Entreprenuership Milk Tea

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Cedric Angelo Macula.


.I Executive Summary

I will establish milk tea stand business so as to offer a various customers quality tea as well the choice of
having different flavors, My milk tea business can also be a pearl milk tea, brown milk tea, bubble milk
tea, winter melon mllk tea, moonleaf's yakult milk tea, matcha milk tea, serenitea's cooRie matcha
supreme milktea, taro milk tea, cha tuk chak - cheesecake mllk tea, chachago mlk tea or any
combination above. The oldest known milk tea consisted of a mixture of hot Taiwanese black tea or
green tea, small taploca pearls, condensed milk, ond syrup. The expected target market of the milk tea
shop are the students, teachers/instructors, Motorists, and Residents of the my locatlon/place. I have
carefully considered competition here in my location and are rest assured thot my business would stand
out from them due to my quolity products and servlces with affordable prlcing and olso due to the fact
that I hove loid down publicity strategies that will be effective in making the business stand out once
implemented.I also have a good skils in this business andI beleve in having a wonderful packaging, so
bought specialized milk tea monufacturing equipment like shakers, sealers, and an electric induction
heater.I also purchased high- quality mini appliances such as stirrers, sugar dispensers, and tea jars,I also
carried out the necessary resear ch on this and has identified quality suppliers and vendors that fit my
budget, I will also invite my friends to be an entertainers in a mini stage of my shop.

II. What were the Key Fundings for the Reserch Study?

There are three (3) key findings for this research

1. The prlce lists that are presented to the customers, has an effect when they are buying a mlk tea

These findings pointed the fact that the price list of the mitk fea that is presented to the consumers has
a hage impact to them. The price list helped them to choase the milk tea they want and see the price of

2.The convenlent and fest service, quelity Ingredients, ond loyal customers are the foctors to be
comsldered In a milk tes Industry.

These findings pointed the fact that the mlk tea owners re Nghly considered the comvenlent and fost
servlce, quality ingredients, ond layol customers as the strength of their bustness. dunlity ingredlents
ore the most important factor.

3.According to Fhrlzz Soet De Jesus (2020) For the age range of the respondents, The age range of 15-
25 and 36-45 years of age comprised thirty elght percent (38%)of the respondents They formed the
majority group and were followed by the group thot belonged to the age range of 26-35 and 45-55
years of age who comprised the next highest percentoge of twelve percent (12%).

The above findings indicated that majority of the respondents were in the age of I5-25 years old and 36-
45 years old followed by 2E-15 and 4E-SS years oid. These findings point to the fat that the respondents
are more teenagers and middle-aged adults During the interview conduc fed, the respondents who are
feenagers said that their love far the milk tea was the reason why they put up mitk tea business On the
other hand, middle-aged adults said that the trend of milk fea products was their reasun fo put up this
kind of business. Local milk fea shaps are emerging everywtere, faking adyantage of the craze and
catering fo the taste of teenagers and young adults.
2. Description of the Problem

The problem is about determining whether the milk tea business stand in the neighborhood will be
accepted or not

2 What were the Key Questions?

Is it acceptable to open your own "MiIk Tea Stand" business in gour neighborhoad?

How popular is the milk tea business in the Philippines? Why miltk tea is one of the

best product to sell mowadays.

22 Reseorch Objectives

To find out the acceptakility of the milk tea stand business located at the neighborhood .

To find the result of the research whether the rase archer wauld use the results to improve the business,
moke changes obout the business or stick with your existingproduct/service concept.

3. Reseorch Deslgn & Methodology


This will present the methods of research used, research locale, respondents of the situation and data
gathering techniques

Reseorch Design

In this study, the researcher will use quantitative data to identify the acceptability of milk tea stand
business among the respondents. This study will use convenient random survey opproach to the
respondents which is rodom individual whose oges falls in

different ages.

The study will use Survey questions to identify the accept ability of the milk tee business and if the result
will be useful to improve the business

Research Locale

This study will be conduxted in my neighborhood in the whole barangay. Kespondents will be given a 20
item sheets of questionnaire survey about the acceptability of the milk tea business.

Date gathering Procedure

A survey questionnaire will be distributed to an estimated number of random individuals of the possible
target market. The respondent will be given a survey

questions, prior to data gathering will follow using the survey question sheet, the acceptability of milk
tea business in the neighborhood.

All possible target/audience market near the neighbor hood including the students,
teachers/instructors, Motorists, and Residents of the my location/place.

3J Assumption

The assumption of this study is that the study about milk tea business will be acceptable.

32 Informatlon Sources

The information is being collected through the help of the survey question naire, market audience and
through internet.

4. Research Study Results

This study discusses about the result of the research or the survey questionnaire. The purpose of the
discussion is to present the results whe ther the topic is accepted or not.

41 What were the Resuts?

A large number of respondents actualy like and accept the milk tea business while some don't like it. The
result is acceptable so I'll continue business I just planning to raise.

42 What Is the Impact of the Results?

The result has a huge impact to the researcher, The result motivates the researcher to raise his business.
Through the support of the target market, the business will surely built.

5. Recommendations

The researcher recommended to apply the result of the study to improve the milk tea business. This
result wil help the researcher to think and decide whether he will raise the business or not. The result
was good so the researcher suggested to surely raise the business he is planning to built.

5J Actlon Plan

Janning to built. He will apply

I he researcher will probably ralse the business he the result including the datas he just collected to
improve the busi ness he is planning raise.

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