Historical Development of Adult Learning: Background of Nearly A Century 1833-1927

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Historical Development of Adult Learning

Background of Nearly a Century 1833-1927

I. Alexander Kapp
(1833) 1833
He describes the ANDRAGOGY a 1925 II. Rosenstock-Huessy (1925)
lifelong necessity to learn.

He suggested that all adult education (andragogy),

III. Linderman 1926 if it is to achieve anything original that shapes man,
His first use of the word andragogy that the
method for teaching adults is discussion, which 1964 IV. Simpson (1964)
he says is different from the teaching of children.
Proposed that andragogy could serve as a title for an
attempt to identify a body of knowledge relevant to the
training of those concerned with Adult Education

I. Knowles Establishing the Foundation of Andragogy 1964-1980

He conceptualize that adults learn differently 1968 He used the approach of group self-directed
from children. 1969 learning as the means for implementing
(1968b) andragogy.
He published his first article on andragogy, was
already applying andragogy in leadership The Modern Practice of Adult Education:
training 1970 Andragogy vs. Pedagogy.

Andragogy and Human Resource Development (HRD) 1971-1973

I. Furter (1971) 1971
He proposed that universities 1972 II. INGALLS (1972)
recognize a science for the training of man to be
called andragogy He provided the first handbook as a guide to
using andragogy in helping adult become more

systematic and consistent in their engaging
learners in the learning process.

III. HENSCHKE (1973) 1973 1973 IV. KNOWLES (1973)

He focused a full
He saw Knowles as a 'field builder' in adult application of his conception of
education with his ideas on andragogy becoming a andragogy toward the Human Resource
central core of his contributions to the theory and Development (HRD) Movement
practice of the adult education field.


and Self-Directed Learning (SDL) 1975-1981

I. KNOWLES (1975) 1975

He labeled pedagogical as 'teacher-directed'

learning and andragogy as 'self-directed' learning. 1976 II. INGALLS (1976)
He added to the idea of using andragogy in corporate
settings, in which he identified nine dimensions that the
III. KABUGA (1977) 1977 manager needs to function as a person who helps his

workers learn and keep up to-date in their various fields
He was quite committed to and convinced of the value

of the andragogical idea in all education, despite the

fact that he had not tested those andragogical
techniques with other than adults.


He updated and added to his application of
andragogy in HRD. He continued to be
focusing on the work of
involved very much with corporate adult
Malcolm S. Knowles
education and added some information
that helped to clarify what was then the
current situation.
(1980) 1980 1980 (1980)
He revised and updated his classic work on The modern He emphasized the differences between children and
practice of adult education, thus changing the subtitle from grownups (adults), with 'schooling' being for children and
'andragogy vs. pedagogy' to 'from pedagogy to andragogy 'learning' being for adults.

1981 1981 VIII. MEZIROW
(1981) (1981)

Focuses his dissertation research on the agreement He developed a critical theory of adult learning and
he found that 174 adult educators, including education, and laid the groundwork for what he called a
professors and practitioners, had on ten of those charter for andragogy that included twelve core concepts
twelve core concepts of Mezirow (1981) that all
related to self-direction in learning.

Trust in Learners' Abilities 1989-1991

(1989) (1989)
Promote pro-active engagement of adult learners through He developed an andragogical assessment instrument
andragogy in most every situation entitled, Instructional Perspectives Inventory (IPI) that
included the following seven dimensions

Submitted by: Grace Wendiejoy M. Grino


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