All tests in 6.4.8 may
be performed as a group with a single accuracy test before and after the group of tests. Protection against solar radiation
Applicable standard: ISO 4892-3
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The object of the test: To verify compliance with the requirements of, 3.4, 3.7.1 and Table 6
regarding protection against solar radiation. For outdoor EVSE only.
Test conditions: EVSE in non-operating condition;
Test apparatus: Lamp type/wavelength: UVA 340
Black panel thermometer
Light meter
Cycling rig with a condensation cycle to comply with the parameters in the test
Test conditions: EVSE in non-operating condition

Test Cycle
Lamp type Spectral irradiance Black panel temperature
(12 h cycle)

0.76 W/m2/nm
8 h dry (60 ±3) °C
UVA at 340 nm
4 h condensation Light off (50 ±3) °C

Test Procedure in brief: Partially mask a section of the EVSE for later comparison. Expose the EVSE to
artificial radiation and weathering in accordance with ISO 4892-3 for a period of 66
days (132 cycles) and in accordance with the test conditions above.
Allowed effects: After the test the EVSE shall be visually inspected and a functional test shall be
performed. The appearance and, in particular, the legibility of markings and
displays shall not be altered. Any means of protection of the metrological properties,
such as the case and sealing, shall not be affected. The function of the EVSE shall
not be impaired. Protection against ingress of dust
Applicable standard: IEC 60529
The object of the test: To verify compliance with the provisions of and Table 6 regarding
protection against the ingress of dust.
Test conditions: Reference conditions,
IP 54 rating.
Category 2 enclosure.
Test procedure in brief: After the test the interior of the EVSE shall be visually inspected and a functional
test shall be performed.
Allowed effects: The talcum powder or other dust used in the test shall not have accumulated in a
quantity or location such that it could interfere with the correct operation of the
equipment or impair safety. No dust shall deposit where it could lead to tracking
along the creepage distances. The function of the EVSE shall not be impaired. Extreme temperatures - dry heat
Applicable standards: IEC 60068-2-2, IEC 60068-3-1.
Object of the test: To verify compliance with the provisions of and Table 6 under conditions
of dry heat.
Test procedure in brief: The test consists of exposure to the specified high temperature under “free air”
conditions for 2 hours (beginning from when the temperature of the EVSE is stable),
with the EVSE in a non-operating state.
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The change of temperature shall not exceed 1 °C/min during heating up and cooling
The absolute humidity of the test atmosphere shall not exceed 20 g/m3.
Test severity: The test shall be performed at a standard temperature one step higher than the upper
temperature limit specified for the EVSE.
Possible temperatures: 40 °C, 55 °C, 70 °C, 85 °C
Allowed effects: After the test, the function of the EVSE shall not be impaired and the error shift
shall not exceed the limit of error shift listed in
Mandatory test points: 50%Imax, PF = 1. Extreme temperatures - cold
Applicable standards: IEC 60068-2-1, IEC 60068-3-1.
Object of the test: To verify compliance with the provisions of and Table 5 under conditions
of low temperatures.
Test procedure in brief: The test consists of exposure to the specified low temperature under “free air”
conditions for 2 hours (beginning from the time when the temperature of the EVSE
is stable) with the EVSE in a non-operating state.
The change of temperature shall not exceed 1 °C/min during heating up and cooling
Test severity: The test shall be performed at a standard temperature one step lower than the lower
temperature limit specified for the EVSE.
Possible temperatures: -10 °C, -25 °C, -40 °C, -55 °C (1)
Allowed effects: After the test, the function of the EVSE shall not be impaired and the error shift
shall not exceed the limit of error shift listed in Table 6.
Mandatory test points: 50%Imax, PF = 1.
Note (1) If specified lower temperature limit is -55 ºC, then this test shall be performed at -55 ºC. Damp heat, steady-state (non-condensing), for humidity class H1

Applicable standards: IEC 60068-2-78, IEC 60068-3-4.
Object of the test: To verify compliance with the provisions in and Table 6 under conditions of high
humidity and constant temperature. For EVSE that are specified for enclosed locations
where the EVSE are not subjected to condensed water, precipitation, or ice formations (H1).
Test procedure in brief: The test consists of exposure to the specified high level temperature and the specified
constant relative humidity for a certain fixed time defined by the severity level. The EVSE
shall be handled such that no condensation of water occurs on it.
Test conditions: Voltage and auxiliary circuits energized with reference voltage;
Without any current in the current circuits.
Test severity: Temperature: 30 °C
Humidity: 85 %
Duration: 2 days
Allowed effects: During the test no significant fault shall occur. Immediately after the test the EVSE shall
operate correctly and comply with the accuracy requirements of Table 6
24 hours after the test the EVSE shall be submitted to a functional test during which it shall
be demonstrated to operate correctly. There shall be no evidence of any mechanical damage
or corrosion which may affect the functional properties of the EVSE.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document Damp heat, cyclic (condensing) for humidity classes H2 and H3

Applicable standards: IEC 60068-2-30, IEC 60068-3-4.
Object of the test: To verify compliance with the requirements in and Table 6 under conditions of high
humidity and temperature variations. This test applies to EVSE with a humidity class
specification either for enclosed locations where EVSE can be subjected to condensed water
or for open locations (humidity classes H2 and H3).
Test procedure in brief: The test consists of exposure to cyclic temperature variation between 25 °C and the
temperature specified as the upper temperature according to the test severities below, whilst
maintaining the relative humidity above 95 % during the temperature change and low
temperature phases, and at 93 % during the upper temperature phases. Condensation should
occur on the EVSE during the temperature rise.
The 24 h cycle consists of:
a) temperature rise during 3 h
b) temperature maintained at upper value until 12 h from the start of the cycle
c) temperature reduced to lower value within 3 h to 6 h, the rate of fall during
the first hour and a half being such that the lower value would be reached
in 3 h
d) temperature maintained at lower value until the 24 h cycle is completed.
The stabilizing period before and recovery after the cyclic exposure shall be such that all
parts of the EVSE are within 3 °C of their final temperature.
Test conditions: Voltage and auxiliary circuits energized with reference voltage;
Without any current in the current circuits.
Mounting position according to manufacturer’s specification
Test severities: EVSE with a humidity class specification for enclosed locations where EVSE can be
subjected to condensed water shall be tested at severity level 1. EVSE with a humidity class
specification for open locations shall be tested at severity level 2.

Specified Humidity Class: H2 H3

Severity levels: 1 2
Upper temperature (°C): 40 55
Duration (cycles): 2 2

Allowed effects: During the test no significant fault shall occur.

Immediately after the test the EVSE shall operate correctly and comply with the accuracy
requirements of Table 4.
24 hours after the test, the EVSE shall be submitted to a functional test during which it shall
be demonstrated to operate correctly. There shall be no evidence of any mechanical damage
or corrosion which may affect the functional properties of the EVSE. Water test
Applicable standards: IEC 60068-2-18, IEC 60512-14-7, IEC 60529
Object of the test: To verify compliance with the requirements in and Table 6 under conditions of rain
and water splashes. The test is applicable to EVSE that are specified for open locations (H3).
Test procedure in brief: The EVSE is mounted on an appropriate fixture and is subjected to impacting water
generated from either an oscillating tube or a spray nozzle used to simulate spraying or
splashing water.
Test conditions: The EVSE shall be in functional mode during the test
Flow rate (per nozzle): 0.07 L/min
Duration: 10 min
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Angle of inclination: 0 ° and 180 °

Allowed effects: During the test no significant fault shall occur.
Immediately after the test the EVSE shall operate correctly and comply with the accuracy
requirements of Table 6.
24 hours after the test the EVSE shall be submitted to a functional test during which it shall
be demonstrated to operate correctly and comply with the accuracy requirements of Table
2. Base maximum permissible errors. There shall be no evidence of any mechanical
damage or corrosion which may affect the functional properties of the EVSE.
Durability test
Object of the test: To verify compliance with the provisions in 3.8 and Table 6 for durability.
Test procedure in brief: The test procedure for durability shall subject a number of EVSE to the conditions
below. The EVSE accuracy shall be determined prior to and after the durability test.
Test conditions: A minimum of 1 EVSE.
Test temperature: 70 °C, dry heat.
Test voltage: 110% of highest nominal voltage supply voltage.
Test load: 50% Imax but not exceeding 50 kW.
Test duration: 1000 hours.
Mandatory test points: For initial and final measurement, the voltage shall be Unom, with the following test
points: Itr and 50% Imax at PF = 1.
Note: National authorities may accept MTBF calculations or other reliability data from manufacturers in lieu
of this test.
Mechanical tests
All tests in 6.4.10 may be performed as a group with a single accuracy test before and after the group of tests.
National authorities may eliminate any of these tests when the EVSE is too large to perform the test reasonably
and at a reasonable cost. These tests may also be eliminated from type approval if in situ testing is performed
prior to an EVSE being put into service. Vibrations
Applicable standards: IEC 60068-2-47, IEC 60068-2-64.
Object of the test: To verify compliance with the provisions of and Table 7 under conditions
of vibrations.
Test procedure in brief: The EVSE shall, in turn, be tested in three, mutually perpendicular axes whilst
mounted on a rigid fixture by its normal mounting means.
The EVSE shall normally be mounted so that the gravitational force acts in the same
direction as it would in normal use. Where the effect of gravitational force is not
important the EVSE may be mounted in any position.
Test severity:

Total frequency range 10 Hz to 150 Hz

Total RMS level 7 m·s-2
Acceleration Spectral Density (ASD) level 10-20 Hz 1 m2·s-3
Acceleration Spectral Density (ASD) level 20-150 Hz -3 dB/octave
Duration per axis: at least 2 minutes.

Mandatory test points: 50%Imax

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Allowed effects: After the test, the function of the EVSE shall not be impaired and the error shift, at
50%Imax, shall not exceed 1.0 BMPE. Shock
Applicable standard: IEC 60068-2-27.
Object of the test: To verify compliance with the provisions of and Table 7 under conditions
of shock.
Test procedure in brief: The EVSE is subjected to non-repetitive shocks of standard pulse shapes with
specified peak acceleration and duration. During the test, the EVSE shall not be
operational and it shall be fastened to a fixture or to the shock-testing machine.
Test severity: Pulse shape: Half-sine
Peak acceleration: 30 gn
Pulse duration: 18 ms
Allowed effects: No significant fault. Function of the EVSE shall not be impaired.
Performance verification: Accuracy test.
Mandatory test points: 50%Imax
Allowed effects: Error shift less than 1.0 BMPE.

7 Examination for conformity with type

An examination for conformity with type should determine whether a EVSE complies with all requirements
in section 3, and whether documentation supplied by the manufacturer complies with the requirements in
section 4.1.
A EVSE may only be deemed to have passed examination for conformity with type if the results of all type
tests comply with the requirements given in section 3. The measurement uncertainty must be small enough to
allow clear discrimination between a pass result and a fail result. In particular, an uncertainty less than one
fifth the maximum permissible error given for the corresponding test point must be obtained for tests described
in section 6.2, unless otherwise specified in the relevant test description.
The scope of the tests performed and test severities used shall be consistent with the manufacturer’s
specifications and with the requirements of section 3.

8 Verification and re-verification

8.1 General
Verification may be carried out either individually or statistically. In all cases EVSE shall conform to the
requirements of this Guide. As noted in 3.3.3, national authorities may specify the base maximum permissible
errors for subsequent verification and re-verification. The following minimum programme applies to the initial
verification of all EVSE, whether verified individually or statistically, and to re-verification of EVSE which
have been repaired or otherwise changed. For individual or statistical re-verification of EVSE that have not
been repaired or otherwise changed, the programme may be modified and further reduced.
The exact requirements for verification and re-verification (1) shall be specified by the national authority.
8.2 Testing
Calibration status
Check that the test system used has sufficient accuracy to verify the EVSE under test, and that the calibration
is valid.
Conformity check
Check that the instrument is manufactured in conformity with the type approval documentation.

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It may be necessary to warmup the EVSE up before full operation. The length of the warmup period depends
on the actual type of EVSE and shall be determined in advance. The order of the test points shall be from
lowest current to highest current and then from highest current to lowest current. For each test point, the
resulting error shall be the mean of these measurements.
Minimum test programme
The minimum programme consists of:
Starting current check
Current dependence Starting current check
The test is performed at Ist.
The requirement is that the EVSE register at least 75% of the energy delivered (refer to the test procedure in
If an AC EVSE can operate in both single phase and three phase modes, then both modes shall be tested. Current dependence
EVSE shall comply with the accuracy requirements of Table 2. Base maximum permissible errors. As a
minimum these shall be checked at the following currents:
Imin, Itr, 50%Imax, Imax
If an EVSE can operate in both single phase and three phase modes, then both modes shall be tested.
For EVSE operating at a voltage within 208V to 240V, testing may be done at any Unom within the range.
Otherwise, tests shall be run at the lowest Unom and the highest Unom
If there are no seals on the EVSE (e.g. because they have not yet been applied or because they have been
removed during verification testing), the EVSE shall be sealed in accordance with the requirements specified
by national authorities.
8.3 Reference conditions for initial and subsequent verifications in a laboratory
Reference conditions and load conditions for initial and subsequent verifications in a laboratory are given in
Table 16 and Table 17. National authorities may specify tighter tolerances.
Table 16 Reference conditions and their tolerances for initial and subsequent verification

Quantity Reference conditions Tolerance

Voltage(s) Unom ±2 %
Ambient temperature 23ºC ±5ºC
Frequency fnom ±0.5 %
Wave-form Sinusoidal d≤2%
Magnetic induction of external origin at reference frequency 0T B ≤ 0.1 mT
Electromagnetic RF fields 30 kHz - 6 GHz 0 V/m < 2 V/m

Phase sequence for poly-phase EVSE L1, L2, L3 -

Load balance Equal current in all current circuits ±5 % and ±5 º

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Table 17 Load conditions and their tolerances in tests for initial and subsequent verification
Current(s) Current range of device under test Class A, B: ± 10 %
Class C: ±10 %
Power factor Power factor range of device under test current to voltage phase difference ±5 º

8.4 Additional requirements for statistical verifications

This section contains additional requirements for verification on a statistical basis.
Note: National authorities shall determine whether the use of statistical methods is permitted.

A lot shall consist of EVSE with homogeneous characteristics. All EVSE that comprise the lot shall correspond
to the same type approval, and shall have the same year of manufacture.
Samples shall be randomly taken from a lot.
Statistical testing
The statistical control shall be based on attributes. The sampling system shall ensure:
• An Acceptance Quality Level (AQL) of not more than 1%; and
• A Limiting Quality (LQ) of not more than 7%.
The AQL is the maximum percentage of non-conforming items in a lot at which the lot has a probability of
95% to be accepted.
The LQ is the percentage of non-conforming items in a lot at which the lot has a maximum probability of 5%
to be accepted.
Note: These requirements allow for substantial freedom in the verification program. Examples are given below based on a lot of 1000

Number of EVSE tested 40 70 100 1000

Maximum number of non-conforming EVSE. 0 1 2 10

8.5 In situ testing

In situ testing may be used for either verification or re-verification if allowed by the national authority. The
national authority may set lower accuracy requirements for in situ testing based on the lack of control over the
environments conditions of the tests.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Annex A Bibliography

Ref. Standards and reference Description

[1] OIML D 11 (2013) Guidance for establishing appropriate metrological performance testing requirements for
General Requirements for electronic influence quantities that may affect the measuring instruments covered by International
measuring instruments Recommendations.

[2] OIML D 31 (2019) Guidance for establishing appropriate requirements for software related functionalities in
General Requirements for software measuring instruments covered by OIML Recommendations.
controlled measuring instruments
[3] OIML V 2-200 (2012) Vocabulary, prepared by a joint working group consisting of experts appointed by BIPM, IEC,
International Vocabulary of Metrology – IFCC, ISO, IUPAC, IUPAP, and OIML
Basic and General Concepts and
Associated Terms (VIM)
[4] OIML V1 (2013) The VIML includes only the concepts used in the field of legal metrology. These concepts
International vocabulary of terms in legal concern the activities of the legal metrology service, the relevant documents, as well as
metrology (VIML) other problems linked with this activity. Also included in this Vocabulary are certain
concepts of a general character which have been drawn from the VIM.
[5] OIML G 1-100 (2008), (GUM) This Guide establishes general rules for evaluating and expressing uncertainty in measurement
Evaluation of measurement data - Guide to that are intended to be applicable to a broad spectrum of measurements.
the expression of uncertainty in
[6] OIML TC 3/SC 4, 3rd committee draft, 13 This is a draft OIML document that relates to the method and procedure according to which the
July 2010 period of validity of the verification of utility meters forming part of a defined lot is
Surveillance of utility meters in service on extended if the correctness of the meters has been proved by sampling inspections prior to
the basis of sampling inspections. the expiry of the period of validity of the verification.

[7] IEC 60060-1 ed 3.0 (2010) This part of IEC 60060 is applicable to:
High-voltage Test Techniques. Part 1: – dielectric tests with direct voltage;
General Definitions and Test – dielectric tests with alternating voltage;
– dielectric tests with impulse voltage;
– dielectric tests with combinations of the above.
[8] IEC 60068-2-1 (2007) This part of IEC 60068 deals with cold tests applicable to both non heat-dissipating and heat-
Environmental testing. Part 2: Tests. Test A: dissipating specimens.
Cold. The object of the cold test is limited to the determination of the ability of components, equipment
or other articles to be used, transported or stored at low temperature.
Cold tests covered by this Standard do not enable the ability of specimens to withstand or
operate during the temperature variations to be assessed. In this case, it would be necessary
to use IEC 60068-2-14.
[9] IEC 60068-2-2 (2007) This part of IEC 60068 deals with dry heat tests applicable both to heat-dissipating and non
Environmental testing. Part 2: Tests. Test B: heat-dissipating specimens.
Dry heat. The object of the dry heat test is limited to the determination of the ability of components,
equipment or other articles to be used, transported or stored at high temperature.
These dry heat tests do not enable the ability of specimens to withstand or operate during the
temperature variations to be assessed. In this case, it would be necessary to use IEC 60068-
2-14 Test N: Change of temperature.
[10] IEC 60068-2-18 (2000) Provides methods of test applicable to products which, during transportation, storage or in
Environmental testing. Part 2- Test R and service, may be subjected to falling drops, impacting water or immersion. The primary
guidance: Water. purpose of water tests is to verify the ability of enclosures, covers and seals to maintain
components and equipment in good working order after and, when necessary, under a
standardized dropfield or immersion in water.
[11] IEC 60068-2-27 Ed. 4.0 (2008) Provides a standard procedure for determining the ability of a specimen to withstand specified
Environmental testing - Part 2-27: Tests - severities of non-repetitive or repetitive shocks. The purpose of this test is to reveal
Test Ea and guidance: Shock mechanical weakness and/or degradation in specified performances, or accumulated
damage or degradation caused by shocks.
[12] IEC 60068-2-30 (2005) Determines the suitability of components, equipment and other articles for use and/or storage
Environmental testing. Part 2-30: Tests. Test under conditions of high humidity when combined with cyclic temperature changes.
Db: Damp heat, cyclic (12+12-hour

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

[13] IEC 60068-2-47 (2005) Provides methods of mounting components, and mounting requirements for equipment and
Environmental testing - Part 2-47: Test - other articles, for the families of dynamic tests in IEC 60068-2, that is impact (Test E),
Mounting of specimens for vibration, vibration (Test F) and acceleration, steady-state (Test G).
impact and similar dynamic tests.
[14] IEC 60068-2-64 (2008) Determines the ability to withstand specified severities of broad-band random vibration. Applies
Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods to specimens which may be subjected to vibration of a stochastic nature by transportation
- Test Fh: Vibration, broad-band random or operational environments, for example in aircraft, space vehicles and land vehicles.
(digital control) and guidance. Has the status of a basic safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104.
[15] IEC 60068-2-78 (2001) Provides a test method for determining the suitability of electrotechnical products, components
Environmental testing - Part 2-78: Tests - or equipment for transportation, storage and use under conditions of high humidity. The
Test Cab: Damp heat, steady state. test is primarily intended to permit the observation of the effect of high humidity at constant
temperature without condensation on the specimen over a prescribed period.
[16] IEC 60068-3-1 Ed 2.0 (2011-08) Gives background information for Tests A: Cold (IEC 68-2-1), and Tests B: Dry heat (IEC 68-
Environmental testing - Part 3-1: Supporting 2-2). Includes appendices on the effect of: chamber size on the surface temperature of a
documentation and guidance - Cold and specimen when no forced air circulation is used; airflow on chamber conditions; on surface
dry heat tests temperatures of test specimens; wire termination dimensions and material on surface
temperature of a component; measurements of temperature, air velocity and emission
[17] IEC 60068-3-4 (2001) Provides the necessary information to assist in preparing relevant specifications, such as
Environmental testing. Part 3-4- Supporting standards for components or equipment, in order to select appropriate tests and test
documentation and guidance - Damp severities for specific products and, in some cases, specific types of application. The object
heat tests. of damp heat tests is to determine the ability of products to withstand the stresses occurring
in a high relative humidity environment, with or without condensation, and with special
regard to variations of electrical and mechanical characteristics. Damp heat tests may also
be utilized to check the resistance of a specimen to some forms of corrosion attack.
[18] IEC 60512-14-7 (1997) Defines a standard test method to assess the effects of impacting water or specified fluid on
Electromechanical components for electronic electrical connecting devices.
equipment - Basic testing procedures
and measuring methods - Part 14:
Sealing tests - Section 7: Test 14g:
Impacting water.
[19] IEC 60529 (2001), Corigenda IEC 60529- Applies to the classification of degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical
cor1 (2003), IEC 60529-cor2 (2007) and equipment with a rated voltage not exceeding 72.5 kV.
IEC 60529 Corr.3 (2009-10) Has the status of a basic safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104.
Degrees of protection provided by
enclosures (IP Code).
[20] IEC 61000-4-1 (2006) Gives applicability assistance to the users and manufacturers of electrical and electronic
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part equipment on EMC standards within the IEC 61000-4 series on testing and measurement
4-1: Testing and measurement techniques.
techniques - Overview of IEC 61000-4 Provides general recommendations concerning the choice of relevant tests.
[21] IEC 61000-4-2 (2008) Relates to the immunity requirements and test methods for electrical and electronic equipment
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part subjected to static electricity discharges, from operators directly, and to adjacent objects.
4-2: Testing and measurement Additionally defines ranges of test levels which relate to different environmental and
techniques - Electrostatic discharge installation conditions and establishes test procedures. The object of this standard is to
immunity test. establish a common and reproducible basis for evaluating the performance of electrical and
electronic equipment when subjected to electrostatic discharges. In addition, it includes
electrostatic discharges which may occur from personnel to objects near vital equipment.
[22] IEC 61000-4-3 (2010). Applies to the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment to radiated electromagnetic
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Part energy. Establishes test levels and the required test procedures. Establishes a common
4-3: Testing and measurement reference for evaluating the performance of electrical and electronic equipment when
techniques - Radiated, radio-frequency, subjected to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields.
electromagnetic field immunity test.
[23] IEC 61000-4-4 (2012) Establishes a common and reproducible reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Part electronic equipment when subjected to electrical fast transient/burst on supply, signal,
4-4: Testing and measurement control and earth ports. The test method documented in this part of IEC 61000-4 describes
techniques - Electrical fast a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined
transient/burst immunity tests. phenomenon.

[24] IEC 61000-4-5 (2005), corr. 1 (2009-10) Relates to the immunity requirements, test methods, and range of recommended test levels for
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Part equipment to unidirectional surges caused by overvoltages from switching and lightning
4-5: Testing and measurement transients. Several test levels are defined which relate to different environment and
techniques - Surge immunity test. installation conditions. These requirements are developed for and are applicable to
electrical and electronic equipment. Establishes a common reference for evaluating the
performance of equipment when subjected to high-energy disturbances on the power and
inter-connection lines.
[25] IEC 61000-4-6 (2008) Relates to the conducted immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to
electromagnetic disturbances coming from intended radio-frequency (RF) transmitters in
the frequency range 9 kHz - 80 MHz. Equipment not having at least one conducting cable
OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part (such as mains supply, signal line or earth connection), which can couple the equipment to
4-6: Testing and measurement the disturbing RF fields is excluded.
techniques - Immunity to conducted
disturbances, induced by radio-
frequency fields.
[26] IEC 61000-4-8, Ed. 2.0 (2009-09) Relates to the immunity requirements of equipment, only under operational conditions, to
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part magnetic disturbances at power frequency related to:
4-8: Testing and measurement – residential and commercial locations;
techniques - Power frequency magnetic – industrial installations and power plants; and
field immunity test.
– medium voltage and high voltage sub-stations.
[27] IEC 61000-4-11 (2004) Defines the immunity test methods and range of preferred test levels for electrical and electronic
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Part equipment connected to low-voltage power supply networks for voltage dips, short
4-11: Testing and measurement interruptions, and voltage variations. This standard applies to electrical and electronic
techniques -: Voltage dips, short equipment having a rated input current not exceeding 16 A per phase, for connection to 50
interruptions and voltage variation Hz or 60 Hz a.c. networks.
immunity tests.
[28] IEC 61000-4-12 (2006) Relates to the immunity requirements and test methods for electrical and electronic equipment,
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part under operational conditions, to non-repetitive damped oscillatory transients (ring waves)
4-12: Testing and measurement occurring in low-voltage power, control and signal lines supplied by public and non-public
techniques - Ring wave immunity test. networks.

[29] IEC 61000-6-1(2005) Defines the immunity test requirements in relation to continuous and transient, conducted and
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part radiated disturbances, including electrostatic discharges, for electrical and electronic
6-1: Generic standards - Immunity for apparatus intended for use in residential, commercial and light-industrial environment, and
residential, commercial and light- for which no dedicated product or product-family standard exists. Immunity requirements
industrial environments. in the frequency range 0 kHz - 400 GHz are covered and are specified for each port
considered. This standard applies to apparatus intended to be directly connected to a low-
voltage public mains network or connected to a dedicated DC source which is intended to
interface between the apparatus and the low-voltage public mains network.
[30] IEC 61000-6-2 (2005) Applies to electrical and electronic apparatus intended for use in industrial environments, for
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part which no dedicated product or product-family immunity standard exists. Immunity
6-2: Generic standards - Immunity for requirements in the frequency range 0 Hz - 400 GHz are covered, in relation to continuous
industrial environments. and transient, conducted and radiated disturbances, including electrostatic discharges. Test
requirements are specified for each port considered.
Apparatus intended to be used in industrial locations are characterized by the existence of one
or more of the following:
- a power network powered by a high or medium voltage power transformer dedicated to the
supply of an installation feeding manufacturing or similar plant;
- industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) apparatus;
- heavy inductive or capacitive loads that are frequently switched;
- currents and associated magnetic fields that are high.
[31] IEC 62052-11 (2003) Covers type tests for electricity metering equipment for indoor and outdoor application and to
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - newly manufactured equipment designed to measure the electric energy on 50 Hz or 60 Hz
General requirements, tests and test networks, with a voltage up to 600 V. It applies to electromechanical or static meters for
conditions - Part 11: Metering indoor and outdoor application consisting of a measuring element and register(s) enclosed
equipment. together in a meter case. It also applies to operation indicator(s) and test output(s)

[32] IEC 62053-52 (2005) Applies to letter and graphical symbols intended for marking on and identifying the function of
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - electromechanical or static a.c. electricity meters and their auxiliary devices.The symbols
Particular requirements - Part 52: specified in this standard shall be marked on the name-plate, dial plate, external labels or
Symbols. accessories, or shown on the display of the meter as appropriate.

[33] ISO 4892-3 Specifies methods for exposing specimens to fluorescent UV radiation and water in apparatus
Plastics – Methods of exposure to laboratory to designed reproduce the weathering effects that occur when materials are exposed in
light sources – Part 3: Fluorescent UV actual end-use environments to daylight, or to daylight through window glass.

OIML G XX-EVSE-1/ R XX-EVSE-2:2021 – DRAFT document

Annex B Estimation of combined errors


Estimate of combined maximum permissible error based on

the requirements of this Recommendation
This Recommendation permits a base maximum permissible error plus an error shift caused by influence
quantities. The actual error of a complying EVSE when in use could therefore exceed the base maximum
permissible error. There is a need to estimate an overall maximum permissible error that indicates the largest
error that can reasonably be attributed to a EVSE type that complies with this Recommendation. This entails
estimating the errors of a measurement of an arbitrary EVSE within the rated operating conditions.
However, adding the base maximum permissible error and all error shifts algebraically would give a much too
pessimistic estimate of the metering uncertainty, for two reasons. For an arbitrary set of influence factor values,
some of the error shifts will be low and some will probably have opposite signs, tending to cancel each other
out. Furthermore, the electricity EVSE is an integrating device, thus the errors caused by influence quantities
will average out to some extent as the values of the influence factors vary over time.
If we make the following assumptions:
a) The integrating effect may be ignored,
b) None of the effects of the influence factors are correlated,
c) The values of the influence quantities are more likely to be close to the reference values than to
limits of the rated operated conditions,
d) The influence quantities, and the effects of the influence factors, can be treated as Gaussian
distributions, and thus a value of half the maximum permissible error shift can be used for the
standard uncertainty,
Then the combined maximum permissible error (assuming a coverage factor of two corresponding to a
coverage probability of approximately 95 %) can be estimated using the formula(1):

2 2 2 2 2
vbase vvoltage v frequency vunbalance v2 vtemperatur e
v = 2 + + + + harmonic +
4 4 4 4 4 4

vbase is the base maximum permissible error;
vvoltage is the maximum error shift permitted for voltage variation;
vfrequncy is the maximum error shift permitted for frequency variation;
vunbalance is the maximum error shift permitted for unbalance variation;
vharmonics is the maximum error shift permitted for the variation of harmonic content;
vtemperature is the maximum error shift permitted for temperature variation.
Note (1): This is line with the ISO Guide to the expression of uncertainty of measurement (GUM).

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Estimation of combined error based on type test results and

specific conditions
Method 1
The combined maximum error can also be estimated for a particular EVSE type using type test results. Type
test results can often show a smaller variation than that required by this Recommendation, leading to an assured
smaller value for the overall maximum error.
Keeping the assumption of a Gaussian distribution being valid the combined maximum error can then be
estimated from a combination of test results using the formula (3):

𝑒𝑐(𝑝,𝑖) = √(𝑒 2 (𝑃𝐹𝑝 , 𝐼𝑖 ) + 𝛿𝑒𝑝,𝑖 2 (𝑇) + 𝛿𝑒𝑝,𝑖 2 (𝑈) + 𝛿𝑒𝑝,𝑖 2 (𝑓))

For each current Ii and each power factor PFp
e( PFP , I i ) is the intrinsic error of the EVSE measured in the course of the tests, at current Ii and power factor
𝛿𝑒𝑝,𝑖 (𝑇), 𝛿𝑒𝑝,𝑖 (𝑈), 𝛿𝑒𝑝,𝑖 (𝑓) are the maximum additional errors measured in the course the test, when the
temperature, the voltage and the frequency are respectively varied over the whole range specified in the rated
operated conditions, at current Ii and power factor PFp
Method 2
When assuming that a Gaussian distribution may no longer be valid, instead a rectangular distribution should
be assumed for the effects of influence factors.
Thus, the combined maximum error can then be estimated from a combination of test results using the formula

2 2 2 2 2 2
𝑒base 𝑒voltage 𝑒frequency 𝑒unbalance 𝑒harmonic 𝑒temperature
𝑒c = 2 × √ + + + + +
3 3 3 3 3 3
ebase is the maximum error obtained in the test for base maximum error, taking into account the measurement
uncertainty of the type test(2);
evoltage is the maximum error shift obtained in the test for voltage variation, taking into account the measurement
uncertainty of the type test;
efrequncy is the maximum error shift obtained in the test for frequency variation, taking into account the
measurement uncertainty of the type test;
eunbalance is the maximum error shift obtained in the test for unbalance variation, taking into account the
measurement uncertainty of the type test;
eharmonics is the maximum error shift obtained in the test for variation of harmonic content, taking into account
the measurement uncertainty of the type test;
etemperature is the maximum error shift obtained in the test for temperature variation, taking into account the
measurement uncertainty of the type test.
Note (2): The measurement uncertainty must be included in each component ei of the overall error. Since one term is a known value
and the other an uncertainty they cannot be treated as two uncorrelated statistical distributions, and must hence be added algebraically.
Note (3): Components contributing to the combined error may be selected by national or regional authorities and should at least
comprise: ebase, efrequency, etemperature and evoltage.

The effects of correlations between factors such as load profiles and ambient temperature variation on EVSE
accuracy have not been included in the above calculations, but could be modeled in situations where
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