ABB Power Distribution: Motor Operating Device UEMC 40 A - , B - , D - Installation and Operating Guide

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Installation and operating Motor Operating Device

UEMC 40 A_, B_, D_

34 UEMC 36 GB 97-10/99-03

ABB Power Distribution

Motor operating device


1. General .......................................................... 3

2. Standards ....................................................... 3

3. Transport and storage ................................... 3

4. Construction ................................................... 3

5. General installation instructions .................... 4

6. Examples of installation and basic

adjustment method ........................................ 5

7. Operation and locking ................................... 10

8. Maintenance .................................................. 10

9. Spare parts .................................................... 10

10. Technical details ............................................ 11

11. Accessories .................................................... 12

12. Range of models ........................................... 16

13. Dimension drawings ...................................... 22

14. Circuit diagrams ............................................ 23

1. General a) Power transfer
The UEMC 40 A_, UEMC 40 B_ and UEMC 40 D_ motor Power is transfered from the motor through a gear wheel
operating devices are intended for indoor mounting on and threaded shaft to the operating axel. The direction
medium voltage disconnectors and earthing switches. of operation for open and close control can be reversed
by changing the motor’s direction of rotation. The threaded
The operating device is reliable in changing temperature shaft gear is assembled from a round stainless steel shaft
and humidity conditions. and one or two bronze nuts. The shaft is self-locking
which means that the operating device cannot be rotated
Operation can be performed both electrically or by means with a force from the operating axel. This also applies
of the manual operating lever. Operating time is about if the operating device is in the central position. The nuts
5...8 s depending on the type of device and loading transfer the power through the specially formed lever
conditions. to the operating axel. The lever is formed so that it can
be locked in the extream position.

By disengaging the coupling ring, manual operation can

2. Standards be performed by means of the control lever.
The motor operating device complies with
– IEC 265 (1983) Both the gear wheel and the threaded shaft are grea-
sed with low temperature grease which ensures correct
– VDE 0530 motor voltage test operation in temperatures as low as –50 °C.

3. Transport and storage b) Mechanical locking

The unit is fitted with a locking device which also includes
The motor operating device can be transported in any
a switch to prevent the motor from operating. The locking
position, and should be stored indoors in a dry area.
unit mechanically locks the operating device and is
strong enough to withstand the driving force of the motor
if the blocking switch S12 fails. The locking unit locks
4. Construction both the motor operating device and the manual oper-
ating device.

c) Electrical operation
Motor operating device type UEMC 40 A1_, B1_, and
D1_ are fitted with a lower level of electrical components,
and require a separate control unit, such as UEZJ 1 or
Refer to circuit diagram: 31 UEMC 79.

Motor operating device type UEMC 40 A2_, B2_, and

D2-_are equipped with a complete control system
including contactors, I- and O-push buttons and mcb.
Refer to circuit diagram: 31 UEMC 81.

Fig. A
1. Power unit
2. Limit switch
3. Guide pin
4. Coupling ring
5. Locking catch
6. Motor
7. Terminal block
8. Control push button
9. M.c.b.
10. Contactor
11. Lever
12. Nut

5. General installation instructions
This is a general description covering the installation of e) Change the position of the motor operating mecha-
a motor operating device. Refer also to point 6, examples nism to another spline on the shaft by turning if
of installation and basic adjustment method. required, and repeat until the tolerance in the
control angle in both the open and closed positions
Note is symetrical.
The motor operating device should not be operated
by driving the screw with a compressed air tool as this f) Electrically test operate the disconnector.
could damage the motors gearwheel.
g) Tighten all locking bolts and nuts.
a) Install the disconnector, shaft and interlocking
between the disconnector and the earthing switch h) Check that the operating symbols are correct.
Mount the elbow gear mechanism if the discon- Symbols for anti-clockwise closed are included in
nector is to be mounted on the back wall of the cubicle. the delivery of UEMC 40 B_ and D_.
Refer to installation instructions for the discon-
nector, and also point 6. To change direction of operating for
UEMC 40 A1, B1 and D1:
b) Make the electrical connections to the motor ope- Refer to circuit diagram: 31 UEMC 157
rating device and earth the unit. 31 UEMC 161

c) Fit the disconnector as detailed in the basic adjust- Stick the left hand label to the coupling ring.
ment instructions, point 6, examples of installation
o n To change direction of operation for
various disconnectors. UEMC 40 A2, B2 and D2:
– Swap connections X1:13 and X1:14,
d) Test operate the motor operating device so that the red to X1:13 and brown to X1:14.
coupling ring A-4 is free and the unit is driven by the – Stick the left hand label to the coupling ring.
motor, or by rotating the screw with a 19 mm socket
spanner. If the motor operating device is driven by Note
rotating the screw, ensure to stop when the spring Models UEMC 40 A1 and UEMC 40 A2 do not usually
washer bigins to compress. Then operate the need to have their direction of rotation changed
disconnector from the shaft using the handle, and as the direction of operation of the disconnector
make note of the position of the coupling ring when can be chosen to suit by turning the larger toothed
the operating is complete. gearwheel to the left or right side of the smaller
toothed gearwheel.
The following criteria should be met both in open and
closed position: i) Select the right label for sticking on to the motor
– the shaft can be rotated to the point where the operating device, according to language and method
coupling ring latches. of mounting. Label no. GB 3637-1 for push buttons
– a margin in the operating angle should be avail- mounted above and label no. GB 3637-2 for push
able before the coupling ring A-4 latches. buttons mounted below the operating shaft.

6. Examples of installation and
basic adjustment method
A. NAL-disconnector mounted on
the rear wall of the cubicle

Spring device: A-mec, K-mec or KS-mec.


Fig. B

1. Motor operating device UEMC 40 A2- or UEMC 40 A1-

2. Joint UEMC-ZL 7
3. Adjuster coupling UEMC-ZL 10 (only for KS-mechanism)
4. Beveled gearwheel 53362/HE
5. Transmission tube 53346 (lenght 1,3 m)
53347 (lenght 2 m)

A-mec, basic adjustment method K-mec, basic adjustment method

1. Operating device in the open position (as deliv- 1. Operating device in the open position (as deliv-
ered). ered)

2. Operate the disconnector in the direction of the 2. With the disconnector in the open position, lightly
open position until the spring is charged, (charging turn using the handle, in the direction of the arrow
catch latches). Turn lightly using the handle, in the on the K-mechanism until the free play is taken
direction of the arrow on the A-mechanism until up.
the free play is taken up.
3. Free the operating device’s coupling ring A-4 for
3. Free the operating device's coupling ring A-4 for manual operation, and turn the coupling ring so that
manual operation, and turn the coupling ring so that dimension X = 6 mm. Refer to fig. B.
dimension X = 1 mm. Refer to fig. B.
4. Install the motor operating device in this position.
4. Install the motor operating device in this posi-
tion. 5. Refer to point 5, general installation instructions.

5. Refer to point 5, general installation instructions.

KS-mec, basic adjustment method
Applicable to both disconnector mounted on the side or
rear wall of the cubicle. Refer to fig. B and fig.C.

1. Operating device in open position (as delivered). 7. Trip the disconnector to the open position using
the tripping mechanism.
2. Disconnector in the closed position. Operate the
disconnector with the handle to charge the spring 8. Free the operating device’s coupling ring A-4 and
device, and continue in the direction of the arrow operate the motor operating device to the
on the KS-mechanism until the free play is taken closed position, ensuring that the disconnector re-
up. mains in the open position. The operation can be
made electrically or by rotating the nut on top.
3. Loosen the adjuster coupling screws to max. free
play. The adjuster coupling provides facility to 9. Operate the disconnector with the handle until the
adjust the extreme positions exactly and to reduce closing spring is charged and the end free play
the control angle. is taken up. If the coupling ring should not latch
in refer to above point 6.
4. Turn the adjuster coupling in the opposite direction
of the arrow KS-mec. until the free play is taken 10. Tight the adjuster couplings other adjustment screw
up. until a light resistance is felt towards the closed
position, but do not tighten so much that the
5. Install the motor operating device. coupling ring cannot be drawn out by hand.

6. Tighten one adjustment screw on the adjuster 11. Trip the disconnector to the closed position using
coupling until a light resistance is felt towards the the tripping mechanism.
open position. Do not tighten it so much that the
coupling ring cannot be drawn out by hand. The 12. Refer to point 5, general installation instructions.
position of the adjuster coupling’s splines should
be that the adjuster screw is screwed out only a
few millimeters, otherwise the free play will not
be enough for positioning at the other end.

B. NAL-disconnector mounted on the
side wall of the cubicle
Spring device: A-mec, K-mec or KS-mec.

The operating device can be mounted on the right hand

or left hand side of the disconnector. When mounted
on the right hand side it must be noted that the direction
of operation should be changed to anti-clockwise closed.
Refer to point 5.h.

Fig. C

1. Motor operation device UEMC 40 D2- or

UEMC 40 D1-

2. Adjuster coupling UEMC-ZL 10 (only for KS-mechamism)

A-mec, basic adjustment method K-mec, basic adjustment method

1. Operating device in open position (as delivered). 1. Operating device in open position (as delivered).

2. Operate the disconnector in the direction of the 2. Disconnector in the open position. Turn lightly using
open position until the spring is charged, (charging the handle in the direction of the arrow on the
catch latches). Turn lightly using the handle, in the K-mec until the free play is taken up.
direction of the arrow on the A-mechanism until
the free play is taken up. 3. Free the operating device's coupling ring A-4 for
manual operation, and turn the coupling ring so that
3. Free the operating devices coupling ring A-4 for dimension X = 5 mm. See fig. C
manual operation, and turn the coupling ring so that
dimension X = 5 mm. See fig. C 4. Install the operating device’s in this position.

4. Install the operating device in this position. 5. Refer to point 5, general installation instructions.

5. Refer to point 5, general installation instructions.

KS-mec, basic adjustment method

The same installation instructions are applicable to
disconnectors mounted on either the rear or side wall
of the cubicle. Refer to point 6.A.

C. ADNN-, or OJON- disconnectors
mounted on the rear wall of the cubicle


Fig. D

1. Motor operating device UEMC 40 A2- or

UEMC 40 A1

2. Elbow gear mechanism UEMC-ZL 23 including:

– beveled gear wheel
– transmission tube 33 x 1500 mm
– joint
– extension shaft

1. Operating device in the open position (as deli- 5. Operate the disconnector with the handle to the
vered). closed position. Take note of when the coupling
ring latches in. The coupling ring should latch in
2. Disconnector in the open position. Lightly turn, when the disconnector is completely closed. Loosen
using the handle, in the direction of the arrow until the connector from the operating mechanism and
the free play is taken up. rotate it to a suitable spline as required.

3. Mount the motor operating device. 6. Open the disconnector using the handle and re-
peat the above until the desired position is ob-
4. Free the operating device's coupling ring A-4 tained.
and operate the motor operating device to the
closed position, ensuring that the disconnector 7. Refer to point 5, general installation instructions.
remains in the open position. The operation can
be made electrically or by rotating the screw.

D. ADNN-, or OJON- disconnectors
mounted on the side wall of the
The operating device can be mounted on either the left
hand or right hand side of the disconnector. When
mounted on the left hand side it must be noted that the
direction of operation should be changed to anti-clock-
wise closed, refer to point 5.h.

Fig. E

1. Motor operating device UEMC 40 B2-, or

UEMC 40 B1

2. Adjuster coupling UEMC-ZL 9 for round shaft Ø 25

UEMC-ZL 10 for splined shaft Ø 25

3. Extension shaft UEMC 242 fit to adjuster coupling UEMC-ZL 10

1. Operating device in open position (as delivered). 7. Free the operating device’s coupling ring A-4
and operate the motor operating device to the
2. Loosen the adjuster coupling screws to max. free closed position, ensuring that the disconnector
play. The adjuster coupling provides facility to remains in the open position. The operation can
adjust the extreme positions exactly and to reduce be made electrically or by rotating the nut.
the control angle.
8. Operate the disconnector with the handle to the
3. Disconnector in open position. closed position.

4. Turn the coupling adjuster and the disconnector 9. Tighten the adjuster coupling's other adjustment
lightly in the direction of the arrow until the free screw until the disconnector turns lightly against
play is taken up. the close stopper.

5. Install the motor operating device. 10. Test operate and adjust the adjustment screws if
6. Tighten one adjustment screw on the adjuster
coupling until the disconnector turns lightly against 11. Refer to point 5, general installation instructions.
the open stopper. The position of the adjuster
coupling's splines should be that the adjuster
screw is screwed out only a few millimeters,
otherwise the free play will not be enough for
positioning at the other end. Change the adjuster
coupling to another spline if required.

7. Operation and locking 8. Maintenance
a) Motorized operation The operating devices threaded shaft and gearwheel is
to be greased at 5 year intervals or after 1000 operations.
– Switch the “MOTOR”-switch to the ON position.
In this position both the local and remote Recommended grease type is Isoflex Topas NCA 52
functions operate. or similar synthetic low temperature resistant grease.
– Use the control pushbuttons I or O for local control. The grease can be ordered from the manufacturer of
the operating device.
b) Manual operation
If the operating device is fitted with an anti-condensation
Switch the “MOTOR”-switch to the OFF-position. heater check that it works.
Pull the coupling ring out and operate using the control
handle. Some disconnectors will need a slight turn in
the other direction with the control lever before the
coupling ring A-4 can be pulled out. See also accessories
UEMZ 469.

c) Motorized operation after manual

After manually operating the disconnector once, the
power unit is not in synch with the disconnector. The
coupling ring A-4 usually drops into place itself when
next using the motor operating device. To assist the
coupling ring relocating itself, turn the axel slightly
backwards after manually operating the disconnector.
If for example the disconnector is opened manually and
then it is to be closed using the motor operating device,
first drive the motor operating device to the open position
so that the coupling ring drops into place and then drive
it to the closed position.

d) Mechanical locking
Switch the “MOTOR” -switch to the O-position. The
disconnector can be locked when the motor operating
device is in the open or closed position, also after manual
operation, even if the coupling ring is disengaged. Lock
after pushing the locking catch A-5 in using Æ 6...10
mm padlock. The locking will also open the electrical
operating circuit automatically.

9. Spare parts
When ordering spare parts all details on the rating plate
are to be mentioned.



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10. Technical details
– Direction of operation:
clockwise to close easily changeable, see point 5.h.
– Motor:
Rectified DC, permanent magnet type

89 ,Q$ ,PD[$ 0 FE

9 ' &   6 72 6 . 

9 ' &   6 72 6 . 
9 ' &   6 72 6 . 
9 ' &   6 72 6 . 
9 ' &   6 72 6 . 
9 ' &   6 72 6 8 &. 

9$&   6 72 6 . 

8(0 & 8(0 & 8(0 &

$ $ % % ' '

7RUTXH 1P      

: HLJKW NJ      
VH V      

' HJU  1)  1)

– Manual operating device with operating handle 1) With accessory: Coupling ring UEMZ 452
– Terminal block 6 mm2
– Anti-condensation heater 5 W (to be ordered sepa-

– Operating time at standard load 5...8 s


Operating time at different load

11. Accessories

Operating handle UEKO-ZK 1 or

HE 53235
The operating handle is insulated and fitted with an
insulated grip.

Extension shaft UEMC -ZL 24

– shaft 240 mm (splined)
– extention socket 70 mm (splines to splines)
The shaft have cutting grooves at regular intervals.

Æ 25 splined / Æ 25 splined

Coupling ring UEMZ 452

Increases the operating angle to 210o for motor
operating devices UEMC 40 A_

Protective m.c.b.
Used to connect the supply circuit and protect the motor
against overloading.


9 ' & 6 72 6 . 

9 ' & 6 72 6 . 
9 ' & 6 72 6 . 
9 ' & 6 72 6 . 
9 ' & 6 72 6 . 
9$& 6 72 6 . 
9 ' & 6 72 6 8 &. 


9$& 6 72 6 . 

Auxiliary contact for m.c.b.

- STO S 2-S/H
Includes 2 pcs. change-over contacts.

Operating box UEZJ 2-

8( =- 9 ' & 8 ( 0 &

8( =- 9 ' & 
8( =- 9 ' & 
8( =- 9 ' & 
8( =- 9 ' & 
8( =- 9 ' & 
8( =- 9$& 

8( =- 9$& 
8( =- 8 8 (1) 8 ( 0 &

(1) Type UEZJ 2-UU is to be ordered when different motor and

auxiliary voltages are to be used. Please give details of the voltages

when ordering.

Control unit UEZJ 1-


8( =- 9 ' & 8 ( 0 &

8( =- 9 ' & 
8( =- 9 ' & 
8( =- 9 ' & 
8( =- 9 ' & 
8( =- 9 ' & 
8( =- 9$& 

8( =- 9$& 
8( =- 8 8 (1 ) 8 ( 0 &

(1) Type UEZJ 1-UU is to be ordered when different motor and auxiliary
voltages are to be used. Please give details of the voltages when

Control unit UEZJ 1- /2


8( =- 9 ' & 8 ( 0 &

8( =- 9 ' & 
8( =- 9 ' & 
8( =- 9 ' & 
8( =- 9 ' & 
8( =- 9 ' & 
8( =- 9$& 
8( =- 9$& 

8( =- 8 8  (1) 8 ( 0 &


(1) Type UEZJ 1-UU is to be ordered when different motor and auxiliary
voltages are to be used. Please give details of the voltages when

Box UEMZ 480
– grey polycarbonat box, IP 67
– bracket
– screws

The box is suitable for control unit UEZJ 1-/2

Control push buttons UEZJ 3

– I -button, with text: CLOSE

– O -button, with text: OPEN

– On/Off selector switch,
with text: REMOTE ON/OFF

Set of indicator lamps UEZJ 4

Type: UEZJ 4 - 24 V
- 48 V

- 60 V
- 110 V
- 125 V
- 220 V

Includes: red, green, and yellow lamps.

The same type for both DC and AC.

Adjuster coupling UEMC-ZL 9

Provides facility to adjust the extreme positions exactly
and to reduce control angle steplessly max 30°.
Æ 25 splined / Æ 25


Adjuster coupling UEMC-ZL 10

Provides facility to adjust the extreme positions exactly
and to reduce control angle steplessly max 30°.
Æ 25 splined / Æ 25 splined

Splined Splined

Joint UEMC-ZL 7
For transmitting the operating movement through an
angle of max 40°.
For tube diameter: 3/4" (26.9 mm)


Joint UEMZ 390

For transmitting the operating movement through an
angle of max 40°.
For tube diameter: 1" (33.7 mm)

Extension shaft UEMZ 242
Æ 25 splined / Æ 25


Elbow gear mechanism UEMC-ZL 23 Splined

UEMZ 404: Beveled gear wheel
UEMZ 390: Joint
UEMZ 242: Extension shaft
UEMZ 403: Transmission tube Æ 33.7 x 1500 mm
Tube length = A – 150 mm

Manual operation by means of an

insulated staff
1. Screw extensions UEMZ 469
2. Conical adapter – RAG MGA 87
3. Operating rod – RAG MTG 201-K
Length 6390 mm

The conical adapter can be fitted on the end of an
insulated staff as used for changing fuses on pole mounted
transformers. Manufactured by Melby or Ragnar Stål-
skog. By turning the staff, the operating mechanism can
be controlled.

12. Range of models

Disconnector mounted on the rear wall of cubicle

Disconnector Important accessories Motor operating device Guide

NAL_ Joint UEMC 40 A_ 34 UEMC 36_


OJON_ Elbow gear mec.

UEMC 40 A_ 34 UEMC 36_
ADNN 12-24 kV UEMC-ZL 23

ADNN 52 kV Elbow gear mec. Coupling ring

ADNN 72.5 kV UEMC-ZL 23 UEMZ 452 UEMC 40 A_ 34 UEMC 36_

Elbow gear mec. Coupling ring

OJD_ UEMZ 452 UEMC 40 A_ 34 UEMC 28_

Disconnector mounted on the side wall of cubicle

Disconnector Important accessories Motor operating device Guide

NAL_ UEMC 40 D_ 34 UEMC 36_

Extension shaft

OJON_ Adjuster coupling UEMC 40 B_ 34 UEMC 36_


Extension shaft Adjuster coupling


OJD_ UEMC 40 B_ 34 UEMC 28_

Extension shaft

UEMC 40 A_, B_, D_

Earthing switch mounted on the rear wall of cubicle

Earthing switch Accessories Motor operating device Guide
Elbow gear mec. 34 UEMC 36_

OJWN_ Elbow gear mec. 34 UEMC 36_

UEMC 40 A_

E for NAL Joint UEMC 40 A_ 34 UEMC 36_


Earthing switch mounted on the side wall of cubicle

Earthing switch Accessories Motor operating device Guide
ADJ_ Adjuster coupling
OJO-ZMA_ UEMC 40 B_ 34 UEMC 36_
Extension shaft Adjuster coupling

UEMC 40 B_ 34 UEMC 28_

Extension shaft

E for NAL
UEMC 40 D_ 34 UEMC 36_
EB for NAL

Extension shaft

UEMC 40 A_
Disconnector mounted on the rear wall of cubicle

Adjuster coupling
Joint only for KS-mec.
Operating handle
UEKO-ZK 1 or
HE 53235

Motor operating device Motor operating device

UEMC 40 A1 - 24 VDC UEMC 40 A2 - 24 VDC
- 48 VDC - 48 VDC
- 60 VDC - 60 VDC
- 110 VDC - 110 VDC
- 125 VDC - 125 VDC
- 220 VDC - 220 VDC
- 110 VAC
- 230 VAC
- UU

Control unit Operating box

UEZJ 1 - 24 VDC UEZJ 2 - 24 VDC
- 48 VDC - 48 VDC
- 60 VDC - 60 VDC
- 110 VDC - 110 VDC
- 125 VDC - 125 VDC
- 220 VDC - 220 VDC
- 110 VAC - 110 VAC
- 230 VAC - 230 VAC
- UU - UU

Control push Set of Protective m.c.b.

buttons indicator lamps - STO S272 K8 for 24 V
UEZJ 3 UEZJ 4 - 24 V - STO S272 K4 for 48 V
- 48 V - STO S272 K4 for 60 V
- 60 V - STO S272 K2 for 110 V
- 110 V - STO S272 K2 for 125 V
- 125 V - STO S272 K1 for 230 VAC
- 220 V - STO S282 UCK 1 for 220 VDC

Aux. contacts for m.c.b.

- STO S2-S/H

UEMC 40 D_
Disconnector mounted on the side wall of cubicle

Adjuster coupling
Extension shaft UEMC-ZL 10
UEMC-ZL 24 only for KS-mec.

Operating handle
UEKO-ZK 1 or
HE 53235

Motor operating device Motor operating device

UEMC 40 D1- 24 VDC UEMC 40 D2 - 24 VDC
- 48 VDC - 48 VDC
- 60 VDC - 60 VDC
- 110 VDC - 110 VDC
- 125 VDC - 125 VDC
- 220 VDC - 220 VDC
- 110 VAC
- 230 VAC
- UU

Control unit Operating box

UEZJ 1 - 24 VDC UEZJ 2 - 24 VDC
- 48 VDC - 48 VDC
- 60 VDC - 60 VDC
- 110 VDC - 110 VDC
- 125 VDC - 125 VDC
- 220 VDC - 220 VDC
- 110 VAC - 110 VAC
- 230 VAC - 230 VAC
- UU - UU

Control push Set of Protective m.c.b.

buttons indicator lamps - STO S272 K8 for 24 V
UEZJ 3 UEZJ 4 - 24 V - STO S272 K4 for 48 V
- 48 V - STO S272 K4 for 60 V
- 60 V - STO S272 K2 for 110 V
- 110 V - STO S272 K2 for 125 V
- 125 V - STO S272 K1 for 230 VAC
- 220 V - STO S282 UCK 1 for 220 VDC

Aux. contacts for m.c.b.

- STO S2-S/H

UEMC 40 A_
Disconnector mounted on the rear wall of cubicle

Disconnector Disconnector
ADNN 12-36 kV ADNN 72.5 kV

Coupling ring
UEMZ 452

Operating handle
UEKO-ZK 1 or
HE 53235
Elbow gear mechanism

Motor operating device

Motor operating device
UEMC 40 A2 - 24 VDC
UEMC 40 A1 - 24 VDC
- 48 VDC
- 48 VDC
- 60 VDC
- 60 VDC
- 110 VDC
- 110 VDC
- 125 VDC
- 125 VDC
- 220 VDC
- 220 VDC
- 110 VAC
- 230 VAC
- UU

Control unit Operating box

UEZJ 1 - 24 VDC UEZJ 2 - 24 VDC
- 48 VDC - 48 VDC
- 60 VDC - 60 VDC
- 110 VDC - 110 VDC
- 125 VDC - 125 VDC
- 220 VDC - 220 VDC
- 110 VAC - 110 VAC
- 230 VAC - 230 VAC
- UU - UU

Control push Set of Protective m.c.b.

buttons indicator lamps - STO S272 K8 for 24 V
UEZJ 3 UEZJ 4 - 24 V - STO S272 K4 for 48 V
- 48 V - STO S272 K4 for 60 V
- 60 V - STO S272 K2 for 110 V
- 110 V - STO S272 K2 for 125 V
- 125 V - STO S272 K1 for 230 VAC
- 220 V - STO S282 UCK 1 for 220 VDC

Aux. contacts for m.c.b.

- STO S2-S/H

UEMC 40 B_
Disconnector mounted on the side wall of cubicle

Operating handle
UEKO-ZK 1 or
HE 53235

Adjustment coupling
Adjustment coupling
Extension shaft
UEMZ 242

Motor operating device Motor operating device

UEMC 40 B1 - 24 VDC UEMC 40 B2 - 24 VDC
- 48 VDC - 48 VDC
- 60 VDC - 60 VDC
- 110 VDC - 110 VDC
- 125 VDC - 125 VDC
- 220 VDC - 220 VDC
- 110 VAC
- 230 VAC
- UU

Control unit Operating box

UEZJ 1 - 24 VDC UEZJ 2 - 24 VDC
- 48 VDC - 48 VDC
- 60 VDC - 60 VDC
- 110 VDC - 110 VDC
- 125 VDC - 125 VDC
- 220 VDC - 220 VDC
- 110 VAC - 110 VAC
- 230 VAC - 230 VAC
- UU - UU

Control push Set of Protective m.c.b.

buttons indicator lamps - STO S272 K8 for 24 V
UEZJ 3 UEZJ 4 - 24 V - STO S272 K4 for 48 V
- 48 V - STO S272 K4 for 60 V
- 60 V - STO S272 K2 for 110 V
- 110 V - STO S272 K2 for 125 V
- 125 V - STO S272 K1 for 230 VAC
- 220 V - STO S282 UCK 1 for 220 V DC

Aux. contacts for m.c.b.

- STO S2-S/H

13. Dimension drawing Motor Operating Device UEMC 40 A_, B_, D_

13 UEMC 408 D

Only with types

UEMC 40 A2
" B2
" D2

ø 25 splined

3 x M10

Front panel drilling

$ % & 9 0

$     (1) 

$     ( ) 






(1) Accessories, to be ordered separately

14. Circuit diagram Motor Operating Device UEMC 40 A1, B1, D1

31 UEMC 79 C

(L1) (N)
X2: 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 21 22
B la ck
R ed

1 21 1
M1 S1 S12 S2 S12 R2
2 22 2 12

For types: UEMC 40 A1 - 24 VDC

- 48 VDC
- 60 VDC
- 110 VDC
- 125 VDC
- 220 VDC

UEMC 40 B1 - 24 VDC
- 48 VDC
- 60 VDC
- 110 VDC
- 125 VDC
- 220 VDC

UEMC 40 D1 - 24 VDC
- 48 VDC
- 60 VDC
- 110 VDC
- 125 VDC
- 220 VDC

M1 = Motor
S1, S2 = Limit switches
S12 = Blocking switch for locking

1) R2 = Heater (to be ordered separately)

Circuit diagram Motor Operating Device UEMC 40 A2, B2, D2

31 UEMC 81 J
UEMC 40 A2 - 24 VDC UEMC 40 B2 - 24 VDC UEMC 40 D2 - 24 VDC
- 48 VDC - 48 VDC - 48 VDC
- 60 VDC - 60 VDC - 60 VDC
- 110 VDC - 110 VDC - 110 VDC
- 125 VDC - 125 VDC - 125 VDC
- 220 VDC - 220 VDC - 220 VDC
- 110 VAC - 110 VAC - 110 VAC
- 230 VAC - 230 VAC - 230 VAC
- UU (2 ) - UU (2) - UU (2)


(L1/+) Br Red
1 3 5 7 13 8 14 11 9

V3 S45 14 S45 24
1 I O
13 23
V5 ~

5 12 5 21 11
1 1
K1 K2 K1 K3 K2 K3 S12
2 2 6 11 6 22 12
R ed

22 22
M1 A2 K2 K1
21 21
B la c k

1 1 (1
S1 S2 R2
3 3 2 2
K1 K2
4 4 A1 A1
- V1 K1 V2 K2
A2 A2
V5 ~
F1 S12

4 22

X1: 2 4 6 12 10

(N/-) (N/-)

F1 = M.c.b.
S45 = Push buttons (I and O)
M1 = Motor
K1, K2 = Operating contactors
K3 = Relay for 48-220 V
S1, S2 = Limit switches
S12 = Blocking switch, locking
V5 = Rectifier for AC
V1-V3 = Diodes for DC
R1 = Resistor for 110-230 V

(1) R2 = Heater (to be ordered separately)

(2) = Detail motor and aux. voltage

Circuit diagram Control unit UEZJ 1_

31 UEMC 141 D
For types. UEZJ 1- 24 VDC UEZJ 1- 24 VDC/2
Lajeille: - 48 VDC - 48 VDC/2
För typerna: - 60 VDC - 60 VDC/2
- 110 VDC - 110 VDC/2
- 125 VDC - 125 VDC/2
- 220 VDC - 220 VDC/2
- 110 VAC - 110 VAC/2
- 220 VAC - 220 VAC/2
(1 -110VAC

(L1) (+)

X1: 21 1 3 7 8
+ 11 5 21 5

K3 K1 K3 K2
3 3 12 6 22 6
K1 K2
4 4
22 22
R1 K3 K2 K1
A2 21 21

2 2 A2 A2

K2 K1 V1 K1 V2 K2
1 1 A1 A1

V5 ~
X1: 22 2 13 14 4 15 16 17

(N) ( )

K1, K2 = Operating contactors

K3 = Relay for 48-230 V
V1, V2 = Diodes
R1 = Resistor for 110-230 V

1) V5 = Rectifier only for AC

Circuit diagram Control unit UEZJ 1_

31 UEMC 142 C
For types: UEZJ 1_UU Note. DC-contactors

(L1) (+) (L1) (+)

X1: 21 1 23 3 7 8
~ ~
~ ~
V5 V6
- -
+ + 11 5 21 5

K3 K1 K3 K2
12 6 22 6
3 3
K1 K2
4 4 22 22
K2 K1
K3 21 21

A2 A2
2 2 V1 K1 V2 K2
K2 K1 A1 A1
1 1

- -
- -
V5 ~ V6 ~
~ ~

X1: 22 2 13 14 24 4 15 16 17

(N) ( ) (N) ( )

K1, K2 = Operating contactors

K3 = Relay for 48-230 V
V1, V2 = Diodes
V5, V6 = Rectifier only for AC
R1 = Resistor for 110-230 V

Circuit diagram Operating box UEZJ 2_

31 UEMC 148 C
For types UEZJ 2- 24 VDC
- 48 VDC
- 60 VDC
- 110 VDC
- 125 VDC
- 220 VDC
- 110 VAC
- 230 VAC

(1 -110VAC

(L1) (+)

X1: 21 1 3 5 7 8 9 10 11
~ 14 S4 14 S5 14 H4 x1 H5 x1 H9 x1
V5 - ~
S6 I O I O
13 13 13 x2 x2 x2
+ Red Gr Yw

11 5 21 5
3 3
K1 K2 K3 K1 K3 K2
4 4 12 6 22 6
R1 K3 22 22
K2 K1
21 21
2 2
K2 K1 A2 A2
1 1
- V1 K1 V2 K2
- A1 A1
V5 ~
X1: 22 2 13 14 4 15 16 17 20

(N) ( )

K1, K2 =Operating contactors

S4, S5 =Push buttons
S6 =Remote control selector
K3 =Relay for 48-230 V
R1 =Resistor for 110-230 V
V1, V2 =Diodes
H4 =Position indicator, closed, red
H5 =Position indicator, open, green
H9 =Indicator for fuse tripping, yellow

1) V5 = Rectifier only for AC

Circuit diagram Operating box UEZJ 2_

31 UEMC 149 D
For types. UEZJ 2_UU

(1 (1

(L1) (+) (L1) (+)

X1: 21 1 23 3 5 7 8 9 10 11
~ ~
14 S4 14 S5 14 H4 x1 H5 x1 H9 x1
~ ~
V5 - V6 - S6 I O I O
13 13 13 x2 x2 x2
+ + Red Gr Yw

11 5 21 5
3 3
K1 K2 K3 K1 K3 K2
4 4 12 6 22 6
R1 K3 22 22
K2 K1
21 21
2 2
K2 K1 A2
1 1
- - V1 K1 V2 K2
- - A1 A1
V5 ~
V6 ~
~ ~

X1: 22 2 13 14 24 4 15 16 17 20

(N) ( ) (N) ( )

K1, K2 =Operating contactors

S4, S5 =Push buttons
S6 =Remote control selector
K3 =Relay for 48-230 V
R1 =Resistor for 110-230 V
V1, V2 =Diodes
H4 =Position indicator, closed, red
H5 =Position indicator, open, green
H9 =Indicator for fuse tripping, yellow

1) V5, V6 = Rectifier only for AC

Example of connection for UEMC 40_ ... + UEZJ 1

31 UEMC 156 C

Alt . A
( +)
S7 S9
( +) Alarm
13 S4 13 S5 13 H4 x1 H5 x1 H9 x1
F1 S6 I O I O
14 14 14 x2 x2 x2
Red Gr Yw
( )

X1: 1 3 7 8

11 5 21 5
K3 K1 K3 K2
3 3 12 6 22 6
K1 K2
4 4
A1 22 22
R1 K3 K2 K1
A2 21 21

2 2 A2 A2
K2 K1 V1 K1 V2 K2
1 1 A1 A1
U EZJ 1-

X1: 2 13 14 4 15 16 17

F1 S9 S8
( )
(L1) (N)
U E M C 4 0 A 1,B 1 ,D 1 -

X2: 1 2 9 10 3 4 5 21 22
B la ck
R ed

11 1 21 1

M1 S12 S1 S12 S2 R2
12 2 22 2

F1 = M.c.b.
S4,S5 = Push buttons
S6 = Remote control selector
S7 = Aux. contact for disconnector
S8 = Aux. contact for earthing switch
S9 = Aux. contact for fuse tripping
H4 = Position indicator, closed, red
H5 = Position indicator, open, green
H9 = Indicator for fuse tripping, yellow

Example of connection for UEMC 40_ ... + UEZJ 1_

31 UEMC 157 C
Alt. B Vastapäivään kiinni
Moturs slutning (+ )
I O Anti -c loc kw ise cl o se d

H äly ty s S7 S9
(+) Alarm
13 S4 13 S5 13 H 4 x1 H5 x1 H 9 x1
F1 S6 I O I O
14 14 Red x2 Gr x2 Y w x2

( )

3 7 8
X1: 1

11 5 21 5
K3 K1 K3 K2
3 3 12 6 22 6
K1 K2
4 4
A1 22 22
R1 K3 K2 K1
A2 21 21

2 2 A2 A2
K2 K1 V1 K1 V2 K2
1 1 A1 A1
U E Z J 1-

X1: 2 13 14 4 15 16 17

F1 S9 S8
( )
(L1) (N)
U E M C 40 A 1 ,B 1 ,D 1 -

X2: 1 2 9 10 3 4 5 21 22
B la c k

11 1 21 1

M1 S12 S1 S12 S2 R2
12 2 22 2

F1 = M.c.b.
S4,S5 = Push buttons
S6 = Remote control selector
S7 = Aux. contact for disconnector
S8 = Aux. contact for earthing switch
S9 = Aux. contact for fuse tripping
H4 = Pos. indicator, closed, red
H5 = Pos. indicator, open, green
H9 = Indic. for fuse tripping, yellow

Example of connection for UEMC 40_ ... + UEZJ 2

31 UEMC 160 B
Alt . A
( +)
H äly ty s
S7 S9
A l a rm
(+ ) S14 14 S15 14 H14 x1 H15 x1 H19 x1
F1 13 13
x2 Gr x2 Yw x2

X1: 1 3 5 7 8 9 10 11
14 S4 14 S5 14 H4 x1 H 5 x1 H9 x1
S6 I O I O
13 13 13
Gr x2 Yw x2

11 5 21 5
3 3
K1 K2 K3 K1 K3 K2
4 4 12 6 22 6
R1 K3 22 22
K2 K1
21 21
2 2
K2 K1 A2 A2
1 1
V1 K1 V2 K2
A1 A1
U E Z J 2-

X1: 2 13 14 4 15 16 17 20

F1 S9 S8 ( )
( )
(L1) (N)
X2: 1 2 9 10 3 4 5 21 22
U E M C 4 0 A 1 ,B 1,D 1 -

B la c k

11 1 21 1 (1
M1 S12 S1 S12 S2 R2
12 2 22 2

F1 =M.c.b.
S14,S15 =Push buttons
S7 =Aux. cont. for disconnector
S8 =Aux. cont. for earthing switch
S9 =Aux. cont. for fuse tripping
H14 =Pos. indicator, closed, red
H15 =Pos. indicator, open, green
H19 =Indic. for fuse tripping, yellow

Example of connection for UEMC 40_ ... + UEZJ 2

31 UEMC 161 B
Vastapäivään kiinni
Alt . B
Mo tu rs slut n in g
I O Anti -c loc kw ise cl o se d (+)

H äly ty s
S7 S9
(+ ) S14 14
S15 14 H14 x1 H15 x1 H19 x1
13 13 x2 x2
F1 Red Gr Y w x2

X1: 1 3 5 7 8 9 10 11

14 S4 14 S5 14 H 4 x1 H5 x1 H9 x1
S6 I O I O
13 13 13 x2 x2
Red Gr Y w x2

11 5 21 5
3 3
K1 K2 K3 K1 K3 K2
4 4 12 6 22 6
R1 K3 22 22
K2 K1
21 21
2 2
K2 K1 A2
1 A2
1 K1 K2
V1 V2
A1 A1
U EZ J 2-

X1: 2 13 14 4 15 16 17 20

F1 S9 S8 ( )
( )
(L1) (N)
U E M C 4 0 A 1 ,B 1 ,D 1-

X2: 1 9 10 3 4 5 21 22
B la c k

11 1 21 1 (1
M1 S12 S1 S12 S2 R2
12 2 22 2

F1 =M.c.b.
S14,S15 =Push buttons
S7 =Aux. cont. for disconnector
S8 =Aux. cont. for earthing switch
S9 =Aux. cont. for fuse tripping
H14 =Pos. indicator, closed, red
H15 =Pos. indicator, open, green
H19 =Ind. for fuse tripping, yellow

34 UEMC 36 GB 97-10/99-03

ABB Transmit Oy
MV Systems Division
P.O. Box 613, FIN-65101 Vaasa, Finland
Phone: +358 10 22 4000
Fax: +358 10 22 44661


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