Lesson Plan in Beginning Reading
Lesson Plan in Beginning Reading
Lesson Plan in Beginning Reading
With the use of cut-out pictures and realia, the pupils of Kinder 2 class with at least 75% accuracy are
expected to:
1. Motivation
Singing a song (letter /Ll/ and its sound)
Can you name the objects with initial /Ll/ sound mentioned in the song? (Yes)
Let the pupils name them one by one
2. Presentation
What sound came out when you sing the song? (Ll)
That sound has a symbol /Ll/
/L/ is for capital letter and/ l/ for the small letter
What is the sound of letter L? l? (Ll)
Capital or small letter, do they have the same sound? (Yes)
The teacher demonstrates on how to write capital letter L and small letter l using her fingers and
1. lollipop
2. lemon
3. leaf
4. lipstick
5. lotion
6. lion
7. ladder
8. lips
9. legs
10. lizard
What sound came out in your mouth when you name the objects and pictures inside the box? (Ll)
Can you write the capital L and small letter l on the air using your fingers? (Yes)
Let the pupils write the letter /Ll/ using their fingers and body.
3.2 I have here set of pictures encircle the initial letter of the picture shown.
1. r l m s 2. m r l b
3. n d l m 4. l t b p
5. m n t l 6. l d r t
4. Application
Draw an object whose name starts with letter /Ll/ and color it.