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Department of Education: Weekly Home Learning Guide in Reading and Writing Skills First Quarter

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Cavite Province
Tagaytay City National High School-Integrated Senior High School
Mayor’s Drive, Mendez Crossing East, Tagaytay City


First Quarter
Lesson 1: Patterns of Development in Writing Across Disciplines
Read the following discussions properly. The students may
We have learned in our previous lesson that written text as connected discourse is formed from spontaneous choose to send their
discreteness that predetermined its connectedness. It means that the text itself does not have meaning and outputs in any of the
its meaning can be determined by their connectedness. We also learned techniques in selecting and following mode of
organizing information by identifying relevant and irrelevant ideas or information. After learning these skills in
organizing information, you must learn some writing patterns on how you can develop paragraphs.
Lesson 1 Narration
Developing one’s reading and writing skills is not easy. There are learners who can read but are not able to * Personal submission of
Compare and express themselves in writing well. You have a lot of ideas in mind but sometimes you may find it hard to
contrast patterns of parents in school
written texts across
organize these ideas coherently, however, the good thing is that there are many ways on how you can write
WEEK 1 effectively. In this lesson, you will learn one way of developing your paragraph.
(EN11/12RWS-IIIbf- Activity 1 * Online submission
3) Read the set of events and rewrite the following details on your answer sheet to create a coherent story. through group chat or
1. Finally, the old lady crossed the street safely and Juan was able to reach school on time. Facebook Group
2. One morning, Juan is in a hurry going to school.


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3. Then, he thought of helping the old lady even though he will be late in school.
4. Suddenly, he saw an old lady, carrying a full of basket, crossing the street.
Then, answer the follow-up questions:
1. What words are used to signal the correct sequence of the events?
2. How do you think the ideas were able to relate to one another?
3. What do we call these words?
4. How do these words help to create a story?
5. What kind of paragraph were you able to create using the given details?
Writing a paragraph involves deep understanding of how one can achieve wellfocused and unified ideas
in a composition. For example, when students are asked to come up with a summary of a story, they tend to
chop parts of the story and put it in their summary. If that is so, it leads to create unrelated details that do not
contribute in the oneness and clarity of one’s summary. It is important to use strategies developing ideas
using a particular pattern. One of these is through narration. A narrative text contains the plot which gives
direction in making a story. In developing narration, sequential presentation of events plays an important
role. Signal words help to create unified thought and to show the transition of events to the next. This leads
us to focus on the use of the action words in the story. It also helps to move the story and makes the story
interesting. The chronological ordering of events helps to show the reader how the story moves. Most of the
common transitional words are first, next, then, after and suddenly. Moreover, it is also important to give
specific details in pointing out the direction of the story.
Lesson 2 Description
People love to read and listen to story and the use of appropriate transitional devices in telling stories are
noteworthy. Likewise, you have previously learned that in writing a narrative, the plot gives direction in
making the story. However, it is not only the plot that will help you to develop your writing skills. The use of
description is also important to help you create a vivid picture of what you are trying to express through
written text.
According to Dayagbil & et al, 2016, the use of description plays an important role to elucidate the nature of
people, places and things. A series of detailed observation about the subject can help you create a good
descriptive paragraph. This involves the use of adjectives and adverbs in the paragraph. The kind of words
we used to describe how your subject looks, sounds, feels, smells or even tastes like are called sensory
languages. It also concerns how you will arrange the details to provide an image of the scene, the person or
the object you are trying to describe in your text. There are two types of description. First is objective
description, where the writer presents impartial and actual picture of the subject without biases and
excluding personal impression of the subject just like when you give your description of an experiment in
class. Second is subjective description, where the writer gives personal impression of what is observed.


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This is often used in making fiction stories. For instance, when you are asked to write about a place you visit
during summer vacation, you tend to give your personal judgment of how you experience the place.
Read the paragraphs below. Tell whether the description is subjective description or objective.
1. Sampaloc Lake is an inactive volcanic maar on the island of Luzon, the Philippines. It is the largest of the
Seven Lakes of San Pablo, Laguna. Nearly half of the lake's depth has a shallow depression at the bottom,
indicating its volcanic origin. It is approximately 104 hectares and 3.5 kilometer boardwalk. The lake is
behind San Pablo City Capitol and at the foot of the Doña Leonila Park.
2. Sampaloc Lake is one of the best tourist spots in San Pablo. It is where you can bring your friends and
loved ones for picnic and bonding. Most of San Pableños jog around the lake and do ride bicycles not only to
have morning good exercise but also have fresh air. You can witness the beauty of nature for it is
surrounded with mountains.
Lesson 3 Definition
In this lesson, we will focus on the three different types of definitions: formal definition, informal definition,
and extended or expanded definition. Previously, you have learned the first two patterns of development:
narration and description. The descriptive text portrays events and brings a scene or object to life in the imagination
of the reader. Meanwhile, a narrative text tells story or events in chronological order. Now, let’s move on to another
pattern which is called definition.
Definitions provide concise but exact meanings of unfamiliar words and explain special meanings for familiar words.
They are often used to explain technical words and concepts. What to define always depends on the needs of the
reader and the purpose of communication. It can be done in either of the two distinct methods of definition.
First, informal definition as either denotation or connotation. Denotation is the dictionary meaning of the word. For
example: Rose is a family of prickly shrub with pinnate leaves and showy flowers. Meanwhile, connotation is the
secondary meaning of a word and not necessarily included in the dictionary. Rather it is how a writer understands a
word based on their own personal or consensual experiences. In the example: A dozen of pink roses is usually given to
their beloved ones. Instead of literally referring to flowers, love and romance are connoted.
Second, formal definition consists of three principal parts: the species (WORD) n + Genus (CLASS) +
Differentiae. The WORD is the name of the object, process, or concept defined. This is usually followed by
“is” and “are” and the CLASS or general group to which the objects belongs. For example: Skimming
(species) is a reading technique (class) of allowing the eyes to travel over a page very quickly, stopping only
here and there to gain an idea (differentiae).
For the expanded or extended definition, the following are common methods used in paragraph
development would be of great help (Filomena T. Dayagabil, Ethel L. Abao, and Remedios C. Bacus, Critical
reading and writing for Senior High School. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing, 2016, 43:


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Activity 2 Performance Task
Define “COVID-19” using the rules you have learned. You may also choose to use the outline below to help
you in writing a good definition paragraph
Topic sentence: COVID-19 is_________________________________________
First (supporting Point#1) + (Fact, reason, or detail)
 In addition (supporting point #2) + (Fact, reason, example or detail)
 Finally, (supporting Point #3 + (Fact, reason, example or detail)
 Conclusion: In the end, COVID 19 is_____________________________
The following score guide may be used to rate your output.


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Criteria Points
Transitional Signal devices 2
Correct grammar and 2
Handwriting and Neatness 1
Total 5
A. Activity 3 Summative Test 1
Write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheets.
1. It is a writing pattern that is used to tell story.
A. narrative B. descriptive C. definition D. Exemplication
2. The following are examples of transitional devices/signals used for narration except ____
A. first B. then C. likewise D. next
3. It is a writing pattern of developing paragraph using detailed observation about the subject.
A. narrative B. descriptive C. definition D. Exemplication
4. A kind of paragraph that gives the full meaning of a certain topic.
A. narrative B. descriptive C. definition D. Exemplication
5. It is one of the distinct methods of definition which is considered as either denotation or connotation.
A. Informal B. formal C. extended definition D. expanded definition
Patterns of Development in Writing Across Disciplines
Read the discussion properly.
As you unravel the unique patterns of development in writing exemplification and classification paragraphs
and how to incorporate them in your own writing, you must first begin to learn how to identify the basic parts
of these patterns – topic sentence, classifications (types, categories), examples (illustrations) and transitional
expressions. These can be used in writing other papers with different purposes other than telling a story,
describing something or defining a concept.
Compare and
Read the passage carefully. Once finished, copy on a separate sheet and fill out the table with the
contrast patterns of
written texts across appropriate words that match the headings below:


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Exemplification (or illustration) is the most common and effective pattern to explain an idea or point. In
developing this kind of paragraph, the writer develops a general statement –the topic sentence, with one or
more examples to support it. Here are some transitional expressions in writing effective exemplification
paragraphs: for instance, namely, to be specify, to clarify, to illustrate, for example, in short, as an example.
On the other hand, classification is used when a writer needs to sort out or arrange subjects to groups or
categories based on their common and shared characteristics. Here are some transitional expressions in
writing effective classification paragraphs: classified as, one kind, the last group, another kind, another, final
type, the first category, are categorized as, the next part. Remember that you can use both exemplification
and classification in developing a paragraph by simply identifying categories on a particular subject and
providing examples or illustration to explain and clarify meaning.
Comparison and Contrast


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Sometimes, you’ll be asked by your teachers to perform tasks which would require you to make intelligent
choices. School writing activities may require you to do comparison and contrast, in which you focus on
similarities and differences of ideas. By assigning you such writing activities, you are encouraged to make
connections between text and ideas and engage you in critical thinking.
Comparison in writing discusses elements that are similar while contrast in writing discusses elements or
ideas that are different. A compare-and-contrast essay, then analyzes two subjects comparing them,
contrasting them, or both. However, its purpose is not to simply state the obvious but rather to illustrate
subtle differences or unexpected similarities between two subjects.
There are two common ways to organize comparison/contrast paragraph or essay. The Block Method is
used to compare and contrast two subjects one at a time. You may begin by saying everything you have to
say about the first subject you are discussing then move on and write everything about your second subject.
If you are writing a short paragraph or essay, you might be able to fit all of your points about each item.
However, if you would want to address one subject at a time, you may use Point-by-point comparison.
Some cohesive devices you can use in showing similarities are likewise, similar to, same with, like, in the
same manner. To show contrast, cue words such as: on the other hand, however, while, different with, in
contrast and the like.
Cause and Effect
Read the passage carefully. Then, complete the diagram below.
Discoveries and invention of devices are always welcome until we, humans, find a way to abuse its benefits
and be adversely affected by it. This was the case when Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-ray and within five
years, the British Army was using a mobile x-ray unit to locate bullets and shrapnel in wounded soldiers in
the Sudan. TV was also invented with positive thoughts in mind – there would be no national borders,
education and communication would be worldwide, etc. However, we are now trying to overcome its
physiological and psychological adverse effects on human beings. (Excerpt: Emmanuel Tatah Mentan,
English Essay Writing Handbook Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse 2019.)

Answer the following questions on a separate sheet.

1. What is the main idea of the text?


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2. What states the cause of the idea?
3. What states the results of the idea?
Cause and Effect is a text development pattern which explains why something happens. It also states what
results a particular event produces. It usually gives a statement emphasizing the cause and another
emphasizing the effect. The following guide questions can be used for cause-effect development:
 Why did it happen?
 What caused it?
 What does it cause?
 What are the effects?
 How is it related to something else?
Further, in developing your texts you can use signal words like as a consequence of, as a result of, because,
because of, now that and since to express cause while accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore, and
this resulted in to signify effects.
A problem/solution essay presents a problem, usually discussing several aspects of the problem, then
concludes by discussing solutions to the problem. The problem may be addressed in the following ways:
Effects only  Describe the problem only in terms of its effects.
 Use examples.
Causes and  Outline the causes of the problem
effects  Discuss solutions in terms of preventive measures
Extended  After a topic sentence, illustrate the problem by using an extended example
example (through a story or an anecdote from your introduction).
The solutions may be presented in various ways and you have to think about which way would be the most
appropriate for the particular problem you are discussing.
Here are some ways to present solutions:


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The following transitional devices can also help you develop your text

Complete the table below after reading the paragraph.
Is iPhone 11 worth spending? One of the company’s recent novelties is the iPhone 11 – a newer and more
advanced version of the most popular phone in the world. However, the previous model – iPhone XR –
seemed to have been satisfying people’s needs just fine as well. So, what is the difference?
Issue Argument Evidence

Persuasive text can be in the form of an argument, discussion, exposition, review or even an advertisement.
In developing your own persuasive text, a writer must first state the issue. This will serve as a background
information about the topic. Then, it should be followed by a clear, strong and specific argument. An
argument is one’s claim or position that can either support or reject the issue previously stated. Arguments
shall be supported with a well-researched evidences, which will give details on how and why it supports the
argument. Evidences can be factual, logical, statistical or anecdotal in nature. It can also explain


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counterarguments not because the writer wants to prove which claims are wrong or right but to enlighten the
readers about other positions. Lastly, a conclusion restating the main argument of the text will be the end of
the text. This will be your final statement to persuade your readers.
Some guide questions in constructing a persuasive text include:
 What is the issue?
 What is your position or opinion?
 What is the opposing position/opinion?
 What are some reasons for your position/opinion?
 What are some cases or examples that support this?
Activity 2 Performance Task 2
Write a short paragraph showing similarities and differences between Junior High School and Senior High
School.Be guided with the rubrics below.
Criteria Points Your Score
Has a clear and strong topic sentence 2
Transitional Devices signal used 2
Has no errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation marks 1
Activity 3 Summative Test 2
Write the letter of the correct answer in your answersheet.
1. This kind of paragraph that presents the reader with a problem and some facts or reasons why there is a
problem and the possible effect of that particular problem.
a. comparison and contrast b cause and effect c. problem-solution d.
2. This kind of paragraph organizes ideas into categories or divisions based on criteria.
a. classiification b cause and effect c. problem-solution d. definition
3. The following transitional signal devices such as likewise, on the other hand and similarly are examples of
what type of paragraph.
a. comparison and contrast b cause and effect c. problem-solution d.
4. In writing it discusses elements that are similar.
a. problem b. solution c. contrast d. comparison


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5. Is a type of paragraph development that focuses on presenting points of view.
a. comparison and contrast b cause and effect c. problem-solution d. persuasive
Properties of a Well-Written Text
Activity 1 Read the discussion properly.
Evaluate a written
text based on it’s Organization
WEEK 3 properties Arranging our thoughts to deliver a purposeful message is essential in all forms of communication. This is
(organization, clearly evident among written texts, which are supposed to be well-organized, coherent and cohesive, using
coherence and proper language and mechanically neat. In this lesson, we will focus on the essence of organization. Thus,
cohesion, language later, you are expected to determine the beginning, middle, and end of a story, and to write the episodes of
use and mechanics) your life from childhood to young adulthood using a graphic organizer.
EN11/12 RWS- Writing, like speaking, is a form of expressing and communicating one’s thoughts and ideas. When you
speak clearly, other people can understand what you are saying. Likewise, when you write, you have to
familiarize yourself with the properties of a well-written text: organization, coherence and cohesion, language
use, and mechanics. These will serve as your “compass” in weaving your train of thoughts and connecting
one idea to another. This lesson will help you identify and utilize your writing prowess through your
awareness and application of the properties of a written text. Here, you can also better appreciate good
grammar as fundamental to written communication. More so, using it on a personal basis can help you
express ideas precisely and gain other people’s respect in whatever you have to say
A well-organized piece of writing is not only clear but also logical and aesthetic. Existence of
organizational markers and coherent flow of ideas are typically the focus in evaluation of writing (Dayagbil
2016, 63-64). In writing a story or an essay, it is necessary for students like you to identify the sequence of
events from the beginning to the end because a strong organization comprises proper paragraphing and
logical order of presentation of ideas. You are introduced to this lesson by sequencing events to help you
understand how to organize your understanding of the text or story, then later, to apply it in your own.
Coherence and Cohesion
One of the most important elements in writing is the form or structure. Without a solid structure in place, the
content you have gathered would fall apart. After sequencing the events in your paragraph – a group of
related sentences that leads to a single topic or idea, it is time to get on to unifying your writing. In this
lesson, we will focus on structuring an effective paragraph through coherence and cohesion. Thus, you are
later expected to organize ideas using proper transitional devices and eventually construct a coherent and
cohesive paragraph
Coherence means the connection and organization of ideas in a text to create unity.


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To achieve coherence, every good paragraph must have UNITY or oneness of idea. Sentences in a
paragraph are unified and directed by a topic sentence. On the other hand, cohesion in writing means
unifying ideas by binding words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs, thus, show relationships and smooth
“text flow”. To achieve good cohesion, you need to know how to use cohesive devices, certain words or
phrases that serve the purpose of connecting two statements, usually by referring back to what you have
previously written or said

Here is a chart of the transitional devices (also called conjunctive adverbs or adverbial conjunctions)
accompanied with a simplified definition of function.

Activity #2 (Performance Task)


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3 Tayahin (Summative
Activity 3 SummativeTest 3
Read carefully each item before choosing the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. It is one of the properties of a well-written text that means being able to identify the components of an
event in order, such as beginning, middle, and end of a story or the steps in a science experiment.
A. sequencing of events B. following directions C. identifying errors D. organizing ideas
2. It is one of the properties of a well-written text that means being able to describe the technical aspects of
writing which focuses more on the specificity and clarity for words that you use – spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, etc.
A. mechanics B. organization C. language use D. coherence and cohesion
3. Fill in the blank with the connecting word that best joins the two thoughts. Walking, running, and jogging
give you energy. ___________ any exercise that speeds up your heart rate is good.
A. Finally B. In short C. Therefore D. In contrast
4. “Let me tell you about my experience when I lost myself in an unexpected situation.” This line is a part of
the ___________ of a narrative.
A. end B. middle C. beginning D. conclusion
5. These are certain words or phrases that serve the purpose of connecting two statements.
A. Coherence B. Cohesion C. Topic Sentence D. Cohesive Devices
Language Use

.Activity 1 Read the discussions carefully.

Now that you already know the importance of organization, coherence and cohesion in creating a well-written
text, let’s move on to another significant factor that a writer should consider – the language use. In this
lesson, you are expected to determine the essence of proper language use in written texts and, later, to


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Evaluate a written
WEEK 4 text based on it’s evaluate a written text based on the appropriateness of language use.
coherence and
cohesion, language
use and mechanics)
EN11/12 RWS-

Writing is a rigorous activity. No matter how good and substantial the content of a document is, if it’s not
carefully written as to how you, as the writer, would like to present it to your readers, your purpose will not be
served wisely. Hence, you have to bear in mind that aside from considering the organization of your ideas
and the coherence and cohesion of your sentences and paragraphs, you also have to regard the style, tone
and clarity of your writing. On this note, you are responsible to choose the appropriate language to be used
and to regard the objective of the writing, the context in which it was written and the target audience in mind.
There are five major issues with appropriate language that should be avoided in an effective and well-written
text, as identified by (Purdue Online Writing Lab 2020):

First, the formality of the language one uses should depend on how formal the situation is and how the writer
and the reader are related to one another.


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Second, jargons or specialized language used by groups of individuals in the same field, should only be
used if the target readers belong to the same group.

Third, slangs and idioms should be avoided. Slangs are words, phrases, or expressions that do not literally
mean what they express (like “frenemy” to describe someone who is both a friend and an enemy) while
idioms or expressions whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual word it contains (like
“to kill two birds at one stone”, which means to get two things done with a single action. Fourth, euphemisms
or words that veil the truth shall also be avoided. Examples of which are “virtually challenged” for someone
who is short; “passed away” instead of died, and other deceitful language. Fifth, avoid using any biased
language including those associated with any racial, ethnic, group, or gender.

Hence, an effective language can be characterized as:

 Concrete and specific, not vague and abstract

 Concise, not verbose

 Precise and clear, not obscure

 Constructive, not destructive

 Appropriately formal, not slang

Activity 2 Performance Task 4

Now that you already learned the importance of language use in achieving an effective and well-written text,
it’s now time for you to utilize this property in your writing task.

Write a three-paragraph expository essay about one of the given topics below. Make sure to consider
organization, coherence and cohesion, and language use. Please be guided by the scoring rubric

. 1. How can pets make you happy and improve your life?

2. How to keep a virus – free environment?


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3. Why do you want to pursue your desired career?

Activity 3 Summative Test 4

1. Which of the following sentences has a precise and clear language?

A. Killer sentenced to die for second time in ten years.
B. The movie is a classic example of a horror movie because it incorporates all the
elements of a horror film.
C. He is an interesting individual.
D. The practice of theory of politics are studied in the classroom but political habits on
campus do not seem to benefit from such labor.


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2. The following are examples of transitional devices that indicate opposition, limitation and
contradiction except for?
A. On the other hand B. furthermore C. On the contrary D. in spite of
3. What correct end punctuation are you going to use to complete the sentence: For
heaven’s sake Paul, why do you keep on mumbling__
A. period B. comma C. exclamation D. question mark
4. ‘Vertically challenged’ is what example of language feature?
A. jargon B. slang C. idiom D. euphemism
5. Which of the following is referred to as specialized language used by groups of like-
minded individuals?
A. slang B. euphemism C. jargon D. idiom
Activity 1:
Read the letter below. Identify all errors by placing the correct capitalization and punctuations, correcting
Evaluate a written misspelled words, and writing the sentences in paragraph form.
text based on its
WEEK 5 (organization,
coherence and
language use and


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Were you able to identify and correct the errors? Do you think an employer will feel bad about receiving
such letter from a job applicant or from an employee? Is it of utmost importance to adhere to proper
grammar and apply appropriate text formatting? If you answer yes in all of these questions, then you agree
that mechanics is another essential property of a well-written text.
Generally, mechanics is essential in all types of writing because it describes the technical aspects of writing.
It also serves as a road sign to guide learners like you on how to use words appropriately in terms of
conventions such as spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and others.

I can never forget my class last school year because they were so active and responsible in
Considerclass they always worked together well in doing their assignments performing group and
this example:
individual tasks submitting their projects on time keeping the classroom spic and span. They
are worth remembering for everything that they did inside and outside the campus they
always helped one another they seldom got themselves in conflict with anyone in the class.


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It is apparent that the above example is quite difficult to read because of the lack of two important
conventions: punctuations and capitalization. In addition, you cannot easily understand the message it
sends across its readers. If we put appropriate punctuations, it could be read in this way:

My class is worth remembering. They were so active and responsible. They always worked
together well in doing their assignments, performing group and individual tasks, submitting
their projects on time, and keeping the classroom spic and span. Everything that they did
inside and outside the campus was worth remembering. They always helped one another.
Also, they seldom got themselves in conflict with anyone in the class.

The second paragraph is easier to read and understand. Through applying proper mechanics in writing, you
can facilitate better transfer of message in your written text. You will never be lost as long as you keep in
mind and follow the basic rules of subject-verb agreement, capitalization, punctuations, paragraphing, and
even spelling.

Activity 2: Performance Task 5:

A famous American writer and orator, Frederick Douglas, once said, “Once you learn to read, you will be
forever free.” Douglas meant that reading gives you the freedom to explore the world and bring that world
into a new dimension of learning and discovery. Do you mainly agree or disagree with him? What are some
of the effects of reading such as books, newspapers, magazines, and even e-books on our lives? Are these
effects mainly negative, positive, or both? Explain your position in an essay of five paragraphs. Use specific
examples to support your view. Observe the mechanics in writing and be guided by the following criteria:


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Activity 3: Summative Test 5
Identify the property of a well-written text defined or described in each statement. Write your answer on
the space provided before each item.
1. This pertains to the sum of surface features of writing including but not limited to mechanics,
usage, and sentence formation.
2. It is the logical progression and completeness of ideas in a text focusing on two areas: text
structures and cohesive elements.
3. It involves more than just knowing what the text is about, but understanding why it is written.
4. It refers to the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of the information included in a text.
5. It concerns the response, satisfaction, and perspective of the target audience to a written piece.
6. It includes the use of time-tested principles in writing, thus avoiding redundancies, wordiness,
clichés, and highfalutin words and expressions.


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7. It is achieved when all the ideas are logically and accurately arranged.
8. It is the writer’s way of stringing words together, formulating ideas, and relating scenes or images
to the reader.
9. This leads the reader to visualize the topic or subject being discussed. _____________________
10. It includes the style and the way of ensuring that a piece of writing is clear and consistent.
Explicit and Implicit Claims in Written Text
(Claim of Fact)
identify claims
WEEK 6 Activity 1: Read the following discussion.
explicitly or
implicitly made in
Examine the pictures below and write one direct and one indirect observation for each.
a written text

Claims are
synonymous to belief, argument, assertion, or stand. According to (Tiongson 2016, 20-21), a good claim
should be argumentative and debatable, specific and focused, interesting and engaging, and logical.


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These information can be explicit or implicit. An explicit claim is directly and clearly stated in the text. It is
when you can easily point out the information in the passage. Meanwhile, an implicit claim is indirectly
expressed in the text and you need to look for clues or make inferences to understand its meaning. There
are three types of claims in written texts. One of which is the claim of fact. Simply, this claim is a statement
that reports, describes predicts, make causal claims, or whether something is a settled fact.
Activity 2: Performance Task 6:

Read the text and write down E if the piece of information is explicit or write down I if it is implicit.

“Congratulations, Rosie! Your parents must be proud of you.” The teacher greeted her with
delight. It was graduation day and Rosie managed to stand on stage and delivered her speech
in front of her fellow graduates and guests. She ended her speech thanking her Alma mater
and her parents and said, “Let us trust God’s plan.” Rosie left the stage with tears in her eyes
as the clicking of the medals could be heard from afar. As she approached her parents, they
kissed her and gave her a big hug and uttered, “We love you, dear! Your success is our
success. We will surely celebrate at home.

1. The teacher congratulated Rosie.

2. Rosie stood on stage and delivered her speech.
3. Rosie was full of happiness.
4. Rosie was a hard-working and intelligent student.
5. The parents of Rosie promised to celebrate her success.


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“Beyond Leading, Innovating, and Nurturing towards Excellence”

Activity 3: Summative Test 6
Put a check mark () if the statement is a claim of fact and put a cross mark (X) if it is not.
1. The Department of Education shows its readiness on the ‘new normal’ in the teaching and learning
2. Curfew must be enforced by parents to their children.
3. Vaping can have same side effects as smoking.
4. The closing of Philippine borders to tourists is one way to slow down the spread of COVID-19.
5. Doing videos in TikTok is more exciting than vlogging.

Explicit and Implicit Claims in Written Text

(Claim of Policy)

Activity 1: Read the discussion below.

Claim has been associated with words such as belief, argument, assertion or stand. It can be classified
according to method and nature. Explicit claim and implicit claim are types of claim based on method. On the
WEEK 7 other hand, claim of fact, claim of policy and claim of value are types of claim based on nature.
Claim of policy is the argument where actions should be carried out. Basically, it is perceived as a relatively
direct statement. This claim can also be called claim of solution because it suggests and supports policies
and solutions, and the action to be taken is based on the results. You will know if a statement is a claim of
policy if there is an action to be done or a solution to be taken.

Activity 2: Performance Task 7


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“Beyond Leading, Innovating, and Nurturing towards Excellence”

Activity 3: Summative Test 7


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“Beyond Leading, Innovating, and Nurturing towards Excellence”

Complete the sentence by writing down the letter of the correct word.
A. Should E. discipline
C. Result F. problem
D. Intervention G. action
E. Comparison H. love
1. Claim of policy is also called claim of solution because it proposes ____________ to solve the existing
2. ______________ is the main element of claim of policy.
3. The suggested action is based on the identified ______________.
4. “Ought”, “must”, and _____________ can be directly or indirectly stated in the claim.
5. In claim of policy, one can notice the possible solution because there is an existing __________________.

Explicit and Implicit Claims in Written Text

(Claim of Value)
WEEK 8 Activity 1: Read the discussion below
Previously, you have learned that claim of policy is an argument that offers solutions based on the identified
problems. Action is its main core; thus, its end result is when a certain action has been taken or
implemented. However, other than taking actions, making justification is also as important. So, this will be the
focus of this lesson.
Claim of value is an argument based on morality, belief, ethics, or philosophy. It is influentially stated by
combining limited facts and proving them as either good or bad by targeting the reader’s emotion. It is also
called claim of judgment because the reader has to decide whether the argument or proposition is right or
wrong or has to be accepted or rejected. In other words, this type of claim is more appealing to the reader’s
subjectivity. If the argument challenges the decision making or judgment leading to acceptance or rejection
of the reader, then it is considered to be a claim of value.
Activity 2: Performance Task 8
A. Answer the three
A. Does questions
it appeal to yourrelative to the listed issues. Write your answers on a separate sheet.
B. Is it right or wrong?

C. What type of claim is this?


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“Beyond Leading, Innovating, and Nurturing towards Excellence”

1. Bullying will never be right.
2. Security is more important than privacy.
3. In the midst of pandemic, restriction is much better than individual freedom.
4. Fake news is not worthy of our attention.
5. Discriminating our front liners who save our lives does not make sense.
On a separate sheet, write an acrostic poem about the essence of claim of value.


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“Beyond Leading, Innovating, and Nurturing towards Excellence”

Activity 3: Summative Test 8
On a separate sheet write ‘CV’ if the statement is a claim of policy and write ‘NCV’ if not.
_____ 1. Mercy killing is objectionable because it is still an act of killing.
_____ 2. Self-restriction during the pandemic is better than individual freedom.
_____ 3. Discrimination has no place in a good society because it weakens its moral fiber.
_____ 4. Hallucination is the side effect of using marijuana.
_____ 5. According to studies, smoking causes lung cancer.


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“Beyond Leading, Innovating, and Nurturing towards Excellence”

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher Subject Teacher

Inspected by:

Academic Group Head, HUMSS A&B


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“Beyond Leading, Innovating, and Nurturing towards Excellence”

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