Gogte Institute of Technology

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Karnatak Law Society’s

Gogte Institute of Technology

(Approved by AICTE, Permanently Affiliated and Autonomous Institution under VTU Belagavi)

Department of MBA
“Jnana Ganga”, Udyambag, Belagavi – 590008, Karnataka, India


Submitted By

Submitted To

Academic Year: 2021 - 22

A term that has gained wider circulation in the management profession in recent times is
“Competency Mapping”. With global economy and the world becoming a global village firms
have become more aware of the need for having competent employees and developing
distinguished competencies for every organization. Thus competency mapping has gained
currency. This need arose due to the following reasons:

 Increased costs of manpower.

 Need for ensuring that competent people are available for performing various critical
 Downsizing and the consequent need to get a lot of things done with fewer people and
thus reduce manpower costs and pass on the advantage to the customer.
 Recognition that technology, finances, customers and markets, systems and processes
can all be set right or managed effectively if we have the right kind of human resources.
 The need for focus in performing roles- need for time management, nurturing of
competence increased emphasis on performance management systems.
 And recognition of the strategic advantage given by employee competencies in building
the core competencies of the organization.

Several organizations have realized the importance of this in the last one decade and hence
the rush for competency mapping and role directories.

In good organizations with competent HR managers, competency mapping should already

be in existence. Traditionally HR Directors and their top management have always paid
attention to competencies and incorporated them mostly in their appraisal systems. For
example when L&T, LIC or NDDB, NOCIL, HLL, Bharat Petroleum etc. revised their
Performance appraisal systems they focused on the assessment of competencies. Role
analysis was done and role directories prepared by the Indian Oil Corporation in mid

Competency mapping is important and is an essential exercise. Every well managed firm
should: have well defined roles and list of competencies required to perform each role
effectively. Such list should be used for recruitment, performance management, promotions,
placement and training needs identification.
Any underlying characteristic required performing a given task, activity, or role successfully
can be considered as competency. Competency may take the following forms:

 Knowledge,
 Attitude,
 Skill,
 Other characteristics of an individual includes:

 Motives
 Values
 Traits
 Self Concept etc.

Competencies may be grouped in to various areas. In classic article published a few decades ago
in Harvard Business Review, Daniel Katz grouped them under three areas which were later
expanded in to the following four:

 Technical or Functional Competencies (Knowledge, Attitudes, skills etc. associated with

the technology or functional expertise required to perform the role);
 Managerial (knowledge, attitudes, skills etc. required to plan, organize, mobilize and
utilize various resources);
 Human (knowledge, attitudes and skills required to motivate, utilize and develop human
resources); and
 Conceptual (abilities to visualize the invisible, think at abstract levels and use the
thinking to plan future business)

This is a convenience classification and a given competency may fall into one or more areas
and may include more than one from. It is this combination that are labeled and promoted by
some firms as competency dictionaries.

A competency dictionary of a firm gives detailed descriptions of the competency language

used by that firm. It contains detailed explanations of the combinations of competencies
(technical, managerial, human and conceptual knowledge, attitudes and skills) using their
own language. For example Team work or Team Management competency can be defined in
terms of organization specific and level specific behaviors for a given origination. At top
levels it might mean in the case of one organization ability identify utilize and synergize the
contributions of a project team and at another level it might mean ability to inspire and carry
along the top management team including diversity management. In competency mapping all
details of the behaviors (observable, specific, measurable etc.) to be shown by the person
occupying that role are specified.
The following methods are used in combination for competency mapping: Interviews, Group
work, Task Forces, Task Analysis workshops, Questionnaire, Use of Job descriptions,
Performance Appraisal Formats etc.


 The following are some of tips to do competency mapping at low cost:
 Pick up a job or a role that is relatively well understood by all individuals in the
company. Work out for this role and give it as an illustration. For example. Sales
Executive, Production Supervisor, Assistant HR Manager, Receptionist, Transport
Manager, PR Manager, etc. are known to all and easy to profile.
 Work out competencies for this role if necessary with the help of job analysis
specialist or an internal member who has knowledge of competency mapping. Prepare
this as an illustration.
 Circulate these others and ask various departments to do it on their won.
 Circulate samples of competencies done by others. l Illustrate knowledge, attitudes,
skills, values etc.
 Choose a sample that does not use jargons. l Explain the purpose.
 Interview of past successful job holders helps.
 Current incumbent who are doing a good job along with their Reporting officers is a
good enough team in most cases.
 Once prepared even on the basis of one or two individuals inputs circulate to other
role set members.

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