PPT-Presentation VR
PPT-Presentation VR
PPT-Presentation VR
Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. Unlike
traditional user interfaces, VR places the user inside an experience. Instead of viewing a screen in front
of them, users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds. By simulating as many senses as
possible, such as vision, hearing, touch, even smell, the computer is transformed into a gatekeeper to
this artificial world. The only limits to near-real VR experiences are the availability of content and cheap
computing power.
Non-immersive virtual reality provides a computer-generated environment but allows the user to stay
aware of and keep control of their physical environment. Non-immersive virtual reality systems rely on a
computer or video game console, display, and input devices like keyboards, mice, and controllers. A
video game is a great example of a non-immersive VR experience.
Semi-immersive virtual experiences provide users with a partially virtual environment. Semi-immersive
technology provides realism through through 3D graphics, a term known as vertical reality depth. More
detailed graphics result in a more immersive feeling. This category of VR is used often for educational or
training purposes and relies on high-resolution displays, powerful computers, projectors or hard
simulators that partially replicate design and functionality of functional real-world mechanisms.
Fully-immersive simulations give users the most realistic simulation experience, complete with sight and
sound. The display typically splits between the user’s eyes, creating a stereoscopic 3D effect, and
combines with input tracking to establish an immersive, believable experience. This type of VR has been
commonly adapted for gaming and other entertainment purposes, but usage in other sectors,
namely education, is increasing now as well. The possibilities for VR usage are endless.
Unsurprisingly, the video games industry is one of the largest proponents of Virtual Reality. Many tried-
and-true user interface metaphors in gaming have to be adjusted for VR , but the industry has been
quick to adapt as the hardware for true Virtual Reality gaming has become more widely available.
Virtual Reality training is an attractive alternative to live training with expensive equipment, dangerous
situations, or sensitive technology. Commercial pilots can use realistic cockpits with VR technology.
Surgeons can train with virtual tools and patients, and studies have already begun to show that such
training leads to faster doctors who make fewer mistakes. Police and soldiers are able to conduct virtual
raids that avoid putting lives at risk.
Speaking of medicine, the treatment of mental illness, including post-traumatic stress disorder, stands
to benefit from the application of Virtual Reality technology to ongoing therapy programs. VR has a
potential beyond gaming, industrial, and marketing applications to help people heal from, reconcile and
understand real-world experiences.
Virtual reality, in comparison, offers far better visuals that give the user a feeling of being in a different world while
playing games, or watching the scenery, etc. Playing games using the VR controller gives the user the impression of
actually being inside the game experiencing every move as if it were real with all those visual and sound effects along
with countless other sensations.
Among countless other astounding benefits of the VR technology, one can say that the opportunity to conduct training
and practice by simulating potentially dangerous real-world operations like surgery, combat, flight, etc., would simply
be the best practical advantage of this technology. One can easily learn to perform operations, fly a plane, and many
more without risking theirs’ and/or others’ lives.
3. Detailed
Planning a vacation can be tiring work, and if the planned location doesn’t work out as hoped, it is bound to worsen
one’s mood. But with the VR technology one can simply get a detailed and sharp view of any tourist location and
decide if the trip is worth their time and effort.
4. Handy
Virtual reality comes in very handy in our day-to-day activities such as shopping. Suppose you’re shopping for interior
design for your house. However, just looking at the designs doesn’t make it simpler to decide a perfect match and thus
a confusing situation arises. Such confusion can easily be handled by using virtual reality to put together the designs
and the interior of your house for a well-versed decision.
5. Increased Learning Possibilities
Using VR technology, doctors can understand any medicine’s new qualities and determine its side-effects, giving
them a clear idea of the outcome. Fields such as content writing and editing can also benefit from the VR technology
by easing in detecting faults through certain software arrangements.
1. Intransigent
Unlike real-world systems, virtual reality doesn’t offer flexibility in making changes to the pre-set program sequence.
Say someone is in the classroom and wants to raise some questions, in the real world they are free to do so as well as
to make suggestions, but in the virtual world such isn’t feasible.
2. Obsession
Anyone can become obsessed with anything if they get involved with it for a longer period. This is especially the case
when something as astounding as virtual reality is taken into account. Many tend to like games that allow violence
and other illegal activities, but if that turns into addiction they will likely commit the crime in the real world.
3. Expensive
Regardless of the fun and amazing experience provided by the VR technology, not everyone is capable of affording the
same tech as it does not come cheap. Irrespective of the decrement in its price over the years, this technology still
hasn’t been cheap enough to be affordable to most populations.
4. Isolated
After spending significant amounts of time in the virtual world, they become addicted to it and tend to enjoy it more
there than in the real world. Thus, they spend more time with their friends in the virtual world like in games. This
eventually leads them to become isolated from the real world.
5. Unreal
One can always train to either perform surgery or fly a plane, using the VR technology to an extent. But training in the
virtual world and real-world are entirely different things. They might not be able to give their best when exposed to
the real world because any action they take will have real consequences.
Virtual reality is considered the future of modern technology. This technology is being further
researched so that it can be applied to more areas of life.
1.VR in entertainment
Within 10 years of the development of virtual reality, users, for the first time, could experience
life on Mars. It would be interesting if we could look at what Mars really looks like.
Since it saves the government thousands of dollars on expenses related to scientific
expeditions, it is an excellent alternative to actual space travel.
2.VR in education
VR has achieved initial success as a teaching tool, and it is expected to mature further. It
enables people around the world to communicate with each other while removing economic
and geographic obstacles.
Using this advantage in class gives students the most intuitive and comprehensive experience of
what they are being taught. By doing so, students learn more by experiencing what they are
being taught.
3.VR in the military
Virtual reality's application in the defense industry is an important step in combating terrorism
and crime around the world.
Training and educating the military using this technology is extremely useful, especially when a
new battle plan needs to be implemented. This is a practical solution not only for saving money,
but ensuring safety as well.
4.VR in Health
In the future, virtual reality technology will have a significant impact on the medical field. This
includes research or treatment of patients.
Holocare, a product developed by Vietnamese startup Holomia, has made a big splash at IDEAS
Show APEC 2017. This system can help diagnose diseases on a global scale.
Doctors around the world are able to participate in consultations in a lively 3D environment
with this tool. The implications for medical professionals are vast. Patients can be treated in a
timely manner as it shortens the treatment time.
With positive feedback from the initial tests, experts will continue to apply virtual reality
technology. This will provide a good deal of health care solutions for people in the future.
As a matter of fact, we're just starting the era of virtual reality technology, and we'll have to
wait awhile before the technology becomes mainstream. We can expect to see glasses with
virtual reality technology integrated within the next few years, or they will be controlled by
small machines. Not just gaming, medical, educational, or military, does virtual reality also have
applications in agriculture? It may seem crazy today, but it will become a reality tomorrow.