College of Education: Catanduanes State University

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Republic of the Philippines


Virac, Catanduanes

College of Education

Name of Student : TARROZA, LORRAINE S.

Student ID No. : 2019-00491 Program/Yr/Block : BSED-SOCIAL STUDIES 3F

Chapter 2 – Activity 1

Now, with what the caricature conveys, enumerate at least ten specific tasks or duties that a
good government must perform in order to serve the majority of the people. Write your answers
below and give a concise explanation for each duties.

1. Provide free housing and lot.

The government entails the provision of free housing units and lots which is affected by
government infrastructure projects, living along danger areas, former rebels, indigenous peoples
as well as the poor ones in order to secure their health and safety of their family.

2. Provide public or utility goods.

The government provide public goods to public sectors because in most cases these are
services that the private sector cannot provide or sometimes they can provide but in an unfair or
inefficient manner. For example national security. Can private market offer security services?
The government will do because they can outsource these kind of needs.

3. Provide free and quality of inclusive education.

The government must provide a free and quality of inclusive education for all.
Marginalization should stop because marginalized children suffers from discrimination and
subordination. They have physical cultural traits that set them apart and which are disapproved
of by a dominant group. They have burdens and shared social rules about who belongs and
who does not. Marginalization can have damaging effects on individual learners’ mental,
emotional and physical well-being. Faced with exclusion, marginalized learners often become
disengaged with their studies and even more isolated. They suffered from anger, fear,
depression, anxiety, sadness and stress due to prejudice, imbalance and unfair quality of

4. Provide different job opportunities to all sector/full employment.

The government must provide job opportunities or full employment for all whatever
educational background they have. Government must priorities those who are at the silver lining
in order to cater their own basic necessities.

5. Improve policies and laws on agriculture.

Republic of the Philippines
Virac, Catanduanes

The government must provide different laws and policies that will protect and enhance
our agricultural sector. Provide different agricultural equipment and machines that help will to
have a good harvest plus to extend the coverage of coverage of irrigation, improving water use
efficiency and foreign trades transactions.

6. Manage economic conditions of every Filipino/rising standard of living.

The government must fight poverty and improve the quality of life of the every Filipino at
all cost. In order to achieve this, the government must create a conducive environment for
material prosperity and economic growth.

7. Implement additional policies and laws on education system.

The government must add different implemented policies and laws that will support and
secure a free quality of inclusive education for all as well which serve the concerns of all schools
administrators and teachers.

8. Promote adequate social services for all sector.

The government must promote as well as provide an adequate social service for all kind
of sector. This will ensure that all Filipino Citizens whatever the social or economic status in life
can achieve a fair and appropriate kind of social services.

9. Improve programs and policies that protect the social welfare of every Filipino.

The government must promote as well as improve different programs and policies that
protect the social welfare of every Filipino. This will ensure that all Filipino Citizens whatever the
social or economic status in life can achieve and benefited by these programs and policies.

10. Improve laws that serve and protect the welfare of every Filipino women.

The government must improve enactments or laws that provide protection and concerns
the welfare of every Filipino women in different field like for example, in their employment,
education as well as in government and health services.

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