A Study of Reconfigurable Multiband Antenna For Wireless Application

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Accelerat ing t he world's research.

A Study of Reconfigurable Multiband

Antenna for Wireless Application
Salah Mahdi, Nextgen Research Publication

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International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR)
ISSN: 2454-4116, Volume-2, Issue-5, May 2016 Pages 125-134

A Study of Reconfigurable Multiband Antenna for

Wireless Application
Haydar M. Al-Tamimi, Salah Mahdi

This cost can be summarized to different parameters as.

Abstracts- In This study an introduction to the reconfigurable
Design of the biasing network system for
antenna technology is presented. After that a discussion about
the main advantages and disadvantages of the reconfigurable activation/deactivation of the switching components, which
antennain addition to the most important applications that can add difficulty to the antenna construction.Expand in the
be used with the reconfiguring techniques, studyingthe history essential power consumption because of the incorporation
of this technology with a brief literature survey is explained. A of active elements which increases the system
detailed description for this technique with examples and cost.Production of harmonics and inter modulation products
background information are specified, reviewing the different to the system.Require to fast alteration in the antenna
reconfigurable antenna components,which can be used in an radiation features to guarantee an accurate functioning to
antenna to adjust its construction and functionality. These the system.
reconfigurable antenna techniques are grouped with a
Reconfigurable antennas are suitable for many
different classification methods to explain whichever
established on the physical modification of the reconfigurable applications especially when many operating modes are
antenna radiating component, or on the integration of micro- required from single antenna\element. These applications
electro-mechanical structures (RF-MEMS), varactors, PIN include (but are not limited to): Cognitive Radio Systems.
diodes, photoconductive components, or on the function of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Communication
smart materials like ferrites and liquid crystals, etc. Systems. Cellular and Personal Communication Systems.
Interference Rejection. Wireless Network Security.
Index Terms- Multiband Antenna, MEMS, Reconfigurable Reconfigurable antennas have also been applied in military
Antenna applications.

I. INTRODUCTION The reconfigurable antenna history:

The reconfigurable antenna appeared since the thirties of
Reconfigurable antenna used to modify radiation
the last century. In January 1934, the two-element array
pattern, polarization, or even the operating frequency to
antenna nulls were directed by a calibrated variable phase
deal with the varying in the system parameters. So there are
changer, the purpose of this technique was evaluating the
more than one goal for using the reconfigurable antenna.
direction of the short wave signals arrive to the reception
The reconfigurable antennas that have an ability to radiate
zone [2]. In April 1935, a rhombic antenna was altered in
additional patterns on a different frequencies and
size by extending the wires with a motor, this technique
polarizations, are required in the modern communication
used as a test with a “steerable antenna directivity” for the
systems. This requirements used to increase the
short wave signals at the receiver station [3].In 1937 the
functionality (e.g., control, beam steering, direction finding,
Multiple-Unit Steerable Antenna (MUSA) was an array of
radar, and command) within a limited volume place a
rhombic antennas with six-element array and a phase
greater responsibility on today’s transmitting and receiving
shifters at five of these elements and operated on a 5-20
techniques. Reconfigurable antennas act as a solution to
MHz “short wave signal” [4].This idea was achieved and
these problems.
modified in 1936 for azimuth scanning in the radar field
There are a number of advantages from using the
with a fourteen row by three column array of polyrod
reconfigurable antennas as reviewed in[1]. For Instance, the
antennas. This array antenna had thirteen rotary phase
excellent ability to verify more than one wireless
changers for beam directing [5].The important
requirement, like the simpler combination and the suitable
fundamentals of this array were later used as the ship
isolation between various wireless standards. Simpler band
bornefire control antenna. During WW II the Wullenweber
rejection processing. Suitable for controlling by a software
array was designed. It is a large direction-searching circular
programs. Multifunctional abilities, for instance the
array antenna with a narrow beam used to scans 360° in
alteration functionality as the mission exchanges, agreement
azimuth by modifying a small group of active elements on
with a narrow band or wideband process.
the circular array antenna [6]. After the war, the Soviet
At the same time as reconfigurable antennas represent a
Union built many Wullenwevers for HF direction receiving.
possible solution for the future wireless and space
The United States became concerned in this technology in
applications, there is absolutely a cost for inserting
the 1950s and 1960s. The Americans changed the name
tunability to the antenna performance in the specific system.
from Wullenwever to Wullenweber. In 1979, the term
Haydar M. Al-Tamimi, Department of Electrical Engineering,
“reconfigurability” was described as “the ability to change
university of technology/ Baghdad, Iraq. beam shapes depends on a knowledge” [7]. The researchers
Salah Mahdi, M.Sc. student, Department of Electrical Engineering, designed a six-beam elements dynamically modified to the
University of technology/ Baghdad, Iraq. coverage area used for the satellite communications.In
February 1995, A.D. Monk from the University of London

125 www.ijntr.org
A Study of Reconfigurable Multiband Antenna for Wireless Application

discuss his paper reports on a reconfigurable parabolic of switching its polarization from right hand circular
reflector antenna which adaptively modifies the parabolic polarization (RHCP) to left hand circular polarization
reflector surface in order to products a null toward the (LHCP) and vice versa. The design targets the WLAN IEEE
antenna source. Nulls in the sidelobe directions are 802.11 b/g frequency band (2.4–2.5 GHz) being used in
determined after lower than 50 iterations, with a slight various wireless communication systems[11].
inaccuracy on the radiation pattern [8]. An UWB Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna by Using
a Switchable Slotted Ground Plane was designed by Chirag
II. THE RECONFIGURABLE ANTENNA DESIGN Gupta, in the 4th International Conference on
REQUIREMENTS Communication Systems and Network Technologies –
2014[12]. With six switchable states was performed.
Before planning to design a reconfigurable antennas, the
A. C. Sodré Junior proposed an Optically Tuned
RF engineers must address three difficult questions:
Reconfigurable Antenna Array Constructed from E-Shaped
I. Which reconfigurable factor needs to be modified (e.g., Elements. In the International Journal of Antennas and
polarization, radiation pattern, or frequency)? Propagation, 27 April 2014[13]. To modify the frequency
II. How are the different radiating components of the response over 2.4 and 5 GHz.
antenna construction reconfigured to achieve the In 2014, H. Singh design a Steering Wheel Shaped
expected factor? Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna for Cognitive Radio
III. Which reconfiguration method minimizes the which is act as a fast switching antenna capable of operating
undesirable effects on the antenna radiation/impedance in seven different frequencies in the range of 6.25 to 8.25
features? GHz[14].
Mohammad M. proposed a Reconfigurable Antenna
III. LITERATURE SURVEY with Extended U-Slot used as a Switchable Polarization for
As mentioned previously the concept of the Wireless Applications. In IEEE Antennas and Propagation
reconfigurable antenna is moderately old. However, the Magazine, April 2015[15]. The antenna is capable to
reconfigurable antenna design during the current period change among linear polarization (LP) and left hand (LH),
have generally concerned with microstrip, which is a right-hand (RH) circular polarizations (CPs) for 2.4-5.8-
different semiconductor components connected to GHz.
modifying the current on the reconfigurable microstrip In APRIL 2015, an Electronically Reconfigurable Patch
antenna. Antenna Design for Polarization Diversity with Fixed
Configuring a microstrip antenna depend on the Resonant Frequency for Wireless Local Area Network
parameter of the substrate, type and position of the feeding (WLAN) with a frequency band (2.4–2.48 GHz,) was
point, the patch shaping, etc., in order to make the antenna proposed by Mohamed N.O[16].
radiate within the required polarization and frequency. If
the required operating features of the antenna modify, the IV. RECONFIGURABLE ANTENNAS
antenna need to reconfigured or reconstructed to reach the CLASSIFICATION METHODS
new conditions. Changing the current flow on an antenna, The reconfigurable antennas come in a large variety of
will make the reconfigurable antennas alter their different shapes and forms, so there are different method to
performance, by using active materials, tunable materials, make a classification for these techniques.
diodes, attenuators, phase shifters or mechanically movable
parts. The reconfigurable antenna may be an array antenna A. According to the reconfigurability function:
or just a single antenna. The reconfigurable antenna can be grouped into 4 main
G. Wang. Define the function of MEMS switches in the categories based on their reconfigurability function as [17]:
microstrip antenna feeds to provide the capability to change Category 1: A radiating configuration that is able to modify
from linear polarization to the orthogonal linear its operating or notch frequency by shifting between various
polarization, or even to the circular polarization [9]. frequency bands, this type aka frequency reconfigurable
In 2007, J.T Bernhard wrote an excellent overview of antenna. This is accomplished by creating some tuning or
reconfigurable antennas, with many examples, for notch in the antenna reflection coefficient.
instance[1]: Category 2: A radiating configuration that is able to adjust
I. A balanced dipole was designed with two photo- its radiation pattern, which is aka the radiation pattern
conducting switches. When both switches open, the reconfigurable antenna. For this type, the antenna radiation
antenna operated at 3.15 GHz. While the antenna pattern modifies in terms of gain, direction, or shape.
operate on 2.16 GHz when both switches close. Category 3: A radiating configuration that can modify its
II. A reconfigurable square microstrip developed by huff et polarization (left-hand or right-hand circular polarized,
al. that radiate with a broadside or 45° tilted beam. This horizontal/vertical, etc.) is also known as the polarization
antenna has two switches: the 1st one used to shorts the reconfigurable antenna.
end of the spiral to the ground plane while the other one Category 4: This category is a combination of the earlier
used to opens a small gap in the microstrip. three categories. For instance, one can accomplish a
B.-Z. Wang proposed an E-shaped Reconfigurable polarization diversity with frequency reconfigurable
patch-antenna with a tunable frequency by using an antenna at the same time.
integrated switches, design for wideband wireless The resultant reconfigurability for each of the four
communication systems[10]. groups can be achieved by a modifying in the
Ahmed Khidre in February 2013 proposed Circular reconfigurable antenna surface current flow distribution,
Polarization Reconfigurable Wideband E-Shaped Patch modifying in the antenna physical configuration, modifying
Antenna for Wireless Applications. This antenna is capable

126 www.ijntr.org
International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR)
ISSN: 2454-4116, Volume-2, Issue-5, May 2016 Pages 125-134

in the feeding network, or modifying in the antenna � � = ��� (1)

 Switching speed: Defines the time required for the
radiation edges. It is important to note that the adjustment in �

one parameter in the antenna characteristics can alter the

other parameters. So, an antenna engineer must be careful transition from the on-off state or vice versa. The
during the design procedure to analyze all the antenna switching speeds of the semiconductor switches are in the
features simultaneously so as to reach the essential range of nanoseconds, but the switching speeds of the

 Expected life time: Estimation for the number of switch

reconfigurability. mechanical switches are in the range of milliseconds.

B. According to the design of the reconfigurable

 Power handling: The amount of power that required to
transitions before get failure.
Also there are three different broad methodologies could operates this RF switches measured in watts.
be identified for achieving reconfigurable antenna designs In the range of lower than microwave frequencies, a
and operation electrically namely: low-pass switch behaves like a resistor (Ron) when the
Antenna geometry morphing. Feed geometry morphing. switch is on, and a capacitor (Coff) when the switch is off.
Smart geometry reconfiguration. But the bandpass switch performs like a capacitor in the on
statues, and another capacitor value in the off statues. By
C. According to the type of antenna used:
increasing the frequency, the ground inductance, and
The reconfigurable antenna can be classified into six transmission line characteristics turn out to be an important
important types which are: considerations, and make difficulties to the circuit
Antennas using semiconductor or varactors configuration. Parasitic resistances in the RF switch reduce
switches. Antennas using MEMS switches. Mechanically the upper frequency bound. The RF switch figure-of-merit
reconfigurable antenna. Antennas using reconfigurable (FOM) is the cutoff frequency [19]:
feeding networks. Reconfigurable Array Antennas. = � (2)
Reconfigurable Antenna with a Tunable Materials.
By dividing the RF switch Figure of Merit by 10, the
V. RECONFIGURABLE ANTENNA TYPES maximum frequency that the system used to perform as a
switch can be achieved. This equation known as a rule of
A. Antennas using semiconductor or varactor switches: thumb that used for the highest effective frequency for the
The RF switch used to open or close the current path on RF switch �� /10. As a result the system limitations may
the reconfigurable antenna. A common technique to reduce the number of the switching types that can be used.
construct a reconfigurable antenna is to assemble various These RF Switches can be applied to the reconfigure
components of the wanted antenna with RF switches. microstrip antennas in a number of different methods. For
Opening and closing switches leads the current flow in a example, Figure 1 shows a microstrip patch with slots that
required path that modifies the antenna’s radiation pattern, can be shorted, to control the required polarizations [20].
in addition to its impedance.
RF switches can be semiconductor (like PIN, Varactor
switches) or mechanical (like MEMS switches). A switch is
an open circuit when there is no applied voltage, and a low-
impedance line for the RF signal when there is an applied
voltage. The switch can be applied in a shunt or series

 Characteristic impedance: It’s a transmission line factor

arrangement. Some important features of a switch are [18]:

that is verified by the physical construction of the line. It

also used as a determination for how traveling signals are

 Bandwidth: The RF switch’s bandwidth is one of the most

transmitted or reflected in the line.
Figure 1: A reconfigurable slotted microstrip patch antenna.
important conditions. The bandwidth of the RF switch While Figure 2is an example of a two-dimensional

 Topology: The two most important category of the RF

basically refer to the maximum frequency signal. array antenna of metal patches over a substrate [21]. The
sides of neighboring patches are connected with RF
switch topologies are single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switches, to configure a required patch antenna.
relays and multiplexers. A single SPDT relay can direct
two inputs to one output or vice versa. A multiplexer is a
switching system that successively guides several inputs
to one output or vice versa. It’s a very important to
recognize the optimal usages for these different topologies

 Insertion loss: The “insertion loss” description of a switch

to select the excellent choice for a specific application.

component is a measure of the ratio between the input and

output powers while the switch is on and off. Insertion Figure 2: Reconfigurable array antenna patches.
loss of the RF switch at a specific frequency range can be
used to determine the voltage attenuation or power loss Semiconductor switches:
produced by the switch on a signal at that frequency. The In the semiconductor switches, amplifying the voltage at
equation that used to calculating power loss: the gate expands the conducting channel’s size under the

127 www.ijntr.org
A Study of Reconfigurable Multiband Antenna for Wireless Application

gate, and make available current to flow between the source construction procedures. As shown in Figure 5, a varactor
and drain.Figure 3 is a simple diagram for a field-effect diode has a thin layer called the depletion region [24],
transistor (FET) switch. This type of switches divided into a where there are definitely no free electrons, holes or
several varieties. Pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility carriers. This region work as an insulating dielectric area, in
Transistor (PHEMT) and Metal Semiconductor Field Effect addition to the P and N regions that work as the conducting
Transistor (MESFET) switches are two types that are electroplates, dissimilar to the PIN diode, (Figure 4). If
compared in Table 1. there is a forward bias operated to the varactor diode, it will
conduct. The depletion layer simply disappears. If an
external reverse voltage is employed to the varactor,the
reverse bias expands the width of the depletion layer. The
amount of increasing width are determined by the amount
of the reverse bias. The schematic symbols used to
represent varactors are shown in Figure 5 (b).
The capacitance is inversely relative with the square
root of the operated voltage, while the thickness of the
Figure 3: A diagram of a FET. depletion area grows with the reverse bias. The varactor
diode have a high-to-low capacitance relation that is usually
The author in [22] use FET switches in the
six over a voltage change of (0 -12) V.
reconfigurable antenna similar to Figure 2. The switch array
was controlled by a light-emitting-diode backplane that
separated the control circuitry from the RF directions in the
PIN diode is another commonly used microwave switch
[23]. It has strongly doped p-type and n-type areas, which
are disconnected by a wide, weakly-doped intrinsic area
(Figure 4).

Figure 5: Depletion region in a junction diode, and the

Schematic symbols of a varactor diode.
Varactor diodes are a suitable switching type for tuning
Figure 4: A diagram of a PIN diode. the antenna’s frequency range. For instance, varactor diode
Forward biasing a PIN diode generates a very low can be positioned on the radiating edges of a microstrip
resistance on high frequencies, but reverse biasing of the antenna so as to increase the narrow bandwidth to a
diode causes an open circuit. The PIN diode is current bandwidth of around 30% [25]. A slotted monopole
managed. The author in [20] suggest using PIN-diode reconfigurable antenna, improved with a varactor, could be
switches for the reconfigurable antenna in Figure 1. Table 1 adjusted between 1.6 GHz and 2.3 GHz without any
compares between the features of FET and PIN diode important change in the antenna’s efficiency [26].
switches. Reconfigurable radiation pattern antenna has also been
verified by using varactor diodes [27].
Table 1: A comparison of FET and PIN-diode switches [19]
B. Antennas using MEMS switches
1µm MESFET Silicon PIN diode
PHEMT MEMS switches are small mechanical switches
Number of terminals 3 3 2 positioned on a substrate (quartz, glass, silicon) [28]. Not
the same as the FET switches and PIN-diode, a MEMS
Typical on resistance 1.5 Ω/mm 1.2 Ω/mm 1.7 Ω/mm
switch is mechanical.
Typical off capacitance 0.4 pF/mm 0.32 pF/mm 0.05 pF/mm

RF switch F.O.M (Eq.2) 265 GHz 414 GHz 1872 GHz

Breakdown voltage 15 V 8V 50 V

Lower frequency limit dc dc 10 MHz

Driver circuit complexity low low high

Typical amount of power Approximately
Zero Zero
needed 10mW
Controlled by Voltage signal Voltage signal Current controlled
Figure 6: Close up view to a single barium strontium
0 V on & -5 V +0.5 V on & -5 5 to 10 mA on & 0
Driver requirements
off V off to -30 V off titanate (BST) MEMS switch.
Figure 7shows three categories of MEMS switches with
Varactor switches: their on and off positions. The cantilever beam in Figures 7
A junction diode is formed while P- and N-type (a)and 7 (b) is placed to a post on the left side, at the same
semiconductors are created at some point in the time as the other end of the beam is suspended directly

128 www.ijntr.org
International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR)
ISSN: 2454-4116, Volume-2, Issue-5, May 2016 Pages 125-134

above the drain. An electrostatic energy pulls the beam

down as soon as the required voltage is applied, and makes
an electrical path connecting the beam to the drain side.
Figures 7 (c-f)show a MEMS membrane switch, which is
contain a thin, flexible, metal membrane, located on the
posts in both ends. A required voltage applied to the bias
electrode moves the membrane down and connects the
circuit. An ohmic connection is a metal-to-metal contact,
but a capacitive connection has a dielectric between the two
metal interactions. Ohmic switches have a greater
bandwidth than capacitive switches.
The figure-of-merit for MEMS switches was stated at
9000 GHz [19]. Switching speeds for this type of RF Figure 8: A reconfigurable antenna schematic U-slot and L-
switches are 10 µs. MEMS switches with piezoelectric stub.
films have been improved, and produce fast switching times Reconfigurable antennas can be also used to modify the
(1-2 µs). The cantilever device movements 6 µm between antenna’s polarization. As reviewed previously in the
the on and off situations [29]. literature survey [32].
Upcoming researches will require to address the cost
and scalability for the MEMS procedure on the large array
antennas. There are a number of significant substrate
properties that need be organized, counting dielectric loss,
permittivity, and surface roughness. In recent times, liquid
polymer substrates with � = 3 and tan = 0.002 have been
used to be the practicable substrates for MEMS switches
C. Mechanically reconfigurable antenna:
The reconfigurable antennas can be modifying by use a
physically varying antenna radiating elements. The
alteration of the required antennas characteristics is depend
upon the mechanical adjustment of the antenna active
Figure 7: Various types of MEMS switches in the on and elements. The main important concept in this technique
off positions. type is that it does not depend on any optical fiber to laser
MEMS switches have a high isolation, lower insertion diode connection,biasing lines, or even to a switching
loss and small power consumption similar to mechanical instruments. But this type of reconfigurable antenna is a
switches, but low cost, lightweight, and smaller the same as subjectto the inadequacy of the device to be physically
semiconductor switches [30]. However, MEMS switches reconstructed[34].
have a limited power-handling ability (~100mW), high- The Arecibo sphericalreflector antenna is a very good
level losses at microwave and mm-wave frequencies, and example to describe this technique, shown in Figure 9.The
this switches may be required an expensive packaging to Arecibo Observatory is a radio telescope, which is a large
shield the movable MEMS bridges against the environment. spherical reflector antennas with an exchanged antenna feed
MEMS switches have been planned for use in to alter the frequency bands, or a movable feeds to modify
reconfigurable antennas since the 1990s [28]. For instance, the main beam.
two antennas of ultra wide band monopoles that have a A Gregorian dome and with a number of linear antennas
reconfigurable stop band in the frequency range (5.150 GHz are on each side of a curved track, (aka the azimuth arm).
to 5.825 GHz) as shown in Figure 8 [31]. The linear antennas, haveadjusted to a narrow band of
The second antenna shown in Figure 8 had two inverted- frequencies. This acceptable to connecting a set of receiver
L shaped open circuit stubs are symmetrically connected stations, covering the complete 1–10 GHz range of
and disconnected near the elliptical microstrip patch by frequencies. Making the Arecibo antenna more flexible[35].
using MEMS switches. Connecting the inverted-L shaped
stubs to the patch produced a stop band. When the stubs
circuit were opened, the reconfigurable antenna radiated
over the entire UWB range (3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz) without
any notch band.

129 www.ijntr.org
A Study of Reconfigurable Multiband Antenna for Wireless Application

Figure 9:A blown-up picture of the feed for the Arecibo performs the same function as the mirror of an optical
antenna (upper left) telescope: it assembles radiation coming from remote
There are a possibility to create nulls in the antenna astronomical matters, and focuses it into a sensor that
radiation pattern by changing the reflector antenna’s measures the radiation. The array antenna operated at
surface. One of these reconfiguringmethodismodifyingthe frequency bands from (31.25 GHz to 950 GHz). Array
reflector’s surface by moving a scattering plates closeto the structures from 250 m to 15 km can be probable. The
surface in order to produce cancellation to the interfering ALMA antennas will be replaced between flat concrete
waveswithin the sidelobes [36]. blocks by a special vehicle.

D. Reconfigurable array antennas:

The main idea from reconfiguring the array antenna is to
control the array field pattern tochange the maximum beam
shape, direct the beam, alter the sidelobe levels, or place a
null. This type of reconfigurable antenna have been several
applications that includevarying in the frequency or
polarization of operation. A digital beam-former
considerably improves the ability of the array to steer the
radiation pattern, when all the reconfiguring process is
finished in software.
Beam control can be done by altering the active
elements on and off in the array, as was point out with a
Wullenweber array antenna.
Figure 10shows this ideaexpanded to a spherical array
antenna that was applied on a geodesic dome array. The
geodesic dome array antenna is a multi-function, highly
effective, low cost spherical phased array antenna which
supplies hemispherical coverage area. The array antenna
contains an amount of near-equilateral triangular, planar
subarrays placed in the geodesic dome structure. Each
triangle shape on this dome was a subarray [37]. The
effective aperture was created by integrating the
outputsfield pattern from adjacent subarrays. This
reconfigurable antenna can be used for air/space
surveillance on the sky, for simultaneousfull-duplex
communication and control of several satellites.
Figure 11:Reconfigurable ArrayAntenna (a)An artist’s
model of ALMA.(b) The VLA antennas on railroad tracks.
A second example on the same concept is the Very
Large Array (VLA) radio telescope located in New Mexico,
built from 27 dish antennas (25 m diameter)[40]. Antennas
are arranged in a Y shape, and can be changed by moving
the antennasby using railroad track (Figure 11 (b)). There
are four possible formations, with array antenna sizes of (36
km, 10 km, 3.6 km, or 1 km), can be used. The array can
operate in frequency bands between (73 MHz and 50 GHz).
The concept of rearranging elements to form a preferred
array aperture furthermore extends to the outer space. For
example, the TechSat 21 space-based radarsystem creates a
Figure 10:A phased array antennacreated on a geodesic great sparse array antenna by putting the antenna elements
dome. The yellow regions represent regions of activated on a small spacecraft, and combining the aperture with
subarrays. anarrangement of the specific satellites [41]. Beam
Other reconfigurable array types that made by switching construction was a function of the satellite group and the
an active element on and off consist ofa dynamically increment of the radiation waves.
contracted array elementsin order to modify nulls and the
E. Reconfigurable antenna with a tunable materials:
sidelobe levels to eliminate interference [38].
Another methodin thereconfigurable array antenna is to The reconfigurable antenna can be based on the tunable
materially move elements. Some of thegreatest reflector- materials that have tunable magnetic, electrical, and
antenna arrays use this idea. As an example, the Atacama mechanical properties. For instance, the propagation
Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) system, frequency within the RF constructioncan be adjusted by
whichwas a radio telescope combined from 66 (12 m and 7 permittivity ( � ) or permeability (µ� ) variations, the ability
m) parabolic reflector high-precision antennasin Chile’s to alter the configuration will be basicallyproportional to the
Andes Mountains (Figure 11 (a)) [39]. Each parabolic dish magnitudes of ( � ) and (µ� ) [42]. Tunable mechanical strain

130 www.ijntr.org
International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR)
ISSN: 2454-4116, Volume-2, Issue-5, May 2016 Pages 125-134

modifieswhichever the active length of the antenna, or IR LED was described for a reconfigurable antenna [49],
improves the impedance due to the capacitive coupling. also for a partly adaptive array antenna with a broadband
Many theories have been researched earlier for millimeter- monopoles [50].
wave and microwave phase shifters, such as tunable
Tunable permittivity:
permeability[43]. A characteristic list of thepossible
technologies for reconfigurable antennas is reviewed in A number of methods have been studied to accomplish
Table 2. economical results for a high ability to modify with low
losses and quick response, for the reason of controlling
Table 2:Potential technologies with tunable dielectric, microwave filters and phased array antennas. The relation
magnetic, and strain for frequency-agile devices[43]. “tunability” of the permittivity of a system is described as:
� −� �
Method Tunability (%) Q Stimulus Frequency = (3)

Dielectric Thin Film Electric Field Where � 0 and � � are the small-signal relative
30 45 1-20 GHz
[44] E=70 kV/cm permittivities with no bias and with a bias of field strength
Dielectric Bulk
16 >100
Electric Field 1-10 GHz E [V/cm], respectively. The value of Tunabilitiesreached to
Ceramic [45] E=15 kV/cm
75% have been registered for (Ba,Sr)TiO3slim films at 1500
Magnetic Field 0.3-5 GHz
Magnetic Film 15 5<Q<11
80 kA/m
kV/cm [51]. A high E field is necessary to create a large
Magnetic Bulk tunability; on the other hand, the tuning voltage is low (25<
Ceramic 3.4* (12) <1700 Magnetic Field 7 GHz V) for the reason that the films width are in the
Dielectric nanometerthickness. Tunable dielectric devices hasa figure-
25* (625) 40 < Q < 100 Translation 3-7 GHz of-merit, which contains the device loss [52]:
(100 µm) (� �� )( − )
MEMS variable
Mechanical = (4)
80 100 < Q < 300 Displacement 0.5-4 GHz
1 µm Where Q is the opposite of the device’s loss;� (� �� )
Varactor 60 30 < Q < 60
Bias Voltage
10 GHz and� 0 are at the maximum voltage and at zero bias,
(20 V)
respectively; and � is the tunability from Equation (2). For
* Tunable frequency is proportional to the square root of the the paraelectric SrTiO3 thin films on SrRuO3 conductors,
tunable permittivityor permeability, and the squares of the the K factors as high as 500 have been registered.
value are shown for comparison with the other methods Dielectric materials with the maximum tunability have
(shown in parenthesis). paraelectric/ferroelectric alteration temperatures that are
Tunable conductivity: under the operating temperature. The dielectric permittivity
is directly proportional to the magnitude of the tunability,
The reconfigurable antenna can be adjusted the which approximates 1,000 for materials with the maximum
Conductivity in semiconductors bycreates a modifying in tunability [53]. The fundamental dielectric loss rises with
light, bias, or temperature. The conductivity of a the increasing frequency that may be the operating
semiconductor changes depending on the level of frequency rises into the mm-wave range [54].
dopingand the bandgap energy, and depending on the The dielectric permittivities of thin layers are changed
imperfections in the material. For instance, shining light through theouter applied E field. Large modifications in
with a photon energy more than the bandgap on the permittivity by a dc voltage bias have been confirmed in
semiconductor expands thehole-chargeand free-electron epitaxial paraelectric Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (“BST”) thin layers that
carriers, which in order to increases the semiconductor’s are placed on single-crystal LaAlO3 and MgO substrates
conductivity. A good example for this type are the solar [44]. The dielectric film loss is characterized as an average
cells. Q value between the high electric field and zerofield bias.
Using an electric field on the polymer electrolyte-silver- Bulk BST ceramics present a high tunability, and have
polyaniline composite modifies the material from a greater Q values that BST films. New results have
situation of low to high conductivity. Polymer combinations beendisplayed thatthe high electric fields can be operated to
with manageable resistance at microwave frequencies have bulk ceramics with nanometer size, equivalent to the greater
constant, reproducible switching on above 1000 test cycles overall tunability [45].
Phase-change chalcogenides, like Ge2Sb2Te5, are Tunable permeability:
another tunable material that have a tunable conductivity. As same as the tunable response in the dielectric
Calculations have establishedwhich is that amorphous materials, the magnetic permeability reduces with the
chalcogenides keep a low conductivity standards into the application of astable field. for example, a rectangular
GHz frequency range [47]. microstrip patch with a 1.4 cm by 1.8 cm was produced on a
Silicon is a practicalmaterial for optically regulatory 1.27 mm thick substrate (Trans-Tech G-113YIG), then was
conductivity. In [48], the authors describedaproducing fed with a coaxial probe close to the edge of a large
planar antennas over a high resistivity silicon while it was dimension [55]. The designedcentralfrequency was 4.6 GHz
activated by the insertion a dc current. This process used to that was tunable more than a 40% bandwidth while it was
define the plasma-reconfigurable antennas which is enable magnetically biased on the plane of the substrate, and
to modifying the beam shaping, frequency hopping, and vertical to the resonant dimension. The patch antennas
directing without the complexity of RF feed constructions. polarization response on garnet single crystals has similarly
This idea displays a possibilities for providing a been researched at 5 GHz for an applied magnetic fields
performance and capabilities for the phased array with a approximately to 600 G. The active patch dimensions can
lowered cost. Modifying the conductivity of silicon via an be decreased, without degrading bandwidth quality, and this

131 www.ijntr.org
A Study of Reconfigurable Multiband Antenna for Wireless Application

is one of the important advantages of higher permeability 1. Reviewing the benefits of this technique, the main
over high permittivity [56]. There are an important advantage for such techniques was that the effective use
materials limitations for the tunable magnetic materials, for of frequencies and the utilization of radiation
the reason thatthe highest operating frequency and the reconfigurability in addition to the polarization diversity
permeability µ r arereverselyproportional[57]. On the other to transmit the signals over “already used” frequencies.
hand, the magnetic-film technology will be reduced to In addition to reviewing the main challenges that could
frequencies below 10 GHz, due to the imperfection in the be effected the performance of this technique.
ferromagnetic resonance frequency. So the magnetic 2. Also discussing the main popular application that used
response of ferrites is reduced to below the K band [58]. the reconfigurable antennas such as MIMO systems,
cognitive radio, and cellular communication system.
Tunable mechanical:
3. A various types of reconfigurable antennas was
The reconfigurable antenna with a tunable mechanical described.It’s essential to use a single antenna to achieve
materials are aka active materials, and this type of tunability multiple goals leads to a large number of research for
changes the shapes when it’s appliedwith a magnetic, studying this important technique to achieve a specific
electric, or thermal stimulus. Magnetostrictive materials applications.
modify shape due to the applied magnetic field. 4. The research was based on a different reconfiguration
Electrostrictive materials strain bythe applied electric field. procedures used to achieve the expected
The magnetic field thatused to a ferromagnetic material reconfigurability.
aligns the magnetic domains, in addition togrowths the 5. Reconfigurable antennas were generallyclassified
length of the material towards the magnetic field. according to three major methods into
The Shape-memory materials alter shape because ofthe physically,optically, electrically, and smart-material-
alteration temperature. The alloys and polymers have been based tunable constructions.
displayed to demonstrate this change. The Shape-memory 6. A comparison between the various techniques used to
materials restore their original form or size when subjected construct such category of antennas was reviewed. In
and deformed to asuitablestimulus. the beginning, the mechanical change of a feed or other
The earliest shape-memory alloy, (Nickel Titanium antenna part was the main research. Antenna arrays
Naval Ordance Laboratory), was found in the 1960s [59]. make the reconfigurability techniques an important issue
Nowadays, iron-manganese-silicon, nickel-titanium, with the using of an electronic control to modify the
copper-zinc-aluminum, and copper-aluminum-nickel are antenna’s pattern. Semiconductor and mechanical
other normally used samples of alloys that while plastically switches have been the most important subject in
deformed at a low temperature, andrestore the original reconfigurable-antenna research since the ninetieth of
shape once there was subjected to a high temperature. Like the last century. Later, material change research
Ni-Mn-Ga, Some shape-memory alloys response to the introduce a new system to the reconfigurable antennas,
magnetic fields [60]. Shape-memory polymers (SMPs) by tuning the permittivity, conductivity or the shape of
arethe same of shape-memory alloys. Shape-memory this material, which is used to steer antenna parameter.
polymers on the light-induced are available as will[61].
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