FRR-9 Sovereignty Certification and Estate Management Package - Form v.3
FRR-9 Sovereignty Certification and Estate Management Package - Form v.3
FRR-9 Sovereignty Certification and Estate Management Package - Form v.3
Package includes:
Sovereignty Certificate
Sovereignty Identity Card
common Law Pure Trust (“cLPT”) [foundation]
Special Deed of Trust
For the items above to qualify for setup and execution, you must present all the following credentials asked for. Four parties
and at least one Trust Property name and description are required to render the eEJET and cLPT valid and complete. FRRf
will appoint a Trust Creator for your administration.
Purpose of Trust:
Date to be executed:
(Exchangor/Grantor a.k.a. Settlor)(specify if certified sovereign)(include date-of-birth and Social Security number)(indicate if male or
(Principal Trustee)(and any additional Trustees)(include Trustee(s)’ address, date-of-birth and Social Security number)(indicate if male or
(Beneficiary)(and any additional Beneficiaries)(include Beneficiary(s)’ address, date-of-birth and Social Security number)(indicate if male
or female)
(managing Director)(and any additional managing Directors) )(include managing Director(s)’ address, date-of-birth and Social Security
number)(indicate if male or female)
After execution of your Trust Instruments, FRRf will appoint a Notary Public of the Sovereign International Court of Justice
and the Sovereign International Criminal Court (SICJ and SICC) to examine all your documents and to have them notarised
and sealed. If not collected in person, the documents can be mailed to the address location on this form.
The Fee Schedule for this administrative process is vetted based on the Exchangor/Grantor/Settlor’s commercial net-worth.
Please specify Y/N where applicable to you, on the general guide below:
£2500 - for net worth up to £1,000,000 (one million £GBP) (Y/N)_____
£25000 - for net worth above £1,000,000 (one million £GBP) (Y/N)_____
£250000 - for net worth above £10,000,000 (ten million £GBP) (Y/N)_____
1. prior to placing an order please download the latest version of FRRf Fee Schedule from
2. This form can also be used for the Quantum-Language Sovereignty Certification and Estate Package setup (all
listed documents included). Fee: £3000 GBP