Glacier Velocity With Sentinel-1 Using Snap S-1
Glacier Velocity With Sentinel-1 Using Snap S-1
Glacier Velocity With Sentinel-1 Using Snap S-1
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Cover images produced by RUS Copernicus
The following training material has been prepared by Serco Italia S.p.A. within the RUS
Copernicus project.
Date of publication: November 2018
Version: 1.1
Suggested citation:
Serco Italia SPA (2018). Glacier Velocity with Sentinel-1– Peterman Glacier, Greenland (version
1.1). Retrieved from RUS Lectures at
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, RUS
Copernicus does not warrant its accuracy or will, regardless of its or their negligence, assume liability for any
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basis that any use by the recipient constitutes agreement to the terms of this disclaimer. The information contained in
this publication does not purport to constitute professional advice.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Training ............................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Data used ................................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Software in RUS environment ................................................................................................. 3
3 Register to RUS Copernicus ............................................................................................................. 4
4 Request a RUS Copernicus Virtual Machine .................................................................................... 6
5 Step by step ..................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Data download – ESA SciHUB .................................................................................................. 9
5.2 SNAP – open and explore data .............................................................................................. 11
5.3 Pre-processing ....................................................................................................................... 12
5.4 Coregistration and Offset tracking ........................................................................................ 15
5.4.1 Read ............................................................................................................................... 16
5.4.2 DEM-assisted coregistration.......................................................................................... 16
5.4.3 Subset ............................................................................................................................ 17
5.4.4 Offset Tracking .............................................................................................................. 17
5.4.5 Write operators ............................................................................................................. 18
5.5 Stack the products ................................................................................................................. 19
5.6 Terrain correction .................................................................................................................. 20
5.7 Visualize ................................................................................................................................. 21
5.8 Compare to existing velocity datasets .................................................................................. 23
6 Other suggested steps ................................................................................................................... 26
6.1 Export velocity ....................................................................................................................... 26
6.1.1 OPTION 1 – No error...................................................................................................... 26
6.1.2 OPTION 2 – SNAP versions with error ........................................................................... 27
6.2 Visualize in QGIS .................................................................................................................... 29
6.3 Add vector Velocity fields ...................................................................................................... 30
7 Further reading and resources ...................................................................................................... 34
1 Introduction
The Research and User Support for Sentinel core products (RUS) service provides a free and open
scalable platform in a powerful computing environment, hosting a suite of open source toolboxes pre-
installed on virtual machines, to handle and process data acquired by the Copernicus Sentinel satellites
Greenland ice sheet is the second largest
ice mass on Earth. As climate changes, the
ice sheet surface melt is increasing and
more and more fresh-water flows to the
ocean, contributing to the global sea-level
Glacier velocity is a vital part of glacier
monitoring and understanding the glacier
system dynamics as well as its
contribution to the global sea level.
Satellite data is a perfect tool form
Sentinel-2 image of Petermann Glacier tongue on 10 Sept. 2017 (Credits:
contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data) monitoring glacier velocity over large
areas. Two methods are commonly used
to derive speed of the ice flow from the satellite data: 1) SAR interferometry; 2) feature/speckle
tracking (optical/SAR data) between consecutive acquisitions. In this tutorial we will use the second
method applied to Sentinel-1 data.
The Petermann Glacier is a large tidewater glacier draining more than 4% of the Greenland ice sheet
through the 90 km long Petermann Fjord and terminating in a floating ice tongue, which currently
covers an area of 900 km2. Estimated 12 billion tonnes of ice are drained to the ocean annually with
estimated ice flow speed of 1 km/year.
2 Training
Approximate duration of this training session is one hour.
The Training Code for this tutorial is CRYO02. If you wish to practice the exercise described below
within the RUS Virtual Environment, register on the RUS portal and open a User Service request from
Your RUS service Your dashboard.
3 Register to RUS Copernicus
To repeat the exercise using a RUS Copernicus Virtual Machine (VM), you will first have to register as
a RUS user. For that, go to the RUS Copernicus website ( and click on
Login/Register in the upper right corner.
Then, fill in ALL the fields on the Copernicus Users’ Single Sign On Registration. Then click Register.
Within few minutes you will receive an e-mail with activation link. Follow the instructions in the e-mail
to activate your account. You can now return to, click on Login/Register,
choose Login and enter your credentials.
Upon your first login you will need to enter some details. You must fill all the fields in.
4 Request a RUS Copernicus Virtual Machine
Once you are registered as a RUS user, you can request a RUS Virtual Machine to repeat this exercise
or work on your own projects using Copernicus data. For that, log in and click on Your RUS Service
Your Dashboard.
Click on Request a New User Service to request your RUS Virtual Machine. Complete the form so that
the appropriate cloud environment can be assigned according to your needs.
If you want to repeat this tutorial (or any previous one) select the one(s) of your interest in the
appropriate field.
Complete the remaining steps, check the terms and conditions of the RUS Service and submit your
request once you are finished.
Further to the acceptance of your request by the RUS Helpdesk, you will receive a notification email
with all the details about your Virtual Machine. To access it, go to Your RUS Service Your Dashboard
and click on Access my Virtual Machine.
Fill in the login credentials that have been provided to you by the RUS Helpdesk via email to access
your RUS Copernicus Virtual Machine.
5 Step by step
5.1 Data download – ESA SciHUB
In this step, we will download the Sentinel-1 scenes from the Copernicus Open Access Hub using the
online interface.
Go to
Go to Open Hub, if you do not have an account please register in the upper right corner (click on Sign
up). Follow the instructions. Once you submit the registration you will receive an account activation e-
mail. Click on the activation link and then log in.
Navigate to the north of Greenland (approximate area – blue rectangle). Switch to drawing mode and
draw a search rectangle approximately as indicated below.
Open the search menu by clicking to the left part of the search bar and specify the following
Sensing period: From 2017/09/09 to 2017/09/21
Mission: Sentinel-1
Satellite Platform: S1A*
Product Type: GRD (Ground-range-detected product)
Sensor Mode: IW
Relative Orbit Number: 26
In our case, the search returns 2 results, depending on the exact search area defined. Download
Move downloaded scenes from desktop (/home/rus) to:
TIP 1: It may sometimes happen that the data used to create this exercise are temporarily unavailable.
In such case, you can use other date period for the same location to find two images 12 days apart in
the same orbit.
Open SNAP Desktop (icon located on the desktop); click Open product , navigate to:
and open both downloaded products:
The opened products will appear in Product Explorer. Click + to expand the contents of product [1]
from 9 September 2017, then expand Bands and double click on Intensity_HH to visualize the band.
We can see that the view appears as if “mirrored”: this is because the scene was acquired during
descending pass (the satellite was moving in direction from north to south, looking to the right (in this
case west)) and the view shows the pixels in order of the data acquisition, as the image is not yet
projected into cartographic coordinates.
5.3 Pre-processing
We need to apply identical pre-processing steps to both of our scenes. However, processing the data
step by step and product by product would be time consuming and inconvenient, luckily, we can use
the Batch Processing tool available in SNAP to apply all steps to both images in one go (this also saves
disk space as only the final product is physically saved).
To use the tool, we first need to define the process we want to apply and all its steps. We can do this
using the GraphBuilder tool.
So let’s build our graph. Go to Tools GraphBuilder.
At the moment, the graph has only two operators: Read (to read the input) and Write (to write the
In the first step, we will update the orbit metadata (See NOTE 1). To add the operator right-click
the white space between existing operators and go to Add Radar Apply-Orbit-File.
NOTE 1: The orbit state vectors provided in the metadata of a SAR product are generally not accurate
and can be refined with the precise orbit files which are available days-to-weeks after the generation of
the product. The orbit file provides accurate satellite position and velocity information. Based on this
information, the orbit state vectors in the abstract metadata of the product are updated. (SNAP Help)
A new operator rectangle appeared in our graph and new tab appeared below. Now connect the new
Apply-Orbit-File operator with the Read operator by clicking to the right side of the Read operator and
dragging the red arrow towards the Apply-Orbit-File operator.
In the next step we will remove the thermal noise (See NOTE 2). We do this by right-clicking the
white space somewhere left of the resample operator and going to Add Radar Radiometric
ThermalNoiseRemoval. Connect the ThermalNoiseRemoval operator with the Apply-Orbit-File
NOTE 2: Thermal noise in SAR imagery is the background energy that is generated by the receiver itself
(SNAP Help). It skews the radar reflectivity to towards higher values and hampers the precision of radar
reflectivity estimates. Level-1 products provide a noise LUT for each measurement dataset, provided in
linear power, which can be used to remove the noise from the product.
Now we can add the Calibration operator. The objective of SAR calibration is to provide imagery in
which the pixel values can be directly related to the radar backscatter. Though uncalibrated SAR
imagery is sufficient for qualitative use, calibrated SAR images are essential to quantitative use of SAR
data (See NOTE 3). To add the operator go to Add Radar Radiometric Calibration. Connect
the Calibration operator, to both the ThermalNoiseRemoval operator and Write operator.
NOTE 3: Typical SAR data processing, which produces level-1 images, does not include radiometric
corrections and significant radiometric bias remains. The radiometric correction is necessary for the pixel
values to truly represent the radar backscatter of the reflecting surface and therefore for comparison of
SAR images acquired with different sensors, or acquired from the same sensor but at different times, in
different modes, or processed by different processors. (SNAP Help)
At the moment, do not change anything in the parameter tabs and save the graph as
to /shared/Training/CRYO02_GlacierVelocity_Greenland_TutorialKit/Processing by clicking Save at the
bottom of the window.
In the Product Explorer, we select (highlight) the product [1] (9 September 2017). Now we can close
the GraphBuilder window and open the Batch Processing tool (Tools Batch Processing).
We will add both opened products by clicking Add Opened on the upper right (second icon from the
top) and click Refresh. Then we click Load Graph at the bottom of the window and navigate to our
saved graph and open it. We see that new tabs have appeared at the top of window corresponding to
our operators with the exception of Write; this is correct as these parameters will be set in the I/O
Parameters tab.
In the I/O Parameters tab set directory to
/shared/Training/CRYO02_GlacierVelocity_Greenland_TutorialKit/Processing and make sure the
Keep source product name option is selected (See NOTE 4).
NOTE 4: The product file names will be identical to the input file names. If you set your output directory
to the folder that contains your input data the input data will be overwritten.
Now let’s set the parameters. In Apply-Orbit-File tab we can accept the default settings. In the
ThermalNoiseRemoval tab select HH polarization and make sure that “Remove Thermal Noise” option
is selected.
In the Calibration tab we will also accept all default settings and then click Run.
Now you should have two new products in the Product Explorer.
Next, we will add the Subset operator (Add Raster Geometric Subset) and connect the DEM-
Assisted-Coregistration operator to it. Then we will add the Offset-Tracking operator (Add Radar
SAR Applications Offset-Tracking) and connect the Subset operator to both, Offset-Tracking and
Write operator.
As the last step, we will add another Write operator (Add Input-Output Write) and connect the
Offset-Tracking operator to it (See TIP 2).
Tabs corresponding to each of the operators have appeared below the graph. We will go through them
one by one to set all the parameters.
TIP 2: It may seem strange to write the two products separately, especially since we will stack them in
the next step; however the output of offset tracking is not only a raster but also a vector point layer
containing the velocity at each Ground Control Point (GCP) and additional information that could be
useful, such as heading (direction of the movement) and directional components. SNAP does not
currently offer operator to export the vector layer in graph. If you do not need the vector layer, you can
use the following graph set up.
5.4.1 Read
First let’s go to the first Read tab and make sure that the pre-processed product [3] from 9-Sept 2017
is selected as the Source product. Then go to the Read(2) tab and set the pre-processed product [4]
from 21-Sept 2017 as the Source product.
5.4.3 Subset
Since our Area of Interest (AOI) is quite small and there is no need to process the whole image, we
start with sub-setting the scene to a more manageable size. This will reduce the processing time in
further steps and is recommended when the analysis is focused only over a specific area and not at the
complete scene. Go to the Subset tab and set:
X: 1500 Width: 16000 Y: 5000 Height: 11000
NOTE 5: The Offset Tracking is performed in the following sub-steps (ESA Snap):
• For each point in the user-specified GCP grid in master image, compute corresponding pixel position
in slave image using normalized cross-correlation.
• If the computed offset between master and slave GCP positions exceeds the maximum offset
(computed from user specified maximum velocity), then the GCP point is marked as outlier.
• Perform local average for the offset on valid GCP points.
• Fill holes caused by the outliers. The offset at missing point will be replaced by a new offset computed
by local weighted average.
• Compute the velocities for all points on GCP grid from their offsets.
• Finally, compute velocities for all pixels in the master image from the velocities on GCP grid by
interpolation (final product has same pixel size as the input data).
To perform the Offset-Tracking, we need to set several parameters. First, we need to set the GCP grid
spacing in pixels in range and azimuth directions (determines the resolution/level-of-detail of our
velocity product). We will set the spacing to 60 pixels (600m) in both directions, this balance between
the level of detail and smoothness of our output is sufficient for our purposes (also higher resolution
=> longer processing time).
Next, we need to set the Registration Window dimensions; the size of the registration window depends
on the maximum velocity of the glacier (from literature of historical data) and the period between the
data acquisitions. Our images were acquired 12 days apart and the maximum speed of the Petermann
Glacier is close to 5 m/day, this means that the glacier surface will shift by maximum 60 meters. This
means that we can keep the default setting of 128 pixels (1280x1280m). To filter out false high values
we also set the known maximum glacier velocity to 5 m/day. We set:
Grid Azimuth Spacing (in pixels): 60
Grid Range Spacing (in pixels): 60
Max Velocity (m/day): 5.0
In the Write(2) (connected to the Offset-Tracking operator) tab set the product name to
Subset_S1A_IW_GRDH_20170909_20170921_Stack_vel and the target directory to
Click Run. This might take a while. Approximate processing time: 35 mins.
Two new products [5] and [6] have appeared in the Product Explorer. Expand the velocity product [5]
and double click the Velocity_slv1_21Sep2017 in the view. On top of the velocity map we can see the
geolocation point grid that obscures our view. We can hide it by going to Layer Manager on the right
side and deselect the vector folder.
Click OK. Repeat the process to add also the second intensity band Sigma0_HH_21Sep2017. The new
bands will automatically open in the view. Go to the Layer Manager in the upper right corner and
deselect the Vector folder.
In Product Explorer, select products [1] to [4]; right-click and select Close 4 Products.
Click Radar Geometric Terrain Correction Range-Doppler Terrain Correction
Set the product [5] (velocity product) as the Source Product. Then set target directory to
/shared/Training/CRYO02_GlacierVelocity_Greenland_TutorialKit/Processing. In the Processing
Parameters tab set:
Digital Elevation Model: ACE30 (Auto Download)
Map Projection: Custom CRS Predefined CRS Search for 32621 (EPSG: 32621 – WGS84 / UTM
Zone 21N)
Keep defaults values for the other parameters. Click Run. Approximate processing time: 2.5 mins.
5.7 Visualize
Let’s overlay the velocity data on top of the original data. Expand the new georeferenced product [7]
and open the Sigma0_HH_slv1_21Sep2017 band in View. We can stretch the histogram a little in the
Colour Manipulation (move the white slider at the right, to approx. 0.45).
Then go to the Layer Manager in the top right corner and in the Vector data folder deselect Velocity.
Then click on to add an overlay layer, select Image of Band / Tie-Point Grid and select the
Velocity_slv1_21Sep2017_HH. Then click Finish.
Now, we can see the velocity band overlaid over the original image, we can adjust the transparency by
going to the Layer Manager, selecting the Velocity_slv1_21Sep2017 and moving the transparency
slider on the bottom of the tab.
We can also make the layer semi-transparent. In Layer Manager, select the overlaid Velocity layer and
move the transparency slider at the bottom of the tab.
5.8 Compare to existing velocity datasets
In the Auxdata folder you can find a CSV file (tab delimited) containing a velocity data from two
external sources, both also based on Sentinel-1. Let’s see how our results compare to them.
The first dataset was acquired from the CPOM Ice Sheet Outlet Glacier Velocity Service (Centre for Polar
Observation and Modelling Data Portal), a portal providing near real-time velocity maps produced by
tracking moving features (offset-tracking) in Sentinel-1 data between two consecutive acquisitions
(Hogg, Shepherd, & Gourmelen, 2015). The CPOM velocity data we will use here, correspond to period
15 -21 September 2017 (our results correspond to 9-21 September 2017).
The second dataset contains values extracted from the ENVEO Greenland ice velocity map 2016/2017
from Sentinel-1 (ENVEO Cryoportal) also derived using feature tracking in Sentinel-1 data. Compared
to the CPOM dataset, the ENVEO velocity uses 12 day period between image pairs and the final product
is generated by pixel-scale averaging of velocities estimated from image pairs acquired between 23
December 2016 and 22 February 2017 (Nagler, Rott, Hetzenecker, Wuite, & Potin, 2015). The final
product is then resampled to 250m grid. Apart from the overall horizontal velocity product we will use,
the dataset also includes separate velocity components (vx, vy, vz) valid pixel count and uncertainty
We can load the CSV file by going to the Product Explorer and select the product [7], and then go to
Vector Import Vector from CSV.
Navigate to /shared/Training/CRYO02_GlacierVelocity_Greenland_TutorialKit/Auxdata and select
In the Import CSV Data window selected Predefined CRS Select Filter: 4326 EPSG: 4326 -
In the Point Data Interpretation, select Interpret each point as a track point and click OK.
Now let’s compare the profiles. In the Product Explorer highlight the Velocity_slv1_21Sep2017_HH
band in the product [7]. Then go to Analysis and click on Profile plot (also on the top bar).
Select the Use ROI mask: PetermannGlacier_Velocity_points
Deselect Compute in-between points, select Use correlative data and set:
Point data source: PetermannGlacier_Velocity_points
Data field: CPOM_Vel_20170915_20170921
We can see that the CPOM data show more variability but otherwise agree quite nicely with our
estimation. The increased variability is likely a result of shorter time period between used acquisitions
(6 days, compared to 12 days period for our input images) and much finer GCP grid spacing (100 m,
compared to our 600 m).
Now change the correlative Data field to ENVEO_Vel_20161223_20170222.
We can see that our estimate agrees with the ENVEO velocity almost perfectly. The ENVEO velocity
uses the same time period between images (12 days), but the estimated velocities are averaged over
3-month period which is likely responsible for the minor differences. Glacier velocity changes over time
as it is partly driven by the melt, therefore we can expect that the velocity would be slightly lower
during the winter months compared to early fall.
6 Other suggested steps
6.1 Export velocity
Now we can export our results to an ESRI Shapefile (.shp) format that is more manageable and can be
processed and visualized further in software such as QGIS. The shapefile will contain following
• Coordinates of GCP point in master image (9 Sept)
• Coordinates of corresponding point in slave image (21Sept)
• The distance travelled
• Velocity in m/day
• Heading in degrees (East from North)
• Range shift
• Azimuth shift
Depending on the version of SNAP you have there might be a reoccurring bug that prevents simple
export of the detections to ESRI shapefile format. Outlined below is a method to export for versions
without the bug (OPTION 1) and a work-around method for versions with the bug (OPTION 2).
6.1.2 OPTION 2 – SNAP versions with error
If the approach described in OPTION 1 does not work for you then the version of SNAP installed on
your machine likely contains the mentioned error.
The CSV file can be loaded directly to QGIS and converted to shapefile.
Go to Applications Processing and open QGIS Desktop. Now, click on the “Add Delimited Text
Layer” in the vertical menu on the left of the window. In the window that opens, click Browse and
navigate to the saved Velocity.csv
A table will appear in the bottom of the window. Select Custom delimiters, and select Tab, unselect
all other delimiters and in Other Delimiters type delete all.
In Record option, set Number of header lines to discard to 3 and select option “First record has field
names”. Finally, select “Well known text (WKT) as the Geometry definition and set Geometry Field to
“geometry:Point”. Then, click OK.
The new layer Velocity will appear in the Layers Panel. Right-click it and go to Properties. In the
General tab, set Coordinate reference system to WGS 84 / UTM zone 21N.
Click OK. Then right-click on the layer again and go to Save as. In the dialog that opens, set:
Format: ESRI Shapfile
Filename: /shared/Training/CRYO02_GlacierVelocity_Greenland_TutorialKit/Processing/Velocity_Point.shp
CSR: EPSG:4326, WGS 84
Then click OK. Now you have the layer saved as a ESRI Shapefile. Close QGIS.
6.2 Visualize in QGIS
Minimize the SNAP window and open or re-open QGIS (Applications Processing QGIS Desktop).
Once the QGIS is loaded let’s open the Velocity raster band. Navigate to the Processing folder in the
Browser Panel on the left side of the window and expand the folder and double-click the
Velocity_slv1_21Sept2017_HH.img. The raster layer will be opened and added to the Layers Panel
below the Browser Panel.
To change the appearance right-click the layer in Layer Panel, go to Properties and in Style tab set:
Render type: “Singleband pseudocolor”
You can select any colour pallet and adjust the classes to your liking, however for our purposes we will
use predefined colour pallet and classes saved as a text file in the Auxdata folder. To load it, click
Load Color Map from File (indicated on the image below), then navigate to
/shared/Training/CRYO02_GlacierVelocity_Greenland_TutorialKit/Auxdata and select
6.3 Add vector Velocity fields
In the Browser Panel double click the Velocity_point.shp layer to load it. We need to filter the layer a
little since the point grid is too dense for our purposes.
The simplest way to do this is to create subset with every nth point (or for example random selection).
Select the Velocity_point.shp in the Layer Panel and in the upper tool panel click (above) and set
Expression: ($id % 30) = 0
Click Select. Go to the Processing Toolbox in the right side of the window, in the search box type “Save”
and press Enter then close the dialog. Then double-click Save selected features tool and set Selection
to /shared/Training/CRYO02_GlacierVelocity_Greenland_TutorialKit/Processing as
Velocity_point_sel30.shp. Press Run.
New point layer Selection appeared in Layers Panel. Deselect the original Velocity_point layer in the
Layers Panel to hide it.
To visualize the velocity vector fields, we need to install the Vector field renderer plug-in (if it is not
installed already). We can do this by going to the Plugins menu on the top of the QGIS window
(indicated above) and go to Manage and install plugins…
In the Plugins dialog search for Vector fields, select Vector field renderer and press Install plugin.
Close the dialog. Now make sure the Selection layer is highlighted in the Layers Panel and then click
on Apply vector renderer to current layer in the toolbar at the top of the window, in the opened
dialog set:
Vector field type: Polar (length, angle) field
Length attribute: Velocity
Angle attribute: heading
Arrow format: Head (relative): 0.20 Shaft width: 0.20
Base size: 0.20
Scale: 1.5
Click OK.
Now we can inspect the direction of the ice flow. As a last step we can add a base map such as the Bing
Aerial (Open Layers Plugin).