W7 - 11 - Spatial Order
W7 - 11 - Spatial Order
W7 - 11 - Spatial Order
• The module aims to help the student recognize urban design controls
• The module aims to provide an insight in regards to zoning and other innovative land use and urban
design rules.
• The module aims to help the student to become familiar with spatial development concepts and
urban form stereotypes
• This module aims to help the student understand on how to design paths and road networks as well
as parks, open spaces and playground.
• Floor Area
o Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
o Floor Space Index (FSI)
• Land Use Planning and Zoning
o Incentive Zoning
o Cluster Zoning
• Urban Design Guidelines
o Building Height
o Setbacks
o Building Block
o Character
• Environmental Impact Statement
• Environment and Resource Management
o Command and Control Strategies
o Market Based Instruments
• Environmental Preservation
• Conservation, Restoration and Adaptive Re-Use
• Safety Concepts
o Defensible Space
Natural Access Control
o Natural Surveillance
Territorial Reinforcement
• Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
ZONING: Definition
The legislative act of delineating areas or districts within the territorial jurisdiction of cities and municipalities
Far Eastern University AUGUST 2021
may be put to specific uses and their regulations, subject to limitations imposed by law or competent
The legislative act of delineating areas or districts within the territorial jurisdiction of cities and municipalities
may be put to specific uses and their regulations, subject to limitations imposed by law or competent
Zoning is a legislative restriction on the way land can be used. Through community planning and
development, zoning legislation helps local governments preserve property values and prevent the
misuse of land, thus making communities as functional and safe as possible.
If zoning did not exist,...a gun shop would be able to open next door to a school, kindergarten or major playground,
or a large supermarket might be built in a residential street.
Zoning is a legislative process that classifies privately-owned urban land or areas into different zones –
industrial, commercial, residential or agricultural – according to the specified land use.Each zone has limits on
its density, size of properties, types of buildings alowed, their location, what types of animals are alowed or
prohibited, etc.
An area within a city or municipality for specific land use as defined by man-made or natural boundaries.
1. Agro-industrial zone 10. Impact zone
2. Coastal area zone 11. Industrial zone
3. Commercial zone 12. Institutional zone
4. Economic zone 13. Parks and Recreation Zone
5. Exclusive economic zone 14. Residential zone
6. Export processing zone 15. Socialized housing zone
7. Fire zone 16. Water zone
8. Forest Zone 17. Buffer zone
9. Free Trade zone 18. Fault zone
Conventional zoning is essentially a legal framework that initiates development and directs the type,
density, and location of land use. Innovative land use tools such as transfer development rights, and
overlay zones with site specific urban design rules must supplement conventional zoning tools to
preserve natural environmental features and the unique character of community, or control the kind of
development in greater detail.
The following innovative land use and urban design rules serve as a menu of possibilities
for crafting ordinances that directly influence the physical form of development.