Assignment 2 Templete
Assignment 2 Templete
Assignment 2 Templete
Curriculum Crosswalk: Aligning Learning Outcomes, Program Outcomes and Practice Essentials
Jaclyn Pfaeffle
Dr. Quartuccio
1. Apply theoretical and conceptual models of health-related behavior, risk factors, health
promotion, and illness prevention in both internal and external environments to
individuals, families, and groups throughout the life span, considering factors such as
age and cultural background.
2. Examine empirical basis for selected complementary (non-pharmacological)
therapeutics and application in Western medicine and medical treatment.
3. Evaluate appropriateness of complementary therapeutics for assisting clients to achieve
goals of health promotion and/or symptom attenuation.
4. Develop appropriate plans of health promotion and clinical preventive care education
for individuals and groups of clients from diverse ethnic and sociocultural backgrounds
through the use of social media campaigns and community health fairs.
5. Design outcome measures appropriate for selected evidence-based therapeutic
interventions related to healthy lifestyles (Pratt, 2021).
Use theory, research findings, and Student Essential III: Scholarship for
evidence to support nursing practice Learning Evidence Based Practice
related to disease prevention, health Outcomes:
promotion, illness, and restoration of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
The first program learning outcome (PLO) of SUNY Delhi’s RN-BSN program that will
be assessed is that of “synthesizing knowledge from the liberal arts and sciences as a foundation
for professional nursing practice” (SUNY Delhi, 2022). This PLO relates to all of the student
learning outcomes (SLOs) of NURS 303: Health Promotion. NURS 303 requires a pre-requisite
of statistics and research methods or statistics and transition to professional nursing. The SLOs
that relate to synthesizing knowledge from arts and sciences as a foundation for professional
nursing practice are all of them because they require prerequisite liberal arts knowledge. For
example, the first SLO is applying “theoretical and conceptual models of health-related behavior,
risk factors, health promotion, and illness prevention in both internal and external
achieve this, the student must have and be able to use prior knowledge from science, math and
humanities courses which are part of the liberal arts and sciences foundation.
any assignment that contains aspects of the sciences, arts, working with diverse groups, tolerance
health promotion, factors influencing health promotion and how culture affects health promotion.
This assignment will achieve the program outcome of integrating knowledge from liberal arts
This PLO and correlating SLOs related to Essential I from the AACN Essentials for
Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice. The Essential I topic is the Liberal
Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice (AACN, 2008). This essential correlates
with the PLO because they both state liberal education as a component for nursing practice.
The next program learning outcome of SUNY Delhi’s RN-BSN program that will be
examined is the use of “theory, research findings, and evidence to support nursing practice
related to disease prevention, health promotion, illness, and restoration of health” (Pratt, 2021).
The student learning outcomes that relate to this PLO are: 1) applying theoretical and conceptual
models of health-related behavior, risk factors, health promotion, and illness prevention, 2)
complementary therapeutics for assisting clients to achieve goals of health promotion and/or
symptom attenuation 4) developing appropriate plans of health promotion and clinical preventive
care education and 5) designing outcome measures appropriate for selected evidence-based
therapeutic interventions related to healthy lifestyles (Pratt, 2021). This PLO aligns with all of
the SLOs of NURS 303 because the PLO states the student will be able to use theory research
findings and evidence related to health promotion and SLOs state the student will apply
develop plans for health promotion and design evaluation methods of evidenced based
interventions (SUNY Delhi, 2022). All of these outcomes require the application of theory,
An activity that might demonstrate student achievement of the PLO of using theory,
research findings, and evidence to support nursing practice related to disease prevention, health
promotion, illness and restoration of health is an evidenced based practice project. For example,
students could be presented a patient and they must develop a health promotion plan for the
patient using current best practice research. Horntvedt et al. (2018) conducted a literature review
of teaching strategies for evidence-based practice one theme that emerged was learning
outcomes. Students stated writing assignments helped them understand the research process and
helped them understand the role of research in the nursing profession. Learning outcomes related
to analytical skills and using research were identified as subthemes related to evidence-based
practice assignments (Horntvedt et al., 2018). Findings from this literature review demonstrate
that evidence-based research projects are activities that are effective in achieving the learning
Lastly, this PLO correlates with the practice essential III from the AACN Essentials for
Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice. Essential III is Scholarship for
Evidence Based Practice. The rationale for this essential is that nursing is based on applying
current research into practice and baccalaureate programs should prepare students to explain the
relationship between theory, practice and research (AACN, 2008). This correlates with the PLO
and SLO because they all relate to using theory and evidence in nursing.
The next program learning outcome of the RN-BSN program that will be discussed is that
of “developing interventions to meet the healthcare, safety, education, and counseling needs of
diverse client groups” (SUNY Delhi, 2022). This PLO correlates with the SLOs of 1) applying
theoretical and conceptual knowledge…throughout the life span, considering factors such as age
meet goals of health promotion, 4) developing plans of health promotions for diverse groups of
clients and 5) designing outcomes measures for interventions related to healthy lifestyles (Pratt,
2021). These SLOs connect to the PLO because they all relate to developing and evaluating
This program outcome mentions meeting the needs of diverse client groups. An activity
that would demonstrate the achievement of developing interventions to meet the healthcare,
safety, education and counseling needs of diverse client groups could be a skills simulation. For
example, the LGBTI+ is a group that faces discrimination and health inequities (McCann &
Brown, 2020). Creating a simulation that incorporates diverse groups of people, such as the
LGBTI+ group is one way to incorporate education related to developing interventions and
meeting the safety, education and counseling needs of different groups. This assignment is
congruent with the program outcome because it is a life like experience of meeting the needs of
diverse groups. Though the RN-BSN program is exclusively online, this simulation could be
replicated through discussion or an online simulation platform to achieve the program learning
This PLO and related SLOs aligns with Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population
health of the AACN Essentials for Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice.
Essential VII states health promotion is across the lifespan are important aspects of baccalaureate
nursing graduates. Factors that influence population health are lifestyle, environment and genetic
factors (AACN, 2008). This essential relates to the outcomes of developing interventions related
to healthcare needs, safety, education and counseling for diverse groups because population
A student learning outcome not being met is cause for concern. Possible causes of
students not meeting a passing grade for an assignment could be a poorly development
correlating the with the student learning outcome. The student cannot reach the learning outcome
if the assignment doesn’t effectively allow for the outcome to be meet by the requirements. Other
possible causes could be a reading assignment that doesn’t correlate with the assignment or the
teaching strategy (lecture, flipped classroom, etc.). In addition to the SLO not being met, the
correlating standard aligned in the crosswalk would not be met because the SLOs are aligned
with the standards. For example, if the student didn’t do well on the evidenced based practice
assignment that relates to the second program outcome, students are in danger of not meeting
Solutions for addressing the unmet learning outcome would be re-evaluating the
assignment, the student learning outcomes related to the class, class text, teaching strategy or
faculty member teaching the content. Re-evaluation could help determine where the curriculum
Curriculum Evaluation
curriculum needing to be congruent with the mission, values and philosophy of the school, it
must prepare graduates to meet the program outcomes and to pass licensure exams (Ellis, 2020;
Ard et al., 2019). Evaluation of curriculum is required to determine if the curriculum is meeting
the chosen outcomes, evaluate the program effectiveness and identify resources to improve
program quality and success (Ellis, 2020). One way to evaluate curriculum is to compare it
standards of accrediting bodies standards. The ACCN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for
Professional Nursing Practice is a tool that educators can use to guide their curriculum. The
manual provides a list of nine expected outcomes for baccalaureate nursing graduates. Some of
outcomes include liberal education, basic organizational and systems leadership, health care
Elements of curriculum evaluation include congruency of the mission, goals and expected
program outcomes, assessment activities, responsible parties, time frames, resources and
evaluation of nursing program curriculum are local health care agencies that provide clinical or
employment for students. It is valuable to determine the skills and competencies that future
employers would want new graduate nurses to have. Other stakeholders are faculty and
The data in the crosswalk developed in the beginning of this paper shows an intertwined
relationship between the program outcomes for SUNY Delhi’s RN-BSN program, the student
learning outcomes for NURS 303: Health Promotion and the essentials of baccalaureate
education for professional nursing practice as described by the AACN. This relationship meets
the curriculum criteria of the ACEN based off the evidence that the student learning outcomes
help the student achieve program outcomes and the curriculum follows current healthcare trends.
As mentioned in the crosswalk, the standard that is being met for accreditation is the curriculum
standard. Additionally, the sub-standards being met are using program outcomes to organize the
curriculum, guide the delivery of instruction, and direct learning activities as well as including
general education courses that enhance professional nursing knowledge and practice (ACEN,
2020). This crosswalk and curriculum evaluation provide confirmation of using the program
outcomes to organize and guide instruction while including general education courses to further
Ard, N., Farmer, S., Beasley, S., & Nunn-Ellison, K. (2019). Using the ACEN standards in
(Eds.), Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty, (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Horntvedt, Nordsteien, A., Fermann, T., & Severinsson, E. (2018). Strategies for teaching
McCann, & Brown, M. (2020). The needs of LGBTI+ people within student nurse education
Pratt, E. (2021). NURS-303 Health Promotion. [Syllabus] Delhi, NY: Nursing Department,
SUNY Delhi.