Sosyal Bi̇li̇mler Deneme-2

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1. - 6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 6. The growth and professionalization of sport has
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. driven changes ----- the consumption, production and
management of sporting events ----- all levels.
A) of / against B) in / at
1. Humans are the only species that is capable of ----
generating knowledge about the world for the purpose C) by / from D) to / onto
of creating moral and material progress.
E) about / with
A) previously B) indiffirently
C) respectively D) successively
E) intentionally

7. - 20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere

2. A thorough understanding of the causes of a global uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
economic crisis can help us prepare ----- policies to
avoid similar future crises. 7. The global population ----- to rise to 9.7 billion people
by 2050, when more than two-thirds of humanity ----- in
A) intact B) obsolete urban areas.
C) distant D) abrupt
A) will be expected / have been living
E) appropriate B) has been expected / live
C) is expected / will be living
D) would be expected / had lived
E) was expected / will live

3. Founded more than 40 years ago, Apple started out as

a maker of computers that tightly----- software and
A) neglect B) pretend
C) integrate D) mitigate 8. It ---- from the ancient remains that our ancestors ----
E) purchase their dead to rest as far back as 3 million years ago.
A) can be understood / may have laid
B) must be understood / need to lay
C) should have been understood / could be laying
D) has to be understood / had to lay
4. In the medieval period, there was little ----- between the E) would be understood / should have laid
village and the town, because the villages were
generally self-sufficient and isolated.
A) evolution B) interaction
C) proportion D) equipment
E) abbreviation
9. For several decades now historians ---- threatened by
a loss of interest in history, even ----- at times that their
existence as an institution is in jeopardy.
A) are feeling / to believe
5. Customer expectations put pressure on companies to
constantly innovate in order to ----- consumer demand. B) have felt / believing
C) felt / to have believed
A) look down on B) keep up with
D) have been feeling / to be believed
C) break up with D) cut down on E) feel / having believed
E) run out of

10. When a language dies, the knowledge its speakers ---- 15. Democracy is ----- a gift or a political regime that one is
over many generations ----- with it. born with ----- something that must be fought for every
inch of the way.
A) are accumulating / must be lost
B) accumulate / should be lost A) so / that B) not / but
C) have accumulated / may be lost C) whether / or D) much / than
D) will accumulate / have to be lost E) as / as
E) have been accumulating / ought to be lost

16. Journalists are supposed to seek the truth ----- the

public and then translate complex ideas, issues or
events into understandable terms.
11. in 753 B.C., the city of Rome was initially A) with a view to B) in case of
dominated by Etruscan kings, but after their
expulsion, the Romans ----- a republican form of C) on behalf of D) in charge of
government. E) on the verge of
A) Founded / established
B) Having founded / were establishing
C) Being founded / had established
D) To found / would establish 17. humans are born with innate communication skills
E) Founding / have been establishing but must learn over time to master a language, cats
refine many of their inborn abilities through practice.
A) Because B) Whether
C) Now that D) Just as
E) When

12. When we think about ancient people, they lived

basically and were ---- bound to do chores in time ----
we are now because there were life-threatening side
effects of postponing. 18. In Italy, people tend to drink smaller cups such as
A) so / that B) such / as espresso ---- in the Netherlands the preference is
towards larger cups that contain more caffeine.
C) more / than D) both / and
A) whereas B) so
E) either / or
C) now that D) by the time
E) before

13. Like general psychology, educational psychology is a

science; ---- , its findings are generated through 19. Canada is one of the most common filming locations
research that relies heavily on the scientific method. for American movies ----- production costs tend to be
A) however B) on the other hand
A) just as B) instead
C) otherwise D) therefore
C) because D) while
E) on the contrary
E) as though

20. Famine has been eradicated from most of the world,

14. Some people believe that tales are fictions made up to ---- some countries in Africa still seem to be suffering
serve different purposes, whereas others take them from it.
---- they were serious historical accounts.
A) because B) instead
A) because B) in case
C) although D) so
C) as if D) as long as
E) in case
E) in that


21. - 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış 26. - 30. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Writing is not language, but merely a way of recording The origin of libraries, like the origins of speech and of
language (21) ---- visible marks. In some countries, such as writing, is not (26) ---- known. Unlike speech and writing,
China, Egypt, and Mesopotamia, writing was practised (27) --- , the beginnings of libraries came after the end of
thousands of years ago, but to most of the languages that the prehistoric era, since the preservation of written
are spoken today, it has been applied in (22) ---- more records is considered (28) ---- the historic age.
recent times or not at all. Moreover, until the days of Conceivably, it should be possible to decide just when and
printing, literacy was confined (23) ---- a few people. All where the first library originated, but all we know is that at
languages are spoken through nearly all of their history by certain times and in certain locations early libraries
people who did not read or write; the languages of such (29)----. Before that, there were undoubtedly collections of
peoples are as stable, regular and rich (24) ---- the graphic materials approaching the form of libraries, but
languages of literate nations. A language is the same no specific details are (30) ---- difficult to pin down.
matter what system of writing may be used to record it,
(25)---- a person is the same no matter how you take his

A) intentionally B) precisely

21. C) sustainably D) generously

A) as opposed to B) for the sake of E) hazardously
C) by means of D) on behalf of
E) in comparison with

22. A) therefore B) for instance
A) deliberately B) relatively
C) besides D) however
C) innocently D) eagerly
E) thus
E) notoriously

23. A) starting B) to have started
A) to B) with
C) having started D) to be starting
C) for D) by E) being started
E) from

24. A) existed B) exchanged
A) neither B) like
C) resigned D) pretended
C) but D) so
E) relieved
E) as

25. A) more B) such
A) even if B) just as C) of all D) the former
C) unless D) because E) by far
E) when


31. - 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 34. Since the walls of caves were first decorated with
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. primitive paintings, ----.
A) it has been a natural instinct for humans to embellish
31. Some of the first words you learn in any language are their environment
color names, ----.
B) the media is expected to play a key part in informing
A) whereas the names of our everyday colors have and educating the general public about interior design
origins in the earliest known languages C) the art forms created 30.000 years ago are
B) just as in some languages, green and blue are conceptually equivalent to those created in recent
separate but red and yellow are a composite centuries
C) whether you're a native speaker or picking up a new D) the origins of art are much more ancient and lie within
tongue Africa
D) although the words and languages you learn influence E) there is good evidence for a neurological relationship
the way you interpret the world between visual creativity and language
E) given that languages can split up the color spectrum
any way

32. Because we often seek to confirm our own ideas and 35. While tourism is one of the forces that fuel
beliefs ----. development, ----.

A) information we focus on enters into short-term A) it is hoped that there is something other than simple
memory curiosity about rural life
B) we have a visual and an auditory sensory register B) it may also be responsible for a range of detrimental
which register sights and sounds impacts on the physical environment
C) they are based on observation, testability, and C) it was shown to be capable of generating significant
replication volumes of employment
D) making observations is not the sole requirement of D) it is typically used as a single word to designate a
scientific inquiry variety of concepts
E) we tend to ignore information that refutes them E) it is important to realise that travelling is often more
than just a means to an end

33. , it can also make us better observers of the social

world. 36. There are 50,000 characters in the Chinese language,
A) As creative people are better at recognizing
relationships A) so that half of 6,000 languages spoken today will
B) Because isolation can turn into a miserable state disappear by the end of this century
C) When we tend to think only of ourselves B) as long as languages continue to borrow words from
each other
D) If a problem remains a hard-to-define concept
C) just as 2,400 languages are being classified as being
E) While loneliness can lead us towards isolation and endangered
D) but you need to know a tiny fraction of that to read a
E) whereas children no longer learn the language as
mother tongue in the home


37. Not every family can afford to have a separate room in 40. Although people talk about it as if it were a magical
the house for a baby, ----. sense, ----.
A) whether your are dressing your baby in winter or A) the rhythmical structure of a dance cannot be quite
caring for your baby in hot weather satisfactorily recorded
B) for having fewer children allows more time for one B) no single word generates more passion, divisiveness,
another’s well-being and enjoyment and confusion than globalization
C) so one corner of the parent’s room is usually arranged C) resolution to the problem lies in understanding the
with the baby’s furniture and other belongings true potential of pathogens inside of a host
D) as long as parents watch for signs of infection in their D) some people have a very strong feeling against a
newborn particular course of action
E) even if home accidents send nearly 2 million children E) intuition is actually a combination of past experience
under the age of 4 to the emergency room every year and your personal values

41. By sharing perspectives and differing approaches, ----.

A) the efficiency and quantifiable criteria of traditional
tests are appealing
38. When an army deploys in a foreign country, ----.
B) it can be quite challenging to construct assignments
A) development and diplomatic activities also improve that truly measure learning
the lives of ordinary people C) there is a need to identify the specific mechanisms
B) there are clear advantages of the soldiers being able that play a part in building common ground
to speak the local language or dialect D) classmates can in some cases teach each other more
C) nothing can ease the tragic loss for families of those effectively than the professor
who have died E) merely discussing activities and processes do not
D) we have no way of monitoring what is currently help us understanding why this happens
coming across our borders
E) it is perhaps one of the most ancient of all
international relations

42. - 47. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye

anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
42. The modern society is witnessing a growing amount
of violence and conflict despite efforts to achieve
39. Animals act within the limits of sensory experience, peace at social, national, and international levels.
instinct, and the pressures of the environment, ----. A) Günümüz toplumunun artan miktarda şiddet ve
A) since some animals think in ways that were once çatışma ile karşı karşıya kalıyor olması sosyal, ulusal
considered unique to humans ve uluslararası düzeyde barış çabalarının
yetersizliğinden kaynaklanır.
B) unless we find impressive examples of memory and
communication in animals B) Günümüz toplumundaki şiddet ve çatışma eğilimi
C) as long as humans separate themselves from all other sosyal, ulusal ve uluslararası arenada barış elde
life forms etmek çabalarına rağmen artmaktadır.
D) because questions of right and wrong have been the C) Günümüz toplumu sosyal, ulusal ve uluslararası
subject of intense analysis alanda barış adına elinden geleni yapsa da giderek
E) whereas humans can opt to behave in accordance artan miktarda şiddet ve çatışmaya tanık olmaktadır.
with moral and ethical principles D) Günümüz toplumu sosyal, ulusal ve uluslararası
düzeylerde barış elde etme çabalarına rağmen artan
miktarda şiddet ve çatışmaya tanık olmaktadır.
E) Günümüz toplumunun tanık olduğu şiddet ve
çatışmalar giderek artsa da sosyal, ulusal ve
uluslararası düzeylerde barış elde etmek için çabalar
sarf edilmektedir.


43. Libraries have always taken pride in their ability to 45. Building a metro in Rome is not an easy task, because
enrich the human life by providing access to everytime workers start digging and tunnelling, they
knowledge, culture and the works of our great writers. encounter a historical artefact.
A) Kütüphaneler her zaman gururla bilgiye, kültüre ve A) Roma’da metro yapmanın kolay bir iş olmadığı her
büyük yazarlarımızın eserlerine erişimi sağlayarak kazı ve tünel çalışmasında bir tarihi eserin ortaya
insan hayatını zenginleştirmiştir. çıkmasıyla onaylanmış oluyor.
B) Kütüphaneler bilgiye, kültüre ve büyük yazarlarımızın B) Roma’da metro inşası kolay bir iş olmaktan uzaktır,
eserlerine erişimi sağlayarak insan hayatını çünkü işçiler kazılara ve tünel yapımına başladığında
zenginleştirme becerileriyle her zaman gurur tarihi eserlerle karşılaşılıyor.
C) Roma’da bir metro yapmak kolay bir iş değildir, çünkü
C) Kütüphanelerin daima gurur duyduğu nokta bilgiye, işçiler kazmaya ve tünel yapmaya her başladıklarında
kültüre ve büyük yazarlarımızın eserlerine erişimi bir tarihi eserle karşılaşıyor.
sağlayarak insan hayatını zenginleştirebilme becerileri
olmuştur. D) Roma’da bir metro yapmak kolay değildir, çünkü
işçiler her kazıda ve tünel inşaatında bir tarihi eser
D) Kütüphaneler bilgiye, kültüre ve büyük yazarlarımızın ortaya çıkarmaktadır.
eserlerine erişimi sağlayarak insan hayatını
zenginleştirmiştir ve bununla hep gurur duymuştur. E) Roma’da bir metro hattı inşa etmek hiç de kolay bir iş
değildir çünkü kazılarda ve tünel çalışmalarında her
E) Kütüphaneler her zaman büyük bir gururla bilgiye, seferinde bir tarihi eseler karşılaşılmıştır.
kültüre ve büyük yazarlarımızın eserlerine insan
hayatını zenginleştirmek için erişim sağlama
becerisine sahip olmuştur.

44. While corruption has long undermined the development 46. As the world rapidly changes, new challenges that
efforts of many countries, it was only in the late 1990s affect the ability of our societies to grow and thrive
that it emerged as an important global issue. continue to emerge.
A) Yolsuzluk birçok ülkenin gelişim çabalarını uzun A) Dünyanın hızlı bir şekilde değişmesi toplumlarımızın
zamandır sabote ediyor olmasına rağmen ancak büyüme ve gelişme becerisini devamlı bir şekilde
1990’ların sonlarında önemli küresel bir mesele olarak etkileyen yeni zorlukları ortaya çıkarmaktadır.
ortaya çıktı.
B) Dünya hızlı bir şekilde değişirken toplumumuzun
B) Yolsuzluk uzun zamandır birçok ülkenin gelişim büyümesini ve gelişmesini etkileyen yeni zorluklar da
çabalarını baltalamasına rağmen ancak 1990’ların ortaya çıkmaktadır.
sonunda önemli küresel bir mesele olarak
düşünülmeye başlandı. C) Dünya hızla değiştiği için yeni zorluklar da ortaya
çıkmaktadır ve bu zorluklar toplumlarımızın
C) Yolsuzluk 1990’ın sonunda önemli küresel bir mesele büyümesini ve gelişmesini etkilemektedir.
olarak ortaya çıkmasına rağmen aslında birçok
ülkenin gelişim çabalarını çok daha uzun zamandır D) Dünya hızla değiştikçe, toplumlarımızın büyüme ve
baltalayan bir etkendir. gelişme becerisini etkileyen yeni zorluklar ortaya
çıkmaya devam etmektedir.
D) Yolsuzluktan birçok ülkenin gelişim çabaları uzun
zamandır etkilenmektedir ama bu konu 1990’ların E) Dünya hızlı bir değişim geçerken, yeni zorluklar
sonunda önce önemli bir küresel mesele olarak ortaya toplumlarımızın büyüme ve gelişme becerisini
çıkamamıştır. etkileyecek şekilde ortaya çıkmaya devam edecektir.

E) Yolsuzluk birçok ülkenin gelişim çabalarını uzun

zamandır etkilemektedir ama konu önemli bir küresel
mesele olarak 1990’ların sonuyla birlikte ortaya
çıkmaya başladı.


47. To be able to effectively read others is a trait that 49. Ancak bir ölüm, bir kaza ya da bir iş kaybı olduğu
many great leaders share, and that many companies zaman biz sigortanın gerçekten ne kadar hayati
look for when hiring new employees. olduğunu anlıyoruz.
A) Başka insanları etkili bir şekilde okuyabilmek için A) We understand the significance of insurance when we
birçok büyük lider ve birçok şirket nitelikli yeni suffer from a death, an accident or a job loss.
çalışanlar aramaktadır.
B) Only when there’s a death, an accident, or a job loss
B) Birçok büyük liderin paylaştığı ve birçok şirketin yeni do we realize how vital insurance really is.
çalışan alırken aradığı bir özellik etkili bir şekilde diğer
insanların zihnini okuyabilmektir. C) Understanding the vital role insurance really plays in
our lives is sometimes possible with a death, an
C) Büyük liderin çoğunun paylaştığı bir özellik olan accident or a job loss.
başkalarını etkili bir şekilde okuyabilme yeteneği
birçok şirketin yeni çalışan alırken aradığı bir vasıftır. D) We appreciate how vital insurance actually is only if
we suffer from a death, an accident or a job loss.
D) Etkili bir şekilde başkalarını okuyabilme vasfı birçok
liderin paylaştığı ve çoğu şirketin çalışan alırken E) Insurance is vital, and this can only be understood
dikkate aldığı bir unsurdur. through a death, an accident or a job loss.

E) Başkalarını etkili bir şekilde okuyabilmek birçok büyük

liderin paylaştığı ve birçok şirketin yeni çalışan alırken
aradığı bir özelliktir.

48. - 53. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca

en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

48. Sporların antik ve diğer sanayi öncesi toplumlarda

gençleri savaşa hazırlamak için kullanıldığı uzun 50. Yeni demokratik hükümetiyle birlikte Myanmar on
zamandır savunulmaktadır. yıllar süren soyutlanmadan çıkıyor ve bu da birçok
fırsatın yanı sıra birçok zorluk da getiriyor.
A) What has been discussed for a long time is whether
sports were used in the training of the young for the A) With its new democratic government, Myanmar is
wars in ancient societies. emerging from decades of isolation, which brings
many challenges as well as many opportunities.
B) Sports were used for a long time to train the young
people for war in ancient and other pre-industrial B) Its new democratic government of Myanmar is
societies. bringing the country out of a decade-long isolation
period, bringing not only a number of difficulties but
C) It has long been argued that sports were used in also many opportunities.
ancient and other pre-industrial societies to train the
youth for war. C) Myanmar has a new democratic government that has
pledged to bring country out of decades of isolation,
D) People have long debated that sports were utilized by offering many challenges and many opportunities.
ancient and other pre-industrial societies to get the
young trained for war. D) Myanmar’s new democratic government promised to
put an end to decades of isolationist policies,
E) It has been claimed that sports were what ancient and presenting a lot of challenges in addition to some
other pre-industrial societies resorted to while training opportunities.
their young for war.
E) It took Myanmar’s new democratic government
decades to pull the country out of isolation, which
triggered lots of challenges and opportunities.


51. Hediye vermek başkalarıyla olan bağları güçlendirmeye 53. İnsanlar zaman zaman tarihi unuturlar ve onun mevcut
ve ilişkileri tanımlamaya yardımcı olan şaşırtıcı meseleleri ve problemleri anlamamıza yardımcı
derecede karmaşık ve önemli bir eylemdir. olmadaki önemini reddederler.
A) Gifts that are presented to others help strengthen A) People often tend to forget history and refuse to
bonds, and define relationships, something that is accept its importance in understanding ongoing global
surprisingly complex and important. issues and problems.
B) Giving gifts is a surprisingly complex and important B) People forget the importance of history every now and
practice, helping define relationships and strengthen then and they refuse to see how important it is in
bonds with others. helping us understand current issues and problems.
C) Presenting gifts in order to help strengthen bonds with C) People sometimes deny the importance of history in
others and define relationships is hardly surprising, understanding the current issues and problems and
and it is exceedingly complicated and important. they forget all about it.
D) To give gifts is defined as an act that helps strengthen D) People can sometimes forget historical events and
bonds with others, and define relationships, which they do not want to understand the role they play in
makes it surprisingly sophisticated and vital. interpreting current issues and problems.
E) Giving gifts, one helps strengthen bonds with others E) People at times forget history and they deny its
and define relationships in a surprisingly complicated importance in helping us understand current issues
and significant way. and problems.

54. - 59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada

anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek
cümleyi bulunuz.
54. After the world wars and the end of colonialism, the
52. Batıl inançlar gerçeğe ya da mantığa dayanmaz fakat global system went from many competing powers to
hayatlarını bilinmeyen güçlerin kontrol ettiğinden exactly two: the US and the Soviet Union. Both had
korkan insanlar tarafından hala onlara inanılıyor. competing ideologies, competing interests in Europe
A) Superstitions are not factual or reasonable, but people and Asia, and deep mutual distrust. While that might
who fear that their lives are controlled by unknown have normally led to war, the horrifying power of
forces still believe them. nuclear weapons kept them from fighting outright. ----

B) Although superstitions are not entirely based on fact A) Instead, the US and Soviet Union chose to compete
or reason, people who are fearful of unknown forces for global influence.
controlling their lives still choose to believe them. B) The Cold War lasted from the late 1940s until the
C) Superstitions are not based on fact or reason, but collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
they are still believed by people who fear unknown C) Numerous attempts were made at reaching a
forces control their lives. diplomatic agreement during the Cold War.
D) People who still believe in superstitions fear that D) Most American historians would say that it was the
unknown forces control their lives, but superstitions Soviets that started the Cold War.
are neither real nor reasonable.
E) Moreover, the Soviet Union suffered much more
E) People who fear that their lives are controlled by bloodshed in World War II than the US.
unknown forces find relief in superstitions which are
not based upon fact or logic.


55. People commonly think about family relationships as 57. Museums have expanded in variety and exploded in
specific social statuses held by individuals. For popularity over the last few decades. As their numbers
instance, you might describe a person you know as and popularity have grown, there has been a marked
someone who is engaged, married, divorced or single change in their role in society ------ All museums now
or you might think of them as being a parent or place an emphasis on education that they never did in
childless ----- These shared meanings about family the past. What they primarily did in the past was to
statuses are useful because they are an easy, time- deal with collections and research.
saving way to convey information about an individual
or family. A) They were supported largely by private money and
public funds.
A) Family members stand together and one another in B) Anyone who enters a museum and spends enough
times of hardship and need. time there will inevitably be affected.
B) If you tell your friend that someone is divorced, you C) Whether or not they are crowded strongly influences
are conveying some important information. the museum experience.
C) Thinking of family relationships in this overgeneralized D) They are now increasingly viewed by the public as
way leads to certain problems. institutions for public learning.
E) They have settings designed to provide visitors with
D) Transitions like these may occur either abruptly or predictable and specific experiences.
slowly and subtly.
E) These terms suggest that such labels have shared

56. Teachers have to be many-sided experts in their 58. It is no secret that morals vary from one culture to
fields. They must have a wide view of every aspect of another ----- In spite of these differences, certain
education and schooling. They need content universals seem self-evident. Intent, for example,
knowledge and the pedagogical knowledge integrated weighs into moral judgments: If a transgression is an
with it ----- But they should not limit their work only to accident, a reduced punishment is often given.
the development of specific aspects of these plans. Similarly, if the offender had a legitimate reason to do
Teachers should also have an idea about the networks what he or she did, that is also taken into account.
of different experts who are involved in creating and
developing content knowledge. A) This polite treatment should not be confused for
weakness or lack of interest.
A) An understanding of the planning in education and B) Time is seen as being a limited resource which is
schooling is important. constantly being used up.
B) Even so, teaching staff in all education institutions C) In all societies, the most severe transgressions draw
must be qualified and competent. the harshest judgments.
C) They can still be remarkably more sophisticated and D) Cultures differ on whether or not intent is weighed
competent than teachers. heavily in such crimes.
E) Behaviors that are acceptable in one society may
D) They must be ready to make long-range plans for bring condemnation in another.
E) In a curriculum, a teacher’s plans and goals must be
clear and concise.


59. The common belief is that practice is necessary to 62. (I) The meaning of non-verbal symbols varies significantly
achieve mastery in chess, but it's not enough. ---- across cultures. (II) All symbols that do not form part of a
However, that additional factor has yet to be pinned verbal language such as English, Arabic, and Japanese
down. One candidate is intelligence. A lot of studies are non-verbal symbols. (III) They are fundamental to
have found that children who play chess have a higher communication. (IV) Even the simplest acts of communication
IQ than the general population, but studies have found use at least a few non-verbal symbols. (V) These non-
mixed results on whether adults who play chess have verbal symbols cannot be eliminated totally without a
higher IQs than adults who don't play chess. certain amount of meaning loss.
A) There has to be something else that sets apart people A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
who get really good at chess.
B) Expert chess players display significantly higher
intelligence than novice players.
C) Chess games are often won by either outwitting the
opponent or having more mental stamina.
D) Decent chess players evaluate lines of play that affect 63. (I) All living languages change, though the rate of change
many moves into the future. varies from time to time and from language to language.
E) Chess is purely about how much chess you've studied (II) The modern Icelander, for example, does not find it
and practiced. very difficult to read the medieval Icelandic sagas,
because the rate of change in Icelandic has always been
slow. (III) But the English, on the contrary, find an English
document of the year 1300 very difficult to understand,
unless they have special training. (IV) An English
document of the year 900 seems to them to be written in a
foreign language. (V) The extent to which the English
language has changed can be seen by looking at a few
passages of English from different periods.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

60. - 65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda

parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi

60. (I) Human behavior is an individual’s action in a given

situation. (II) It is not random, it follows patterns, and in 64. (I) Samuel Johnson's 'Dictionary of the English Language'
many cases, is predictable. (III) It may therefore be is one of the most famous dictionaries in history. (II) First
predicted as a reaction to external events, and in turn it published in 1755, the dictionary took just over eight years
may precipitate other behaviors. (IV) For example, when to compile, required six helpers, and listed 40,000 words.
someone is yelled at, he or she will often yell back, and (III) To understand Johnson’s undertaking, it’s important to
may feel hurt or hold a grudge. (V) Teachers who attempt understand the state of English lexicography in the middle
to manage a learning environment through yells and of the 18th century. (IV) Each of them was defined in detail,
threats quickly isolate their students. the definitions illustrated with quotations covering every
branch of learning. (V) The dictionary was a huge
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V scholarly achievement, a more extensive and complex
dictionary than any of its predecessors.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

61. (I) Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of anthropology

is its broad scope. (II) The intense fieldwork experience 65. (I) The need to preserve the body was an important part of
distinguishes cultural anthropology from other disciplines religion not just for Egyptians but also for other ancient
concerned with mankind. (III) Anthropologists are civilizations. (II) To protect a mummy from damage,
interested in all human beings, whether living or dead, ancient Egyptians placed it in coffin-like containers called
Asian or African or European. (IV) They are also interested mummy cases. (III) Originally, they were plain wooden
in many different aspects of humans, including their boxes with simple decorations. (IV) However, over the
genetic makeup, family lives, political systems, and years the style, shape and decoration of the mummy
relations with nature. (V) No dimension of humankind, cases evolved. (V) They eventually took on the human
from skin color to dance traditions falls outside shape and were extravagantly decorated.
anthropologists’ interest.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


66. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.
cevaplayınız. A) the Sentinelese language is a tribal language with a
vocabulary of less than five hundred words
The North Sentinel Island is located in the Bay of Bengal
between Myanmar and Indonesia. It is home to the B) hunter-gatherer way of life is gradually being replaced
Sentinels, a small tribe who is noted for vigorously with agricultural lifestyle in the North Sentinel Island
resisting attempts of contact by outsiders and has
inhabited the island for thousands of years. The island is C) the North Sentinel Island has recently seen some
completely untouched by modern civilization and its violent clashes between the Sentinel tribes
inhabitants kill any outsiders who try to get too close to D) the Sentinelese people do not seem to engage in
their land. No one has ever gone or left this island without cultivating the land
fleeing immediately or being slaughtered by the
Sentinelese upon arrival. They drive off fishermen, E) foreigners are welcomed to the North Sentinel Island
journalists, anthropologists and government officials with only if they are willing to stay permanently
their spears and arrows. They are said to be directly
descended from the first human populations to emerge
from Africa, and have probably lived in the Andaman
Islands for up to 60,000 years. Possibly no other people
on the earth are as isolated as the Sentinelese. Their
present numbers are estimated to be anywhere between
50 and 400 individual. The islanders speak a language
that is very different even from the inhabitants of the
nearest islands, suggesting that they have had little or no
contact with the other people for thousands of years. The
Sentinelese maintain an essentially hunter-gatherer
society, obtaining their subsistence through hunting,
fishing, and collecting wild plants; there is no evidence of
any agricultural practices.

66. It is stated in the passage that those who tried to make 68. The passage is mainly about ----.
contact with the Sentinelese ----.
A) the reasons why the Sentinelese choose to make no
A) gathered valuable information about these people contact with outsiders

B) fought their way into the island with arrows and B) the origins of the inhabitants of the North Sentinel
spears Island

C) were shocked by the cruelty of the locals C) the attempts to make contact with the Sentinels living
on the the North Sentinel Island
D) either escaped or got killed as soon as they arrived
D) the fates of those who lived amongst the inhabitants
E) did not encounter much resistance from the locals of the North Sentinel Island
E) the natives of the North Sentinel Island and their
hostile ways


69. - 71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 70. Compared with boys, girls ----.
cevaplayınız. A) are more prone to the adverse effects of video games
Social scientists have been studying and debating the B) grow up to be less aggressive
effects of media violence on behavior since the 1950s, and
video games in particular since the 1980s. The issue of C) show a relatively low performance in all games
video games is especially relevant today, because the D) are less likely to be violent criminals later in life
games are more realistic and bloodier than ever, and
because most boys play them at some point. Girls, on the E) do not spend as much time playing video games
other hand, play video games at lower rates and are
significantly less likely to play violent games. A burst of
new research has begun to clarify what can and cannot be
said about the effects of violent gaming. It is discovered
that playing violent video games can and does stir hostile
urges and mildly aggressive behavior in the short term.
Moreover, youngsters who develop a gaming habit can
become slightly more aggressive — as measured by
clashes with peers, for instance — at least over a period of
a year or two. Yet it is not at all clear whether, over longer
periods, such a habit increases the likelihood that a person
will commit a violent crime. “I don’t know whether a
psychological study can ever answer that question
definitively,” said Michael R. Ward, an economist at the
University of Texas, Arlington. “We are left to gather what
we can from the data and research on video game use
that we have” he added.

69. The writer argues that it is difficult to answer the 71. It is understood from the passage that ----.
question of ----.
A) video games are extremely addictive to the extent that
A) whether the habit of video gaming could lead a person they could prove fatal
to commit a violent crime in the long run
B) more research is needed to distinguish between
B) how the data on video games should be used to reach useful games and those with harmful effects
a definitive conclusion about their benefits
C) the economist, Michael R. Ward, has some strong
C) why violent video games are more commonly feelings about video games
preferred than others
D) video games used to be more enjoyable back in the
D) what can be done to protect youngsters from the 1980s
negative effects of violent video games
E) youth aggression might have something to do with
E) why boys are more likely to be exposed to violent playing violent video games
games than girls


72 - 74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 73. It is stated in the passage that ----.
cevaplayınız. A) King Arthur sought to end violence, disease and
barbarism that dominated his time
King Arthur is one of the great mythic figures of English
literature. Dozens of legends and romantic images have B) legend has it that the magical sword called Excalibur
grown up around him: the knights of the Round Table, can only be handled by King Arthur himself
Merlin the wizard, and the Holy Grail, to name a few.
C) Sir Lancelot betrayed King Arthur’s trust by getting
According to the main Arthurian legends, the king wielded
involved with the Queen
a magical sword, Excalibur; lived in a glorious kingdom
called Camelot; was helped by the wizard Mordred, and D) some historians believe Camelot was a fictious place
was married to the beautiful Queen Guinevere (who in to escape from the brutality of the Medieval ages
many legends falls for Arthur's knight Sir Lancelot). Many
of our modern-day stories of Arthur are based on Le Morte E) Le Morte d’Arthur was published immediately after
d'Arthur ("The Death of Arthur"), the collection of Arthurian King Arthur passed away
tales published by Sir Thomas Malory in 1485. Historians
can't decide whether anyone like Arthur ever existed,
though most now accept that the legend is very loosely
based on a real historical figure; he may have been a 5th
or 6th century ruler name Arturus or Riothamus. Some
other historians suggest that King Arthur was not a real
historical figure and his kingdom, Camelot, was just a
legendary utopia where peace and justice ruled, thus
opposing the harsh reality of the Middle Ages, where
violence, disease and barbarism were commonplace.

72. According to the popular belief among historians, ----.

74. The primary purpose of the author is to ----.
A) King Arthur had a kingdom called Camelot, where
A) describe different sets of stories that collectively make
justice prevailed
up the legend of King Arthur
B) the character depicted as King Arthur might have
B) discuss the conflicting views on the authenticity of
something to do with a real historical figure
King Arthur after introducing him
C) King Arthur’s wife, Queen Guinevere, was in love with
C) convince the reader to read The Death of Arthur to
one of his husband’s knights
learn more about King Arthur as a mystic character
D) an individual called Arthur did exist, but he was an
D) present historical inaccuracies found in the tales
ordinary person in many respects
about King Arthur
E) the Death of Arthur is the most accurate source of
E) emphasize the fact that historians cannot completely
reference in Arthurian studies
agree on mythic figures


75. - 77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 76. It is stated in the passage that attempts by some
cevaplayınız. countries to curb the number of migrants ----.
A) are supported by most of the developed countries
From the middle of the 20th century to the present, a major
wave of immigration has been taking place worldwide, and B) receive criticism from the rest of the world
despite the efforts of some receiving nations to curtail the
C) have encouraged a new wave of immigrants
flow of migrants entering their border, it has not abated.
The major recipients of immigration include virtually all the D) have become a source of controversy
advanced industrial nations of the world. Not surprisingly,
historic settler nations, particularly the United States, E) do not seem to yield the intended results
Canada, and Australia, have witnessed large influxes of
newcomers. So have the nations of Western Europe,
where even the geographically isolated Iceland has
received small numbers of immigrants from such diverse
origins as Poland and Vietnam. Despite its hostility to
immigration, Japan has received substantial numbers of
foreigner into its workforce. Immigration has not only
occurred in the advanced industrial nations. In other
regions of the globe such as Zimbabwe, Syria, South
Africa, Paraguay, people have left their homes and settled
elsewhere, often in neighboring countries.

77. It can be understood from the passage that ----.

75. According to the passage, Western European
countries ----. A) geographical distance do not necessarily discourage
immigrants in some cases
A) tend to be hostile towards immigrants
B) business is suffering in Japan due to the unfavorable
B) have received a great flow of immigrants
attitudes towards immigrants
C) are deporting immigrants from Poland and Vietnam
C) the rate of immigration is expected to decline some
D) provide better care for immigrants than the US, time in the next century
Canada, and Australia
D) developing countries can hardly deal with the influx of
E) need help in dealing with the immigrants refugees from their neighbors
E) immigration is a phenomenon unique to the advanced
industrial nations


78. - 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. It is pointed out in the passage that ----.
cevaplayınız. A) parachuting off the plane was not the type of escape
the law enforcement would have expected
On November 24, 1971, the man calling himself “Dan
Cooper” approached the counter of Northwest Orient B) many songs, movies, TV shows and books that
Airlines in the U.S. city of Portland, dressed in a business praised Dan Cooper have been produced
suit and carrying a briefcase. He paid cash for a one-way
ticket on Flight 305 to Seattle. A “quiet” man, he ordered a C) the bomb that Dan Cooper showed to the flight
bourbon and soda while waiting for takeoff. In midair just attendant turned out to be fake
after 3 p.m., from seat 18C, he handed the flight attendant D) the plane landed in Mexico City after Dan Cooper
a note saying he had a bomb in his briefcase and showed jumped off
her a glimpse of wires and red sticks. She wrote down his
demands — four parachutes and $200,000 in twenty-dollar E) Dan Cooper ordered that the plane stay below a
bills — and passed them to the captain. In Seattle, the certain altitude
passengers were exchanged for the money and
parachutes. The flight resumed with “Mr. Cooper” and the
crew en route for Mexico City, with the plane flying no
higher than 10,000 feet, as he demanded. After 8 p.m.,
somewhere between Seattle and Reno, he jumped out of
the back of the plane into a wooded area with a parachute
and the ransom, and disappeared. “Thus began one of the
great unsolved mysteries in the history of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation” the F.B.I. said. After 45 years in
which hundreds of leads were probed and discarded, it still
remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in the
United States, a startling crime that captured the American
imagination, inspiring songs, movies, TV shows and

78. It can be inferred from the passage that ----. 80. According to the passage, ----.

A) the F.B.I. lacks the necessary resources and means A) the hijacker apparently vanished from the face of the
to solve mysterious cases Earth although the ransom was recovered

B) the man known as Dan Cooper got away with the B) the case is yet to be solved despite intensive efforts
crime he committed over the years

C) the hijacking of Northwest Orient Airlines flight was C) everybody but the captain was let go in exchange for
regarded as a terrorist attack a ransom of $200,000 in Seattle

D) the flight attendant was suspected of helping Dan D) it is still a wonder why Dan Cooper purchased a return
Cooper during the whole ordeal ticket from Seattle

E) one could tell by his attitudes upon boarding that Dan E) the crew had a hard time believing that the man who
Cooper was about to do something bad hijacked the plane was actually after money



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1. E 11. A 21. C 31. C 41. D 51. B 61. B 71. E
2. E 12. C 22. B 32. E 42. D 52. C 62. A 72. B
3. C 13. D 23. A 33. E 43. B 53. E 63. E 73. D
4. B 14. C 24. E 34. A 44. A 54. A 64. C 74. B
5. B 15. B 25. B 35. B 45. C 55. E 65. A 75. B
6. B 16. C 26. B 36. D 46. D 56. D 66. D 76. E
7. C 17. D 27. D 37. C 47. E 57. D 67. D 77. A
8. A 18. A 28. B 38. B 48. C 58. E 68. E 78. B
9. B 19. C 29. A 39. E 49. B 59. A 69. A 79. E
10. C 20. C 30. A 40. E 50. A 60. E 70. E 80. B

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