Hakeem Mohammad
Hakeem Mohammad
Hakeem Mohammad
+1 (877) 776 6690
15 Years of experience as a Full - Stack Java/J2EE Web Developer with diversified exposure in analysis,
design, development and implementation of web-based applications.
Extensive knowledge on Java SE including Collection, Threading and Core Java.
Good experience on Java EE technologies such as Servlet, JDBC, JSP, JSTL and JNDI.
Strong programming skills in designing and implementation of multi-tier applications using web-based
technologies like Spring MVC and Spring Boot.
Excellent knowledge on Spring Core such as Dependency Injection, Annotations and XML based
Experience on designing and developing a highly scalable web application with Java, Spring framework, React.
Hands-on experience with Spring AOP using Advice, Aspects and AOP Processor.
Extensively worked on Spring JDBC, Spring Hibernate ORM and JPA
Proficient at designing dynamic web applications using HTML5, CSS3, microservice, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX,
JSON with responsive web applications using Bootstrap.
Strong knowledge of Angular 2/4/5/6 practices in commonly used modules and creating reusable
Components, Pipes and Services.
Working Experience in Messing Platforms such as Kafka. Integrated to these messaging platforms with Spring
boot cloud stream.
Strong experience using MAVEN 3.0 Build System.
Experienced working with technologies such as Log4j, I18N.
Good experience in developing applications with SOAP and RESTFul Web Services.
Proficient at design, development of web-based application using Apache Tomcat 7.0/8.0/8.5, GlassFish 4.0.
Have used Spring boot-based exception handling for the controller specific using Exception handler and global
exception handling using controller advice.
Good Knowledge of Amazon Web Service (AWS) EC2 and Continuous Integration with Jenkins.
Expertise in database technologies such as MySQL 5.6/5.7, Oracle 10g/11g/12c, MS-SQL 12.
Experienced in version control tools like GIT and ticket tracking platforms like JIRA.
Expertise in working with various J2EE technologies including Hibernate, Struts MVC Framework, Servlets,
Strong experience in Spring Framework such as Spring MVC, IOC, AOP and Spring JDBC.
Good experience in developing Web Services SOAP, JAX-WS, WSDL .
Experience in core Java-Multithreading, collections, Servlets and JDBC.
Experience in Configuring and deploying applications on Tomcat 5.5/6.0/7.0 server.
Good working experience in GUI design and application development using IDE's like Eclipse and Net Beans.
Excellent team player with good analytical, strategic planning and interpersonal and communication skills.
Highly motivated, enthusiastic and self-starter.
Experienced in developing database to create its Objects like Tables, Functions, Views, Stored Procedures,
Triggers, Cursors using on PL/SQL in Oracle and T-SQL in MS SQL Server, MySQL, MS Access.
Strong Background in C, C++, Java on UNIX, Linux, and Windows NT platforms
Biogen, MA June 2018- Present
Senior Java Developer
MongoDB database administration on a multi-datacenter cluster.
Implemented MongoDB Database in an enterprise, Design and Support data migration.
Oracle RDBMS from a development perspective
Strong design patterns and multi-tier framework implementations
Multi-threading and distributed systems
Expert in Java technologies / J2SE
Developed the web layer using Struts MVC framework.
Responsible for Building applications using React.js which allowed us to render pages on both the client and
server using the same codebase.
Utilized the Spring Boot AWS Elastic Beanstalk “convention over configuration” style to easily deploy simple apps
to AWS.
Worked on the AWS EC2 service to spin up virtual servers with the desired configurations like auto scaling etc. to
deploy spring boot applications.
Implemented JDBC for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a traditional relational database.
Hands on experience with data persistence using JPA through Hibernate using Spring Boot Wrapper Spring Data
JPA. Used Custom JPA Repository to generate SQL using DSL.
Involved in analyzing, designing, implementing and testing of the project.
Developed application using Java/J2EE platform. Implemented the Model View Control (MVC) structure.
Integrated Redux data store allowing React components to have access to data resulting in highly maintainable
Developed automation test cases using Java and selenium on Eclipse for web 2.0 Ajax application.
Installation and configuration of Tomcat 6.0.35 and deployment of WARs on Tomcat.
Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using Agile Methodology and
followed Scrum sessions.
Used Spring MVC with Hibernate framework to build the application on server side.
Performed Reverse Engineering to map POJO classes to database.
Used Hibernate Criteria API to query the database and perform other CRUD operations.
Worked on server-side validation using various web forms through annotation-based approach.
Integrated Spring Security to validate the users.
Handed on Spring FTP Integration for transferring data to remote FTP server.
Used Java File/IO to generate documents.
Implemented client-side Interface using React JS. Worked on responsive design and developed a
single ISOMORPHIC responsive website that could be served to desktop, Tablets and mobile users using React
Worked on AWS S3 and EC2 services to deploy cloud applications while providing good configurable options.
Created various Advice (before, after) methods as required using Spring AOP such as Logging.
Configured the Dispatcher Servlet, setting up the View Resolver, Transaction Manager.
Involved in configuring JNDI for database Connection Pooling (Apache DBCP).
Applied jQuery, Bootstrap, CSS3, JSP, and JSTL to build interactive and dynamic UI.
Used AJAX calls for data updates in UI along with JSON data parsing.
Developed test cases and performed unit testing using JUnit classes.
Environment: JDK 1.7, Java SE, J2EE, Tomcat, Spring Boot 1.2.x, Hibernate 4.0, JavaScript, microservice, JSP, JSTL,
jQuery, Ajax, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 3, Maven 3.0, Eclipse, GIT, JUnit, MySQL 5.7, Agile, Eclipse, Windows 7.
Developed a web-based application with HTML, JSP, and Spring MVC and Hibernate frameworks.
Used XML based configuration to wire the dependency components together and to define bean classes.
Responsible for designing and developing web services using SOAP web services and Rest based Microservices
using Spring Boot, Spring Data and Swagger to interact with API.
Used Docker to containerize the Services and APIs to run on EC2 instances and implemented the build stage to
build the Micro Service and push the Docker Container image to the private Docker registry.
Designed the N-Tier architecture for the application following Spring MVC pattern.
Used Maven as a build tool, wrote the dependencies for the jars that needs to be migrated.
Implemented persistence layer using Custom DAOs to handle CRUD operations.
Used JSP, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax toolkit and JavaScript to design the UI.
Developed range bars, check boxes for filtering records using jQuery.
Displayed the records in the page using grid framework in Bootstrap with functions of pagination.
Implemented inline editing, sorting functionalities using jQuery.
Involved in performing GET and POST requests using Ajax to implement Auto Completion.
Used firebug, Chrome developer tools to resolve the JavaScript errors.
Implemented stored procedures and dynamic SQL on SQL Server.
Environment: JDK 1.6, J2EE, Spring, Hibernate 3.0, Spring 3.x, JDBC, JSP, Eclipse, SQL Server, XML, Apache Tomcat 7,
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Windows 7/XP
Involved in the requirement analysis, design, and development of the project. Done with Client-side validations
using JavaScript.
Developed the web layer of P&I using Struts. Used Validator framework of the Struts for client side and server-
side validation.
The UI was designed using JSP, templates, JavaScript, CSS, JQuery and JSON. Enhanced the FAS system using Struts
and iBatis.
Involved in developing Web Services using Apache XFire & integrated with action mappings.
Developed Velocity templates for the various user interactive forms that triggers email to alias. Such forms largely
reduced the amount of manual work involved and were highly appreciated.
Used Internalization, Localization's, tiles and tag libraries to accommodate for different locations.
Used JAXP for parsing &JAXB for binding. Involved in writing services to write core logic for business processes.
Involved in writing database queries, stored procedures, functions etc. Deployed EJB Components on WebLogic,
Used JDBC API for interaction with Oracle DB.
Involved in Transformations using XSLT to prepare HTML pages from XML files. Enhanced ANT Scripts to build and
deploy applications.
Involved in Unit Testing, code review for the various enhancements. Followed coding guidelines while developing
workflows. Involved in end to end implementation of the application.
Environment: Java 1.4, J2EE (EJB, JSP/Servlets, JDBC, XML), My Eclipse, WebLogic, Struts, iBatis, JavaScript, JQuery,
Additional Information
Languages: Java, J2EE, XML, SQL, C++
Technologies: Core Java, J2EE, Servlet, JSP, microservice, JDBC, JSTL, Web Services (SOAP and RESTFul), XML, ORM
(Hibernate), Log4J, I18N
Web Development: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Typescript, jQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap, Angular 2/4/5/6, JSP, XML,
Frameworks: Spring, Spring AOP, Spring Boot, DAO in Spring Frameworks, Angular, Hibernate (ORM) 3.0/4.0
Servers: Apache Tomcat 7.0/7.5/8.0/8.5, Glassfish 4.0, JBoss
Database: Oracle 10g/11g/12c, MySQL 5.6/5.7, MS-SQL 12
Methodologies/Design Pattern: OOAD, OOP, UML, MVC, DAO, Factory Pattern, Singleton, Test Driven Development
IDE: Eclipse 3.x/4.x, Atom, Sublime Text 2/3, Visual Studio Code
Tools: Maven 3.0, JUnit, Postman, Jasmine, , Jenkins
Operating System: Windows 10/7, MAC-OS
Bachelor’s in Computer Science from JNTUH – Hyderabad, India in 2007