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English For Business Management

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Modern human life cannot escape data, no matter what profession and business of
everyday life grapple with data, neither does personal data. A person certainly needs a
curriculum vitae (CV) when applying for employment in a company as well as a government
agency. For most graduate students and master's jobs done after or even shortly before
graduating, it is applying for employment.
It also requires supporting documents to make a CV. Although it is not necessary for an
applicant to include documents or evidence of things written on a resume, such as diplomas,
credits, certificates or awards, etc. However, in view of conditions in Indonesia, it would be best
for the applicant to include these documents in the form of photocopies. This is important to
convince the reader that you actually write a resume based on the facts. But one thing to
remember well is "don't let the supporting document become too much." For that we must select
which documents are most appropriate and relevant to implement. The better off this CV gets,
the greater the opportunity to get a job.
In addition to CV and diplomas and certificates, other files needed are resumes. This one
file is also important because it becomes our conversation opener with a recruiter who will
process our job application.
An application is a letter of application made by job seekers (job applicant), to be sent to
an agency or agency to find a job or a position that matches the job offers. In writing your
resume, you must use polite language, plain and direct. A proposal so long that it would have
cost one more folio page, it would have caused the saturation to read it, perhaps not even being
read it at all. One folio page was a normal size. But if any information is deemed necessary, it
should be placed as an attachment. The most important thing in writing an application is to
address your desire to apply for a job on the conditions that are met. A job application isa letter
from a person who needs a job (applicant) to an organization oran official who can provide
employment ora position.
1.2 Formulation of the problem
1. what is a curriculum vitae?
2. What points must be considered in making a curriculum vitae?
3. How to write a curriculum vitae and technical writing?
4. what is a job application letter?
5. How to write a job application letter?

1.3 Destination problems

1. Train students' independence in making job application letters and curriculum vitae
2. Increase knowledge in writing job application letters and curriculum vitae
3. Know how to compose a job application letter and curriculum vitae.

1.4 The benefits of writing

1. For writers, to increase knowledge and insight about English
2. For readers, with this writing, information can be obtained about how to easily write a
cover letter and curriculum vitae

2.1 Curriculum Vitae

A Curriculum Vitae, commonly referred to as CV, includes a summary of your
educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience,
publications, presentations, awards, honors, and affiliations. International employers often expect
to read the type of personal information on a
curriculum vitae that would not be included on a resume. When writing a CV for graduate
school or academia the personal information included in this curriculum vitae template
would be omitted .The understanding of curriculum vitae or CV is an important document that
contains self-histories or resumes, such as personal histories, professional experiences or work,
academic or non-academic achievements, hobbies, skills and so on. Understanding of curriculum
vitae, experts say, includes:
The understanding of curriculum vitae is a brief written description of your education,
qualifications, previous employment, and sometimes also your personal interest, which you send
to your supervisor when you are trying to apply for a job.
The understanding of the curriculum vitae is a brief report of a career and qualifications of a
person prepared usually by an applicant for a certain position.
The balance rings
The understanding of curriculum vitae is a document used to list one's qualifications and apply
for a job. He works in much the same way as a resume and gives detailed information about a
person's education and work history. In short, often called CVS, are far more comprehensive
than normal resumes and therefore can last longer.
2.2 Important points on the CV
An important point that should be on your cv Information yourself Information about
yourself is something you should put on your resume. This information consists of all available
names, emails, and phone Numbers. This will make it easier for recruiters to contact you if they
qualify for future selection processes. Use your formal email name, using your real name. You
could also write down domisili address. It doesn't matter, you put a city or a province in there.
Self - description
You must describe the description in a brief, concise, and clear manner. You could write
about yourself from one to two paragraphs, highlighting the skills you are good at. Use
persuasive sentences to have the company's attention to recruit you. Write down skills matching
the position you would like to propose to.
Educational background
If you want to add educational background to your resume, you may want to include
only the last one. No need to organize a background from kindergarten to high school, just
include information about higher education. Write down the names of your institutions, majors,
graduating years and gpa. You can also add information if you pass cumlaude.
A skill overpowered.
Write down abilities you possess, relevant and needed in positions you would generally
like to have, CV makers will list foreign-language capabilities to computer operations such as
specific software mastery. Take, for example, Korean skills for beginning. English, Java, python,
copywriting, to digital marketing. You better, you antum the skill you're truly good at. Be honest
in writing down abilities you have.
References are one of the most important points on the resume. The reference is an old
person or boss who recommended you to work in another company. For fresh graduate, the
reference could have used your adviser or the previous employer. Reference works very well so
that companies who want to recruit grow in confidence in your particular skills and have a good
track record.
If your resume gets more interesting, it should include your photo. Some companies and
positions need you to look attractive, such as the front office position in hospitality. A
photograph will help the recruiter rate your look. Therefore, use your best photo. You could use
a semi-formal photo with a moderate style. Nowadays, photos like pas are rarely used on CV.
The following curriculum vitae template will give you an example of what to include in
your CV and show the appropriate format for a curriculum vitae.

Sample Curriculum Vitae Template

Name Address
Cell Phone
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Visa Status
Optional Personal information:
Marital Status
Spouse’s Name
Work History
Academic Positions
Research and Training
High School University
Graduate School
Post-Doctoral Training
Certifications and Accreditations
Computer Skills
application letter A letter of application should create enough interest to make the
potential employer want to look at your application in greater detail by reading your CV and
hopefully invite you for an interview. Your application letter, however, should not contain too
much detail about your experience and qualifications because that is the job of the CV.
Layout and style The letter should be limited to one page and a few paragraphs will
normally be sufficient. It is better to address a letter to a specific person, e.g. Dear Miss Chan,
rather than to Dear Sir or Madam. However, in some job advertisements the name of the person
you are writing to is not given. It is good practice to try to find out the following information
before you write your letter:
the full name of the person you are writing;
their title - Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms, Dr, Professor, etc, and;
their position - Personnel Manager, Human Resources Manager, etc.
All this information can be obtained by a quick phone call to the company. Remember,
never write Dear Miss W. Chan. It should be Dear Miss Chan. Do not use the initial except in the
address. If you start with Dear Sir/Madam, it is accepted practice to finish with Yours faithfully.
Whereas, if you start with Dear Miss Chan, you may finish with Yours sincerely. Your letter
should be neat and free from careless mistakes. You can follow the blocked and open
punctuation style. Whichever layout style you choose to use, you should use it consistently
throughout the letter.
Structure of the letter
Paragraph 1 It should state clearly why you are writing and where you saw the job
1. I would like to apply for the post of ... as advertised in today’s issue of..
2. With reference to your advertisement in ... on ..., I am writing to apply for the
position of ...
Paragraph 2 It should give a little information about your qualifications and
experience. Make sure the information you give is relevant to the job that you are
applying for.
1. As you can see from my enclosed CV, I have worked in my present position for five
years. During this time I have gained invaluable experience in ...
2. I am currently a student at TPU studying ........ I am due to graduate in....... Although
I have been studying full time, I have had a number of summer jobs which have
helped me to gain experience in ...
3. My experience over the past two years has been at the managerial level, where I have
had responsibility for ...
Paragraph 3 It should say why you believe you are suited to the job and what you
can offer the company. Those currently employed can state the reason for wishing to
change their present job. However, you should not sound critical of your present
1. I am currently working as a receptionist in ...The reason for my seeking a new
position is that I wish to pursue a secretarial career. Unfortunately, there are no
openings for advancement in my present employment.
2. For the last two years I have been working as a receptionist in ...Unfortunately the
company is moving its main offices overseas and I have therefore decided to look for
a new position. I believe that the experience I have gained in ... has given me the
qualities you are looking for ...
3. I believe I would be an asset to your company. I will be able to bring with me my
experience of ... which I believe would be useful in this position…
4. I feel that my ability to ... will help/enable me to ...
Paragraph 4 It should tell the reader when you are available for an interview and
how to contact you.
1. I would like to have the opportunity to talk to you further about my application. I am
available for interview at any time and I can be contacted at/on ...
2. I am available for an interview at any time but would appreciate two days notice. I
can be contacted on/at ...
I look forward to hearing from/meeting you soon.
3. As requested in the advertisement, I enclose a copy of my resume together with a
recent photograph.
I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my application further. I am
available ... and can be contacted on/at ...
Remember you might have to give a bit more detail than in the above examples. You
can also combine the language in these examples. Also, it is sometimes useful to gather
information about the company so that you know more about its background and policies.
This may help you present yourself in the best light.
Sample Application Letter

1. Application Letter for Fresh Graduate

Roselly Damayanti
Jl. Virgo No. 000 Jakarta Selatan 00000
Tel. 0810 000 000
[email protected]

Jakarta, December 31, 2011

HRD Department
PT Inovasi Usaha Lestari
Jl. Kalibata Tenggara No. 00A
Jakarta 00000

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to apply for the post of Account Executive which you have advertised in Kompas on
December 31, 2011.

I believe I meet all the requirements listed in your advertisement. I am a recent college graduate
with previous part time and seasonal experience in selling. Ever since in college, I have always
had high interest in performing sales and business. I have deep knowledge on how to approach
potential customers as well as to maintain good relationship with existing customers/clients. I
have learnt how to identify customer’s needs and close the sale. I have good interpersonal and
presentation skills. My negotiation and verbal communication are excellent.

For yourfurtherconsideration, l have a diploma 3 degree in Management from Gadjah Mada

University. I have good command of English as well as computer and Internet. I am
hardworking, able to work well under pressure as individual as well as in a team, goal oriented,
persuasive, pleasant, customer focused and convenient in dealing with people.

Thank you very much for your attention. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Roselly Damayanti
2. Application Letter For Experienced.

Roselly Damayanti, S.T.

Jl. Virgo No. 000
Jakarta Selatan 00000
Tel. 0810 000 000
[email protected]

Jakarta, December 31, 2011

HRD Department
PT Intersari Persada
JI. Kalibata Timur No. 00A
Jakarta 00000

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to apply for the post of Account Executive which you have advertised in Kompas on
December 31, 2011.

I believe I meet all the requirements listed in your advertisement. With more than two years
experiences as account executive in a reputable company, I offer immediate value to your
company. I can plan and develop various ways to attract new business. My ability to conduct
through market research and analysis help me to implement creative sales and marketing as well
as promotional strategies to produce great results. My excellent communication, presentation and
negotiation skills have enabled me in building relationship with existing and potential customers
and clients.

For your further consideration, I have a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from
Diponegoro University. I have good command of English as well as computer and Internet. I am
hardworking, able to work well under pressure and on target, goal oriented, persuasive, friendly,
easy going, team player, pleasant, customer focused and convenient in dealing with people.

Thank you very much for your attention. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Roselly Damayanti, S.T.


1. The understanding of curriculum vitae or CV is an important document that contains self-
histories or resumes, such as personal histories, professional experiences or work, academic
or non-academic achievements, hobbies, skills and so on.
2. A job application letter is a letter from a person who needs a job (applicant) to a person or
official of an institutional organization that can provide a job or position.
3. In order to attract the company or the place where he wants to work, applicants must be able
to promote themselves fairly by mentioning qualifications so that their abilities are clearly
In making an application letter and curriculum vitae It is good for applicants to write in standard
words, easy to understand, and use words that attract readers.
1. Finoza, Lamuddin et al. 1991. Various Indonesian Secretary & Business Letters, Edition. to-
: Diction of Insan Mulia.
2. Moeliono, Anton M. 1984. Polite Language. Jakarta : PT Gramedia
3. Martono, E. 1986. Proficient in Correspondence at the Indonesian Language Service,
Jakarta: Main Work.
4. https://www.qubisa.com/article/poin-penting-dalam-cv#showContent
5. https://widuri.raharja.info/index.php?title=BAB_I_iRME

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