Reading Train 1 Workbook

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The document provides an overview of the Reading Train reading program for elementary school students. It describes the characters, passages, exercises and format used to teach reading skills to young learners of English.

The main characters mentioned are a memorable and interesting family that appears across the books. Specific characters are not named.

Some activities described include camping, telling stories, and playing at the playground.

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Faffi T

I|l?EFp TimetoSing 06

{ffip lnsects in the Classroom 08

{E@l BMx! 10

{@p The Picky Eater 12

4!|!Et?$ MySillyNewDog '14

El#glrd Link unirs 1*S 16

{@p The Moon Gets a Friend 18

Illlftfi} SleepyJay 20

(@F vacation 22

{IllErip E-mails 24

{@ The Busy Firefighters 26

Word Link units 6*10 28

Fmffi €
@ Anna'sPet 30

ffi Nota Peanut 32

ffi Uncle Ted's Motorcycle u

ffi Fishing 36

ffi Fun for Max 38

W*r# LE*rk units it-1s 40

ffi Hide and Seek 42

ffip What's That Glow? 44

ffi A Delicious Dance 46

@ There is a Mouse in My Pocket 48

c[F,ffip Jay'sCamp 50

Ff*rd kink units 16-ao 52

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j;':. {irtis tl"i* {sf{ari mea*ing"
k!ij it liit!j i:,r A,ajiii
fli!l itt th* hiarks, {h**i* fv*# the s*rei= =}*t=.
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*ey -. !*ni:lrr5.j +
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{**:g}:*e* th* :*fit*:}{e,

tl tri;E lj;;lillj *iir?ilr:*iY
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xiuai? iir4l!l 4fr* lr- SliJrililis
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\filai wairi
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:l*aerse iil* ;aL:; u! :i4eDiile
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j'i-i qf;lril tr i t5i!-G xi tlrE .4rti:$al tiircrri.
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]ainnt uiE*iaai tn iiia toire :
i 16\: l!r,,. i".r ot'ei h*itr:" fllNir *ir!tea1

Students review the key vocabulary from the

ii'' i f;,rrgr*if;,ei+ corresponding unit in the student boak.

ln this secti+n, studenis revisw the cantent *f the

story {vocabulary and grammar} using a cloze
activity. The activity is designed to prepare studenls
for writing their own sentencss and paragraphs.

-. : :: , :i i :1i'. .,"i !.:

Target words are practiced 6 times in the student book and the workbook. This cumulative
practice will help students to memorize the new vocabulary.

3, leflrn the ffe*S3*rdg Chooseandwrila.

i*. Frac*itq tlre fferg i#+r*s a** *r+mrnar
l, Chsose aFd stite.
{:ril,v iikes h anai dacce

!:. ir"la'-{'r L.
5 p..:(
,'he tahr {iieit
Cs*hi 1 rtiy ki:ea. truJi!
Ee*ii irr ihe iibiary.

Step 1 lStuaent Book): Learn the New VVords Step 2 lStuaent Book): Practice the New Words

$ [r'ij:rif:]iil
..i: l**k and match,
4F triri."l i;e,.ir.',j ,:..'

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(omFtele lhe $eateq(e.
,I"l' "Era$i .l.t : ,oirxli6 {iLlatl! ieNl\, sirgr ,x!1

S4e Lrsliniiiill-H Snr's e g.ea:;,flg+fi

DoI I plar/ ihe orilsra s* . fdwd lhe vdjdrei
ilurEtiy srrc sEftcff louily hurl
lil aias5. fls ltafi1 aBcut llafit$ aoil :!]secis.

,;. Fil: iE ti* blank$. Chen* f*m the words &hove, ' . .D ' e.'l'' '! Pr.....1 ,- P. ?

iar'ij i ierl oii lhe b{i.,+ .id rn,,, i+!,

i-. rri, f:,.i;i;r..!,,


Step 3 Wor*uook): Word Practice Step 4 lwort<Uook): Word Review 1

# t,iiilj itr::!,j
i:r {ilcle the coff*ci m*ning, :r:riI r1 :ir::i :t:ir:t=,i

l*C sransia*4rtinr aijoIs*gr1

)ilsaat a sriaii anjmal a smaii iriaill
i€ieiaa He;iies
i-< : '1't'
lesgci Yve are i=a.ijng 3b+!l $.
i: C$spietetheseHtcnEe,
{id Sone i aae scare, ci lnsecis.

lank My igflci:er:re* ihred tic s.

i sludy Daih &!* o* fulcodEys.

Fitl ilie *i$ :!.i.1

iasl llre is d speaifit iank ifii fiali

VI+ i€ik+ri i)eoa:,$e 15+ bab-c rvas sieepint sctaicn The cld bjk{ hes fr4o? e5.

I e $oir,g lo il $o!q at the $chloi Ltrcerl. Her cane !o visit.

Ssmeli,tes I a$ ct the dark
'ianijl:le. tly l.;er:*'s doesn'i \ryaif iil€ bil'.e
\'r..a1., -.r"...\u ! I dn,,.

'q.v 1",a ;'n r'.di 'e,e rl c' ire ihfi $ of ihe hike fiere oiC
" n.."

tanda heaas onl? eel han1boo.

$tep 5 Worxfook): Word Review 2 $tep 6 (wormooklr word Link


&. Look and match.


{r € e o a

quietly sing science loudly hurt

ffi" Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

t loud l-

ft : loudly

SqryEUr Ery

ffiMM quietly(xe) hurting srngrng sang loudly mustc

&. Choose and write.
'fr .,..,, like / likes ,' Ann swimming.

X ,.' don't / doesn't ," She drink tea.

3 ,,.', rquietly / quiet,,.',.. Shhh! Talk , please.

at 7 o'clock last night.

@. Write the verb in the past tense.

,_i -:-:1:. -f r:r:,:lr-:_1
eSIDdP ia wa-S a l.,Pilg,i ,*
4t Say i,*p


&" Put the words in the correct order.

'E like ' Jay ' class i doesn't , music :

3 not , at , Jay , is ' good i singing :


3 singing ' quietly ' Jay : was ' very :

@" Write about yourself.

llike class, but I don't like class.

l'm good at , but l'm not good at _. :



Readins rrain r .#
&" Unscramble and write the word.
E d* 4

dki desacr setnic

tasl knat

B" Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

t child *
H . afraid

ffi ' first

utrMF@ 9li.k"t*- !i"f: r-.rll reglle ants .oot scateO

We are learning about _-_____* __"_!

My teacher has three big *_*__

One has -,"". Another has a _. The last one has "."_*."*

It's _-_._-"""_- "_"". to watch them. :

not insects.

l'm of !

I want to all about them!

&" Choose and write.
3 readingI read What are you 2

E sisters / sister My friend has two

E are / is Some students sleepy.

& to watch / watching I want a movte.

B" Circle the correct word.

E We are I about insects in science class.
learning to
E My teacher has three big tanks in I on the back of the room.
p The last is a special tank at I tor ants.
q Some kids are scared of / with insects.
S lt's cool tot / \o watch them.
fr. I want to learn all about I tot them.

D Complete the sentence.

'giglg: grlgtly !?,!ry - :llg: lyn j

€ She beautifully. She's a great singer!

fr Don't play the music so . Turn down the volume!

3ln class, we learn about plants and insects.

€ The baby is sleeping. Please speak

5 I fell off the bike and my leg.

Readins rrain r .S
&. Look and match.


ID c € c 0
scratch daughter yesterday tire uncle

ffi" Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

t Family,* son+ aunt +
3,Day'@ tomorrow+

Wtrrdffin#: jumps tires scratches uncle mind old happy bicycle

Anna was very yesterday.

Her __***_ gave her an bicycle.

Anna looked at the

It had many ....-.:.! and the were old.

Anna didn't because it was a BMX bicycle!

Anna wanted to ride some

D Choose and write.
n am/was I _..*-- very tired yesterday.

3 read / reading He's going to some books.

s happy / happily She smiled

4 were / was The children very excited.

&. Circle the correct meaning.

E kid # a man or a woman * a boy or a girl

#; insect # a small animal * a small plant

* hurt # feel happy # feel pain

@, Complete the sentence.

science tank sing scared quietly loudly last

€ I study math and -_ ._*. on Mondays.

A the
Fill * with water.
B We talked -*- because the baby was sleeping.
€ l'm going to a song at the school concert.

S Sometimes I am of the dark.

# We had a running race, but I came in .****

F "Hey Tim, l'm over here!" Rick shouted

Beading Train 1
&" Unscramble and write the word.

bo moab aepr geg caphe

ffi. Circle the correct word.

r A bamboo is a fruit / plant

E A ' hen i Oog lays an egg.

p A: What color is a panda? B: It's black / brown and grey I white

$mnettr i
I ffiMffi dessert bamboo picky doesn't thing panda eat

' Emma is a *-.-_*_ . _*- eater.


; She will not pears, peaches or pumpkin pie.

She like eggs, , lemons, chocolate, chicken

or strawberries.

Emma only eats one **.**** because she is a bear! l

Emma only eats

D Choose and write.
$ don't/ doesn't He "**** , play soccer on Mondays.

k want / wants My sister to eat now.

i pears I pear These taste good.

d+ go / goes She will to the library tomorrow.

&" Circle the correct meaning.
E uncle # mother's or father's sister # mother's or father's brother
P" last # at the end fu first

H insect # a big animal with four legs fu a small animal with six legs
& daughter # a girl or a woman F* a boy or a man

B" Complete the sentence.

I scared yesterday kid scratch tank tire l

€ Many people have a fish in their house.

A It was sunny but it's raining today.

He's only 9 years old. He's just a

& I can't ride this bicycle. It has a flat

S lt was dark and I was

* Ken has a _ on his leg. He fell off the bike.

Reading Train 't .,#

&" Look and match.

qB H ii


e a € e

find chase silly funny proud

ffi" fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

t lose # H cleverr#
S, follow @

! ffim* gM sing smiles silly trash tail present feet proud l


I got a new dog and she is very ,**- :

l She chases her own and she likes to

i very

She is when she finds


She brings it to me as a _-""

r Then, she **-**" _*_ in a funny way.


i And she likes to sleep on people's

D Choose and write.
t study / studies He English every day.

ffi took I lake I a bus yesterday.

s to drink / drink She wants '---__ .- some water.

5 sends / send My friend often __. me e-mail.

uncle daughter bamboo peach panda pear

&. Write the words under the correct heading.
Animal Plant
E *d**aht-er:
E ir

ffi, Complete the sentence.

Yesterday daughter tire egg uncle scratch

$ A chick comes out of an

ffi is the day before today.

ffi I got a little _* on my hand. lt doesn't hurt.

€ Mr. Wilson has three children: two sons and one

# My is two years younger than my father.

* My bike's " needs more air.

Reading Train 1
Units ({ -5)
h) Fill in the blanks.

$ science a[-'J He]ikes.

& insect =5 We'ard learning ahout

s kid 0l0l s are scared of insects.

,€ tank Sa, +"zs My teaeher has three big

s last EfrlEq A The ls a special tank for ants.

L' scratch €il T',he old, bike'haa rn*n:y gs,
p uncle '$*, as.{ol-E}+ Her 6arne to visit.

& daughter E My friend s doesn't uuant the bike.

I tire Ei0lol The s.,of the bike w,eFc ofd,

T# panda *I+ hears .gnfy'eat,bamhoo,

€E egg ss Emrna doesn't like

ta pear Hll Emma doesn't eat s^

xs peach q*ol Emnra doesn't eat e$.

t& bamboo tllL[+ Emma,only eats

T $ng }ctilElr.[' toudly pl.ease;* sai*t'heJea her,

k hurt oFsfll 6tEl

ft chase Flgtrl

& find tr[} Ffr1 dog s, tr-ash an d brings,it' $' i-.1'le.

t scared +fis6lE :..., afg of inseets.

a funny Irr way.

3 proud ?I=L:l
My dog"is'',:;.,'i.:;r.:,j;;;;=. sj:e fi*ds trash.

4 silty HTH gg Mynew'dog is very

t quietly 6E6l Jay wae singing vGry

? loudly E 6elE Jay sang

B yesterday oHl Anna:was very happy

Readins rram r@
&" Unscramble and write the word.


atr eoanl eaawk trehoegt cvero

ffi" Circle the correct word.

t She is not alone. She has : no / many friends.

fr He is awake. His eyes are open I ctoseO

* I can't hear your voice. Please speak quietly / loudly

ffinlgffi3nl 1

: ffimsffi be ,o1.. sleeping alone happy tti.nJ sad lar

The moon was . She wanted a


: The stars were too . -__ -__*__ _--__ away. Everyone else was

The moon was

The moon heard a . It was the owl.

The owl wanted to the moon's friend.

The moon and the owl were

D Choose and write.
t is lare My uncle a doctor.

ft belam I very happytoday.

Sbelam I will at home tonight.

€ islare -
Those boys my friends.

&, Circle the correct meaning.

t chase # try to catch * try to run away

A funny # make you angry * make you laugh

S pear # a kind of fruit * a kind of insect

@ panda # an animal from Africa * an anima! from China

@. Complete the sentence.

egg silly peach find bamboo proud

G I Iost my bag. I have to it.

& Mix flour, sugar, butter and an . to bake a cake.

s I got an A+ on the test. I am of myself.

4 is a soft round fruit with a yellow and pink skin.

5 Some people make baskets with

6 Wearing sunglasses on a rainy day is very

Readins Train 1
; r -- ''tii
@v{td ,....tii11,i

\illord Practiee

&, Look and match.

e n * e o

restaurant sleepy textbook breakfast bookshop

ffi. Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

E Meals '4 + lunch + dinner

P Places 4! school + -L

WMffi t"rtn""f. ii'*o sleepy crosswalk breakfast bed church

Jay was very today.

He slept next to his

He slept on top of his " and under the blackboard.

He fell asleep at the

He slept at the theater, the restaurant, the bookshop, and at

Now it is time for _ *, but he is not anymore.

D Choose and write.
t is/was My teacher very busy last week.

H runs I ran Jay to school yesterday.

B eat I ale cereal yesterday morning.

# is/was She sleepy now.

&, Match the word with its meaning.

T awake * * a long way away

trlaro r with someone

B together * r not sleeping

ffi" Complete the sentence.

vorce chase alone find silly funny proud i

G Some dogs love to cats.

A Oh, no! I made a mistake in my test.

# She is a good singer. She has a beautiful

4 Where did you put my book? I can't it.

5 She won the first prize, and she was very of it.

# The story was so . We laughed for a long time.

F l'm the only person in this house. I live

Reading rrain r .s


&" Unscramble and write the word.

otcnviaa lehto rrlyiab eandgr ifmyal

ffi. Circle the correct word(s).

t She's on vacation. She will go / won't go to work for a week.

'- When we travel, we sleep in i visit a hotel.

q We don't have a garden because we live in a house I an apartment


Anna and her family were going on

Anna took some with her.

She read her books on the

. She read her books at the ,.-..--.----.*-.., at a museum and at a garden.

I Now, they were going

; Anna wanted to see the - because she was -.- " "-- of books.
D Choose and write.
i going / to go My mom wants shopping.

A talking I lalk Stop *, please.

3 were / was They walking in the park.

& watch / watching We are a DVD now.

&. Circle the correct meaning.

€ far # near # not near

E breakfast # the morning meal # the evening meal

S sleepy # wanting to sleep * sleeping now

ffi. Complete the sentence.

together alone textbook restaurant awake bookshop voice

E Jane has a beautiful . I like listening to her sing.

H She lives . She doesn't have any family.

B Let's go to that new for dinner tonight.

€ Are you still "*? You should sleep now!

5 We have a science test next week. I will study my
# I love books. My favorite shop is the
p I can't eat this big cake by myself. Do you want to eat it **__****--- *."?

Reading rrain r .*

Yllord Practice

&. Look and match.

* f * f s
computer send letter easy e-mail

B" Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

"€ hard -w
, *n"i" v"r' "-r", ,11r""",
. receive 1.n.,
-- tr.

ffiMW rli!'o; g,*,1

s:J !.ins computer easy

Ijust got an from Aunt Julie.

She lives -*, but she's not lonely.

She has her .**, and she can talk to all her
It',s to send her e-mail.

I like to e-mail too.

e-mail makes both of us happy.

D Choose and write.
? go / went We didn't to the museum.

k Play / Playing with my friends makes me happy.

B write / wrote a letter yesterday.

4 to listen / listen She likes to music.

&. Match the word with its meaning.

'E bookshoP 0 r a piece of land where you grow plants

k restaurant * * a place that sells books

B hotel * r a place where you buy a meal and eat

6 library $ e a place where you borrow or read books

S garden * e a place where you pay to sleep

B. Complete the sentence.

! vacation textbook breakfast family sleepy j

3 I usually eat at B o'clock in the morning.

re There are three people in my ; mom, dad and me.

B Do you have any plans for the summer 2

& I',m '*. l'm going to bed now.

S Read page 10 in the

Reading rrain r '.@

&" Unscramble and write the word.
?B €


nigr ysrpa
M- ffi
hf f iitrreeg iefr

ffi. Circle the correct word(s).

; They made a fire to /
keep warm cold

s When the phone rings, it makes i stops a sound.

The little girl was brave. She was / was not afraid of the dark.

;ffiMM ;;i;; ;";;; rang hard helped rushed brave

They __ the people out of the

They sprayed on the fire.

Soon, the fire was

The firefighters were very

t'l|:n o'ltn"'l:ewas - - work

,*:-_ -:
D Choose and write.
i working / work He was still "- at 10 o'clock at night.

E studied / study I **- math last night.

s Help / Helping _ your friend is a good thing to do.

4 drinks / drank My father coffee this morning.

llllord He*ierr {unit8 - units}

&, Match the word with its meaning.

E easY ' o a message on the computer

g familY f c not difficult

B e-mail e e mother, father and children

@" Complete the sentence.

send computer letter garden library vacation hotel

E We stayed at a nice in France.

A My aunt has some fruit trees in her

* He doesn't play games. He likes to play outside.

4 l'll go to the and borrow some books.

ffi She wrote a _-* -*- to her friend.

# Many people take a in summer. They often go to the beach.

3 l'll a 'thank you' card to my grandma.

Readins Train 1 .#
Units (6-{ 0}
P> Fill in the blanks.

? vorce -E/(pl

A brealdast olEI 4i,rt

3 bookshop A'lE

4 textbook Err*l

5 restaurant -o

6 hotel g,g

t family 7LE

* garden ss
q library E,T{EI

1* vacation #7t, Btrl

I,E computer g#EJ

?a letter Exl

'ES e-mail 010fl9 I.gqt,

,fi4 H

?$ firefighter ,-\Htj].l
Vei65 eaec LlErlltb s

E send HLflET I need to my mom a text message.

A ring(rang) €elrl The fire bell

S spray +elr[ The firefighters "ed water on the fire.

Bgirt: tr'grolLl SEIiE LlEtlllb g

t awake rlxl ?** "l am all night," said the owl.

* alone arrs.l The moon was

E tar fl "The stars are too - away," cried the moon.

g sleepy €al Jay was very today.

s easy rliS It's to send her e-mail.
# brave -e.7$*l
oEld The firefighters were very

3 together *741 They rose into the sky

Reading Train I #
&, Look and match.

a s e o I
dish work trash week goat

B" Fill in the blanks. Use the words from above.

t Days of the e Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
# House + washing the -*._._,_.*-_.":-,.es taking out the

Anna wanted a **.-._"-

She did her *_._ _.___* _ _* for a week.

She liked dishes, but she did not like trash.

So, she wanted a

A goat would the trash, so she didn't have to take it

Grammar Practice

D Write the verb in the past tense.

G make Jay *..-"..- a sandwich.

3 tell I -*.,.*-.*-- my friend about the party.

S stop She -".---"- -"- playing the piano.

& enjoy He *-----* --.- the movie.

llllord Hevie*r {unit e - u*it ro} j

&. Match the word with its meaning.
G letter s a person who stops a fire

E firefighter e to make a sound like a bell

# ring e not hard

& easy e a message on paper

B" Complete the sentence.

e-mail brave Spray fire send computer

E water on the flowers.

ffi I -__.."""* -- ." a birthday present to my friend in Canada.


B There is a ---,.--- . -- in the mountain. Many trees are burning.

4 Tell me your *_-"" -,. -"-, address.

s His father is a **-**-.- programmer.

# He saved his friend from a fire. He was very

Reading Train 1
Word Practice

f#t9o Unscramble and write the word.
5t #B

oebn pnkpmui tuenpa mrrefa igd

B. Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

'* Food @

fi : person @,


HffiBg* find dinosaur digging pumpkin bone peanrts museum

i A farmer started his


. He hit something large and hard. lt was a

Then, he found a whole !

He wanted to send it to the

He went to dig some more in his field.

What will he there?

D Write the verb in the past tense.
3 come My friend to my house last weekend.

ffi meet I my teacher on the street last night.

S do She her homework last night.

& give He me a birthday present yesterday.

@. Circle the correct word.

E : Spray / Ring : the doorbell. Then, someone will open the door.

H Take out the tragh / dish . A truck will come and collect it.

3 A: See you next work / week B: BYe!

@. Complete the sentence.

work brave week fire goats spray firefighters

t Some cows, sheep and have horns.

E He climbed Mt. Everest. He was very

S You should some water on the garden.

4 I have piano lessons three times a

5 The rushed into the burning building.

# lt is fun to have a camp when you are camping.

F I have so much to do. I can't play with my friends.

Reading frain I '.#

Yllord Practice

&" Look and match.


c c a e
motorcycle visit helmet surprise arrive

ffi. Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

T leave #
. Do you want to ride on a
; motorblke ft# ..-....1 ----,

ry#ffi l"il;;J helmet brought climbed engrne

, Uncle Ted ^_-_** _ ". on Sunday.


H" his motorcycle.

, ,__

, Jay wanted to "- * on the motorcycle.


He put on Uncle Ted's and _*_-_.* .* on.


," said, "Brrrrrrmmmmmm." He was an -__"--__"_- __-!

Grammar Practice

D Choose and write.

going / to go Do you want swimming?

take/ taking Are you **_ your umbrella today?

went / goes He **- **. to bed at 11 o'clock last night.

comes / coming My aunt is today.

C"resie:fr *46[.ii'*],r-r
&. Circle the correct meaning.
$ a week * has thirty days * has seven days

A farmer # works on a boat * works on a farm

3 pumpkin # an orange vegetable * an orange fruit

B" Complete the sentence.

I goats bone trash dig peanuts work dish l

€ Try the food in the big white It's delicious.

3" I like ln fact, I like all kinds of nuts.

Throw out the

4 Cows, sheep and .- * are farm animals.

5 She's so lazy. She doesn't do any - "

# lf you fall from a tree, you can break-*-a ._*--**"

g Let's a hole in the sand and make a tunnel.

Reading Train 't


&, Unscramble and write the word.

th' - ,-'(m
//;( )v'
tf, ':-7M
das gihnsfi ume nit elop htcca

ffi. Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

$ nappy #
& Time :, *4, hour + + second

Sfnr$ $*t* fishing caught waited sitting

Alice got a hook and a

She put the hook in the water and

A few minutes later, she a fish.

The fish looked , so she put it in the water.

She didn't want to anything.

She thought was better than

D Circle the correct word.
? When you go inside, take on I otf your shoes please.

e Let's clean up. Put u*uy I in your toys.

S We don't need this book. Put it off I back on the shelf.

4 It's cold outside. Put on I in your jacket.

.W* l i
t iiiitz. i * ii

&" Circle the correct word.

t I want to dig / vis$ : the Opera House in Sydney.
3 Don't forget to wear a pumpkin / helmet when you ride a bike.
S My grandfather wilf ariive / surprise , dt 2 o'clock tomorrow.

@. Complete the sentence.

bone dig surprise farmer pumpkin peanut motorcycle

My old friend came to see me. lt was a big

H This is really big and round.

ft My uncle is a He has a large farm.

& I made some butter sandwiches.

# She broke a in her arm when she fell.

# Riding a is exciting, but dangerous.

p The farmer used a big fork to a hole.

Readins rrain t €58

., jr:i:::J ;:l:irjt:l+:=
''1:l'il1i:.!if :ll'.=
. t.::i.i:,.:E
. ..: ri:=ilii:i=
' ';i11!:.:E
,, , : i;;-i;].fij

A. Look and match.

e € l0 3 a

window want food out in

B. Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

3tn@ M
Do you want a ride in the car?

H would like @

dragon asks food
D Choose and write.
ft is / does whv he so excited?

3 don't / doesn't My brother want to play.

3 ..,slnging I to sing,, I want a song.

& go / goes She will to a supermarket.

@. Match the word with its meaning.

tsad. * ,
a long thin stick.,i,::.,,:,. .,::,.:,:...r .

X, Iighi!1g.., ,.,,,, * o unhappy

3 Pole t .,,...,,,

@. Complete the sentence.

t A: What time is it? B: lt's ten past five.

2 The made a loud noise.

3 When do you want to Grandma?

4 A: lhavea for you. B: Really! What is it?

S The bus will soon.

# Do you wear a when you in-line skate?

7 My cat Iikes to mice.

Readins rrain r€
Units Ut-{5}
P> Fill in the blanks.

week *l-

goat E+

work 9l

dish E^I

trash ,1 Bll7l

farmer -L.r,

pumpkin EE+

bone !q

peanut frL=l

.h.f L(3
1$ surprise =Ltg

'xt motorcycle eEHtol

1t helmet gH!

I3 fishing hJ^l

t4 minute {,rlz}sl)E

15 pole trfrfi7l
Iq! food E -"t

17 window +Ets

dig [ltl

&, visit gE6fr,l

J arrive EEl6ltt

4 catch xlrI
lr El

want s6Et

sad +E!

out Htoll, HfsE

in "'E gJofi,t,l

Reading rrain r fl
b 16H

A" Unscramble and write the word.

eocrv ntocu doerb dieh endru

B" Circle the correct word(s).

. I want to hide the treasure. I want / don't want anybody to find it.

3 She is bored. She has nothing I something interesting to do.

" lf you cover your eyes, you can I can't see.

ffiMffitr#* hide scared door played Finally bed seek

Jay and Anna hide and

Jay went to _* first.

First, Anna looked under the Jay wasn't there.

Then she looked behind the Jay wasn't there.

, she looked in the

"BOOO!" Jay Anna.

Grammar Practice

D Choose and write.

3 was / were My brother and I playing a game.

k sing / singing Let's a song.

F exciting/ excited l'm _* about the party.

& alan I had egg sandwich for lunch.

iI Word Heview (unir t4 - unit {f}

&. Circle the correct meaning.

G a minute # 60 hours * 60 seconds

F" want *. will not wish to have or do something

food * things you wear =- things you eat

B, Complete the sentence.


Fishing catch I

E is my father's hobby. He just loves it.

H She cried because she was

"* It's cold. Please close the

€ A: How many fish did you **---^-'--* ---? B: Just one.

Put all your books * your bag.
EF I need a new -"-
fishinq The old one is broken.

F What are you doing in my room? Get

Readins Train 1 .#
@" Look and match.

3 e 0 0
field grab bug glow light

ffi, Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

s #"
Pick uP 1.. How does a firefly glow? i
insect @

Wfiil*SM* wondered grabbed firefly strange bug country catch glowing

My uncle lives in the

Last night, I saw some lights in the field.

I ran and tried to the lights.

I one. It was a small

It was a It was

I how it glowed.
t--/ Choose and write.
t wrote / write a story last week.

? does / is What a firefly eat?

3 cried / cries The baby last night.

4 aren't / weren't They hungry yesterday.

ffi!o Circle the correct word.
G ln winter, it is good to ; count . / cov€r your ears with a hat.

. hide / want : Mom's present! She is coming!"

3 "Quick,

* Ann wasn't home. She was ' il I oui

ffi, Complete the sentence.

count window under in bored want food

€ She's the bathroom. She's taking a shower.

fr My baby brother is so smart. He can to 100 now.

# Let's get some l'm hungry!

€ There is a pencil the desk. Pick it up please.

s What do you to do now?

# The sunlight is coming through the

5 I stayed home all day yesterday. I was so

Beading rrain r €

&" Unscramble and write the word.

hktniec tyearsrwrb tfuri elg iudcseloi

B. Circle the correct word(s).

Snakes don't have legs. So, they can / can't walk.
. He's in the kitchen. He's cooking I sleeping

E This cake is delicious. I want I don't want some more.

ffiMffi*r* dream ate delicious legs woke strawberry breakfast danced

Alice had a about a dancing

It was big and red, but it had long _**

It looked and danced very well.

Alice up and went to the kitchen.

She .--- - a whole box of strawberries for

Then she around the room.
D Choose and write.
shoe/ shoes These are new.

draw / drew I a picture yesterday.

B sleeping / sleep Look at that baby. She's cute.

cB to go / going They just want home.

D Wora Review (Unit {G - unit 17)

&, Match the word with its meaning.

t grab * a small insect

Zbug# send out soft light

3 field * take something quickly

4 glow * a piece of land

@. Complete the sentence.

3 the table with some paper before we start painting.

E Don't under the bed, you silly dog!

"5 l'm Do you want to play with me?

6+ A: Can you how many chairs there are? B: There are 25 chairs.

* Turn off the before you go to bed.

# It's too hot. Let's sit the beach umbrella.

Readins rrain r€
Word Practice

&" Look and match.

o e * o
pocket playground lunchtime understand MOUSE

m. Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

t play + ground #
lunch + time *

I ffiM ffi likes squeaks sleeps understand every day cookie pet

Nick takes his . * mouse, Snowy, to school

Snowy to go to school.

Snowy usually in the morning.

Nick gives Snowy a at lunchtime.

Nick listens to Snowy's

Nick thinks he can Snowy the Mouse!

Grammar Fractice
t-, Choose and write.
likes / like He ** to travel.

k me ll -"
My teacher always helps

3 reads I read My father sometimes a newspaper.

& to buy / buying Do you want

-**-- some oranges?

&" Circle the correct meaning.

E delicious # very good to look at # very good to eat

E leg # used for walking 4+ used for writing

3 strawberry e,? a small red fruit * a big orange fruit

4 kitchen # a room where you cook * a room where you sleeP

ffi. Complete the sentence.

grabbed light bugs field glow fruit

G The farmer is working in the

A Look at these toys. They in the dark.

S I like reading about They are small and interesting.

4 He _- -* my hand and ran.

5 Grapes are my favorite

# Please turn on the -- *. I can't see anything.

Reading Train 1#
:i:t ::l:i!.:ij,:!r::,i j


' ,l-,,..i:ij

&" Unscramble and write the word.


#w rsoyt otshg ielltt pamc krbaydca

B" Circle the correct word(s).

t You are too little. You can I can't travel by yourself.
a I don't like ghost stories. I get / don't get : scared.
E When you camp, you live in a house / tent for a short time.

i ?sMM teddy bear little backyard "gl?.] :u1p sandwiches blanket

; Jay's sister, Anna, went to ."__ last summer.

Jay couldn't go because he was too

A week later, Jay made his own camp in the

He made a tent out of a He made to eat.

He told stories with his

Anna came to Jay's camp.

Grammar Pradtice

D Write the verb in the past tense.

€runl to the door.

e sing He a song at the concert.

S get She up at 7 o'clock this morning.

4 say My mom , "be careful."

\llford Heview'turit t8 - untt te)

&, Circle the correct meaning.

T playground +s where children play f: where children study
k fruit # beans *
onions, peppers, apples, bananas, peaches

B mouse # a small animal * a small insect

ffi. Complete the sentence.

pocket legs kitchen understand delicious Lunchtime Strawberry

E She cooks food every day.

k Stand up and stretch your

ice cream is pink.

& l'll get some cups and spoons from the

is from 12 o'clock to 1 o'clock.

6 Sorry, I don't . Can you tell me again, please?

F A: What's in your ? B: I have some coins.

Readins Train 1
ffi6ffi Units (16-20) i,
p Fill in the blanks.

T field .=EI
I saw some strange lights in the

H light H.l
Itried to catch the S.

H bug There was a small

€' leg rlFl

*tEt It had long *"_"* *-_s.

S strawberry 'S7l It was big and red like a normal

# fruit -1Lo I
Are strawberries your favorite _-
F kitchen tcol
-ra Alice went to the

u pocket +DlLl Nick puts Snowy in his

# playground 8BS, tsolE'l Do you want to go to the

T# lunchtime ##AlZ! At **----*. **%, Nick gives Snowy a cookie.

t T mouse g+l Nick has a pet

Efi backyard ?lg, filnlg Jay made his own camp in the

$ B camp *s, ot$ At the Anna slept in the tent.

1& story oloFTl Anna told ghost .*.**._

E# ghost *H Jay told stories with his teddy bear.

1 eount $q

,Z cover Hrt

hide *r.|

& glow BJ€ $6FEI

3 grab E4+rrt

s understand, 0l8lfiFtl

bored , xl+=el

delicious 5l*I*t.'" '

? little qg, oifl

under ,".E oBiloll

I lf1$.$ed;';i...,::.

Readins rrain tp
is a three level reading series for young learners of English. ln each book,
carefully graded reading passages are supported by a variety of exercises. By completing
these exercises,students build vocabulary,extend grammatical knowledge,and progressively
consolidate their reading skills.To make the passages and exercises appealing, the authors
have created fun, same-aged characters for the fictional passages. ln student book 2 and 3
these fictional passages are interspersed with a small number of non-fiction passages that
reflect the varied interests of elementary school students. &eadimg; Train also provides an
easy-to-follow lesson format that enables students to actively take part in the reading and
thinking process.

. A memorable and interesting family of characters

. Exciting passages with warm feelings and humor
. Cumulative vocabulary and reading skill practice
. Vivid illustrations to spark learners' imagination
' A systematic lesson process
. A picture dictionary in each book
. Accompanying audio recordings
. Fun Comics

. Student Eook 1 2 3 .Workbookl23

" Teachsr's {Ulanual '&udia {D {lnctuded in Stud*nt Book}

mffiffi@ gffi wd M@ mvgCIemgm 8ffi tu Hemwery &luo]mb

fieading Boat 1 2 3 (forGrades I & 2)

ffi ReadingTrain t 23(forGradesS&4)

re Reading Rocket I 2 3 (forGrades s &6)

lsBN 978-89-5635-281-7

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