Complete Notes For Class 12 (Yoga and Lifestyle)
Complete Notes For Class 12 (Yoga and Lifestyle)
Complete Notes For Class 12 (Yoga and Lifestyle)
According to Patanjali, asana means, “sthiram sukham aasanam” i.e., “that position which is
comfortable and steady”.
In Brahamanopanishad, “To sit in a comfortable position or posture for everlasting period is called
asana”. Asana is that state of body in which the body may be positioned easily.
In fact, asana is means through which physical and mental development is achieved.
1. Bones and Joints Become Strong: As a result of performing asanans regularly, the bones,
cartilages and ligaments become strong. The joints are able to bear more pressure. Asanas also
enhance the flexibility of joints. Postural deformities can also be prevented and corrected.
2. Muscles Become Strong: As a result of performing asanans regularly, muscles of the body
become strong. The efficiency of muscles increases. Fat does not accumulate in the body.
3. Circulation of Blood Becomes Normal: As a result of performing asanans regularly, the stroke
volume as well as cardiac output increases because cardiac muscles start working more strongly
and efficiently. The level of blood cholesterol reduces. By performing asanans, the lactic acid and
acid phosphate are excreted from muscles quickly and easily which reduces fatigue.
4. Respiratory Organs Become Efficient: The vital air capacity increases up to 6000 cc. The size of
the lungs and chest also enhances.
5. Efficiency of Digestive System Increases: The absorption of food becomes efficient. The storage
of bile in gall bladder in concentrated form is enhanced, appetite increases, stomach and
intestine also strengthened.
6. Nervous System Strengthens: The neuro-muscular coordination increases. Activities of our body
will be done expending less energy. The secretion of adrenaline remains good. Mental power
also improves and feeling of disappointment reduces.
7. Glandular Activity is Stimulated and Regulated Properly: Glands start producing hormones in
sufficient quantity which are collected and kept so that they may be utilized at the time of need.
The demand of insulin reduces.
8. Efficiency of Excretory System Enhances: The waste products such as lactic acid, acid
phosphate, urea, uric acid, sulphates etc., are excreted quickly and properly which is turn help in
delaying fatigue.
9. Immune System is Strengthened: By carrying out regular practice of asanas, our immune system
is strengthened. We, as a result, become less prone to various communicable diseases.
Obesity is that condition of the body in which the amount of fat increases to extreme levels. In other
words, obesity can be defines as “the condition when an individual weighs 20 percent more than the
ideal weight. It has been observed that obese person usually fall pray to diabetes, hypertension,
cardiovascular diseases, cancer, arthritis, respiratory problems etc. The best method is to check the
obesity of an individual is BMI (body mass index).
Procedure: It is a meditative asana. Kneel down on the ground or floor with your knees, ankles and toes
touching the ground. Your toes should be stretched backwards. Now place your palms of your hands on
the knees. The upper body should be straight. At this time, the breathing should be deep, even and
slow. Then expand your chest forward and pull your abdominal portion inwards.
a. The person suffering from joint pain should not perform vajrasana.
b. The individual who have any spinal column problem should not perform vajrasana.
c. The individual who have some difficulty in movement should do vajrasana with a lot of care.
Procedure: Bend forward until the fingers or palms of the hands touch the floor on either side of the
feet. Try to touch the knees with the forehead. Do not strain. Keep the knees straight. Exhale while
bending forward. Try to contact the abdomen in the final position to expel the maximum amount of air
from the lungs.
a. It makes the body very flexible. It stretches the back and leg muscles.
b. It helps to eliminate excess belly fat.
c. It improves digestion and reduces constipation.
d. It makes the spine flexible and tones the nerves.
e. It improves blood circulation.
a. The individuals who have back pain should avoid this asana. At least, they should not bend
forward fully. They can bend themselves only as far as comfortable.
Procedure: You must begin by assuming Tadasana. Stand with your arms at your sides. Then, gently
raise them to ceiling. Make sure that your arms are parallel to each other. You can also bring your palms
together over your hand. While you do this, make sure your shoulders are not hunched. If your palms
are apart, then they must face each other. Your arms must be straight at all times such that they are
activated all throughout, till your fingertips. Move your gaze upwards. Your shoulder must be away from
your ears, and your shoulder blades must be pressed firmly on your back. Your thighs should be engaged
in such a way that they pull the kneecaps up. Straighten your legs, but do not lock your knees.
In case of shoulder or neck injuries or experiencing dizziness while starting upwards, this asana should
be avoided.
Procedure: First of all stand with your legs apart. Then raise the arms sideways up to the shoulder level.
Bend the trunk sideways and raise the right hand upward. Touch the ground with left hand behind left
foot. After some time, do the same asana with opposite arm in the same way.
a. If you suffering from diarrhea, low or high blood pressure, back injury or migraine, avoid doing
b. The individual having cervical spondylosis should not perform this asana.
Procedure: The left heel is kept under the right thigh and right leg is crossed over the left thigh. After
that hold the right toe with left hand and turn your head and back to the right side. In this position move
the trunk sideways. Then, perform the same asana in the reverse position.
a. Women, who are two or three months pregnant, should avoid this asana.
b. The individuals, who suffer from peptic ulcer, hernia or hypothyroidism should perform this
asana only under expert guidance.
Diabetes is really a very dangerous condition. If diabetes is not controlled, it can lead to renal failure,
loss of vision, amputation of limbs and cardiovascular diseases. Diabetes is such a disorder that is cause
sugar to build up in our blood stream instead of being used by the cells in our bodies. When our body
does not produce sufficient amount of insulin or insulin does not work properly, diabetes occurs. There
are two types of diabetes- Type I and Type II. In Type I diabetes, the pancreatic gland does not produce
insulin. In Type II diabetes, the body does not produce sufficient amount of insulin hormone or the
hormone is produced sufficiently but it is not used properly by the body. There are frequent cases of
Type II diabetes, whereas, the cases of Type I are rare.
Procedure: In this asana, the shape of the body remains like a snake that is why it is called
bhujangasana. In order to perform this asana, lie down on the belly on the ground, keep your hands
near the shoulder. Keep your legs close together. Now, straighten up your arms slowly, raise the chest.
Your head should turn backwards. Keep this position for sometime. Then get back to the normal
position. For good results, perform this asana 3 to 5 times.
a. It alleviates obesity.
b. It provides strength and agility.
c. It cures the diseases of liver.
d. It improves blood circulation.
e. It cures the disorder of urinary bladder.
f. It strengthens the muscles of hands.
a. This asana should be avoided by the individuals who suffer from hernia, back injuries, headache
and recent abdominal surgeries.
b. Pregnant women should not perform this asana.
Procedure: Sit on the ground with legs forward. Then hold the toes of your feet with the fingers of both
the hands. Then breathe out slowly and try to touch the knees with your forehead. After that breathe in
slowly, raise your head upwards and come to the prior position. Perform this asana at least 10 to 12
a. if you are suffering from enlarged liver or spleen or acute appendicites, you should never do this
b. Avoid doing this asana if you suffer from any respiratory diseases.
c. If you have a back or spinal problem, make sure that you perform this asana only under expert
Procedure: Lie down on your back on a plain surface. Keep your feet together and place your arms
beside your body. Take a deep breath. When you exhale bring your knees towards your chest. At the
same time press your thighs on your abdomen. Clasp your hand around your legs. Hold the asana when
you breathe normally. Every time you inhale, ensure that you loosen the grip. Exhale and release the
pose after you look and roll from side to side about 3 times.
a. If you are suffering from heart problems, hyper acidity, high blood pressure, slipped disc and
hernia you should avoid this asana.
b. Pregnant women should avoid doing this asana.
c. Individual suffering from piles should avoid this asana.
Procedure: The left heel is kept under the right thigh and right leg is crossed over the left thigh. After
that hold the right toe with left hand and turn your head and back to the right side. In this position move
the trunk sideways. Then, perform the same asana in the reverse position.
c. Women, who are two or three months pregnant, should avoid this asana.
d. The individuals, who suffer from peptic ulcer, hernia or hypothyroidism should perform this
asana only under expert guidance.
Asthma is a diseases of lungs in which the airways becomes blocked and narrowed causing difficulty in
breathing. In asthma, the airways also swell up and produce extra mucus. It usually triggers coughing,
wheezing or whistling and shortness of breath. Asthma may be due to genetic factor.
Procedure: Sit down with the legs straight in front of the body. After that bend the right leg and place
the foot under the left thigh. Then bend the left leg and keep the foot under the right thigh. Place the
hands on the knees. Chin should be in. keep the head, neck and back straight, close the eyes and relax
the body.
a. If your knees and hips are injured or inflamed, you should avoid this asana.
b. If you have a slip disc problem, you should take proper care while performing this asana.
Procedure: In this asana, the figure of the body becomes like a chakra, therefore, this asana is called
chakrasana. First of all, lie down on your back. Fix your hands firmly on the ground. Then raise the
middle portion of your body upwards. Raise it has high as possible, so that your body is in semi-circle
position. Then keep your head downwards between your hands.
a. If you suffer from headache or high BP you should not perform this asana.
b. Don’t perform this asana in aces of shoulder impingement.
c. Don’t perform this asana if you have tendonitis in the wrists.
Procedure: Sit down on the ground with leg stretched forward. Now fold the left leg at the knee and sit
on the left foot. Fold the right leg and keep the right thigh on the left thigh with the help of your hands.
Now lift your buttocks and bring the heels of both feet together so that they should touch each other.
Now fold your left arm behind your back over the shoulder. Fold the right arm behind the back under
the right shoulder. After that bend your fingers of both the hands and clasp each other. At this time your
head and back should be erect. Then repeat the same in reverse position.
a. The individuals who suffer from shoulder, knee or back pain should avoid this asana.
b. Avoid this asana in case of any knee injury.
Procedure: Sit in padmasana or lotus pose. Stretch your arms sideways and bring them over your head
slowly. After that let your palms touch each other. Then stretch your hands well without bending your
elbows. Keep your spine erect.
Procedure: In this asana, the shape of the body remains like a snake that is why it is called
bhujangasana. In order to perform this asana, lie down on the belly on the ground, keep your hands
near the shoulder. Keep your legs close together. Now, straighten up your arms slowly, raise the chest.
Your head should turn backwards. Keep this position for sometime. Then get back to the normal
position. For good results, perform this asans 3 to 5 times.
g. It alleviates obesity.
h. It provides strength and agility.
i. It cures the diseases of liver.
j. It improves blood circulation.
k. It cures the disorder of urinary bladder.
l. It strengthens the muscles of hands.
c. This asana should be avoided by the individuals who suffer from hernia, back injuries, headache
and recent abdominal surgeries.
d. Pregnant women should not perform this asana.
Procedure: Sit on the ground with legs forward. Then hold the toes of your feet with the fingers of both
the hands. Then breathe out slowly and try to touch the knees with your forehead. After that breathe in
slowly, raise your head upwards and come to the prior position. Perform this asana at least 10 to 12
d. if you are suffering from enlarged liver or spleen or acute appendicitis, you should never do this
e. Avoid doing this asana if you suffer from any respiratory diseases.
f. If you have a back or spinal problem, make sure that you perform this asana only under expert
Procedure: For performing this asana, sit in padmasana. Then, lie down in supine position and make an
arch behind. Hold your toes with the fingers of your hands. Stay for some time in this position.
a. Avoid doing this asana if you have a high or low blood pressure.
b. People suffering from migraine and insomnia should also refrain from performing this asana.
c. The individual who have neck injury or lower back problems should not perform this asana.
Hypertension means increases blood pressure. It has become a worldwide health problem because a
great number of people are facing the problem of hypertension throughout the world. Though it is a fact
that blood pressure increases with the advancement of age. In yesteryears, hypertension used to be
considered a middle age problem but nowadays, youngsters also suffer from this problem due to their
faulty lifestyles.
Procedure: Stand up in attention position. Lift your arms upward. Stretch your hand upwards. Raise your
heels, and come back on your toes. Also pull up your body upwards. After some time breathe out slowly
and come to the previous position. Repeat the same exercise 10 or 15 times.
Procedure: It is a meditative asana. Kneel down on the ground or floor with your knees, ankles and toes
touching the ground. Your toes should be stretched backwards. Now place your palms of your hands on
the knees. The upper body should be straight. At this time, the breathing should be deep, even and
slow. Then expand your chest forward and pull your abdominal portion inwards.
d. The person suffering from joint pain should not perform vajrasana.
e. The individual who have any spinal column problem should not perform vajrasana.
f. The individual who have some difficulty in movement should do vajrasana with a lot of care.
Procedure: Lie down on your back on a plain surface. Keep your feet together and place your arms
beside your body. Take a deep breath. When you exhale bring your knees towards your chest. At the
same time press your thighs on your abdomen. Clasp your hand around your legs. Hold the asana when
you breathe normally. Every time you inhale, ensure that you loosen the grip. Exhale and release the
pose after you look and roll from side to side about 3 times.
d. If you are suffering from heart problems, hyper acidity, high blood pressure, slipped disc and
hernia you should avoid this asana.
e. Preganant women should avoid doing this asana.
f. Individual suffering from piles should avoid this asana.
Procedure: Stand straight with both feet together. Hold your hips with your hands. Band backwards
without bending your knees with slow inhalation. Remain in this pose for some time. Do it 2 or 3 times.
a. It helps to make ankle, thigh, shoulder, chest, spine and abdomen stronger.
b. It relieves stress and tension
c. It improves digestion.
d. It cures pain in legs.
e. It reduces fat in the waist and thigh.
f. It relieves stress in the neck and shoulders.
a. Avoid performing this asana if you have migraine, headache, low BP, diarrohoea and insomnia.
b. Avoid doing this asana if you have peptic ulcer and hernia.
c. Pregnant women should avoid doing this asana.
Procedure: In this asana, the shape of the body remains like a snake that is why it is called
bhujangasana. In order to perform this asana, lie down on the belly on the ground, keep your hands
near the shoulder. Keep your legs close together. Now, straighten up your arms slowly, raise the chest.
Your head should turn backwards. Keep this position for sometime. Then get back to the normal
position. For good results, perform this asans 3 to 5 times.
m. It alleviates obesity.
n. It provides strength and agility.
o. It cures the diseases of liver.
p. It improves blood circulation.
q. It cures the disorder of urinary bladder.
r. It strengthens the muscles of hands.
e. This asana should be avoided by the individuals who suffer from hernia, back injuries, headache
and recent abdominal surgeries.
f. Pregnant women should not perform this asana.
Procedure: Lie down in supine position. Legs should be straight. Keep the arms away from the body.
Leave all the limbs loose as well relaxed. Gradually, breathe in deeply. Close your eyes and think that
your whole body is becoming loose. Feel a complete relaxation to your body. Remain in this position for
10 to 12 minutes.