AF2110: Management Accounting I: Instructor
AF2110: Management Accounting I: Instructor
AF2110: Management Accounting I: Instructor
Fall 2018
Dr. Luo Jianchuan
Office M507j, Li Ka Shing Tower
Email [email protected]
Extension x7045
Consultation hours Monday and Tuesday 9:30–11:30AM, and by appointment
• Understand and critically apply the appropriate concepts and techniques to gen-
erate cost information to help management in organizational planning and con-
trol (Outcomes 5, 9 & 11).
• Identify and analyse the means to create value in goods and services and deliver
to end users, using appropriate costing methods and management accounting
techniques (Outcomes 8 & 11).
• Suggest alternative solutions to various management decision-making problems,
based on their understanding of relevant cost information and other management
accounting tools, in achieving business and corporate strategic objectives (Out-
comes 5, 9 & 11).
• Evaluate ethical issues from a management accounting perspective and suggest
appropriate responses to aid management decision-making processes (Outcomes
4 & 11).
Ray H. Garrison, Eric W. Noreen and Peter C. Brewer, Managerial Accounting, US Edition
(Customized version), 15th Edition, McGraw Hill.
A copy of the textbook is available under the reserved section in the library.
Continuous Assessment
Case presentation 15%
Mid-term test 25%
Participation 10%
Sub-total 50%
Final examination 50%
3. The hard copies of the slides, case report, and the related case materials should
be submitted to your instructor at the time of the presentation.
4. Late submission of the case report will be penalized.
5. The selected news/articles should be published on or after 1 January 2017.
6. The case presentation will start from Lecture 9.
Participation 10%
Students are expected to participate in class. You should often raise and answer ques-
tions, speak and share your thoughts to facilitate intellectual exchange in class discus-
sions and in case presentations.
Before attending each lecture, students are required to read the textbook chapters
as stated in the lecture programme. Students will be assigned questions/cases for ex-
ercises after each lecture. [PO4, PO5, PO8, PO9 and PO11]
Students are required to do the assigned questions/cases to help reinforce the un-
derstanding in topics covered in the lectures. Also this will help you to practice for
both your mid-term test and final examination.
[Note] Students who have 100% attendance rate will NOT automatically earn any
participation mark.
Students who do not attend the mid-term test without a valid reason will have zero
grade for this component.
Teaching Schedule
There are 12 class meetings for this course and the arrangement of the meetings for
each session is summarized as follows:
• No Class will be held on Oct 11, 12, and 24 because of EoC week, holidays and
break days.
• This schedule is subject to change.