Convey Information and Ideas of The Text Books and Identify Diffrent Vocabularies - Conditionals and Relative Pronouns
Convey Information and Ideas of The Text Books and Identify Diffrent Vocabularies - Conditionals and Relative Pronouns
Convey Information and Ideas of The Text Books and Identify Diffrent Vocabularies - Conditionals and Relative Pronouns
SUBJECT: ENGLISH 1002 GRADE: TENTH________________________ TERM: III
ACHIEVEMENT: Convey information and ideas of the text books and identify diffrent
vocabularies - conditionals and relative pronouns .
1.The project would be complete now if you gave (give) me more time
2. If you told (tell) me about the field trip, I would be having fun with you now!!
3. If my mother hadn´t met my father at that party, they was (be) married today.
4. I would be able to sleep now if I saw (see) the horror movie you chose.
5. If Josh had kept the secret, we had (have) to apologize to the principal.
7. My mother could bake a cake if she bought (buy) all the ingredients.
9.If l had lived in an English speaking country, I spoke (speak) English perfectly.
ACHIEVEMENT: convey information and ideas on abstract as well as concrete topics, and get across
the points of the relative clauses or relative pronouns
Los relative pronouns son pronombres que introducen una oración subordinada (relative clause)
dentro de una oración principal. Sirven para dar o añadir información sobre la persona o cosa de la
cual se está hablando. The boy who has a cap is my brother. El chico quien tiene una gorra es mi
3.Write 10 different relative pronouns and do 10 sentences with these ones.” The boy who has a cap is
my brother”. El chico quien tiene una gorra es mi hermano.
1. That is the girl whom I sent the flowers. 1. Ésa es la chica a quien le envié las flores.
2. They took a house whose owner had abandoned 2. Ellos tomaron una casa cuyo dueño había
years before. abandonado años atrás.
3. I couldn't understand what she tried to say. 3. No pude entender lo que ella trataba de decir.
4. Do you know the person who sold me the car? 4. ¿Conoces a la persona que me vendió el coche?
5. She moved to another city, which made me sad. 5. Ella se mudó a otra ciudad, lo que me puso triste.
ACHIEVEMENT: convey information and ideas on abstract as well as concrete topics, and get across the
points they feel are important.
2. I have already built a building which you saw when we were coming from the movie.
6. Define the meaning of the following words.
7.Where can we see these signals and which are the correct definition about them.
1. a. Kitchen.
Drink before go b. Milk.
2. a. at the beach.
Dancing lesson in b. at the church.
classroom 205 c. at the school dance
3. a. In the country.
Watch out with the dog
b. In a private propety.
dangerous c. at the hospital.
5. a. hospital
They had horses, although horses came to North America after escaping from the Spanish explorers who brought them
here to explore the areas around Mexico and Texas. Boys and girls were both expert riders. They did not use saddles or
reins or stirrups; they rode "bareback". Their clothes were made from deer skins and buffalo skins and decorated with the
parts of other animals - tails from squirrels and gophers, quills from porcupines and the delicate bones of birds.
These children of nature did not ever have to go to school. They did not have to study to get into a prestigious college, nor
did they have to worry about finding a job after graduation. This does not mean their life was easy. The winters were very
long and very cold and there were sometimes wars between tribes. There were also the very great dangers involved in the
buffalo hunt. Warriors rode at top speed (with no saddle) beside the huge buffalo shooting arrows to bring them down.
The chances of a buffalo turning suddenly or of falling off the horse were very great. We must remember that there were
also no hospitals in those days.
Even so, the young people of the tribes must have enjoyed a very pleasant lifestyle: fishing and gathering berries in
summer, hunting in the forests in the early morning, dancing around the fire at night and listening to the old people tell
stories and legends from long ago.
8.When the text tells “the wide grasslands of what is now called” is because means.
c. Oh yeah!
a. Deer.
b. Elephant.
c. Mosquitos.
a. Human being.
b. Wild animals.
c. Killers.
4. They had horses, although horses came to North America after escaping from
a. Spanish people.
b. African people.
c. Colombian People.
5. In the first paragraph the Word” surroundings” means.
a. Environment.
b. Places.
c. Houses.
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