Online CIE Answer Booklet 1

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MANDYA - 571 401 (An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi) Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) Record Book To be filled by the Student Academic Year: 20-20 * Student Name: Department : ‘Course Title : Course Code : ‘Semester : Section : University Seat Number (USN) ‘Signature of the Student : Faculty Name : Test - 1 ;Date : Test - Il-;Date : Test - III/M ;Date : To be filled by the Faculty Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) - Max. Marks : 50 Marks Marks Marks — | Average Marks | Average Marks Obtained in Obtained in Obtained in Obtained in ‘Obtained in Test - II |Test - IIl/Makeup| Two Tests (C) | Assignments (D)} (Max.Marks:40)| (Max.Marks:40)) (Max.Marks:40) | (Max.Marks:10)] (Max. Marks:50) ‘CIE in Words : Signature of the Faculty Signature of HoD Department Seat P.E.S. College of Engineering Co-operative Stores Ltd., Mandya - 571 401 USN 10. NMOS Go) Only asingleanswer book will beissued. Noadditi ‘The candidate should write his/her seat number and give ther informarion like Examination, Semester, Course, Course cole ‘ere,, against the space provided on the tle page of te answer book. ‘The candidate shall not write his / her name / USN or put any identifieation mark inside any part of the answer book. ‘Which may disclose his heridemity which will be treated as malpractice and liable for penalization. nal answer Books are permitted. Question numbers should be mentioned in the margin only. The candidate shall write answers on both sides of pages bf the answer book. All rough work must be done in the space provided at che end of the answer book. Answers aust be writen using blue ink (ball pea or ink pea). If chere is a change in ink, the same shall be attested hy the Room Superintendent on the facing sheet of the answerseriptat the top. Auswer book should be handed over personally to Room superintendent before leaving the Examination hall. Nocandidate shall he permitted ro goto wile ducing the period of Examination. The candidate should not tke any books /Notes, log table, scribbling pads, Cellphones, programable calculators, Smart wateh are any kind of ref2vence material into the examination ball, ‘The candidate should make sure that he/she bas no unauthorized book or paper in the cxamination hall. with him / hor or in his f hee desl. fs / she sbould huve only articles permiticd like Identity Card, Hall Ticket / Adrvission Ticket, The eandidate should not wate any thing on the Admission Ticket or Wdeatity CantorCaleulator, ‘A waraing bell willbe given L0 minutes betore the commencement of the examination when all the candidates should take possession of theie seus, another bell will be given at begining of the exaruivation when question papers will le ci ‘and the students should Stars writing the answers. No eandidate shall he admitted after 30 minutes ofthe eo ‘of the examination and shall be allowed to leave the examination ball before 45 minutes of the commencement af the examination, No candiate should leave his ‘ her seat during last 10 minutes, Waraing bell will be given 10 aninutes before the cldsiag time and final bell is given atthe end of the examination, Then all tbe vandidaus should stop writing or revising answers and should handover the answerboolcto the Room Superintendent. ‘The candidates should see that, the Room Superintendenthas appended his/her signature atthe specified space on the answer bookasand when he/she received the answer book. ‘Smoking and taking tea or coffee or enol drinks in the examination hal is strietly prohibited, However, drinking water will besupplied on zequest Any candidate appearing for the UG /PG Examinati following eases : 2) Bringing in the exeraiaation hal or being found in possession of portions of a book, auanuscript, Programmable Calculator, SmartDevices aeany other material or matter, whichisnot permissible tbe broughtinto the Examition hall. b) Having uny written matteron seribbling pad, Question paper, Admission Ticket, Calculator, Palm, Hand, Leg. Hand Kerchiet, Clothes, Socks, Instrument Box, Identity Card, Scales ete., ©) Disclosing identity by writing any words or by moaking any peculiar marks or by writing USN on the pages other than the facing sheet in theunswer seripis while answer 4) Copying fro the material or matter or answer af another candidate o¢ similar aid or assistance is rendered to anot candidate within the Examinanon hil fe) Communicating with any eandidate or any other person inside or outside the Examination hall with a view to take assistance oraid to weite answers in the examination. 1) Making any request of representation or offers uny threat for inducement or inducing to be bribery co Room Superintendent orand any other official officer of the College for favours in the Examination hall orto theexaminer intheanswerscrip, 2) Smuggling out or smuggling ia oF tearing off the answer seript shoots or supplimentary sheets of inseiting papers ‘written ouside the Exminasion hall into tne answer book or running away along with the auswer script fram the exami ‘nation hall or premises. fa) Impersor i) Supply oF copying material inside or rom outside the examination hall is liable to be charged with committing malpractice in the ing orallowing any other person o impersonate to answer in his/her plave inthe examination hal 4) Bringing mobilepkonecothe Examination ball, 1k) Uneuly betaviourinside or near the Examination hal The Authorities of P.E.S. College af Engineering, Mandya have rights Regulations from time to time and thesameis binding on students REMEMBER : YOUR FUTURE IS BRIGH make Amendiet DON’T SPOIL IT. 9 40 the above Rules (ott xSa19K95) agave DOTINGS USN _|.USN USN a USN eT USN 4 USN,

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