Making Inferences Worksheet
Making Inferences Worksheet
Making Inferences Worksheet
Everyday after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have
a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. He then took off his dusty overalls and threw
them into a plastic garbage bag; Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every
morning. On his way in the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went
straight up stairs to the shower as he was instructed. He would eat dinner with her after he was
“presentable,” as Alice had often said.
2. What kind of
personality does
Alice have?
3. What kind of
relationship do Paul
and Alice have?
Valerie opened up the letter from the military department. She felt the pit of her stomach drop to
the bottom of the earth before she even opened it. She knew it was news about John. As she read
the first line, she thought of all of the lunches she had packed him and all the nights she tucked him in
his bed and warded off the nighttime monsters. The man carrying the flag put his hand on her
shoulder. She thought of the day that John signed up for the military. Her tears wet the letter. She
stopped reading after the first line.
5. What is Valerie’s
relationship to
“Tommy!” Mom called out as she walked in the front door. “Tommy,” she continued shouting, “I
sure could use some help with these groceries. There was still no reply. Mom walked into the
kitchen to put the grocery bags down on the counter when she noticed shattered glass from the
picture window all over the living room floor and a baseball not far from there. “I’m going to kill you,
Tommy!” Mom yelled to herself as she realized that Tommy’s shoes were gone.
6. What happened to
the window?
Ruby sat on the bed she shared with her husband, holding the letter. There was something thrilling
and, at the same time, terrifying about the letter. Taking a deep, thoughtful breath, Ruby read the
letter yet again, reassuring herself that, at least in one person’s eyes, she did have what it takes to
reach her goals. After all these years of waiting and summoning her courage, scrimping and saving,
was she finally going to take the opportunity she had been denied those many years ago? Ruby
tucked the letter back under the mattress. No, today wasn’t the day to tell Max. She had to wait
until just the right moment; a good day when Max was full of smiles and hope and good humor.
Maybe once spring arrived, carrying with it the promise of sunshine and more work, she would
muster the courage to approach her husband.