Ravindra College of Engineering For Women::Kurnool Microwave Engineering - R15-Midi Question Bank
Ravindra College of Engineering For Women::Kurnool Microwave Engineering - R15-Midi Question Bank
Ravindra College of Engineering For Women::Kurnool Microwave Engineering - R15-Midi Question Bank
(A) Dominant mode (B) degenerate mode (C) any one of the above two (D) none
(A) Dominant mode (B) degenerate mode (C) any one of the above two (D) none
(A) Slotted line method (B) double minimum method (C) both (D) none
8. Baretters have [ A ]
(A) Inductive (B) capacitive (C) high resistance (D) low resistance
(A) Inductive (B) capacitive (C) high resistance (D) low resistance
11. The bolometer that has a negative temperature coefficient of resistivity is called [ C ]
13. When the co-planar arm lengths are not the same, then output in the H- plane tee can be[ C ]
(A) In phase (B) out of phase (C) with phase difference (D) either
14. When the co-planar arm lengths are not the same, then output in the E- plane tee can be[ C ]
(A) In phase (B) out of phase (C) with phase difference (D) either
(A) ABCD parameters (B) transmission-line parameters (C) both (D) none
(A) A voltage junction (B) a series junction (C) both (D) none
(A) A voltage junction (B) a shunt junction (C) both (D) none
(A) Late electron (B) earlier electron (C) reference electron (D) all the above
(A) Frequency (B) power (C) attenuation (D) all the above
(A) Port 1 to port 2 (B) port 2 to port 1 (C) both (D) none
(A) Port 1 to port 2 (B) port 2 to port 1 (C) both (D) none
(A) Incident wave (B) reflecting wave (C) both (D) none
(A) Lower power (B) medium power (C) high power (D) none
50. Calorimetric technique measures [ B ]
(A) Lower power (B) medium power (C) high power (D) none
(A) Lower power (B) medium power (C) high power (D) none
56. VSWR=
(A) S23= S13 (B) S23=- S13 (C) both (D) none
(A) S23= S13 (B) S23=- S13 (C) both (D) none
(A) S24= S14 (B) S23=- S13 (C) both (D) none
(A) S13= S21=S32=1 (B) S31= S12=S23=0 (C) both (D) none
(A) S13= S21=S32=0 (B) S31= S12=S23=1 (C) both (D) none
77. Write the finalized S matrix for isolator (if port1 is input)
78. Write the finalized S matrix for isolator (if port2 is input)
79. If the phase difference between voltage and current in a device is 180 , such device is [ D ]
(A) an inductor (B) a capacitor (C) a positive resistance device (D) a negative resistance device
80. If the phase difference between voltage and current in a device is 0 , such device is [ C ]
(A) an inductor (B) a capacitor (C) a positive resistance device (D) a negative resistance device
(A) TEDs (B) ATDs (C) VARICAPS (D) all the above
86. The time taken by the electron to travel into the repeller space and back to the gap in a reflex
klystron is referred to as [ C ]
(A) Coupled cavity (B) helix (C) ring bars (D) periodic permanent magnet
(A) Cross field amplifier (B) coaxial magnetron (C) TWT (D) rising sun magnetron
94. Which one of the following can be used for amplification of microwave energy[ C ]
(A) Reflex klystron (B) magnetron (C) TWT (D) Gunn diode
95. Strapping is used in magnetrons to [ A ]
(C) Improve the phase focusing effect (D) prevent cathode back heating
(C) To reduce wave velocity so that the electron beam and the signal wave can interact
1. Define Applegate diagram for 2 cavity klystron
22. What are the different blocks that frame the microwave test bench?
23. Express the characteristics of VSWR meter
3. Explain in detail about the microwave power measurements using power meter with neat
6. Illustrate with neat sketch, the cross sectional view of magnetron tube and explain how
bunching occurs with equations of electron trajectory and derive the expression for Hull cut-off
7. Discuss the working principle of Gunn diode as a transferred electron device with two valley
model. Also draw the structure, equivalent circuit and V-I characteristics of Gunn diode.
8. What is a scattering matrix? Derive the scattering matrix for 2 port network
10. Draw the block diagram and describe the principle of measurement of impedance of a
unknown load using slotted section waveguide method
11. Explain the low microwave power measurement with neat diagram
13. Explain briefly about limitations and losses of conventional tubes at microwave
14. Summarize the slotted line method of VSWR measurement and explain how to measure low
values of VSWR
19. With the help of block diagram, explain the steps involved for the power ratio method and
RF substation method of attenuation measurement.
21. Summarize the power output mode cure/frequency characteristics of reflex klystron
22. Give the measurement procedure for Q factor of a resonant cavity and attenuation constant at
microwave frequencies
23. Draw and explain the microwave bench setup for impedance measurement using slotted line
26. Describe the mechanism of operation of two cavity klystron amplifier with Applegate
27. With neat sketch, illustrate the concept of Hartee condition in magnetron
28. Using Manley-Rowe power relation, demonstrate the concepts of parametric amplifier and
state its applications.
29. Why pi-mode operation is preferred in cylindrical type magnetron? Give its working
principle with neat sketches.
30. Explain briefly about Gunn diode oscillating modes with neat sketch
31. Explain the construction and equivalent circuit details of VARACTOR diode
32. Explain about LSA mode with Gunn diode with its equivalent circuit.
35. Explain briefly about separation of pi-mode using strapping of magnetrons with a neat sketch
36. With a neat sketch, explain the structure and principle of operation of TWT amplifier.