Analysis & Techniques On Module C - 1984 Quote Bank

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Dangers of ● Torture Winston “He was alone.

The past was All

Totalitarian ● Shabby houses Julia dead, the future was
● Living styles O’Brien unimaginable” Pg 28
● Rations on
food/razors “To die hating them, that was
● Relationship freedom.” Pg 294
● Tele-screens/Supervi
sion “Sometimes, too, they talked of
● Cruelties engaging in active rebellion
● Oppressions against the Party.”
● Communism
● Role of technology “Winston’s life is a reiteration
● Government of circumstance he lives in”
“It is this the Party seeks
power entirely for its own sake.
We are not interested in the
good of others; we are
interested solely in power. Not
wealth or luxury or long life or
happiness, only power, pure
power” Pg 275

Psychological ● Tele-screens Winston “Nothing was your own except Control of

Manipulation ● Constant supervision Parsons the few cubic centimeters information
● Omnipresent posters Julia inside your skull” Pg 29 and history
● Suppression of
sexual desires “Thought crime does not entail Physical
● Two Minutes Hate death, thought crime is death” control
● 2+2=5 Pg 30
● Junior spies
“War is peace, freedom is
slavery, ignorance is strength”
Pg 6

“For after all how did we

known two and two make
four?” Pg 84

“The end was contained in the


“Nearly all children nowadays

were horrible. What was worst
of all was that by means of
such organizations as the
Spies they were systematically
turned into ungovernable little
savages, and yet this
produced in them the no
tendency whatever to rebel
against the discipline of the
Party. On the contrary, they
adored the Party and
everything connected with
it....All their ferocity was turned
outwards, against the enemies
of the State, against
foreigners, traitors, saboteurs,
thought-criminals. It was
almost normal for people over
thirty to be frightened of their
own children. ” Pg 24/6

“So contrived that the eyes

follow you about when you

“In philosophy, or religion, or

ethics, or politics, tow and two
might make five, but then
when one was designing a
gun or an airplane they had to
make four” Pg 200

(Humanity) “Do you see that

thing you are facing? That is
the last man. If you are human,
that is humanity.”

(Misogynist)- “He disliked

nearly all women, especially
the young and pretty ones,
who were the most bigoted
adherents of the party, the
swallowers of slogans, the
amateur spied and nosers-out
of unorthodoxy.” Pg 12

“In a way the world-view of the

Party imposed itself most
successfully on people
incapable of understanding it.”
(Referring to Parsons) Pg 163

“Sanity is not statistical” Pg


Physical Control ● Beating at Miniluv Winston “To describe your feelings, to Control of
● Constant job Julia control your face, to do what Information
exhaustion Society everyone else was doing, was and History
● Guards carry batons an instinctive reaction.” Pg 19
● “Re-education” for Psychologic
rebellions “You had to live, did live, from al
● Facial expressions habit that became instinct – in Manipulatio
● morning jerks assumption that every sound n
● Torture can condition you made was overheard, and,
the mind, so the party except in darkness, every
is able to control movement scrutinized.” Pg 5
reality, convincing
them of anything. i.e. “He was a lonely ghost uttering
2+2=5 a truth that nobody would ever
hear” Pg 30

“Your worst enemy was your

own nervous system. At any
moment the tension inside you
was liable to translate itself
ionto some visible symptom.”
Pg 56

“At the present nothing is

possible except to extend the
area of sanity little by little” Pg

(Sex) “Their embrace had

been a battle, the climax a
victory, it was a blow stuck
against the party. It was a
political act.” Pg 133

(Death) “In the place where

there is no darkness” Pg 185

“In this room I’m going to be a

woman not a Party comrade”
Pg 149

“We do not merely destroy our

enemies, we change them” Pg

“There’s nothing I wouldn’t

confess, nothing! Just tell me
what is and I’ll confess straight
off. Write it down and ill sign it
anything! Not Room 101!”

“Do it too Julia. Not me! I don’t

care what you do to her. Not
me! Julia! Not me!”

“The pain flowed through his

Winston’s body. The need
must be at seventy, seventy
“There is leaning, there is
understanding, then there is

“It was terribly dangerous to let

your thoughts wander when
you were in any public place or
within range of a telescreen.
The smallest thing could give
you away. A nervous tic, an
unconscious look of anxiety, a
habit of muttering to yourself –
anything that carried with it the
suggestion of abnormality, of
having something to hide. In
any case, to wear an improper
expression on your face...was
itself a punishable offense.
There was even a word for it in
Newspeak :facecrime....” Pg

“ do anything that

suggested a taste for solitude,
even to go for a walk by
yourself, was always slightly
dangerous. There was a word
for it in Newspeak: ownlife...”
Pg 70

Fatalism ● Diary Winston “Now that he recognised

himself as a dead man it
became important to stay alive
for as long as possible” Pg 30

“He was not certain that he

would use the razor blade
even if he got them change. It
was more natural to exist from
moment to moment, accepting
another ten minutes life even
with the certainty of torture at
the end of it” Pg 241

“We are dead” Pg 142

“Only because I prefer a

positive to a negative. In this
game that we’re playing, we
can’t win. Some kinds if
failures are better than others,
that’s all.” Pg 142

“He had won the victory over

himself. He loved Big Brother”
pg 311
“They’ve got you too. He cried.
They got me a long time ago”,
said O’Brien.

“He had committed – would

have committed, even if he
had neve4r set pen to paper –
the essential crime that
contained all others in itself.
Thoughtcrime, they called it.
Thoughtcrime was not a thing
that could be concealed
forever. You might dodge
successfully for a while, even
for years, but sooner or later
they were bound to get you.”
Pg 19

“Somehow you will fail.

Something will defeat you. Life
will defeat you.”

Control of ● Searching for the Winston “When there were no eternal

Information past records that you could refer to
● War - notice change even the outline of your own
in enemies life lost its sharpness” Pg 34

“But that was merely a piece of

furtive knowledge which he
happened to posses because
his memory was not
satisfactorily under control” Pg

“if all records told the same

tale, then the lie passes into
history and became truth” Pg

“Winston’s job was to rectify

the original figures by making
them agree with the later
ones.” Pg 41

“It was merely the substitution

of one piece of non-sense for
another” Pg 43

“Who controls the past controls

the future; who controls the
present, controls the past” Pg

“The past was erased, the

erasure forgotten, the lie
became truth.”
“If the Party could thrust its
hand into the past and say this
or that even – it never
happened – that, surely, was
more terrifying that mere
torture and death” Pg 32

“And if all others accepted the

lie which the Part imposed – if
all records told the same tale –
then the lie passed into history
and became truth. Who
controls the controls the future
:who controls the present
controls the past.” Pg 32

“Day by day and almost minute

by minute the past was
brought to date. In this way
every prediction made by the
Party could be shown by
documentary evidence to have
been correct; nor was any item
of news, or any expression of
opinion, which conflicted with
the needs of the moment, ever
allowed to remain on record.
All history was a palimpsest,
scraped clean and reinscribed
exactly as often as necessary.

Language as ● Newspeak “Don’t you see that the whole

Mind Control ● Limiting words for aim of Newspeak is to narrow
expression the range of thought?...Has it
● Remove anything that ever occurred to you, Winston
might question the that by the year 2050, at the
parties’ absolute very latest, not a single human
power being will be alive who could
understand such a conversion
as we are having now?..The
whole climate of thought will
be different. In, fact, there will
be no thought, as we
understand it now. Orthodoxy
means not thinking – not
needing to think. Orthodoxy is
unconsciousness” – Syme Pg

Power ● Vaporization Winston “In Oceania at the present day, All

Julia Science, in the old sense, has
almost ceased to exist. In
Newspeak there is no word for
‘Science.’ The empirical
method of thought, on which
all the scientific achievements
of the past were founded, is
opposed to the most
fundamental principles of
Ingsoc.” Pg 159

“People simply disappeared,

always during the night. Your
name was removed from the
registers, every record of
everything you hard ever done
was wiped out; your o-time
existence was denied and then
forgotten. You were abolished,
annihilated: vaporized was the
usual word.” Pg 20

“One of these days, thought

Winston with sudden deep
conviction, Syme will be
vaporized. He sees too clearly
and speaks too plainly. The
Party does not like such
people.’ Pg 56

Freedom “Freedom is the freedom to All

say two plus two equals four. If
that is granted all else follows”
Pg 84

“...she had possessed a kind

of nobility, a kind of purity,
simply because the standards
she obeyed were private ones.
Her feelings were her own and
could not be altered from
outside.” Pg 171

“whether on the abolished past

it had been a normal
experience to lie in bed like
this, in the cool of a summer
evening, a man and a women
with no clothes making love
when they chose.......surely
there could have been a time
when that seemed ordinary?’
Pg 150

“You’re only a rebel from the

waist downwards” Pg 163

Technology ● Telescreen, “The invention of print,

surveillance used for however, made it easier to
the wrong purposes. manipulate public opinion and
the film and radio carried the
process further. With the
development of television and
the technical advance which
made it possible to receive and
transmit simultaneously on the
same instrument, private life
came to an end” Pg 214

“While he was helping her up

the girl had slipped something
into his hand”

“It could be dimmed but there

was no of shutting it off

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