Tanjong: Katong Secondary School

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BP- 187


Mid-Year Examination 2017
Secondary 1




Paper 1 Monday 15 ay 2017
t hour
Candidates answ€r on the Question Paper.


Write your name, class and register number on all the work you hand in
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or corroction fluid,

Answer all questions-

tf uorking is needed for any question it must be shown with the answer,
Omission of essential working will result in lcs of marks.
The use of an approved scientific calculator is expected, where appropriate.
lf the degree of acqjracy is not specilied in ttE question, and if lhe answer is nol exact, give the answer
to three significant figures. Giv€ arcwers in degre€s to one decimal phce.
For r, use either your calculator value or 3.142, unless the quostion requires the answer in terms of ,r.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work sacurely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets I I at th€ end of each question or part question.
The total of the marks for this paper is 40.

For Examlner's UEo

Jhis document consists of r0 prlnted pages.

BP- 188

Answer all the questions

Exerihe!'s Exafiinels
Us€ Use
I Express
-11 asa recurring decimal.

Answ'er trl

2 Using all the numbers below, complete the following table.

t.i, tt, "[i {a, -z.r'


Rational Numbeds)

Irrational Numbe(s)

3 Civen that r is an integer, whenr is rounded offto I significant figure, the

answer is 40.
Write the least possible value of.r and the largest possible value of r.


Least possible va|ue........,........

l^orgest possible value... .,.....,,.........,..., t2]

404€/SeclMidYearl T
BP- r 89

4 m and n are two prime numhrs, both larger than 5.

Examinels "The suno of m and n will ahvays be a prime number." Exdminels
Use Do you agree with this statement? Justily your answer. Uso

A nswer


5 Mary's household paid $55.75 for water services in March 2017. The water
charges are going to increasc by 15% by luly 2017. Calculate the amount, correct
to the nearest cent, Mary would have to pay in July 2017 if their usage of water
remains the same .

Answer S. t2l

4M8lSecl MidYeerlT

[Turn over
BP- 190

6 (a) Given that the val ue of m+ n=1, find the value of 4m+4n-3.
Exami.'€t't Examinefs
Use Use

Answer (a) [1]

(b) Given that a =2 , b = -l and c = 10, calculate the valr. o, 4Eb .


Answer (b). l2l


7 (a) A rectangle has an area of 69.8 cmz and its length is 5.2 cm.
Examinels Estimate the breadth ofthe rectangle. Examinols
Us€ Use

Answer (a) ..cm [l I

(b) Estimatc the value of Jd, *11 ,without using a calculator. Show your
working clearly.

Answer (b) 12)

4048/5ec 1 lvlidYea r1 7

flurn over
BP- 192

8 For
Mr Sim bought 60 eggs at q cents per dozen. Examl,jtar's
Usa Use
(a) Express the total amount ofmoney he paid for the eggs, in terms ofg.

Answer (a). . ..... . cents [t]

(b) He sold them for r cents each. Show that the profit he made is
5(12r - q) cents.



t il
(c) Hence, explain what will happen if l2r - q <0 .



4048/Secl MidYearlT

[Tum over
BP- 193

Exatuine/s 9 A ar.d B are points on the coordinate plane as shown. Examine/s

Use U6e

1 B

-3 -2 I 1 :r 3

-,) n

(a) Wrie down the coordinates of point l.

Answer (a)(........... )tu

(b) Find the gradient of line lB, given that B (3, l).

Answer (b).............-................ t2l

(c) Givan tbat C (i, l) is a point on Ore coordinate plane such that the area
of triangle IBC is 9 units2, find the possible values of*.

Answer (c) k = or 2)

.1048/S ec l MidYea r1 7

ffurn over
BP- 194

Fot 10 (a) Wher written as the prodr.rct of their prime factors,

Examiner's 36O =21 x 32 x 5, Exafiinels
Use 3024=2ax33x7.

(f) Find the highest common factor of 360 and 3024.

Awwer (a) (i) t21

(ii) Find the smallest positive integerp such that 360p is a perfect

Aru,ner (a\ (i) Irl

(iii) Find 0rc smallest positive integer g for which 360q is a mu ltiple of
3024. studykaki.com

Answer (a) (ili) tll

(b) When the students in a school are ananged into rows of9, 12 or 20, there
will be a student who does not fit into any row. Given that the number of
sudents in the school does not exceed 500, find the greatest possible
number of students.

Aruwer (a) tzl

404€YS€c1 Mid/ear17
BP- 195

l1 During each week, a site engineer checks the water level above the ground as
Examine/s required by the environment authority ofa coutry. The table below shows the Examinels
Use Use
daily water level recorded for a particular week.

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fridav

Ievel (in +'l .3 -12.0 -19.3 +11 .7 -4.6

(a) On w'hich day was the lowest level of water recorded?

Answer (a)................ ... ............ tll

(b) What is the largest difference in waler level between any two days ofthe

Answer (b\ mm [2]

(c) Calculate the average water level.

Answer (c) mm [2]

404€t/Sec 1 MidYear'1 7

[Turn over
BP- 196

12 4*
Examine/s (a) Solve the inequality -ll =3, -3.4 . Exarfinofs
Use Use
Represent your answsr on the number line given below,

Answer (a)

T r t4l
(b) Hence, write down
(i) the greatest integer value ofr which satisfies
1 =3*-3.4. studykaki.com

Arcwer (b) (i\ tll

(ii) the smatlest integer value of.r which s21i56ss
4x+ <3x-3 < 4 .

lnsver (b) (ii) tll

End of Paper
404€/Secl MidYear'1 7

lTurn over
BP-197 I


Mid-Year Examination 2017
Secondary I





Paper 2 5 May 2017

t hour 15 minutGs
Additional Materials: Writing Paper
Graph Paper


Write your name, class and register number on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or blac* pen.
You may use an HB pencil fior any diagrams or graphs-
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

lf wo*ing is needed for any questbn it must be shown with the answer.
Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.
You are expecled to use a scientmc calculator to evaluate explicit numerical expressions.
lf the degree of accuracy is not specified in the question, and if the answer b not exact, give he snswer
to lhree significant figures. Give answers in degrees to one decimalplac€.
For use either your calculator value or 3.142, unless the question requires th6 answer in terms of n.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely logether.
The number of marks b given in brackets I at the end of each question or part question.
The total of the marks for this paper is 50.

This document consists of 4 printed pages

[Tum over
BP- 198

I (a) Writc down the following numbers in order of size, starting with the smallest.
0.s64, o.s65, o.so, o.iol tr l
(b) Expand and simplifo a(a+l)-2{2-ct). t21

(e) (i) Evaruat

"ffSrrlt .

Write down the first five digits on your calculator display. tll
(ii) Write down your answer to part (i) correct to 3 significant figures. tll

2 There are three numbers. The second number is thrice the first number.
The third number is three less than four times the first number.

(a) Given tlat the first number is 22, write down an algebraic expression, in terms of a, for

(i) the second number,

(il) the third number. t2l

O) If the sum of the three numbers is 77, form an equation in z. ttl

(c) Solve the equation in part (b) and lrnd the third number. t3l

3 Answer the whole oJ'thk question on a sheet of graph paper.

The table below shows some values ofx and the corresponding values of7.

x -3 0 J

v 5 I -J

(a) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent I unit on each axis, draw a horizontal .r-axis
for -3<x<3 and a vertical l-axis for -3 <y< 5. t3l
On your axes, plot the points gilen in the table and join them with a straight line.

(b) Use your graph to find the value ofx when y = l. tll

4Ol8lZSec 1 Mid-Year 2017

[furn ovsr
BP- 199

4 (a) Solve the inequality 15-3"r<-.r-16.

Hence, find the smallest prime number, -r, such that I 5 - 3-r < -x - .

(b) It is given that -3< x< land -5 < y<2, calculate

(i) of x - y,
the smallest possible value ttl
(D the gr€atest possible value of ,' + y' . tll
(c) Given that x = 6 is the solution to the equation 2kx - 7=x + I t , find the
value ofk. l2t

5 (a) (i) Factorise completely 4x' -4ry- py+ px. t3l

(ii) Factorise 6'z + 6 . Explain why ifD is a positive integer, then 6'? + D is always
even. t21

@) A stamp collector will suffer a loss of 35% if he sells a particular stamp for $273.
(i) Find the price he paid for it t2t

(ii) What would the selling price be if he wants to make a profit ol l5%? t2)

6 (a) Solve the following equations.

(i) 2(x -3) -5x = -3 i3l
'' y+5 4y-l t3l

ftr) (i) Simnlifrv ,W

.. -r---j- +::ro t3l
4 p''
(ii) Express
+ -+ as a single fraction in its simplest form. i31

4048l/Sec 1 Mid:{eat 2017

[Turn over
BP - 200

7 Jasmine and her family plan to visit the Singapore Zoological Gardens by bus from Yishrm.
To travel to the zoo by bus, the thmily needs to take Bus 171 from bus stop,f,near their house.
Then, they will need to alight at bus stop l/to take Bus 927 to the zoo.

(a) The distance from bus stop ,rto bus stop lis 12 km.
(i) If Bus I 7l travelled at an average speed of 40 km/h, calculate the time taken to havel
lrom bus stop X to bus stop f. tll

The distance from bus stop l/to the zoo is 6 km.

(ii) Find the time ta.ken to travel from bus stop ts to the zoo
if Bus 927 travelled
at an average speed of30 km/h. iU
Hence, lind the total time taken to travel from bus stopXto the zoo, leaving
your answer in minutes. tll
State an assumption that you have made in your calculation. tt1

Table I below shows information on Bus 927 from Choa Chu Kang Bus Interchange:

Period 0630 - 0830 0831 - 1659 1700 - 1900 After 1900

Estimated waiting time l3 - l4 minutes 13 - l8 minutes 13 - l8 minutes l3 - 18 minutes

(b) The family boards Bus 171 from bus stop Xat 0930. studykaki.com
When they reach bus stop Y,Bt:s 927 has just left.
Using your answer in part (a) and Table 1, do you think they will definitely be able to
reacb the zoo by 101 5? Show your working clearly. t3l

End of Paper

404&2/Sec 1 Mi+Year 2017

[Tum over
BP -201
Sec 1 Mathematics Mid Year Examination 2017 Marking Scheme

2 32 (minus I mark for
Rational Numbers ach mistake, up to 2
J.J ltE' , -2. r' nistakes)

Irrational Numbers z, v5

J Least: 35 BI
Largest: 44 B1
4 No. Ifz= 9 andn=7,mi n= 16. 16isnotaprime 81 - use ofspecific eg.
number. Bl - correct
5 I l5 Ml - calculate I 5% or
x 55.75 = 64.11
100 115%
6a -l l BT
6b .,1;-3"b MI - substituition
lo -3(2X-l)
=-4 AI
'7a 14 BI C,A,O
7b Ja2"!7 Ml estimate 82=81 or
A1 (do not accept l7)
8a 5q BI
8b ffir-5q=5(l2r-q) Bl - ffir-Sq
8c Mr Sim will make a loss if l2r-q < 0 (or l2r <q) B I o.e (accept negative
profit, Mr Sim will
Iose money)
9a (0, -2) RI
9b J Ml rise/run or
m--- change in y/ change in
9c *3 or9 82
1Oai 2t x32 =72 Ml (any method, 2
and 3 seen as common
l0 l0 BI
10a 42 BI
Sec 1 Mathematics Mid Year Examination 2017 MarkinB Scheme

10b LCM = 180 Ml -fmding LCM
No. ofstudents = 361 AI
lla Wednesday BI
Itb r r.7 - (-19.3) = 3l Ml - largest minus
smallest value or
smallest minus largest
lic 7.3-i2.0-19.3+11.7 - 4.6 Ml - calculathg
= -3.38 average (sum/5)
12a 4*-17 _j.4 Ml Splil
4;u-ll -^ Ml Solving inequality
_<5x_5 aOO 3x-3<4 by moving r to one
side (either inequality)
t 2 -2..5 and ^l
I A1 (if imprope.r, A0)
-2.5 < x <2:)

r I

-2.5 2
l2bi ) VBr studykaki.com
12b -2 !Bl
BP - 203

Secondary One Mathematics

Mid-Year Examination 2017
Paper 2 Marking Scheme
Deduct maximum of I mark overall for no statemenU units
Statement to be stated lbr estion c t5 & II a and
Solution Marks Remarks
I ( 'd) 0.563, 0.s64 , 0.565 , 0.56 BI
l(b) a(a+l)-2(2-a) Either a2 +a or
=az +a-4+2n
BI - 4+2a ser;n

= ax +3a-4 B1
I (c)(i) 8s.983 B1

1(c)(ii) 86.0 BI!

5 marks
2(a) (i) 6n or 1(2n) BI

2(a)(ii) 8x-3or 4{2n) -3 BI

2(6) 2n + 6n + (8n -3) =77 B1{ 2r' + (axi) + (a)(ii) =
77 seen
2 (c) l6n = 80 MI simplifying variable
n =5 AI on one side

Third number : 37 BI
6 marks
3 (a) Axes correctly drawn and labeled
correct scale used B1
Correct plotfi ng of poins BI B0 for missing pts or
any I pt plotted
Joining of points with a line B1

3 (b) x: - 1.5 or 1.50 B1

4 marks
4(a) 15-3.r<-x-16 Grouping of variable
2x>31 M1 or constant
x > 15.5 A1 3l
Smallest prime number :
AU tor
l7 Bl{ -2
Must see
4(bx0 ? ')* < BI

4(bxii) (-3)2+(-S)'z=34 BI

4(c) t?*,-7 --l'7 MI Substituting ofvalue

l2k =24 to solve for t
k=2 AI
7 marks

s(a)(i) 4xz -4ry - py + px

MI Either 4.r(x - y) or
=4x(x-y)-p(y-x) p(v - x)
=4r(r-y)+p(x-r) BI p(x -}7) seen (SOt)
=(4x+ p)(x- y) AI
s(a)(ii) b2 +b=b<b+l) BI

D and b +1 are consecutive integers, thus one of them must

be even. The product ofan eveu integer with another Product aod even
integer is always even. / Odd / Even integer multiply by seen
lnother lnteger wi ll always be even.

5 (b) (i) M1 o,e.

p1i6g = 273 ,,loo
= $a20
s (b) (ii)
Selling Price = .!-l: t 420
MI{ I ls% x (bXi)

= $a83
9 marks
6 (a) (i) 2(.r-3)-5x =-3 B1 Correct Expansion
for 2(x-3)
2x-6-5x=-3 Crouping ofstudykaki.com
-3x=3 constant
.r=-l AI 46 go,
6 (a)(ii) 2 3
y+5 4y -l Remove denominator
2(4y -1) =3@ + s)
8y -2 =3y +15 M1 Group constant /
5v =tl
) AI
Ao for I

6(bxi) ,1@; . n
4'v For 8p
=8p *p' 7
4 t0
x a- seen
:4,! o'
5) AI
BP- 205

6(bxii) 2tJ-2) .y+3 Express as a single

fraction with
l 2
2y-4-3(y+3) MI
6 For correct expansion
2y-4-3y-9 B1
of -3y-9
_ y_13 _1y+13) AI tsw
6 6
12 marks

Time taken from Bus Stop Xto Bus Stop r: 1lh

=1hor 18 min BI

7 (a) (ii)
Time taken li'om Bus Stop f to the zoo = th
or tZ min BI

Total time taken fr om Bus Stop.Y to the zoo = 1 8 min + I2 min

B1 B0 if answer giver in
= 30min hour

Assumption: No waiting time required during transfer of B1

Max waiting time needed for Bus 927 + Total travel time B'I Indicated the
=30 + 18 = 48 minutes maximum waiting
time for Bus 927
B1 Calculating total time
needed !o reach zool
Award I mark if
student use minimum
waiting time (i.e. I3
+ 30 : 43 minutes)

If they need to be at the zoo by l0l 5, total time needed BI Conclusion with
should not be more than 45 minutes. working shown
No, they cannot.
7 marks
BP- 206

Bl 45 mins seen
Bl 4smins + waiting time > 1015
Bl Conclusion indicstiDg that the time reached will be > l0l5

Bl 45 mins seen
B1 30 mins + (16, 17, 18) mins or (a) (ii) + l8 mius > 45 mins
B1 Conclusion indicating time taken > 45 mins

Bl 45 mins seen
Bf (aXii) (28mins or more) + 18 mins > 45 mins seen
Bl Bl Conclusion indicating time t ken > 45 mitrs

Bl 45 mins seen
Bf (a)(ii) (26mins or less) + 18 mins < 45 mins seen
81 Bl Conclusion indicating total time teken < 45 mins - csnnot reached


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