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Digital Multimeters DMK Series Remote Control Software Manual

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I166 GB 0305



Introduction...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Minimum PC hardware requirements ............................................................................................................ 2
Installation........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Activation of the PC-DMK connection........................................................................................................... 3
Wiring diagram (direct connection) ................................................................................................................ 3
Connection via modem .................................................................................................................................. 4
Connection via Ethernet-to-serial gateways .................................................................................................. 4
Basic principles ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Main window .................................................................................................................................................... 6
System configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 7
View menu ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Data log........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Energy meters log ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Alarms .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Graphs ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Harmonics .................................................................................................................................................... 17
Front panel ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Password........................................................................................................................................................ 19
Communication menu ................................................................................................................................... 20
Online ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Offline ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Modem Call .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Hang up........................................................................................................................................................ 20
Parameters menu........................................................................................................................................... 21
Base setup ................................................................................................................................................... 21
Advanced setup ........................................................................................................................................... 22
Capacitor overload setup ............................................................................................................................. 22
Serial interface setup ................................................................................................................................... 23
Save-Load-Print ........................................................................................................................................... 23
Page editor ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
Indicator types.............................................................................................................................................. 28
Objects types ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Start page generation................................................................................................................................... 37
APPENDIX A – Connection modes .............................................................................................................. 38
Connection via standard modem............................................................................................................................... 38

MSGB104$0500.doc 15.12.2004 P. 1 / 40
The remote control software allows to connect one or more DMK series multimeters (DMK32, DMK62,
DMK40, DMK22, DMK52) to one PC, and provides the following functions:
• Graphically show the measures read from the multimeters, in the form of ‘virtual’ instruments (gauges,
bar graphs, displays, counters and more).
• Periodically sample a set of measurements defined by the user and save them on disk in different
formats (MS-Access, ASCII text, MS-Excel).
• Periodically sample the DMK energy meters value and save them in a database. Automatically calculate
the energy consumption between on sample and the following.
• Plot graphs of the sampled measures.
• Apply alarm thresholds to the sampled measures.
• Save on disk the alarm and event sequence happened in the multimeters network.
• Show a ‘virtual’ front panel of the multimeter, with the possibility to view all the readings and to click on
the pushbuttons.
• Show, modify, save on disk, reload and print the multimeter setup settings.
• Display a graph of the voltage and current harmonic content, using the FFT readings supplied by the
• Customize the software pages, inserting indicators linked to measurements, background pictures, fixed
texts, command buttons and more.
• Change the language of the software menus and commands, selecting among Italian, English, French,
German and Spanish.

Minimum PC hardware requirements

• Windows 95/98/2000/XP operative system.
• Graphic card with minimum resolution of 800x600, 1024x768 or more recommended.
• One free serial interface port (COM:)
• 64Mb of RAM
• Pentium-like processor or faster
• CD-ROM drive for installation

To proceed with the installation, it is necessary that the PC is already working with the operative system and
to have the CD ROM for the software setup.
It is also recommended that the user has at least a minimum experience with PCs and Windows

To install the software:

1. Close all active applications

2. Insert the CD in the drive and wait for its recognition.
3. Launch Setup.exe.
4. A dialog box will appear asking for the directory where to install the program. State the new name, if any,
in the space.
5. Follow the step-by-step instructions
6. If at the end of setup process the installation program asks to reboot the Pc, execute this procedure.

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Activation of the PC-DMK connection
To operate the remote control program, it is essential the PC and DMK can communicate by serial interface.
To activate the serial link, without using a modem, follow these steps:

1. The first step is to make sure the PC has one free RS-232 serial communications interface port. Serial
ports are normally indicated by the COM reference. They are usually numbered COM1: to COM4:
although the majority of the brands on the market have only two available ports, COM1: and COM2:,
identifiable by the 9-pin D-type male connector. Secondly, it is important to choose the PC port bearing
in mind that one serial port is already used for the mouse in some cases.
1. Configure the software to use the selected serial port. This can be done when the DMK.exe software is
executed for the first time and also later, using Configuration-Options-General menu (see the
Configuration chapter). The factory default for the serial port is COM1: , 9600 baud, no parity.
2. Prepare the Rs-485 network. Connect the Rs-232/Rs-485 converter to the PC. Connect all multimeters
interface terminals in parallel with the twisted-pair cable and then to the interface converter, as shown in
the following wiring diagram. Make sure the polarity is correct ( A and B terminals).
3. We strongly recommend to use an interface converter supplied by Lovato. If the user wants to use an
interface converter of another brand, we will not able to help with wiring, nor to assure that the
communication will work properly. However, the interface converter must be insulated and have an
automatic enable line control circuit.
4. From the front keyboard of each multimeter, enter the serial interface setup (P.41 Æ) and set one
different serial address for each DMK, starting from address 01. Make sure that the PC speed an parity
settings match the DMK setting.
5. At this point it is possible to launch DMK.exe. If the wiring and settings are correct, the link will be
automatically established with DMK 01.

Wiring diagram (direct connection)



RS485 RS485

DMK n°31 DMK n°1 PX1

If the connection does not work (trying to enter Online mode, the program emits some beeps and
automatically proceeds in Offline mode), carefully check the following points:

1. The PC COM port used for the connection must match the one selected in Configuration-Options-
General-Serial port settings menu. That port must NOT be configured as a serial mouse port on the PC.
2. The communication rate set on the PC and all DMKs must be the same (e.g. 9600 bps for both).
3. If there are more than one DMK connected, then each must have a serial address different than all the
others (e.g. 01, 02, 03, etc.). To set the serial address, program the relative parameter P.41
4. The converter connection polarity to the RS-485 bus must be correct; all A terminals (marked on the
leads), plugged on to one bus connector and the B terminals with the other.
5. The maximum distance between the two most distant units on the RS-485 bus must not exceed 1000 m.
6. The two most distant units must be connected to the terminal resistor (TR).
7. The interface converter on the PC side must be switched on and correctly configured; see the relative
technical sheet attached to the device. In particular, it must be set for automatic enable line switching
(Data mode).

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Connection via modem
When the PC and the DMKs are located at a considerable distance from one another, it is possible to
establish remote control through a pair of modems. In this case the PC must be connected to the modem
through the standard cable supplied with the modem. On the other end, the RS-232/RS-485 converter must
be connected to the modem through the 51C9 cable supplied by Lovato. The connection between the RS-
232/RS-485 converter and the DMK must be done in the same way used with direct connection (see the
wiring diagram in the previous page).
This type of connection may entail some difficulty for users who are not familiar with the use and
programming of modems, as certain programming is necessary depending on the type of modem used, the
type of telephone line, etc. For further information about the wiring and the programming of modems, see
Appendix A.

Connection via Ethernet-to-serial gateways

It is possible to configure the software to establish the PC-DMK connection through Ethernet-to-serial
gateways. This devices are able to use the Ethernet LAN network to realize a link between serial devices,
and can be used in two different ways:

1. Using a dedicated driver in the PC, one virtual COM port is created. This COM port s visible by any
application running on the PC. It works logically exactly as a standard serial port, the only difference
is that it is physically placed on the gateway, that is it can be placed far away from the PC. This
allows to use an existing LAN to cover the major part of the distance between the PC and the place
where the DMK are installed. In this case the use of the Ethernet converter is transparent, that is
both the configuration of the PC and the wiring of the DMK interface to the serial port are to be done
as usual (see the previous chapter Activation of PC-DMK connection). The only difference is that the
PC serial port has to be substituted by the gateway converter serial port. This operation mode allows
to use only one gateway.

2. The second possible connection mode works with a direct communication between PC and
gateways without the need for a virtual COM driver, allowing to use several Ethernet-to-serial
devices at the same time. This provides more flexibility in placing the converters in different points of
the network and reaching DMKs that are far one from the other.
In this case, for every multimeter the user must specify the IP address and IP port of the Ethernet
converter where the DMK is connected (see Configure-Options window in the following pages). It is
also possible to connect several DMKs to the same port of the converter.
The market offers many different brands and models of Ethernet/serial converters, and their
characteristics and product codes are continuously evolving. For this reason this manual does not
indicate a specific model, even if the major part of these devices is compatible with our application.
To have help in selecting the right model, ask the producer of the gateway for technical support.
To set-up the system and correctly configure the gateways, refer to their user manual and eventually
ask for the help of an expert of LAN networks (IT system administrator).

As a general indication, respect the following points:

• The serial gateways have to be configured to work directly in TCP/IP, not through a virtual COM
• The IP addresses used for the converters must be free, that is they have not to be in conflict with
other devices operating on the LAN. If necessary, ask for the IT system administrator help.
• The serial port settings of the converters (baudrate, parity, data bits etc) must match what is set
into the DMKs.
• All multimeters must have a different serial address.

Concerning the physical connection between multimeter and converter:

• If the Ethernet-to serial converter has a RS-232 interface port, then use the same wiring
diagrams suggested for the COM port of the PC. When using DMK32-62-22-52 it will be
necessary to have also a RS-232/RS-485 converter, while for DMK40 it will be possible to
connect directly in RS-232.
• If otherwise the Ethernet gateway is equipped with an RS-485 interface compatible with the
multimeters interface, then it will be possible to have direct wiring between DMK and gateway.

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Basic principles
The working criteria of the program is to cyclically read the measures taken by connected DMKs and to
display them in the form of indicators on the PC monitor. Information are grouped in pages that can be
selected by the user during connection. When the software is installed, some already-made pages are
supplied. The user, if needed, will be able to create new customized pages and/or to modify the existing

Pages can be of two types:

• Pages that groups data coming from different DMKs, for instance to show simultaneously voltage,
current, power etc read from different points of a plant, each controlled by one DMK. In this case each
indicator displays readings coming from one particular multimeter.
• Pages with indicators not assigned to one particular multimeter, where the user selects from which
multimeter he wants to read data to be shown. In this case it is possible to concentrate many measures
all coming from the same DMK (the one selected in that moment). With a simple click, the user can
move its attention to another multimeter, and all indicators will be updated with data coming from the
newly selected DMK.

Most common pages are of the second type. When the software is displaying one of these pages, one drop-
down list will be shown allowing the user to select the DMK from which read measurements. In this case
other functions will also be enabled, addressed to the selected multimeter, as for instance the access to
setup parameters, harmonic contents graph, virtual front panel and so on.

Example of a page with data coming from different DMK

Example of a page filled with data coming from the same DMK

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Main window
The main window contains all menus and toolbars that allow the user to access to various functions of the
software. Some of these functions that can modify the software and/or DMK configuration are protected by a
password, and are disabled when the program is started. In the following figure is displayed the main page
aspect , with highlights on the most commonly used controls.

Fig 1.1 – Main window

‘7 segment display’ Drop-down box for Drop-down box for Gauge indicator
indicator page selection multimeter Type 1





Command ‘Bar graph’ Page refresh Communication DMK alarm status Gauge indicator
buttons indicator rate status of description Type 2
connected DMKs

The page shown in figure 1.1, called MAIN, is one of the already-made pages supplied with the program. It is
a non-associated indicator page, so the displayed measures are referred to the multimeter selected in the
drop-down selection box placed top-right.
In this page are displayed many of the most important readings given by DMK, that is:
A) Phase-to-phase voltages
B) Frequency
C) Total active power
D) Total reactive power
E) Total apparent power
F) DMK digital outputs status
G) L1, L2, L3 phase voltage, with instantaneous maximum and minumum values (HIGH and LOW functions
of the DMK).
H) L1, L2, L3 phase current with HIGH-LOW.
I) L1, L2, L3 displacement power factor
J) L1, L2, L3 total power factor

If the selected multimeter model does not provide one measure, the correspondent indicator will show ‘---‘.

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System configuration
To access the configuration window it is necessary to enter the password. By default, the password is
LOVATO. Click on Password menu, key-in LOVATO and then confirm with OK.
The configuration phase is a very important step to correctly define the program operation. In particular, in
the case in which are connected more than one multimeter, the user will have to pay attention to the setting
of each DMK connected to the network.
Before proceeding with the explanation of the various functions of the software, we will examine the
configuration window, looking at the meaning of all settings.

Figure 2.1 – Configuration-Options-General

PC serial port


Select between direct and

modem connection. Direct
connection is done with
Modbus RTU protocol,
while modem connection
Default colors with Modbus ASCII.
for pages and

Enables the
connection by
serial gateways
and TCP/IP
If using only one
converter with
virtual COM
driver, it is not
necessary to
enable this

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Figure 2.2 – Configuration-Options-Multimeters

Selected DMK Total number of Add a new DMK Removes the last
configured DMKs to the network DMK from the
configuration network

Enables / disables
the serial Selects the
communication previous / next
with the selected DMK

Description of the
DMK. It is used to
Nominal value identify the
setting for the multimeter in
indicator scale pages, data log,
(sets 100% of bar alrms and more.
graph indicators
Must be set
according to the If the option
DMK CT and VT Connection by
ratio settings. TCP-IP is enabled,
this fields define
the IP address and
IP port of the
Ethernet gateway
where this
multimeter is

Defines if an
alarm message
must be stored
when digital Maximum value
output 1 trips setting for the
indicator scale
(sets full scale of
all indicators)
Must be set
according to the
Same as above, Text of the alarm Text of the alarm ratio settings.
referred to digital to be stored when to be stored when
output 2 output 1 trips output 2 trips

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Figure 2.3 - Configuration-Options-Data log

Time interval Defines how many days the Defines if, in case of the last sample
between data log data log database will keep measures are out of alarm bounds,
samples / alarms sample records. they must be saved in the database
check even if the recording time interval is not
yet elapsed.

Time interval
between data log
sample recording
in the database
Selects the
measure to

Selects the source

multimeter for the
measure to be

Deletes the
Adds a row to the selected row from
data log list, the list.
copying the Note:
multimeter and Deleting fields in
the measure the data log
selected in the database
drop-down boxes structure will
mean losing of all
currently present

List of the measures to be sampled.

They will be sampled at the same time
and will be used for alarms check (see
next chapter), graph plots, data export
Max 128 measures.

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Figure 2.4 - Configuration-Options-Alarms

Selects the measure to which

apply the thresholds from the
list defined in data log

Enables maximum threshold value
threshold check.

threshold value
Enables minimum
threshold check

Enables / disables
automatic opening
of the alarm
window when a
new alarm arises.

List of the alarm

checks applied to
data log samples

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Figure 2.5 - Configuration-Options-Energies

If this checkbox is selected, the energy samples will be carried out in

synchronization with the real-time clock of the PC.
Defines how many days the For instance, if the sampling time is 1 hour, the sampling will be done at
energy log database will keep 0:00, 1:00, 2:00 etc.
sample records. If this checkbox is not enabled, the sampling could be done at 0:33, 1:33,
2:33 etc.

Time interval between

energy meters log.
If sampling are
synchronized, the sampling
period will be selected from
Selects the source a list of sub-multiple of 24
multimeter for the hours.
energy meter to be If sampling is not
sampled synchronized, then the
interval setting is free.

Adds a row to the

energy meter log list, Selects which energy meter
copying the multimeter must be sampled. It is
and the energy selected possible to choose among
in the drop-down boxes the 4 meters available on
the DMK:
- Imported Active energy
- Imported Reactive energy
- Exported Active energy
- Exported reactive energy
Deletes the selected
row from the list.
Deleting fields in the
energy log database
structure will mean
losing of all currently
present records.

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Figure 2.6 - Configuration-Options-Modem Index
If the software is configured for connecting via modem, it is possible to store a list of the various installations,
that is a list of places where a DMK network with modem is installed. For each installation, the user can
define a code, a name and the corresponding phone number of the modem on the field. This way, when
wanting to connect with a particular installation, it will be possible to dial it directly from this list. For each
installation it is possible to define if one or more units are installed and associate an initial page to be loaded
once connection has been established.

Installation Description of Phone number

code. They must installation of modem to be
all be different. called

Number of DMK
units connected
to the modem.
To enter a new
record, first click
on New, fill the
fields and then
click on Add. Name of page to
be loaded after
connection has

To eliminate a
record, first
select it in the
To modify an
table, then click
existing record,
Remove button.
first select it
from the table,
then do your
modification in
the field above,
finally click on

Important note:
Normally the user connects its DMK network to the PC without modem. This allows to configure each
multimeter, defining the name, the full-scale value for all the measurements etc (this are the configurations
that are entered in the Configuration-Options-Multimeters window, see figure 2.2).
When using modem connection, all this setting can be used only if the remote connection is done always to
the same DMK network, that is, if there is only one record in the Modem index because the user dials always
the same number. In this case, the couple of modems are used to reach a longer distance, but the
communication is the same as for direct connection.
The concept changes if there are more than one DMK networks in the field. In this case, each network may
be different from the other, having different number of DMKs, working with different voltage etc.
The user can select one installation, connect to it and see the DMK status, then disconnect and dial another
phone number to connect to another DMK network.
In such situation, functions like the Data log, Energy meters log, (and thus Graph and Alarms) cannot be
used correctly, since data coming from different DMKs may be stored in the same database.

For the above reasons, the software will work in two different ways:
• If the connection is direct (without modem) or via modem but with only one installation (only one
phone number to dial) then the software will operate normally.
• If the connection is done via modem to different places (several DMK networks each with a different
phone number) then the Data log , Energy meters log, Graph and Alarms function will not operate.
The full-scale value for the indicators will be calculated automatically using the DMK settings as a
reference, and the name of each DMK will be assigned as default.

When the user clicks the New button to add the second installation phone number, a message box will be
displayed, informing that the operation of the software is going to change.

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View menu
Data log
Variables defined in the Data log configuration (Figure 2.3) are sampled cyclically by the software,
independently from which page is shown, with an acquisition rate defined by the user with the Sampling
period setting. After each sample, data are compared with alarm thresholds defined by the user (if any). The
same data are saved in the Data log database with a storing rate defined with Storing period setting.
For instance, it is possible to set a sampling period of 5 sec and a storing period of 30 sec. In this case,
every 5 sec the software will read all variables defined in the data log configuration list, and will check those
among them for which alarm thresholds have been defined. If there are no alarms, once every 30 sec the
sample will be stored in a new record of the database. If the option Store alarms has been selected and one
of the measures is out of bounds, its value will be saved in the database even if the storing period has not
yet elapsed. Obviously, the user can decide to set a storing period equal to the sampling period. In this
case, every sample will be saved in the database.
When the user defines the Storing period, he must pay attention to the disk space available on its PC. For
instance, setting a storing period of 5 sec, a total of 17280 records/day will be added to the database, each
one with date, time and value of each variable defined in the data log list.
This is the reason why it has been decided to separate the storing from the sampling period. This solution
allows to check variables for alarms with a good frequency, but to store them only when they are out of
bounds and however, with a slower ratio.
To limit the hard disk space occupation, it is possible to eliminate automatically from the database the
samples older than a defined number of days. Setting Maintain samples of the last…days to 7, only records
of the last week will be kept in the database.

If the multimeter model does not support the selected measure (for instance reading cos-phi from a DMK22)
the correspondent field in the datalog database will remain empty.

Data recorded in the database can be displayed in a table with View-Data log menu, or clicking on the
corresponding icon on the toolbar.

Figure 3.1 – View-Data log

Sample date and Number of Values of the

time selected records sampled variables

Start / end date and time for Opens the window for Displays all Allows to export Delete
extracting records from the defining start and end date records of the data in ASCII text selected
database database format or MS- records from
Excel format the database.

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Energy meters log
The energy meters defined in the Energy meters log configuration (Figure 2.5) are sampled cyclically by the
software, independently from which page is shown, with an acquisition rate defined by the user with the
Sampling period setting. If the Synchronize with PC clock checkbox is enabled, the samples are done at
real-time regular intervals.

Sampling period: 5 min – Synchronized
Samples at: 0:00, 0:05, 0:10, 0:15 ……… 8:00, 8:05, 8:10 …….

Sampling period: 30 min – Synchronized

Samples at: 0:00, 0:30, 1:00, 1:30 ……… 8:00, 8:30, 9:00 …….

If the Synchronize with PC clock checkbox is NOT enabled, then the distance between one sample and the
following can be set freely, and the reference time for sampling is the time the software is started.

Sampling period: 5 min – NOT Synchronized
Samples at: 0:03, 0:08, 0:13, 0:18 ………

Sampling period: 30 min – NOT Synchronized

Samples at: 0:17, 0:47, 1:17, 1:47 ………

For each energy meter that will be saved in the database, an additional column will be added, holding the
differences (delta) between the energy meter count from one sample and the previous. This calculated value
shows the amount of energy that has been consumed/generated in that interval of time, and will be available
to be plotted on the Graph window.
To limit the hard disk space occupation, it is possible to eliminate automatically from the database the
samples older than a defined number of days. For example, Setting Maintain samples of the last…days to
30, only records of the last month will be kept in the database.

Figure 3.2 – View-Energy meter log

Sample date and Number of Active energy Difference between

time selected records meter count sampled count and

Start / end date and time for Opens the window Displays all Allows to export data Delete selected
extracting records from the for defining start and records of the in ASCII text format records from the
database end date database or MS-Excel format database.

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As described in the previous Alarm configuration page (Figure 2.4), the user has the possibility to apply
thresholds (minimum, maximum or both) to the measures sampled with the data log. In the case in which
one or more of the values is out of bounds, the alarm condition is always saved in the alarm database with
date and time. When the alarm conditions ends, another record will be saved, allowing to define the duration
of the abnormal situation.
In the Multimeter configuration window (Figure 2.3) it is possible to specify if the DMK digital outputs tip has
to be saved as an alarm record into the alarms database. In this case it is possible to freely define the text
that will be stored each time the output will be activated.
In the same database are stored also some Events, that is something that happened that can help to better
understand the alarms sequence. One example of Event can be the activation of the remote control, that is
the instant in which the software has been started and thus the measures sampling has been initiated. It is
obvious that if the software or the Pc have been left inactive, then some alarm situation may not be found in
the alarm recording. The same can happen if one multimeter has been left switched off for a certain period of
Events are stored in time sequence with alarms, but with the database window the user will be able to select
the information with the following criteria:

• Period in which alarms and events have happened (date-time of start and end)
• View only alarms, only events, both
• View alarms/events from one particular multimeter or from all configured multimeters

Figure 4.1 – View-alarms

Date-Time of Number of Record type Event Description of the

alarm or event selected records / Alarm alarm or event

Stops PC sound
after one new
alarm has been
Enabled only if
the option that
the alarm
window is
enabled too.

Select from Select records Opens the window for Allows to export Delete selected
viewing all from a particular defining start and end data in ASCII text records from the
only alarms multimeter or from date format or MS- database.
only events all multimeters Excel format

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The content of the Data log and of the Energy meter log databases can be shown in the form of a graph
(strip-chart). In this way it is possible to have immediately a global idea of the trend of the most important
measures, or to compare on the same graph two measures taken from two different part of the plant.
To open the graph window click on View-Graph menu or use the correspondent icon on the toolbar.
The operation criteria of this graph is very similar to on oscilloscope. The X-axis (horizontal) represents the
time. The horizontal scale is common to all shown traces and is indicated with sample date-time labels .
It is possible to plot up to 8 traces simultaneously, selecting them among the measures defined in Data log /
Energy meter log. The selection is done by the eight drop-down boxes, one for each trace color.
For each measure it is possible to modify the vertical scale using the + and – pushbuttons. The value of one
measure in a certain moment can be calculated looking at the vertical scale division value (one square).
If , for instance, the vertical scale is 50V/division and the plot is about at 8 division, then the absolute value of
the measure is about 400V. When looking at a graph of this type, it is more important to look at the trend of
the measure rather than its absolute value.
The graph is 240 divisions wide per 10 division in height. When opened, the window is set to show data of
the current date, that is from 00:00:00 of current day up to 00:00:00 of the next day (tomorrow). Using the
Select period pushbutton it is possible to select a different period and also to change the horizontal scale
If in the database there is no data for a certain period of time (for instance because the software has been
inactive) one straight line is drawn using a dark colour, connecting the two edges of the ‘hole’.

Dark colour = no Bright color = Dotted trace =

Figure 5.1 – View-Graph Energy meter log
data available sampled data

Select the Selects Start / Increase / Red trace Scrolls graph Prints this
measure end date and decrease vertical scale = horizontally window
associated to time. Changes vertical scale 50V / division
the red trace horizontal scale.

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DMK32-62-40 multimeters have the possibility to measure the harmonic content of the voltage and current
waveforms, for each phase, by means of an FFT algorithm (Fast Fourier Transform). Using View-Harmonics
menu, it is possible to display harmonic data on a bar-graph where on the horizontal axis are represented
the order of the harmonic, from the 2nd to the 22nd, plus two bars that represents the THD (Total Harmonic
Distortion) and RHD (Residual Harmonic Distortion).
The vertical axis represents the intensity of each harmonic, expressed as a percentage of the fundamental
By means of a drop-down box it is possible to select between Voltage and current harmonic analysis. The
single phases L1, L2 and L3 are displayed in three different bar colors.
Data shown is referred to the currently selected multimeter (see drop-down box in figure 1.1). If the software
is showing a page with data coming from different multimeters, then it will not be possible to show the
harmonic analysis window.

On DMK multimeters the FFT calculation can be disabled in order to have a better acquisition speed. In this
case the graph will not show any data.

Figure 6.1 – View-Harmonics

Multimeter from Harmonics data in
which data are graphic format

Drop-down box to Selection of vertical L1, L2, L3 color Harmonics data in Print this window
select Voltage or full-scale. legend. numeric format

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Front panel
With the remote control software it is possible to display on the PC monitor a ‘virtual’ front panel of the DMK.
The window can be opened with View-Front panel menu. It will show the panel of the currently selected
multimeter, with real-time visualization of displays and leds status. Clicking with the mouse on the
pushbuttons, the user will have the same effect as clicking the real DMK buttons, selecting measurements
and functions. It will not be possible to access the functions (like entering setup , meters reset etc) that
require the simultaneous pression of more than one button or the continuous pression of the same button for
a certain period of time.
There are several types of front panels, that represents multimeters of various DMK series. The front panel
window shows the front panel that corresponds to the currently selected multimeter. For this reason, it will
not be possible to view the front panel window when the software is showing a page with measures coming
from different multimeters.

The quality of the graphic representation of the front panel may vary according to some PC settings, such as
screen resolution, Font size etc.

Figure 7.1 – View-Front panel Description of

the currently

Clicking on the
buttons you
Real-time have the same
visualization of effect as
displays and clicking the
LEds real ones.

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When the software is started some of the functions are disabled. By means of the Password menu it is
possible to key in the password that will allow access to all functions, including:

• Modifying remote control software settings

• Entering a new password
• Delete records from Alarms and Data log databases
• Use of the page editor
• Modify the DMK settings from the remote control

Figure 8.1 – Password

After the first installation the password is LOVATO. Later, the user will be able to customize its password,
using the New Password button and then entering the new desired password two times.

Figure 8.2 – New password

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Communication menu
The Communication-Online menu allows to re-establish the serial link after it has been stopped by the user
with the Offline command. When clicking Online, the software executes a complete scan of all configured
DMK, to verify their status.

With communication-Offline the user has the possibility to temporarily suspend the serial communication link
between the PC and the DMK network. When the software is in Offline mode, all indicators are shown in a
disabled status and Alarm checking and Data log are suspended.
This command is to be used when, for instance, it is necessary to modify the network wiring or when DMK
are to be switched off. The System Offline status is displayed on the main page Toolbar (at the bottom of the
main window).
The system passes automatically in Offline mode when the user opens the Configuration window or the
Page editor.

Modem Call
To connect to one or several DMK via a couple of modems, it is necessary to select the Modem connection
checkbox in the Configuration-Options-General window. Selecting modem communication will automatically
change the communication protocol used by the software, from the standard Modbus RTU to Modbus ASCII,
which can be used with modems. From the user point of view, the difference between those two protocols is
only a little slower speed in case of the ASCII protocol, due to its length that is double than the RTU and the
modem modulation that requires also a certain amount of time.
When the program is configured for modem communication (see Configuration-Options-General window) it
automatically shows the modem call dialog after it has been started, because it is not possible to
communicate with the DMK before dialing the phone number of the remote modem. The same window can
be opened manually using Communication-Modem call menu or the dedicated pushbutton on the toolbar.

Figure 8.3 - Communication-Modem call

Once the window illustrated has been opened, from the pull-down box choose the name of the installation
with which you want to be connected. The names entered in the Modem index during configuration will be
displayed. Once the choice has been made, the corresponding phone number appears in the box below.
Click the Dial button to start the connection procedure.
At this point the program will instruct the modem to make the call. While waiting, the sliding blue bar of the
maximum time allowed for making the connection will be seen (1 minute). The modem called will take the
line and exchange the usual handshaking messages with the answering modem. At the end of this
procedure, if everything has been carried out correctly, the PC status bar will show a message informing the
user that connection has taken place and the program will switch automatically to the Online mode. If any
errors occur, carefully check the connections and if necessary follow the Troubleshooting guide given in
appendix A of this manual. Normally connection is not critical since very common and absolutely standard
procedures are used. With the Break button it is possible to block the calling procedure, while Hang up ends
a communication already in progress.

Hang up
This command interrupts a modem connection, closing the telephone line. It is the equivalent of hanging up
the handset in an ordinary phone call. It is carried out automatically every time you exit the program.

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Parameters menu
The multimeters setup settings can be viewed and modified using the Parameters menu. This way of
accessing to the DMK setting is far more immediate and easy than using the direct access from the DMK
front keyboard, because on the PC window displays:

• The parameter code

• Parameter description
• Set value
• Bar graph or drop-down box with possible options

Parameters are grouped into four menus that follow the structure described on the DMK manual and
addendum. The available menus are:

• Base setup (basic settings like CT ratio, VT ratio etc.)

• Advanced setup (settings of the digital outputs)
• Capacitor overload setup (settings for the capacitor protection function)
• Serial communication setup (parameters regarding serial interface)

Some multimeter models do not support one or more of this menus. In this case, the correspondent button
on the toolbar and drop-down menu will not be enabled.

Base setup
Figure 9.1 – Parameters-Base setup

Parameter code Description Numerical value of the parameter. Highlighted in Bar-graph. Drag with
yellow if different from the factory setup. the mouse pointer to
Double-clicking on this box will open a window for change value of
setting the parameter with the numeric keyboard. parameter

Transmits the displayed Receives values from Resets the values Drop-down box Closes setup
value into the DMK the DMK memory and to the factory with the possible window
memory. Enabled only displays them in the default. options
with password. window

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Advanced setup
Figure 9.2 – Parameters-Advanced setup Box for values with a very high range. Double-click
to set value. Select:
k for value x 1000
M for value x 1000000
Same method of DMK display.

Scroll bar to access

following parameters

Capacitor overload setup

Figure 9.3 – Parameters-Capacitor overload setup

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Serial interface setup
Figure 9.4 – Parameters-Serial interface setup

It is not possible to modify serial interface

settings THROUGH the serial interface

Parameters values (of all four menus) can be saved on disk in a ASCII text file, allowing the user to load
them in another multimeter in a very fast and comfortable way.
This function is useful when it is necessary to program various multimeters with the same settings or when
the user wants to keep track of the setting of one particular plant.
To save on disk, select Parameters-Save and enter the desired file name. The extension for this type of file
is .PAR. To execute the reverse operation, that is transfer a file to the DMK memory, use Parameters-Load
It is also possible to have a printout of the settings, useful to archive with the plant documentation, using
Parameters-Print menu.

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Page editor
The Page editor is the part of the remote control software that allows the user to create some custom pages,
inserting indicators and fixed objects.
This argument, that should be a part of the configuration Chapter, has been left as the last part of the manual
because it is intended for experienced users.

To open the page editor, enter the password and click on Configuration-Page editor.
Please note that during page editing, as during configuration change, the software enters Offline mode, that
is the serial communication with the multimeters is stopped.

When started, the page editor shows an empty page. With File menu it is possible to execute the common
operations of loading, saving and generating a blank new page. The pages used by the remote control
software are placed in a directory (named …\PAGES\ENG when the software is set for English language).
The pages are loaded and saved only from this directory. For this reason, the Open and Save windows do
not appear as the common Windows file open/save dialogs.

In the following paragraphs we will explain the functionality of the page editor by means of a very simple
example that will create a test page.

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Step 1
The first operation that the user can carry out is to define some general properties of its new page, such as
the title, the background color, and an optional background picture.
For this purpose, use the Page-Properties menu and open the following window:

Figure 10.1 – Page-Properties

Text that will

appear on the tile

Select the
background color
Page background

Allows to select the name

of the optional page
background picture file.
Supported formats are
.BMP, .JPG and .GIF

Background picture graphic file name. Its

dimensions must fit the window.

Step 2
At this point, the user may want to add to its page one needle indicator that will show the equivalent phase
voltage. Select Indicator-Add menu or right-click on an empty point in the page and select Add indicator from
the pop-up menu. The following window will be shown:

Figure 10.2 Indicator-Add-Indicator type

Select one of the

available indicator

Click on this
button to insert
the new indicator

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Select the button with the Gauge 1 indicator and then click on the button Add new indicator At this point on
the page a new indicator will be shown, with standard position and dimensions. At the same time, the
window moves to the basic properties for all indicators:

Figure 10.3 – Indicator -Properties

Select from which

Indicator position. DMK and which
Coordinates 0,0 measures will be
are placed at top- associated to the
left of the window. indicator
Objects can also
be moved
selecting the
move tool on the
toolbar and
dragging them
with the mouse

dimensions. Some
indicators have
fixed Height/Width
ratio. In this case
adjust dimensions
using Width

The properties shown in Figure 10.3 are common to all kind of indicators.
When specifying the multimeter from which read the measure, please take into account that:

• If in the Select multimeter drop-down box you choose one of the configured multimeters, the measure
displayed by the indicator will always be read from that specific multimeter. This solution must be used
when we want to put in the same page measures coming from different multimeters.
• If the Select multimeter drop-down box is left to Default multimeter , the indicator will show the measure
read from the multimeter currently selected in the main page (see figure 1.1). Building one page with all
indicators set in this way will enable the user to use the same page with all of the multimeters, one at a

After having specified position and dimensions of the new indicator, leave the Multimeter selection box to
Default multimeter and then select from the possible measures the one that we want for ourexample, that is
Equivalent phase voltage.

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At this point we can move to the Options page of the Indicator window and fill-in some options for the Gauge
1 indicator type. This Options are different from one indicator to the other. In our case, for example, we can
disable the Use default description checkbox and specify a custom description to be placed on our indicator.

Figure 10.4 – Indicator-Options (for Gauge1 type indicator)

Select if display
on the indicator
the default Custom
measure description text
description or a

Select if the full- Custom full scale

scale of the value
indicator will be
the one specified
in the multimeter
configuration (see
figure 2.2) or a
custom full scale.

Clicking on OK the options are applied and the window is closed.

Following the same procedure, it is possible to add other indicators to our page.

To modify the properties of an already-placed indicator, select it clicking with the mouse (the indicator is
highlighted with a frame) and then use Indicator-Modify menu or right-click and select Modify from the pop-
up menu.
In the same way, after having selected one indicator, it is possible to delete it with Delete.

Step 3
At this point we have created a very simple page that is ready to be loaded by the software. Let’s save the
page with File-Save as , specifying , for instance, TESTPAGE. This command will create a text file, called
TESTPAGE.PGD and placed in the …\PAGES\ENG\ directory with the other pages. For whose interested,
the file content can be examined and eventually modified with a standard text-editor.

Step 4
Now, close the page editor with File-Exit page editor. The program loads the MAIN page (figure 1.1) or the
START page (in this case select one of the DMK to move to MAIN page). Now, in the page selection drop-
down box we will find our TESTPAGE. Selecting it, the page will be shown and the indicator will display the
equivalent phase voltage read from the currently selected multimeter.

At this point we have concluded the very minimum sequence to create a custom page. We will now explain
the other capabilities of the software that will enable to create more complex pages.

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Indicator types
Label indicator
The label indicator shows one measure in numeric format.

Unit of measure.
Can be not
Changes scale
automatically (for
instance W, kW,
Description. Can be the Numerical value MW)
default one or custom. of the measure.
Can also be not

Figure 10.5 – Indicator-Options (for label indicator)

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Gauge1 indicator

Unit of measure.

Scale. Can be the

maximum defined
for the multimeter
(see figure 2.2) or

Blue / Yellow lines-

Indicators for maximum /
minimum instantaneous
values (function HIGH
and LOW of DMK).
Available only for certain

Numeric value.
Description. Can be the
default for the measure or

Figure 10.6 – Indicator-Options (for Gauge1 indicator)

This option is
enabled only for
measures for
which the DMK
gives HIGH and
LOW function.

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Gauge2 indicator

It is possible to
use the default
scale or to
customize the
minimum and

When associated
to Displacement
power factor
(cosfi) is
represented with
symmetric scale

Figure 10.7 – Indicator-Options (for Gauge2 indicator)

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Seven-segment indicator
Operation similar to the label indicator, with 7-segment Led display visualization.

3-digits LED display

Unit of measure.
Changes automatically
depending on the value
(e.g. W, kW, MW).

Figure 10.8 – Indicator-Options (for Seven-segment indicator)

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Bar-graph indicator

The full scale corresponds

to the maximum value
defined in Configuration-
multimeters (see figure 2.2)

The 100% corresponds to

the nominal value defined
in Configuration-
multimeters (see figure 2.2)

Numeric value

Unit of measure

Figure 10.9 – Indicator-Options (for Bar-graphs indicators)

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Energy-meter indicator

Digits after decimal

point are on white

Meter value Unit of measure

Figure 10.10 – Indicator-Options (for Energy-meter indicator)

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Objects types
On a page it is possible to add other objects, some of them fixed (such as fixed texts, lines, pictures etc.) and
others with an active function (for instance command buttons). Inserting and editing of these objects is done
in the same way as for the indicators. Using Object-Add it is possible to open the window that allows to
select the object type and to specify its options.

Figure 11.1 – Object-Add

The available objects type are

• Fixed text Fixed string with customizable colors and dimensions
• Rectangle (line) Painted rectangle. Modifying its dimensions is possible to draw lines.
• Picture Box showing a graphic file
• 3D panel Fixed string on a 3D panel
• Command button Button that can carry out particular functions

Just like the indicators, objects have different properties depending on the object type. In the following pages
we will explain the function of this properties.

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Text Object
Inserts a fixed string on the page background.

Figure 11.2 – Object-Text-Properties

String text

Font properties

Defines if the string

background must be
opaque (with its own
color) or transparent.

Rectangle Object
Allows to place a filled rectangle on the page background. Modifying its dimensions it is possible to draw
orthogonal lines.

Image object
Inserts a box displaying a graphic file in BMP, JPG or GIF format.

Figure 11.2 – Object-Image-Properties

File name

Defines if the image

has to keep its
original dimensions or
has to stretch to fit the
object dimensions.

3D panel object
Similar to the text object, but placed over a 3D-effect panel

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Command button object
The command button is an active object. Clicking it with the mouse can execute a series of commands
selectable by the user. In the Property window, besides the common settings such as position, dimensions,
text etc., the user must define also the Action for the command button and an optional Operand for that
The possible Actions are the following:

Sends a command to the multimeter. In this case the operand defines the type of command to send. The
possible commands are:
• Reset energy meter
• Reset HIGH function values
• Reset LOW function values
• Reset MAX function values
• Reset digital output 1
• Reset digital output 2
• Reset multimeter

Quit the remote control software

Loads a new page. In this case the operand must be selected among one of the existing pages.

Selects a new multimeter. In this case the operand must be selected among one of the configured

Shows the front panel of the multimeter specified in the operand.

Text that appears on

the button
Figure 11.3 – Object-Command button

Box to select the

Action for the button

Operand connected to
the Action

Defines if the button is

always enabled or
only after entering the

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Start page generation
When the software is started, it loads a page with the following criteria:

• If there is only one DMK in the configuration, the page named ‘MAIN’ is loaded.
• If there are more than one multimeter, then the program loads the page named ‘START’

These page names are valid when the software is configured in English. The user, if he wants, can
customize these pages with the page editor , but it is necessary that the files MAIN.PGD and START.PGD
are not deleted.

There is the possibility to automatically generate the ‘START’ page, displaying one panel foe each DMK.
This operation can be carried out after having finished the configuration phase, opening the page editor and
selecting Page-Generate start page.
In this way, the software automatically generates the page file START.PGD, inserting for each DMK in the
network a panel with:

• Four label indicators that show

• Equivalent phase-to-phase voltage
• Equivalent current
• Equivalent active power
• Active energy meter

• One command button that allows to open the MAIN page selecting the desired DMK .

After having generate the page, the user has the possibility to customize it using the common commands of
the editor. The following picture shows an example of start page automatically generated for a four-DMK

At this point he user can add, for instance, a picture with a scheme of its plant and then place the panels in
the correct positions.

When the software is installed for the first time, it is supplied a START page with only one DMK. This page
can be overwritten by the one customized by the user, that will be automatically loaded every time the
software is started.

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APPENDIX A – Connection modes
Connection via standard modem
To make a remote connection via a switched telephone line the use of a pair of modems is necessary.
Lovato guarantees correct operation of the connection using modems of the following type:

• 3-Com U.S. Robotics 56K model 5630

Though correct operation is possible also with modems of other types, in this manual all the configuration
commands (variables depending on the manufacturer) and the connection diagrams will refer to the above-
mentioned modem model.

Though very simple in conception, connection via modem requires that the installer have a minimum
of experience concerning the problems connected with serial communication, modem programming,
types of telephone lines, etc. In an attempt to simplify the configuration procedure as far as possible,
we have subdivided the operations to be carried out in the following steps:

1. Modem configuration at the DMK end

From the DMK end the modem must be configured before it can be used. Configuration serves to
implement the following functions:
• Disable the echo
• Set a communication speed fixed at 9600 baud (this must be the default speed for DMK also)
• Permanently store the two previous settings as default at switch on

To make these configurations, the modem to be connected to the RS232/RS485 converter will have to
be momentarily connected to the PC with its standard cable. Then start the PM.EXE program (supplied
together with this software) and press the Program modem button. Wait for the confirmation message
and then disconnect the modem from the PC and connect it to the DMK. The PM.EXE program transmits
the following configuration string to the modem:

AT E0 &N6 &U6 &W0 <CR> (commands valid for modem model 5630)

If the user is familiar with terminal emulation programs (such as Windows Hyperterminal) this
programming can be done manually without the aid of the PM.EXE program. In this case, it will be
necessary to set the serial interface at 9600 Baud, 8 bit, No parity, 1 stop bit and type in the above string
from the keyboard. On pressing return the modem will answer with OK confirming that programming has
taken place.

2. DMK configuration
Also the DMK needs a configuration to be able to converse with the modem.
• Check that the internal software revision of the multimeter is higher or equal to 8.0. The software
revision is shown on the displays at power-on.
• From the front panel of each DMK, enter the serial communication setup menu (see the DMK Addendum
• Check the serial address (parameter P.41). If several DMKs are connected to a RS-485 bus, set each of
them with a progressive serial address starting from 001.
• On each unit, select the Modbus ASCII protocol (parameter P.44 set to ASC).
• If you want the DMK to answer when modem rings (modem without auto-answer) then set parameter
P.45 to 001, only for the DMK with serial address 01.
• Otherwise, if you want the modem to answer automatically itself, then enable the modem auto-answer,
setting its parameter S0 to 001 (with command ATS0=1 &W0) and leave the first DMK with P45 to 000.

3. System connection
• Connect the DMK-side modem to the RS232/RS485 interface converter using 51C9 cable.
• Connect the RS232/RS485 interface converter to the DMK network using a shielded twisted pair cable
(see wiring diagram in the following page).
• Connect the second modem to the PC with the standard cable provided with the modem. The PC-side
modem does not require any particular programming (it must be left at factory defaults).
• Connect both modems to the respective telephone lines. For the first tests you are advised to use two
internal lines in the same office to keep the call under control.

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4. Configuration of the DMK.exe program
• Start the DMK.exe program from the PC with the modem already connected and powered.
• Choose the Configuration-Options menu
• Set the Connection via modem box from the General table.
• If the Modem Index table is empty, enter a record with the name of the installation and the phone
number corresponding with the telephone line of the modem connected to the DMK.
• Click on OK to close and save the Options window.

5. Online Connection
• Choose Call with modem from the Communication menu
• From the pull-down box choose the name of the installation to be called. The corresponding telephone
number (previously loaded in the Modem index) will be shown in the box below.
• Click on Dial
• At this point, the modem at the PC end calls the DMK modem. After a few rings the DMK modem and
the program switch automatically to the online mode.
• To end the connection, choose Modem-Hang up from the Communication menu

In the event of problems…

If during the attempted call the modem connected to the DMK does not ‘ring’, this means that the call fails to
reach its destination. In this case, carry out the following checks:
• Try dialing the telephone number of the line to which the DMK is connected using a normal telephone.
The modem called should give off sounds that ought to be heard in the handset. If this does not happen,
there are problems on the telephone line or on the switchboard.
• Check that PC modem is powered and connected with the cable to the correct serial port (the one set in
Communication-Serial port)

If the modem called rings repeatedly but the connection fails to be established
• Check the DMK programming (in particular about auto-answer, see previous point 2)
• Check modem programming (in particular about auto-answer, see previous point 2)
• Check the integrity and the polarity of DMK-Converter RS-485 twisted-pair cable
• Check the integrity of modem-converter cable 51C9
• Check if when the phone rings, the yellow LED on the interface converter blinks briefly. This means that
the modem is sending the RING message to the converter and this is sending the message to the

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PENTIUM is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation
WINDOWS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation

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