This document provides the prices of various petroleum products from Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited effective from January 16, 2022. It lists the product names, unit of measurement, location, GST percentage, basic rate, GST amount, TCS amount and total price per unit. It also provides contact details of officers handling different districts in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. All rates and taxes are subject to change without prior notice.
This document provides the prices of various petroleum products from Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited effective from January 16, 2022. It lists the product names, unit of measurement, location, GST percentage, basic rate, GST amount, TCS amount and total price per unit. It also provides contact details of officers handling different districts in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. All rates and taxes are subject to change without prior notice.
This document provides the prices of various petroleum products from Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited effective from January 16, 2022. It lists the product names, unit of measurement, location, GST percentage, basic rate, GST amount, TCS amount and total price per unit. It also provides contact details of officers handling different districts in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. All rates and taxes are subject to change without prior notice.
This document provides the prices of various petroleum products from Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited effective from January 16, 2022. It lists the product names, unit of measurement, location, GST percentage, basic rate, GST amount, TCS amount and total price per unit. It also provides contact details of officers handling different districts in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. All rates and taxes are subject to change without prior notice.
Pune Regional Office: 3/C DR Ambedkar Road, Near Nehru Memorial Hall, Camp, Pune - 411 001 Tel Nos: +91-20-26213262, 26213000, 26213030 (Fax) CIN NO. L23201MH1952GOI008858