Man B&W Bio Fuel
Man B&W Bio Fuel
Man B&W Bio Fuel
21. Biofuel
The use of biofuel in marine MAN B&W issues. Some biofuels are prone to Close attention should be paid to the
two-stroke engines has been limited so attract water, which also increases the acid number (AN, method ASTM D664).
far due to the limited availability of risk of microbial growth (Fig. 53) and Section from guiding biofuel
biofuels and since biofuel was not corrosion. Water can be removed by a specification (27-06-2017, 5755829-2):
included in ISO 8217 Petroleum properly designed fuel system. It is
Products – Fuels (class F) – Specifica- important that the separators are –– Acid number: max. 2.5 mg KOH/g
tions of marine fuels. This is now operated and maintained. If free water
changing gradually with ISO 8217:2017 is appearing in the fuel tanks, it is –– For special applications and if the
6th edition opening up for certain important to drain this water off. intention is to utilise fuels with AN
biofuels. MAN B&W two-stroke engines Removing the water will decrease the higher than 2.5 mg KOH/g, there
are able to operate on all fuels within risk of microbial growth, sometime may be a need for changing the
ISO 8217 limits. called “diesel pest”, and corrosion. materials in the fuel injection system
to anti-corrosive materials.
MAN B&W stationary two-stroke In case a microbial activity is suspected
engines have issued a paper regarding a planned process for dealing with it –– Acid number: max 25 mg KOH/g,
experience with biofuel, e.g. crude bio should be carried out. An example is when special anti-corrosive
fuel, tallow, rapeseed oil (Stationary given below: materials are used in the fuel
MAN B&W MC-S Engines for Biofuel system.
Applications (5510-0098-00ppr Sep 1. Isolate the tanks and drain excess
2010)). water –– Strong acid number: max 0 mg
Biofuels are usually containing low 2. Seek expert guidance on the steps
amounts of sulphur. Hence, the general to take next
lubrication recommendations for ISO 8217:2017 6 th ed.
operation on max. 0.50% S VLSFO 3. Draw samples from
apply. Cylinder condition should be a. the water fuel interface in tanks There are many important changes in
monitored carefully and the fuel must b. the sludge the 6th edition from 2017 compared to
be cleaned adequately. the frequently used 3rd edition from
4. Drain tanks to remove the water 2005. Two changes concerning biofuel
Potential problems with biofuels are are:
mainly long-term storage stability, 5. Contact a consultant / expert for
increased risk of corrosion in the fuel next steps 1. The scope has changed to include
system, and filter and sealing material “hydrocarbons from synthetic or
MAN ES does not recommend that renewable sources, similar in
ships carry their own biocide composition to petroleum distillate
chemicals, unless this is part of a fuels.” An example is hydrotreated
planned treatment programme. vegetable oils (HVO).
Ash content in the fuel and potential 2. New distillate marine grades, where
abrasive components such as silicates up 7% of fatty acid methyl esters
are factors to take into account. High (FAME) are allowed.
Microbial growth in fuel ash content could present operational
issues in the engine and in system after
the engine. Phosphor levels should be FAME
kept as low as possible. Abrasive
materials entering the engine will FAME (fatty acid methyl esters) is often
increase the wear of liners and piston referred to as biodiesel and sometimes
rings, but the abrasive materials can as biofuel. FAME is a biofuel, but
often be removed if the fuel cleaning biofuel can also be other types of
Microbial growth in water system is used adequately. molecules. Occasionally, marine fuels
can contain FAME since diesel
The flashpoint must be in accordance intended for the automotive market has
with the SOLAS requirement, minimum found its way into the marine products.
Fig. 53: Microbial growth in the fuel water 60°C when the fuel is used in marine According to ISO 8217:2017, the FAME
interface. Note the thread-like substance which applications. used for marine applications must meet
could easily block filters.