Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction CRIMINAL APPEAL NOS. 339-340 OF 2014 February 04, 2022
Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction CRIMINAL APPEAL NOS. 339-340 OF 2014 February 04, 2022
Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction CRIMINAL APPEAL NOS. 339-340 OF 2014 February 04, 2022
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - Definition of “Proved” - The definition of the word
“proved” though gives an impression of a mere interpretation, in effect, is the
heart and soul of the entire Act. This clause, consciously speaks of proving a fact
by considering the “matters before it”. The importance is to the degree of
probability in proving a fact through the consideration of the matters before the
court. What is required for a court to decipher is the existence of a fact and its
proof by a degree of probability, through a logical influence. (Para 13)
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - “Matters” - Matters are necessary, concomitant
material factors to prove a fact. All evidence would be “matters” but not vice
versa. In other words, matters could be termed as a genus of which evidence
would be a species. Matters also add strength to the evidence giving adequate
ammunition in the Court’s sojourn in deciphering the truth. Thus, the definition
of “matters” is exhaustive, and therefore, much wider than that of “evidence”.
However, there is a caveat, as the court is not supposed to consider a matter
which acquires the form of an evidence when it is barred in law. Matters are
required for a court to believe in the existence of a fact - Matters do give more
discretion and flexibility to the court in deciding the existence of a fact.
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - Classification of evidence - circumstantial evidence,
corroborative evidence, derivative evidence, direct evidence, documentary
evidence, hearsay evidence, indirect evidence, oral evidence, original evidence,
presumptive evidence, primary evidence, real evidence, secondary evidence,
substantive evidence, testimonial evidence, etc.
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - The entire enactment is meant to facilitate the court
to come to an appropriate conclusion in proving a fact. There are two methods
by which the court is expected to come to such a decision. The court can come
to a conclusion on the existence of a fact by merely considering the matters
before it, in forming an opinion that it does exist. This belief of the court is
based upon the assessment of the matters before it. Alternatively, the court can
consider the said existence as probable from the perspective of a prudent man
who might act on the supposition that it exists. The question as to the choice of
the options is best left to the court to decide. The said decision might impinge
upon the quality of the matters before it. (Para 17)
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - When the court wants to consider the second part
of the definition clause instead of believing the existence of a fact by itself, it is
expected to take the role of a prudent man. Such a prudent man has to be
understood from the point of view of a common man. Therefore, a judge has to
transform into a prudent man and assess the existence of a fact after
considering the matters through that lens instead of a judge. It is only after
undertaking the said exercise can he resume his role as a judge to proceed
further in the case. (Para 18)
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - While appreciating the evidence as aforesaid along
with the matters attached to it, evidence can be divided into three categories
broadly namely, (i) wholly reliable, (ii) wholly unreliable and (iii) neither wholly
reliable nor wholly unreliable. If evidence, along with matters surrounding it,
makes the court believe it is wholly reliable qua an issue, it can decide its
existence on a degree of probability. Similar is the case where evidence is not
believable. When evidence produced is neither wholly reliable nor wholly
unreliable, it might require corroboration, and in such a case, court can also take
note of the contradictions available in other matters. (Para 20)
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - Hostile Witness - Testimony of a witness turning to
depose in favour of the opposite party -A witness may depose in favour of a
party in whose favour it is meant to be giving through his chief examination,
while later on change his view in favour of the opposite side. Similarly, there
would be cases where a witness does not support the case of the party starting
from chief examination itself. This classification has to be borne in mind by the
Court. With respect to the first category, the Court is not denuded of its power
to make an appropriate assessment of the evidence rendered by such a witness.
Even a chief examination could be termed as evidence. Such evidence would
become complete after the cross examination. Once evidence is completed, the
said testimony as a whole is meant for the court to assess and appreciate qua a
fact. Therefore, not only the specific part in which a witness has turned hostile
but the circumstances under which it happened can also be considered,
particularly in a situation where the chief examination was completed and there
are circumstances indicating the reasons behind the subsequent statement,
which could be deciphered by the court. It is well within the powers of the court
to make an assessment, being a matter before it and come to the correct
conclusion. (Para 21)
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - Section 33 - Section 33 is an exception to the general
rule which mandates adequate facility for cross examining a witness. However,
in a case where a witness after the completion of the chief examination and
while subjecting him to a substantial and rigorous cross examination, did not
choose to get into the witness box on purpose, it is for the court to utilize the
said evidence appropriately. The issues over which the evidence is completed
could be treated as such by the court and then proceed. Resultantly, the issues
for which the cross examination is not over would make the entire examination
as inadmissible. Ultimately, it is for the court to decide the aforesaid aspect .
(Para 24)
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - Chance Witness - A chance witness is the one who
happens to be at the place of occurrence of an offence by chance, and therefore,
not as a matter of course. In other words, he is not expected to be in the said
place. A person walking on a street witnessing the commission of an offence can
be a chance witness. Merely because a witness happens to see an occurrence by
chance, his testimony cannot be eschewed though a little more scrutiny may be
required at times. This again is an aspect which is to be looked into in a given
case by the court. (Para 26)
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - Related Witness - A related witness cannot be
termed as an interested witness per se. One has to see the place of occurrence
along with other circumstances. A related witness can also be a natural witness.
If an offence is committed within the precincts of the deceased, the presence of
his family members cannot be ruled out, as they assume the position of natural
witnesses. When their evidence is clear, cogent and withstood the rigor of cross
examination, it becomes sterling, not requiring further corroboration. A related
witness would become an interested witness, only when he is desirous of
implicating the accused in rendering a conviction, on purpose. (Para 28)
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - When the court is convinced with the quality of the
evidence produced, notwithstanding the classification, it becomes the best
evidence. Such testimony being natural, adding to the degree of probability, the
court has to make reliance upon it in proving a fact. (Para 29)
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - .A mere non-examination of the witness per se will
not vitiate the case of the prosecution. It depends upon the quality and not the
quantity of the witnesses and its importance. If the court is satisfied with the
explanation given by the prosecution along with the adequacy of the materials
sufficient enough to proceed with the trial and convict the accused, there
cannot be any prejudice. Similarly, if the court is of the view that the evidence is
not screened and could well be produced by the other side in support of its case,
no adverse inference can be drawn. Onus is on the part of the party who alleges
that a witness has not been produced deliberately to prove it. (Para 31)
For Appellant(s): Mr. Manoj Prasad, Sr. Adv. Ms. Purnima Jauhari, Adv. Mr. Prakash Kumar Singh,
For Respondent(s): Mr. Vikas Bansal, Adv. Mr. Garvesh Kabra, AOR
1. These two appeals arise out of the judgment rendered by the High Court
convicting the appellants for life, while acquitting all of them for the offence
charged under Section 307 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), with the confirmation
of conviction and sentence under Section 25 of the Arms Act except one. Of the
five accused, the High Court thought it fit to remit the matter on the adequacy of
charge for one. This accused was once again convicted and resultantly his appeal
is pending under consideration before the High Court.
2. Two persons were done to death on 17.09.2004 at about 08.15 a.m. The death
was caused by multiple bullet injuries. An FIR was lodged within an hour’s time by
PW-1, who is none other than the nephew of one of the deceased.
3. The motive for the occurrence appears to be a prolonged election dispute
between two groups. On the fateful day, two of the eye-witnesses were having
tea. The deceased, passing the road on a two-wheeler were waylaid by the
accused also travelling in two two-wheelers. Both the deceased died on the spot.
The postmortem was done by PW-4 on the very same date. The First Information
Report (FIR) was registered by PW-7. PW-13, 8 and 14 were the Investigating
Officers. PW-13 did the substantial part of the investigation and on his transfer,
the final report was filed by PW-8. Pertaining to the charge under Section 25 of
the Arms Act, it was PW-14 who filed the subsequent final report.
4. Recoveries have been made from all the accused before us. In so far as Accused
No.3 is concerned, on his statement the recovery was made from the custody of
his wife from his house.
5. The seized articles were sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) and a
report was received. PW-10, the police constable was the one who took the arms
to the laboratory.
6. On behalf of the prosecution, 14 witness have been examined while marking 47
documents including the FSL report. The accused persons let in only one witness
and that too to support Accused No. 5 who is not before us.
7. PW-1 is the de facto complainant. He along with PWs-2 & 3 form the
eyewitnesses to the case. PW-2 is the brother of one of the deceased. PW-3, who
is an independent witness, turned hostile after his deposition in chief in favour of
the prosecution. PW-4 is the doctor who conducted the postmortem and gave his
opinion. The other witnesses are the official witnesses including the three
investigating officers. Of these witnesses, PW-13 who was the one to undertake
the investigation. After elaborate chief examination followed by another detailed
cross-examination, despite efforts made by the courts including the issuance of
non-bailable warrant, he did not turn up to depose further. One witness, by name
Om Prakash, stated to be an injured witness, has not been examined by the
prosecution on the premise that he could not be secured. Taking note of the
above, the High Court rightly acquitted the appellants for the offence punishable
under Section 307 IPC.
8. During the questioning by the Court under Section 313 of the Criminal
Procedure Code (CrPC), all the accused made a simple denial, though
incrementing materials- both oral and documentary, were brought to their notice.
The conviction and sentence rendered by the trial court was modified by the High
Court as aforesaid resulting in imposition of life sentence. The High Court went
into all the aspects and rendered a well-considered decision which is sought to be
impugned before us.
Submissions of the Appellants :
9. The learned counsel appearing for the appellants submitted that for
inexplicable reasons the independent injured eye-witness, Om Prakash was
screened by the prosecution. The other two eye-witnesses being related and
chance witnesses are obviously interested in getting convection. The evidence of
PW-13 ought not to have been accepted as he was not put to cross examination
fully. If the deceased were running and the injuries were caused by chasing them,
the cartridges could not have been found at a particular place near their bodies
instead of spreading them over. There is a considerable delay in receiving the FSL
report. There is an unrelated cartridge recovered which creates serious suspicion
on the version of the prosecution. Reliance has been made on the following
decisions in support of the aforesaid contentions:
● Gopal Saran v. Satyanarayana, (1989) 3 SCC 56
● State of Orissa v. Prasanna Kumar Mohanty, (2009) 7 SCC 412
● Santa Singh v. State if Punjab, AIR 1956 SC 526
● Anter Singh v. State of Rajasthan, (2004) 10 SCC 657
● Jagir Singh v. State (Delhi Administration), 1975 Crl LJ 1009
Submissions of the State :
10. Learned counsel appearing for the State submitted that the trial court and the
High Court made adequate assessment of the materials for coming to the
conclusion. Merely because PWs-1 & 2 are the relatives of the deceased, their
testimonies cannot be disbelieved. The courts rightly took into consideration the
evidence PW-3 though turned hostile along with that of PW-13. The other
witnesses also speak about the investigation.
11. The report submitted by the experts would clearly indicate that weapons
recovered from the appellants were indeed used for committing the offence.
There is no need to examine all the witnesses. PW-13 has clearly stated the reason
for his inability to produce the injured witness, Om Prakash. In any case, the High
Court has set aside the conviction under Section 307 IPC. Hence, there is
absolutely no ground made out for interference by this Court.
Section 3 of the Evidence Act, 1872:
“3. Interpretation-clause.––In this Act the following words and expressions are used in the
following senses, unless a contrary intention appears from the context: ––
xxx xxx xxx
“Evidence”. ––“Evidence” means and includes ––
(1) all statements which the Court permits or requires to be made before it by witnesses, in
relation to matters of fact under inquiry, such statements are called oral evidence;
(2) [all documents including electronic records produced for the inspection of the Court], such
documents are called documentary evidence.
“Proved”. –– A fact is said to be proved when, after considering the matters before it, the Court
either believes it to exist, or considers its existence so probable that a prudent man ought,
under the circumstances of the particular case, to act upon the supposition that it exists.
“Disproved”. –– A fact is said to be disproved when, after considering the matters before it, the
Court either believes that it does not exist, or considers its non-existence so probable that a
prudent man ought, under the circumstances of the particular case, to act upon the supposition
that it does not exist.”
12. Section 3 of the Evidence Act defines “evidence”, broadly divided into oral and
documentary. “Evidence” under the Act is the means, factor or material, lending a
degree of probability through a logical inference to the existence of a fact. It is an
“Adjective Law” highlighting and aiding substantive law. Thus, it is neither wholly
procedural nor substantive, though trappings of both could be felt.
13. The definition of the word “proved” though gives an impression of a mere
interpretation, in effect, is the heart and soul of the entire Act. This clause,
consciously speaks of proving a fact by considering the “matters before it”. The
importance is to the degree of probability in proving a fact through the
consideration of the matters before the court. What is required for a court to
decipher is the existence of a fact and its proof by a degree of probability, through
a logical influence.
14. Matters are necessary, concomitant material factors to prove a fact. All
evidence would be “matters” but not vice versa. In other words, matters could be
termed as a genus of which evidence would be a species. Matters also add
strength to the evidence giving adequate ammunition in the Court’s sojourn in
deciphering the truth. Thus, the definition of “matters” is exhaustive, and
therefore, much wider than that of “evidence”. However, there is a caveat, as the
court is not supposed to consider a matter which acquires the form of an evidence
when it is barred in law. Matters are required for a court to believe in the
existence of a fact.
15. Matters do give more discretion and flexibility to the court in deciding the
existence of a fact. They also include all the classification of evidence such as
circumstantial evidence, corroborative evidence, derivative evidence, direct
evidence, documentary evidence, hearsay evidence, indirect evidence, oral
evidence, original evidence, presumptive evidence, primary evidence, real
evidence, secondary evidence, substantive evidence, testimonial evidence, etc.
16. In addition, they supplement the evidence in proving the existence of a fact by
enhancing the degree of probability. As an exhaustive interpretation has to be
given to the word “matter”, and for that purpose, the definition of the expression
of the words “means and includes”, meant to be applied for evidence, has to be
imported to that of a “matter” as well. Thus, a matter might include such of those
which do not fall within the definition of Section 3, in the absence of any express
17. What is important for the court is the conclusion on the basis of existence of a
fact by analysing the matters before it on the degree of probability. The entire
enactment is meant to facilitate the court to come to an appropriate conclusion in
proving a fact. There are two methods by which the court is expected to come to
such a decision. The court can come to a conclusion on the existence of a fact by
merely considering the matters before it, in forming an opinion that it does exist.
This belief of the court is based upon the assessment of the matters before it.
Alternatively, the court can consider the said existence as probable from the
perspective of a prudent man who might act on the supposition that it exists. The
question as to the choice of the options is best left to the court to decide. The said
decision might impinge upon the quality of the matters before it.
18. The word “prudent” has not been defined under the Act. When the court
wants to consider the second part of the definition clause instead of believing the
existence of a fact by itself, it is expected to take the role of a prudent man. Such a
prudent man has to be understood from the point of view of a common man.
Therefore, a judge has to transform into a prudent man and assess the existence
of a fact after considering the matters through that lens instead of a judge. It is
only after undertaking the said exercise can he resume his role as a judge to
proceed further in the case.
19. The aforesaid provision also indicates that the court is concerned with the
existence of a fact both in issue and relevant, as against a whole testimony. Thus,
the concentration is on the proof of a fact for which a witness is required.
Therefore, a court can appreciate and accept the testimony of a witness on a
particular issue while rejecting it on others since it focuses on an issue of fact to
be proved. However, we may hasten to add, the evidence of a witness as whole is
a matter for the court to decide on the probability of proving a fact which is
inclusive of the credibility of the witness. Whether an issue is concluded or not is
also a court’s domain.
Appreciation of Evidence:
20. We have already indicated different classification of evidence. While
appreciating the evidence as aforesaid along with the matters attached to it,
evidence can be divided into three categories broadly namely, (i) wholly reliable,
(ii) wholly unreliable and (iii) neither wholly reliable nor wholly unreliable. If
evidence, along with matters surrounding it, makes the court believe it is wholly
reliable qua an issue, it can decide its existence on a degree of probability. Similar
is the case where evidence is not believable. When evidence produced is neither
wholly reliable nor wholly unreliable, it might require corroboration, and in such a
case, court can also take note of the contradictions available in other matters. The
aforesaid principle of law has been enunciated in the celebrated decision of this
Court in Vadivelu Thevar v. State of Madras, 1957 SCR 981:
“In view of these considerations, we have no hesitation in holding that the contention that in a
murder case, the court should insist upon plurality of witnesses, is much too broadly stated.
Section 134 of the Indian Evidence Act has categorically laid it down that “no particular number
of witnesses shall in any case, be required for the proof of any fact”. The legislature determined,
as long ago as 1872, presumably after due consideration of the pros and cons, that it shall not
be necessary for proof or disproof of a fact to call any particular number of witnesses. In
England, both before and after the passing of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, there have been a
number of statutes as set out in Sarkar's Law of Evidence — 9th Edn., at pp. 1100 and 1101,
forbidding convictions on the testimony of a single witness. The Indian Legislature has not
insisted on laying down any such exceptions to the general rule recognized in s.134 quoted
above. The section enshrines the well-recognized maxim that “Evidence has to be weighed and
not counted”. Our Legislature has given statutory recognition to the fact that administration of
justice may be hampered if a particular number of witnesses were to be insisted upon. It is not
seldom that a crime has been committed in the presence of only one witness, leaving aside
those cases which are not of uncommon occurrence, where determination of guilt depends
entirely on circumstantial evidence. If the Legislature were to insist upon plurality of witnesses,
cases where the testimony of a single witness only could be available in proof of the crime,
would go unpunished. It is here that the discretion of the presiding judge comes into play. The
matter thus must depend upon the circumstances of each case and the quality of the evidence
of the single witness whose testimony has to be either accepted or rejected. If such a testimony
is found by the court to be entirely reliable, there is no legal impediment to the conviction of
the accused person on such proof. Even as the guilt of an accused person may be proved by the
testimony of a single witness, the innocence of an accused person may be established on the
testimony of a single witness, even though a considerable number of witnesses may be
forthcoming to testify to the truth of the case for the prosecution. Hence, in our opinion, it is a
sound and well-established rule of law that the court is concerned with the quality and not with
the quantity of the evidence necessary for proving or disproving a fact. Generally speaking, oral
testimony in this context may be classified into three categories, namely:
(1) Wholly reliable.
(2) Wholly unreliable.
(3) Neither wholly reliable nor wholly unreliable.
In the first category of proof, the court should have no difficulty in coming to its conclusion
either way — it may convict or may acquit on the testimony of a single witness, if it is found to
be above reproach or suspicion of interestedness, incompetence or subornation. In the second
category, the court, equally has no difficulty in coming to its conclusion. It is in the third
category of cases, that the court has to be circumspect and has to look for corroboration in
material particulars by reliable testimony, direct or circumstantial. There is another danger in
insisting on plurality of witnesses. Irrespective of the quality of the oral evidence of a single
witness, if courts were to insist on plurality of witnesses in proof of any fact, they will be
indirectly encouraging subornation of witnesses. Situations may arise and do arise where only a
single person is available to give evidence in support of a disputed fact. The court naturally has
to weigh carefully such a testimony and if it is satisfied that the evidence is reliable and free
from all taints which tend to render oral testimony open to suspicion, it becomes its duty to act
upon such testimony. The law reports contain many precedents where the court had to depend
and act upon the testimony of a single witness in support of the prosecution. There are
exceptions to this rule, for example, in cases of sexual offences or of the testimony of an
approver; both these are cases in which the oral testimony is, by its very nature, suspect, being
that of a participator in crime. But, where there are no such exceptional reasons operating, it
becomes the duty of the court to convict, if it is satisfied that the testimony of a single witness is
entirely reliable. We have, therefore, no reasons to refuse to act upon the testimony of the first
witness, which is the only reliable evidence in support of the prosecution.”
Hostile Witness:
21. The expression “hostile witness” does not find a place in the Indian Evidence
Act. It is coined to mean testimony of a witness turning to depose in favour of the
opposite party. We must bear it in mind that a witness may depose in favour of a
party in whose favour it is meant to be giving through his chief examination, while
later on change his view in favour of the opposite side. Similarly, there would be
cases where a witness does not support the case of the party starting from chief
examination itself. This classification has to be borne in mind by the Court. With
respect to the first category, the Court is not denuded of its power to make an
appropriate assessment of the evidence rendered by such a witness. Even a chief
examination could be termed as evidence. Such evidence would become complete
after the cross examination. Once evidence is completed, the said testimony as a
whole is meant for the court to assess and appreciate qua a fact. Therefore, not
only the specific part in which a witness has turned hostile but the circumstances
under which it happened can also be considered, particularly in a situation where
the chief examination was completed and there are circumstances indicating the
reasons behind the subsequent statement, which could be deciphered by the
court. It is well within the powers of the court to make an assessment, being a
matter before it and come to the correct conclusion.
22. On the law laid down in dealing with the testimony of a witness over an issue,
we would like to place reliance on the decision of this Court in C. Muniappan v.
State of T.N., (2010) 9 SCC 567:
“81. It is settled legal proposition that: “6. … the evidence of a prosecution witness cannot be
rejected in toto merely because the prosecution chose to treat him as hostile and
cross-examined him. The evidence of such witnesses cannot be treated as effaced or washed off
the record altogether but the same can be accepted to the extent their version is found to be
dependable on a careful scrutiny thereof.” (Vide Bhagwan Singh v. State of Haryana, (1976) 1
SCC 389, Rabindra Kumar Dey v. State of Orissa, (1976) 4 SCC 233, Syad Akbar v. State of
Karnataka, (1980) 1 SCC 30 and Khujji v. State of M.P., (1991) 3 SCC 627, SCC p. 635, para 6.) 82.
In State of U.P. v. Ramesh Prasad Misra [(1996) 10 SCC 360: 1996 SCC (Cri) 1278] this Court held
that (at SCC p. 363, para 7) evidence of a hostile witness would not be totally rejected if spoken
in favour of the prosecution or the accused but required to be subjected to close scrutiny and
that portion of the evidence which is consistent with the case of the prosecution or defence can
be relied upon. A similar view has been reiterated by this Court in Balu Sonba Shinde v. State of
Maharashtra [(2002) 7 SCC 543: 2003 SCC (Cri) 112], Gagan Kanojia v. State of Punjab [(2006)
13 SCC 516: (2008) 1 SCC (Cri) 109], Radha Mohan Singh v. State of U.P. [(2006) 2 SCC 450:
(2006) 1 SCC (Cri) 661], Sarvesh Narain Shukla v. Daroga Singh [(2007) 13 SCC 360: (2009) 1 SCC
(Cri) 188] and Subbu Singh v. State [(2009) 6 SCC 462: (2009) 2 SCC (Cri) 1106].
83. Thus, the law can be summarised to the effect that the evidence of a hostile witness cannot
be discarded as a whole, and relevant parts thereof which are admissible in law, can be used by
the prosecution or the defence.
84. In the instant case, some of the material witnesses i.e. B. Kamal (PW 86) and R. Maruthu
(PW 51) turned hostile. Their evidence has been taken into consideration by the courts below
strictly in accordance with law. Some omissions, improvements in the evidence of the PWs have
been pointed out by the learned counsel for the appellants, but we find them to be very trivial
in nature.
85. It is settled proposition of law that even if there are some omissions, contradictions and
discrepancies, the entire evidence cannot be disregarded. After exercising care and caution and
sifting through the evidence to separate truth from untruth, exaggeration and improvements,
the court comes to a conclusion as to whether the residuary evidence is sufficient to convict the
accused. Thus, an undue importance should not be attached to omissions, contradictions and
discrepancies which do not go to the heart of the matter and shake the basic version of the
prosecution's witness. As the mental abilities of a human being cannot be expected to be
attuned to absorb all the details of the incident, minor discrepancies are bound to occur in the
statements of witnesses.” Vide Sohrab v. State of M.P., [(1972] 3 SCC 751 : (1972) SCC (Cri) 819 :
AIR 1972 SC 2020], State of U.P. v. M.K. Anthony, [(1985) 1 SCC 505 : 1985 SCC (Cri) 105],
Bharwada Bhoginbhai Hirjibhai v. Sate of Gujrat, [(1983) 3 SCC 217 : 1983 SCC (Cri) 728 : AIR
1983 SC 753], State of Rajasthan v. Om Prakash, [(2007) 12 SCC 381 : (2008) 1 SCC (Cri) 411],
Prithu v. State of H.P., [(2009) 11 SCC 585 : (2009) 3 SCC (Cri) 1502], State of U.P. v. Santosh
Kumar, [(2009) 9 SCC 626 : (2010) 1 SCC (Cri) 88] and State v. Saravanan, [(2008) 17 SCC 587 :
(2010) 4 SCC (Cri) 580].
23.This Court in Vinod Kumar v. State of Punjab, (2015) 3 SCC 220 had already
dealt with a situation where a witness after rendering testimony in line with the
prosecution’s version, completely abandoned it, in view of the long adjournments
given permitting an act of manoeuvring. While taking note of such situations
occurring with regularity, it expressed its anguish and observed that:
“51. It is necessary, though painful, to note that PW 7 was examined-inchief on 30-9-1999 and
was cross-examined on 25-5-2001, almost after 1 year and 8 months. The delay in said
cross-examination, as we have stated earlier had given enough time for prevarication due to
many a reason. A fair trial is to be fair both to the defence and the prosecution as well as to the
victim. An offence registered under the Prevention of Corruption Act is to be tried with all
seriousness. We fail to appreciate how the learned trial Judge could exhibit such laxity in
granting so much time for cross-examination in a case of this nature. It would have been
absolutely appropriate on the part of the learned trial Judge to finish the cross-examination on
the day the said witness was examined. As is evident, for no reason whatsoever it was deferred
and the crossexamination took place after 20 months. The witness had all the time in the world
to be gained over. We have already opined that he was declared hostile and re-examined.
52. It is settled in law that the testimony of a hostile witness can be relied upon by the
prosecution as well as the defence. In re-examination by the Public Prosecutor, PW 7 has
accepted about the correctness of his statement in the court on 13-9-1999. He has also
accepted that he had not made any complaint to the Presiding Officer of the court in writing or
verbally that the Inspector was threatening him to make a false statement in the court. It has
also been accepted by him that he had given the statement in the court on account of fear of
false implication by the Inspector. He has agreed to have signed his statement dated 13-9- 1999
after going through and admitting it to be correct. It has come in the re-examination that PW 7
had not stated in his statement dated 13-9- 1999 in the court that recovery of tainted money
was not effected in his presence from the accused or that he had been told by the Inspector
that amount has been recovered from the accused. He had also not stated in his said statement
that the accused and witnesses were taken to the Tehsil and it was there that he had signed all
the memos.
53. Reading the evidence in entirety, PW 7's evidence cannot be brushed aside. The delay in
cross-examination has resulted in his prevarication from the examination-in-chief. But, a
significant one, his examinationin- chief and the re-examination impels us to accept the
testimony that he had gone into the octroi post and had witnessed about the demand and
acceptance of money by the accused. In his cross-examination he has stated that he had not
gone with Baj Singh to the Vigilance Department at any time and no recovery was made in his
presence. The said part of the testimony, in our considered view, does not commend
acceptance in the backdrop of entire evidence in examination-in-chief and the reexamination.
xxx xxx xxx
57. Before parting with the case we are constrained to reiterate what we have said in the
beginning. We have expressed our agony and anguish for the manner in which trials in respect
of serious offences relating to corruption are being conducted by the trial courts:
57.1. Adjournments are sought on the drop of a hat by the counsel, even though the witness is
present in court, contrary to all principles of holding a trial. That apart, after the
examination-in-chief of a witness is over, adjournment is sought for cross-examination and the
disquieting feature is that the trial courts grant time. The law requires special reasons to be
recorded for grant of time but the same is not taken note of.
57.2. As has been noticed earlier, in the instant case the crossexamination has taken place after
a year and 8 months allowing ample time to pressurise the witness and to gain over him by
adopting all kinds of tactics.
57.3. There is no cavil over the proposition that there has to be a fair and proper trial but the
duty of the court while conducting the trial is to be guided by the mandate of the law, the
conceptual fairness and above all bearing in mind its sacrosanct duty to arrive at the truth on
the basis of the material brought on record. If an accused for his benefit takes the trial on the
path of total mockery, it cannot be countenanced. The court has a sacred duty to see that the
trial is conducted as per law. If adjournments are granted in this manner it would tantamount to
violation of the rule of law and eventually turn such trials to a farce. It is legally impermissible
and jurisprudentially abominable. The trial courts are expected in law to follow the command of
the procedure relating to trial and not yield to the request of the counsel to grant adjournment
for non-acceptable reasons.
57.4. In fact, it is not at all appreciable to call a witness for cross-examination after such a long
span of time. It is imperative if the examination-in-chief is over, the cross-examination should be
completed on the same day. If the examination of a witness continues till late hours the trial can
be adjourned to the next day for cross-examination. It is inconceivable in law that the
cross-examination should be deferred for such a long time. It is anathema to the concept of
proper and fair trial.
57.5. The duty of the court is to see that not only the interest of the accused as per law is
protected but also the societal and collective interest is safeguarded. It is distressing to note
that despite series of judgments of this Court, the habit of granting adjournment, really an
ailment, continues. How long shall we say, “Awake! Arise!”. There is a constant discomfort.
Therefore, we think it appropriate that the copies of the judgment be sent to the learned Chief
Justices of all the High Courts for circulating the same among the learned trial Judges with a
command to follow the principles relating to trial in a requisite manner and not to defer the
cross-examination of a witness at their pleasure or at the leisure of the defence counsel, for it
eventually makes the trial an apology for trial and compels the whole society to suffer
chicanery. Let it be remembered that law cannot allowed to be lonely; a destitute.”
amount of delay or expense which, under the circumstances of the case, the Court considers
Provided— that the proceeding was between the same parties or their representatives in
interest; that the adverse party in the first proceeding had the right and opportunity to
cross-examine; that the questions in issue were substantially the same in the first as in the
second proceeding.
Explanation—A criminal trial or inquiry shall be deemed to be a proceeding between the
prosecutor and the accused within the meaning of this section.”
investigating officer has not been examined by the prosecution. It is an accepted principle that
non-examination of the investigating officer is not fatal to the prosecution case. In Behari
Prasad v. State of Bihar [(1996) 2 SCC 317: 1996 SCC (Cri) 271], this Court has stated that
non-examination of the investigating officer is not fatal to the prosecution case, especially,
when no prejudice is likely to be suffered by the accused. In Bahadur Naik v. State of Bihar
[(2000) 9 SCC 153: 2000 SCC (Cri) 1186] , it has been opined that when no material
contradictions have been brought out, then non-examination of the investigating officer as a
witness for the prosecution is of no consequence and under such circumstances, no prejudice is
caused to the accused. It is worthy to note that neither the trial Judge nor the High Court has
delved into the issue of non-examination of the investigating officer. On a perusal of the entire
material brought on record, we find that no explanation has been offered. The present case is
one where we are inclined to think so especially when the informant has stated that the
signature was taken while he was in a drunken state, the panch witness had turned hostile and
some of the evidence adduced in the court did not find place in the statement recorded under
Section 161 of the Code. Thus, this Court in Arvind Singh v. State of Bihar, [(2001) 6 SCC 407:
2001 SCC (Cri) 1148], Rattanlal v. State of J&K [(2007) 13 SCC 18: (2009) 2 SCC (Cri) 349] and
Ravishwar Manjhi v. State of Jharkhand [(2008) 16 SCC 561: (2010) 4 SCC (Cri) 50], has explained
certain circumstances where the examination of investigating officer becomes vital. We are
disposed to think that the present case is one where the investigating officer should have been
examined and his nonexamination creates a lacuna in the case of the prosecution.”
Chance Witness:
26. A chance witness is the one who happens to be at the place of occurrence of
an offence by chance, and therefore, not as a matter of course. In other words, he
is not expected to be in the said place. A person walking on a street witnessing the
commission of an offence can be a chance witness. Merely because a witness
happens to see an occurrence by chance, his testimony cannot be eschewed
though a little more scrutiny may be required at times. This again is an aspect
which is to be looked into in a given case by the court. We do not wish to reiterate
the aforesaid position of law which has been clearly laid down by this Court in
State of A.P. v. K. Srinivasulu Reddy, (2003) 12 SCC 660:
“12. Criticism was levelled against the evidence of PWs 4 and 9 who are independent witnesses
by labelling them as chance witnesses. The criticism about PWs 4 and 9 being chance witnesses
is also without any foundation. They have clearly explained as to how they happened to be at
the spot of occurrence and the trial court and the High Court have accepted the same.
13. Coming to the plea of the accused that PWs 4 and 9 were “chance witnesses” who have not
explained how they happened to be at the alleged place of occurrence, it has to be noted that
the said witnesses were independent witnesses. There was not even a suggestion to the
witnesses that they had any animosity towards any of the accused. In a murder trial by
describing the independent witnesses as “chance witnesses” it cannot be implied thereby that
their evidence is suspicious and their presence at the scene doubtful. Murders are not
committed with previous notice to witnesses; soliciting their presence. If murder is committed
in a dwelling house, the inmates of the house are natural witnesses. If murder is committed in a
street, only passers-by will be witnesses. Their evidence cannot be brushed aside or viewed
with suspicion on the ground that they are mere “chance witnesses”. The expression “chance
witness” is borrowed from countries where every man's home is considered his castle and
everyone must have an explanation for his presence elsewhere or in another man's castle. It is
quite unsuitable an expression in a country where people are less formal and more casual, at
any rate in the matter explaining their presence.”
27. The principle was reiterated by this court in Jarnail Singh v. State of Punjab,
(2009) 9 SCC 719:
“21. In Sachchey Lal Tiwari v. State of U.P. [(2004) 11 SCC 410: 2004 SCC (Cri) Supp 105] this
Court while considering the evidentiary value of the chance witness in a case of murder which
had taken place in a street and a passerby had deposed that he had witnessed the incident,
observed as under:
If the offence is committed in a street only a passerby will be the witness. His evidence cannot
be brushed aside lightly or viewed with suspicion on the ground that he was a mere chance
witness. However, there must be an explanation for his presence there.
The Court further explained that the expression “chance witness” is borrowed from countries
where every man's home is considered his castle and everyone must have an explanation for his
presence elsewhere or in another man's castle. It is quite unsuitable an expression in a country
like India where people are less formal and more casual, at any rate in the matter of explaining
their presence.
22. The evidence of a chance witness requires a very cautious and close scrutiny and a chance
witness must adequately explain his presence at the place of occurrence (Satbir v. Surat Singh
[(1997) 4 SCC 192: 1997 SCC (Cri) 538], Harjinder Singh v. State of Punjab [(2004) 11 SCC 253:
2004 SCC (Cri) Supp 28], Acharaparambath Pradeepan v. State of Kerala [(2006) 13 SCC 643:
(2008) 1 SCC (Cri) 241] and Sarvesh Narain Shukla v. Daroga Singh [(2007) 13 SCC 360: (2009) 1
SCC (Cri) 188]). Deposition of a chance witness whose presence at the place of incident remains
doubtful should be discarded (vide Shankarlal v. State of Rajasthan [(2004) 10 SCC 632: 2005
SCC (Cri) 579]).
23. Conduct of the chance witness, subsequent to the incident may also be taken into
consideration particularly as to whether he has informed anyone else in the village about the
incident (vide Thangaiya v. State of T.N. [(2005) 9 SCC 650: 2005 SCC (Cri) 1284]). Gurcharan
Singh (PW 18) met the informant Darshan Singh (PW 4) before lodging the FIR and the fact of
conspiracy was not disclosed by Gurcharan Singh (PW 18) and Darshan Singh (PW 4). The fact of
conspiracy has not been mentioned in the FIR. Hakam Singh, the other witness on this issue has
not been examined by the prosecution. Thus, the High Court was justified in discarding the part
of the prosecution case relating to conspiracy. However, in the fact situation of the present case,
acquittal of the said two co-accused has no bearing, so far as the present appeal is concerned.”
so often put forward in cases before us as a general rule of prudence. There is no such general
rule. Each case must be limited to and be governed by its own facts.”
33. In Masalti v. State of U.P., (1964) 8 SCR 133 : AIR 1965 SC 202 : (1965) 1 Cri LJ 226] , a
five-Judge Bench of this Court has categorically observed as under: (AIR pp. 209-210, para 14)
“14. … There is no doubt that when a criminal court has to appreciate evidence given by
witnesses who are partisan or interested, it has to be very careful in weighing such evidence.
Whether or not there are discrepancies in the evidence; whether or not the evidence strikes the
court as genuine; whether or not the story disclosed by the evidence is probable, are all matters
which must be taken into account. But it would, we think, be unreasonable to contend that
evidence given by witnesses should be discarded only on the ground that it is evidence of
partisan or interested witnesses. Often enough, where factions prevail in villages and murders
are committed as a result of enmity between such factions, criminal courts have to deal with
evidence of a partisan type. The mechanical rejection of such evidence on the sole ground that it
is partisan would invariably lead to failure of justice. No hardand- fast rule can be laid down as
to how much evidence should be appreciated. Judicial approach has to be cautious in dealing
with such evidence; but the plea that such evidence should be rejected because it is partisan
cannot be accepted as correct.”
34. In Darya Singh v. State of Punjab [(1964) 3 SCR 397 : AIR 1965 SC 328 : (1965) 1 Cri LJ 350] ,
this Court held that evidence of an eyewitness who is a near relative of the victim, should be
closely scrutinised but no corroboration is necessary for acceptance of his evidence. In Harbans
Kaur v. State of Haryana [(2005) 9 SCC 195 : 2005 SCC (Cri) 1213 : 2005 Cri LJ 2199] , this Court
observed that: (SCC p. 227, para 6)
“6. There is no proposition in law that relatives are to be treated as untruthful witnesses. On the
contrary, reason has to be shown when a plea of partiality is raised to show that the witnesses
had reason to shield actual culprit and falsely implicate the accused.”
35. The last case we need to concern ourselves is Namdeo v. State of Maharashtra [(2007) 14
SCC 150 : (2009) 1 SCC (Cri) 773] , wherein this Court after observing previous precedents has
summarised the law in the following manner: : (SCC p. 164, para 38)
“38. … it is clear that a close relative cannot be characterised as an “interested” witness. He is a
“natural” witness. His evidence, however, must be scrutinised carefully. If on such scrutiny, his
evidence is found to be intrinsically reliable, inherently probable and wholly trustworthy,
conviction can be based on the “sole” testimony of such witness. Close relationship of witness
with the deceased or victim is no ground to reject his evidence. On the contrary, close relative
of the deceased would normally be most reluctant to spare the real culprit and falsely implicate
an innocent one.”
36. From the study of the aforesaid precedents of this Court, we may note that whoever has
been a witness before the court of law, having a strong interest in result, if allowed to be
weighed in the same scales with those who do not have any interest in the result, would be to
open the doors of the court for perverted truth. This sound rule which remains the bulwark of
this system, and which determines the value of evidence derived from such sources, needs to
be cautiously and carefully observed and enforced. There is no dispute about the fact that the
interest of the witness must affect his testimony is a universal truth. Moreover, under the
influence of bias, a man may not be in a position to judge correctly, even if they earnestly desire
to do so. Similarly, he may not be in a position to provide evidence in an impartial manner,
when it involves his interest. Under such influences, man will, even though not consciously,
suppress some facts, soften or modify others, and provide favourable colour. These are most
controlling considerations in respect to the credibility of human testimony, and should never be
overlooked in applying the rules of evidence and determining its weight in the scale of truth
under the facts and circumstances of each case.”
30. Once again, we reiterate with a word of caution, the trial court is the best
court to decide on the aforesaid aspect as no mathematical calculation or
straightjacket formula can be made on the assessment of a witness, as the journey
towards the truth can be seen better through the eyes of the trial judge. In fact,
this is the real objective behind the enactment itself which extends the maximum
discretion to the court.
Non-examination of witness:
31. A mere non-examination of the witness per se will not vitiate the case of the
prosecution. It depends upon the quality and not the quantity of the witnesses
and its importance. If the court is satisfied with the explanation given by the
prosecution along with the adequacy of the materials sufficient enough to
proceed with the trial and convict the accused, there cannot be any prejudice.
Similarly, if the court is of the view that the evidence is not screened and could
well be produced by the other side in support of its case, no adverse inference can
be drawn. Onus is on the part of the party who alleges that a witness has not
been produced deliberately to prove it. The aforesaid settled principle of law has
been laid down in Sarwan Singh v. State of Punjab, (1976) 4 SCC 369:
“13. Another circumstance which appears to have weighed heavily with the Additional Sessions
Judge was that no independent witness of Salabatpura had been examined by the prosecution
to prove the prosecution case of assault on the deceased, although the evidence shows that
there were some persons living in that locality like the ‘pakodewalla’, hotelwalla, shopkeeper
and some of the passengers who had alighted at Salabatpura with the deceased. The Additional
Sessions Judge has drawn an adverse inference against the prosecution for its failure to examine
any of those witnesses. Mr Hardy has adopted this argument. In our opinion the comments of
the Additional Sessions Judge are based on serious misconception of the correct legal position.
The onus of proving the prosecution case rests entirely on the prosecution and it follows as a
logical corollary that the prosecution has complete liberty to choose its witnesses if it is to prove
its case. The court cannot compel the prosecution to examine one witness or the other as its
witness. At the most, if a material witness is withheld, the court may draw an adverse inference
against the prosecution. But it is not the law that the omission to examine any and every
witness even on minor points would undoubtedly lead to rejection of the prosecution case or
drawing of an adverse inference against the prosecution. The law is well-settled that the
prosecution is bound to produce only such witnesses as are essential for unfolding of the
prosecution narrative. In other words, before an adverse inference against the prosecution can
be drawn it must be proved to the satisfaction of the court that the witnesses who had been
withheld were eyewitnesses who had actually seen the occurrence and were therefore material
to prove the case. It is not necessary for the prosecution to multiply witnesses after witnesses
on the same point; it is the quality rather than the quantity of the evidence that matters. In the
instant case, the evidence of the eyewitnesses does not suffer from any infirmity or any
manifest defect on its intrinsic merit. Secondly, there is nothing to show that at the time when
the deceased was assaulted a large crowd had gathered and some of the members of the crowd
had actually seen the occurrence and were cited as witnesses for the prosecution and then
withheld. We must not forget that in our country there is a general tendency amongst the
witnesses in mofussil to shun giving evidence in courts because of the cumbersome and dilatory
procedure of our courts, the harassment to which they are subjected by the police and the
searching cross-examination which they have to face before the courts. Therefore nobody wants
to be a witness in a murder or in any serious offence if he can avoid it. Although the evidence
does show that four or five persons had alighted from the bus at the time when the deceased
and his companions got down from the bus, yet there is no suggestion that any of those persons
stayed on to witness the occurrence. They may have proceeded to their village homes…”
(Emphasis supplied)
32. This Court has reiterated the aforesaid principle in Gulam Sarbar v. State of
Bihar, (2014) 3 SCC 401:
“19. In the matter of appreciation of evidence of witnesses, it is not the number of witnesses
but quality of their evidence which is important, as there is no requirement under the Law of
Evidence that any particular number of witnesses is to be examined to prove/disprove a fact. It
is a time-honoured principle that evidence must be weighed and not counted. The test is
whether the evidence has a ring of truth, is cogent, credible and trustworthy or otherwise. The
legal system has laid emphasis on value provided by each witness, rather than the multiplicity
or plurality of witnesses. It is quality and not quantity, which determines the adequacy of
evidence as has been provided by Section 134 of the Evidence Act. Even in probate cases, where
the law requires the examination of at least one attesting witness, it has been held that
production of more witnesses does not carry any weight. Thus, conviction can even be based on
the testimony of a sole eyewitness, if the same inspires confidence. (Vide Vadivelu Thevar v.
State of Madras [AIR 1957 SC 614: 1957 Cri LJ 1000] , Kunju v. State of T.N. [(2008) 2 SCC 151:
(2008) 1 SCC (Cri) 331] , Bipin Kumar Mondal v. State of W.B. [(2010) 12 SCC 91: (2011) 2 SCC
(Cri) 150 : AIR 2010 SC 3638] , Mahesh v. State of M.P. [(2011) 9 SCC 626 : (2011) 3 SCC (Cri)
783], Prithipal Singh v. State of Punjab [(2012) 1 SCC 10 : (2012) 1 SCC (Cri) 1] and Kishan Chand
v. State of Haryana [(2013) 2 SCC 502 : (2013) 2 SCC (Cri) 807: JT (2013) 1 SC 222].)”
33.There are three eye-witnesses examined by the prosecution. We find PWs-1 &
2 have not contradicted between themselves being the eye-witnesses. Merely
because they are related witnesses, in the absence of any material to hold that
they are interested, their testimonies cannot be rejected. There is also no delay in
the registration of the FIR. PW-3 though turned hostile, spoke about the incident
in his chief examination. Strangely, in the cross examination he turned turtle,
while disputing the very factum of his chief examination made before the court.
We do not wish to say anything on the credibility of the said witness in view of the
evidence of PWs -1 & 2. The view of the courts on this witness also deserves to be
34. The High Court has rightly set aside the conviction rendered by the trial court
for the charge under Section 307 IPC. PWs-1 & 2 have not spoken about the
presence of the injured witness, Om Prakash. The circumstances under which he
could not be produced was explained by the prosecution. Merely because he was
not produced, the entire case of the prosecution would not become false.
35. The FSL report was placed on record. Both the courts have considered and
relied upon the said report. The entire circumstances under which the material
was collected including the cartridges, along with the recoveries made which were
sent to the expert, have been explained by the official witnesses. We do not find
anything unnatural in the testimony.
36. On a perusal of the evidence available we do not find any delay in either
sending the recovered arms to the expert or receiving the FSL report. The
circumstances under which they were sent and received were spoken about and
explained. The appellants have neither shown any prejudice being caused by the
alleged delay, nor have disputed the findings of the said report.
37. The learned counsel appearing for the appellants submitted that the
investigating officer could not be cross examined further with respect to the
injuries and the recoveries. We find that evidence was also let in to that extent
along with the cross-examination. The High Court has considered this aspect in
the correct perspective. It is very unfortunate that the investigating officer could
not be produced despite the best efforts made. The reason is obvious. There are
three investigating officers. The other two investigating officers have been
examined including for the charge under the Arms Act. PW-13, the first
investigating officer, has been examined in extenso during cross examination. It is
only for the further examination he turned turtle. That per se would not make the
entire case of the prosecution bad is law particularly when the final report itself
cannot be termed as a substantive piece of evidence being nothing but a
collective opinion of the investigating officer. The trial court as well as the High
court considered the evidence threadbare in coming to the right conclusion.
Similarly, the contention that there is non-explanation for the existence of some
other empty cartridge recovered from the place of occurrence would not facilitate
an acquittal for the appellants as there are materials sufficient enough to
implicate and prove the offence against them.
38. Thus, on the aforesaid conclusion arrived at, we are in conformity with the
well merited judgment of the High court. The appeals stand dismissed.
39. Before we part with this case, we are constrained to record our anguish on the
deliberate attempt to derail the quest for justice. Day in and day out, we are
witnessing the sorry state of affairs in which the private witnesses turn hostile for
obvious reasons. This Court has already expressed its views on the need for a
legislative remedy to curtail such menace. Notwithstanding the above stated
directions issued by this court in Vinod Kumar (supra), we take judicial note of the
factual scenario that the trial courts are adjourning the cross examination of the
private witnesses after the conclusion of the cross examination without any rhyme
or reason, at the drop of a hat. Long adjournments are being given after the
completion of the chief examination, which only helps the defense to win them
over at times, with the passage of time. Thus, we deem it appropriate to reiterate
that the trial courts shall endeavor to complete the examination of the private
witnesses both chief and cross on the same day as far as possible. To further
curtail this menace, we would expect the trial courts to take up the examination of
the private witnesses first, before proceeding with that of the official witnesses. A
copy of this judgment shall be circulated to all the trial courts, to be facilitated
through the respective High Courts.