Senior Treatment Supervisors (STS) : Part 1: Ensuring Proper Treatment

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Senior Treatment
Supervisors (STS)
Part 1: Ensuring Proper Treatment

Successful completion of the 'Module for Multi-

purpose Workers' is a prerequisite for successful
completion of this module.

Central TB Division, Directorate General of Health Services,

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhavan,
New Delhi 110011


Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
Structure of the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP).... 1
Sub-district ............................................................................................................... 2
Health Units ............................................................................................................ 3
Ensure identification of tuberculosis suspects ......................................................... 3
Transport of sputum specimens ................................................................................. 4
Ensure proper treatment of patients ........................................................................ 5
Verify disease classification, type of patient, and category of treatment ......... 6
Symptom-based approach to evaluation of possible side-effects of anti-
tuberculosis drugs used in the RNTCP .............................................................. 9
Patient flow ............................................................................................................ 10
Action to be taken in case the patient interrupts treatment ........................... 11
Manage treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis patients who interrupt
treatment ..............................................................................................................11
Record results of follow-up sputum smear examinations ..................................... 14
Record drug administration (Intensive phase) ....................................................... 16
Record drug collection (Continuation phase) .......................................................... 17
Record remarks .......................................................................................................... 17
Follow-up after the end of treatment ......................................................................17
Communicate with patients ......................................................................................18
Provide health education to patients during initial contact ............................. 18
Ensure proper drug administration ......................................................................... 21
Review Tuberculosis Treatment Cards .................................................................... 24
Ensure that health workers use sterile syringes and needles ............................. 25
Ensure appropriate preventive treatment for children ......................................... 26
I Responsibilities of the Senior Treatment Supervisor ..................................27
II Definitions ........................................................................................................29
III Management of patients who interrupt treatment ......................................30



Tuberculosis (TB) kills more adults in India than any other infectious
disease. More than 1,000 people a day—one every minute—die of TB in
our country.

Despite the existence of a National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP) since

1962, the treatment completion rate has been around 30% and the desired
results have not been achieved. There is an over-dependence on X-rays for
diagnosis. Treatment regimens used are often non-standard. Incomplete
treatment is the norm rather than the exception.

The goal of the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme

(RNTCP) is to cure at least 85% of New sputum smear-positive patients
detected, and to detect at least 70% of all such patients but only after the
desired cure rate has been achieved.



A major organizational change in the RNTCP is the creation of a sub-

district level. The sub-district consists of a designated Medical Officer-
Tuberculosis Control (MO-TC) who is responsible for the tuberculosis work
in the sub-district in addition to his other responsibilities. Another
organizational change is the creation of two full-time supervisory staff at
the sub-district level for tuberculosis work: a Senior Treatment Supervisor
(STS) and a Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor (STLS). This
allows for systematic monitoring of the treatment outcome of every

An additional structure of the RNTCP is the District Tuberculosis Control

Society (DTCS). This society functions with the District Collector/
Magistrate as Chairman, the District Tuberculosis Officer (DTO) as
Member Secretary, and has governmental and non-governmental
representatives. The DTCS is responsible for monitoring programme
implementation, arranging necessary logistics such as transport, and
procuring materials such as laboratory consumables.


As the STS, you are a part of the sub-district level. Each sub-district is a
Tuberculosis Unit (TU). The core function of this unit is to maintain
the Tuberculosis Register, from which Quarterly Reports are
compiled. A list of the responsibilities of the STS is given in Annexure I.

You are personally responsible for ensuring that policies of the

RNTCP are followed, and results of treatment and laboratory
examinations are accurately and promptly recorded in the
Quarterly Reports.

Staff from the District Tuberculosis Centre (DTC) will also function as a
Tuberculosis Unit (TU) for one sub-district in the area surrounding the
DTC. Specifically, the DTC Laboratory Technician and Treatment
Organizer will carry out the functions of the sub-district supervisory team
in their respective sub-district in addition to their functions as a
microscopy and treatment centre. The functions of the STS, in
coordination with the STLS and designated Medical Officer, are to:

● maintain a map of the area detailing all health facilities in the area,
including government organizations and NGOs which specifically carry
out TB activities, as well as the staff responsible for these activities
(name, position and location)
● ensure a regular supply of drugs and other logistics facilitating their
uninterrupted availability in all designated centres of the sub-district.
Retrieve unfinished medicine boxes of patients who have died or
defaulted (i.e. stopped treatment for two months or more continuously)
● establish liaison with private practitioners and NGOs providing TB
services, facilitate referral and ensure registration and notification
● organize regular training and continuing education
● keep the Tuberculosis Register up-to-date
● ensure preparation and timely submission of Quarterly Reports on case
detection, sputum conversion and treatment outcome, and on
programme management
● make sure symptomatic patients are identified and referred for


Health Units
Health Units include rural and other hospitals, health centres and
dispensaries within a sub-district.

Main responsibilities of the Medical Officer (MO) at this level are to:
● send all patients with cough for 3 weeks or more (or their sputum
specimens) to designated microscopy centres for microscopy
● ensure that Directly Observed Treatment (DOT) is successfully
implemented in all diagnosed cases
● ensure that defaulters are traced immediately and brought back to
● update Tuberculosis Treatment Cards and other records regularly and
make them available for the STS, MO-TC, District Tuberculosis Officer
(DTO), and other supervisory staff when they visit the health unit
● facilitate follow-up sputum smear examinations
● trace and investigate contacts of smear-positive patients
● discharge, in cooperation with the designated Medical Officer of the
sub-district or the DTO, all those patients who have completed their
prescribed treatment regimen.


The Medical Officer (MO) at the health facility screens the patients and
sends those who are suspected of having TB for sputum smear
examination. Patients suspected of having pulmonary TB may also be
referred by private practitioners to the government services for diagnosis
and treatment.

Adult outpatients should be asked if they have cough for 3 weeks or more.
All persons who have cough for 3 weeks duration or longer should have 3
sputum smear examinations for acid-fast bacilli (AFB). Sputum smear
examination facility and anti-tuberculosis treatment are available free of
charge at government facilities.


Always suspect TB when adult patients complain of cough for 3
weeks or longer duration. Send them for 3 sputum smear
examinations at the designated microscopy centre where these
facilities are available free of cost.


Patients who are suspected of having extra-pulmonary TB, and patients

who are contacts of sputum smear-positive patients, should have their
sputum examined for AFB if they have any chest symptom suggestive of

The patient receives sputum containers and instructions for bringing out
sputum. He then provides the sputum samples which are examined in the
microscopy laboratory. If sputum microscopy is not available at the health
facility, the patient’s sputum is sent to the nearest microscopy centre, or
the patient himself may be referred to these centres if they are close by.
Three sputum samples are collected in two days—one spot specimen on
the first day, the patient is given a sputum container to bring one early
morning specimen the next day and another spot specimen is collected
when he comes to deliver the second specimen.


The health worker is responsible for making sure that after the sputum is
collected, it is taken to the laboratory as soon as possible. Local
arrangements should be made for transport of specimens to the
microscopy centre and of the results of sputum smear examinations from
the microscopy centre back to the treating physician. Guidelines for
transport of sputum specimens are given in the Manual for Laboratory

Sputum specimens should be examined by sputum smear

microscopy not later than 1 week after they are collected.

Patients with two positive smear results are diagnosed as smear-

positive cases. Based on their treatment history, they are further classified
as New or previously-treated cases (Relapses, Failures, Treatment After
Default cases) and appropriate treatment regimen is prescribed.

Patients with only one positive smear result are referred to the
nearest X-ray facility. Of these, patients who have chest X-ray compatible
with TB as diagnosed by an MO are considered to be suffering from TB
and are registered as smear-positive cases.


Patients with three negative smear results are termed as smear-negative

and are prescribed broad spectrum antibiotics for 1–2 weeks. If the
symptoms persist, the patient is re-evaluated on the basis of X-ray and
clinical examination. Those patients who, in the opinion of the physician,
have active TB, based on the X-ray findings and persistence of symptoms,
will be diagnosed as having smear-negative TB. Depending upon their
clinical condition they will be classified as ‘seriously ill’ and ‘not seriously
ill’ cases, and placed under appropriate treatment regimen. If the patient
is put into the seriously ill category, reasons for the same should be
mentioned in the Remarks column of the Tuberculosis Treatment Card
and Tuberculosis Register.

If good diagnostic practices are followed as indicated above it is expected

that at least 50% of the New pulmonary TB patients diagnosed will be

Extra-pulmonary TB cases will be diagnosed by physicians. Diagnostic

procedures undertaken to arrive at the diagnosis must be mentioned in
the Tuberculosis Treatment Card.

Unless the diagnostic algorithm given on page 6 is followed, a large

proportion of the patients treated for tuberculosis on the basis of
abnormal X-rays alone may actually not be suffering from tuberculosis
and thus put on treatment which they do not require.

Every patient who has cough for 3 weeks or more, with or

without other symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis, should have
3 sputum samples examined for AFB.


Before a patient begins chemotherapy, it is very important to find out

from the patient whether he has previously taken drugs for
tuberculosis and if so for how long. Treatment regimens differ in respect
of type of drugs and the duration of treatment regimen for different
categories. A patient who has never taken anti-tuberculosis drugs (or has
taken these drugs for less than one month) will start on a different
treatment regimen as compared to a patient who has taken anti-
tuberculosis drugs in the past for one month or more.


Diagnosis and Management


3 Sputum smears

3 or 2 Positives 1 Positive 3 Negatives

1–2 weeks

X-ray Symptoms

TB Negative for TB


Negative for TB TB

Sputum-positive TB Sputum-negative TB

Anti-TB Treatment Anti-TB Treatment

Verify disease classification, type of patient, and category of treatment

Refer to Annexure II for information on definitions used in the RNTCP.
Study these definitions carefully and ensure that they are strictly adhered to.

Treatment is given according to categories. These categories must be

strictly adhered to. Please review carefully the table on page 7.

Thrice a week treatment is as effective as daily treatment provided you

ensure that the patient swallows the drugs in the presence of a health
worker as per the policy of Directly Observed Treatment (DOT).


Category of Type of Patient Regimen *

Category I New sputum smear-positive 2(HRZE)3
Seriously ill sputum smear-negative 4(HR) 3
Seriously ill extra-pulmonary**

Category II Sputum smear-positive Relapse*** 2(HRZES) 3

Sputum smear-positive Failure*** 1(HRZE)3
Sputum smear-positive Treatment 5(HRE)3
After Default

Category III Sputum smear-negative, not seriously ill 2(HRZ)3

Extra-pulmonary, not seriously ill 4(HR)3

* The number before the letters refers to the number of months of treatment. The
subscript after the letters refers to the number of doses per week. H: Isoniazid (600
mg), R: Rifampicin (450 mg), Z: Pyrazinamide (1500 mg), E: Ethambutol (1200 mg), S:
Streptomycin (750 mg). Patients who weigh more than 60 kg receive additional
rifampicin 150 mg. Patients more than 50 years old and those who weigh less than 30
kg receive streptomycin 500 mg. Patients in categories I and II who have a positive
sputum smear at the end of the initial intensive phase receive an additional month of
intensive phase treatment.
** Examples of seriously ill extra-pulmonary TB cases are meningitis, disseminated TB,
tuberculous pericarditis, peritonitis, bilateral or extensive pleurisy, spinal TB with
neurological complications and intestinal and genito-urinary TB.
*** In rare and exceptional cases, patients who are sputum smear-negative or who have
extra-pulmonary disease can have Relapse or Failure. This diagnosis in all such cases
should always be made by an MO and should be supported by culture or histological
evidence of current, active tuberculosis. In these cases, the patient should be categorized
as ‘Other’ and given Category II treatment.

Each patient who begins treatment for tuberculosis must have a

Tuberculosis Treatment Card. It is very important to ensure that during
the intensive phase of treatment (which is 2 to 4 months of directly
observed administration of drugs) patients are swallowing every dose of
their medication under the direct observation of a health worker. To
ensure proper drug administration, observe health workers administering
drugs to the patients and speak directly with the patients to determine
whether they have been receiving the correct number and type of drugs.
After the patients swallow their drugs in the presence of a health
functionary, those receiving streptomycin should be given the injections
with sterile syringes and needles.


Patients who are treated at the diagnostic health facility (PHC/CHC/DTC)

will receive the first dose of medication on the day the Tuberculosis
Treatment Card is prepared. Their houses should be visited by health
staff for confirmation of address before commencement of treatment. This
opportunity should also be used for screening of contacts and motivating
the patient for taking the complete treatment regularly.

The PHW (or PHC staff) records the drug administration in the
Tuberculosis Treatment Card at the time of directly observed intake of
drugs, and refers the patient to the microscopy unit when follow-up
sputum smear examinations are due. He also enquires about any reaction
to the drugs and if necessary, refers the patient to the MO.

As regards the administration of streptomycin injections at the peripheral

level, the policy will be to entrust this responsibility to the ANM at the
sub-centre level or to any registered allopathic doctor at the place the
patient agreed to for his DOT. If this is not possible, the patient has to
come to the PHC/CHC and may even be hospitalized for the initial
intensive phase during which streptomycin injection is to be given.
Disposable or sterilized syringes and needles should be used for this as
detailed in the Technical Guidelines.

During the continuation phase the patients collect drugs from the centre
(or from the PHW) on a weekly basis, and must present at the time of
next week’s collection the empty strip/blister pack of the drugs consumed.
When the patient comes to collect the drug every week during the
continuation phase, the first dose must be administered under direct

Arrange for the treatment to be as convenient to the patient as possible.

Patients should be administered their drugs from a health unit close to
their home. During supervisory visits to the health units, review the
Tuberculosis Treatment Cards to determine whether these patients are
regularly coming to the health units to take their drugs.. In
selected cases visit the patients to ensure the authenticity of the
information recorded in the Tuberculosis Treatment Cards. Make
sure any patient who has stopped taking drugs is traced and brought
back under treatment.

As part of your responsibilities in administering treatment, make sure

that children under 6 years of age with a family member who is smear-


positive are evaluated for tuberculosis. If they do not have tuberculosis

they should get proper preventive treatment. However, if they have
tuberculosis, make sure they receive the appropriate treatment.

In rare cases, patients face problems with medicines prescribed in the

RNTCP. The table below gives some symptoms which patients may
experience, the drug that is most likely responsible for these symptoms,
and the appropriate action that should be taken.



Symptom Drug (abbreviation) Action to be taken

Drowsiness Isoniazid (H) Reassure patient

Red-orange Rifampicin (R) Reassure patient


Gastrointestinal Any oral medication Reassure patient

upset Give drugs with less water
Give drugs over a longer period of time
Do not give drugs on empty stomach
If above fails, consult MO regarding anti-
emetic if appropriate

Burning in the Isoniazid (H) Refer to MO who will give pyridoxine

hands and feet 100 mg/day until symptoms subside

Joint pains Pyrazinamide (Z) If severe, refer patient for evaluation

Impaired vision Ethambutol (E) STOP treatment, refer patient for evaluation
Ringing in Streptomycin (S) STOP streptomycin, refer patient for evaluation
the ears
Loss of hearing Streptomycin (S) STOP streptomycin, refer patient for evaluation

Dizziness, Streptomycin (S) STOP streptomycin, refer patient for evaluation

loss of balance

Jaundice Isoniazid (H) STOP treatment, refer patient for evaluation

Rifampicin (R)
Pyrazinamide (Z)

In all cases of jaundice, anti-tuberculosis drugs should be

stopped immediately and the patient referred for evaluation.


Patient flow
The MO of the Peripheral Health Institution (PHI) educates the patient
about the disease. The MO also determines the DOTS centre which would
be most convenient to the patient after discussing with him and arranges
for his treatment there. The original Tuberculosis Treatment Card is
maintained at the PHC or CHC where the patient was diagnosed as
having tuberculosis.

At the centre where treatment is begun, the patient is given an Identity

Card indicating name, address, sex, age, TB No. (when assigned), name of
health centre, disease classification, date treatment started, type of
patient, and category of treatment. The patient is supposed to bring the
Identity Card during every visit to the health centre. The TB No. written
thereon facilitates retrieval of his records. Treatment regimen and
appointment dates are noted and at the end of treatment the MO
indicates the outcome, signs and affixes his stamp.

If the patient is to be treated by a Peripheral Health Worker (PHW), a

duplicate Tuberculosis Treatment Card will be prepared and given to the
PHW to record the DOT. The MO of the PHI will give the patient’s
medicine box for the entire duration of treatment to the PHW. The date
when this medicine box is issued to the PHW will be duly recorded in a
special register maintained at the PHC/CHC. The PHW visits the house of
the patient (definitely within a week) and has a detailed dialogue with
the patient and other members of the family. He emphasizes the
treatment schedule, importance of regular uninterrupted intake of drug,
completion of the entire course of treatment, possible intolerance, etc. as
well as the need for evaluation of symptomatic contacts and treatment of
child contacts (if the patient is smear-positive). After this visit, treatment
is commenced by the PHW (MPW, Anganwadi worker, Village Health
Guide) or community volunteer. For drug administration the PHW and
the patient mutually decide upon a convenient location. Medicines are
delivered at the home of the patient only under exceptional circumstances
when the patient is unable to collect it. In such situations the entry is
encircled on the Tuberculosis Treatment Card and the reason for the same
stated in the ‘Remarks’ column. During the intensive phase of
treatment each and every dose of medicine is to be taken under
direct observation of the PHW. Where no government health
worker can provide DOT, a community volunteer who is


accessible, willing and acceptable to the patient and who can be

accountable to the health system can do so. Possible community
volunteers include Anganwadi workers, Dais, Panchayat leaders,
religious leaders, and others. Family members may not give DOT,
as it has been found that this arrangement is not reliably

Action to be taken in case the patient interrupts treatment

Patients who miss a dose must be contacted and put back on treatment
through home visits. This should be done by the health staff or
community health worker no later than the day after the patient was due
to come for treatment in the intensive phase, and within a week of the
missed dose in the continuation phase. It is important to take action
immediately after knowing that the patient missed a dose.

The health worker should discuss problems with the patient and find
ways of preventing him from defaulting. He should convince the patient
that cure depends on regular intake of drugs and convey the same
message to his relatives so that they take an interest and ensure that the
patient regularly takes his drug. The health worker should discuss with
the patient where and what time he would prefer to take his treatment
and all possible efforts should be made to adjust to the convenience of the
patient. The patient should not be blamed. Try to understand his
difficulties and then motivate accordingly. It is best to negotiate with the
patient a plan for cure.

Manage treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis patients who interrupt

If a patient does not take medication as scheduled in the intensive phase,
he should be traced and given the medication on the next day. The
medication for the following day is then given as scheduled. For example,
if a patient is receiving directly observed treatment on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays, but does not take medication on Wednesday,
then he should be found on Thursday and given medication. His next dose
of medication should be administered on Friday, thus returning to the
previous schedule.


If a patient completely misses any doses of medicine, these doses must be

made up at the end of the scheduled period. The number of doses is given
in the tables below.

Phases and duration of treatment

Category Duration (number of doses) Total

Intensive phase Continuation phase

CAT I 8 weeks (24 doses) 18 weeks (54 doses) 26 weeks (78 doses)

CAT II 12 weeks (36 doses) 22 weeks (66 doses) 34 weeks (102 doses)

CAT III 8 weeks (24 doses) 18 weeks (54 doses) 26 weeks (78 doses)

Duration of treatment if sputum smear is positive at 2/3 * months

Category Duration (number of doses) Total

Intensive phase Continuation phase

CAT I 12 weeks (36 doses) 18 weeks (54 doses) 30 weeks (90 doses)

CAT II 16 weeks (48 doses) 22 weeks (66 doses) 38 weeks (114 doses)

CAT I—positive at 2 months CAT II—positive at 3 months

For example, if a patient being treated under CAT I misses the 23rd dose
of the intensive phase, but is given that dose on the following day, this
would be recorded as follows:

April 22 23 24

✓ ✓ ✓ S X S
If, on the other hand, the dose is missed and the patient does not report
to the health facility the next day, then the dose is given on the next
scheduled day, as follows:
April 22 23 24

✓ ✓ S ✓ X S


In the same manner, if the patient misses a weekly drug collection in the
continuation phase, the treatment is given and recorded as follows:

April 17 18

During the continuation phase, if the patient is late by a single day for
drug collection, the dose may be given and other doses taken as
scheduled. If the patient is late by two days or more from the date on
which he was scheduled to have the first directly observed dose of the
weekly blister pack and collects drugs for the remainder of the week, the
treatment is given and recorded as follows:

April 16 17 18

Tuberculosis Treatment Cards should be arranged according to the day of
scheduled observation and the phase of treatment (i.e. intensive phase and
continuation phase). When the patient swallows the medication under
direct observation, the Tuberculosis Treatment Card should be placed after
the divider for the next scheduled observation (e.g. from Monday to
Wednesday during the intensive phase). In this manner, the Tuberculosis
Treatment Cards of patients who do not present for treatment will be
apparent on the same day, facilitating appropriate action for their

Sometimes, a patient may stop taking his drugs. This can happen when a
patient does not understand that he needs to take ALL his drugs for the
full duration of treatment. When such a patient returns to the treatment
unit, the health worker must get the patient back on treatment. The
treatment prescribed depends on the type of patient, the duration of
treatment, the duration of interruption of treatment, and whether he is
smear-positive or smear-negative when he returns for treatment. Consult
the MO-TC for management of such patients.

The reason any dose has been missed, and the actions taken to return the
patient to treatment should be recorded in the Remarks column of the
Tuberculosis Treatment Card. If the interruption of treatment is for 2
weeks or more, refer to the tables in Annexure III for management of the



For patients who had positive smears at the time of diagnosis, 2 sputum
specimens are taken for follow-up sputum smear examinations at three
specified intervals: at the end of the intensive phase, 2 months into the
continuation phase, and at the end of treatment. Out of 2 sputum
specimens examined if 1 is positive for AFB, the patient is smear-positive.
If both specimens are positive for AFB, the highest number associated
with the positive smear results (for example 3+) is written on the
patient’s Tuberculosis Treatment Card next to the appropriate month. If
both specimens are negative for AFB, the patient is smear-negative and
NEG is recorded next to the appropriate month.

The schedule of follow-up sputum smear examinations is given in the

table below:

Schedule of follow-up sputum smear examinations

Category of Pre- Test IF: THEN:

treatment treatment at result
sputum month is
– Start continuation phase, test sputum again at 4 and 6 months‡
Category I + 2
+ Continue intensive phase for one more month, test sputum
again at 3, 5 and 7 months

– Start continuation phase, test sputum again at 6 months‡

– 2
Continue intensive phase for one more month, test sputum
+ again at 3, 5 and 7 months

– Start continuation phase, test sputum again at 5 and 8 months

Category II + 3 Continue intensive phase for one more month, test sputum
+ again at 4, 6 and 9 months
– Start continuation phase, test sputum again at 6 months
Category III – 2
+ Re-register the patient and begin Category II treatment

‡ Any patient treated with Category I or Category III, who has a positive smear at 5, 6 or 7 months of
treatment should be considered a Failure and started on Category II treatment afresh.

The most important follow-up of smear-positive cases are sputum smear

examinations done at the end of 2 months (New smear-positive cases), at
the end of 3 months (retreatment cases and New smear-positive cases who


were smear-positive even at the end of 2 months), and at the completion

of treatment. These results determine the conversion rate from smear-
positive to smear-negative at the end of the intensive phase of treatment,
and also indicate the cure rate.

The follow-up sputum smear examination done at the completion of

treatment is essential to determine the cure rate.

A patient who is diagnosed as a New pulmonary smear-positive case

will have his sputum examined at the end of 2 months. If the patient is
smear-negative at the end of 2 months, the date, result and laboratory
serial number of the sputum smear examination should be recorded next
to Month 2 on the Tuberculosis Treatment Card.

If the patient is smear-positive at the end of 2 months, forward slashes (/)

should be drawn on the Tuberculosis Treatment Card in the Date, Smear
result and Lab No. columns next to Month 2. The date of the sputum
smear examination should be recorded above the slash under the Date
column. The highest number associated with the positive smear results
(for example 2+) should be written above the slash under the Smear
result column. The laboratory serial number should also be recorded
above the slash under the Lab No. column. The initial intensive phase of
drug treatment should continue for another 4 weeks. At the end of the
additional 4 weeks of intensive phase (i.e. at the end of 3 months) two
samples of sputum should be examined. The date, result and laboratory
serial number of the sputum smear examination should be recorded below
the forward slash under the appropriate columns. Sputum will then be
examined at the beginning of Month 5, and at the end of treatment. The
date, result and laboratory serial number of the highest grade sputum
smear examination should be recorded in the same way.

Month Date Lab No. result Weight

2/3 /3 4 1+ 45 Kg
17 /4 16 4
16 23 NE


A patient who is diagnosed as a pulmonary smear-positive Relapse,

Failure or Treatment After Default case will have his sputum examined
at the end of 3 months of treatment.

If the patient is smear-positive at the end of 3 months, forward slashes (/)

should be drawn on the Tuberculosis Treatment Card in the Date, Smear
result and Lab No. columns. The date of the sputum smear examination
should be recorded above the forward slash under the Date column. The
highest number associated with the positive smear results (for example
1+) should be written above the slash under the Smear result column.
The laboratory serial number should also be recorded above the slash
under the Lab No. column. The initial intensive phase of drug treatment
should continue for another 4 weeks. At the end of the additional 4 weeks
of intensive phase (i.e. at the end of 4 months), a sputum smear should
be examined. The date, sputum smear result and laboratory serial number
of the sputum smear examination should be written below the forward
slash under the appropriate columns.

A patient who is diagnosed as a pulmonary smear-negative case (not

seriously ill) will have his sputum examined at the end of 2 months and
at the end of treatment. The date, result and laboratory serial number of
the sputum smear examination should be recorded next to Month 2 on
the Tuberculosis Treatment Card. If a smear-negative patient is found to
be smear-positive at the end of 2 months, refer the patient to an MO. If it
is confirmed that his sputum is smear-positive, the MO will prescribe the
retreatment regimen (Category II) and the patient will be re-registered as
a Failure..


The months when the patient will be administered drugs during the
intensive phase are written under the Month column in the drug
collection table at the bottom of the Tuberculosis Treatment Card. The
appropriate day (1–31) is ticked (✓) after the drugs are administered to
the patient on alternate days, thrice a week.



The months when the patient will be collecting his drugs during the
continuation phase are written under the Month column in a table at the
back of the Tuberculosis Treatment Card. An ‘X’ is entered on the day
(1–31) the drugs were swallowed under direct observation. A line is drawn
through the remaining days of the week to indicate that the drugs for the
remaining period of the week have been given.


Any comment about the patient can be written in this space. Examples of
types of remarks are:

● Reason for discontinuation of drug collection (for example patient

transferred to another district)
● Efforts to trace patients who interrupted treatment
● Results of X-ray examination
● Tuberculin test result in children
● Histology report for extra-pulmonary cases (such as report on lymph
node examination/biopsy)
● Names and treatment details of children under 6 years of age in
contact with a smear-positive case who are prescribed preventive

Keep remarks short and legible.


No follow-up is required for a patient who has completed treatment and

has been declared cured. He should be advised to report only if symptoms
suggestive of TB recur.



During your initial contact with a patient, discuss health education issues
with him, and, if possible, with his family. Communicate health education
messages including:
● the infectious nature of tuberculosis
● the treatment prescribed to cure him
● the type of drugs he will be taking
● importance of screening of symptomatic contacts of smear-positive cases
● the importance of directly observed treatment
● the necessity of sputum smear examinations during treatment
● completing the full course of prescribed treatment

You and the other staff should emphasize to the patient the necessity of
direct observation of every dose of drugs taken during the intensive phase
and the first dose of the weekly blister pack during the continuation
phase. Also explain the importance of sputum smear examination at the
end of 2(3) months and at the completion of treatment.

Reassure the patient that anti-TB drugs are generally safe. Counsel them
that their urine and tears may turn orange-red as a result of one of the
pills, but that this is harmless and normal and will stop when they stop
taking the drugs. Explain that to ensure cure, they need to take
medicines under direct observation.

Provide health education to patients during initial contact

During your first contact with a patient, which is usually when you
register him, you will educate him regarding essential information about
his disease. Make sure he feels comfortable enough to ask you whatever
he does not understand. Keep in mind that the patient is probably very
sick and might still be feeling disturbed about having the disease. Ask the
patient essential questions throughout the discussion to make sure he
understands what is being said. During later discussions with the patient,
you will explain more detailed items.


The topics that you initially need to discuss with the patient are as

● What is tuberculosis?
Explain in simple terms that tuberculosis is caused by a bacteria, or
germ, and affects any part of the patient’s body (for example tuberculosis
of the lungs). Reassure the patient that if he takes the prescribed
treatment for the complete period, tuberculosis is curable.

● Treatment of tuberculosis
Explain general information about the patient’s treatment:
– duration of treatment
– frequency of his visits to the health unit for taking treatment
– the place he will receive treatment
– treatment is free of charge at government centres.

● Necessity of directly observed intake of drugs

Explain the importance of having directly observed treatment. This means
that the health worker watches the patient swallow all his drugs.

● How tuberculosis spreads

Explain in simple terms that tuberculosis can spread when a patient
coughs. People in close contact with the patient can become infected when
they breathe in these germs (tubercle bacilli). Also explain how to prevent
tuberculosis from spreading (for example, covering the mouth when
coughing and sneezing, and avoiding spitting in public places).

● Looking for symptoms of tuberculosis

Describe the following symptoms of tuberculosis of the lungs to the
patient so that he can recognize whether a family member might be a
tuberculosis suspect:
– A cough which lasts for 3 weeks or more. Usually, a person also has
one or more of the symptoms listed below:
– weight loss


– tiredness
– fever especially with rise in temperature in the evenings
– night sweats
– chest pain
– shortness of breath
– loss of appetite
– coughing up blood-stained sputum

Patients will generally recall their own symptoms.

Stress the importance of taking all family members who are

exposed to the disease and have symptoms suggestive of
tuberculosis (symptomatic contacts) to the nearest health unit for
screening for tuberculosis. In particular, all children under 6 years of
age should be screened because they are at risk of developing severe
forms of the disease.



Periodically, during supervisory visits, look at a patient’s Tuberculosis

Treatment Card to check the drugs he should be getting, and then observe
the health workers administer these drugs. Health workers must give the
patient the tablets according to what is written on his Tuberculosis
Treatment Card. They must observe the drug intake to make sure that
the patient has swallowed the drugs. After watching the patient swallow
the drugs, streptomycin injections should be given to patients under
Category II treatment regimen (except for pregnant women).

If the health worker does not properly administer the drugs, inform him
about the proper procedure.

Since it is more likely that the health worker will properly administer
drugs in your presence, another option is to meet with the patient in
private to determine if he is receiving the correct number and type of
drugs. To do this, refer to the patient’s Tuberculosis Treatment Card to
check the drugs he should be taking. Then, in private, ask the patient to
describe how he is receiving the drugs. If you cannot determine from the
patient’s response whether the health worker is properly administering
the drugs, ask the patient specific questions, such as:
°● How many tablets are you receiving?
°● What do the tablets look like?
°● When are you given the tablets?
°● How are you given the tablets?
°● Do you have to pay for the medicines?

It is very important to make sure that each patient receives the correct
number and type of drugs, especially during the intensive phase of
treatment when the patient’s sputum should convert from smear-positive
to smear-negative. There are many reasons why patients may not receive
the correct number and types of drugs. Some of them are as follows:
● health workers may not have directly observed the intake of drugs
● health workers may have forgotten to give patients all their tablets or
may have given them the wrong number of tablets
● injections may not have been given to patients who were prescribed


● health workers may not have given the tablets to the patients before
the injection
● health workers may have only given certain drugs to patients they
like, for whatever reason
● health workers may have made their patients pay for their drugs, and
therefore, the patients without money did not receive all the prescribed

If you discover that some patients are not properly receiving their drugs,
speak with the health worker who is responsible for administering the
drugs. Stress the importance of patients receiving the correct number and
types of drugs during the intensive phase of treatment so they can
convert from smear-positive to smear-negative.

Another method of monitoring drug administration is to compare the stock

of drugs available in the patient-wise boxes with the dosages given and
marked in the Tuberculosis Treatment Card. Any observed variation
should be looked into and remedial measures taken.

Health workers and others may be reluctant to provide directly observed

treatment. Concerns raised and possible responses to them are provided in
the table below.

Concerns Possible responses

Fear of infection ● Patients on treatment rapidly stop being infectious

with the tuberculosis ● Without directly observed treatment, such patients
bacteria will continue to be infectious
● Contracting tuberculosis infection generally requires
prolonged, direct contact with a smear-positive patient
who is not on effective treatment*

* Risk of spread of infection depends on the level of infectiousness of the patient and
the duration and intensity of contact. Most TB patients are not highly infectious and
therefore contracting infection requires prolonged direct contact with a smear-positive
patient who is not on effective treatment. Patients put on effective treatment rapidly
become non-infectious and are not a risk to others. A patient on regular and
effective treatment, particularly one on directly observed treatment, presents
virtually no risk of infection. The highest risk is from patients who are undiagnosed
and not on treatment.


Concerns Possible responses

Too much work will ● Tuberculosis is one of the major killers
interfere with other ● Tuberculosis treatment is effective
responsibilities ● Curing TB patients is a top priority
● Providing tuberculosis treatment will improve status and
credibility of health workers in the community
Drugs will not be ● In the RNTCP, drug supplies will be regular
available ● Each patient has a patient-wise box with his full course
of treatment in it

Similarly, multi-purpose health workers and others who provide directly

observed treatment may find that patients are reluctant to come for direct
observation of intake of drugs. Concerns which may be raised by patients,
and possible responses are given in the table that follows. It is essential
that DOTS facility should be convenient to the patient (e.g. a walkable
distance from home or work). NGOs and peripheral health workers can
provide DOTS effectively at a location which is convenient for the patient.

The most effective means of ensuring that patients participate in DOTS is

to simply present this as the way TB treatment is to be given. Some
patients may be unable to participate in DOT. Such patients may account
for less than 5% of all smear-positive patients. All such patients should be
given conventional chemotherapy as per guidelines.

Concerns Possible responses

Takes too much ● TB can be cured if you take medicine now, and you
time to come for will not need to worry about it again.
treatment ● The first phase is only 24 doses (36 for Category II
patients), after which direct observation will be once a
Too many pills ● TB is caused by a strong germ. Many pills are needed to
get rid of it completely.
● This is one reason why coming here to take treatment is
● There will be fewer pills after the first phase of


Concerns Possible responses

Medicine causes ● This happens to some people who take these effective
sleepiness, nausea medicines. There is however no need to worry.
● The sleepiness and nausea will usually stop after a few
days or weeks when you get accustomed to taking the
Not necessary to come ● By taking treatment under direct observation, any
for direct observation problem will be easily and quickly identified and brought
to the attention of the MO.
● By taking treatment under direct observation, correct
doses of all medications will be assured.
● In India and many other countries, this is the only
way to take medicine that has been proven to cure
almost all patients.
Medicine is not ● These are the safest and most effective medicines
effective available to treat TB anywhere in the world.
● Almost all patients who take their medicines as
prescribed are cured.


During supervisory visits to the health units, review the front part of the
Tuberculosis Treatment Cards for all patients in the intensive phase of
treatment. Check whether a visit was made to the patient’s home to
verify the address prior to starting treatment, or at most one week after
the initiation of treatment. Verify that each patient came to the health
unit to take his drugs at the correct times. If a patient did not come to
take his drugs for one day, the box on that particular day of the
Tuberculosis Treatment Card will be blank.

If the patient is to be treated by a PHW, a duplicate Tuberculosis

Treatment Card will be prepared and given to the PHW to record the
DOT. Verify that Tuberculosis Treatment Cards are being updated

If a patient on ambulatory treatment in the intensive phase has not taken

his drugs for two consecutive doses, look at the back of the


Tuberculosis Treatment Card. See if there are any remarks health workers
might have written (in the Remarks section) to suggest why the patient
has not taken his drugs. If there is no indication regarding the reasons
for the patient’s absence, a health worker should go to the patient’s
residence to trace this patient and get him back under treatment. If he
cannot find the patient, he should locate the patient’s contact person
whose name and address is listed on the patient’s Tuberculosis Treatment
Card. The contact person might know where the patient is currently

After drug administration, health workers should look through all the
Tuberculosis Treatment Cards of the patients who were due to come on
that particular day and put aside any cards of patients who have not
come for treatment. A health worker should trace these patients
immediately and try to get them back under treatment.

Also, during the supervisory visits, review the back of the Tuberculosis
Treatment Cards for all patients in the continuation phase of treatment.
Verify that each patient came to the health unit to collect his drugs on
time. If a box on the last row is blank, determine whether it has been
one week since the patient was supposed to collect his drugs. If the
patient is one week late in collecting his drugs, look for any remarks
health workers might have written (in the Remarks section) indicating
the reasons why the patient has not collected his drugs. A health worker
should trace this patient if there is no indication of a reason for the
patient’s absence.



During supervisory visits to the hospitals and health units within your
sub-district, make sure the health workers are using sterile needles and
syringes. When health workers administer streptomycin injections during
the intensive phase of treatment, they must always use sterile syringes
and needles for each patient. Unsterile syringes and needles may
transmit infection. If syringes and needles are not properly
sterilized, the risk of transmission of the deadly HIV infection is
high. In areas with high prevalence of HIV infection disposable
needles and syringes should be used.


Health workers should already know why sterilization is important and

how to sterilize their instruments. You must observe them to make sure
that they follow the basic rules of sterilization.


Children who have family members suffering from tuberculosis can most
likely become infected. The infection may develop later into tuberculosis.
Some children may develop a very serious disease and may die if they are
not diagnosed and treated.

In children, tuberculosis is most severe for those under 6 years of age.

Make sure that all children under 6 years of age who have a family
member with smear-positive tuberculosis are screened for symptoms and
receive either full treatment or preventive chemotherapy. The MO will
determine whether treatment is required, and if so, the type of treatment
to be given.



Responsibilities of the Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS)

in the Revised National Tuberculosis Control
Programme (RNTCP)

● Ensure the quality of DOTS and achievement of programme objectives

in the assigned area;
● Ensure effective case-detection and organize direct observation of
treatment in the sub-district;
● Maintain the Tuberculosis Register, incorporating required information
in respect of all cases diagnosed in the sub-district;
● Prepare Quarterly Reports on case-detection, sputum conversion,
treatment outcome, and programme management and send them to the
DTO after review and approval by MO-TC.
● Maintain a map of the area detailing all health facilities in the area,
both government organizations and NGOs which specifically carry out
TB activities, including the staff responsible for these TB activities
(name, position and location);
● Supervise each PHC, CHC and hospital in the area at least once in a
month, on a systematic basis;
● Ensure that patients are correctly classified; appropriate treatment
indicated, provided and taken; laboratory tests carried out and
treatment outcome indicated appropriately at the completion of
treatment. This can be done by checking Tuberculosis Treatment
Cards, comparing the Tuberculosis Register and the Laboratory
Register, by visiting the field and comparing findings with diaries of
field workers (particularly in relation to retrieval of defaulters); by
discussing with staff; and by interviewing patients at random. Any
discrepancies found during checking should be brought to the notice of
● Ensure that all patients presenting with productive cough of 3 weeks
or more duration undergo 3 sputum smear examinations for AFB;
● Provide continuous training to the staff of health facilities under his/
her jurisdiction to carry out TB control-related activities;


● Establish liaison with private practitioners and NGOs who provide TB

services to promote compliance with national norms, facilitate referral,
and ensure registration and notification;
● If the STS is visiting without the STLS, collect information on all
parameters of laboratory performance, cross-check whether all sputum
smear-positive cases have been placed under treatment. Also, take
necessary steps to trace initial defaulters and bring them back under
treatment. Inform the MO in-charge and the STLS about any
deficiencies observed in laboratory functioning;
● Undertake all such activities which are required to achieve the
stipulated performance indicators;.
● Make a monthly tour programme in advance in such a fashion that all
the field units are covered at least once a month and get it approved
from the MO-TC;
● Maintain a diary recording the details of field visits and feedback
given on the observations made.



Pulmonary tuberculosis, Smear-positive New Cured
TB in a patient with at least 2 initial sputum smear A patient who has never had treatment for Initially smear-positive patient who has
examinations (direct smear microscopy) positive for tuberculosis or has taken anti-tuberculosis completed treatment and had negative sputum
AFB, drugs for less than one month. smears, on at least two occasions, one of which
Or: TB in a patient with one sputum examination Relapse was at completion of treatment.
positive for AFB and radiographic abnormalities A patient declared cured of TB by a Treatment completed
consistent with active pulmonary TB as determined physician, but who reports back to the health Sputum smear-positive case who has completed
by the treating MO, service and is found to be bacteriologically treatment, with negative smears at the end of the
Or: TB in a patient with one sputum specimen positive. initial phase but none at the end of treatment.
positive for AFB and culture positive for M. tb. Transferred in Or: Sputum smear-negative TB patient who has
Pulmonary tuberculosis, Smear-negative A patient who has been received into a received a full course of treatment and has not
TB in a patient with symptoms suggestive of TB Tuberculosis Unit/District, after starting become smear-positive during or at the end of
with at least 3 sputum examinations negative for treatment in another unit where he has been treatment.
AFB, and radiographic abnormalities consistent with recorded. Or: Extra-pulmonary TB patient who has
active pulmonary TB as determined by a MO, Treatment After Default received a full course of treatment and has not
followed by a decision to treat the patient with a full A patient who received anti-tuberculosis become smear-positive during or at the end of
course of anti-tuberculosis therapy, treatment for one month or more from any treatment.
Or: Diagnosis based on positive culture but source and who returns to treatment after Died
negative AFB sputum examinations. having defaulted, i.e. not taken anti-TB drugs Patient who died during treatment, regardless of
Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis consecutively for two months or more. cause.
TB of organs other than the lungs, such as the Failure Failure
pleura (TB pleurisy), lymph nodes, abdomen, genito- A smear-positive patient who is smear- Smear-positive case who is smear-positive at 5
urinary tract, skin, joints and bones, tubercular positive at 5 months or more after starting months or more after starting treatment. Also, a
meningitis, tuberculoma of the brain, etc. treatment. Failure also includes a patient patient who was initially smear-negative but who
Diagnosis should be based on one culture-positive who was initially smear-negative but who became smear-positive during treatment.
specimen from the extra-pulmonary site, or becomes smear-positive during treatment. Defaulted
histological evidence, or strong clinical evidence Chronic A patient who, at any time after registration, has
consistent with active extra-pulmonary TB followed A patient who remains smear-positive after not taken anti-TB drugs for 2 months or more
by a MO's decision to treat with a full course of anti- completing a retreatment regimen. consecutively.
TB therapy. “Other” Transferred out
Pleurisy is classified as extra-pulmonary TB. Patients who do not fit into the above- A patient who has been transferred to another
A patient diagnosed with both pulmonary and extra- mentioned categories. Reasons for putting a Tuberculosis Unit/District and his/her treatment
pulmonary TB should be classified as pulmonary TB. patient in this category must be specified. results are not known.


Management of patients who interrupt treatment

Management of patients who were smear-negative at diagnosis

and who interrupt treatment

Treatment Length of Do a Result Outcome Re- Treatment

received interruption sputum of sputum registration
before smear smear
interruption examination? examination

Less than Less than No — — — Resume

1 month 2 months treatment
all doses

2 months Yes Negative — — Resume

or more treatment
Positive Default New
Begin CAT I

More than Less than No — — — Resume

1 month 2 months treatment
all doses

More than Yes Negative — — Resume

2 months treatment
all doses

Positive Default Treatment Begin CAT II

After treatment
Default afresh


Management of New smear-positive cases who interrupt treatment (Category I)

Treatment Length of Do a Result of Outcome Re- Treatment

received interruption sputum sputum registration
before smear smear
interruption examination? examination

Less than Less than No — — — Continue CAT I*

1 month 2 weeks

2–7 weeks No — — — Start again on


8 weeks Yes Positive Default New Start again on

or more CAT I**

Negative — — Continue CAT I*

1–2 Less than No — — — Continue CAT I*

months 2 weeks

2–7 weeks Yes Positive — — 1 extra month

of intensive
phase of CAT I

Negative — — Continue CAT I*

8 weeks Yes Positive Default Treatment Start on

or more After CAT II**

Negative — — Continue CAT I*

More than Less than No — — — Continue CAT I*

2 months 2 weeks

2–7 weeks Yes Positive Default*** Other Start on


Negative — — Continue CAT I*

8 weeks Yes Positive Default Treatment Start on

or more After CAT II**
Negative — — Continue CAT I*

* A patient must complete all 24 doses of the initial intensive phase. For example, if a patient has to continue
his previous treatment and he took 1 month of treatment (12 doses) before interrupting, he will have to take
1 more month (12 doses) of the intensive phase treatment. He will then start the continuation phase of
** A patient who must ‘start again’ will restart treatment from the beginning.
*** Although this patient does not strictly fit the definition of default, default most closely describes the outcome
of this patient, although at re-registration he should be categorized as ‘Other’.


Management of retreatment smear-positive cases who

interrupt treatment (Category II)

Treatment Length of Do a Result of Outcome Re- Treatment

received interruption sputum sputum registration
before smear smear
interruption examination? examination

Less than Less than No — — — Continue CAT II*

1 month 2 weeks

2–7 weeks No — — — Start again on


8 weeks Yes Positive Default Treatment Start again on

or more After CAT II**
Negative — — Continue CAT II*

1–2 Less than No — — — Continue CAT II*

months 2 weeks

2–7 weeks Yes Positive — — 1 extra month

of intensive
phase of CAT II

Negative — — Continue CAT II*

8 weeks Yes Positive Default Treatment Start again on

or more After CAT II**
Negative — — Continue CAT II*

More than Less than No — — — Continue CAT II*

2 months 2 weeks

2–7 weeks Yes Positive Default** Other Start again on


Negative — — Continue CAT II*

8 weeks Yes Positive Default Treatment Start again on

or more After CAT II
Negative — — Continue CAT II*

* A patient must complete all 36 doses of the initial intensive phase.

** Although this patient does not strictly fit the definition of default, default most closely describes the outcome
of this patient, although at re-registration he should be categorized as ‘Other’.

First printing, June 1998
Second printing, July 1999

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