A Madman's Diary (Lu Xun, 1918) : 狂⼈⽇记 (Kuángrén Rìjì)
A Madman's Diary (Lu Xun, 1918) : 狂⼈⽇记 (Kuángrén Rìjì)
A Madman's Diary (Lu Xun, 1918) : 狂⼈⽇记 (Kuángrén Rìjì)
鲁迅 (1918)
A Madman’s Diary (Lu Xun, 1918)
tonight, 今天晚上,
I don’t see him, 我不⻅他, 不⻅ (bù jiàn) not to see; not to meet; to have
disappeared; to be missing.
It’s been over thirty years; see 已是三⼗多年;今天⻅了, 三⼗ (sān shí) thirty; 30.
you today,
otherwise, 不然,
I’m justi ed in fear. 我怕得有理。 有理 (yǒu lǐ) reasonable; justi ed; right; (math.)
I know it’s bad. 我知道不妙。 不妙 (bù miào) (of a turn of events) not too
encouraging; far from good; anything but reassuring.
Zhao Guiweng’s look was 赵贵翁的眼⾊便怪: 翁 (wēng) elderly man; father; father-in-law; neck
feathers of a bird (old). 眼⾊ (yǎn sè) signal made with
one's eyes; meaningful glance.
Whispering about me, 交头接耳的议论我, 交头接耳 (jiāo tóu jiē ěr) to whisper to one another's
People along the way, ⼀路上的⼈, 路上 (lù shang) on the road; on a journey; road surface.
Smiled at me; I went cold 对我笑了⼀笑;我便从头直冷到脚 从头 (cóng tóu) anew; from the start. 脚跟 (jiǎo
from head to heel,
gēn) heel.
Knowing their layout, 晓得他们布置, 晓得 (xiǎo de) to know. 布置 (bù zhì) to put in order; to
arrange; to decorate; to x up; to deploy.
I think I have any hatred with 我想我同小孩⼦有什么仇, 仇 (chóu) hatred; animosity; enmity; foe; enemy; to
the kid, feel animosity toward (the wealthy, foreigners etc).
Can’t help but say loudly, 忍不住⼤声说, ⼤声 (dà shēng) loud voice; in a loud voice; loudly.
I think: 我想:
What hatred do people on the 同路上的⼈⼜有什么仇;只有廿年 廿 (niàn) twenty (20), in a limited number of set
same road have; only twenty
expressions; also written using banker's character 念.
years ago, 以前,
Write down Mr. Gu Jiu’s aging 把古久先⽣的陈年流⽔簿⼦, 陈年 (chén nián) old; stored for many years. 流⽔ (liú
shuǐ) running water; (business) turnover. 簿⼦ (bù
zi) notebook; book.
I must have heard the wind, ⼀定也听到⻛声, 听到 (tīng dào) to hear. ⻛声 (fēng shēng) sound of the
wind; rumor; talk; news; reputation.
But what about kids? At that 但是小孩⼦呢?那时候, 那时候 (nà shí hou) at that time.
ey are not yet born, 他们还没有出世, 出世 (chū shì) to be born; to come into being; to
withdraw from worldly a airs.
I understand. 我明⽩了。
is is what their mother 这是他们娘⽼⼦教的! ⽼⼦ (lǎo zǐ) Laozi or Lao-tze (c. 500 BC), Chinese
taught! philosopher, the founder of Taoism; the sacred book of
they-- 他们
ere have also been ailed 也有给知县打枷过的, 知县 (zhī xiàn) county head magistrate
(old). 枷 (jiā) cangue (wooden collar like stocks used to
restrain and punish criminals in China).
ere are also Lao Ziniang 也有⽼⼦娘被债主逼死的;他们那 债主 (zhài zhǔ) creditor. 逼死 (bī sǐ) to hound sb to
who were forced to death by
creditors; their faces at that
Said in his mouth, 嘴⾥说道, 嘴⾥ (zuǐ lǐ) mouth; in the mouth; on one's lips; speech;
words. 说道 (shuō dào) to state; to say (the quoted
“Lao Tzu! I have to bite you “⽼⼦呀!我要咬你⼏口才出⽓!” 口才 (kǒu cái) eloquence. 出⽓ (chū qì) to give vent to
before I vent!” He looked at
me with his eyes.
Can’t hide; the gang with blue 遮掩不住;那⻘⾯獠⽛的⼀伙⼈, 遮掩 (zhē yǎn) to cover; to mask; to cover up or conceal
faces and fangs,
(the truth etc). 不住 (bù zhù) repeatedly; continuously;
constantly; unable to (resist, conceal etc). ⻘⾯獠
⽛ (qīng miàn liáo yá) ferocious-looking (idiom).
Chen Laowu caught up, 陈⽼五赶上前, 陈 (chén) surname Chen; vassal state during the Spring
and Autumn Period 770-475 BC; Chen of the Southern
He dragged me home. 硬把我拖回家中了。 拖 (tuō) to drag; to tow; to trail; to hang down; to mop
(the oor); to delay; to drag on. 回家 (huí jiā) to return
He buckled the door, 便反扣上⻔, 扣 (kòu) to fasten; to button; button; buckle; knot; to
arrest; to con scate; to deduct (money); discount; to
knock; to smash, spike or dunk (a ball); to cover (with a
is matter, 这⼀件事,
e more I teach, I can’t guess 越教我猜不出底细。 底细 (dǐ xì) inside information; the ins and outs of the
the details. matter; how things stand; what's up.
Said to my elder brother, 对我⼤哥说, ⼤哥 (dà gē) eldest brother; big brother (polite address
for a man of about the same age as oneself ); gang
leader; boss.
A big villain in their village, 他们村⾥的⼀个⼤恶⼈, 村⾥ (cūn lǐ) village; hamlet. 恶⼈ (è rén) evil person;
vile creature; ugly man.
I beat everyone to death; a few 给⼤家打死了;⼏个⼈便挖出他的 打死 (dǎ sǐ) to kill; to beat to death. 挖 (wā) to dig; to
people dug out his heart,
⼼肝来, excavate; to scoop out. ⼼肝 (xīn gān) darling; (in
negative sentences) heart; humanity.
I just realized their vision 今天才晓得他们的眼光, 眼光 (yǎn guāng) gaze; insight; foresight; vision; way of
today, looking at things.
It was exactly the same as the 全同外⾯的那伙⼈⼀模⼀样。 ⼀模⼀样 (yī mú yī yàng) exactly the same (idiom);
crowd outside. carbon copy; also pr. (yī mó yī yàng).
I was cold from the top to the 我从顶上直冷到脚跟。 顶上 (dǐng shàng) on top of; at the summit.
And the tenants the day before 和前天佃⼾的话, 前天 (qián tiān) the day before yesterday.
I can see that his words are all 我看出他话中全是毒, 看出 (kàn chū) to make out; to see.
As I think, 照我⾃⼰想,
ey seem to be out of mind, 他们似乎别有⼼思, 别有 (bié yǒu) to have other...; to have a special .... ⼼
思 (xīn si) mind; thoughts; inclination; mood.
He made a few circles; forgive 他便打上⼏个圈;原谅坏⼈⼏句, ⼏个 (jǐ ge) a few; several; how many. 坏⼈ (huài
the bad guys, rén) bad person; villain.
Since ancient times, people 古来时常吃⼈, 古来 (gǔ lái) since ancient times; it has ever been the
o en eat people,
case that; see also ⾃古以来 (zì gǔ yǐ lái). 时常 (shí
cháng) o en; frequently.
I can see the words from the 才从字缝⾥看出字来, 缝 (fèng) seam; crack; narrow slit.
ey all smiled and looked at 却都笑吟吟的睁着怪眼睛看我。 笑吟吟 (xiào yín yín) smiling; with a smile.
me with strange eyes open.
morning, 早上,
I sat quietly for a while. 我静坐了⼀会。 静坐 (jìng zuò) to sit quietly; to meditate; to stage a sit-
in. ⼀会 (yī huì) a moment; a while; in a moment; also
pr. (yī huǐ).
A bowl of steamed sh; the ⼀碗蒸⻥;这⻥的眼睛, 蒸 (zhēng) to evaporate; (of cooking) to steam; torch
eyes of this sh, made from hemp stalks or bamboo (old); nely
chopped rewood (old).
I don’t know if the slippery is a 滑溜溜的不知是⻥是⼈, 滑溜溜 (huá liū liū) smooth; slick; slippery; glossy.
sh or a person,
ink of walking in the 想到园⾥走走。” 想到 (xiǎng dào) to think of; to call to mind; to
garden. ” anticipate.
Study how they manipulate 研究他们如何摆布我;知道他们⼀ 摆布 (bǎi bù) to arrange; to order about; to manipulate.
me; knowing that they will
not relax. 定不肯放松。
Sure enough! My elder 果然!我⼤哥引了⼀个⽼头⼦, ⽼头⼦ (lǎo tóu zi) (coll.) old man; (said of an aging
brother attracted an old man, husband) my old man.
Walk slowly; his eyes are 慢慢走来;他满眼凶光, 慢慢 (màn màn) slowly. 满眼 (mǎn yǎn) (of tears etc)
erce, lling the eyes; (of scenery etc) lling one's eld of
Just bowed to the ground, 只是低头向着地, 低头 (dī tóu) to bow the head; to yield; to give in. 着
地 (zháo dì) to land; to touch the ground; also pr. (zhuó
Look at me secretly from the 从眼镜横边暗暗看我。 边 (biān) side; edge; margin; border; boundary;
side of the glasses. simultaneously.
I say yes.” 我说“是的。” 是的 (shì de) yes, that's right; variant of 似的 (shì de).
I said “Yes!” In fact, I didn’t 我说“可以!”其实我岂不知道这 岂不 (qǐ bù) how couldn't...?; wouldn't it...?. 刽⼦
know that this old man was
⼿ (guì zi shǒu) executioner; headsman; slaughterer;
dressed as an executioner! I ⽼头⼦是刽⼦⼿扮的!⽆⾮借了看
just borrowed the name g. indiscriminate murderer. ⽆⾮ (wú fēi) only;
Kanmai, nothing else. 脉 (mài) arteries and veins; vein (on a leaf,
insect wing etc). 名⽬ (míng mù) name; designation;
item; rubric; (formal usage) fame.
Try to gure out the fatness: 揣⼀揣肥瘠: 揣 (chuāi) to put into (one's pockets, clothes); Taiwan
pr. (chuǎi). 肥 (féi) fat; fertile; loose- tting or large; to
fertilize; to become rich by illegal means; fertilizer;
manure. 瘠 (jí) barren; lean.
Stretched out two sts, 伸出两个拳头, 伸出 (shēn chū) to extend. 拳头 (quán tou) st;
clenched st; competitive (product).
See how he starts. 看他如何下⼿。 下⼿ (xià shǒu) to start; to put one's hand to; to set
about; the seat to the right of the main guest.
Stayed for a while; he opened 呆了好⼀会;便张开他⻤眼睛说, 张开 (zhāng kāi) to open up; to spread; to extend.
his ghost eyes and said,
Enough. ” 就好了。”
It’s sneaky again, ⼜是⻤⻤祟祟, ⻤⻤祟祟 (guǐ guǐ suì suì) sneaky; secretive; furtive.
en he burst into laughter, 便放声⼤笑起来, 放声 (fàng shēng) very loudly; at the top of one's
voice. ⼤笑 (dà xiào) to laugh heartily; a belly laugh.
Take advantage of this 沾光⼀点这勇⽓。 沾光 (zhān guāng) to bask in the light; g. to bene t
courage. from association with sb or sth; re ected glory.
e old man stepped out, ⽼头⼦跨出⻔, 跨 (kuà) to step across; to stride over; to straddle; to
“Hurry up and eat!” Big “赶紧吃罢!”⼤哥点点头。 罢 (bà) to stop; to cease; to dismiss; to suspend; to quit;
brother nodded.
to nish. 点点 (diǎn diǎn) point; speck.
So there are you too! See you 原来也有你!这⼀件⼤发⻅, ⼤发 (dà fā) Daihatsu, Japanese car company.
on this big post,
e people who eat me in 合伙吃我的⼈, 合伙 (hé huǒ) to act jointly; to form a partnership.
ese few days are to take a 这⼏天是退⼀步想: 这⼏天 (zhè jǐ tiān) the past few days.
step back and think:
If the old man wasn’t an 假使那⽼头⼦不是刽⼦⼿扮的, 假使 (jiǎ shǐ) if; in case; suppose; given ....
eir ancestor Li Shizhen 他们的祖师李时珍做的“本草什 祖师 (zǔ shī) founder (of a cra , religious sect etc). 李
made the “Materia Medica”,
时珍 (lǐ shí zhēn) Li Shizhen (1518-1593), Ming
botanist and pharmacologist, author of Compendium of
It clearly says that human esh 明明写着⼈⾁可以煎吃;他还能说 ⼈⾁ (rén ròu) to crowdsource information about sb or
can be fried and eaten; can he
sth (abbr. for ⼈⾁搜索 (rén ròu sōu suǒ)); human
still say that he does not eat ⾃⼰不吃⼈么?
humans? (used attributively, as in ⼈⾁盾牌 (rén ròu dùn pái),
human shield).
He was not wronged either. 也毫不冤枉他。 毫不 (háo bù) hardly; not in the least; not at all. 冤
枉 (yuān wang) to accuse wrongly; to treat unjustly;
injustice; wronged; not worthwhile.
I personally said that I can 亲口说过可以“易⼦而⻝”;⼜⼀ 亲口 (qīn kǒu) one's own mouth; g. in one's own
“ease the child and eat”; once
words; to say sth personally.
again I accidentally talked
about a bad person,
He said not only that he 他便说不但该杀, 不但 (bù dàn) not only (... but also...).
should be killed,
I was still young, 我那时年纪还小, 那时 (nà shí) then; at that time; in those days.
e heart beat for a long time. ⼼跳了好半天。 ⼼跳 (xīn tiào) heartbeat; pulse. 好半天 (hǎo bàn
tiān) most of the day.
It can be seen that the mind is 可⻅⼼思是同从前⼀样狠。 狠 (hěn) ruthless; erce; ferocious; determined; to
as ruthless as before.
harden (one's heart); old variant of 很 (hěn).
Anyone can eat it. 什么⼈都吃得。 什么⼈ (shén me rén) who?; what (kind of ) person?.
Also foolishly past; now I 也胡涂过去;现在晓得他讲道理的 胡涂 (hú tu) variant of 糊涂 (hú tu), confused,
know when he is reasonable,
时候, muddle. 过去 (guò qu) (verb su x).
Not only the lips are smeared 不但唇边还抹着⼈油, 唇 (chún) variant of 唇 (chún). 抹 (mǒ) to smear; to
with oil, wipe; to erase; classi er for wisps of cloud, light-beams
I don’t know if it is day or 不知是⽇是夜。 是⽇ (shì rì) (formal) this day; that day.
e cunning of the fox,... 狐狸的狡猾,…… 狐狸 (hú li) fox; g. sly and treacherous person.
Is unwilling, 是不肯的,
Force me to suicide. 逼我⾃戕。 逼 (bī) to force (sb to do sth); to compel; to press for; to
extort; to press on towards; to press up to; to close in
Let’s see what the men and 试看前⼏天街上男⼥的样⼦, 男⼥ (nán nǚ) male-female; male and female.
women looked like on the
street a few days ago,
Naturally, there was a ⾃然都欢天喜地的发出⼀种呜呜 欢天喜地 (huān tiān xǐ dì) delighted; with great joy; in
whimpering laughter happily.
咽咽的笑声。 high spirits. 发出 (fā chū) to issue (an order, decree
etc); to send out; to dispatch; to produce (a sound); to
Otherwise, I’m scared and 否则惊吓忧愁死了, 惊吓 (jīng xià) to frighten; to horrify; to terrify. 忧
愁 (yōu chóu) to be worried.
You can also give a few 也还可以⾸肯⼏下。 ⾸肯 (shǒu kěn) to give a nod of approval.
Called “Hai Yina”, 叫“海⼄那”的, ⼄ (zhé) turning stroke (in Chinese characters); see also
折 (zhé).
e wolf is the home of the 狼是狗的本家。 本家 (běn jiā) a member of the same clan; a distant
dog. relative with the same family name.
It can be seen that he is also 可⻅他也同谋, 同谋 (tóng móu) to conspire with sb; to plot; a
complicit, conspirator; a partner in crime; an accomplice.
e old man looked at the ⽼头⼦眼看着地, 眼看 (yǎn kàn) soon; in a moment; to look on as sth
ground, happens.
How can I hide it from me. 岂能瞒得我过。 岂 (kǎi) how? (emphatic question). 瞒 (mán) to conceal
from; to keep (sb) in the dark.
Why don’t you be afraid; and 何以毫不害怕;而且合伙吃我呢?还 历来 (lì lái) always; throughout (a period of time); (of )
do you eat me in partnership?
Still used to it,
Don’t think it’s wrong? Or lose 不以为⾮呢?还是丧了良⼼, 丧 (sàng) to lose sth abstract but important (courage,
your conscience, authority, one's life etc); to be bereaved of (one's spouse
Start with him rst; to 先从他起头;要劝转吃⼈的⼈, 起头 (qǐ tóu) to start; at rst; beginning.
persuade the cannibals,
Up to now, 到了现在,
By the way, I nodded, 对了我点头, 对了 (duì le) Correct!; Oh, that's right, ... (when one
suddenly remembers sth one wanted to mention); Oh,
by the way, ....
“Cannibalism, “吃⼈的事,
I want to ask him. 偏要问他。 偏要 (piān yào) to insist on doing sth; must do it,
despite everything.
“Right?” “对么?”
“No? Why did they eat?!” “不对?他们何以竟吃?!” 不对 (bù duì) incorrect; wrong; amiss; abnormal;
“Nothing...” “没有的事……”
Open your eyes and say, 睁着眼说, 着眼 (zhuó yǎn) to have one's eyes on (a goal); having
sth in mind; to concentrate.
“ ere is a lot, “有许有的, 有的 (yǒu de) (there are) some (who are...); some
“Always, “从来如此,
Open your eyes, 张开眼, 开眼 (kāi yǎn) to open one's eyes; to widen one's
ere was a lot of sweat all 全⾝出了⼀⼤⽚汗。 全⾝ (quán shēn) whole body; em (typography). ⼤
⽚ (dà piàn) wide expanse; large area; vast stretch;
extending widely; blockbuster movie.
Looking at each other. ... ⾯⾯相觑。…… ⾯⾯相觑 (miàn miàn xiāng qù) to look at each other in
dismay (idiom).
Don’t worry about doing 放⼼做事走路吃饭睡觉, 做事 (zuò shì) to work; to handle matters; to have a
things, walking, eating and
job. 走路 (zǒu lù) to walk; to go on foot.
ey are father, son, brother, 他们可是⽗⼦兄弟夫妇朋友师⽣ ⽗⼦ (fù zǐ) father and son. 夫妇 (fū fù) a (married)
couple, friends, teachers and
students, enemies and 仇敌和各不相识的⼈, couple; husband and wife. 师⽣ (shī shēng) teachers
strangers, and students. 仇敌 (chóu dí) enemy. 相识 (xiāng shí) to
get to know each other; acquaintance.
All form a group, 都结成⼀伙, 结成 (jié chéng) to form; to forge (alliances etc).
Death would not take this 死也不肯跨过这⼀步。 跨过 (kuà guò) to surmount; to cross over.
To nd my eldest brother; he 去寻我⼤哥;他⽴在堂⻔外看天, 堂 (táng) (main) hall; large room for a speci c purpose;
stood outside the hall and relationship between cousins etc on the paternal side of
looked at the sky,
a family; of the same clan; classi er for classes, lectures
I walked behind him, 我便走到他背后, 背后 (bèi hòu) behind; at the back; in the rear; behind
sb's back.
Stop the door, 拦住⻔, 拦住 (lán zhù) to stop; to bar the way.
Nod. 点点头。
Brother, ⼤哥,
About the barbarians back ⼤约当初野蛮的⼈, 当初 (dāng chū) at that time; originally. 野蛮 (yě
then, mán) barbarous; uncivilized.
Who knows that a er Pangu 谁晓得从盘古开辟天地以后, 盘古 (pán gǔ) Pangu (creator of the universe in Chinese
opened up the world,
mythology). 开辟 (kāi pì) to open up; to set up; to
establish. 天地 (tiān dì) heaven and earth; world; scope;
eld of activity.
He continued to eat until the ⼜⼀直吃到狼⼦村捉住的⼈。 捉住 (zhuō zhù) to catch; to grapple with; to hold onto.
people caught in Langzi
Dip steamed buns in blood. ⽤馒头蘸⾎舐。 蘸 (zhàn) to dip in (ink, sauce etc). 舐 (shì) to lick; to
lap (up).
In a group, ⼀伙⾥⾯,
When it comes to breaking ⼀到说破他们的隐情, 说破 (shuō pò) to lay bare (actual facts, secrets etc); to
their secrets,
reveal. 隐情 (yǐn qíng) sth one wishes to keep secret;
ulterior motive; a subject best avoided.
en the whole face turned 那就满脸都变成⻘⾊了。 满脸 (mǎn liǎn) across one's whole face. 变成 (biàn
chéng) to change into; to turn into; to become. ⻘
⾊ (qīng sè) cyan; blue-green.
ey all touched their heads 都探头探脑的挨进来。 探头探脑 (tàn tóu tàn nǎo) to stick one's head out and
look around (idiom). 挨 (ái) to su er; to endure; to pull
through (hard times); to delay; to stall; to play for time;
Some are invisible, 有的是看不出⾯貌, 看不出 (kàn bu chū) can't see; can't make out; unable
to tell. ⾯貌 (miàn mào) appearance; face; features.
But I also know that their 可是也晓得他们⼼思很不⼀样, 不⼀样 (bù yī yàng) di erent; distinctive; unlike.
minds are very di erent,
Getting more angry, 越发⽓愤不过, 越发 (yuè fā) increasingly; more and more; ever more;
all the more. ⽓愤 (qì fèn) indignant; furious.
And it has already been set up; 而且早已布置;预备下⼀个疯⼦的 预备 (yù bèi) to prepare; to make ready; preparation;
ready to cover me with the
name of the next madman. 名⽬罩上我。 preparatory. 下⼀个 (xià yī ge) the next
one. 罩 (zhào) cover; sh trap (basket); shade.
Will also be wiped out for real 也会给真的⼈除灭了, 灭 (miè) to extinguish or put out; to go out (of a re
people, etc); to exterminate or wipe out; to drown.
ey were all driven away by 都被陈⽼五赶走了。 赶走 (gǎn zǒu) to drive out; to turn back.
Chen Laowu.
I know his heaviness is fake, 我晓得他的沉重是假的, 假的 (jiǎ de) bogus; ersatz; fake; mock; phoney.
I picked up the chopsticks, 我捏起筷⼦, 捏 (niē) to pinch (with one's ngers); to knead; to make
I think of my elder brother; I 便想起我⼤哥;晓得妹⼦死掉的缘 想起 (xiǎng qǐ) to recall; to think of; to call to mind. 妹
know why my sister died,
⼦ (mèi zi) (dialect) younger sister; girl. 缘故 (yuán
gù) reason; cause.
I remember when I was four 记得我四五岁时, 岁时 (suì shí) season; time of the year.
or ve years old,
Sitting in front of the hall to 坐在堂前乘凉, 乘凉 (chéng liáng) to cool o in the shade.
enjoy the cool,
But the way of crying that day, 但是那天的哭法, 那天 (nà tiān) that day; the other day.
Where people have eaten from 四千年来时时吃⼈的地⽅, 千年 (qiān nián) millennium. 时时 (shí shí) o en;
time to time for four thousand constantly.
I have also been in it for many 我也在其中混了多年;⼤哥正管着 混 (hùn) to mix; to mingle; muddled; to dri along; to
years; the eldest brother is
muddle along; to pass for; to get along with sb;
taking care of the housework,
thoughtless; reckless.
He may not be in harmony 他未必不和在饭菜⾥, 不和 (bù hé) not to get along well; to be on bad terms;
with the meal,
to be at odds; discord. 饭菜 (fàn cài) food.
A er four thousand years of 有了四千年吃⼈履历的我, 有了 (yǒu le) I've got a solution!; to have a bun in the
cannibalism, I
oven (abbr. for 有了胎 (yǒu le tāi)). 履历 (lǚ
lì) background (academic and work); curriculum vitae;
Children who have never 没有吃过⼈的孩⼦, 过⼈ (guò rén) to surpass others; outstanding;
eaten people, (basketball, soccer etc) to get past an opponent.
Or else? 或者还有?
April 1918. ⼀九⼀⼋年四⽉。 四⽉ (sì yuè) April; fourth month (of the lunar year).