Demo LP
Demo LP
Demo LP
I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
1. Differentiate the types of business according to activities
2. Make a list of business in their community according to their activities
3. Choose the type of business that they would want to put up someday.
III. Procedure:
1. Prayer
Before we start, let us feel the
Okay ma’am, Classmates, let us pray.
presence of the Lord and let us pray.
2. Greetings
Good morning class!
Good morning Ma’am Jo Ann
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Reminders of the online class etiquette. Everybody is present.
This time, we will be having a game called “The Bread, umbrella, hair cut
Future Entrepreneur”.
B. Lesson Proper
Our lesson for today is about “The Types of I guess our topic is all about selling goods
Business according to their activities. Ma’am!
First let us define business. Anyone?
I guess it’s all about providing services ma’am!
Who can give an example of a manufacturing By marking-up prices on their goods available for
business? sale.
Producers Bank
Tom Eloy
Given the opportunity and enough capital to put Lantin’s shawarma
up a business, what type of business according to
activity would you prefer? Why?
The students will select they preferred business.
IV. Evaluation
6-11. Give at least 2 businesses here in Sipocot that belongs to the service, merchandising and
manufacturing type of business.
V. Assignment
Look for a business that is either a service, merchandising or manufacturing business. Interview the
owner by asking the following questions:
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by:
SHS Coordinator
Assistant School Principal II