The Healing Creed Gods Promises For Your Healing Breakthrough by Becky Dvorak
The Healing Creed Gods Promises For Your Healing Breakthrough by Becky Dvorak
The Healing Creed Gods Promises For Your Healing Breakthrough by Becky Dvorak
Dare to Believe
Greater Than Magic
© Copyright 2017–Becky Dvorak
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The Healing Creed is dedicated to all who seek the truth and
the power of supernatural healing that is found in the
redemptive blood of Jesus Christ only.
CHAPTER 3 My Redeemer
It’s time to look at another aspect of healing that we have
to deal with in regard to God’s healing power and the
world’s opinion of us for believing.
The world accuses us of being in denial if we do not
accept their death sentence when attacked with sickness
and disease. But what we have to understand when dealing
with them is that even if their intentions are good they still
do not possess the hope that we have in Christ. They are
hopeless, literally people without hope, because they do not
believe in the redemptive blood of Christ.
As Christians, we live in this world, but we are not to be
of this world or worldly in our beliefs, words, or actions. We
are to be people of faith, and faith begins with hope in our
Savior and in what He has done for us.
Proverbs 13:12 tells us that, “Hope deferred makes the
heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.” So
then why would we, as followers of Jesus Christ, steal a loved
one’s hope to believe for healing? Why would we discourage
their faith to believe for their miracle from Jesus?
While in prayer with a couple of friends concerning this
issue of unbelief within the body of Christ for healing, I saw
in a vision Jesus walk toward a banquet table. He had on a
light blue tunic with a multicolored sash and a prayer shawl
covering His head, and He carried a shepherd’s staff in His
right hand. But the emphasis of the beginning of the vision
was on His feet that were shod with leather sandals as our
Shepherd walked upon dry, hard-packed ground toward a
banquet table.
This first part of this vision reveals to us how He walks in
His authority as the Good Shepherd and goes out to gather
in His lost and hurting sheep to bring them back into the
fold. He also reveals the spiritual condition of His people—
they are spiritually dried up, and their hearts have been
hardened to Him and His ways.
But He is a good shepherd, His love is unconditional, and
with His staff He leads us and guides us into all truth by His
righteousness. By wearing His prayer shawl He activates His
love by the power of intercession for us.
The saints of God sat around this table with eating
utensils in their hands pounding their fists upon the table.
They were dissatisfied because there was no food or drink
for them to partake of, and the head seat at the table was
missing their Savior.
But Jesus did not disappoint those that turned to Him. I
saw Him as He hung upon the Cross. His head dropped to
His chest as He had suffered and died for them. He had paid
the price with His own blood to put an end to their suffering.
He then raised His nail-pierced hands, and the blessings
flowed through the holes in His hands. I then saw the people
as they were plunged into the River of Life. They were fully
immersed in the living water, and with their eating utensils
still in their hands I could see them feasting upon the
resurrection power of our Lord.
In the news, whether the source is secular or Christian,
you read or hear about how sickness, disease, plagues, pain,
and suffering are on the rise. Have you ever wondered why
these devilish things are increasing?
When we preach from human reasoning instead of the
truth found in Scripture, people suffer. When we put all our
faith in the doctor’s report in place of the Bible, miracles
cease. When we trust secular psychology rather than heed
biblical counsel, healing is hindered.
We suffer from unanswered prayers when we give in to
the world’s system of doubt and unbelief, but we can
change the situation around. In order to do so, we need a
reason to believe. Let’s look to the Word, find our reason to
trust God, and believe again.
He is truthful.
God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of
man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will
He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not
make it good? (Numbers 23:19)
He is just.
He is able.
He is willing.
He is faithful.
These ten steps will radically change your life. Your faith
to believe for supernatural healing from Jesus will be
empowered, supercharged, and will produce health and
healing. We will delve deeper into each of these steps
throughout this work.
Dear Jesus,
I do believe in You and in the power of Your blood
to heal. I cry out to You to teach me how to
transform my unbelief to belief in regard to my
healing. I ask You, Holy Spirit, to uncover hidden
doubts and expose the lies of the enemy that I
accept as truth. Help me to break this cycle of
unbelief that binds me to sickness and disease.
Teach me how to think, speak, and act according
to Your healing word.
In Your name, Jesus, I pray, amen.
Do I need healing? Do I have the faith to believe for my
healing? Is the message of healing new to me? Or have I
walked away from this message? If so, do I know why I lost
hope in His healing power? More importantly, do I know how
to believe again for my healing?
There was a time not so long ago that the Church readily
taught and sang about the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ.
On a whole, the body of Christ walked in authority over
satan and his wicked works. As a result she was stronger
and healthier. Nowadays, it is rare to hear a pastor teach this
message, and because of the lack of this teaching, God’s
people are sick and weak. But I want to encourage you to
release this life-changing message from your pulpit once
I believe in the healing power of the redemptive blood of
Jesus Christ—so much so that I teach it everywhere I go.
Because I do, I consistently witness the power of the Spirit
move in stunning and supernatural ways—the blind see, the
deaf hear, the paralytics walk, sick people are healed, and
demons flee by the power of the blood.
The blood of Jesus is not dried up. It’s fresh, alive, and all-
powerful. When we accept this revelation, we can activate
His authority and release the captives from the bondage of
satan, including ourselves.
Recently during one particular healing service, I used an
interpreter to translate the message into the language of
the local people. I was midway into the lesson when all of a
sudden the interpreter started to shout. “I can’t do this! This
is too hard for me! Will someone please pray for me?”
I reached my hand out and touched him on the shoulder
and prayed for him. Then all of a sudden, the young man ran
out of the sanctuary and into the hallway. It caused a great
disruption in the meeting, and the people stood up to watch
him. I was able to get the people to sit down, and we
continued on with the meeting. But what I was not able to
see from the pulpit was the young man as he began to
What happened during this healing service?
Unbeknownst to me, this nice young man was not born
again, and the demon within him could not handle the
message of the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ. It cried out,
“I can’t do this! This is too hard for me!”
In front of everyone was a display of spiritual warfare, and
the power in the blood to set the captive free. The spirit of
the young man cried out, “Will someone please pray for
me?” I reached my hand out to touch the young man and
began to pray. It was more than the demon could handle.
The only chance it had to remain in control of the young
man was to cause him to run away from the power of the
blood, but it was too late—too much revelation concerning
the blood of Christ had been revealed. The young man was
delivered and vomited the evil spirit out.
At the end of this service, when the altar call was given
he was the first to come forward, kneel, and receive Christ
as his Savior.
I have seen time and time again as I preach about the
blood, that supernatural power is released and the demons
residing within the unregenerated souls are literally
tormented and they scream and act out in terror. And the
people are delivered, set free, born again, and healed in
spirit, in soul, and in body.
I can’t encourage you enough to get back to the message
of the blood. Study the Scriptures and activate this power in
your personal life and in your ministry today.
The whippings that Jesus received because of us and for
us were intense. Let’s focus on the intensity to gain
understanding of what He had to endure for our healing.
Psalm 22 is a graphic prophecy about the anguish that
Jesus would suffer for us. Let’s read verses 14–19 together
and open up our spiritual ears and listen to the cry of His
heart to the Father.
Physical Healing
Dear Jesus,
As we take the time to contemplate what You
actually did for us, our hearts are filled with sorrow
for the pain that we caused You. We are forever
grateful that You bore all of our sickness, all of our
physical and emotional pain upon Your own body
for us.
It grieves our spirits to realize that even though
You were innocent, You were plagued and
slaughtered as our judgement fell upon You. If we
could only go back and undo the past…but we
know we can’t. So we face up and acknowledge
our guilt, and we are truly sorry that because of
our wrongdoing You were defiled for our rebellion
and crushed for our perversity and willful sin.
Please, forgive us.
Out of Your love for us, You were disciplined and
corrected for our welfare, health, prosperity, and
peace. You were bruised, striped, whipped, and
wounded so that we could be cured, healed, and
made whole. We thank You, Jesus, for this.
Hear our cry of repentance for doubting Your
healing power to heal us spiritually, emotionally,
and physically. Forgive us for placing such a low
value on Your blood and upon Your sufferings for
us. Again, we thank You for the full payment for
our health and well-being. And we ask You, please
help us to start to heal again.
In Your name we pray, dear Jesus, amen.
Do I understand what the blood of Jesus Christ did for
me? Have I personally experienced the power of His blood to
heal me in my emotions and in my physical body? If not, am
I willing to receive His healing power in me?
1. Hebrew word definitions are provided by Strong’s
Concordance and can be found at Blue Letter Bible:
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call
his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from
their sins (Matthew 1:21 KJV).
If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and
believe in your heart that God has raised Him from
the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9).
For God did not send His Son into the world to
condemn the world, but that the world through
Him might be saved (John 3:17).
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure,
then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of
mercy and good fruits, without partiality and
without hypocrisy (James 3:17).
For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us,
that we might become the righteousness of God in
Him (2 Corinthians 5:21).
We cannot become the righteousness of God by our good
works—only by the redemptive work of our Redeemer. As
our Redeemer, He paid the price with His blood so that we
can activate His sōzō power in our lives and, yes, be
delivered from eternal damnation, but also that we could be
healed in spirit, in soul, and in body.
Oftentimes, people struggle with supernatural healing
because of their past. Whether they were the culprit or the
victim, they do not believe that they are good enough to
receive God’s blessings, including healing. Yes, if we were to
stand upon our own righteousness we would never be good
enough to receive His gifts. Thankfully it is not our good
deeds that we stand upon to receive healing, but upon the
righteousness of Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 53:4-5 paints a clear picture of what Jesus suffered
so that we can take upon His righteousness. His blood covers
all sin that we have committed or has been done against us.
We do need to activate the power of His blood by asking Him
to forgive us or to forgive those who have wronged us. Then
we are clean and free from guilt and shame.
In Him we have redemption through His blood, the
forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His
grace (Ephesians 1:7).
If the Lord should tarry, we will all die one day; this is the
natural cycle of life that God has established. According to
Ecclesiastes 3:2, there is a time to be born and a time to die.
When we understand the character of God, we can accept
godly death with a spirit of peace, especially when those
who pass or are about to pass from this earth are in the
Lord. We are to comfort one another with the following
Dear Jesus,
You are my redeemer, and You have redeemed me
from the hand of my enemy, the devil who comes
to steal, to kill, and to destroy me with the
contents within his hand, the curse, including
sickness and disease. Because of You, I am
delivered from the spirit of fear and from the
power of death. I praise You because I am now
In Jesus’ name, I give You all the glory, amen.
Can I now identify the curse? Do I recognize when I am
under attack by satan? Have I gained a greater
understanding of Jesus, the Redeemer? Do I still harbor
negative thoughts about God? Do I see Him as my
redeemer, my source of help? If not, what steps do I need to
take next?
1. Becky Dvorak, Greater than Magic (Shippensburg, PA:
Destiny Image Publishers, 2014), 59.
Love is the greatest of all gifts and the most powerful
fruit we can partake of. It empowers faith. Without love we
cannot effectively release faith for the miraculous.
Throughout the gospels we see that love motivates every
miracle Jesus performs. He loves people unconditionally and
puts the needs of others before Himself. Even when they
beat, mock, and crucify Him, He still loves and forgives
them. And because of His unconditional love His
supernatural resurrection happens and the miraculous still
takes place today.
Paul teaches us in Galatians 5:6, “For in Christ Jesus
neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The
only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love”
(NIV). Faith is not activated by legalism or by religious acts
but by love alone. The Amplified version of the Bible puts it
this way, “For [if we are] in Christ Jesus neither circumcision
nor uncircumcision means anything, but only faith activated
and expressed and working through love” (AMP).
God’s definition and checklist of love are recorded in First
Corinthians 13:4–8, “Love suffers long and is kind; love does
not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does
not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked,
thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the
truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,
endures all things. Love never fails.”
Examine your heart. Is there any characteristic on love’s
checklist above that you need to work on? Remember, these
attributes of love activate, energize, express, and work out
faith for the miraculous. If you lack in the area of love, your
faith is weak and ineffective. So strengthen your love today
because faith operates by love. Your love level affects your
ability to receive or release His healing power.
Joy is a supernatural force that gives us strength, and we
are going to explore this more in-depth later on in the book.
But because it is one of the nine fruits of the Spirit I want to
take a brief look at it now as well.
I believe Jesus and joy go hand in hand together. Because
it is a fruit of the Spirit of God, we need to guard our hearts
from the negative ways of this world, and not allow its evil
effects to bring us down and into a state of depression.
Let’s face it, we live in a fallen world where things do go
wrong. We all pass through difficult times, experience
disappointment, and suffer hurt and pain from grief. But
even though life can really hurt, it doesn’t mean we have to
remain in a permanent state of unhappiness. Just as we’ve
been taught that love is a choice, so are joy and the other
fruits of the Spirit for that matter.
I made a quality decision years ago that no matter what
happens in this life I will always choose joy. Even if I have to
hunt it down, I will find it. That doesn’t necessarily mean I
have to laugh all the time. But in all honesty, I probably
laugh more than the average person. Why? Because I found
the everlasting fruit of joy in Jesus, and He causes me to
smile and laugh.
Sickness and disease and the pain and the stress they
create can cause your joy level to go down, even diminish
into depression. When you are fighting for your healing, you
cannot afford to lose your joy. Nehemiah 8:10 digs up the
ancient secret of supernatural strength. It reveals that, “The
joy of the Lord is your strength.” Joy helps in the healing
Peace is a state of being that is found in the presence of
God. Philippians 4:6-7 exhorts us to, “Be anxious for
nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with
thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and
the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will
guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Also,
Second Timothy 1:7 tells us that God gave us a sound mind.
What is a sound mind? For one, it is a mind that is at
peace. In regard to healing, it is one that determines that no
matter what, it stays on Jesus and on His healing power. It
rehearses not, over and over in the mind, the negative death
report, but focuses on the abundant life found in Him.
If you are in a struggle with sickness and disease, spend
more time with Jesus, who is full of peace and extends
peace to those around Him. Then the cares and even the
fears surrounding this sickness will relinquish their grip and
will not be able to bind themselves to you. Your healing will
be unleashed in His heavenly realm of peace.
Longsuffering means to suffer long. In the New American
Standard Version of the Bible, the word longsuffering is
translated into the word patience, which is easier for most of
us to understand. Patience is the ability to be able to wait
peacefully when a situation is out of our natural control,
without complaining or losing our temper or being
consumed with worry, because the situation is taking longer
than we would like.
Jesus is very patient with us. Second Peter 3:9 reveals an
eternal benefit of being patient or longsuffering. It says,
“The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count
slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to
perish but for all to come to repentance” (NASB).
Nature provides us with an example of the benefits of
being longsuffering or patient. In Guatemala we have a
beautiful plant called the bird of paradise because the
bloom looks like an exotic bird.
Once, a friend had planted one in his backyard, but after
three years grew frustrated that it still had not bloomed. He
lost his patience with it and was about to dig it up when his
neighbor shared with him that with this plant he needed to
exercise patience, because it takes anywhere from three to
five years to bloom. Interestingly enough, it only blooms
when the roots are under pressure, better known as root
bound. He chose to be patient, and within the year reaped
the harvest of a beautiful flower.
Okay, let’s bring the importance of patience to a personal
level concerning healing.
People are willing to wait seven to ten days for an
antibiotic to heal their bodies because they have been
taught for many years that if they take one spoonful or one
tablet of this medicine three times a day, they will be
healed. They are even willing to overlook physical symptoms
of the illness because they have been taught that the
symptoms and the sickness will be healed as long as they
take the medicine faithfully. So their faith has been
activated, they follow their doctor’s instructions, and they
are healed by the medicine.
But God’s people are not willing to wait this amount of
time for divine healing to manifest because they have not
been taught that if they will be faithful to take God’s
medicine, His healing word, and exercise the power of
patience their bodies will heal. Because of the lack of faith
teaching for healing, if they experience any type of symptom
after prayer they doubt the power in God’s medicine and
walk away from their healing.
When God’s people hear the healing message and put
faith for healing into action, they receive it. When taught
consistently, they begin to walk in divine health and avoid
sickness altogether.
I need to make one point very clear here. It is not us who
wait patiently for God to heal because He gave healing to us
already (see Isa. 53:4-5). He is patiently working with us
according to our measure of faith. So we need to exercise
patience with ourselves as we develop in our faith to believe
for our healing. We should all be thankful that the Lord
flourishes with longsuffering toward us as we learn to
Luke 6:35 gives us the real test of kindness. It challenges
us to activate this fruit of the Spirit when the recipient is not
kind to us. “But love your enemies, and do good, and lend,
expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great,
and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind
to ungrateful and evil men” (NASB).
Oftentimes when people are sick and suffering with pain,
their carnality overtakes them and they lack in the area of
kindness. This is our opportunity to serve and dish out a
heaping helping of kindness to them. It may take a while,
but eventually they will respond in a positive manner. If we
will persevere, it will help them to enter into the realm of
kindness for themselves and partake of the other fruits of
the Spirit, which will enable their faith to believe and trust
God for healing too.
Wouldn’t we desire unconditional kindness to help us
overcome a difficult moment in our lives so that we can heal
in spirit, in soul, and in body?
Our God is sheer goodness. Remember when the
Israelites were wandering in the desert for 40 years and how
they complained and murmured about everything? God
remained faithful and continued to pour out goodness upon
them. He rained down fresh manna and provided fresh quail
meat for them to eat; He quenched their thirst with water
from the rock; their shoes and clothing did not wear out; He
shielded them from the sun with the cloud by day, and
guided and protected them by night with the pillar of fire.
These are all acts of pure goodness. God wants us to acquire
this character trait of His.
Psalm 136:1 admonishes us to be grateful, “Oh, give
thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures
God is good! As His ambassadors on this earth, we need
to emanate His goodness to the lost and hurting people
around us, even if these people are family members. A pure
act of goodness goes a long way in the healing process. Ask
the Lord today how you can show goodness to your spouse,
mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, or other
member of the family who is in need of healing.
Let’s not forget that many people in today’s world do not
understand the meaning of goodness. It’s never been
demonstrated to them. So they only know how to lash out
and act nasty when they are not well.
So again, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to someone who
is in need of a touch of His goodness. Then be willing to step
out of your comfort zone and show them and tell them you
care and, more importantly, how much the Lord cares for
them. Be prepared to minister healing to them as the Lord
reveals their needs to you.
Faithfulness is not popular these days, but it is still a
requirement of God for His people. It takes a decision from
the heart to activate this fruit of the Spirit toward God, your
spouse, your children, and other members of the family,
your friends, your ministry, or your place of employment. It
is often overlooked and unappreciated these days by others,
but God is pleased when you activate this character trait of
His. One day, you will hear Him say to you, “Well done, good
and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I
will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of
your lord” (Matt. 25:21).
Can I add another area that you owe it to yourself to
activate this fruit of the Spirit called faithfulness? Your
healing journey to good health and well-being.
May I encourage you in your healing journey to start to
confess The Healing Creed and remain faithful to speak this
out loud at least once per day? As you remain faithful in this,
you will start to take negative thoughts captive, and His
healing promises will take root within your heart. Before you
know it, you will hear yourself speak words of healing from
your own mouth, your actions will begin to line up with
these healing words, and soon your healing will begin to
Faithfulness in the little things of life always leads to
bigger and greater things, such as the miraculous.
Let us not confuse gentleness with weakness. Gentleness
is a strong character trait of the Lord that is not easy to
obtain. In order for us to obtain this fruit of the Spirit, we
have to allow the Holy Spirit to break our rebellious will.
Here is an example of this. We have two young horses
that are being trained to ride. Before we can ride them we
have to “gentle” them, meaning we have to break their wild
behavior and teach them not to bite, buck, kick, or run away.
They have to learn to be submissive and obedient to their
master. We need to allow the Lord to gentle us as well.
Self-control is the ability to control one’s emotions,
behavior, and desires in order to obtain some reward later.
This is an area that can be difficult for some to put under
submission, especially women. We need to understand that
faith is not an emotion but a foundation to stand upon when
the proper feelings are not there.
Proverbs 16:32 instructs us in the area of self-control this
way, “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and
he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city” (NASB).
Jesus, under extreme and unjust circumstances,
responded with complete self-control the night He was
betrayed, arrested, and interrogated at an illegal trial, and
the results of His self-control are that we are redeemed from
satan and his curse of sickness and disease too.
To take your anger out on people or on God because you
receive a bad report or you are not feeling good is not right.
This fruit of the Spirit, self-control, will remind you to pull
yourself together, to look at things truthfully, and remember
that satan is the source of all wickedness including this
sickness or disease.
It is so important to learn to activate the fruit of self-
control so that the other fruits do not rot and your healing
spoil. Keeping all the fruits of the Spirit fresh will fortify your
faith to believe and receive your healing and miracle that
you so long for.
Not only do the fruits of the Spirit activate supernatural
power, they also keep you healthier in spirit, in soul, and in
body. The lack of them can prevent your faith from obtaining
your miracle.
I often see people struggle to maintain the abundance of
these fruits during the most critical moments of the battle
between life and death. When someone needs to fight the
hardest, the enemy fights overtime to get them to stumble
in this area. Why? He’s afraid of the supernatural power
these fruits possess.
He’s crafty in his ability to sidetrack us. This gives him
the upper edge, so we drop our shield of faith against him
and the spirit of premature death, and he can fire his most
powerful weapons at us.
This doesn’t mean you have to give in to his dirty war
tactics. You have a free will. You can either enter into
unnecessary battles or you can choose your battles wisely
and stay focused and on the alert.
The battle plan of the enemy is to wear you down so you
lose the desire to fight, give up, and die prematurely. So you
see, how you tend to the fruits of the Spirit is important.
When you do tend to them well, they will empower your
faith to overcome and aid you in your supernatural healing.
Pain is a nasty weapon of satan, and it can cause us to
struggle in the area of the fruits of the Spirit as well.
Police officer Les Cash from Buena Vista, Virginia about
five or six years ago developed what is known to
chiropractors as “cop back,” or compressed disks in his
lower spine that caused a lot of chronic pain. This pain made
it difficult for him to stand after work and difficult to get out
of bed in the morning. Let’s hear from Les how he came to
be healed.
Dear Father God,
I admit, I do not fully understand what it means to
be an ambassador of Christ, but I am willing to
learn. Please teach me how to live a life that is
worthy of this calling to represent You wherever I
am and in whatever situation I face.
Forgive me for being prideful and for taking on
this worldly sin of entitlement when all along
You’ve asked me to be like Christ—a humble
servant to the hurting and the lost.
Help me to effectively walk in the supernatural
power of the fruits of Your spirit. I pray for the
strength to be loving when others are not; to
choose Your joy no matter what is happening
around me; to live peacefully with those You place
in my life; to understand the power of
longsuffering to bring about a healing, whether
this healing is for myself or for another; to show
kindness instead of irritableness; and to exemplify
Your goodness, especially to those who do not
understand what goodness is.
My deepest desire is to remain faithful to You, Your
Word, and to possess every faith-filled promise You
have given every day of my life.
Remind me when I forget that gentleness is not a
weakness, but Your strength working in me, and
how important self-control is to my witness to a
lost and dying world that is out of control so that I
can effectively be about Your official kingdom
business to heal and be healed for Your glory.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
In this late day and hour, it’s imperative that we possess a rock-
solid revelation concerning our authority in Christ over satan and all
of his wicked works. He gave to us, at the great price of His
suffering, His authority to cast out demons, to heal the sick, and to
overcome the power of darkness. Jesus encourages His followers
with these words:
He’s given to us, by the power of His blood, His authority to tread
or trample upon serpents and scorpions. This portion of Scripture
does not refer to natural reptiles. We do have authority over these
creatures as well (see Gen. 1:28). But He wants us to understand
the message here—these spiritual serpents and scorpions that
Jesus is talking about are satan and demon spirits (Strong’s,
Hopefully, this also brings clarification to the some of the
Pentecostals who believe they have to prove their faith to others by
handling poisonous snakes and drinking poisonous substances.
This is just plain foolishness, and God’s people perish, die, for a lack
of knowledge concerning the Word (see Hos. 4:6). Even Jesus was
tempted by the devil to do something deadly:
If only the local church would wake up and teach people they
can be free from sickness and disease, God’s people would not
have to suffer from satan’s weapons. As true ambassadors we need
to be willing to impart His healing message to others. Whether it is
to a special healing service at a nearby church or just a casual
gathering in your home, invite them, tell them, pray for them.
Back in 2013, Monica’s friend invited her to come to a special
healing service in a nearby town. What was interesting was that
she had just listened to a pastor preach a sermon about healing on
a podcast. This pastor shared a story about a missionary from
Guatemala who had a children’s home and prayed for the children
and saw them healed. He continued to share other healing
testimonies about this woman’s ministry, like the deaf hearing. So
it caught her attention when her friend invited her to a healing
service and the healing minister was a missionary from Guatemala
who had a children’s home there and saw the children healed.
The Holy Spirit was wooing Monica to come to a healing service
and was confirming the healing minister with her. That’s a personal
invite from the Lord Himself to come and taste the goodness of the
So Monica accepted her friend’s invite, and she heard a message
about the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ to heal us in spirit, in
soul, and in body. Not only did the healing message resonate within
her spirit but she saw with her own eyes people being healed. Just
like the pastor on the podcast shared, she witnessed the deaf hear
and other types of healing as well. The Holy Spirit caught her
attention and her spiritual eyes began to open, but it all started
with an invite from an ambassador of Christ.
Two years passed since that first healing service. It was now
November of 2015, and again another invitation came from this
same friend to attend a healing service in her area. She accepted.
Again, she heard a message of faith that stirred her spirit, but this
time she believed for her own healing. She activated her faith,
received a healing touch, and her eyes were completely healed in a
moment of time. She no longer had to put up with blepharitis. She
was free from excruciating, burning pain in her eyes. No longer did
she need to go through the tedious routine of cleansing her eyelids
or use prescribed drops and creams or figure out alternative ways
to find some relief just to get through the day. God gave her
everything she needed to overcome these spiritual attacks. Her
eyes were healed in the name of Jesus.
There are times when the enemy is persistent. He will look for a
weak link to pry his way back into our life. He tried this with
Monica. Why? Because he was afraid of the eternal results healing
You see, Monica is also a true ambassador of Jesus Christ, and
she regularly shares her faith with others. She openly testifies of
the goodness of God in her life, like the healing of her eyes.
Now, I know what some of you reading this are thinking already,
“Well, then I am not going to speak to anyone of my healing if
satan is going to try to steal it from me.” Wrong thinking!
That’s what he wants you to do because he witnessed that there
is the power of life and death in the tongue, and as we will share
later on, this is one of the weapons you use to solidify your healing.
Remember, another spiritual weapon Elohim gives to us is His
authority over the devil and his evil works.
One way the enemy attacks us is when we are unaware of his
tactics. You know, we are naïve to think that he will not try to put
the same disease upon us again. He will try to destroy our
credibility by stealing our healing if we will let him.
We can look at the wickedness of the terrorists today for an
example of how satan works. (If we don’t know, satan is the one
inspiring these spiritually sick souls.) Anyway, they look for a soft
target and maliciously attack to destroy them. But they don’t stop
with this first attack; they look for another weak target and attack
again with the same method of destruction until we do what we
need to do and strengthen the weak link. To keep with the message
of this book, we need to strengthen our faith for healing. The
serpent of old, the devil, is the mastermind of terrorism, and he
terrorizes people with hideous forms of suffering with sickness and
This leads us to another spiritual weapon God has given to us to
overcome satan’s weapons formed against us—faith in action. With
this weapon, we take the Word of God and speak aloud its
promises. But we do not stop there; we put action behind our
words. If we speak we are healed, then we must act like we are
healed. No matter if this is the first attack or the second, we must
activate our faith-filled words with our action.
Back to Monica’s testimony. For her employment, she worked on
a computer all day. Some days, she felt tired in the eyes. She just
needed a break, but the enemy took advantage and tried to put
fear on her and remind her of the pain with familiar symptoms.
For a brief moment, she thought, “Oh no, it wants to come
back!” But immediately she realized this was an attack—just an
attack. She remembered her authority in Christ and refused to
allow these lying symptoms access into her eyes again. The enemy
acknowledged her authority over him, backed off, and the
symptoms left and she was free and whole.
You see, our enemy has many different types of weapons that he
fashions to use against us. Sickness and disease are part of his
weaponry. They are deadly to us if we do not recognize them as
satan’s weapons and accept them.
God has given us greater spiritual weapons to use to defend
ourselves while under attack. Better yet, these weapons can ward
off these wicked attacks.
This word pestilence comes from the Greek word loimos and
means a plague—literally, the disease; or figuratively, a pest
(Strong’s G3061). The definition of the word plague comes from
the Hebrew word nega’ and it means an infliction like a mark or
spot, sore, wound from a disease or a disease itself, like leprosy
(Strong’s H5061).
With these prophesies and others from God’s Word, our gracious
Savior and Lord is warning us to prepare for the days ahead of us.
We need to understand how to function as an ambassador of Christ
and activate His healing power, not just for ourselves and for our
personal family members but for the benefit of others as well. We
need to make ready ourselves spiritually so that we can activate
this promise from Psalm 91:10, “Nor shall any plague come near
your dwelling.”
Looking back into history, we read about how Moses and the
Israelites were protected from the ten plagues that fell upon
Pharaoh and the Egyptians. (Read Exodus 7 through 12.)
After reading the account of these horrific plagues, there are a
few points that stand out to me more than others. First, God gave
warning to the rebellious pharaoh and to the Egyptians what was
going to come upon them if they did not heed Him. Second, even
though God’s people were living in the midst of the plagues and
pestilences, He provided a plan of protection for His people.
Let’s zero in on the tenth plague; this is where the spirit of death
was to take the life of the firstborn from every household unless
they painted the two doorposts of their home with the blood of a
His response sounds so right on, but the Lord teaches Moses and
us that there comes a time when mere words are not enough.
There must be action behind our words, and we are the ones
responsible to take action. Listen to the Lord’s response to Moses’
valiant statement of faith.
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to
Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward. As for you, lift up
your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and
divide it” (Exodus 14:15-16 NASB).
Dear Jesus,
How we thank You that You gave to us Your authority to
walk on this earth when they nailed Your precious feet to
the Cross and You bled. We do not take this authority
lightly, nor will we toss it aside as if it has no value.
On the contrary, the power of Your blood that You shed
gives us victory in every situation satan tries to throw at
us. No more are we in bondage to his wicked attacks such
as sickness, disease, plagues, and pestilences. We are
free from every weapon he forms against us. We gladly
possess Your authority.
In Your name we rejoice, amen!
Did you forget about God’s benefits? Turn to the next chapter for
a refresher course. If you never heard of them before, learn what
they are and how they truly can make all the difference in your life.
Are you beginning to understand your authority as a believer in
Christ Jesus? Do you sense His protection over you and your family,
knowing now that you possess authority over sickness, disease,
plagues, and pestilences? Are you ready to activate the authority of
Christ in the present situation that you face?
1. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth
Edition, s.v. “organism,” accessed May 16, 2016,
2. Flemming Andersen, “Viruses and Bacteria,” Netdoctor, February
05, 2014,
3., Unabridged, Random House, Inc.
s.v. “virus,” accessed May 16, 2016,
4. “Types of Infectious Agents,” Mayo Clinic, accessed May 16,
We are to bless the Lord. This word bless comes from the
Hebrew word barak, which means to kneel down in
adoration, praise, and thanksgiving (Strong’s, H1288). When
is the last time we got down on our knees before the Lord
and worshiped Him for all the good things He has done for
us? Or have we taken on the world’s negative mindset and
only see the bad in life and forget about the good things
that come from God? Seriously, we bless Elohim when we
count our blessings from Him, and we also strengthen the
power of His goodness in our lives when we verbalize His
good deeds with our words.
To kneel before the Lord is to humble ourselves before
Him. In other words, we lift Him up by lowering ourselves.
We acknowledge His greatness and our dependence upon
When we bless Him, we fix our eyes on Him and not on
the negative situations that confront us. Satan and his
powers of darkness, like sickness and disease, lose their
stronghold over us.
It encourages our faith, especially when we feel down or
afraid, to take the time to remember all the many ways God
blesses us and intervenes on our behalf. In Exodus 15, Moses
and the sons of Israel sing a powerful song of praise and
adoration about the mighty ways God delivers them from
the hand of their enemies.
If you’re like most Christians, you have not been taught
how to worship the Lord properly. Find a quiet and private
place; remember, humble yourself and kneel before Him.
From your heart, bless Him with your words. Use the
Scriptures to start with, like the words from Psalm 103:1,
“Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless
His holy name!” Continue on from there.
When I bless Him, I personalize nuggets of Scripture that
remind me of His goodness toward me. For example, “You
are the reason that I live. You are the very breath that I
breathe. Your joy is my strength. When I feel weak, You
remain strong. You are faithful and true. You never change;
You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. By Your
stripes I am healed.” Then with my own words I start to
praise Him for all that He is doing in my life today.
You can be certain of this—the more you practice blessing
the Lord, the easier it will become. He will work with you to
find your way. The main point is that it comes from your
Do I take time to bless the Lord for all He has done for
me? Am I able to bow down before Him in private worship?
How about in public worship? Am I willing to start to bless
the Lord in this way? Did I forget about His benefits? Will I
remember all of His benefits from this day forward? Have I
asked Him to pardon me of all my iniquities, perversities,
and sins? Do I need Him to heal a sickness or disease? Am I
willing to activate this benefit of healing in my life? Have I
allowed Him to redeem my life from all forms of destruction?
Or am I holding on to some addictions that I need to be free
from? Will I allow Him to crown me with His lovingkindness
and tender mercies? Will I allow Him to satisfy my mouth
with His good bounty to share with others? Am I ready to rid
myself from the world’s negative prospect of aging? Will I
receive His renewal of my youth like the eagle’s.
God has provided us with spiritual means to restore
health and to keep us healthy in the long run.
What’s the secret? God’s people continue their quest to
obtain long life and good health with diet, exercise, and
supplements, and still many continue to fall ill and die
prematurely. Even though these are wise choices, they are
not enough. What’s the secret to restoring our health?
God reveals this secret in Proverbs 4:20–22. He says, “My
son, pay attention to my words and be willing to learn; open
your ears to my sayings. Do not let them escape from your
sight; keep them in the center of your heart. For they are life
to those who find them, and healing and health to all their
flesh” (AMP).
We need to remember that we are spiritual beings who
live inside physical bodies. If we do not attend to our
spiritual needs, we will wear out and become weak
emotionally and physically.
So how do we attend to our spiritual needs? First of all,
did you notice that He says, “My son”? He is referring to a
spiritual family member. If you aren’t a member yet, this is
the first step to living a healthy life. Then He instructs us to
attend to His words. We are to listen and do what the Word
says to do. He tells us to submit to His sayings, which means
we are to yield or surrender to the will or authority and
power of the Word of God. Last but not least, He tells us to
not allow biblical teachings to depart from our sight. We are
to live life entwined with His teachings.
All these other things that we do like eating better,
exercising, and taking supplements are good, but they do
not take the place of God’s Word and promise to us. If we
attend to our spiritual needs according to His ways, then He
promises healing and health to all our flesh.
As a healing evangelist, I meet many people with many
needs, and for whatever reason certain individuals stand out
in my memory. One such individual was a young man I met
in the healing line. He was newly born again and struggling
with addictions to alcohol, drugs, pornography, and other
sexual sins. Remember, he was fresh out of the world. His
state of being is understandable, and the good news with
him is that he was seeking godly help to be free from
unrighteousness and healing for his wounds.
When he received Jesus as his Savior, he was instantly
born again. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new
creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things
have become new” (2 Cor. 5:17). Even though this spiritual
experience is an instant miracle, making Jesus the Lord of
your life is not; it is progressive.
It has to deal with our willingness to overcome the
desires of the flesh and tame the human will. Even more
challenging than this is getting to the root of the problem.
This is when we need to be open and honest with one
another and allow Jesus to anoint us with the balm of
What about all those who call themselves followers of
Jesus who are drowning in their sins, and they do not care?
They are so sinful they no longer recognize right from
In the Book of Jeremiah 8:22, the prophet, himself weeps
for his people and cries out, “Is there no balm in Gilead, is
there no physician there? Why then is there no recovery for
the health of the daughter of my people?”
Why was Jeremiah so distraught? The people were so
spiritually sick. They were bound by iniquities, perversities,
sins of false teachings, perpetual backsliding; they held fast
to deceit; they heard but would not listen; they refused to
repent; they did not heed the judgment of the Lord; they
rejected the word of the Lord; they were given to
covetousness; from the prophet even to the priest everyone
dealt falsely; and they were not ashamed of the
abominations they committed (see Jer. 8). This portion of
Scripture could very well be an update on the state of the
local church today. She needs the healing balm of Gilead.
You may be wondering, what is the balm of Gilead? A
balm is an aromatic, medicinal substance derived from
plants. Gilead was an area east of the Jordan River well-
known for its spices and ointments. The “balm of Gilead”
was, therefore, a high-quality ointment with healing
properties. The balm was made from resin taken from a
flowering plant in the Middle East, although the exact
species is unknown. It was also called the “balsam of
Mecca.” Myrrh is taken from a similar plant—Commiphora
myrrha. The Bible uses the term balm of Gilead
metaphorically as an example of something with healing or
soothing powers.1 It comes from the Hebrew word tsěriy and
it means to crack (as by pressure), hence, to leak (Strong’s,
H6875). The name Gilead itself means a “rocky region”
(Strong’s, H1568)
We have been given the healing balm of Gilead—His
name is Jesus Christ. He is the only medicinal salve that can
redeem His people, but they have to be willing to repent of
their sins, make Jesus Christ their Lord again, and surrender
to the supernatural healing power of the Holy Spirit. He will
heal them first spiritually, by the power of repentance, then
heal their mind and emotions, by the transforming power of
the Word of God. They must learn to believe and readily
receive the supernatural sōzō power to heal and make us
whole again in Jesus’ name.
Am I grateful for the healing power of Jesus Christ? Do I
believe that He is both willing and able to heal and make me
whole again? Do I still believe God withholds healing from
me? Or am I ready to face the fact that the conflict is with
me, not with God? Do I partake of the Lord’s Supper
unworthily? Or am I in right standing with Him? Do I need
my health to be restored? Am I ready to have Him rub His
salve on me, the healing balm of Gilead?
1. “What Is the Balm of Gilead?”,
accessed May 16, 2016,
Along with His Spirit, He gives to us the spiritual weapon
of faith to overcome every attack of the enemy, including
sickness and disease. Let’s examine faith.
Faith is a spiritual power that we inherit from God to use
in our everyday life to access divine intervention for a
healing or a miracle. God Himself operated in the realm of
faith in Genesis 1 when He created the heavens and the
earth. Because He creates people in His image, He grants us
the right of passageway into His supernatural realm of the
miraculous by our faith in Him.
Hebrews 11:1 tells us, “Now faith is the substance of
things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Faith is
not abstract; it’s not about emotions or feelings. It says faith
is a substance, an actual foundation upon which we stand.
As I share with you in Chapter 1, faith has a precursor—
In this work, I believe I stir hope within you for healing.
By the time you finish this book you can say that you are
more than ready to access what you have need of from the
Lord by your own faith.
It’s after we have taken these two faith steps that we can
go boldly before His throne of grace like this little girl did
and receive. And what did she receive?
The next morning, Amy woke up with anticipation, ran
with excitement to tell her parents that she could now read,
and began to read to them aloud.
Learn to trust in Jehovah Rapha, the Great Physician, like
Amy did and activate your faith richly in Him so you can be
made whole.
Dear Jehovah Rapha,
You are my Great Physician, the Lord who heals
me. There is no other like You. You understand the
pathology of all sickness and disease, and more
importantly, You know the cause of illness. You
have the remedy; You are the cure for all sickness
and disease.
You created my body. You possess the revelation of
every cell, tissue, organ, and system within it. You
designed it and orchestrated it to function
together in harmony to produce life, and life in
Your medical report declares that health and
healing are in Your perfect will and that they are
good gifts given to us for our benefit.
Your Spirit gives life to my mortal body, and no
matter how bad the situation looks, it is not too
late for my body to heal.
I exercise my faith richly in Your healing word and I
am made whole.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Have I gained a greater understanding of Jehovah Rapha,
my Great Physician? Do I recognize His supremacy over the
human body and why He knows how to heal it? Do I struggle
with His medical report that says His Spirit gives life to my
mortal body? Do I have sick and weak body parts that need
to be resurrected or healed? Do I have a clearer
understanding about faith? Do I have rich faith or poor faith?
How do I strengthen it? How do I activate it? Do I understand
that it is my faith in Him that makes me whole? Do I see now
it’s not too late for me to be healed? Am I willing to make a
house call and minister healing to those who are in need?
1. Chris Poblete, “The Names of God: Jehovah Rapha,” The
BLB Blog, July 27, 2012,
Regardless of the crisis we face, God gives us the best
option, and that is to choose life. Deuteronomy 30:19
declares, “I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against
you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and
cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your
descendants may live.”
We should also realize that our decisions today will
impact our future generations. If we desire to walk in the
blessings of God, then our choices need to be godly ones.
Wrong choices will result in negative consequences, not only
for us but for our descendants as well.
We live in a day and an age when society devalues
human life, especially the life of the unborn child. I
understand the issues that are involved, but nonetheless
everyone has the godly right to life. Regardless of their stage
of development while in the womb, predicted physical
conditions or limitations, or the situations in which they
were conceived, I still believe in the biblical principle that all
people are created in the mirror image of God. As unpopular
as my beliefs may be, I stand firm in my convictions and I
am pro-life. I choose life.
There are many excuses today why women think they
should abort their children. Not one of these reasons will
ever alter my stance on the value of human life.
Some say, “The mother is too young, or she is just a child
herself.” I recently met a dear lady who shared with me her
life story. She showed me a photo of her as a very young
teenage girl holding her three-week-old baby girl before
giving her up for adoption. I had tears in my eyes as she
shared with me in detail how difficult it was to give her up
for adoption. But years later, she has been reunited with her
adult daughter. Hurts have been healed as they have come
to know and understand one another. The cycle of their
family was not cut off by abortion, but through adoption
their family grew.
Young unwed mothers are told, “Your parents will be
angry when they find out.” They probably will be, but their
anger does not override that baby’s right to life. Perhaps this
young unwed mother’s child might be the one God chooses
to discover a cure for a disease that is plaguing our society.
Or will marry and give birth to a child who eventually does
discover a cure. Whatever their future holds, God has a plan
for them, and the baby has the right to live and fulfill his or
her destiny.
I lived through this experience when I was 18 years old,
pregnant and unmarried. With encouragement and
Christian discipleship, my boyfriend and I married, and we
have been married for 35-plus years. Being young and not
feeling adequate to be a mother I prayed to God a simple
but heartfelt prayer, “God, please teach me to be a good
mom.” He honored that prayer. Today, my husband and I
have three grown biological children, five adopted boys,
seven grandchildren, and a children’s home in Guatemala
for abandoned children, orphans, and children born with
HIV. I have become a spiritual mother to many people
around the world.
Being young, pregnant, and unmarried does not have to
be the end of a good future. If you give the situation over to
God, it is just the beginning with a rough start. Our Lord
Jesus is willing and able to see you through. He is faithful
and can be trusted.
Angry voices cry out, “What about rape victims who find
themselves pregnant?” I agree with you that rape is an
unacceptable crime, but punish the one who is responsible,
the rapist, not the innocent child. Women all around the
world have suffered rape; some aborted their babies while
others gave their babies the greatest gift of all,
unconditional love, and put their children up for adoptions
or chose to keep and raise their babies themselves.
Other women, married or not, say to themselves and to
others, “I am not ready for a child. I have my career to
pursue.” This is certainly not a reason to end the life of a
child. If you honestly do not want your child, then give your
child to someone else who does. Adoption preserves the life
of your child, your dignity, and gives the opportunity for your
child to fulfill their destiny as well.
We have five adopted sons; the youngest is Marcos. He
survived several abortion attempts. A Christian nurse
intervened before the last attempt at a hospital and gave a
plan of hope to the birth mother—instead of abortion, put
the baby up for adoption. We received Marcos when he was
one day old. He later died at one month old from SIDS
(Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). But by the true power of
faith, we raised our son from the dead, and believed and
received by faith a new heart, new lungs, new kidneys, and
a new brain. With God all things are possible! You can read
his miraculous testimony in my first work, Dare to Believe.
What happens when the pregnant mother receives a
terrible medical report about the unborn child? With today’s
technology this happens, but there is a real God who offers
hope to the hopeless.
I had the opportunity to minister healing to two unborn
children this past year. Both mothers were told to abort their
children because of health issues concerning their unborn
babies. Both were Christians and said no they would not do
that. By faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, both children were
healed while in the womb and were born healthy and whole.
Are you in the midst of a raging battle? Do you feel like
it’s time to give up?
We all face battles in this life, but some are more difficult
than others. After time, one can be tempted to give up the
fight and let the enemy win. Don’t!
God has given you everything you need to win this battle.
You have fought long and hard to get this far and have done
everything you know to do. Even still, the enemy is
unrelenting. What do you do now?
After having done everything, we are encouraged in
Ephesians 6:13 to stand. That’s right, stand. Don’t sit down
and give in to the enemy, but stand strong. Dig in our heels,
be unmovable, fight the enemy to the finish, and never give
For many of God’s children, laughter is not a laughing
matter. His people are so weighted down by the hurts of this
world they forget how to laugh, let alone smile. Many are on
antidepressant drugs or other substances because they
simply want freedom from the pain in their life.
I believe that by the power of the Holy Spirit we can start
to laugh again, even when life hurts. Why? Because laughter
is more than a response to a witty joke or a funny story. It’s
one of God’s supernatural medicines with actual healing
properties within each laugh.
Ecclesiastes 3:4 tells us that there is “A time to weep, and
a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.” Yes,
there is a time to weep and a time to mourn, but this is a
period of time, not a perpetual state of being. God so wants
to heal your mind and your emotions so that you can laugh
and even dance again.
Short-Term Benefits
A good laugh has great short-term effects. When you
start to laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally, it
actually induces physical changes in your body. Laughter
Long-Term Effects
Laughter isn’t just a quick pick-me-up, though. It’s also
good for you over the long haul. Laughter may:
He took away her shame and sorrow and gave her a baby
son named Isaac. Isaac means “laughter.” Her laughter of
doubt and unbelief that she had been called on earlier was
transformed by His supernatural power. God had not
forgotten her; her joy was restored through this miracle.
Nehemiah 8:10 tells us that the joy of the Lord is our
strength. Joy is often thought of as an emotion, but in reality
is much more than a mere emotion. It is a supernatural
strength given to us by God to empower us.
Joy Poppers
A joy popper is anyone or anything that steals your joy.
For example, I will not watch sad movies of people dying
from cancer; no, I need to build my faith in the Word and
believe for it to be healed in Jesus’ name. Below is a short
list of things that can rob your joy.
Feuding with one another
A negative word, conversation, or report
Sad and depressing movies, stories, or articles
Sickness and disease, especially long-term illness
The premature death of a loved one
Depression Busters
Take responsibility for the state of your well-being and do
whatever you can do to break free from depression. Here is a
short list of depression busters that God has provided for
you to help you get free and stay that way.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Even if life is difficult for me today, I accept Your
advice—I do not give up, but I choose life. If
someone else is in a rough spot this day, I will
speak to them and let them know that their life
counts. I will be proactive with my faith and let
people know that we are all precious and valuable
to You.
I take the responsibility for my emotional and
physical well-being, I receive Your beauty for my
ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, I put on the
garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, and I
choose to grab hold of Your supernatural
medicines, laughter and joy. To regain my physical
strength I put a smile on my face and I start to
laugh again. I rekindle the joy of my salvation, and
I press into Your presence so that my joy may be
full. I activate the power of the Holy Spirit, pray in
tongues, and encourage my spirit in You.
I will keep a sharp eye out for joy poppers and not
allow negative people or ungodly activity to rob
me of my joy. I will do whatever is necessary to
break free from depression and activate all the
depression busters that You have provided for me.
In Your name, dear Jesus, I pray, amen.
1. Andrew Robert Fausset, “Biblical Definition of Ashes,”
Bible History Online, accessed May 18, 2016,
2. “Isaiah 61,” Pulpit Commentary, accessed May 18, 2016,
3. Mayo Clinic Staff, “Stress Relief from Laughter? It’s No
Joke,” Mayo Clinic, April 21, 2016,
4. Mayo Clinic Staff, “TMJ Disorders,” Mayo Clinic, December
13, 2012,
Sin is so prevalent within the body of Christ today. It
slithers in slowly as believers keep quiet about what they
observe around them. It is to the point now that many of
God’s people are full of deception, and they no longer
recognize right from wrong. This sin is the cause of much
sickness and disease today.
Let’s look to the Book of Revelation for one probable
cause for sickness in the Church today. Turn to your Bible
and read Revelation 2:18–29, the message to the church in
Thyatira. We can call this fellowship “the immoral church.”
The sin of sexual immorality reigned in both the church
in Pergamum and the church in Thyatira. It started at the
top with the leadership. Either they were enslaved to sexual
sins or they refused to address it from their pulpits and call
it what it is—sin.
To the church of Pergamum, God says:
Every day we have opportunities to choose forgiveness.
Spouses, children, friends, neighbors, colleagues, even
complete strangers can hurt us. Therefore, we are faced
with daily decisions to forgive, to ask for forgiveness, or to
be bitter and full of vengeance.
Unforgiveness is a weapon of satan to destroy the
offended person from the inside to the outside. If it is not
dealt with it will turn into bitterness. The Bible says that
bitterness dries up the bones (see Prov. 17:22). It dehydrates
the flow of life from deep within the spirit, soul, and body.
The only way to be free from this is to choose the path of
forgiveness. God’s Word is very clear concerning forgiveness.
It says in Matthew 6:14-15, “For if you forgive men their
trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if
you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your
Father forgive your trespasses.” You must choose
1. Ask the Father to forgive you for the offense you have
done or for not being willing to forgive another
person for what they have done to you.
2. Forgive yourself.
3. Ask the offended to forgive you.
“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and
with all your strength.” This is the first
commandment (Mark 12:30).
And the second, like it, is this: “You shall love your
neighbor as yourself.” There is no other
commandment greater than these (Mark 12:31).
Dear Heavenly Father,
You are reaching out to me, teaching me by Your
Holy Spirit how to heal in my spirit, soul, and body.
I will heed Your counsel.
I repent from all sin that is attacking the body of
Christ today. I will not tolerate the controlling spirit
of Jezebel. I will not participate in pagan rituals
such as yoga. I run from sexual immorality and
into Your arms, dear Jesus. I renounce a spirit of
Mammon. I confess I have not seen how wretched
and poor I have become, but from this day forward
You alone, Jesus, are my God, and I put all my trust
in You. I will not turn a deaf ear to Your sayings. I
will do what You say and show me to do. I rid
myself of all bitterness. I forgive the people in my
life who have done me wrong, and in doing so I am
I empower my faith by Your love. I love You with all
my heart and soul, and I love my neighbor as
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Curse Sickness
God gives you His blessing to curse satan and his wicked
works, including sickness and disease. So right now, obey
His Word and curse this illness at its very root and seed, just
like Jesus cursed the fig tree (see Mark 11:12–25).
Use the Sword of the Spirit; go down deep into the root
system and cut this disease off of your body. Curse the tap
root and command it to dry up and die, and all other roots
that stem off of this main root dry up and disappear
supernaturally. Remind it often that it will not be able to
resurrect itself in your body. Nor can it transplant or
metastasize itself in any other part of your body.
Speak to the original seed of this disease, the seed of sin
that was planted back in the Garden of Eden when Adam
and Eve first sinned. Renounce this generational curse
because you have been redeemed from it (see Gal. 3:13).
Dominate all seeds that this disease has produced to
wither and die. Put them in their place beneath your
authority in Jesus Christ; let them know who is boss and that
they may not germinate ever again in your body or pass on
to another generation.
Vocalize Creation
There is a right way to use the power of the spoken word,
and it not only destroys the wicked works of satan, like
sickness and disease, but it creates healings and miracles
for those in need.
In chapter 1 of Genesis we read the historical account of
how our Creator, Elohim, creates all of creation with the
power of the spoken word. He said, “Let there be,” and there
was. Then He created the human race in His mirror image,
and we too inherit the power of the spoken word.
When the attack of the enemy bears down hard and the
reports shout death, I will not fear. I put my trust in my God:
The Healing Creed ends with “in Jesus’ name.” This
phrase is not a religious tagline but a supernatural seal to
the message of the creed that we declare aloud. The seal
behind the name of Jesus is the power of His shed blood.
The Book of John teaches us the importance of ending
our prayers in the name of Jesus. Yes, our confessions of faith
are prayers. Prayers are made up of words that we confess.
The healing power of the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ
is the foundation for the Healing Creed. As we verbalize this
scriptural creed, we release God’s creative healing power
over our bodies. I suggest we confess this faith document for
healing over our bodies three times a day in Jesus’ name.
Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth the
Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him
from the dead, you will be saved.” Remember what we
learned in Chapter 3 about the word saved? It comes from
the Greek word sōzō and means to save, deliver, protect,
heal, preserve, save, do well, and to be made whole.
“For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and
with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Rom.
10:10). By our verbal confession we activate the power of
salvation, and in this work we release the healing power of
It is scriptural to pray in Jesus’ name. Below, are six
scriptures from the Book of John that confirm we are to pray
in His name and teach us the benefit when we do so.
Dear Father God,
We are now well-informed about Your will to heal
us. With confidence we voice activate Your
creative healing power within us.
Teach us, Holy Spirit, to wield this supernatural
weapon, the Sword of the Spirit, effectively.
Remind us to control the power of our words—that
yes, there indeed is the power of life and death in
our tongues. Forgive us for speaking such
negative and faithless words in the past.
Lead us as we create victory out of the chaos of
life by speaking faith-filled words that will glorify
our Father in Heaven.
We renounce the verbal claims that we have made
to sickness and disease. We’ve cursed ourselves
and others by the daily usage of worldly labels.
Forgive us for this.
We verbalize our God-given authority over satan
and all of his wicked works, including sickness and
disease. We adjure him, command him in the
name of Jesus to leave our households, to flee our
physical bodies in Jesus’ name.
We curse this sickness from its very root and seed
and declare by faith that our bodies are disease-
We thank You that when our physical bodies are
weak, You remain strong in us.
We boldly declare Your abundant life, Your healing
power, and Your supernatural strength to overtake
our physical bodies.
We bind ourselves to the power of the blood of
Jesus to take down this illness, to heal us, to
recreate these physical bodies of ours, and to
renew our strength.
We understand that there is a spiritual correctness
to our prayer language, and from now on we ask,
we pray, we verbalize our confession of faith
through the spiritual bloodline of Jesus’ name.
In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Do I understand my spiritual weapon, the Sword of the
Spirit? Am I willing to repent for misusing the power of my
words? Am I willing to change my vocabulary to destroy the
power of satan and his wicked works, including sickness and
disease, and verbally create healing and miracles that will
not only benefit myself but others around me? With prayers
of faith-filled words, will I create an atmosphere conducive
to healing? Has the Holy Spirit revealed to me a specific
place or a person I need to take the message of healing to?
Do I pray in the name of Jesus? If not, will I start to pray in
His name today?