Yoga (Subject Code - 841) Time: 40min Total Marks 25: UNIT TEST I - 2021-22 Class-Xii

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UNIT TEST I– 2021-22


Yoga (subject code – 841)

Time: 40min Total Marks = 25

Choose the correct answer: (1 x 10 =10)

1. Wrist rotation is part of which Vyayama ?

(i) Tadasana (ii) Surya Namaskar
(iii) SukshmVyayama (iv) Shalabhasana
2. The word “YOGA” came from Sanskrit . What is ltetral meaning of this word.
(i)Hindu system of philosophy and meditation
(ii)Inner peace and tranquility
(iii)Joining toghether
(Iv)controlled breathing
3. How many type of shatkarma yoga are there?
(i)6 (ii)5
(iii)7 (iv)8
4. Which one of the following is not a part of pranayama.
(i) Purak (ii) Kumbhak
(iii) Rechak (iv) Sithlipranayam
5. For career opportunities yoga?
(i) commited in profession of yoga
(ii) to possess emotional health
(iii) Theory and practical knowledge
(iv) All the above
6. Communication is a part of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _skills.
(i)Soft (ii) Hard
(iii) Rough (iv) Short

7. Evaluative listening is also called

(i)Therapeutic (ii) Evaluative
(iii) Dialogic (iv) Impathetic
8. The _ _ _ _ _ _ speech is also called as reported speech.
(i)Direct (ii) Indirect
(iii) Indefinite (iv) Definite
9. When did the UN General Assembly announce 21STjune as the international yoga day.
(i)21 june 2013 (ii) 11 dec 2014
(iii) 21 june 2014 (iv) 12 dec 2015
10. Which of the following are types of motivations
(i)Internal and external (ii) Intermediate
(iii) Extensive (iv) Self Motivation

Short Answer type question: (2x5=10)

11. Write any four importance of communication skills?
12. What do you mean by Self management?
13. What is time management and how can you manage your time ?
14. What is a Sthulavyayama explain with example.
15. Write the importance of sukshmavyayama for our body.

Long answer questions: (2.5 x2 =5)

16. Explain the procedure of Bhramari and Bhastrika pranayama.
17. What do you mean by shatkarma ? Discuss type of shatkarma .


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