Division 1: 16 Divisions Uniform Construction Index

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16 Divisions

uniform construction
Gagam, Diane Kaye M.
Building Technology 4

BSArch 41e1

Division 1 general requirements

In this division requires all the legal documents and technical provisions
regarding with the project. General requirements includes the contractual
documents, bidding requirements, building permits, and other legal documents.
It is also includes the description of the temporary facilities, for preparation of
construction within the site, details about how to closed the agreement after
the constructions.

Division 2 Division 3 Concrete

Site Construction
In this division describes and
In this division includes
elaborates the work and all concrete works that
process along and within the elaborates the concrete
site. It includes the soil form work, expansion
borring test, standard
and contraction joints,
penetrations test and
seismic exploration. It is casting concrete,
required to do these tests specially placed and
so the if it's safe to erect recasting concrete.
the structure.

Division 4 Masonry Division 5 Metals

Division 4 is all about masonry Metal works under Division 5 are
used in the building during the
works. Wherein, it specifies the
construction and building materials
brick, stone, fire brick, glass within the structure itself. Under this
brick, clay backing tile, and division specified the steel structure
ceramic veneer. It elaborates and other steel members of the
also the mortar, anchors, joint building. It is also specified on how
reinforcement, masonry joints, tie they do the metal roof decking,
metal floor decking and other metal
systems and other related with
platforms that are permanent. Also
this division. It should be well the metal fabrication like hand rails,
specified and detailed. gratings, castings and lintels.

Division 6 Wood and Plastics

Under this division includes the woodworks such us
framing, timber construction, structural wood,
finished carpentry and other architectural woodwork
like cabinets. For the plastic, it is used and specified
with the joists, studes, columns, beams and other
connecting materials.

Division 7 Division 8
Thermal and Moisture Protectiion Doors and Windows
This division specified the
In this division
construction and materials
specified the roofing
used in doors and windows. In
materials. includes the entrances,
waterproofing, storefronts, different types of
insulation, and windows that used in the
sealants that keeps structure, glazing, hardware
the structure safe and specialties. It is also
and no leakage. specified the door and window
16 Divisions
uniform construction
Gagam, Diane Kaye M.
Building Technology 4

BSArch 41e1

Division 9 Finishes
In this division includes all the finishing process within the structure.
Lath, plastering, gypsum wallboard, terrazzo, acoustical treatment,
floor finishes, ceiling finishes, treatment, and special coating. In this
specification, it will list down all the processes and materials that
have been used.

Division 10Specialties Division 11 Equipment

Division 11 covers equipment that is
The specifications' Division 10 typically given and installed by the
is a catch-all section. general contractor as part of the
Chalkboards and tackboards, building's construction. Maintenance
louvers and vents, grilles and equipment, bank and vault equipment,
screens, pest control, food service equipment, vending
fireplaces, flagpoles, lockers, equipment, athletic equipment, laundry
storage shelving, directional equipment, library equipment, medical
signage, and sun control equipment, waste handling equipment,
devices are typical items in and loading dock equipment are all
this division. included in this section.

Division 12 Division 13
Special Construction
This part contains the description
This division's major and essential information for the
titles include construction of special zones.
Clean rooms, operation rooms in
artwork, window hospitals, incinerators,
treatments, textiles, instrumentation rooms, nuclear
reactors, radiation treatment
furniture, carpets &
rooms, sound and vibration
mats, and furnishing rooms, vaults, and swimming pool
accessories. spaces are examples of special
building regions.

Division 14 Conveying Systems

Dumbwaiters, elevators, hoists and cranes,

lifts, material handling systems, and moving
stairs are all examples of construction
Division 14 often describes elements such as
walkways and pneumatic tube systems.

Division 15 Division 16
Mechanical Electrical
Division 15 contains information on General provisions,
building air conditioning, ventilation, fundamental materials and
and heating. The mechanical techniques, power
sector of the specifications production, power
comprises significant components
transmission, power service
that normally consist of general
and distribution, lighting,
requirements (generic description
of the job, processes, etc.), special systems,
fundamental materials and communications, controls,
techniques, equipment, air and instrumentation are
distribution, pipe, insulation, typical components of the
controls, and instruments. electrical division.

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