Department of Education: Weekly Home Learning Guide in Reading and Writing Skills First Quarter
Department of Education: Weekly Home Learning Guide in Reading and Writing Skills First Quarter
Department of Education: Weekly Home Learning Guide in Reading and Writing Skills First Quarter
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cavite Province
Tagaytay City National High School-Integrated Senior High School
Mayor’s Drive, Mendez Crossing East, Tagaytay City
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Complete the table below after reading the paragraph.
Is iPhone 11 worth spending? One of the company’s recent novelties is the iPhone 11 – a newer and more
advanced version of the most popular phone in the world. However, the previous model – iPhone XR –
seemed to have been satisfying people’s needs just fine as well. So, what is the difference?
Issue Argument Evidence
Persuasive text can be in the form of an argument, discussion, exposition, review or even an advertisement.
In developing your own persuasive text, a writer must first state the issue. This will serve as a background
information about the topic. Then, it should be followed by a clear, strong and specific argument. An
argument is one’s claim or position that can either support or reject the issue previously stated. Arguments
shall be supported with a well-researched evidences, which will give details on how and why it supports the
argument. Evidences can be factual, logical, statistical or anecdotal in nature. It can also explain
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Here is a chart of the transitional devices (also called conjunctive adverbs or adverbial conjunctions)
accompanied with a simplified definition of function.
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Now that you already know the importance of organization, coherence and cohesion in creating a well-written
text, let’s move on to another significant factor that a writer should consider – the language use. In this
lesson, you are expected to determine the essence of proper language use in written texts and, later, to
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Writing is a rigorous activity. No matter how good and substantial the content of a document is, if it’s not
carefully written as to how you, as the writer, would like to present it to your readers, your purpose will not be
served wisely. Hence, you have to bear in mind that aside from considering the organization of your ideas
and the coherence and cohesion of your sentences and paragraphs, you also have to regard the style, tone
and clarity of your writing. On this note, you are responsible to choose the appropriate language to be used
and to regard the objective of the writing, the context in which it was written and the target audience in mind.
There are five major issues with appropriate language that should be avoided in an effective and well-written
text, as identified by (Purdue Online Writing Lab 2020):
First, the formality of the language one uses should depend on how formal the situation is and how the writer
and the reader are related to one another.
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Third, slangs and idioms should be avoided. Slangs are words, phrases, or expressions that do not literally
mean what they express (like “frenemy” to describe someone who is both a friend and an enemy) while
idioms or expressions whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual word it contains (like
“to kill two birds at one stone”, which means to get two things done with a single action. Fourth, euphemisms
or words that veil the truth shall also be avoided. Examples of which are “virtually challenged” for someone
who is short; “passed away” instead of died, and other deceitful language. Fifth, avoid using any biased
language including those associated with any racial, ethnic, group, or gender.
Now that you already learned the importance of language use in achieving an effective and well-written text,
it’s now time for you to utilize this property in your writing task.
Write a three-paragraph expository essay about one of the given topics below. Make sure to consider
organization, coherence and cohesion, and language use. Please be guided by the scoring rubric
. 1. How can pets make you happy and improve your life?
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I can never forget my class last school year because they were so active and responsible in
Considerclass they always worked together well in doing their assignments performing group and
this example:
individual tasks submitting their projects on time keeping the classroom spic and span. They
are worth remembering for everything that they did inside and outside the campus they
always helped one another they seldom got themselves in conflict with anyone in the class.
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My class is worth remembering. They were so active and responsible. They always worked
together well in doing their assignments, performing group and individual tasks, submitting
their projects on time, and keeping the classroom spic and span. Everything that they did
inside and outside the campus was worth remembering. They always helped one another.
Also, they seldom got themselves in conflict with anyone in the class.
The second paragraph is easier to read and understand. Through applying proper mechanics in writing, you
can facilitate better transfer of message in your written text. You will never be lost as long as you keep in
mind and follow the basic rules of subject-verb agreement, capitalization, punctuations, paragraphing, and
even spelling.
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Claims are
synonymous to belief, argument, assertion, or stand. According to (Tiongson 2016, 20-21), a good claim
should be argumentative and debatable, specific and focused, interesting and engaging, and logical.
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Read the text and write down E if the piece of information is explicit or write down I if it is implicit.
“Congratulations, Rosie! Your parents must be proud of you.” The teacher greeted her with
delight. It was graduation day and Rosie managed to stand on stage and delivered her speech
in front of her fellow graduates and guests. She ended her speech thanking her Alma mater
and her parents and said, “Let us trust God’s plan.” Rosie left the stage with tears in her eyes
as the clicking of the medals could be heard from afar. As she approached her parents, they
kissed her and gave her a big hug and uttered, “We love you, dear! Your success is our
success. We will surely celebrate at home.
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Inspected by:
Academic Group Head, HUMSS A&B
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