Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Wechsler Memory Scale Differenc

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Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale/Wechsler Memory Scale

Difference Scores: Their Relationship to Brain Dysfunction and
Closed Head Injury
Don A. Boyd
Western Michigan University

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Recommended Citation
Boyd, Don A., "Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale/Wechsler Memory Scale Difference Scores: Their
Relationship to Brain Dysfunction and Closed Head Injury" (1984). Dissertations. 2387.

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Don A. Boyd

A Dissertation
Submitted to the
Faculty of The Graduate College
in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the
Degree of Doctor of Education
Department of Counseling and Personnel

Western Michigan University

Kalamazoo, Michigan
August 1984

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Don A. Boyd, Ed.D.

Western Michigan University, 1984

Performance differences between the Wechlser Adult Intelligence

Scale (WAIS) and the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS) were studied. Dif­

ferences in performance between the WAIS Full Scale IQ Score and the

WMS Memory Quotient (WMS discrepancy score) were compared across

three groups consisting of a closed head injury group (N = 45), a

localized lesion group (N^ = 25), and a psychiatric group (N = 45)

who were unimpaired on the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Bat­

tery. Also, WMS discrepancy scores were compared across a long-coma

group and a short-coma group and the correlation coefficient between

the WMS discrepancy score and neuropsychological impairment rating

was obtained.

The WMS discrepancy score was hypothesized to be a marker of

diffuse closed head injury; and it was predicted that WMS discrep­

ancy scores would be greater in the closed head injury group, that

the long-coma patients would show greater WMS discrepancy scores

than a short-coma group, and that WMS discrepancy scores would be

related to severity as defined by impairment on the Halstead-Reitan

Neuropsychological Battery. Results confirmed the expected differ­

ences between groups. The closed head injury group was significantly

different from both the localized lesion group and the unimpaired

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psychiatric group on the dimension of WMS discrepancy score. The

long-coma group had significantly larger WMS discrepancy scores.

The correlation between WMS discrepancy score and neuropsychological

impairment rating was only weakly supported. The closed head injury

group showed greater WMS discrepancy scores despite the fact that

they showed the lowest WAIS scores. Results were interpreted as

being supportive of the idea that the WMS discrepancy score may be a

marker of diffuse closed head injury.

Implications for the use of the WMS discrepancy score and

neuropsychological ratings were discussed. The WMS discrepancy

score may be more descriptive of severity in closed head injury than

neuropsychological impairment ratings. Despite weaknesses in the

use of the WMS as a comprehensive test of memory, it may be of clini­

cal value when used with other tests to highlight specific diffi­

culties in the area of fluid verbal skills or information processing.

The systematic inclusion of the WMS discrepancy score in the evalua­

tion of closed head injuries seems warranted. Recommendations for

further research were offered.

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B o yd , Don Allen



Western Michigan University Ed.D. 1984

International 3 0 0 N. Z e e b R oad, Ann Arbor, Ml 48106

Copyright 1984
Boyd, Don Allen
All Rights Reserved

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Copyright by
Don A. Boyd

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I would like to acknowledge the support and effort of my

chairman, Dr. Robert Hopkins, in helping complete this important

but urgent project. Also I wish to thank Dr. Uldis Smidchens and

Dr. Malcolm Robertson for giving time when it was most difficult.

I wish to express appreciation to Dr. Richard Gay, friend and

mentor, who was most helpful in providing direction and creating a

clinical foundation.

I want to thank my parents, Francis and Alice Boyd, for their

lifelong ability to understand the importance of things that are

fun and interesting.

I wish to thank Becky, Joe, and Karen, who are still too young

to understand how much more meaning they give to the completion of

this project.

Thanks to my extraordinary wife, Deborah Jo. Her talent,

effort, and love were essential to the completion of the disserta­

tion. Her character has contributed much to the happiness of

others around her.

Don A. Boyd


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................... ii

LIST OF T A BLES .............................................. v


I. THE PROBLEM AND THE BACKGROUND..................... 1

The Problem.................................... 1

Review of Literature ........................... 4

Definition of Closed Head Injury .............. 5

Definition of Memory Processes ............... 7

Closed Head Injury and Memory Impairment . . . . 9

The WMS and Its Relationship to Brain

T r auma ...................................... 13

The WAIS and Its Relationship to Brain

Trauma ............................. . . . . . 25

WAIS and WMS Relationships................... 38

The Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological

B a t t e r y .................................... 43

Summary of Literature Review ................. 52

General Research Hypothesis ..................... 56

Limitations of the S t u d y ....................... 57

II. DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY............................. 58

S u b j e c t s ...................................... 58

The Unimpaired Control Group ................. 58

The Closed Head Injury G r o u p ................. 60

The Localized Trauma Group ................... 61

Subject Selection and Group Assignment ........ 63


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Table of Contents— Continued


Criteria Instruments ........................... 66

Research Design ................................. 69

Data Collection Procedure ................... 69

Design of the S t u d y ......................... 70

Research Hypotheses (Operational Hypotheses) ... 72

III. DATA A N A L Y S I S ..................................... Ik

Analysis of Population D a t a ..................... Ik

Additional Statistical Analysis ............. , . 78

D i s c u s s i o n ..................................... 83


Summary........................................ 89

F i n d i n g s ...................................... 91

Conclusions.................................... 93

Recommendations ................................. 100

APPENDIX.................................................. 108

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................. Ill


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1. Comparison of Closed Head Injury Group, Localized

Lesion Group, and Psychiatric Unimpaired Group by
Sex, Mean Age, and Mean Neuropsychology Impairment
R a ting................. 63

2. Means, Ranges, and Standard Deviations for the WAIS,

WMS, Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Impairment
Rating, and WMS Discrepancy for the Entire Research
Population............................................ 75

3. ANOVA for Three Ranges of WMS Discrepancy Scores

(Closed Head Injury Group, Localized Lesion Group,
and Psychiatric UnimpairedGroup) ...................... 77

4. ANOVA for Two Ranges of WMS Discrepancy Scores by

Length of C o m a ........................................ 77

5. ANOVA of WAIS Full Scale Scores for Closed Head

Injury Group, Localized Lesion Group, and a
Psychiatric Unimpaired Group ............................ 79

6. ANOVA of WMS Quotients for Closed Head Injury Group,

Localized Lesion Group, and a Psychiatric Unimpaired
G r o u p ................................................ 80

7. ANOVA of WAIS Full Scale Scores for Long and Short

Coma G r o u p s .......................................... 81

8. ANOVA of WMS Quotients for Long and Short Coma

G r o u p s................................................ 82

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The Problem

This research was initiated to gain further knowledge regarding

the cooperative utilization of the Wechsler Memory Scale and the

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. More specifically, it is con­

cerned with the degree of difference between the Wechsler Adult

Intelligence Scale (WAIS) full scale intelligence quotient and the

Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS) memory quotient. For the remainder of

the present study this difference score will be more conveniently

referred to as the "WMS discrepancy score."

This WMS discrepancy score, when it does exist, is thought to

be important due to the fact that Wechsler (1945) constructed the

memory scale to be equivalent to the WAIS full scale intelligence

quotient score. Therefore, a Wechsler memory quotient significantly

below the WAIS intelligence quotient should logically predict diffi­

culties in information processing or memory as measured by the WMS.

The validity of the WMS as a screening device for memory dys­

function has been disputed however (Prigatano, 1978). He suggested

that the WMS was not sufficient as a test of memory owing to its

emphasis on verbal and language types of memory and its lack of

capability to measure functions other than short-term memory pro­

cesses. Prigatano (1977) also suggested that it is a poor screening

test for head injury.


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Despite its published shortcomings as a memory test, this re­

searcher has observed deficits in WMS performance in populations of

closed head injury patients. In an outpatient rehabilitation set­

ting, a number of closed head injury patients were examined on an

outpatient basis who were 2 years or more posttrauma. They seemed

to perform poorly on the WMS in relation to the WAIS; a fact that

appeared to be confirmed by the subjective impression that the

rehabilitation of these individuals was often most hindered by an

inability to show the capabilities for short-term memory and reten­

tion. Such subjective opinions of memory dysfunction have been

formerly documented (Benton, 1979; Black, 1973). This study

attempts to show that a comparison of the WMS discrepancy score

between closed head injury and nonclosed head injury patients might

help to determine if it could be used as a marker or indicator of

specific types of short-term memory deficits; particularly those

short-term memory processes that may be peculiar to thespecific

diffuse processes of closed head injury.

Neuropsychological batteries are constructed to be sensitive to

the type and severity of head injury. However, these neuro­

psychological batteries are not satisfactory as brief screening

devices for closed head injuries and they do not afford a comparison

between memory and nonmemory processes. The WMS has beenused in

conjunction with the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery for

years and it has recently been added to the Michigan Neuro­

psychological Battery (Smith, 1983). Therefore, with the possibil­

ity that it may show different sensitivity to different clinical

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syndromes, the use of the WMS in neuropsychological batteries needs

to be further defined. This would be particularly true in respect

to the meaning of the WMS discrepancy score. Logically, the

Wechsler memory quotient and WAIS full scale intelligence quotient

should show similar sensitivity to those types of brain dysfunction

where memory disturbance is not an expected complaint. Conversely,

in brain trauma where the damage is diffuse, there should be greater

memory impairment of the type measured by the WMS discrepancy score.

Also, if the WMS score is truly sensitive to short-term memory dis­

ruption following closed head injury, then the more severe closed

head injuries should be associated with greater WMS discrepancy

scores. Also, since severity of head injury is measured by impair­

ment ratings on neuropsychological tests, then the WMS discrepancy

score should increase along with those severity ratings among the

closed bead injured. Lastly, it is suggested that the closed head

injury patients will show greater WMS discrepancy scores than will

patients with localized lesions or psychiatric patients who are un­


This study then proposes to examine the WMS discrepancy score

in relation to other severity indicators and also to carry out a

comparison of the WMS discrepancy score with brain damaged and non­

brain-damaged populations. Such comparisons might greatly extend

the usefulness of the WMS as it is coming to be used as an addi­

tional neuropsychological technique. Due to its cited difficulties

in validity as a memory task or an individual screening technique

(Prigatano, 1977), its use within the context of other assessment

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measures might prove more useful. Additionally, the early detection

and assessment of the information processing and memory deficits of

the closed head injured patient might be more meaningful and more

simply assessed by a comparison of WMS and WAIS scores than with

other phases of neuropsychological assessment. Thus, this investi­

gation may help in the efficient use of measurement techniques

already present in neuropsychological batteries. The ultimate de­

tection and rehabilitation of cognitive deficits in the closed head

injury patient requires this type of specific description at the

earliest diagnostic opportunity.

In summary, the problem addressed by this research involves a

greater understanding of the possible short-term memory or informa­

tion processing deficits in closed head injury patients by the use

of a WMS and WAIS comparison score called the WMS discrepancy score.

It is attempted in this study to elucidate the meaning or importance

of the WMS discrepancy score by correlative or comparative tech­

niques and that the specific diagnostic capability of these deficits

in instances of closed head injury could be carried out through

already existing neuropsychological techniques which utilizes the

WAIS in combination with the WMS.

Review of Literature

The review of the literature will be organized in the following

manner: (a) definition and explanation of the diagnosis closed head

injury to clarify this trauma as a type of injury process; (b) the

definition and explanation of memory process; (c) a review of the

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literature with reference to the impact of head injury upon memory

processes; (d) the WMS will be described and a review will be pre­

sented of its relationship to brain trauma; (e) the WAIS will be

reviewed along with its relationship to brain trauma; (f) the WAIS

and WMS relationships will be described with emphasis upon their

differential sensitivity to brain impairment; and (g) the Halstead-

Reitan Neuropsychological Battery will be described with an emphasis

upon its sensitivity to brain dysfunction. A brief summary of the

literature which attempts to highlight the major findings will be

provided at the end of these reviews.

Definition of Closed Head Injury

Closed head injury results from the impact of a blunt object

striking the head. It is differentiated from a penetrating or

missile wound trauma by the absence of penetration of the brain case.

In penetrating head wounds the penetrating object itself may destroy

brain tissue and constitute an immediate cause of localized brain

lesion. Beyond the superficial fact that closed head Injuries do

not involve penetration and localized disruption of brain tissue,

closed head injuries involve a set of occurrences which qualify it

as a type of trauma quite distinct from other brain lesion producing


Ommaya and Gennarelli (1974) have explicated the actual physi­

cal process of damage. The brain, as a semigelatinous mass, is seen

to distort and move within the brain case under conditions of rota­

tion, sudden acceleration, or sudden deceleration. These movements,

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following blows to the head, distort the physical shape of the brain

particularly at the frontal and temporal poles. Shearing forces

disrupt the longer axon processes within the brain causing micro­

scopic, rather than mass, lesions. Additionally, the force of the

brain being pressed against the surfaces of the brain case may pro­

duce "bruising." Ommaya and Gennarelli (1974) attributed traumatic

unconsciousness also to shear strain which extends to lower brain

centers causing a "disconnection of the alerting system of the


Levin, Benton, and Grossman (1982) have cataloged additional

features. They described primary traumatic effects which are simi­

lar to those just described. These include both contusions and

microscopic shearing and stretching of nerve fibers across communi­

cating brain areas. They also cite the presence of intracranial

hemorrhage. Raised intracranial pressure due to swelling of damaged

tissues and the presence of mass lesions due to subdural bleeds and

hematomas are additional effects.

Closed head injury by definition is fundamentally, therefore, a

diffuse brain injury in which long axon processes connecting lower

brain centers with the cortex, and long axons within the cortex, are

disrupted. It is important for the purposes of the present study to

understand closed head injury, therefore, as a mostly nonlocalized

phenomena which may have superimposed localized affects due to

hematomas or hemorrhage. The major aspect of acceleration and de­

celeration of the brain within the skull and shearing forces are its

major discriminating features. These processes differentiate it

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from a more local or focalized process resulting from cerebral

vascular accidents, penetrating head wounds, tumors, or other patho­

logical process.

Sequelae of closed head injury have been reviewed by Benton

(1979). He noted the following symptom picture: (a) impairment

of concentration, (b) fatigability, (c) disturbances in memory,

(d) emotional instability and lowered tolerance for frustration,

(e) personality alteration including either depression or dis-

inhibition and euphoria, (f) some aphasic deficits, and (g) mixed,

inconsistent sensory deficits. For the entire range of closed head

injuries it would appear that the first three factors are the most

prevalent and serious in the report of closed head injuries and that

these symptom complexes, which appear to disrupt a client's momen­

tary capacity to attend to stimuli in the environment and to memorize

them, create long standing disability. An estimated 40% suffering

these disabilities fail to make a satisfactory long-term social and

economic adjustment following those injuries (Benton, 1979). The

importance of developing an assessment technique to alert clinicians

to the presence of disabling deficits in short-term memory is quite

obvious given this prevalence.

Definition of Memory Processes

Memory is a very broad concept that encompasses a number of

different processes and functions. E. W. Russell (1981) has re­

viewed the experimental literature and described types of memory

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functioning which have applications to clinical neuropsychological


E. W. Russell's (1981) description of memory function includes

a sensory store which is tied to immediate sensory detection capac­

ity and which fades extremely quickly. Of greater importance is

short-term memory also known as "immediate memory." This memory

function lasts for 20 to 40 seconds or slightly more. It is deter­

mined by specific capacity and is usually related to about seven

items; plus or minus two. Short-term memory is considered a "work­

ing memory" in that it is strongly associated with ongoing conscious­

ness and the momentary organization of awareness. Therefore, short­

term memory is intimately associated with the ongoing process of

mental organization as well as being an indicator of momentary

"storage." Thirdly, long-term memory has three recognized stages

consisting of consolidation, storage, and retrieval. The consolida­

tion stage is said to relate to the period when short-term memory is

being transferred to long-term memory storage. During this stage of

consolidation, long-term memory processes are particularly unstable

and this unstable period may last for minutes to hours. The word

recent memory is often used to describe that period of transfer

which is longer than actual short-term memory but it is not a true

long-term memory phenomenon. Long-term memory therefore extends

from the recent memory of a few minutes, to years, depending upon

the completeness and the organization of the memory trace.

Future discussions of memory in this paper will be primarily

concerned with memory under the above descriptions of short-term

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memory or long-term with recent memory being specifically designated

as an intermediate and transitional term between the two.

Closed Head Injury and Memory Impairment

Despite the broad range of memory impairments associated with

closed head injuries, the actual pattern of recovery of memory func­

tions following closed head injury and the long-term effects are

less clearly agreed upon. Conkey (1938) compared closed head injury

and control patients on a variety of cognitive tasks starting at

2 weeks post-injury and extending to 50 weeks post-injury. By the

time of the fourth test, the performance of the head injured group

approximated that of the control group. Conkey claimed, however, in

this group that memory performance fell behind the recovery of other

intellectual functions, particularly verbal functions. Brooks (1972)

tested 27 closed head injury patients on many tests of short-term

memory and, when compared with a normal control group, documented

difficulties on all measures used. He used a test very similar to

the verbal learning and visual reproduction subtest of the WMS and

interpreted his results to indicate that the head injury patients

showed severe memory deficits by acquiring less information ini­

tially and also showed increased forgetting through the process of

interference. In a later study, Brooks (1975) studied 30 closed

head injury patients whom he classified as "very severe" with most

having coma periods of 24 hours or more. He interpreted those re­

sults to suggest that long-term memory is more impaired than short­

term memory in closed head injury and that it is related to overall

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severity as measured by the length of coma. It should be noted,

however, that Brooks utilized a simple digit span subtest as one

measure of short-term memory which does not require organization of

the stimulus material and requires only very brief retention periods.

An inability to organize novel stimuli may contribute to diffi­

culties in recent memory as suggested by Brooks. Impairment of

memory functioning in 27 closed head injury patients in a task of

extremely short recognition memory (10 to 20 seconds) was described

by Levin, Grossman, and Kelly (1976). Persistent impairment on this

type of task was uncovered in this group several months or more

after trauma. They noted that many of the patients tested more than

a year following injury were among the most impaired, suggesting

rather permanent deficits. Since the present study is concerned

with the long-term residuals in memory functioning, this nicely

corroborates the presence of the problem with the results of the

early study by Conkey (1938) cited earlier, which showed some memory

impairments to persist even after recovery of many cognitive func­

tions .

Brooks (1975) specifically attempted to objectify whether short­

term memory or long-term memory processes are most affected ii closed

head injury patients. The 30 patients of his study were alert and

well recovered from any recent posttraumatic or acute memory diffi­

culties. The presentation of high frequency words and lists wich

recall periods ranging from zero seconds to 20 seconds was used in

addition to digit span. Brooks noted that head injured patients

were near normal in terms of digit span subtests but were

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significantly poorer on even very short delayed recall. He inter­

preted these results to suggest a "long-term" memory deficit. Again

these results could be an artifact of the overall complexity of the

memory task, with digit span subtests representing the most simple

and immediate form of short-term memory.

In another study attempting to find the nature of head injury

impairments, Silverstein, Rosenbaum, and Rennick (1979) attempted to

determine whether memory impairments were the results of decay in

unstable memory traces or whether brain damaged individuals were

more subject to greater interference which erased previous memories.

Their sample included a mixed group of head injuries, including

closed head injuries as well as neurosurgical patients. The results

indicated that decay, and impairment of consolidation at the level

of immediate memory, was greatest for this group. This implies

deficits in the area of short-term memory and favors the hypothesis

of rapid decay.

The previous studies suggest that while there is agreement

regarding the presence of memory impairment in head injury patients,

speculation about the type of memory impaired varies from the short­

term memory processes to more long-term memory processes. The

actual incidence of memory dysfunction following closed head injury

was probably first investigated by W. R. Russell (1932). He cal­

culated that about 36% of the cases following closed head injury

develop some type residual memory problem. However, methodological

problems with the study were present in that the degree of memory

impairment was not reported and the method arriving at "severity"

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was not reported. More recently, Lidvall, Linderoth, and Norlin

(cited in Schacter & Crovitz, 1977) depended upon the patient's sub­

jective report to determine the incidence of memory impairment and

found reported memory difficulties in about 16% of closed head in­

jury cases they reviewed. These cases range from only 2 to 90 days

posttrauma, however, suggesting that much of their sample was biased

in the direction of very mild postconcussive syndromes. Both of the

above studies lack comparative psychometric data or any controls

upon the severity of head injury, such as length of coma.

In a very comprehensive review of the literature regarding

closed head injuries, Schacter and Crovitz (1977) concluded that

most studies of closed head injury substantiate correlations between

posttraumatic amnesia, which is the period of absence of continuous

awareness following injury, and length of coma to a broad range of

memory difficulties. However, they noted that the literature con­

cerning the recovery process ranges from studies that suggest no

remaining memory impairment 2 years after closed head injury to

those who were able to find correlations between coma and memory

deficits as much as 5 years after injury. There is a general tend­

ency for a variety of memory effects to be found in head injuries,

especially with longer periods of coma or posttraumatic amnesia.

Differences in methods of measurement as well as rather important

differences in agreement about what is considered long or short

periods of coma prevent meaningful consistencies in conclusions

drawn about the overall impact of closed head injury upon later

memory functioning. Early as well as later studies, as we have seen,

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however, suggest that memory impairment is a remaining deficit of

considerable importance.

A major lack of specific comparisons between types of head

trauma is conspicuous in the early literature. The next section

which more specifically reviews the use of the WMS to measure head

injury effects allows examination of more consistent results of a

single psychometric instrument.

The WMS and Its Relationship to Brain Trauma

An explanation of the WMS, its content, and its psychometric

structure is in order previous to a review of its sensitivity to

brain damage effects.

Wechsler (1945) desired to develop a "rapid, simple memory

examination.11 Since he desired that the memory quotient scoresbe

made comparable and equivalent to the then popular Wechsler-Bellevue

Intelligence Scale, he calculated correction scores for an age group

that could be added to the total score of the WMS so that the

patient's memory quotient would be equal to his or her full scale

intelligence quotient score. In this way he had hoped that memory

deficits relative to the patient's overall cognitive functioning

could be estimated.

He included seven subtests. Subtests 1 and 2 are concerned

with personal and current Information as well as orientation. These

subtests essentially determine whether the patient is communicative

or oriented to surroundings sufficiently to take the test. A third

section, mental control, requires the patient to rapidly execute

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overlearned material, such as reciting the alphabet, counting by 3s,

and doing other simple tasks under the pressure of time. Logical

memory is the fourth section and requires the person to recall a

number of items presented in two short-story passages which are read

to the patient. The fifth section which is memory span is identical

to digit span on WA1S. The sixth section which is visual reproduc­

tion requires the person to draw from memory geometric designs after

he or she has been shown them for 10 seconds. The seventh section

is associate learning which requires a patient to listen to a number

of paired words and then to recall the accompanying word when the

word list is read. The patient is allowed three trials, and the

words are divided into easy words which are logically associated and

hard words which have no logical association.

The factor structure of the memory scale was investigated by

Davis and Swenson (1970). The factor analytic study produced two

factors which they labeled long- and short-term storage and the

third factor called "mental control" which they claimed as having

much in common with the "freedom-from-distractability factor" or the

ability to maintain concentration under more complex stimulus demand

conditions. Kear-Colwell (1977) did a factor analysis of WMS re­

sults in 112 patients referred for investigation of possible organic

pathology of the brain. While the pathology type was not specified,

a similar factor structure emerged. This consisted of (a) the re­

call of immediate novel information to both visual and auditory

modalities, (b) attention concentration and rapid processing of

verbal information, and (c) orientation to place and time and the

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recall of simple long established verbal information. Their idea of

emphasizing a novel learning or "short-term memory" function along

with attention and concentration capability is very similar to the

earlier study of Davis and Swenson (1970). Still another factor

analysis of the test carried out by Dujovne and Levy (1971) compared

the factor analytic results of normals to a patient group of mixed

psychiatric diagnosis. They extracted three factors for normals

which they called (1) general attentiveness, (2) simple learning,

and (3) associational flexibility. For patients the relevant dimen­

sions were named (1) mental control, (2) associational flexibility,

and (3) cognitive dysfunction. In the patient group, associative

flexibility and cognitive dysfunction accounted for the majority of

the common variance. The factor of associative flexibility appeared

to load on associative learning with the cognitive dysfunction factor

loading on visual reproduction, logical memory, and the verbal asso­

ciates portions of the test. The overall results were interpreted

to indicate that, as a whole, the WMS may be sensitive to dysfunc­

tions in "associative flexibility" such that the capacity for analy­

sis and synthesis of complex stimuli and a rather immediate reten­

tion of this stimuli was impaired.

This would suggest that the WMS is also sensitive to variables

which serve as a platform for short-term memory processes. This

would seem to suggest that in a normal sample the WMS was sensitive

to a factor of "general retentiveness" that is closely related to

verbal intelligence. Therefore, the WMS may be detecting cognitive

abnormalities related to concreteness and an inability to rapidly

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synthesize information.

Dye (1982) did a factor analysis of the WMS in results obtained

from patients over 50 years of age. She reported that the factor

structure in this age group was more similar to the patient than the

nonpatient population of previous studies. That is, a short-term

memory factor of retention and a second factor of attention and con­

centration that governs rapid organization and input appear to

determine the performance in this group as well as in the patient

population. These factor analytic studies appear to portray the WMS

as an instrument that may not be sensitive to pure memory function,

but rather cognitive processes which determine the rapid and flex­

ible acquisition of stimuli.

The more recent validation study by Kear-Colwell and Heller

(1978) replicated the presence of the factors of learning and imme­

diate recall of information and attention and concentration in a

population of normal subjects divided into a young and an old age

group. The overall results obtained were construed to suggest that

these two factors were indeed a measure of short-term memory. In

the most recent large scale review of most of the literature con­

cerning the WMS, Prigatano (1978) summed up the positive features of

the test as including a relatively constant factor structure in the

areas of attention and concentration to novel information and gen­

eral retentiveness in the verbal mode. He noted that it has limita­

tions, however, in that it appears to be a poor measure of nonverbal

memory and fails to adequately address a more full range of memory

functions, such as recent or long-term memory.

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An emergent Impression of the WMS based upon the review cited

thus far suggests that it is too "narrow" to serve as an actual

battery of memory testing. However, its sensitivity to operations

requiring flexibility without distractability and its involvement

with a general factor of retentiveness would suggest that it has

merit in measuring dysfunction in brain trauma syndromes where these

types of learning deficits are considered to be key events.

These learning deficits will be shown to be important to the

diffuse head injury processes, which are theoretically related to

closed head injury, at another point in this study. However, a re­

view of the relationship of the WMS to more specific processes of

brain trauma is warranted.

The literature relating the WMS to the effects of brain trauma

and closed head injury has shown a great deal of growth within the

last 10 years. The WMS (Wechsler, 1945) has been in existence for

over 30 years and in its most recent history has been probably the

most frequently used instrument for investigating memory deficits in

head trauma (Prigatano, 1978). Since it continues to be widely used

as a neuropsychological technique, a review of the relationships

between this test and head trauma will be carried out here.

In one of the earliest comparison studies, Cohen (1950) com­

pared patients with psychoneurotic difficulties, "organic pathology,"

and schizophrenics. The organic group was divided into cases of

encephalitis, brain tumor, and posttraumatic syndromes. His study

lacks completeness in definition of cerebral pathology. The groups

were compared in terms of their performance on the WMS, but in

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addition, It Included the Wechsler-Bellevue full scale Intelligence

quotient and memory quotient discrepancy score, which is the topic

of this study. He found that the memory functioning of these three

groups could not be discriminated in terms of WMS subtest scores or

deviation from Wechsler-Bellevue intelligence quotient scores. It

should be noted that there was no description of the "traumatic"

cases. There was no attempt to discriminate closed head injury from

other types. Another similar early study by Howard (1950) compared

epileptics, various encephalopathies, and 35 paretics. He was not

able to distinguish any of these groups from the control group with

the exception of some of the paretics. Again, this study lacked a

clear definition of cerebral pathology and appeared to exclude

closed head injury as a syndrome.

Bachrach and Mintz (1974) compared two groups of neuro­

psychiatric patients. Group 1 consisted of 42 patients with a clear

diagnosis of cerebral dysfunction. These were compared to psychiat­

ric patients with no such diagnosis. They stated that four subtests

from the WMS (information, logical memory, designs, and associative

learning) significantly discriminated between those impaired and

unimparied patients. These authors did not specify the type of dys­

function that they thought the WMS might be sensitive to. Rather,

they hoped it to be a more general tool for the prediction of "mild

cerebral dysfunction." This claim is contested by Prigatano (1977).

He compared 31 adult patients with confirmed brain dysfunction to 26

adult patients without similar dysfunction. He noted that these

patients generally performed poorly on subtests of the WMS, but

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these differences drastically decreased when intelligence quotient

levels were matched. This suggested that the WMS was a poor screen­

ing device for brain dysfunction and that consistent with its pre­

viously established norms (Wechsler, 1945) it was not discrepant or

additive to cognitive functions as measured by the Wechsler Adult

Intelligence Scale (WAIS).

Although the WMS is described in the above studies as being

insensitive to undefined cerebral dysfunction, its failure may not

necessarily reflect uselessness due to the criticisms inherent in

patient selection processes. There is no reason to believe that all

organic disorders of the central nervous system will necessarily

cause memory dysfunction in the same manner. A unitary concept of

brain damage may not be adequate to understand the relationships

between memory function and organic brain disorders.

In a factor analytic study in which factor scores were calcu­

lated for patients with different types of organic pathologies,

Kear-Colwell (1973) investigated the performance of 250 patients on

the WAIS and WMS. They located three factors. The first loaded

highly on complex short-term memory. The second appeared to consist

of mental control and seemed to involve processes of immediate atten­

tion, concentration, and the ability to process verbal nonsemantic

information. Factor 3 appeared to load primarily on very long-term

memory processes. These factors were continuous across groups with

the first factor correlating highly with intelligence. The group

with mixed head injuries scored significantly different on Factors

1 and 2 with major deficits appearing on Factor 1. These figures

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suggest that compared with normal subjects of similar age and

intellectual ability, the head injury subjects evidence memory dys­

function on two to three factors described in this study. Their

research also appeared to support the conclusion that while some

localized and focal lesions do not produce measurable memory defect,

diffuse head injury manifestations create greater memory disturbance

as measured by the WMS.

In one of thefirst studies to closely control the type of

cerebral pathology, Brooks (1976) examined 82 patients with "severe"

head injury (posttraumatic amnesia lasting at least 2 days). He

found rather conclusive results in this study that these head in­

jured patients had severe memory difficulties, particularly on

logical memory and associative learning. Posttraumatic amnesia and

length of coma were related to poor performance, as was increasing

age. He also noted, however, that more localizing neurological

signs, such as skull fracture or dysphasia, were not related to dif­

ficulties in performance.

These results are interesting in the context of the present

study because they appear to relate diffuse processes to deficits in

WMS performance and suggest that focal signs, when present, are less

clearly predictors of poor memory function as defined by WMS per­

formance. Secondly, this study marks very clear-cut results of

memory deficit in closed head injuries which are apparently remain­

ing many months after injury. Also, Brooks (1976) suggested that on

a long-term presentation ( 1 hour), retention proved very difficult

for head injured patients. On logical memory, head injured patients

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were significantly poorer at immediate and delayed recall although

their rate of forgetting was not significantly greater than controls.

This suggests that the acquisition of the stimuli affects both imme­

diate retention as well as the longer term retention which follows.

In general, Brooks observed that patients with a length of coma of

1 week or less were much less affected on memory tasks than patients

with a comatose period lasting greater than 1 week. He also sug­

gested that recovery of memory to a stable but low level may take

place possibly within the first A to 6 months after injury.

In another study of head injured patients, Kear-Colwell and

Heller (1980) performed a factor analysis study comparing head in­

jury subjects with a control group from the general population.

This study isolated three factors which were persistently identified

in other factor analytic studies of the WMS and cited earlier. This

involved the learning and immediate recall (short-term memory) of

new semantic and complex information. It also included attention

and concentration or freedom from distractability with the third

factor being the overall orientation to time, place, and the recall

of simple long-established information. The differences between the

head injured group and the general population were very striking

with differences obtained at all three factors, particularly Factors

1 and 2. Although the head injury group produced decrements on all

aspects of performance on the WMS, it had a particularly marked

effect on tasks that required the immediate learning of new verbal

information, i.e., logical memory and associative learning. It was

concluded that the WMS has useful validity for describing these

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types of cognitive deficits and in identifying these particular

types of cognitive dysfunctions in head injured patients.

A rather unique application of the WMS to the measurement of

brain damage was carried out by Kljajic (1975). He attempted to

compensate for the lack of scale scores on the WMS by comparing

"don't hold subtest" on the WMS (the associate learning subtests)

with the "hold subtests" (orientation, mental control, and digit

span). He was able to discriminate head injured from noninjured

groups based upon their performance on these two subtests, with the

brain injured group performing much more poorly on the "don't hold

subtest" in relation to the "hold subtest." This may point out the

susceptibility of the head injured groups to performance deficits on

the associative learning subtest. It also demonstrates the apparent

difficulty the head injured populations have in dealing with the

more complex subtests in terms of the types of material learned.

The head injured group correspondingly had a much easier time in the

performance of overlearned simple material which did not require the

rapid efficient organization of multiple verbal stimuli such as that

found in the associate learning subtest.

In another study which did control for the type of pathology,

Black (1973) compared WMS performance on groups who have suffered

both penetrating missile wounds and closed head injuries. As pre­

dicted, the degree of impairment on three tests of memory was sig­

nificantly greater in closed head injury, as compared to brain

damage secondary to penetrating missile wounds. Although there was

considerable variation in individual test performance, suggesting

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that a "pure" type of head trauma is improbable, the group tendency

was very clear. These results suggest that discrete and localized

brain trauma does not result in as great a memory impairment as the

more diffuse types of head injury processes.

The effects of unilateral lesions on WMS performance was

studied by Bornstein (1982). He demonstrated that the WMS was

sensitive to the effects of lateralized lesions. As expected,

right lesion patients scored poorly on visual reproduction, while

left lesion patients scored poorly on logical memory and verbal

associate learning. The former finding corroborates the observation

of E. W. Russell (1975), who developed a scoring system to test

recent memory and found visual reproduction to function well as a

diagnostic indicator of right hemisphere lesion. Thus, although

diffuse head injury processes result in greater overall decrements

in memory processes, it would appear that some modality specific

memory deficits can be measured by the WMS if the lesions are spe­

cific in regard to laterality. E. W. Russell (1982) used the same

revised scoring system of the WMS in a factor analytic study of the

Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery. In the context of that

battery of tests sensitive to a variety of dysfunctions, he found

five types of memory functions loaded with many nonmemory functions

on the same factors. This led him to conclude that the processing

of immediate or short-term memory in any given modality (i.e.,

verbal or visual) is carried out by discrete brain areas, but that

these discrete and modality specific storage functions act in a unit

for purposes of integrated activity for more consolidated long-term

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memory activity. This would explain why highly lateralized and

specific lesion processes result in modality specific performance

on the WMS. It would also explain why the diffuse head injury pro­

cess resulting from closed head injuries has an even greater adverse

effect upon WMS performance. That is, a disruption of connections

between lower brain centers and the cortex as well as intercortical

disruption occurs causing impairment of memory processing across

modalities with a special impact upon memory processes requiring

simultaneous integrating activity.

The studies cited above appear to emphasize the thesis of this

study. That is, particular types of memory and acquisitional

deficits result from the diffuse process of closed head injury. The

bulk of the literature reviewed on the results of head trauma upon

WMS performance also suggests that the more complex portions of the

WMS, or those requiring the simultaneous integration of complex

verbal stimuli, are also areas of particular susceptibility in dif­

fuse closed head injury trauma. A discrepancy between these more

complex types of short-term memory processes with other cognitive

functions which require less efficiency or adaptation to complex

novel information would seem likely. In a following section, a re­

view of the WMS and WAIS relationships may attempt to clarify this

possibility by examining the relationship between the WMS and the

WAIS for both normal and brain damaged populations. It would seem

logical that, if the WAIS contained many cognitive tasks which do

not require rapid acquisition of new memory, the pathological

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affects of closed head injuries would be less noticeable on portions

or all of the WAIS than it is on the WMS.

The WAIS and Its Relationship to Brain Trauma

The WAIS will be reviewed in terms of the most recent and im­

portant literature in regard to the performance of brain damaged

individuals on the WAIS. Previous to that review, however, a func­

tional description of the test is provided such that the construc­

tion of the subtests will be understood along with a shared under­

standing of the domains of behavior measured by the subtests. A

description of those subtests will be provided by paraphrasing the

originator of the test (Wechsler, 1958).

Since Wechsler (1958) believed that intelligence was the net

result of interaction between various factors of intelligence, he

constructed his intelligence scale to be a battery of tests in order

that those factors might be measured separately. In choosing sub­

tests he used criteria which consisted of an analysis of standard­

ized tests already in use. An attempt was then made to evaluate the

validity of each subtest on the basis of correlations with other

recognized tests and empirical ratings of intelligence. An attempt

was then made to relate these tests to the clinical experience of

practitioners. Following the selections of subtests, some 2 years

were devoted to experimental work on individuals with known intelli­

gence levels. He originally selected 12 tests and later dropped one

of the subtests called cube analysis.

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The following is a listing and description of the subtests

following the most important elements in Wechsler's (1958) descrip­

tions. A first subtest called the Information Subtest examines an

individual's range of information by accessing the amount of common

information an individual has the opportunity to acquire. The Com­

prehension Subtest requires an individual to furnish his or her

answer to questions requiring problematic but practical thinking.

These subtests, however, are presented at different levels of com­

plexity, such that the most complex requires some abstract thinking.

The Arithmetic Subtest was added to access computational skills in­

volving practical calculations which must be done without the aid of

written reference. The Digit Span Subtest, which is used both on

the WMS and the WAIS, is one of the most specific subtests in terms

of the type of ability it measures and was included to estimate

attention and retentiveness. The Similarities Subtest requires

individuals to associate elements or concepts in terms of their com­

mon elements and thereby stresses concept formation and to a certain

degree is controlled by the "logical character of the subject's

thinking processes." The Picture Arrangement Subtest, which begins

the performance section of the WAIS, requires individuals to sequen­

tially understand disarranged picture stories and to correct the

order. It is supposed to measure the subject's ability to access a

total situation as well as its parts in sequence. The Picture Com­

pletion Subtest requires analysis of a visual scene with the intent

of identifying a specific missing part thereby measuring speed in

visual analysis and attention detail. The Block Design Subtest is

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basically a task of imitation requiring a person to assemble colored

blocks to match geometric patterns. It requires spatial perceptual

skills and ability to visually analyze form. The Digit Symbol Sub­

test requires a subject to associate certain symbols with numbers in

a manner which requires visual speed and accuracy along with dexter­

ity. The Object Assembly Subtest consists of four figure form-

boards consisting of an elephant, a maniken, a hand, and a face and

profile. These are presented to the subject in disarray with the

instruction to assemble them into a finished object. It thus has a

puzzle-like quality but visual discovery is important on the more

difficult items. The Vocabulary Subtest is basically a measure of a

person's ability to define words presented both verbally and visu­

ally. It simply calls for a defined response to presented words.

The above subtests comprised the verbal portion of the battery

(Information, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Similarities, Arithmetic,

and Digit Span). The "performance" section of the battery includes

Block Design, Picture Arrangement, Picture Completion, Digit Symbol,

and Object Assembly. A group intelligence quotient score is ob­

tained for the verbal subtest, as well as the performance subtest,

and then these scores are combined to obtain an age corrected full-

scale intelligence quotient.

A discussion of the subtests on different factors obtained in

factor analysis is beyond the scope of the present review. However,

it should be noted that Wechsler (1958) described three factors

which are currently identified. These are a verbal comprehension

factor, a nonverbal organizational factor, and a general intellectual

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factor. Most of the verbal subtests load heavily on the verbal com­

prehension factor with performance subtests loading highly on the

nonverbal organizational factor. Besides the general factor of

intelligence which shows relatively good correlations with most of

the subtests, a fourth factor has also emerged which is termed by

Wechsler to be "memory" or freedom from distractability. The meth­

ods section contains a review of the basic normative data that per­

tains to the WAIS (and its more recent form the WAIS-Revlsed Form).

Studies reflecting the effect of head trauma or organic brain

syndrome upon the WAIS have frequently been preoccupied with path­

ology affecting either the right or left hemispheres. More recently,

researchers have attempted to contrast actual pathology types, such

as comparing closed head injury to other specific types of wound

processes. Representative studies which relate recovery of intel­

lectual functions, as measured by the WAIS, to closed head injury

have been relatively recent. A range of this research will be

covered presently to help elucidate the meaning of the WAIS in the

context of measurement of brain dysfunction and to survey the most

recent relevant research of the psychometric properties of the WAIS

in respect to brain injury.

It has long been typical for studies to compare groups of brain

damaged persons with known lesions in either the right or left hemi­

sphere on the WAIS. In this manner, several reports appear indi­

cating that lesions of the left cerebral hemisphere were related to

impaired ability to deal with language and right hemispheric lesions

have been associated with impaired ability in the area of

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visuo-spatial tasks (Fitzhugh, Fitzhugh, & Reitan, 1962). Other

relationships of WAIS performance patterns to type of cerebral dys­

function became apparent, however. Fitzhugh and Fitzhugh (1964)

compared patients with lateralized cerebral dysfunctions to those

with diffuse cerebral dysfunction. In addition to the more simple

relationship of right and left hemispheric effects, they discovered

that the performance subtests were more impaired in the diffuse

lesion groups than were verbal subtests. Heilbrun (1956) also

called attention to the possibility that the performance subtests

are a more "heterogeneous" group of sub tests and speculated that

they may not be truly "nonverbal."

Parsons, Vega, and Burn (1969) compared bilateral lesions (both

hemispheres involved) with unilateral lesions (only right or left

hemisphere damage). They did support the hypothesis that left hemi­

sphere damage results in impairment of language abilities and right

hemisphere damage results in decrement of visuo-spatial ability.

They investigated this hypothesis using only Vocabulary as a lan­

guage score and Block Design as a performance score, however. Using

this technique, they could not discriminate a group with bilateral

head injury from a unilateral lesion group. They did not specify

the nature of the bilateral head injury subjects used in the study.

Zimmerman, Whitmyre, and Fields (1970) investigated differences

in the factor structure of the intelligence scores in right, left,

and "diffuse" cerebral dysfunction patients. In this group only a

minor portion of the diffuse dysfunction group were closed head in­

juries. However, they did find that the greatest similarity in

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factor structure appears between the right hemisphere injury group

and the diffuse injury groups. They interpreted these findings to

mean that the lowering of performance scores may be more predictive

of cerebral involvement than the lowering of verbal scores, though

performance scores, overall, are less predictive of the question of

unilateral versus diffuse cerebral dysfunction. Their study did,

however, support the presence of a "verbal factor, performance fac­

tor and memory efficiency or freedom from distractability factor."

Simpson and Vega (1971) also studied the effects of unilateral

brain damage on the WAIS and attempted to control the confounding

effects of advancing age by using age corrected scaled scores to

study patterns of intellectual deficits associated with damage to

one or the other cerebral hemispheres. They achieved the expected

results. That is, brain damaged groups show more impairment than

controls in overall levels of function. However, they noted that

there was no significant difference between right hemisphere brain

damage, left hemisphere brain damage, and bilateral hemisphere brain

damage groups on the performance subtests. Woo-Sam (1971) offered

partial experimental verification that age compensated scores

achieve spurious results due to the affect of aging factors on the

performance subtest. He compared 21 subjects identified as right

hemisphere damaged and 15 subjects considered as left hemisphere

damaged within a single age group (ages 30 to 36) and failed to

report clear differences between right brain dysfunction and left

brain dysfunction in respect to verbal or performance intelligence

factors. His study, however, again does not consider overall

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severity of injury. It does not include a description of localiza­

tion of dysfunction or type of trauma.

In a group of mostly chronic brain damaged subjects, E. W.

Russell (1972) demonstrated that while WAIS performance is affected

by brain damage, its basic factor structure is not. He confirmed a

factor of general intelligence, verbal intelligence, and visual-

organizational intelligence along with memory and freedom from dis­

tractability factors. He substantiated the reported history that

Digit Symbol was particularly affected by a variety of brain damage

conditions, but suggested strongly that laterality of brain damage

was not related to verbal and performance factors in these more

chronic brain damaged cases. The study suffers again from the

heterogeneity of the brain damaged types in the population study.

Lansdell and Smith (1975) studied 268 head injured servicemen

divided between cases of penetrating head wounds, closed head in­

juries, and mixed cerebral damage. They applied factor analytic

methods and found a verbal factor loading on the Vocabulary Subtest

with a second factor loading on the Object Assembly Subtest which

was apparently linked to visual organizational skills. The patterns

of ability uncovered are similar to other studies. They interpreted

their results to indicate a resiliency for a verbal factor and a

tendency toward remaining impairment for nonverbal factors after

brain damage. They hypothesized that the WAIS performance intelli­

gence quotient may contain a verbal component, making it more vulner­

able to impairment in all types of brain damage.

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In a similar vein, Todd, Coolidge, and Satz (1977) investigated

WAIS functioning in 335 patients. These were split between psychi­

atric controls, 69 "diffuse" brain damaged cases, 46 right lateral­

ized brain damaged cases, and 68 left lateralized brain damaged

cases. Like other studies, their data for localization was based

upon standard neurological procedures; however, their patient group

was again very mixed. The categories of brain damage included head

trauma, cerebral vascular accidents, tumors, degenerative diseases,

epilepsy, and a large unclassified group. They applied the WAIS

verbal intelligence quotient/performance intelligence quotient dis­

crepancy index. This is the degree of difference between the per­

formance intelligence quotient and the verbal intelligence quotient.

The results suggested that the verbal intelligence quotient/perform­

ance intelligence quotient discrepancy not be used as a diagnostic

screening tool due to the fact that these discrepancy scores were

not consistently related to status or type of lesion. In all groups

they noted that mean performance intelligence quotients were sig­

nificantly lower than mean verbal intelligence quotients.

The above studies concerning the lateralized indicators of

brain damage have much in common. They often use clearly heteroge­

neous populations. For the purposes of this study it is important

that closed head injury as a distinct traumatic phenomenon is

largely ignored. While the same factors of intelligence are present

and substantiated for most control groups consisting of normal popu­

lations, these studies also substantiate that the clear and simple

use of verbal intelligence quotient/performance intelligence

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quotient discrepancy scores or differences are not easily relatable

to localization of trauma or type of brain damage. Also, on the

whole, they yield findings indicating a greater susceptibility of

the performance intelligence quotient factor to most types of brain

trauma with the exception of some cases showing highly localized

unilateral dysfunction.

These findings also generally lend support to Wechsler's (1958)

claim that brain damage to either or both hemispheres significantly

lowers the performance intelligence quotient but does not affect the

verbal intelligence quotient as dramatically. Moreover, these re­

sults lend further credence to Smith's (1966) results. He found

that over 65% of his left hemisphere damaged group had a higher

verbal intelligence quotient than performance intelligence quotient.

He suggested that his findings indicated that impairment secondary

to a wide number of brain trauma types causes impairment in perform­

ance intelligence quotient. Smith's subjects also varied dramati­

cally in the type and recency of their brain damage. So while the

general tendency of liability of performance intelligence quotient

appears in Smith's study, the same criticism of mixed patient groups


A WAIS performance comparison between brain damaged populations

and neurotic adjustments was done by Ladd (1964). His brain damaged

group consisted of 50 male patients with undefined cerebral disease.

Also he purposely excluded grossly impaired brain damaged individ­

uals. Interestingly, like many previous studies his results showed

that the brain damaged group was significantly lower in full scale

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intelligence quotient and performance intelligence quotient but they

were not lower than the neurotic group in verbal intelligence quo­

tient. Within group comparisons in that study suggested that verbal

intelligence quotient and performance intelligence quotient were

roughly equivalent; however, the verbal intelligence quotient and

performance intelligence quotient discrepancy in the brain damaged

group was significantly larger. There was no particular pattern of

individual subtest deficits in this heterogeneous group. This par­

ticular study raised the question of whether any particular pattern

of subscore variation could be used in individual diagnosis of brain

damage. Similar general results were obtained by Vogt and Heaton

(1977) . They studied patients with extreme values on the impairment

index of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery. These are

a large group of tests which are sensitive to a variety of cerebral

dysfunction. When comparing impaired groups with unimpaired groups

on that index, they found that the impaired group did worse on all

11 WAIS subtests. Compared to the nonimpaired group, however, im­

paired subjects appeared to do relatively poorer on Block Design and

Object Assembly and did relatively better on Information, Comprehen­

sion, Vocabulary, and Picture Completion. These results are similar

to other results and suggest a greater sensitivity of the perform­

ance subtest to impairment. In addition to using the Halstead

Impairment Index as a definition of impairment, however, this study

is important from the standpoint that it appears to support

Wechsler's (1944) idea of a "deterioration quotient."

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In developing that deterioration quotient, Wechsler hypothe­

sized "don't hold" and "hold" subtests. He suggested that, under

conditions of deterioration of brain function, "hold" subtests would

be less subject to performance decrements; and the "don't hold" sub­

tests would be more subject to performance decrements following any

condition of deterioration. He hypothesized "don't hold" subtests

to be Digit Span, Digit Symbol, Arithmetic, and Block Design.

"Hold" subtests are Information, Object Assembly, Picture Completion,

and Comprehension. The above results generally support Wechsler's

contention with the exception of Object Assembly. It is seen in the

present review that Object Assembly appears to be part of a percep­

tual organizational factor which is managed very poorly by brain

damaged individuals.

In another study which compared WAIS performance with the

Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery, Logue and Allen (1971)

confirmed a correlation between Wechsler full scale intelligence and

predicted category errors. The Categories Test on the Halstead-

Reitan Neuropsychological Battery is its single most valuable indi­

cator of cerebral dysfunction. It is basically a concept formation

task involving higher level problem-solving skills. It requires

flexibility in judgment, problem solving, and analysis. Its rela­

tionship to the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale full scale intel­

ligence quotient is documented and the above authors developed a

table that would enable direct comparison scores to evaluate Cate­

gory Test performance while correcting for intelligence quotient.

The nature and description of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological

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Battery and the specific indicators on that battery will be reviewed.

Mandleberg (1975) and Mandleberg and Brooks (1975) studied WAIS

performance as indicators of cognitive recovery after severe head

injury. Unlike other studies, they selected rather carefully for

the diffuse damage which results from the pathophysiological effects

of closed head injuries. Their findings are instructional from the

standpoint that they documented remarkable recovery in overall WAIS

intelligence quotient for their group of patients with severe head

injuries (posttraumatic amnesia greater than 1 week). During post­

traumatic amnesia they discovered that verbal ability appeared to be

relatively intact, while nonverbal skills were extremely poorly exe­

cuted. It should be realized, however, that they tested individuals

during a period where they were oriented but not necessarily capable

of responding to complex stimulation, including test instructions.

Over the period of serial testing, verbal subtest scaled scores

showed less initial impairment and were faster to recover than were

all nonverbal subtest scores. Verbal intelligence quotient scores

for a head injured group approached that of a comparison group

within about 1 year following the injury, while the performance

intelligence quotient continued to be deficient for a period last­

ing over at least 3 years. They also noted that the pattern of

impairment on the WAIS for this closed head injury group corres­

ponded to that typically displayed by the right hemisphere or bi­

laterally damaged groups. That is, the discrepancy between verbal

and performance subtests continued to be present, with the perform­

ance subtest being more poorly performed. Mandleberg (1976) also

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related WAIS performance to length of posttraumatic amnesia. While

verbal intelligence deficits were related to posttraumatic amnesia

duration at 3 months, performance intelligence quotient deficits

continued to be correlated to posttraumatic amnesia after 6 months.

These relationships had disappeared by 30 months after injury. In a

study of a similar nature, Becker (1975) had administered the WAIS

to 10 patients who had sustained closed head injuries in auto acci­

dents. This head injured group displayed initially severe deficits

with subsequent improvement on the performance subtests, especially

Digit Symbol, Block Design, and Object Assembly. The susceptibility

of perceptual organizational skills to diffuse head injury was re­

inforced by the fact that Digit Span and Block Design appeared to be

the most sensitive indicators of improvement.

Other systematic studies of diffuse and closed head injuries

syndromes were carried out by E. W. Russell (1979, 1980). In both

studies, E. W. Russell was concerned with patterns of brain damage

as defined by the WAIS sub test profile. As has been the case with

much of the review of the literature, he suggested that diffuse

degenerative brain damage has about the same pattern of WAIS per­

formance as does right hemisphere damage. He concluded that the

WAIS has defects from the standpoint of neuropsychological testing

in that the verbal portion does not have subtests that are highly

sensitive to brain damage. On the other hand, Digit Symbol, Block

Design, and Object Assembly, which constitute a majority of the per­

formance subtests, are all sensitive to brain damage.

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WAIS and WMS Relationships

The effects of brain dysfunction on the performance of the WMS

and the WAIS have been reviewed in separate sections previously.

While they are different in regard to sensitivity to brain dysfunc­

tion, they have rather high intercorrelations as, indeed, they were

intended to (Wechsler, 1945). Libb and Coleman (1971) used out­

patients with disability groups including mental retardation, psychi­

atric disorders, and physical problems to study WAIS and WMS rela­

tionships. They found significant correlations and a very close

relationship between the WAIS full scale intelligence quotient and

Wechsler memory quotient. This was true for all three groups, none

of which showed cr documented memory disturbance or brain damage,


In a study which did correlate Wechsler memory quotients with

the Wechsler Adult Intelligence full scale intelligence quotient,

Fields (1971) found that in a brain damaged population, a similar

high and significant correlation between the WMS and the WAIS. How­

ever, this study also failed to control for the effects of qualita­

tively different types of pathology. This research population was

mixed to include focalized and nonfocalized lesions in an extremely

heterogeneous sample. Field (1971) argued that the WMS and WAIS

measured the same factor of "general intelligence." Likewise, Hall

and Toal (1957) suggested that the overlap between the WMS and the

Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale was so large as to not justify

giving both tests. Hall and Toal (1957) also noted occasional

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subjects who achieved very low intercorrelations between the WMS

subtests. This was' interpreted as low reliability due to the brev­

ity of the test. An alternative explanation, however, may be found

in the fact that all the subtests are combined to achieve a memory

quotient. Owing to the fact that the previously cited factor

analytic studies of the WMS have noted a complex audio-verbal factor

and an attention and concentration factor, it is likely that the

Wechsler memory quotient often is masking true variability in dif­

ferent facets of memory performance and, hence, eliminating con­

sistent differences when compared to the WAIS. A more pervasive and

sweeping difficulty in attention or concentration among brain in­

jured might more favorably highlight WAIS and WMS differences. That

is, the freedom from distractability factor may not be as important

in normals or mixed .patient groups as it is in amnestic neurological

disabilities, particularly closed head injury.

Thus, while memory quotient and full scale intelligence quo­

tient are highly correlated in individuals of average intelligence

and in mixed pathology (Hall & Toal, 1957; Libb & Coleman, 1971),

it would be important to investigate whether there are memory quo­

tient and intelligence quotient differences in individuals with

syndromes which are clearly expected to evidence these differences

based on history or neuroanatomical evidence. In a group of 15

patients with Wernike-Korsakoff Syndrome (a syndrome known for short­

term memory difficulties), Victor, Herman, & White (1959) found that

memory deficits as measured by the WMS did exist when compared with

normal verbal intelligence. The Korsakoff patients had mental

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quotients that were generally in the 70s and well below their intel­

ligence test scores. Interestingly, alcoholic patients without the

Korsakoff Syndrome did not show the Wechsler full scale intelligence

quotient and memory quotient discrepancy effect (Parsons & Prigatano,

1977) .

In one of the most specific studies of intelligence quotient

and memory quotient difference scores, Zaidel and Sperry (1974) com­

pared those scores in eight patients who had undergone complete or

partial commissurotomy. These patients, who underwent separation of

the hippocampal commissure, showed memory quotient scores which were

always 12 points or more below their obtained intelligence quotient

scores. Wide ranging memory deficits were reported by individuals

who lived with those patients. Case reports of individuals with

known lesions of the hippocampus (Victor, Angevine, Mancall, &

Fisher, 1961) also show that those patients, who have expected

memory deficits by virtue of anatomical evidence, show rather clear-

cut intelligence quotient and memory quotient difference scores with

the latter being inferior.

Quadfasel and Pruyser (1955) compared scores from the Wechsler-

Bellevue Intelligence Scale and the WMS in 38 epileptic patients.

More than half of these manifested abnormal anterior temporal lobe

electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings. They were compared to

another 19 subjects with no focal abnormalities but with generalized

EEG abnormalities. The temporal lobe abnormal group showed a sig­

nificantly greater memory quotient discrepancy than the group with

the generalized abnormal EEG. At that time Quadfasel and Pruyser

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(1955) suggested that memory deficit would be said to exist when it

is 11 or more points below the intelligence quotient. The research

also suggested the WMS to be a test which was sensitive to dysfunc­

tion in the temporal lobe, as well as being an instrument sensitive

to deficits in audio-verbal memory. A similar conclusion was

reached by Milner (1975), who suggested that a WMS quotient about 12

points below the full scale intelligence quotient is indicative of a

verbal memory impairment.

The above studies link aspects of pathophysiology that are ex­

pected to produce brain impairment to actual deficits on the WMS in

relation to intelligence quotient. Other studies, as noted before,

have, however, shown less clear-cut discrepancy between full scale

intelligence quotient and memory quotient. Note that Howard (1950)

failed to find a memory quotient that could discriminate encephali-

tics from epileptics and paretics. Also, Cohen (1950) sought to use

the memory quotient discrepancy index to define memory impairment in

tumor, encephalics, and posttraumatic cases. He found no clear dis­

crepancy between full scale intelligence quotient and memory quo­

tient in these groups. He did not suggest, however, why he may have

expected to find memory difficulties as a specific syndrome in this

mixed group.

In 1974, Prigatano (cited in Prigatano, 1978, p. 823) compared

WAIS full scale intelligence quotient scores minus memory quotient

scores in 15 head injured patients who sustained coma after head

trauma. He compared these with a psychiatric control group without

coma. Average discrepancy scores for the head trauma group were

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significant in showing a nearly 10-point discrepancy, on the average,

of memory quotient below intelligence quotient. The psychiatric

patients manifested no similar relative lowering of the memory quo­

tient score and, in fact, showed somewhat higher memory quotient

scores as opposed to intelligence quotient scores. Interestingly,

he also found that there was a very high correlation between esti­

mated time of unconsciousness and discrepancy scores. At that time

Prigatano (1978) suggested that was a preliminary sign which needed

to be evaluated further.

A summary of WMS quotient and WAIS quotient comparisons in

brain damaged individuals would suggest that memory quotient is

sensitive to highly specific lesions which are expected to produce

memory deficits, as reviewed. Also, we have seen that in groups of

mixed brain damage regular discrepancy scores are less frequently

obtained. Thirdly, the material reviewed suggests a probable intel­

ligence quotient/memory quotient discrepancy in diffuse head injury

cases caused by closed head injury. Prigatano (1978) suggested that

low memory quotient scores should be expected in any patient with

diffuse brain dysfunction who shows overall cognitive impairment.

To this end, it would seem logical to compare cognitively impaired

closed head injury patients with individuals manifesting impairment

from localized lesions and to study the degree to which the full scale

intelligence quotient and memory quotient discrepancy correlates

with severity. These hypotheses will be more specifically stated

along with an integration of the literature review in the final

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section following a review of the sensitivity of the Halstead-Reitan

neuropsychological indicators.

The Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery

The Halstead-Reitan Battery serves as a measure of brain impair­

ment severity in this study. This section is devoted to a descrip­

tion of its historical development and the research relevant to its

sensitivity as a measure of brain dysfunction.

Neuropsychological testing and the Halstead-Reitan Battery grew

out of attempts to understand the nature of intelligence. Halstead

(1947) sought to set forth a new conception of intelligence. At

that time he hypothesized that there were three categories of intel­

ligence which included psychometric intelligence, clinical intelli­

gence, and neurological intelligence. He considered the concept of

"psychometric intelligence" to stem largely from the investigative

efforts of psychologists. This was presumed to include such things

as "judgment," "abstract thinking," and other measures of adaptabil­

ity as manifested by quantitative testing and scoring methods. He

felt that "clinical intelligence" was a product largely of clinical

investigations and involved those clinical descriptions oriented

toward describing the effectiveness of an individual's behavior.

Neurological intelligence was associated primarily with the effects

of brain lesions on human beings and lower animals. Halstead (1947)

believed that deficiencies existed in each of these explanations.

Halstead proposed the concept of "biological intelligence" which he

achieved through a factoral analytic study that utilized several

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newly developed tests. He found four factors to be the central

integrative field factor, the abstraction factor, the power factor,

and the directional factor.

Besides Halstead’s concept of "biological" intelligence, the

importance of his early work was the development of a battery of

tests which he applied to brain damaged and control subjects in an

attempt to define the basic attributes of adaptive brain functioning.

A very large portion of Halstead’s Battery was adopted by

Reitan (1955a) for his early research on brain dysfunction. The

majority of the early Halstead tests of biological intelligence be­

came the foundation of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological

Battery. In his earliest attempt to validate Halstead's tests of

biological intelligence, Reitan (1955a) compared persons with symp­

toms of cerebral damage with a normal control group. He found that

composite scores based upon a number of Halstead's tests were ex­

tremely sensitive to organic brain damage. In particular, he found

that Halstead's category test differentiated clinical groups nearly

as well as the total impairment index from all of the other nine

subtests. This subtest will be described shortly. Later Reitan

(1956) administered the Wechsler-Bellevue Scale of Adult Intelligence

as well as Halstead's 10 tests again to 50 brain damaged patients

and 50 control subjects. He found that the Wechsler-Bellevue vari­

ables were much more highly intercorrelated than were Halstead's

measures. He also found that Halstead's tests were much more sensi­

tive to brain damage than the Wechsler-Bellevue subtests although

there was considerable overlap. Reitan concluded that while there

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was a relationship between "psychometric" and "biological" intelli­

gence, the latter did indeed appear to be more related to the integ­

rity of the central nervous system and he continued on a span of

research into tests sensitive to brain dysfunction which has lasted

to the present.

Before revealing the sensitivity of the Halstead-Reitan Battery

that has been shown in more recent research, a description of that

battery will be provided. The following descriptions are paraphrased

from Reitan (1967).

The Category Test utilizes a projection apparatus (or more cur­

rently a booklet form). The subject is told to select one of four

pictures which appears either on the page or the screen. Only one

response is allowed for each selection and he or she is given feed­

back regarding whether his or her selection is right or wrong after

each trial. He or she is simply told that he or she has to learn a

"principle" that will allow him or her to select correctly one of

the four designs. The first group requires the matching of numerals.

In the second group the subject must learn to select one of four

numbers corresponding to the number of items appearing on the screen.

In a third group of items the subject must learn to select one

figure which is unique from the other three. In this section the

task becomes quite a bit more complex as it progresses through dif­

ferent shapes, sizes, and colors of figures such that the stimulus

field constantly changes while the subject is required to maintain

a response consistent with an underlying principle. Additional

principles must be learned as the subject proceeds through the seven

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subtests. The Category Test is therefore a nonverbal measure of

complex concept formation which requires an abstract ability to note

similarities and differences in constantly changing stimulus mate­

rial while postulating hypotheses to serve as selection principles.

The Tactual Performance Test is a three-part test in which a

subject sits in front of a large board blindfolded. The "form

board" has a number of recessed shapes into which a specific shaped

block will fit. The subject's task is to fit the blocks into their

proper spaces using first his or her preferred hand, then his or her

nonpreferred hand, and finally both hands together. It requires the

development of a visualization of the spatial configuration of the

board without actually viewing it. Later, the patient is required

to draw the entire board from memory and place the shapes in their

respective correct locations. It therefore has a time, memory, and

localization component.

The Rhythm Test is a subtest of the Seashore Test of Musical

Talent requiring the subject to differentiate 30 pairs of rhythmic

beats. This requires sustained perceptive attention in the auditory

modality and auditory differentiation.

The Speech Sound Perception Test consists of 60 spoken nonsense

words with four nonsense words spoken on each trial period. The

subject's task is to discriminate the spoken word, and in doing so,

select that word from four closely sounding alternatives. It is a

test of audio-verbal receptivity and audio-verbal attention.

The Finger Oscillation or Tapping Test is a test of pure visual

motor speed using the index finger on the preferred and nonpreferred

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hand in five consecutive 10-second trials.

The Trail Making Test consists oftwo parts, (a) and (b). Part

(a) consists of 25 circles distributed over a white sheet of paper

and numbered from 1 to 25.Part (b) consists of 25 circles numbered

from 1 to 13 and lettered from A to L. The subject is required to

connect these circles in consecutive order according to the numbers

or letters in rapid sequence. It requires a maintained sense of

sequence, attention and memory to the most recent point of depar­

ture, and rapid visual scanning.

In the Fingertip Number Writing Perception Test, the subject is

required to report numbers which are written upon the fingertips of

each hand. It requires the tactile recognition of symbolic form.

On the subtest called Tactile Finger Recognition, the subject

is required to call out a number which is assigned to each finger.

In Tactile Form Recognition, the test requires the subject to

identify by touch alone: pennies, nickles, and dimes. Additionally,

the nonvisual and tactile recognition of shapes is also required.

In addition to the above tests, the neuropsychological battery

consists of a brief aphasia screening battery, a spatial relation

score which is derived from the Block Design of the WAIS in conjunc­

tion with a Creek cross drawing, and sensory perceptual examination

which tests the sensory intactness on the face and upper extremities.

An indication of grip strength is also obtained.

Finally, the Digit Symbol subtest of the WAIS is included as a

separate subtest that contributes to the impairment index.

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Since the previously cited studies (Reitan, 1955a, 1956), a

large amount of research has occurred in regard to the Halstead-

Reitan Battery aimed both at evaluating its sensitivity in the de­

tection of various types of cerebral pathology and in attempts to

understand patterns of test scores indicative of types of lesions or

pathological processes. Reitan (1958a) administered the Halstead

Battery and the Wechsler-Bellevue Scale to 50 brain damaged patients

and 50 controls to assess whether that battery would show qualita­

tive differences between the brain damaged and control groups or

whether simple quantitative differences would occur. His results

suggested that while brain damaged patients tend to show impaired

abilities, their manner of failure, as defined by types of errors on

a variety of subtests, are of the same type as normals. In particu­

lar, Reitan discovered that the Category Subtest was extremely sensi­

tive to brain damage despite the fact that the distribution of error

scores for brain damage was similar to the distribution for errors

for normal groups.

Reitan (1959a) more directly compared the effects of brain

damage on the Halstead Impairment Index with the Wechsler-Bellevue

Scale. The brain damaged group consisted of mixed cerebral path­

ology. The Halstead impairment index was found to be significantly

more sensitive to brain damage than was the Wechsler-Bellvue intel­

ligence quotient. All of the Halstead-Reitan subtests proved to be

more sensitive with the exception of two subtests called Critical

Flicker Frequency and Time Estimation. Later Reitan dropped both of

these subtests from the battery. Although, overall, the intelligence

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quotient tends to be lowered by brain damage, it showed a smaller

magnitude of effect regardless of the Wechsler-Bellevue Scale

selected for comparison. In this study Reitan also found that the

Category Subtest was almost as sensitive as the entire neuro­

psychological battery in discriminating cerebral dysfunction regard­

less of the type of dysfunction present.

Other validating research on the Halstead-Reitan Neuro­

psychological Battery was carried out with the aim of attempting to

make correct predictions regarding the presence or absence of brain

damage through statistical methods. Three studies (Wheeler, 1964;

Wheeler, Burke, & Reitan, 1963: Wheeler & Reitan, 1963) indicated

that correct classification of individual subjects in accordance

with neurological criteria ranged from 98.8% to 81%. The brain

damaged subjects included bilateral, unilateral, and diffuse brain

damage. In spite of these impressive levels for correct prediction

of the presence or absence of brain damage, they are scarcely better

than those obtained by impairment criterion based on simple cutting

scores on the Halstead-Reitan Battery (Reitan, 1967).

Other cross-validation studies have been done. Vega and Parsons

(1967) attempted to revise the nature of the impairment index. The

impairment index that was originally used was based on cutting

scores which defined either impairment or nonimpairment on any par­

ticular subtest. Halstead's impairment index required that the

7 out of 10 subtests be within the impaired range resulting in the

necessity of a score of .7 to indicate impairment. Vega and Parsons

(1967) substituted T scores for each subtest, then calculated average

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T scores. Using such a modified index, they were able to produce

nearly 80% correct classifications with a variety of established

brain damage types ascertained through neurological methods.

The Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery as a test which

is potentially usable to specify lateration, localization, and pro­

cess aspects of brain lesions was studied by Filskov and Goldstein

(1974). Their validational study attempted to compare diagnostic

statements obtained by a clinical interpretation of the Halstead-

Reitan Neuropsychological Battery to diagnostic statements based on

commonly used physical diagnostic procedures. They claimed a per­

fect success rate for the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery,

demonstrating the contention that a neuropsychological diagnostic

approach, when combined with a clinical/actuarial approach, was

preferable to either clinical or actuarial approaches used alone.

Other research suggests that a subtest interpretation approach is

usable in identifying static versus rapidly growing brain lesions

resulting from tumors (Fitzhugh, Fitzhugh, & Reitan, 1961).

As successful as the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery

has been for the detection and the specification of brain damage,

another subtest, in addition to the Categories Test, has shown to be

very highly sensitive to the variety of brain damaged conditions.

The Trail Making Test, as described previously, was very successful

in differentiating a mixed group of brain damaged patients from con­

trols (Reitan, 1955b). In later studies, Reitan (1958b, 1959b)

administered the Trail Making Test to patients with brain damage and

achieved highly significant differences in performance of normals

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and brain damaged groups. It was noted that brain damaged individ­

uals usually do very well on Part (a) but have a great deal of dif­

ficulty on Part (b) of Trail Making.

Reitan (1959b) computed correlation coefficients between the

Trail Making Test and the WAIS variables. These showed generally

significant correlations and at that time Reitan suggested that the

WAIS be used to establish ejcpected levels of performance so that the

performance requirements for the Trail Making Test could be estab­

lished that would more specifically ascertain the presence or

absence of brain damage. In a study of Trail Making Test perform­

ance in normal and brain damaged children, Reitan (1971) noted that

not only were brain damaged children more impaired than normals on

Trail Making, but also the factor of brain damage was a far more

potent predictor of test results than was chronological age among

children. This is a rather important indication of its selective

sensitivity to the effects of brain damage.

The Trail Making Test, like the Category Test, requires a

degree of alertness and visual comprehension of stimulus material,

interpretation of symbols in sequence, and a large degree of purpose­

ful visual scanning. It also requires the patient to maintain a

memory of sequence simultaneously. In this respect, Part (b) of

Trails seems somewhat similar to the requirements of the Halstead

Category Test in which the patient must assimilate information from

one stimulus figure after another in an effort to grasp an organiz­

ing principle which applies to the series. It Is little wonder, in

light of the literature reviewed, that these two indicators are of

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special significance in terms of being powerful single indicators of

brain lesions.

Summary of Literature Review

In this section an attempt was made to highlight the major

findings of the literature reviewed and to draw tentative conclu­

sions which lend themselves to the researchable hypotheses regarding

the relationship of the WAIS, the WMS, and closed head injury.

It was initially stated that memory was documented as a rapidly

plateauing variety of cognitive dysfunction and this is probably

related to severity in closed head injury. It was seen as a pos­

sibly more vulnerable and long standing residual deficit following

closed head injury, especially in respect to short-term memory.

The WMS was reviewed and it was suggested that while it is not

a complete measure of memory functioning, it has repeatedly been

factored into short-term complex audio-verbal memory, attention

concentration, and freedom from distractability factors; and to a

certain extent, a third factor occurs which includes orientation and

access to simple overlearned information. A review then of the

impact of brain lesions and trauma upon the WMS, with some excep­

tions, indicates that the above factors are also likely significant

in the poor performance obtained by closed head injury patients.

These patients performed more poorly than normals or patients with

some forms of localized brain lesions. This appears to be especially

true for complex audio-verbal tasks, i.e., Logical Memory and Paired

Associate Learning subtests. An inability of closed head injury

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patients to adapt to novel and complex stimuli was suggested by

these findings.

Unlike the WMS, the WAIS was introduced and shown to be more

refractory to the effects of diffuse head trauma or closed head

injury. While the WAIS was seen as being sensitive to some forms

of highly localized lesions, at least the verbal portions are less

impaired following diffuse or closed head injury. Also, WAIS per­

formance was seen to improve to higher levels with time and recovery.

This was more true for the verbal subtests, however, and it is sug­

gested that the performance subtests, by virtue of their active pro­

cessing requirements, are more vulnerable to a variety of trauma

effects. Therefore, neuropsychological indicators which also demand

novel or active integrative capacity are more likely to parallel

performance intelligence quotient scales.

A review of the direct WMS quotient and WAIS quotient compari­

sons was presented. While the WMS quotient is discrepant and low in

comparison to the WAIS on diffuse and closed head injury groups,

less clear discrepancy scores were obtained for mixed pathological

populations. The WMS may be most sensitive to temporal lobe lesions

and verbal memory deficiencies.

Finally, the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery was

introduced in terms of its sensitivity to a wide variety of brain

damage aspects. It was reviewed in terms of its sensitivity and

capacity for discrimination on a wide variety of organic brain syn­

drome features. This was particularly true of the Categories and

Trails (b) subtests. Its universal sensitivity appears to be a

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factor that apparently discriminates it from the WAIS as a measure

of residuals of brain trauma.

The above stated differences in sensitivities of the Wechsler

Memory Quotient and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Quotient may present

the unique opportunity to use them in concert in cases of closed

head injury or other cases of brain trauma where impairment of

short-term memory or impairment of active audio-verbal processing

is a suspected deficit area.

Much of the value in comparing the WMS to the WAIS may lie in

the long recognized differences between fluid and crystallized

intellectual abilities.

Halstead (1947) postulated the existence of two general forms

of intellectual abilities, calling them psychometric and biological

intelligence. Cattell (1943) used a similar concept even earlier

when he named two forms of intelligence to be fluid and crystallized

intelligence. Both of these theories can be explained by emphasiz­

ing that fluid (biological) intelligence involves active mental pro­

cessing of new material while crystallized (psychometric) intelli­

gence is composed of well learned historically developed abilities.

It is possible that sensitivities of the WMS and WAIS are dif­

ferent by virtue of the fact that the verbal portions of the WAIS

and some portions of the performance aspect of the WAIS measure

crystallized abilities. Hence, they recover more quickly following

specific types of brain damage and are more refractory to impairment

as a long-term residual of closed head injury. Conversely, neuro­

psychological indicators, as discussed previously, are more sensitive

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to the process of rapid perceptual integration or novel problem

solving which could be considered to be more of a fluid ability.

This concept would not only explain the differences between the WMS

and WAIS in response to brain damage but also would explain the

historical difference between the verbal subtests and the perform­

ance subtests with the latter being considered as fluid abilities

and hence more chronically impaired under conditions of diffuse

cerebral trauma.

From a previous review, Horn (1976) advanced this hypothesis

directly by suggesting that most of the performance subtests of the

WAIS indeed measured right hemispheric, but also fluid abilities.

This made them more susceptible to impairment. E. W. Russell (1980)

tested this hypothesis specifically and found that in diffusely

organically damaged subjects the performance subtests were indeed

more affected than the verbal subtests. At that time E. W. Russell

commented that a test of fluid verbal abilities was not in common


In addition to being a measure of short-term memory function,

the WMS may indeed be a measure of more fluid verbal abilities. Its

demands for new learning, concentration, and active mental process­

ing of verbal material would possibly make it separate from the

verbal subtests of the WAIS in terms of its overall requirements.

This interpretation would be consistent with the literature review

carried out in this study which showed generally good correlations

between the WAIS and WMS except in some brain damage or special

populations. This observation has been supported in other research.

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The known feature of closed head injury as previously discussed

emphasizes a disruption of the integrative aspects of brain function­

ing. With such a hypothetical disruption of integrative functions

and memory difficulties as outlined previously, it is possible that

the WMS's discrepancy (that is, the WMS quotient below the WAIS full

scale score) would be an important measure both in estimating the

nature of neuropsychological disability and as screening information

regarding processing defects of specific types, such as fluid verbal

abilities and related memory functions.

Smith (1983) has recently included the WMS in the Michigan

Neuropsychological Battery and he has suggested that it be used

along with the Digit Symbol Modalities Test as an indicator of

deficits in rapid and fluid processing capabilities.

General Research Hypothesis

The general research hypothesis will be stated here in three

parts reflecting, therefore, the three major hypotheses to be


Hypothesis 1 : The WMS memory quotient score will be lower than

the WAIS full scale score in closed head injury patients. Such a

WMS performance discrepancy will not be present in a group of

localized brain damaged patients and a psychiatric control group.

Hypothesis 2 : The short coma group will 6how a smaller WMS

discrepancy score than will the long coma group. That is, the less

severely head injured will have more equal WAIS and WMS performances.

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Hypothesis 3: Large WMS discrepancy scores will be associated

with large impairment ratings on the Halstead-Reitan Neuro­

psychological Battery in the closed head injury group. Conversely,

low WMS discrepancy scores will be associated with lower impairment

ratings on the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery.

Limitations of the Study

A limitation of this study derives from the fact that a number

of separate events in nature are studied that are not subject to

scientific control. The study relies upon pathological groups. In

this case, a closed head injury group, a localized trauma group, and

an unimpaired psychiatric control group were formed from existing

clinical populations. This does not provide confidence that each

group has unity in terms of the exact dysfunctions assumed or

measured. Every effort has been made to analyze presenting path­

ology so that the truly localized brain syndrome patients and closed

head injury patients qualified for their respective groups. However,

dependence upon posttrauma information gathering is a liability as

is the absence of experimental controls over a number of unseen

variables which may contribute to these naturally occurring phenome­


A second limitation rests in the weaknesses inherent in static-

group comparison designs and correlational studies. An unknown num­

ber of factors could contribute to the traits in each group in a

predetermined way or these effects might be independent of the named

pathology groupings.

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The total subject population in the present study consisted of

115 inpatients and outpatients from a large inpatient psychiatric

and rehabilitation facility. All subjects were referred specifi­

cally for neuropsychological evaluation. The closed head injury

group, localized injury group, and unimpaired psychiatric group did,

however, differ slightly in terms of the source and reason for re­


The Unimpaired Control Group

The unimpaired psychiatric control group consisted of 25 males

and 20 females. The age range of the control group was 18 to 56

years old with a mean age of 28.4 years and a median age of 25 years.

An initial pool of 71 inpatients was identified who had been re­

ferred for neuropsychological testing. From the original pool of 71

cases, 18 were excluded due to incomplete test files or data. Four

of the original pool were excluded due to a stated history of mild

closed head injuries which had occurred in their distant past but

were noted to have resulted in at least some notable residuals,

hospitalization, or a diagnosis of head injury. Two others were

excluded from the original pool due to actual neuropsychological

ratings which placed them within the defined range of impairment.


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One additional case was dropped due to an inability to read and a

history of learning disability. An additional case was excluded due

to the presence of a cerebral vascular accident in recent history.

The total number of excluded subjects was 26 leaving 45 for a total

number in the group.

"Pure" clinical histories were difficult to obtain for the psy­

chiatric unimpaired group as well as the closed head injury group

and localized trauma group. It should be noted that the psychiatric

control group evidenced a number of individuals (nearly half of

those sampled in all groups) to have suffered minor blows to the

head which they claimed resulted in very transient effects with no

stated residuals, posttraumatic amnesia, or confusion of any type.

It is assumed that these very transient head injuries are ubiquitous

in the general population and no attempt was exhaustively made to

screen out every individual who reported some blow to the head at

sometime in their personal history. Three persons in the psychi­

atric control group showed abnormal EEGs at sometime in their per­

sonal history. This group also included two cases with possible


All individuals in the unimpaired control group were referred

largely from an inpatient psychiatric facility. At the time of re­

ferral, the treating clinician usually attempted to screen out

subtle processes of thought disorder, memory difficulties, or other

difficulties, such as concentration. A large variety of the refer­

rals were motivated by histories of alcohol or street drug abuse.

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Referrals with this type of history constituted almost half of the

referred group.

The Closed Head Injury Group

The closed head injury group consisted of 45 cases. These were

drawn from an original data pool of 59 cases who were examined neuro-

psychologically. Nine of these cases were dropped due to incomplete

testing or missing scores. Two were excluded due to equivocal his­

tories of head injury. That is, it could not be ascertained either

in their history or from their report whether they had a diagnosed

history of head injury with any resulting symptomology. One was

excluded due to a coexisting learning disability and reported birth

trauma which influenced intellectual development. An additional

case was dropped due to a long standing history of hearing impair­

ment which lowered the verbal intelligence quotient. One additional

case was dropped due to penetrating head wound which coexisted with

closed head injury.

Of the remaining 45 cases in the closed head injury group, 16

showed some additional localizing effects. That is, their histories

were positive for hemiparesis, focal signs, hematomas, or some signs

of abnormal EEG or seizure activity. Four of the group were neuro-

logically suspected of suffering an anoxic effect. Fifteen to

twenty percent of the cases had head injuries severe enough to show

decerebrate posturing at the time of emergency room admission.

There were 35 males and 10 females with a mean age of 30 years,

range of 16 to 54 years, and a median age of 27.5 years. It was

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predominately a young sample. Twenty-two of the 45 cases fell below

age 26. There were 13 cases over 40 years of age and 10 cases were

in their 30s.

In terms of recency of injury, the closed head injury group

showed a mean of 45 months post-injury. There were four cases where

the head injury was very remote, that is, 12 years or more. When

these were excluded from the 45 cases, the average recency of injury

dropped to 30.6 months post-injury. Recency of injury ranged from a

high of 20 years to a low of approximately 9 months.

In terms of length of coma, the head injury sample showed a

median length of coma of 14 days. This ranged from zero days to 90

days. Seventeen of the cases had comas of 5 days or less. Seven­

teen cases had comas of 28 days or more. An additional 13 cases had

comas ranging from 14 to 28 days. In those cases with zero days of

coma, there were documented confusional stages, memory impairment,

or posttraumatic amnesia, such that even though coma was not present,

rather clear stated or documented residuals from the head injury


The Localized Trauma Group

The localized trauma group consisted of an original pool of 39

non-closed head injury patients who suffered some localized lesion.

From this data pool four were dropped due to incomplete measures or

data. An additional two cases were dropped due to the confounding

presence of closed head injury in their history.

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The localized lesion group, since it contained many stroke patients,

was a more aged group. They had a median age of 60 with a mean age

of 54.9 years. The ages ranged from 29 to 78 years. The group con­

sisted of 15 males and 10 females. Of the total group 19 suffered

either cerebral vascular accidents or aneurysms. Six suffered

tumors. In terms of lateralization, seven of the sample has lesions

clearly lateralized to the left hemisphere. Nine members of the

sample had lesions clearly lateralized to the right hemisphere. An

additional nine individuals showed equivocal lateralization based on

their neurological history, and some were unable to report specific

localizing data.

Table 1 summarizes the sex and age comparisons between the

groups. Also, Table 1 provides a comparison of the mean neuro­

psychological impairment ratings. This variable was included here

to afford a direct comparison of the level of severity of each group

in terms of measured deficits. As might be expected, the unimpaired

psychiatric group was very nearly average in terms of their group

performance (an average, or unimpaired, score is 1.0).

The localized lesion group is clearly oldest and most impaired.

Group comparisons in terms of educational level are not tabulated.

Although the educational level for all groups is estimated to be

near high school completion, the closed head injury group and the

psychiatric group evidenced lower levels of occupational and educa­

tional attainment. This is likely associated with the high number

of serious drug abusers and troubled adolescents comprising the

psychiatric group and the large number of very young adults and

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teenagers in the closed head injury group who had educational and

occupational progress interrupted by their injuries.

Table 1

Comparison of Closed Head Injury Group, Localized

Lesion Group, and Psychiatric Unimpaired Group
by Sex, Mean Age, and Mean Neuropsychology
Impairment Rating

Sex Mean
Variable N age
M F (yrs.)

Closed head
injury group 45 35 10 30.0 1.98

lesion group 25 15 10 54.9 2.33

group 45 25 20 28.4 1.02

Subject Selection and Group Assignment

The subjects utilized in the present study were patients who

had undergone either clinical treatment or formal assessment to

understand, rehabilitate, or treat clinically presenting conditions.

Therefore, the three groups, which consisted of the psychiatric

unimpaired group, the localized lesion group, and the closed head

injury group, in many ways constitute naturally occurring phenomenon.

Therefore, the clinical entities, which comprise the three groups

are not considered to be "pure." Also, the lack of purity in clini­

cal syndromes is a recognized liability in such group comparisons.

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As was noted In the description of the subject composition for each

group, it was difficult to find patients with absolutely no other

confounding factors in their history which might have contributed

some measurable type of brain dysfunction. It is likely that these

events are commonplace in nature such that minor blows to the head,

high fevers, history of fainting spells, abnormal EEGs, or other

features would be impossible to rule out.

Subject selection criteria relied upon patient history and any

accompanying neurological data. An effort was made to be very con­

servative and not to include subjects in any group for which the

self-report or accompanying neurological history or data was un­


Individuals in the closed head injury group were required to

have suffered a head injury for which they were treated and which

resulted in some residuals which were brought to the attention of

treatment personnel. Self-report was used as a criterion in a minor

portion of the closed head injury cases. In this instance patients

had to exhibit a clear recognition of whether coma exceeded 5 days.

Cases where self-report was equivocal of this regard, or where other

data were not present, were omitted. Those cases with no clear evi­

dence of coma were referred due to posttraumatic confusion and to

ascertain cognitive dysfunction which was residual and persisting

from the time of trauma.

The localized lesion group had a neurological history of either

cerebral vascular accident, aneurysm, or tumor. They were included

in this group regardless of severity or localization of the injury.

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In this group all individuals were referred to ascertain the pos­

sible residuals of these events. It was important with this group

to demonstrate the absence of diffuse brain damage history or closed

head injury. Therefore, patients with any such history were dropped

from consideration as noted in the description of that population.

A number of those individuals who were reporting extremely minor

head injuries were retained if it was clear that there were no re­

ported Immediate or retained sequelae to these injuries. Since

these events were considered to be frequent in the population,

exclusion criteria to rule out the most minor of head injuries would

seriously have limited candidates for inclusion in a non-closed head

injury sample.

Subjects included in the psychiatric control group were in­

cluded if they had no history of stroke or localized lesion. Also,

it was required that they have no known closed head injury. The

criterion for the inclusion of this group was an unimpaired rating

of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery. Therefore, it

serves as a contrast which requires subjects not to have lesions of

the type involved in the other two groups. A cut-off of an impair­

ment rating of 1.55 was utilized. That is, individuals obtaining

scores of 1.56 or higher were excluded and defined as impaired fol­

lowing the subtest averaging method described by E. W. Russell,

Neuringer, and Goldstein (1970). These authors considered an impair­

ment rating of 1.55 to be the dividing line between the average

range of functioning and the mildly impaired range of functioning.

In the present study three cases with an impairment rating of 1.58

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were included due to the fact that the examiner in the individual

case offered the clinical judgment of nonimpairment. Thus, it was

not felt that these three cases would harm the integrity of the

assumption of nonimpairment for the control group. There was no

attempt made to control for education, age, or other demographic

factors. The possible confounding effects of group selection vari­

ables and their limitations for interpretation will be discussed at

a later time.

Criteria Instruments

The three measures used in this research were the WAIS, the

WMS, and the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery. An addi­

tional variable was length of coma. The origin, description, and

validity data relative to these instruments were provided in appro­

priate sections of Chapter I. The major reporting data regarding

their structure and validity, however, will be summarized.

The WMS has repeatedly been shown to be sensitive to factors of

very short-term registration memory, attention and concentration,

and associational flexibility despite its weakness as a measure of

the wider variety of memory functions (Dye, 1982; Kear-Cowell, 1977;

Kear-Colwell & Heller, 1978; Prigatano, 1978). It was designed to

be comparable to the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale (Wechsler,

1945), and in the absence of severe cerebral dysfunction, it is not

usually discrepant from the WAIS (Prigatano, 1977). This instrument

is included here to serve as a screening instrument for the types of

short-term memory and attentional deficits noted in the diffuse

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closed head injury.

The WAIS has been shown to be sensitive to four major factors

of intelligence. These are a verbal comprehension factor, a non­

verbal or visual organizational factor, a general intellectual fac­

tor, and a freedom from distractability factor (E. W. Russell, 1972;

Wechsler, 1958). Furthermore, rather consistent findings in the

literature suggest that while the verbal and performance intelli­

gence quotient scores are sensitive to left hemisphere and right

hemisphere lesions, respectively, many types of brain damage, and

more particularly diffuse brain injury, result in greater impairment

of the performance intelligence quotient score (Lansdell & Smith,

1975; Smith, 1966; Todd, Coolldge, & Satz, 1977). The Wechsler

Adult Intelligence Scale and its replacement version, the Wechsler

Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised Form (Wechsler, 1981), is the most

widely standardized individual intelligence test currently used. In

the standardization of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, large

stratified samples were used based on the census data so that scores

would be representative of the race, geographic region, age, sex,

and occupational variety reflected in the United States census cal­


Wechsler (1981) reported reliability and validity data in his

manual. Split half reliability and test-retest reliability coeffi­

cients were obtained. The test-retest reliability coefficient for

the verbal intelligence quotient is reported to be .95. The per­

formance intelligence reliability quotient is reported to be .88,

and the full scale intelligence reliability quotient score is

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reported as .96.

Validity studies have been undertaken to compare WAIS results

with global indicators of intelligence, such as level of education,

as well as job and school performance. Such correlations are typi­

cally on the order of .50 (Woo-Sam, 1971; Zimmerman et al., 1970).

A comparison of average intelligence quotients reveals the WAIS

intelligence quotient to be about eight points higher than the cor­

responding intelligence quotient of the WAIS-Revised Form (Wechsler,

1981). To make WAIS-Revised Form scores comparable to WAIS scores,

eight points were subtracted from the full scale WAIS-Revised Form

score. In this manner, all subjects who were assessed with the WAIS-

Revised Form were given an adjusted full scale intelligence quotient


The Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery has been previ­

ously reviewed, as a part of this study, detailing its sensitivity

to various types of brain damage (see Chapter I). It has been

normed on clinical populations with known types and degrees of cere­

bral trauma. It was shown to be more sensitive to brain damage than

the Wechsler-Bellevue intelligence quotient (Reitan, 1953). It was

also shown to discriminate brain damage from non-brain-damaged indi­

viduals with a correct classification of 81% to 98.8% (Wheeler,

1964; Wheeler et al., 1963). That the Halstead-Reitan Neuro­

psychological Battery is potentially usable to specify lateraliza­

tion, localization, and process aspects of brain damage has been

affirmed by Filskov and Goldstein (1974).

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Research Design

Data Collection Procedure

Data were collected in the present study through a review of

neuropsychological data which were collected in a private psychiat­

ric and rehabilitation facility beginning in 1976 and ending in

November of 1983. The subjects tested before 1976 could not be uti­

lized as they were not administered the WMS in conjunction with

neuropsychological testing. All subjects were tested by psycho­

metric technicians who had formal training in the administration of

the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery. Each case was also

subjected to a clinical interview which was part of the testing re­

view and report writing procedure. With each neuropsychological

case which was eligible for the data pool, a formal intake question­

naire was utilized. This is a self-report format which was individ­

ually administered and accessed the client's history in terms of

important signs of cerebral trauma or pathology. Additional data

were often gathered by referral sources. In many cases of closed

head injury, additional historical data were accomplished through

interview or questions directed at family members. Therefore, data

collection involved the ongoing collection of suitable candidates

and a record of relevant data as they became available. It also

involved a review of previously stored cases by category of injury.

In most cases, the type of cerebral pathology was very clear-cut.

In some cases, as was described in the section on subject selection,

equivocal results were obtained and this resulted in exclusion.

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Design of the Study

The current study is an ex post facto analysis utilizing static

group comparisons. In naturalistic observations, such as the brain

trauma subjects involved in the present study, it is necessary to

test variations and alternative aspects of the hypothesis to add

strength to the tentative conclusions gained from lack of control

over independent variables (Kerlinger, 1973). Therefore, in the

present study the WAIS and the WMS discrepancy score was related to

closed head injury both by comparing it to groups chosen to hypo­

thetically contrast in terms of their discrepancy score outcome and

by testing for correlation with other measures which relate severity

of closed head injury to the WMS discrepancy score.

These alternative hypotheses are not claimed to compensate for

threats to internal validity or generalizability of results inherent

in this design (Campbell & Stanley, 1966). Rather the analysis was

used to determine what relationship may exist between severity of

closed head injury as defined by performance on the Halstead-Reitan

Neuropsychological Battery and the WMS discrepancy score.

The statistical analysis used to test Hypothesis 1 was a one­

way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine if there was a sig­

nificant difference between the localized trauma group, the closed

head injury group, or the unimpaired psychiatric group. The pro­

tected least squares difference procedure was applied to this three-

group ANOVA. This was done to determine which of the three group

means were significantly different from each other. The expected

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result for Hypothesis 1 would be a significant difference between

the mean WMS discrepancy score of the localized lesion group, the

closed head injury group, and the unimpaired psychiatric control

group. More specifically, it should also be found that the mean WMS

discrepancy scores for the closed head injury group are signifi­

cantly different from the mean WMS discrepancy scores of the local­

ized lesion group and the psychiatric control group. If large WMS

discrepancy scores are truly unique to closed head injury, it would

also suggest that there will be no difference between the mean WMS

discrepancy scores of the localized lesion group and the unimpaired

control group.

The statistical analysis used to test Hypothesis 2 was a one­

way ANOVA to establish F probability. This was used to determine if

the short coma group was significantly different from the long coma

group in regard to the WMS discrepancy score. The expected quanti­

tative outcome for Hypothesis 2 is a significant difference between

the mean WMS discrepancy scores for the long and short coma groups.

This difference between groups should account for the greatest pro­

portion of the discrepancy score differences. Specifically, the

short coma group should have smaller discrepancy scores than the

long coma group.

The expected result of Hypothesis 3 is a linear relationship

between the magnitude of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological

Battery severity score and the magnitude of the WMS discrepancy

score. That linear relationship should be positive. Increases in

neuropsychological severity rating should occur with increases in

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discrepancy score.

An alpha level of .05 was used to test all of the null hypothe­

ses against their respective alternate hypotheses.

Additional statistical procedures used to clarify outcomes are

presented along with results of those procedures in Chapter III.

Research Hypotheses (Operational Hypotheses)

The three central hypotheses in the current study are presented

here in terms of specific parameters. The specific hypothesis to be

tested (the null hypothesis) will accompany each hypothesis.

Hypothesis 1 : There will be a significant difference between

the mean WMS discrepancy score of a closed head injury group from

the mean WMS discrepancy scores of an unimpaired psychiatric control

group and a localized lesion group.

Null hypothesis: There will be no difference between the mean

WMS discrepancy scores of the closed head injury group, the local­

ized lesion group, and the psychiatric unimpaired control group fol­

lowing analysis of variance.

Hypothesis 2 : The mean WMS discrepancy score of a short coma

group will be significantly less than the mean WMS discrepancy score

of a long coma group.

Null hypothesis: There will be no difference between the means

of a short coma group and a long coma group following analysis of


Hypothesis 3: There will be a significant positive correlation

between severity of head injury as measured by the Halstead-Reitan

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Neuropsychological Battery impairment rating and the size of the WMS

discrepancy score.

Null hypothesis: The Pearson product-moment correlation co­

efficient between the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery

impairment rating and the WMS discrepancy score will be zero.

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This research attempted to investigate the relationship between

the WMS discrepancy score and closed head injury. Conceptually, it

was hypothesized that closed head injury results in deficient WMS

performance relative to WAIS performance. This hypothesized deficit

in short-term memory processing is explored by comparing a less

severe head injury group with a more severe head injury group as

defined by length of coma, comparing closed head injury WMS discrep­

ancy scores with other impaired and unimpaired groups, and finally,

by correlating WAIS discrepancy scores with a neuropsychological

test battery severity score. Data are presented in this chapter

that will portray these comparisons. Initially presented are data

from the entire research population that are descriptive. Research

data pertaining to group difference and hypothesis testing will

follow. Additional statistical analysis will then be presented.

Analysis of Population Data

The descriptive data for the entire research population are

presented in Table 2, where the mean, range, and standard deviation

scores are presented for the WAIS, WMS, Halstead-Reitan impairment

rating, and the WMS discrepancy scores.

As can be noted, the mean scores for both the WAIS and the WMS

are within the average range. However, the range and standard


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deviation for the WMS are comparatively large with a range of 91

points and a standard deviation of 19 points. Thus, relative vari­

ability in WMS performance is suggested with the implication that

it is more subject to individual differences within the whole popu­

lation. The widely varying discrepancy score (standard deviation,

11.61) is also likely associated with the wider variance in WMS


Table 2

Means, Ranges, and Standard Deviations for the WAIS, WMS,

Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Impairment
Rating, and WMS Discrepancy for the
Entire Research Population

Mean Range SD

WAIS 99.30 66.00 12.34

WMS 94.53 91.00 19.00

impairment rating 1.67 2.91 .79

WMS discrepancy score 4.77 56.00 11.61

The average neuropsychological severity rating is close to the

nonimpaired cut-off score of 1.55 with an average severity rating of

1.67 and a standard deviation of .79 points. While the range of

severity scores is from .42 (superior) to 3.33 (moderately impaired),

they suggest a less variable distribution across the entire sample

than do scores associated with the WMS. These descriptive observa­

tions may be due to the fact that both the Halstead-Reitan test and

the WAIS assess a wide variety of individualized cognitive functions

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and are therefore less likely to evidence extremes in range and

variance in their composite scores. It would appear important to

note, however, the rather extreme range and variance in the WMS

scores as compared to other performance measures obtained.

Hypothesis 1: In order to test Hypothesis 1, an ANOVA was com­

puted to test the null hypothesis that there would be no difference

between the means of the unimpaired psychiatric control group, the

localized lesion group, and the closed head injury group. Addition­

ally, the protected least squares difference test was applied to

ascertain which group differences were significant. The ANOVA did

reveal significant differences between the groups, F(2, 112) = 6.241,

£ = ,0027 (see Table 3). Therefore, the null hypothesis of no dif­

ference between group means could be rejected at the established .05

level of confidence.

The least squares procedure confirms the expected group differ­

ences. That is, only the null hypothesis of no difference between

the means of the closed head injury group and the other two groups

could be rejected at the .05 level. At the .05 level of confidence

a null hypothesis of no difference between the psychiatric unimpaired

group and the localized lesion group could not be rejected.

Hypothesis 2 : The null form of Hypothesis 2 states that there

will be no difference in the mean WMS discrepancy scores between a

short coma group and a long coma group. Hypothesis 2 was tested by

computing a one-way analysis of variance and values are shown in

Table 4.

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Table 3

ANOVA for Three Ranges of WMS Discrepancy Scores

(Closed Head Injury Group, Localized Lesion
Group, and Psychiatric Unimpaired Group)

Source SS df MS F £

Between 1540.90 2 770.45

6.241 .0027
Within 13827.22 112 123.45

Total 15368.12 114

Group N X SD

Psychiatric unimpaired group 45 2.00 11.82

Localized lesion group 25 1.50 12.77

Closed head injury group 45 9.33 9.23

Table 4

ANOVA for Two Ranges of WMS Discrepancy

Scores by Length of Coma

Source SS df MS F £

Between 336.56 1 336.56

4.237 .0456
Within 3415.43 43 79.42

Total 3752.00 44

Group N X SD

Short coma group 17 5.82 8.00

Long coma group 28 11.46 9.41

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The obtained F value is (1, 43) = 4.237, £ = .0456. These

values are sufficient to reject the null hypothesis at the .05 level

of confidence. It does support the conceptual hypothesis of differ­

ences in WMS discrepancy scores between these long and short coma


Hypothesis 3 : The null form of Hypothesis 3 states a zero

Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient between the neuro­

psychological impairment rating and the WMS discrepancy score in a

group of closed head injured.

The obtained correlation was _r = .3236, £ < -05 (j> = .030).

The null hypothesis could, therefore, be rejected at the .05 level

of confidence. The conceptual hypothesis of a linear positive rela­

tionship between the size of WMS discrepancy score and the neuro­

psychological impairment rating is supported.

Additional Statistical Analysis

In order to further examine the relationships between type of

cerebral trauma, intelligence, and WMS performance, additional sta­

tistical procedures were run in an attempt to clarify the sensitiv­

ity of specific instruments to type of cerebral trauma.

In order to examine the specific sensitivity of the WAIS to the

three groups, a one-way analysis of variance was computed, along

with the protected least squares procedure to determine any differ­

ences between groups on the WAIS full scale IQ score. The values

for the analysis of variance are presented in Table 5. The result

would suggest a rejection of a hypothesis of no difference between

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those groups, F(2, 112) = 7.511, £ = .0009. Computed results of

least square tests further indicate, however, that significant dif­

ferences are present between only the psychiatric unimpaired group

and the closed head injury group.

Table 5

ANOVA of WAIS Full Scale Scores for Closed Head Injury

Group, Localized Lesion Group, and a
Psychiatric Unimpaired Group

Source SS df MS F £

Between 2054.36 2 1027.18

7.511 .0009
Within 15315.98 112 136.74

Total 17370.34 114

Group N X SD

Psychiatric unimpaired group 45 104.22 10.23

Localized lesion group 25 98.76 13.04

Closed head injury group 45 94.68 12.26

An ANOVA and protected least squares test was also computed for

the WMS to determine differences in performance between the closed

head injury, localized lesion, and psychiatric unimpaired groups.

ANOVA results suggest a rejection of the null hypothesis of no dif­

ference between groups based on WMS performance also, F(2, 112) =

10.73, 2 = .0001.
. The accompanying protected least squares procedure

suggested a significant difference between the psychiatric unimpaired

group and the closed head injury group in addition to the significant

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difference between the localized trauma group and the closed head

injury group (.05 level). Those results are presented in Table 6.

These results are suggestive that performance on WMS in the closed

head injury population is impaired in comparison to the localized

trauma group and the psychiatric control group.

Table 6

ANOVA of WMS Quotients for Closed Head Injury Group,

Localized Lesion Group, and a Psychiatric
Unimpaired Group

Source SIS cif MS F £

Between 6618.57 2 3309.28

10.73 .0001
Within 34538.07 112 308.37

Total 41156.64 114

Group N X SD

Psychiatric unimpaired group 45 102.20 16.09

Localized lesion group 25 97.24 21.28

Closed head injury group 45 85.35 16.70

An additional analysis of variance was computed for the WAIS

by the length of coma. These results suggest no significant differ-

ence in WAIS performance between short and long coma groups,

F(l, 43) = 2.113, £ = .1533. Computed values are provided in

Table 7.

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Table 7

ANOVA of WAIS Full Scale Scores for

Long and Short Coma Groups

Source SS df MS F £

Between 310.27 1 310.27

2.113 .1533
Within 6313.36 43 146.82

Total 6623.64 44

Group N X SD

Short coma group 17 98.05 11.76

Long coma group 28 92.64 12.32

The suggestion of no significant difference between the long

and short coma groups on the WAIS variable was unlike the results of

the analysis of variance for the WMS quotient between short and long

coma groups. Significant difference was obtained between the short

and long groups beyond the .05 level, F^(l, 43) = 5.063, £ = .0296

(see Table 8). These results would confirm that while the WAIS may

not be sensitive to the length of coma variable, the WMS quotient

is more sensitive to that dimension of severity.

Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were computed

to obtain additional information about the degree of relationship

between the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery impairment

rating and other variables, including the WMS memory quotient, WAIS,

and WMS discrepancy score. These correlations were computed for

both the localized trauma group and the closed head injury group.

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Table 8

ANOVA of WMS Quotients for Long and

Short Coma Groups

Source SS df MS
-- F p


Between 1293.14 1 1293.14

5.06 .0296
Within 10983.16 43 225.42

Total 12276.31 44

Group N X SD

Short coma group 17 92.23 14.65

Long coma group 28 81.17 16.71

The WAIS full scale IQ score correlates with the neuro­

psychological impairment rating at -.75 (jj = .00) in both the closed

head injury group and the localized lesion group. The WMS memory

quotient shows a correlation with the neuropsychological impairment

rating of -.73 (j> = .00) in the closed head injury group, and a

correlation of -.66 (ja = .00) in the localized lesion group. The

correlation between the WMS discrepancy score and the neuro­

psychological impairment rating in the localized lesion group is

.33 (j> = .105). Recall that this is nearly the same as the correla­

tion coefficient between the WMS discrepancy score and the neuro­

psychological impairment rating in the closed head injury group

(.32, £ = .03).

The above correlations do permit the rejection of the null

hypothesis of a zero correlation between the WMS discrepancy score

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and the neuropsychological impairment rating. These correlations do

not lend strength, however, to the corollary hypothesis that such a

relationship is unique to closed head injury.


Hypothesis 1 predicts a difference in the WMS discrepancy score

between the closed head injury group, the localized lesion group,

and the unimpaired control group. This hypothesis was strongly

supported by the results. ANOVA did reveal differences between the

groups on the dimension of WMS discrepancy score. The null hypothe­

sis of no group difference was rejected at a confidence level of

.05. Furthermore, the nature of those group differences were as

hypothesized. The closed head injury group was significantly dif­

ferent from both the unimpaired psychiatric control group and the

localized lesion group. The results of the protected least squares

difference procedure could not support an assumption of difference

between the psychiatric unimpaired control group and the localized

lesion group on the WMS discrepancy dimension.

A clear difference is seen on the examination of the mean WMS

discrepancy scores for each group. The mean WMS discrepancy score

in the closed head injury group is nearly 9.5 points. The psychiat­

ric unimpaired group and the localized lesion group show mean WMS

discrepancy scores of 2 and 1.5 points, respectively. Not only are

these WMS discrepancy scores low in comparison to those obtained by

the closed head injury group, but the small differences between the

psychiatric unimpaired group and the localized lesion group are

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suggestive of similarity in terms of WMS performance.

Two other ANOVAs were performed to ascertain what differences

there might be in WAIS and WMS performance between the three groups.

The ANOVA and protected least squares difference test revealed only

a significant difference (at the .05 level) between the closed head

injury group and the unimpaired psychiatric group on the measure of

WAIS full scale IQ. However, an ANOVA and protected least squares

procedure reveal significant difference (.05 level) between the

closed head injury group and both other groups on the dimension of

WMS memory quotient performance.

The comparisons of WAIS and WMS performances by group are sup­

portive of the conceptual hypothesis of greater WMS deficits in

closed head injury and, hence, the occurrence of the WMS discrepancy

score. Some other descriptive data have a bearing upon this hypothe­

sis also, and it is revealing of the differential sensitivity of the

WAIS and the WMS to brain damage.

The closed head injury group, the localized lesion group, and

the psychiatric control group show mean WAIS scores of 94.6, 98.7,

and 104.2, respectively. All groups are within the average range

(not considering the correction factor of adding eight points to the

WAIS-Revised Form). This is true even of the two groups with ascer­

tained brain damage. To have an average WAIS full scale IQ even

within the low average range in a diffuse closed head injury group

might testify to the relative resistance to impairment of overall

WAIS performance in the closed head injured.

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In contrast, the data indicate that the WMS is affected by the

diffuse closed head injury process. The mean WMS memory quotient is

nearly equal to the WAIS full scale IQ in the localized lesion group

as in the psychiatric unimpaired group. They are about two points

below the WAIS intelligence quotient in both instances. However,

the WMS performance in the closed head injury group is inferior.

The mean WMS quotient in the closed head injury group is nearly 12

points below the mean WMS quotient of the localized trauma group and

nearly 17 points below the mean WMS quotient of the psychiatric un­

impaired group.

An interpretation that localized lesion groups do not evidence

low WMS scores is not warranted, however. This group shows the

greatest overall variability in WMS performance with a memory quo­

tient range extending from a low of 73 points to a high of 143


Hypothesis 2 conceptually stated that there would be a larger

WMS discrepancy score for the long coma group (more than 5 days)

than in the short coma group (5 days or less). The null hypothesis

of no difference between the group means of the long and short coma

groups was rejected at the .05 level of confidence following an


The above results are supportive of the hypothesized increase

in the size of WMS discrepancy scores with a longer period of coma.

Additional data portray the effect of length of coma on both the WMS

and the WAIS. The WMS scores and the WAIS scores were both sub­

jected to an ANOVA. The results suggested only a tendency for the

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WAIS mean IQ scores to differ between the short and long coma groups

with the probability level of mean differences being £ = .153. In

contrast, the results of ANOVA of WMS memory quotient scores between

the short and long coma groups yielded a significant probability of

difference, £ = .029.

These results would tend to suggest that while both measures

are affected by length of coma, the WMS is more sensitive to that

indicator of severity.

An inspection of the mean WAIS IQ score and the mean WMS memory

quotient for both the long and short coma groups reveals other des­

criptive information. In the short coma group there is about a six-

point discrepancy when the WAIS mean score is compared to the WMS

mean score. When these same scores are compared in the long coma

group, the difference between the WAIS score and the WMS score in­

creases to more than 11 points. Also, while the mean score for the

WAIS in the long coma group remains in the low average range (92.6),

the mean WMS score for the same group is a low score (81.2).

The present data regarding the WhS discrepancy score, and its

relationship to closed head injury severity as measured by length of

coma, is convergent. It is supportive of greater WMS discrepancy

with larger periods of coma. It would appear that not only is the

WMS deficient in relation to the WAIS following closed head injury,

but also this WMS discrepancy increases after longer periods of coma.

Data pertaining to Hypothesis 3 suggest that a linear relation­

ship exists between the WMS discrepancy score and the neuro­

psychological impairment rating in the closed head injury group.

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However, a number of results indicate that this relationship is not

strong. Moreover, the relationship between the WMS discrepancy

score and the neuropsychological impairment rating is not unique to

the closed head injury group. The correlation between the neuro­

psychological impairment rating and the WMS discrepancy score in the

closed head injury group was .32. The same correlation in the local­

ized trauma group was .33. The smaller sample size in the localized

trauma group likely prevented a smaller probability than the value

obtained, = .105.

A number of interactions between the psychometric variables

could act to prevent a higher correlation between the neuro­

psychological severity rating and the size of the WMS discrepancy

score. There is a higher negative correlation between the WAIS

full scale IQ and the neuropsychological severity rating (-.75 for

both the closed head injury group and the localized lesion group).

Despite the high negative correlation of the WMS memory quotient

(-.73 for the closed head injury group), such a correlation between

the WAIS IQ and the neuropsychological impairment rating obscures

the sensitivity of the WMS to neuropsychological impairment. That

is, as WMS scores decline with severity, so do WAIS scores. In

light of the high negative correlations obtained between the neuro­

psychological impairment rating and the WAIS, it is remarkable that

a significant correlation was obtained between the neuropsychological

impairment rating and the WMS discrepancy score.

The above data suggest, therefore, that the WMS discrepancy

score and neuropsychological impairment ratings are somewhat related

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but probably measuring quite different processes. This should not

be surprising. A neuropsychological impairment rating is based on

an extremely wide range of deficit types and it would logically show

a higher correlation with the WAIS battery than to a more specific

measure such as the WMS. These equivocal results also likely stem

from the widely varying pattern of deficits and dysfunction found

even within a single patient population. The assumption of a linear

relationship and a high significant correlation between WMS discrep­

ancy score and neuropsychological impairment rating presupposes that

these two measures would be consistently sensitive to the same

attributes in every brain damaged subject. While the WMS may be

more uniform in terms of the abilities or attributes tested, cer­

tainly the neuropsychological battery will be influenced by a much

wider variety of specific dysfunctions which are not related to WMS


Hypothesis 3 is only equivocally supported, therefore. While

the size of the WMS discrepancy score is related to neuro­

psychological impairment ratings in a moderate and positive way,

this relationship is not unique to closed head injury and is prob­

ably overshadowed by stronger linear relationships between the

neuropsychological impairment rating and other more diverse cogni­

tive measures.

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The goal of the present research was to understand the relation­

ship between the WMS and the WAIS in the context of brain damage.

It is hypothesized that short term auditory memory, which is empha­

sized on the WMS, is more impacted by diffuse brain injuries that

are secondary to closed head injury. Thus, the WMS is presumed to

show a relative deficiency when compared to the WAIS in a group of

closed head injury patients. This research investigated the conten­

tion that the WMS memory quotient, when significantly below the WAIS

full scale IQ (WMS discrepancy score), signals the diffuse injury

characteristic of closed head injuries.

Prigatano (1977) has stated that the WMS is a poor screening

device for a wide range of head injuries. At the same time, its

factor structure, consisting of the recall of immediate complex

information and attention and concentration (Kear-Colwell, 1973),

suggests that it might be used in concert with the WAIS to assess

the severity of closed head injury or to screen for the presence of

diffuse closed head injury. Also, it would be an important indi­

cator of verbal short-term memory difficulties experienced clini­

cally by people suffering closed head injuries. Theoretically,

therefore, WMS discrepancy scores should be related to the head


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injury process as a distinctive feature. That is, it should be re­

lated to severity of the head injury as defined by the length of

coma (Brooks, 1976). The WMS discrepancy score would also logically

be related to the severity of closed head injury as defined by neuro­

psychological severity indicators. Its increasing use as a screen­

ing technique, both singly and in neuropsychological batteries, war­

rants further knowledge about these relationships. Thirdly, to

assume that deficient WMS performance in comparison to WAIS perform­

ance is a distinctive factor of closed head injury, WMS deficits

should be greater for closed head injury groups when measured

against comparison populations.

The use of WMS in the context of neuropsychological evaluations

is increasing (Smith, 1983). Therefore, the WMS discrepancy score

was studied as a variable which is relevant to a number of psycho­

metric dimensions and patient types. The fact that the WMS was de­

veloped to be a memory test which could be directly comparable to the

WAIS full scale IQ score (Wechsler, 1945) adds to the value of under­

standing the conditions under which WMS performance will vary. Al­

though the WMS is known to be deficient among closed head injury

patients (Prigatano, cited in Prigatano, 1978), the exclusivity of

this pattern of discrepancy is less well established. In summary,

the hypothetical problem of deficient WMS performance in relation to

WAIS performance is important from the standpoint of understanding

the types of head injury in which these scores are comparable and

what parameters of brain injury or dysfunction underlie inferior WMS

performance. If the WMS alone is ineffective as a screen for brain

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damage, then possibly the WMS discrepancy score might be used as a

brain damage screen, at least in closed head injury populations.

The sample population for this research consisted of 115

patients who had undergone complete neuropsychological evaluations

but who had also been given the WMS. Their neurological histories

were used to divide them into three groups according to category and

type of trauma. They were divided into a rather small localized

group of patients who had undergone an ascertained brain trauma

secondary to a stroke, aneurysm, or tumor; compared to a group who

had suffered a closed head injury; compared to a group of psychiat­

ric controls who were referred for the suspicion for brain dysfunc­

tion but who developed normal neuropsychological battery test re­


The statistical analysis used to test Hypothesis 1 was an ANOVA

to assess any differences between group means of the psychiatric

unimpaired group, the localized lesion group, and the closed head

injury group. Analysis of Hypothesis 2 was also an ANOVA to test

for differences between group means of the short coma group and the

long coma group. The statistical analysis of Hypothesis 3 was

carried out utilizing the Pearson product-moment correlation



All three null hypotheses were rejected and the theoretical

hypotheses for the WMS discrepancy score were supported. The re­

sults suggest that it is at least a common feature of closed head

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injury and it may be a marker of closed head injury so far as it is

related to severity. Hypothesis 1, which theoretically predicted

larger WMS discrepancy scores in the closed head injury group than

in the unimpaired psychiatric group or the localized lesion group,

was supported. Hypothesis 2, which conceptually predicted larger

WMS discrepancy scores for the long coma group, was also supported.

Hypothesis 3 predicted a significant and positive correlation be­

tween the size of the WMS discrepancy score and the magnitude of a

neuropsychological impairment rating. While this hypothesis was

technically supported, the strength of the finding was substantially

weakened by the low order of the correlation and the fact that the

localized lesion group showed a similar correlation. Neuro­

psychological impairment ratings were interpreted as being too

diverse in range of measurement to correlate highly with a singular

condition verbal short-term memory deficiency.

Additional statistical analyses were carried out which sub­

jected scores on the WAIS and the WMS individually to an ANOVA pro­

cedure. It was found that there were significant differences in the

dimension of WAIS full scale intelligence quotient only between the

closed head Injury group and the unimpaired psychiatric group. How­

ever, on the WMS memory quotient measure, the closed head injury

group was significantly different from both the localized trauma

group and the psychiatric unimpaired group.

It was discovered that the WMS discrepancy score showed a sig­

nificant correlation with the neuropsychological impairment rating

in the closed head injury group. These findings are inconclusive,

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however, due to the much higher negative correlations obtained be­

tween the neuropsychological impairment rating and the WAIS and WMS

in both the localized lesion and closed head injury groups. Overall,

the findings are summarized to suggest that the WMS discrepancy

score is found to persist to a greater degree in closed head injury

populations. This was true despite the fact that the WAIS also

shows the greatest level of impairment in the population of closed

head injury subjects used in this study.


In concept, this study has been directed toward affirming the

conceptual hypothesis that the WMS, as a measure of both short-term

audio-verbal memory and "fluid" verbal abilities, would be particu­

larly sensitive to the diffuse effects of closed head injury. More

specifically, it was hypothesized that the WMS might be used in con­

cert with the WAIS to identify those individuals who suffer the

types of injuries which put them at high risk for deficits which

involve fluid verbal abilities and the other performance factors of

the WMS which include short-term verbal memory, attention, concentra­

tion, and the freedom from distractability factor. It was also

hypothesized that closed head injury as a pathological process would

involve diffuse cerebral disruption and cortex/midbrain disruptions

which are important in causing short-term memory impairment. The

WMS discrepancy score is also investigated due to the supposed com­

parability of the scores in normals (Wechsler, 1945). In diffuse

head injuries, as the literature has supported, there tends to be a

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predominance of performance Intelligence quotient score deficits in

closed head injuries (Mandleberg, 1975; Mandleberg & Brooks, 1975).

The WMS was hypothesized to be a more sensitive indication of fluid

as opposed to crystallized verbal abilities. The use of the WMS

could therefore be evaluated by understanding the manner in which

the WMS might be deficient to WAIS performances. Additionally, it

might solve the problem of measuring fluid verbal capabilities and

associated short-term verbal memory problems. It therefore could

serve as a valuable addition to the WAIS which measures mostly

crystallized verbal abilities which are refractory to diffuse head

injuries (E. W. Russell, 1980).

In the present study the relationship of head injury to the WMS

discrepancy score was established. The relationship of the WMS dis­

crepancy score to length of coma was clearly supported. The present

study only differentiates short from long coma groups, but it does

nicely corroborate the findings of Prigatano (cited in Prigatano,

1978, p. 823). The discrepancy of the WMS from the WAIS in increas­

ing severity as defined by length of coma is not only supported by

Prigatano's study but also the average WMS discrepancy score of 10

points established in his study is highly consistent with the pres­

ent study. These findings do support the general conceptual hypothe­

sis that increasing severity of diffuse closed head injury results

in a disproportionally greater decrease in the more fluid and memory

based aspects of verbal processing as measured by the WMS.

The relationship between neuropsychological severity scores and

WMS discrepancy scores was investigated to further support the

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notion that, with increasing severity, WMS discrepancy scores would

be more characteristic of closed head injuries as compared to local­

ized head injuries and a psychiatric control group. This hypothesis

was supported but seems considerably weaker. The closed head injury

group performance showed a significant correlation between the WMS

discrepancy score and neuropsychological severity ratings. While

these findings certainly are in the expected direction, they are not

strong in supporting conclusively that WMS discrepancy is unique to

closed head injury with increasing severity. In fact, the localized

lesion group also showed correlation between WMS discrepancy score

and neuropsychological severity score approaching significance.

Difficulties in sample size in the present study may have prevented

more conclusive results regarding this hypothesis.

Possibly the most conclusive evidence in the present study is

the obtained significant differences which discriminate the closed

head injury from both the localized trauma group and the unimpaired

control group on the measure of WMS discrepancy score. While the

closed head injury group was different from both of the comparison

groups, the localized trauma group and the unimpaired control group

were not different from each other. Therefore, except for possibly

the most severe of localized lesions, group differences in the dis­

crepancy scores are most notable. It is possible that as localized

pathological process such as tumors or strokes become more general­

ized they begin to overlap on the dimension of WMS discrepancy with

the diffuse head injuries. This may be due to multiple lesion sites,

the more widespread involvement of the cerebral cortex, or by the

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radiating effects of more widespread brain damage. This observation

certainly would be in line with the observation of Smith (1966), who

found that 65% of left hemisphere lesion patients showed the contra­

dictory findings of having higher verbal intelligence quotient


However, the present study has much less to say conceptually

about memory difficulties or WMS discrepancy in regard to localized

lesions. The fact that WMS discrepancy was less typical of the

group does not obviate the fact that some localized lesion subjects

showed markedly inferior WMS scores. The use of the WMS discrepancy

scores with localized lesion groups will obviously remain a matter

of individual clinical neuropsychological assessment. Given the

extremely large range of WMS scores in that group, it would demand

that the neuropsychology clinician be sensitive to the potential

variance among localized lesion groups on the dimension of memory

function. The fact that localized lesion patients as a group do not

show a regularly occurring pattern of short-term memory deficiency

only requires greater vigilance to those numbers of cases who may

show such a condition. These observations tend to reinforce the

importance of the present findings in terms of using a technique ir

addition to the WAIS to screen for deficits in the area of memory

processes regardless of the site of lesion.

Another observation which can be derived from results of this

study pertains to the differences in deficit pattern between the

closed head injury group and the localized lesion group. The local­

ized lesion group showed the greatest overall neuropsychology

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impairment rating. Despite this fact, they showed higher WAIS

scores and much smaller WMS discrepancy scores. It is tempting to

speculate that the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery, by

virtue of its specific sensitivity to cortical areas, may under­

estimate or overestimate total brain dysfunction depending upon the

type of lesion process. If that were true, then it could be pos­

sible that the neuropsychological impairment rating may under­

estimate diffuse lesions and overestimate focal lesions in terms of

their total impact upon a patient's adjustment and cognitive capaci­

ties. While this possibility is a matter for further research, it

suggests clinical caution when using neuropsychology impairment

ratings as estimates of difficulty in living.

A number of important features emerge from the present findings.

Despite the fact that WAIS performance was most devastated in the

closed head injury group, the discrepancy effect remained. That is,

although closed head injury patients showed the greatest disruption

of intellectual processes as measured by the WAIS, they still show

the largest relative WMS discrepancy effects.

This researcher believes this effect further underscores the

importance of assessing interaction effects among subtests when

carrying out neuropsychological evaluations. This observation cer­

tainly is not new to neuropsychology. The field has long depended

upon the differential sensitivity of subtests to estimate brain dys­

function. This is most true of those subtests constructed to be

sensitive to specific sites of dysfunction within the cortex. The

addition of memory testing to neuropsychological batteries, however,

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provides a new dimension. That is, it supplies the examiner with

information about the rate and nature of information processing and

retention. Memory processing and other rapid integrative activity

are most frequently not the product of activity within a well local­

ized field of the cortex. The interactions between neuro­

psychological subtests which test more localized cortical functions

and those which are more globally sensitive to diffuse brain dys­

function need to be compared. WMS and WAIS performance comparisons

may therefore be most important not because of any specific ability

to discriminate memory deficiency; rather, they may provide a set of

interactions or comparisons which can be used to discriminate local­

ized from diffuse injury processes or even to estimate subcortical

brain damage effects which have a bearing upon memory, arousal,

attention, and other fluid adaptive capacities.

The present study discloses closed head injury to have an aver­

age WMS discrepancy score of almost 9.5 points. Other authors

(Milner, 1975; Prigatano, 1978; Quadfasel & Pruyser, 1955) have

reported, from studies of groups with lesions known to produce mem­

ory deficits, discrepancy scores of 12 points, 10 points, anti 11

points, respectively. Zaidel and Sperry (1974) reported a WMS dis­

crepancy score of nearly 12 points in a group of patients with known

short-term memory impairments secondary to hippocampal commissurot­

omy. This places the average discrepancy score for the closed head

injury group in the present study (9.33) to be close to those groups

with known memory producing lesions. The discrepancy of the local­

ized trauma group and the unimpaired psychiatric control group were

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1.5 and 2.0 points, respectively. They do not approach the level of

WMS discrepancy required for defined memory impairment as suggested

by the previous authors and further confirm the overall tenant of

the present study.

The findings of the present study have some important implica­

tions for clinical assessment of brain dysfunction following closed

head injury. Although the population of closed head injured sub­

jects used in the present study were not selected on the basis of

known memory dysfunction, they manifested a distinct tendency to

resemble memory impaired groups on the WMS discrepancy score measure.

This was true of the present closed head injury population despite

the fact that it contained a substantial percentage of "mild" head

injuries as defined by length of coma. Clinical neuropsychologists

cannot afford to ignore the dimension of relative short-term memory

impairment, especially when evaluating closed head injury. This

implies that an absence of a memory measure, which could be used to

contrast with intelligence and neuropsychological findings, would

jeopardize the applicability of neuropsychological battery findings.

The present study does not imply that only the WMS be used as a

measure of short-term memory. Rather, it would suggest that an

instrument be developed or used which requires rapid assimilation of

new information. Also, the information to be assimilated should

vary according to modality and complexity.

One interpretive danger to the present study consists of the

fact that it has failed to control for the amount of time following

injury. Although most of the subjects in the present study are past

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the 6 months critical period of restitution (Mandleberg, 1975), it

should be recognized that a very few individuals with less severe

closed head injuries had relatively recent injuries which would tend

to emphasize abnormally low WMS in those groups who were still re­

covering function.


The following recommendations include suggestions for both

further research and clinical practice. Initially some points will

be discussed which may have some importance for further research and

then a general discussion of the relationship of the present find­

ings to clinical practice will be offered.

Future research should be aimed at avoiding methodological

weaknesses in the present study as well as being directed toward

extending the understanding of the WMS discrepancy score. A criti­

cism of the present study might be a failure to control in an exact­

ing way for the site, location, and severity of lesion in the local­

ized lesion group. The availability of more definitive data which

describes the exact site and location of lesions in this group would

have provided valuable additional data regarding the impact of those

specific lesion sites on the discrepancy score. It is possible that

a different magnitude of WMS discrepancy score will occur in right

sided as opposed to left sided lesions. Also, there may be further

relationships between the exact localization of these lesions within

a functional territory of the cortex and the discrepancy score. For

example, temporal lobe lesions could be compared with frontal or

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posterior lobe lesions in a way that furthers the understanding of

ways in which some localized lesions might be more similar to closed

head injury or diffuse lesions in terms of discrepancy scores and

memory deficits. Such research obviously requires the availability

of large numbers of patients on whom data can be gathered in a

highly systematic and ongoing fashion. This approach, however,

appears to be indispensable for highly specific research involving

the clinical correlates of brain lesions.

It would be important to investigate the discrepancy score on

subjects with known levels of premorbid functioning. This could

provide a description of the relative deficits on the WMS perform­

ance or an increase in the WMS discrepancy score following any spe­

cific lesion type. Again, it requires data collection which is

specific and concurrent rather than a post hoc analysis.

The present study found rather conclusive evidence that severity

of closed head injury as defined by length of coma correlates highly

with WMS discrepancy score. That is, as length of coma increases,

so does relative WMS discrepancy score. It would be a substantial

clinical benefit to record specific length of coma or posttraumatic

amnesia such as number of days and to relate increasing length of

coma to WMS discrepancy. While the effects of generally worsening

WMS performance with increasing severity of head injuries has been

documented by Mandleberg and Brooks (1975), it will be important to

know if there are specific bench marks in terms of length of coma or

posttraumatic amnesia which cause greater corresponding increases in

WMS discrepancy. The current suggestion of coma state lasting 5 days

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or more as an indicator of severity producing memory results cer­

tainly seems to be established.

It would be important for further research to aim at the under­

standing of the relationship between closed head injuries and the

most severe types of localized lesion. Overall, the localized

lesion group and the closed head injury group were dissimilar for

purposes of the WMS score and the WMS discrepancy score. At the

same time, many localized lesion individuals showed very poor WMS

performance. This may suggest that, as localized lesions become

more involved, they more closely resemble closed head injury in

terms of memory performance. A similarity in performance on the WMS

discrepancy score between closed head injury and more severe local­

ized lesions would not only be an important clinical finding but

also would be theoretically important for understanding the suffi­

cient pathophysiological causes of memory impairment.

This study continues to be heuristic in supporting the notion

that a fluid verbal factor is present and may be in fact measurable

by such tests as the WMS. While the concept of fluid as opposed to

crystallized abilities in both verbal and visually based skills has

long been theorized, the concept has been most recently applied in

test construction by Kaufman and Kaufman (1983). The effects of

closed head injuries on fluid and crystallized intelligence deserve

further study.

In addition to these more general research suggestions, spe­

cific research ideas are generated by the findings in the study.

The WMS discrepancy score has been shown to be psychometrically

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associated with closed head injury. It would enhance the WMS dis­

crepancy score concept and allow more specific clinical description

if modality specific comparisons between the WMS and WAIS could also

be made. For example, the WAIS verbal IQ score could be contrasted

with the paired associates or logical memory subtests. Similarly,

figural memory could be contrasted with the WAIS performance IQ

score. Such a study might provide both a visual and verbal memory

discrepancy score. This could provide an index of "fluid" and

"crystallized" abilities in both visual and verbal spheres and pro­

vide important additional information in the context of a neuro­

psychological assessment. To best carry out such a research project,

the exact locus of lesion should be specified in control groups. In

this way, more specific comparisons can be made regarding the effect

of lesions on discrepancy scores.

An immediate problem which needs to be solved if WMS discrep­

ancy scores are to be useful is the problem of establishing WMS and

WAIS-Revised Form (WAIS-R) comparisons. As discussed, the WAIS-R

understates IQ level in comparison to the older WAIS. A more broad

study of WAIS-R/WMS differences would provide descriptive informa­

tion about comparisons between the WAIS-R and WMS in different popu­

lations, but more importantly it would help establish a new WMS

discrepancy score "benchmark" so that the WMS could more predictably

be used with the newer version, the WAIS-R.

The current study focuses almost entirely on short-term memory

processes. In light of the current findings it would be beneficial

to investigate the discrepancy effect utilizing recent memory, or

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even longer periods of retention. In such a study, WAIS-R perform­

ance could be contrasted with short-term memory and then, in turn,

contrasted with memory requiring retention of 30 minutes or more.

This would carry the benefit of measuring more pure memory functions

in addition to performance skills requiring attention and arousal.

E. W. Russell's (1979) multiple scoring system utilizing the WMS

would lend itself nicely to such an investigation.

Many computer software programs are currently marketed to offer

cognitive retraining that is claimed to improve memory capabilities

in the head injured patient. The WMS discrepancy could be used in a

test-retest fashion to investigate whether true short-term memory

gains are occurring or whether improved memory performance is really

an aspect of more general cognitive improvement. This study empha­

sizes the problem of short-term memory in the closed head injured,

and more specific evaluations of the conditions of "true" memory

improvement in this group are required.

The present study was unconvincing in regard to WMS discrepancy

scores and their correlation with neuropsychological outcomes. It

is likely that the extreme diversity of neuropsychological subtests

which contribute to global impairment ratings will not have a pre­

dictable relationship to the WMS discrepancy score. It would remain

desirable to be able to use the WMS discrepancy score in conjunction

with neuropsychological indicators to estimate diffuse or severe

dysfunction. Such comparisons could be made possible by research

which investigates the relationship between the WMS discrepancy

score and those neuropsychological subtests which require integrative

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ability. Specifically, on the Halstead-Reitan Battery, the Cate­

gories Test and the Trails (b) Test might be used in concert with the

WMS discrepancy score as a marker of diffuse head injury. Again,

this research would be most valuable if such inter-test comparisons

are made utilizing the strictest control possible over the type of

lesions which comprise comparison groups. Such specific comparison

of lesion types will be most important in future research aimed at

understanding the complex interactions of neuropsychological assess­

ment instruments.

In terms of clinically relevant indications from the present

studies, it clearly shows that clinicians should be very aware of

verbal processing deficits in cases of closed head injury. Moreover,

this is even true in cases where a normal verbal intelligence score

is obtained. That is, the rather regular deficiencies on the WMS

(even with its strong component of audio-verbal processing) suggests

that deficits in verbal or auditory learning may exist as hidden

features which significantly compound the treatment and rehabilita­

tion of the diffusely involved closed head injury patient. Specifi­

cally, the WAIS alone should not be used as an indicator of restored

verbal capacity.

The study suggests that the actual treatment of the closed head

injured should be oriented toward a reduction in the complexity and

rate of verbal processing demands. The repetition of written lan­

guage and the use of visual as well as spoken verbal messages may be

used simultaneously to enhance memory traces for instructional or

therapeuatic purposes. The hidden deficits relative to verbal

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efficiency and fluency may be responsible for a great deal of the

concreteness and inflexibility and adjustment observed in closed

head injury patients who have difficulty adapting even after normal

verbal intelligence quotient scores are obtained.

The results of the study do not suggest that the WMS discrep­

ancy score be used as a screening tool for organic brain dysfunction.

While the score is certainly more descriptive than the WMS scale

alone, it would appear that it is much too variable to be used as a

reliable indicator of the presence of a lesion. This would appear

to be especially true in those categories of brain dysfunction that

do not involve closed head injury or diffuse dysfunction.

If a shortened screening battery for closed head injury patients

were required, the WMS discrepancy score would be best used along

with a global test of impairment, a test of spatial relations, and

an aphasia screening tool. In this manner, intelligence, short-term

memory, fluid processing capabilities, visual spatial organization,

and language functions could contribute to a functional description

of deficits. Such a combination of instruments still could not be

used to infer the site of a lesion, however.

The WMS should probably be included in most batteries attempt­

ing to generate information relevant to rehabilitation or treatment.

This is obvious due to the immediately preceding comments about

hidden deficiencies in verbal fluency and acquisition. Prigatano's

(1978) general criticism of the WMS as a general test of memory may

still be true. However, with E. W. Russell's (1979) complex scoring

system, it may still be possible to assess immediate and fluid

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verbal processes as well as recent memory of up to 30 minutes. Addi­

tionally, it would be possible to gauge the type of memory diffi­

culties which are specific to an individual or to achieve informa­

tion regarding modality specific memory deficits. This approach may

solve the problem of addressing fluid as opposed to crystallized

verbal functions while also retaining the capability of measuring

qualitative disruptions in the memory process proper and enabling

the clinician to describe more specifically the type of breakdown

in memory processes in the individual patient.

It is not likely that the results of the present study are

strong enough to indicate that the WMS discrepancy score can be used

in individual patients to describe the severity of closed head in­

juries. Too many factors are involved in the idiosyncratic patho­

physiological makeup of each injured patient. However, the system­

atic inclusion of the WMS in cases which use neuropsychological

batteries or the WAIS for screening purposes might provide an addi­

tional valuable point of analysis which can be combined with other

psychometric features and clinical judgment in managing the diagno­

sis and treatment following head injury.

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Raw Scores for WAIS, WMS, Neuropsychological

Impairment Rating and Length of
Coma by Group

Neuropsych. Neuropsych
ID WAIS WMS impairment ID WAIS WMS impairment
rating rating

Psychiatric unimpaired group 37 104 105 .50

38 99 105 1.09
1 105 76 1.16 39 98 90 1.08
2 114 112 .92 40 108 106 .75
3 123 118 .42 41 118 120 .58
4 113 126 .67 42 99 80 1.25
5 106 96 1.58 43 87 114 1.50
6 111 99 .83 44 121 135 1.33
7 109 105 1.08 45 95 108 1.08
8 124 140 .50
9 92 92 1.25 Localized lesion group
10 110 99 .67
11 99 106 1.17 46 81 80 2.50
12 89 92 1.13 47 126 132 .92
13 93 70 1.17 48 104 77 1.60
14 118 112 .67 49 129 143 1.00
15 109 87 .83 50 85 77 3.27
16 100 118 .92 51 96 81 2.58
17 113 129 .58 52 121 143 1.25
18 92 105 1.42 53 93 103 1.67
19 108 108 .67 54 109 112 1.25
20 93 86 1.33 55 96 100 2.92
21 121 124 .64 56 90 73 3.08
22 103 105 1.00 57 96 87 2.42
23 111 103 .75 58 95 79 2.75
24 102 87 .67 59 91 94 3.17
25 108 97 1.00 60 100 97 2.33
26 116 114 1.08 61 92 84 2.25
27 102 101 .50 62 108 90 2.88
28 101 96 1.00 63 91 94 1.83
29 87 92 1.25 64 106 93 2.08
30 110 106 1.58 65 105 108 2.50
31 101 99 1.50 66 105 129 2.63
32 84 66 1.33 67 81 77 2.75
33 106 106 .83 68 89 89 3.11
34 99 100 1.17 69 100 116 2.50
35 98 80 1.33 70 80 73 3.11
36 91 84 1.16

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Neuropsych. Length
ID WAIS WMS Impairment of
rating coma

Closed head Injury group

71 120 116 1.33 Short

72 107 92 2.50 Long
73 95 90 1.33 Short
74 124 105 1.42 Long
75 111 110 1.08 Long
76 111 106 .58 Short
77 86 97 2.83 Short
78 107 112 1.58 Long
79 81 64 2.16 Short
80 86 92 2.17 Long
81 92 92 1.67 Long
82 93 69 2.50 Long
83 101 94 1.75 Short
84 88 73 1.50 Long
85 95 99 1.80 Short
86 79 62 2.75 Long
87 63 52 3.08 Long
88 98 94 1.58 Short
89 94 81 1.50 Long
90 90 83 2.67 Long
91 107 103 1.50 Long
92 92 94 1.50 Short
93 86 67 2.64 Long
94 103 106 1.50 Short
95 108 89 1.00 Short
96 99 99 1.50 Long
97 102 93 1.42 Long
98 106 93 2.16 Short
99 89 72 2.17 Long
100 81 62 3.18 Short
101 90 81 2.25 Short
102 79 57 2.67 Long
103 88 74 1.50 Long
104 114 110 .92 Short
105 92 80 2.17 Long
106 97 70 1.92 Long
107 83 73 2.56 Long
108 88 64 3.17 Long
109 97 89 1.67 Long
110 92 70 2.33 Long
111 75 61 3.33 Long
112 100 96 1.25 Short
113 84 84 2.75 Long
114 102 99 2.00 Long
115 83 77 2.33 Short

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