Division 1: 16 Divisions Uniform Construction Index
Division 1: 16 Divisions Uniform Construction Index
Division 1: 16 Divisions Uniform Construction Index
uniform construction
Gagam, Diane Kaye M.
Building Technology 4
BSArch 41e1
Division 7 Division 8
Thermal and Moisture Protectiion Doors and Windows
This division specified the
In this division
construction and materials
specified the roofing
used in doors and windows. In
materials. includes the entrances,
waterproofing, storefronts, different types of
insulation, and windows that used in the
sealants that keeps structure, glazing, hardware
the structure safe and specialties. It is also
and no leakage. specified the door and window
16 Divisions
uniform construction
Gagam, Diane Kaye M.
Building Technology 4
BSArch 41e1
Division 9 Finishes
In this division includes all the finishing process within the structure.
Lath, plastering, gypsum wallboard, terrazzo, acoustical treatment,
floor finishes, ceiling finishes, treatment, and special coating. In this
specification, it will list down all the processes and materials that
have been used.
Division 12 Division 13
Special Construction
This part contains the description
This division's major and essential information for the
titles include construction of special zones.
Clean rooms, operation rooms in
artwork, window hospitals, incinerators,
treatments, textiles, instrumentation rooms, nuclear
reactors, radiation treatment
furniture, carpets &
rooms, sound and vibration
mats, and furnishing rooms, vaults, and swimming pool
accessories. spaces are examples of special
building regions.
Division 15 Division 16
Mechanical Electrical
Division 15 contains information on General provisions,
building air conditioning, ventilation, fundamental materials and
and heating. The mechanical techniques, power
sector of the specifications production, power
comprises significant components
transmission, power service
that normally consist of general
and distribution, lighting,
requirements (generic description
of the job, processes, etc.), special systems,
fundamental materials and communications, controls,
techniques, equipment, air and instrumentation are
distribution, pipe, insulation, typical components of the
controls, and instruments. electrical division.