Hexaware Sustainability Report 2020
Hexaware Sustainability Report 2020
Hexaware Sustainability Report 2020
Registered Office
152, Millennium Business Park,
Sector - lll, ‘A’ Block, TTC Industrial Area,
Mahape, Navi Mumbai - 400 710
CIN: U72900MH1992PLC069662
Company Secretary
Mrs. Gunjan Methi
04 Hexaware at Glance.....................................................09
Corporate Profile................................................................... 15
05 Corporate Governance................................................17
08 Energy Management....................................................41
Hexaware adapted rapidly to the changing environment, serviced our customers with minimal disruption and delivered strong
financial results. Our response, in many ways exceeded our own expectations and I thank my colleagues for their resilience and
agility in seeing us through this extraordinary year.
The year 2020 was radically different for all of us and at the same time wholly similar too —
new, foreign, unusual and hard for so many of us. In the uncharted and unmapped situation
we found ourselves in last March, we got to work immediately, and our global workforce
began working from their homes, kitchen tables, basements and bedrooms. Our teammates
were suddenly juggling the natural stress of work while orchestrating the complex acrobatics
of being at home alone, or with partners and kids, and trying to work too.
Hexaware adapted rapidly to the changing environment, serviced our customers with minimal disruption and delivered strong
financial results. Our response, in many ways exceeded our own expectations and I thank my colleagues for their resilience and
agility in seeing us through this extraordinary year.
Key Facts:
277 30+ 37
Customer base Country presence Offices across locations
19,833 8 26
Hexaware team strength Strategic alliance and IP copyrights
As on December 31, 2020 partnerships
The global IT industry is steadily growing all around the Hexaware’s strategy goal is
world. The IT sector in India is one of the most important to provide customers with
contributors to the country’s GDP. Artificial Intelligence
digitally revolutionary solutions
(AI), Machine Learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT), Data
Automation, and other technologies have now become based on three strategic pillars:
fundamental to company processes. Hexaware uses 160+ Automate Everything, Cloudify
proprietary tools and accelerators to provide personalised and Everything, and Transform
creative IT solutions to its customers. Hexaware’s business
approach is based on improving customer experiences while Customer Experience.
also developing strong expertise in eCommerce, marketing
and content platforms, CRM, and Office 365.
Our strategies
Our Foundation
IP Copyrights of Hexaware working in rotation to exchange ideas The Company has been vigilant in
and provide solutions. . Innovation lab protecting its intellectual property
The Company is diligent in taking steps pursues all R&D activities within the worldwide, which includes threats
to formally record and create intellectual organization. The key goal of this lab and claims from third parties as well.
property with competent state authorities is to translate the business domain The Company has actively prevented
in the countries of its presence. The and technology expertise acquired third parties from claiming rights to its
Company has taken steps to protect its through wide array of engagements intellectual property as well as taken
intellectual property with patent and and translate that to tools towards proactive measures to defend itself
trademark offices in 18 jurisdictions mitigating technology and project risks where third parties have sought to
till date, i.e., Australia, Benelux, Brazil, of our customers. challenge Hexaware’s rights in several
Canada, China, European Union, France, countries worldwide.
Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Romania,
Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, United Shareholding Pattern of Hexaware
Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and
United States of America. The Company
Categories of Shareholding (as on December 31, 2020):
has obtained about 71 registrations for its
trademarks in various countries and has
Category of Holder No. of Shares % of Equity
many pending applications, with recent
efforts at strengthening its trademark 1. Promoters Holdings 285,969,229 95.22
portfolio across the countries of its 2. Mutual funds/UTI 3,840 00.00
presence. 3. Banks/ Financial Institutions/
Insurance Companies (Central/
The Company has a state-of-the- 1,594 0.00
State Govt. Institutions/ Non-Govt.
art Research and Development wing Institutions)
carrying on R&D activities to create 4. FIIs/ FPI 366,521 00.12
Intellectual Property for the Company.
5. Others:
Hexaware is in the process of obtaining
patent protection for its innovations. - Private Corporate Bodies 120,378 0.04
The Hexaware Innovation lab is staffed - Indian Public 11,132,015 3.71
by dedicated Innovation architects, full - NRIs / Foreign Nationals / OCBs 2,733,906 0.91
stack developers as well as consultants - Trust 480 0.00
- NBFCs 450 0.00
- Clearing Members 2,042 0.00
Sub Total 13,989,271 4.66
TOTAL 300,330,455 100.00
Global Presence
74 76
• Belgium • Norway
across three key regions • Denmark • Poland Share of revenue (%)
(Americas, Europe and • Estonia • Russia
Global offices of Hexaware The Key Partners are: • Outsourcing Innovation & Strategic
Enabler of the Year 2020
1. Microsoft- Accelerating digital • World HRD Congress 2021
Hexaware stays close to its customers
marketing with joint Go To Market • Excellence in Training & Development
through their offices in various countries
Award. An overall award for Best
around the world. The company has 2. Mulesoft- Realize the value of true Results-Based Training
structured its geographical presence digital enterprise
• Best Enterprise learning platform
across three key regions (America, 3. Salesforce- Enabling customer implementation
Europe and Asia-Pacific) to provide experience transformation with
direct customer interfaces and faster • Learning & Development Influencer
Salesforce Summit & Awards 2021
time to market.
4. Servicenow- Making a world of • Outstanding Learning & Development
work, work better for people strategy
The global presence also allows for • Best Learning & Development program
onboarding a cohesive and diverse The Company is a member of • Best Learning & Development Leader
workforce that contributes to our the following trade chamber or of the year
promise of delivering quality. association:
• International Association of 2019 Awards
Hexaware’s Partnerships and Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP)
Alliances • Baring Private Equity Asia (Hexaware)
• The National Association of
Software and Services Companies won the 2019 HKVCA ESG Award
(NASSCOM) of Excellence which recognizes the
significant environmental, social and
governance (ESG) related initiatives and
• Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) achievements. For the 2019 Award, the
Partnerships and strategic alliances with • Bombay Chamber of Commerce Association has received a total of 16
industry leaders to help the clients solve ESG case studies from 14 private equity
critical business challenges. Hexaware Awards and Recognition and venture capital firms across Asia.
has invested heavily in building its partner • Hexaware wins the Golden Peacock
ecosystem through collaboration with Award for Excellence in Corporate
market-leadingtechnology vendors, • Honours at the Global Training &
Development Leadership Awards Governance, 2018
product vendors, platform vendors, 2021
niche technology providers, future • Platinum LEED Rating awarded to the
technology providers and business • Rank No. 1 for ‘Business company’s Pune Campus, 2018
Understanding’, Cloud Capability • 4 World HRD Congress awards in
software providers. & Account Management Quality
categories of Best Corporate Social
and for Contractual Flexibility in
Whitelane’s latest IT Sourcing Study Responsibility Practices, Dream
Company to work for, Innovative HR
Practices and Fun at Work, 2017
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Hexaware creates value by re-imagining customer experiences.
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Hexaware’s Financial
15.4% 16.1%
The revenues for 2020 saw a 12.2% y-o-y growth. EBITDA Saw a y-o-y growth of 24.2% on the back of
improved control on costs.
11.8% 9.32%
EBIT saw a y-o-y growth of 7.4% in 2020 owing to efficient control PBT reported 2.72% growth over 2019 despite headwinds
on costs and better realisationis. on account of pandemic.
Balance Sheet
Cash and bank balances ( million) Net worth ( million)
Closing cash and bank balances in 2020 increased more than four times Net worth reported strong growth on account of higher
compared to 2019 owing to higher operating profits realized during the year. retained earnings
Anti-Corruption Policy
The Company has an anti-bribery policy in place that governs
the ethics and other matters related to bribery and corruption.
Directors’ Responsibility Statement • The directors, have laid down internal financial controls
to be followed by the Company and that such internal
financial controls are adequate and were operating
Pursuant to Section 134 (3) (c) and (5) of the Companies effectively.
Act, 2013, the Directors confirm the following:
• The directors have devised proper systems to ensure
• In the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws
accounting standards have been followed and there and that such systems are adequate and operating
were no material departures; effectively.
Policy on directors
Rajeev Kumar Mehta Atul K.Nishar Jimmy Mahtani
and Key Managerial
Chairman Emeritus
Vice Chairman
M M M M M Personnel appointment
and remuneration
and other details The
Company’s policy on
directors and Key
Managerial Personnel
appointment and
R. Srikrishna
CEO & Executive Director
P. R. Chandrasekar
Kosmas Kalliarekos
Director remuneration and other
matters provided in
Audit Committee
Section 178(3) of the
Stakeholders RelationshipCommittee
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
Act has been disclosed
Strategy and Risk Committee in the corporate
governance report.
C Chairman
M Member
Figure - Hexaware has provided 25 multi para monitors and 10 ETCo2 to district Civil Hospitals, Raigad
The company provides services and solutions to different With the advancement in technology and to grow customer
organizations and sectors of the economy. The services which base, responsible customer collaboration is especially important
Hexaware provides are based on mutual trust and close and to insure that, Hexaware has insured the following:
engagements with the customers to understand their needs
through a superior solution-oriented approach. The company
also has a proper feedback mechanism to understand and act
upon the gaps arising between customer expectations and
the company deliverables.
5% 6% 6% 5% 7%
2% 84.32 High
14% 84.29
11% 78.5 18% 74.4
28% 19% 69.9
23% 66.4 66.2
Research and Development - The Company has state-of-the-art labs, which include the
R&D Lab and the Offering Engineering Lab. The R&D Lab is
Strengthening Intellectual Capabilities an incubation unit for new technology services. It focuses on
future trends with the primary focus on future proofing the
Hexaware has invested in a state-of-the-art research and organisation and its customers.
innovation wing, helping to create unique intellectual
properties The key goal is to translate the business domain The Offering Engineering Lab is the delivery hub for building
technology expertise, acquired through a wide array of and maintaining Hexaware’s IP’s and solutions that powers
engagements, to tools for mitigating technology and project our service offerings.
Receiving Manpower
STEP 1 Requisition and JD
Key HR Initiatives
Rewarding and recognising the colleagues
This programme allows the Company to connect with their Connecting with Colleagues’ families
global employee base, listen to them, address their queries,
provide clarity on a myriad of issues and seek feedback. Hexaware connects with its colleagues’ families, from their
parents to their children, in a unique way. The company
organises several programmes such as Hexa Kids’ Day where
HexaStars the children of the employees join the company for a fun-filled
day within the company’s premises. Fam Jam Weekends were
The Company conducted performance awards ceremony initiated during the lockdown to engage with the colleagues
– HexaStar Awards 2020 – virtually. The global event was and encourage them to spend time with their loved ones at
attended by the people and the clients’ C-suite executives. home with activities such as kids' disco, cooking sessions and
spa Sundays.
Employees get to Based on the chosen Aleadership Humans of All locations We celebrated
interact directly with topic of the year, program that is Hexaware is a celebrated a festival the different facets
the CEO every every global location designed to create a treasure trove of of a different country that make us
month on various will participate and pool of talented beautiful and to reiterate our stronger together by
D&I topics . The compete for the women leaders with inspiring stories that commitment to pasting our hand
dialogues from these prestigious Hexaware the aim of building a celebrate the making Hexaware prints on canvas and
sessions have been Diversity Trophy. This more diverse team to diversity at the epitome of an signing it off with
the basis of several helps all our global take Hexaware to the Hexaware. inclusive community. ‘What diversity
sweeping changes in employees under- next frontier. means to us’ in
our policies and stand, respect and different colours
culture. celebrate the amazing across all global
diversity we have in locations.
Hexaware .
In this powerful A concept where we The world on a plate A Yammerbased A platform/ In this fun and
weekly series, we take did small acts of initiative celebrates programthat chance to nominate interactive
care to ensure that the kindness for our diversity, through the engages all the individuals or way of enhancing our
topics address the colleagues and food and the love of employee experience
employees of coleagues with a
issues and concerns of nominated others to do food. Each region is and bondingwith their
Hexaware with unique talent to get
it too. This initiative families, we ensured
all sections and given a cuisine from different weekly topics featured in Hexaware
pushed the envelope of every geography got
regions of the another Hexaware which kept the diversity World.
inclusivity by customized events. It
company. Each recognizing that global location which and inclusivity factor in
session is interactive they will have to learn was a great example of
women were bearing mind.
and offers equal about, creatively how successful
the brunt ofWFHand initiatives are adapted
opportunity to looked to provide them interpret and present
globally to ensure that
everyone to question with a better work life and will be judged by
every region
and to learn. balance. the host location. and all diversities feel a
sense of belonging and
oneness with the
Emission Management
3,613 MTCO2e- GHG emission reduced by Hexaware in 2020
Hexaware recognises the importance of environmental issues and takes steps to embrace efforts to move towards a low-
carbon economy. As a result, in accordance with SDG 13, Hexaware put sincere efforts in combating climate change. Climate
change may have an impact on the organization’s operations, including resource availability and cost, risk management, and
long-term planning.
S.No - UoM Quantity Quantity(KL) - kgC02e MTC02e
Scope 1 Consumed in KL 55014 55.014 2.68 (kgCO2e)/ litre 147437.52 147.43752
Consumed in KL 77277 77.277 2.68 (kgCO2e)/ litre 207102.36 207.10236
Consumed in KL 53073.6 53.0736 2.68 (kgCO2e)/ litre 142237.25 142.237248
4 Wheelers
Petrol in 4
Litres 0 0 2.43 (kgCO2e)/ litre 0 0
- - - - - - Total 496.777128
Electricity Kilowatt
Scope 2 3711541 0.82 3043463.6 3043.46362
Purchased Hour
Scope 3 Air Travel - - - - - - -
Paper Waste kg - - - - - 500
Water Management
Hexaware largely uses water for domestic purposes and it has put in place efficient water management practices. The company
undertakes wastewater recycling and rainwater harvesting, and have installed effluent treatment plants (ETPs) to conserve and
reuse water.
Total Water Used Total Water Recycled Rain water harvested Total water reused
95655 26264 2560 28824
Chennai - Pune - Mumbai - MRB - Mumbai - Loma - Consumtion -
54744 23991 15879 1041 95655
Location Rain water harvested - STP treated water Total Water Reused
2020 (In KL) quantity (in KL) - 2020 (in KL)
34% 61.2%
- Reduction in total
- Share of recycled
water in total water
- Water recycled
water consumption consumption in
in 2020 in 2020
Waste Management
The waste generated by the company majorly is e-waste, dry waste (largely paper waste) and wet waste (primarily from the
café). The company installed an organic waste converter that converts food waste from the canteen to manure and undertakes
composting of organic waste from the canteen and kitchen. The company deploys authorised agencies to dispose e-waste and
hazardous wastes and recycle paper waste.
Location STP treated water quantity ( in KL) – 2019 STP treated water quantity (in KL) - 2020
Types of Projects:
These programs actively involve our
These are unique programs that are employees in cementing various
conceptualized, funded and run by CSR strategies into the Hexaware
Hexaware. brand while engaging them in
numerous volunteer-run events.
These are programs that are in line with MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS
India’s key development agenda that help These are niche Programs that are
to foster effective partnerships between conceived, planned and driven by
corporates, NGOs and the government the core Management team.
leading to social development.
Skill Development
• Skill development training for employability for youth from
marginalised sections and gainful employment in the high
growth service sector
• Provided training to people with disability to get
employment in the retail industry.
• Partnered with Magic Bus Foundation and Terrain,
benefitting 600 youths and 325 people, respectively.
Women Empowerment
• Umeed provides alternative livelihood opportunities for
women in red light areas.
• Complete Care Programme that includes healthcare and
education support to girls living on the streets
• Collaborated AAWC and Rainbow Homes reaching 200+
children in Mumbai and Chennai.
Flagship Programs 1. EI team were involved in the planning for the Pongal
festival at the centre. Activities such as “Uriyadi”, “Rekla
Sr.No. Project Implementation partner race”, “Walking on textures”, “Transplanting”, “Stacking”,
1 Early Intervention & V-Excel Trust “Go-together”, “Garlanding the bull”, “Do it yourself
Vocational Training corner”, “Parent corner” and “Photo corner” were planned.
Program 2. Team has started using mobile app to identify unique
beneficiary which was not available earlier.
2 Rainbow Home Rainbow Foundation India
Program 3. New assessment formats were created with the use of
updated assessment tools such as Portage and other
3 Umeed and Udaan Apne Aap Women's sensory simulation activities kit
Program Collective (AAWC) 4. Online therapy sessions are now being conducted. In
addition, therapists also conduct home visits to help
4 Pankh Program Trust for Retailers and
children, keeping the safety of everyone concerned as a
Retail Associates of India
top priority.
5. Implementation of Avaz (assistive device) in speech and
5 Computer for All Team Everest communication for children aged 3+ years
Program 6. Online systems have been updated to maintain all record-
6 Holistic nutrition Cuddles Foundation keeping current and up to date.
support and food 7. 10 Samsung tablets with AVAZ app procured
Program for Cancer
7 Katalyst Program Human Capital for Third
Sector Key achievements during the year
8 Youth Skilling Magic Bus
• 2000+ hours, in total, of therapy sessions conducted for
39 male and 12 female children on a monthly basis
• 10 technical staff, including therapist, special educator,
Early Intervention and vocational & counsellor were trained for 328+hours.
training program- V Excel Trust • 50+ Caregivers/ Parents trained in areas such as Child
observation, ADL, Speech facilitation, play etc. by
conducting online training.
• 33 Center Based Counselling Sessions and 18 Home
Based Counselling Sessions were conducted
Early Intervention Program
Vocational Training Program
The Early Intervention Program focuses on aiding children
aged 0 to 7 who are at risk of developing developmental The goal of the Vocational Training Program is to help
problems. To help children with developmental delays, several disadvantaged persons enhance their talents while
therapies such as occupational therapy, neurodevelopmental simultaneously providing professional training and work
therapy, sensory integration therapy, and speech and language prospects. People with disabilities are trained to run printers,
facilitation are used. laminating machines, and several other tasks in a printing
shop at vocational training centres in Mylapore, Chennai. The
The program approaches these goals holistically and includes program also provides support for running printing shops.
activities and sessions that ensures:
The installation of paper cutting, binding, shredding, and
• School readiness and transition laminating machinery was the first step in the programme.
• Building independent functioning skills such as toilet The trainees have also completed and delivered a variety of
training, feeding, language and communication skills, etc. external assignments.
• Providing parent counselling and parent training
• Providing ‘home’ support to ensure continuity of care in
homes from parents and immediate caregivers.
• Training parents and caregivers continuously to help them
manage the developmental needs of their child.
Number of Number
Number of Number of Ration
nutritional of in-meal
counsels Baskets
supplements supplements
DMH, Pune 3528 840 6840 300
3216 1160 10560 384
Vidyapeeth, Pune
KEM, Mumbai 2688 924 9240 240
Key Achievements :
• 30 underprivileged girls supported in the program
Hexaware Technologies is supporting the overall development
• 30 mentors identified to connect with girls for one-on- of orphan and destitute children of Antar Bharti Balgram.
one mentoring sessions Orphaned and destitute children are supported and provided
proper education and nutritional well-being through the Antar
Youth Skilling Program Bharati Balgram Yojana Program. Children are also taught moral
values and behavioural traits. Infrastructure is developed with
solar panels, computer laboratories have been established, and
a mobile library is placed at the children’s doorway. For this,
FY support is extended towards setting up a new computer
lab in Pune, renovation of the existing lab at ITI Lonavala, and
Youth Skilling Program focuses on the skill development of installation of a 1.5 tonne AC in all the three computer labs.
youth from marginalized sections and to provide employment
opportunities for them. This is done in partnership with Magic Key achievements : :
Bus. It targets to benefits 600 youths across 3 locations- Thane,
Lonavala and Chennai. Its objective is 95% of the enrolled Benefited 100 direct Balgram children + Over 600 children of
youth should complete their training, 70% of the trained youth Pune library Project over 4 sadans
should be gainfully employed and 65% of the placed youth
should be retained in jobs for a minimum period of 6 months.
Digital and Financial Education Program
Key Achievements:
• In Lonavala, 48 youths have been placed till Dec’ 20. The
balance placements are underway. Covid 19 pandemic and
the subsequent lockdown of the country slowed down
the placements. So far 33% placements have taken place Digital and financial literacy are becoming increasingly important
and the remaining balance are still in process. 4 batches in today’s world. Private schools instil digital literacy in children
are still within the 90 Day placement cycle. Placements from an early age, but government schools lack the essential
will continue till Mar’ 21 as mobility was restricted in the resources and infrastructure to teach kids digital literacy.
intervention location due to the pandemic. Therefore, Hexaware, through its CSR program, benevolently
• In Chennai and Thane, Mumbai, 217 young people have provides digital and financial education and STEM teaching
been placed till Dec’ 20. In Chennai we have attained an activities to students and teachers. This ensures a computer-
average of 70% placement rate as per the target while aided learning environment in the school, which helps in the
in Thane the placement rate is at 40%. Please note the development of children. Under this program, digital content
placements will continue till Jan’ 21, as we have a 90-day courses are provided, financial education and financial
placement cycle. Due to the pandemic. mobility in Thane- enterprise workshops are conducted, along with various other
Mumbai has been severely limited which has slowed down competitions and educational workshops.
the placements. 77% of the job placements have a salary
AIF has proposed a DAFE program in 23 government schools
range of Rs.10000/- and above.
in Chennai and Mumbai
Key Activities:
• Providing scholarship for the payment of school fees.
• Conducting personality development sessions for children Water is our most precious resource for survival and conserving
water is important. It is crucial we use our water supply wisely
• Sessions conducted on youth’s problem comprises of and be responsible. The Chennai Water Crisis was handled
anger management, SWOT Analysis for two groups, career by Hexaware, in collaboration with the Environmentalist
guidance, self-awareness, six hat thinking techniques for Foundation of India (EFI), through the Lake and Pond
two groups, healthy relation, health & nutrition, art therapy, Rejuvenation Program. Hexaware Technologies is supporting
career guidance, time Management, power point and excel. EFI to scientifically refurbish and restore the water bodies
specifically the two ponds in the Alapakkam region located
Key Achievements: in the Nedungundram Road and Agtheeshwarar temple while
• 430 children supported with scholarships engaging the nearby communities for outreach. This work was
delayed due to COVID-19. However, when work resumed
• 92% school fees of the children have been reimbursed (when the lockdown restrictions were lifted) on 10th Jan 2021,
EFI successfully completed the pond restoration project.
54 • Hexaware Sustainability Report 2020
Activities: Key Achievments:
1. Deepening, de-silting and de-weeding the pond: based on 160+ children supported
field assessment Art1st conducted special workshops for AAWC, Mumbai
2. Preserving the boundaries of the pond from misuse and
3. Removal of garbage and invasive plants from the water body
Sustainability Employee Engagement
4. Reintroduction of native plants for better subsurface Programs:
water retention and increased percolation
5. Beautification of the pond with plantation and boards for Hexaware directly implements these programs. The company
education. actively involves its colleagues in cementing various CSR
6. 100+ volunteers participated strategies into the brand while engaging with them in
numerous volunteer-run events. This year, we encouraged
our employees in a unique virtual volunteering program. It
Olympic Gold Quest was the first of its kind and launched globally. The initiatives
are listed below:
Key Achievments:
Archer Bombayla Devi participated in the Asian championship
held in Thailand
GRI 401: EMPLOYMENT 401-2 Benefits Provided to Full-Time Employees That are Not 35
2016 Provided to Temporary or Part-Time Employees
GRI 405: DIVERSITY AND 405-1 Diversity of Governance Bodies and Employees 31,39
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 405-2 Ratio of Basic Salary and Remuneration of Women to 40
2016 Men
GRI 406: NON- 34
406-1 Incidents of Discrimination and Corrective Actions
413-1 Operations with Local Community Engagements, 45
GRI 413: LOCAL Impact Assessments, and Development Programs
2016 413-2 Operations with Significant Actual and Potential 45
Negative Impacts on Local Communities
416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product 32
and service categories
GRI 416: Customer Health
and Safety
416-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and 32
safety impacts of products and services
GRI 418: CUSTOMER 23,24
418-1 Substantiated Complaints Concerning Breaches of
Customer Privacy and Losses of Customer Data
GRI 419: Socioeconomic 419-1 Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social 27
Compliance 2016 and economic area