Gandhinagar Institute of Technology: Information Technology Department Question Bank Academic Year (2021-2022

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Gandhinagar Institute of Technology

Information Technology Department

Question Bank
Academic Year (2021-2022 )

Subject Code: 3130007

Subject Name: Indian Constitution

1. List out 5 sources of Indian Constitution and provisions taken from those sources.
2. List out 10 important features of the Indian Constitution.OR
Discuss the meaning of the constitution. Why is it necessary for a country? OR
List the key features of the Indian Constitution. OR
Which are the salient features of the constitution of India? OR
What is the need and importance of a constitution for democratic country like India?
3. Classify fundamental rights in part III of the Indian Constitution .OR
State the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution of India.OR
Which are the fundamental rights given to all citizens of India OR
What is your observation on Right to freedom of religion in our country today? OR
Explain the scheme of fundamental right to freedom as contained in the Indian Constitution. OR
Explain the right to freedom of religion.
4. List out all the articles under Right to Equality under fundamental rights in constitution OR
Explain fundamental right to equality in detail with respect to equality before law and equality of
opportunity in public employment
5. List the Fundamental Duties present in Part IV of Indian Constitution
6. What are the freedoms given under Article 19? What are the grounds for reasonable restrictions
on those freedoms?
7. Do you think fundamental rights are absolute in nature? Give Reasons. Discuss the grounds for
reasonable restrictions on fundamental rights
8. Which major environmental issues are being faced by our country today? How fundamental
duties can help in resolving environmental issues.
9. Discuss significance of the fundamental rights.
10. Identify the socialist, Gandhian and western liberal principles as mentioned in directive principles
of state policy
11. Give any 5 points of difference between fundamental rights and directive principles of state
12. What do you mean by directive principles of state policy? What is their importance?
13. Describe the meaning of the right to life under Article 21.
14. List and Explain three types of emergencies present in the Indian Constitution.
15. List and explain constitutional powers allotted to The President of India OR
Explain the status of President of India. OR
Who is president of India? Explain in brief powers given to president of India
16. What is the federal structure? Which features in the Indian Constitution make it federal?
17. Describe the legislative power of Union and State under Indian Constitution.
18. What is ‘Amendment’ in the constitution? Why does the constitution need provision for
‘Amendment’? OR
Can the parliament make amendments in the constitution? What is the procedure? Explain in
19. Explain in detail history, salient features, objectives and failures of 74th Amendment – Part IX –
“The Panchayat”
20. Explain meaning of following keywords from preamble of constitution: Sovereign, Socialist,
Secular, Democratic and Republic.
21. If you are to take a pledge to abide by four Fundamental Duties on Independence Day, which four
duties, according to you, are the most important ones and why? OR
Which are the fundamental duties of citizens of India?
22. Explain any five important amendments of the Indian Constitution. OR
23. Define Rajya Sabha and Loksabha.
Define the Amendment of the Constitution. Explain ways of Constitution Amendment (Any 2)
24. Relate the directive principles with their appropriate category
25. Classify the role of Local Government.
26. Explain the status of President of India.
27. Explain the effects of fundamental rights in National Emergency.
28. Discuss reasons for incorporating Emergency Provisions.
29. List out the effects of financial emergency.
30. Explain the types of emergency.
31. Which are provisions for emergency in our constitution. Is there any incidence when an
emergency was imposed in Indian history?
32. Discuss the views of Gandhian Principles in Directive Principles of State Policy.
33. Distinguish between Parliamentary and Presidential forms of Government. Which form of
government is there in India and the USA?
34. Do you think that changing over to Parliamentary to presidential form of government will be a
solution for better governance. Explain with suitable examples.
35. What are the duties performed by Sarpanch and Talati in a village level Panchayati Raj system.
How a good Sarpanch can transform situations in his village. Explain in brief.
36. In the recent past, what constitutional amendment related to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh was
done by the Indian Government. What will be its implications? Explain in brief

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