OpenGLProg MacOSX

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OpenGL Programming Guide for

Mac OS X

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Introduction Introduction to OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac OS X 11

Who Should Read This Document? 12

Organization of This Document 12
See Also 13

Chapter 1 OpenGL on the Mac Platform 15

Structure of OpenGL in Mac OS X 16

Programming Interfaces 17
OpenGL APIs Specific to Mac OS X 17
Apple-Implemented OpenGL Libraries 18
Terminology 19
Renderer 19
Renderer and Buffer Attributes 19
Pixel Format Objects 20
Rendering Contexts 20
Drawable Objects 20
Virtual Screens 21
Running an OpenGL Program in Mac OS X 25
See Also 26

Chapter 2 Drawing to a Window or View 29

General Approach 29
Drawing to a Cocoa View 31
Drawing to an NSOpenGLView Class: A Tutorial 31
Drawing OpenGL Content to a Custom View 36
Drawing to a Carbon Window 39
What's Next 41
See Also 41

Chapter 3 Drawing to the Full Screen 43

General Approach 44
Using Cocoa to Create a Full-Screen Context 44
Using AGL to Create a Full-Screen Context 46
Using CGL to Create a Full-Screen Context 48

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Adjusting Display Modes 49

What's Next? 50
See Also 50

Chapter 4 Drawing Offscreen 51

Setting Up an Offscreen Drawable Object 51

Using a Hidden View or Window 53
Rendering to a Pixel Buffer 55
Setting Up a Pixel Buffer for Offscreen Drawing 56
Using a Pixel Buffer as a Texture Source 56
Rendering to a Pixel Buffer on a Remote System 58
Rendering to a Framebuffer Object 58
Drawing a Texture Offscreen 59
Drawing a Renderbuffer Image Offscreen 61
See Also 63

Chapter 5 Determining the OpenGL Capabilities Supported by the Hardware 65

Detecting Functionality 65
Guidelines for Code That Checks for Functionality 68
See Also 69

Chapter 6 Techniques for Working with Rendering Contexts 71

Context Parameters 71
Swap Interval 72
Surface Opacity 72
Surface Drawing Order 72
Vertex and Fragment Processing 73
Back Buffer Size Control 73
Updating a Rendering Context 74
Tracking Renderer Changes 75
Updating a Rendering Context for a Custom Cocoa View 75
Updating a Rendering Context for a Carbon Window 77
Updating Full-screen AGL and CGL Rendering Contexts 80
Sharing Rendering Contexts 81
See Also 84

Chapter 7 Techniques for Choosing Attributes 85

Buffer Size Attribute Selection Tips 85

Attributes that are not Recommended 86
Ensuring a Valid Pixel Format Object 86
Ensuring a Specific Type of Renderer 87
Ensuring a Single Renderer for a Display 88

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

See Also 89

Chapter 8 Techniques for Working with Vertex Data 91

Best Practices for Working with Vertex Data 91

Using Extensions to Improve Performance 93
Vertex Array Range Extension 94
Vertex Buffer Object Extension 96
Fence Extension 98
Double Buffering Vertex Data 99
See Also 100

Chapter 9 Techniques for Working with Texture Data 103

Using Extensions to Optimize 104

Apple Client Storage 105
Apple Texture Range and Rectangle Texture 106
Combining Extensions 107
Optimal Data Formats and Types 109
Working with Non–Power-of-Two Textures 109
Creating Textures from Image Data 111
Creating a Texture from a Cocoa View 111
Creating a Texture from a Quartz Image Source 113
Downloading Texture Data 114
Double Buffering Texture Data 115
See Also 116

Chapter 10 Techniques for Scene Anti-Aliasing 119

Guidelines 119
General Approach 120
Hinting for a Specific Anti-Aliasing Technique 121
Setting Up Full Scene Anti-Aliasing 122
See Also 124

Chapter 11 Multithreading and OpenGL 125

Program Design 125

Guidelines for Threading OpenGL Applications 126
When Things Go Wrong 127
Threading APIs 128
See Also 128

Chapter 12 Improving Performance 129

Best Practices 130

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Use Flush and Finish Routines Effectively 130

Be Mindful of OpenGL State Variables 131
Draw Only When Necessary 132
Synchronize with the Screen Refresh Rate 133
Use OpenGL Macros 133
Use the CPU and the GPU Asynchronously 134
Use Appropriate Routines for Images and Pixel Data 135
Retrieve Error Information Only When Debugging 136
Use Optimal Data Types and Formats 136
Gathering and Analyzing Baseline Performance Data 136
Identifying Bottlenecks with Shark 141
See Also 141

Appendix A OpenGL Functionality by Version 143

Version 1.1 143

Version 1.2 144
Version 1.3 145
Version 1.4 145
Version 1.5 146
Version 2.0 146

Appendix B Setting Up Function Pointers to OpenGL Routines 147

Obtaining a Function Pointer to an Arbitrary OpenGL Entry Point 147

Initializing Entry Points 150

Appendix C Quartz Display Services and Full-Screen Mode 153

Displays and Display Modes 153

Fading the Display 155
Controlling the Pointer 158
See Also 158

Glossary 159

Document Revision History 163

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Figures, Tables, and Listings

Chapter 1 OpenGL on the Mac Platform 15

Figure 1-1 OpenGL provides the reflections in iChat 15

Figure 1-2 Layers of OpenGL for Mac OS X 16
Figure 1-3 The programing interfaces used for OpenGL content 17
Figure 1-4 Data flow through OpenGL 21
Figure 1-5 A virtual screen displays what the user sees 22
Figure 1-6 Two virtual screens 23
Figure 1-7 A virtual screen can represent more than one physical screen 23
Figure 1-8 Two virtual screens and two graphics cards 24
Figure 1-9 The flow of data through OpenGL 25

Chapter 2 Drawing to a Window or View 29

Figure 2-1 OpenGL content in a Cocoa view (left) and a Carbon window (right) 29
Figure 2-2 The Classes pane 32
Figure 2-3 Subclassing NSOpenGLView 32
Figure 2-4 Creating files for MyOpenGLView 33
Figure 2-5 Dragging an NSOpenGLView object to a window 33
Figure 2-6 The Attributes pane in the inspector 34
Figure 2-7 The output from the Golden Triangle program 36
Listing 2-1 The interface for MyOpenGLView 34
Listing 2-2 Include OpenGL/gl.h 35
Listing 2-3 The drawRect: method for MyOpenGLView 35
Listing 2-4 Code that draws a triangle using OpenGL commands 35
Listing 2-5 The interface for a custom OpenGL view 37
Listing 2-6 The initWithFrame:pixelFormat: method 37
Listing 2-7 The lockFocus method 38
Listing 2-8 The drawRect method for a custom view 38
Listing 2-9 Detaching the context from a drawable object 38
Listing 2-10 Setting a Carbon window as a drawable object 40

Chapter 3 Drawing to the Full Screen 43

Figure 3-1 Drawing OpenGL content to the full screen 43

Listing 3-1 Using Cocoa to set up full-screen drawing 45
Listing 3-2 A function that sets up a full-screen context using AGL 46
Listing 3-3 Setting up a full-screen context using CGL 48

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
F I G U R E S , T A B L E S , A N D L I S T I N G S

Listing 3-4 Adjusting the display mode 49

Listing 3-5 Switching the resolution of a display 49

Chapter 4 Drawing Offscreen 51

Figure 4-1 Using the content from a hidden window as a texture source 54
Listing 4-1 Using CGL to draw to an offscreen drawable object 52
Listing 4-2 Setting up a framebuffer for texturing 61
Listing 4-3 Setting up a renderbuffer for drawing images 63

Chapter 5 Determining the OpenGL Capabilities Supported by the Hardware 65

Listing 5-1 Checking for OpenGL functionality 66

Listing 5-2 Setting up a valid rendering context to get renderer functionality information

Chapter 6 Techniques for Working with Rendering Contexts 71

Figure 6-1 A fixed size back buffer and variable size front buffer 74
Figure 6-2 Shared contexts attached to the same drawable object 82
Figure 6-3 Shared contexts and more than one drawable object 82
Listing 6-1 Using CGL to set up synchronization 72
Listing 6-2 Using CGL to set surface opacity 72
Listing 6-3 Using CGL to set surface drawing order 73
Listing 6-4 Using CGL to check whether the GPU is processing vertices and fragments
Listing 6-5 Using CGL to set up back buffer size control 73
Listing 6-6 Handling context updates for a custom view 76
Listing 6-7 Handling Carbon events associated with an AGL context 77
Listing 6-8 Updating a context using AGL 79
Listing 6-9 Handling display configuration changes 79
Listing 6-10 Handling full-screen updates using AGL 80
Listing 6-11 Handling full-screen updates using CGL 81
Listing 6-12 Setting up an NSOpenGLContext object for sharing 82
Listing 6-13 Getting the same virtual screen list with different attributes 83
Listing 6-14 Setting up a CGL context for sharing 83

Chapter 7 Techniques for Choosing Attributes 85

Table 7-1 Renderer types and pixel format attributes 87

Listing 7-1 Using the CGL API to create a pixel format object 86
Listing 7-2 Setting an NSOpenGLContext object to use a specific display 88
Listing 7-3 Setting an AGL context to use a specific display 89
Listing 7-4 Setting a CGL context to use a specific display 89

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
F I G U R E S , T A B L E S , A N D L I S T I N G S

Chapter 8 Techniques for Working with Vertex Data 91

Figure 8-1 Vertex data sets can be quite large 91

Figure 8-2 Vertex data path 92
Figure 8-3 Immediate mode requires a copy of the current vertex data 92
Figure 8-4 Extensions allow dynamic data to use DMA 93
Figure 8-5 Extensions allow static vertex data to use VRAM storage 94
Figure 8-6 Single-buffered vertex array data 100
Figure 8-7 Double-buffered vertex array data 100
Listing 8-1 Using the vertex array range extension with dynamic data 95
Listing 8-2 Using the vertex array range extension with static data 96
Listing 8-3 Using the vertex buffer object extension with dynamic data 97
Listing 8-4 Using the vertex buffer object extension with static data 98

Chapter 9 Techniques for Working with Texture Data 103

Figure 9-1 Textures add realism to a scene 103

Figure 9-2 Texture data path 104
Figure 9-3 Data copies in an OpenGL program 105
Figure 9-4 The client storage extension eliminates a data copy 106
Figure 9-5 The texture range extension eliminates a data copy 107
Figure 9-6 Combining extensions to eliminate data copies 108
Figure 9-7 Normalized and non-normalized coordinates 109
Figure 9-8 An image segmented into power-of-two tiles 110
Figure 9-9 Using an image as a texture for a cube 111
Figure 9-10 Single-buffered data 116
Figure 9-11 Double-buffered data 116
Listing 9-1 Using texture extensions for a rectangular texture 108
Listing 9-2 Using texture extensions for a power-of-two texture 108
Listing 9-3 Building an OpenGL texture from an NSView object 112
Listing 9-4 Using a Quartz image as a texture source 114
Listing 9-5 Code that downloads texture data 115

Chapter 10 Techniques for Scene Anti-Aliasing 119

Table 10-1 Anti-aliasing hints available starting in Mac OS X v10.4 122

Listing 10-1 Using NSOpenGLPixelFormat to set up full scene anti-aliasing 122
Listing 10-2 Using AGL to set up full scene anti-aliasing with a hint for supersampling
Listing 10-3 Using CGL to set up full scene anti-aliasing with a hint for multisampling 124

Chapter 11 Multithreading and OpenGL 125

Figure 11-1 CPU processing and OpenGL on separate threads 126

Figure 11-2 Two contexts on separate threads 126

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F I G U R E S , T A B L E S , A N D L I S T I N G S

Chapter 12 Improving Performance 129

Figure 12-1 OpenGL performs complex operations as data flows through a program 129
Figure 12-2 The graph view in OpenGL Driver Monitor 135
Figure 12-3 Output produced by the top application 137
Figure 12-4 The OpenGL Profiler window 138
Figure 12-5 A statistics window 139
Figure 12-6 A Trace window 140
Listing 12-1 Disabling state variables 131
Listing 12-2 Setting up a drawing loop timer 132
Listing 12-3 Setting up synchronization 133
Listing 12-4 Using AGL macros 133
Listing 12-5 Copying pixels 135

Appendix A OpenGL Functionality by Version 143

Table A-1 Functionality added in OpenGL 1.1 143

Table A-2 Functionality added in OpenGL 1.2 144
Table A-3 Functionality added in OpenGL 1.3 145
Table A-4 Functionality added in OpenGL 1.4 145
Table A-5 Functionality added in OpenGL 1.5 146
Table A-6 Functionality added in OpenGL 2.0 146

Appendix B Setting Up Function Pointers to OpenGL Routines 147

Listing B-1 Using NSLookupAndBindSymbol to obtain a symbol for a symbol name 148
Listing B-2 Using AGL to get a function pointer for an entry in the OpenGL framework
Listing B-3 Using NSGLGetProcAddress to obtain an OpenGL entry point 150
Listing B-4 Using AGL to obtain an OpenGL entry point 151

Appendix C Quartz Display Services and Full-Screen Mode 153

Listing C-1 Switching modes for a display in a list 154

Listing C-2 Getting display properties 155
Listing C-3 Fading all displays connected to the system 156
Listing C-4 Fading a single display on a system with multiple displays 156
Listing C-5 Controlling the pointer programmatically 158

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Introduction to OpenGL Programming

Guide for Mac OS X

OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac OS X describes the Apple implementation of the OpenGL graphics
standard in Mac OS X and shows how to use this implementation effectively to achieve stunning 3D
graphics. OpenGL is an open, cross-platform, three-dimensional (3D) graphics standard with broad
industry support. OpenGL greatly eases the task of writing real-time 2D or 3D graphics applications
by providing a mature, well-documented graphics processing pipeline that supports the abstraction
of current and future hardware accelerators.

OpenGL was developed by Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI). It is based on the SGI IRIS Graphics Library,
first released in 1992. As an open standard, it is now controlled by the OpenGL Architecture Review
Board (ARB), a consortium whose members include many of the major companies in the computer
graphics industry, one of which is Apple.

OpenGL is an excellent choice for 3D graphics development on the Macintosh platform because it
offers the following:

■ Reliable implementation. Each implementation of OpenGL, including the Apple one, adheres to
the OpenGL specification and must pass a set of conformance tests.
■ Industry acceptance. Besides OpenGL for Mac OS X, there are OpenGL implementations for
Windows, Linux, Irix, Solaris, and many game consoles.
■ Performance. OpenGL uses available graphics processing hardware features to improve rendering
■ Controlled evolution. OpenGL extensions enable developers to take advantage of hardware-specific
improvements as they become available. Successful innovations are automatically incorporated
into the Apple implementation.
■ Full feature set. OpenGL provides hundreds of graphics routines that you use to define objects
and apply transformations to them. It also provides routines that let you package data so that it
uses the least amount of resources, thereby optimizing performance.
■ Platform independence. The Apple implementation of OpenGL is cross-platform, which means
that you can leverage your Mac OS X development efforts onto other systems. The OpenGL core
functionality abstracts hardware details and guarantees consistent presentation on any compliant
hardware and software configuration.

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Introduction to OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac OS X

Who Should Read This Document?

Any developer who is familiar with OpenGL code and wants to run OpenGL programs in Mac OS
X will want to read this document. OpenGL provides the API that communicates with the graphics
hardware. Apple provides APIs that communicate with the Mac OS X windowing system. By reading
this guide, you'll see how to use the Apple APIs to draw your OpenGL content onscreen from within
a Cocoa or Carbon application. The book discusses the essential concepts for understanding the Apple
OpenGL interfaces used for procedural C and Objective-C, and provides techniques and tips for
getting the best performance possible on the platform.

This guide assumes that you are an experienced OpenGL programmer who wants to create Mac OS
X software that has real-time 2D or 3D graphics. Although this guide provides some advice on
optimizing OpenGL code, it does not provide entry-level information on how to use the OpenGL API
maintained by the OpenGL Architecture Review Board (ARB). If you are unfamiliar with OpenGL,
first read the following programming guide and consult the companion reference manual as needed:

■ OpenGL Programming Guide, by the OpenGL Architecture Review Board; otherwise known as
"The Redbook.”
■ OpenGL Reference Manual, by the OpenGL Architecture Review Board; otherwise known as
"The Bluebook.”

Organization of This Document

This programming guide contains the following chapters:

■ “OpenGL on the Mac Platform” (page 15) discusses fundamental concepts for understanding
how to use the Apple implementation of OpenGL, describes the graphics layers and programming
interfaces, introduces essential terminology, and provides an overview of an OpenGL program
running in Mac OS X.
■ “Drawing to a Window or View” (page 29) shows the basics of onscreen drawing using the CGL,
AGL, and Cocoa APIs.
■ “Drawing to the Full Screen” (page 43) describes how to use the CGL, AGL, and Cocoa APIs for
full-screen drawing, and includes information on adjusting the display mode.
■ “Drawing Offscreen” (page 51) shows how to draw to CPU memory, offscreen windows, pixel
buffers, and framebuffer objects.
■ “Determining the OpenGL Capabilities Supported by the Hardware” (page 65) provides
information on how to detect which version of OpenGL is available on a system and which
features are supported by the hardware.
■ “Techniques for Working with Rendering Contexts” (page 71) shows how to create and update
rendering contexts, set a context to a specific display, and share contexts.
■ “Techniques for Choosing Attributes” (page 85) discusses which render and buffer attributes to
use and which to avoid, and which to choose to achieve specific objectives.
■ “Techniques for Working with Vertex Data” (page 91) provides guidelines, describes the data
path, and shows how to optimize vertex data throughput.

12 Who Should Read This Document?

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Introduction to OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac OS X

■ “Techniques for Working with Texture Data” (page 103) provides guidelines, describes the data
path, shows how to use images as textures, and discusses how to optimize texture data throughput.
■ “Techniques for Scene Anti-Aliasing” (page 119) describes the primary methods provided by
anti-aliasing hardware and shows how to use hints that indicate which method you prefer.
■ “Multithreading and OpenGL” (page 125) provides guidelines for multithreading and discusses
effective program designs.
■ “Improving Performance” (page 129) discusses best practices and shows how to analyze

This programming guide contains these appendixes:

■ “OpenGL Functionality by Version” (page 143) contains tables that summarize new functionality
and, in the online versions of this document, provides links to the OpenGL specification that
describes the functionality in detail.
■ “Setting Up Function Pointers to OpenGL Routines” (page 147) describes how to obtain function
pointers to arbitrary OpenGL entry points.
■ “Quartz Display Services and Full-Screen Mode” (page 153) shows how to use the Quartz Display
Services API to accomplish a number of tasks that are useful in full-screen mode.

The “Glossary” (page 159) provides definitions for most of the terminology in the book. You can find
definitions for those terms that are not in the glossary either on the OpenGL Foundation website or in OpenGL Programming Guide ("The Redbook").

See Also

You'll want to keep these reference documents handy as you develop your OpenGL program for Mac

■ NSOpenGLView Class Reference, NSOpenGLContext Class Reference, NSOpenGLPixelBuffer Class

Reference, and NSOpenGLPixelFormat Class Reference provide a complete description of the classes
and methods needed to draw OpenGL content in a Cocoa application.
■ AGL Framework Reference provides a complete description of the functions needed to draw OpenGL
content in a Carbon application.
■ CGL Reference describes functions in the Core OpenGL API, which can be used to draw OpenGL
content to the full screen from either a Cocoa or Carbon application.
■ OpenGL Extensions Guide provides information about OpenGL extensions supported in Mac OS
■ Cocoa Drawing Guide explains how to draw 2D content in a Cocoa application and also contains
information on how to set up OpenGL drawing.

You can download sample applications that demonstrate how to use Apple APIs for OpenGL drawing
from Sample Code > Graphics & Imaging > OpenGL.

See Also 13
2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Introduction to OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac OS X

The OpenGL Foundation website,, provides information on OpenGL

commands, the Architecture Review Board, logo requirements, OpenGL news, and many other topics.
It's a site that you'll want to visit regularly. Among the many resources it provides, the following are
important reference documents for OpenGL developers:

■ OpenGL 2.0 Specification provides detailed information for every OpenGL command.
■ OpenGL Reference describes GL, the main OpenGL library.
■ OpenGL GLU Reference describes the OpenGL Utility Library, which contains graphical extensions
based entirely on GL functions.
■ OpenGL GLUT Reference describes the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, a standard API for performing
operations associated with a windowing environment other than the Cocoa and Carbon
■ OpenGL API Code and Tutorial Listings provides code examples for fundamental tasks, such as
modeling and texture mapping, as well as for advanced techniques, such as high dynamic range
rendering (HDRR).

Although you don't need to learn how to use a shading language to write OpenGL programs for Mac
OS X, it's a growing area that you may want to investigate. The Apple implementation of OpenGL
supports shading programs should you want to incorporate them into your code.

■ OpenGL Shading Language, by Randi J. Rost, is an excellent guide for those who want to write
programs that compute surface properties (also known as shaders).
■ Core Image Programming Guide describes how to use the Core Image API to access built-in image
processing filters and how to write your own filters. The appendix Core Image Kernel Language,
describes the shading language that's supported in Core Image and provides examples of kernel
■ The Quartz Composer application, available in /Developer/Applications/Graphics Tools/, has
a kernel patch that you can use to test kernel routines that you write using the Core Image kernel

14 See Also
2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
C H A P T E R 1

OpenGL on the Mac Platform

You can tell that Apple has an implementation of OpenGL on its platform just by looking at the user
interface for many of the applications that are installed with Mac OS X. The reflections built into iChat
(Figure 1-1) provide one of the more notable examples. The responsiveness of the windows, the instant
results of applying an effect in iPhoto, and many, many other operations in Mac OS X v10.4 are due
to the use of OpenGL. OpenGL isn't restricted to just the operating system and Apple applications.
Any Mac developer can use OpenGL. In fact, Apple's implementation is available to every Macintosh
user as part of Mac OS X.

OpenGL for Mac OS X is implemented as a set of frameworks that contain the OpenGL runtime engine
and its drawing software. These frameworks use platform-neutral virtual resources to free your
programming as much as possible from hardware considerations. Mac OS X provides a set of
application programming interfaces (APIs) that Cocoa and Carbon applications can use to support
OpenGL drawing.

Figure 1-1 OpenGL provides the reflections in iChat

This chapter describes the OpenGL frameworks and the associated APIs, defines the terminology
that is Apple-specific, describes how data flows through OpenGL, and provides an overview of the
tasks necessary for a Cocoa or Carbon application to tap into that pipeline.

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
C H A P T E R 1
OpenGL on the Mac Platform

Structure of OpenGL in Mac OS X

Mac OS X supports a display space that can consist of multiple dissimilar displays, each driven by
different graphics cards with different capabilities. In addition, multiple OpenGL renderers can drive
each graphics card. To accommodate this versatility, OpenGL for Mac OS X is segmented into three
well-defined layers: a window system layer, a framework layer, and a driver layer, as shown in Figure
1-2. This segmentation allows for plug-in interfaces to both the window system layer and the framework
layer. Plug-in interfaces offer flexibility in software and hardware configuration without violating
the OpenGL standard.

Figure 1-2 Layers of OpenGL for Mac OS X


Window system layer


Common OpenGL framework

Driver layer

Software GLD plug-in ATI GLD plug-in NVIDIA GLD plug-in Intel GLD plug-in

Software rasterizer ATI hardware rasterizer NVIDIA hardware rasterizer Intel hardware rasterizer


The window system layer is what allows your OpenGL program to become a reality onscreen. You'll
use the Apple-specific OpenGL APIs provided in this layer—the NSOpenGL classes and the AGL
and CGL APIs—to direct where OpenGL drawing takes place and control a variety of aspects of
rendering. These APIs contain functions and methods specific to the Mac OS X windowing system.
(See “OpenGL APIs Specific to Mac OS X” (page 17) for more information.) This layer also includes
the OpenGL libraries—GL, GLU, and GLUT. (See “Apple-Implemented OpenGL Libraries” (page
18) for details.)

The common OpenGL framework layer is the software interface to the graphics hardware. This layer
contains Apple's implementation of the OpenGL specification.

The driver layer contains the optional GLD plug-in interface and one or more GLD plug-in drivers,
which may have different software and hardware support capabilities. The GLD plug-in interface
supports third-party plug-in drivers, allowing third-party hardware vendors to take advantage of
newer driver technology.

16 Structure of OpenGL in Mac OS X

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
C H A P T E R 1
OpenGL on the Mac Platform

Programming Interfaces

The programming interfaces that you'll use fall into two categories—those specific to the Macintosh
platform and those defined by the OpenGL Architecture Review Board. The Apple-specific
programming interfaces are what Cocoa and Carbon applications use to communicate with the Mac
OS X windowing system. These APIs don't create OpenGL content, they simply manage content,
direct it to a drawing destination (onscreen or offscreen), and control various aspects of the rendering
operation. The OpenGL APIs actually create content. OpenGL routines accept vertex, pixel, and
texture data and assemble the data to create content that has the illusion of being three-dimensional.
The final content resides in a framebuffer, where it will languish unseen by the user unless your
application uses a windowing-system specific API to direct the content onscreen.

Figure 1-3 The programing interfaces used for OpenGL content

GLUT application Cocoa application Carbon application


OpenGL engine and drivers

OpenGL APIs Specific to Mac OS X

Mac OS X offers three easy-to-use application programming interfaces (APIs) that are specific to the
Macintosh platform: the NSOpenGL classes, the AGL API, and the CGL API. Throughout this
document, these three APIs are referred to as the Apple-specific OpenGL APIs.

Cocoa provides four classes specifically for OpenGL—NSOpenGLView, NSOpenGLContext,

NSOpenGLPixelFormat, and NSOpenGLPixelBuffer. The NSOpenGLView class provides easy access
to a basic OpenGL context that can be set up in Interface Builder. NSOpenGLView is a subclass of NSView
and has the expected facilities to display OpenGL content in a view. NSOpenGLContext and
NSOpenGLPixelFormat, along with NSView, are the building blocks for the NSOpenGLView class.
Applications that subclass NSOpenGLView do not need to directly subclass NSOpenGLPixelFormat or
NSOpenGLContext. Applications that need customization or flexibility, can subclass NSView. The
NSOpenGLPixelBuffer class provides hardware-accelerated offscreen drawing. Using the NSOpenGL
classes, you can also draw to the full screen.

For detailed information on the NSOpenGL classes, see the following reference documentation:

■ NSOpenGLView Class Reference

Programming Interfaces 17
2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
C H A P T E R 1
OpenGL on the Mac Platform

■ NSOpenGLContext Class Reference

■ NSOpenGLPixelBuffer Class Reference
■ NSOpenGLPixelFormat Class Reference

Apple Graphics Library (AGL) is the Apple interface to OpenGL for Carbon applications. It can be
used by both Mach-O and CFM binaries, although CFM binaries are not recommended in Mac OS X
because it's not possible to generate a universal binary with them. (A universal binary runs natively
on both PowerPC and Intel-based Macintosh computers.) AGL supports drawing to the full screen
as well as to Carbon windows and offscreen locations. In addition to the standard functionality, AGL
provides full support for hardware-accelerated offscreen drawing, bitmap font rendering, and the
ability to render content directly to a texture (also called render-to-texture functionality). The AGL
API resides in the AGL framework. Applications must include the AGL.h header file
(System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/AGL.h) to access AGL functionality. AGL Framework
Reference provides a complete description of this API.

The Core OpenGL API (CGL) is the basis for the NSOpenGL classes and AGL. CGL offers the most
direct access to system functionality and provides the highest level of graphics performance and
control for drawing to the full screen. CGL is windowing-system agnostic but is accessible from both
Cocoa and Carbon applications. The CGL API resides in the OpenGL framework. Applications must
include the OpenGL.h header file (System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/OpenGL.h) to
access CGL functionality. CGL Reference provides a complete description of this API.

Apple-Implemented OpenGL Libraries

Mac OS X also provides the full suite of graphics libraries that are part of every implementation of
OpenGL: GL, GLU, GLUT, and GLX. Two of these—GL and GLU—provide low-level drawing support.
The other two—GLUT and GLX—support drawing to the screen.

Your application typically interfaces directly with the core OpenGL library (GL), the OpenGL Utility
library (GLU), and the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT). The GL library provides a low-level modular
API that allows you to define graphical objects. It supports the core functions that are common to all
OpenGL implementations, as mandated by the OpenGL specification. It provides support for two
fundamental types of graphics primitives: objects defined by sets of vertices, such as line segments
and simple polygons, and objects that are pixel-based images, such as filled rectangles and bitmaps.
The GL API does not handle complex custom graphical objects; your application must decompose
them into simpler geometries.

The GLU library combines functions from the GL library to support more advanced graphics features.
It runs on all conforming implementations of OpenGL. GLU is capable of creating and handling
complex polygons (including quartic equations), processing nonuniform rational b-spline curves
(NURBs), scaling images, and decomposing a surface to a series of polygons (tessellation).

The GLUT library provides a cross-platform API for performing operations associated with the user
windowing environment—displaying and redrawing content, handling events, and so on. It is
implemented on most UNIX, Linux, and Windows platforms. As such, any code that you write with
GLUT can be reused across multiple platforms. However, such code is constrained by a generic set
of user interface elements and event-handling options. This book does not show how to use GLUT.
If you are interested in GLUT, see the sample code in the ADC Reference Library (Sample Code >
Graphics & Imaging > OpenGL). GLUT Basics is a simple example that will get you started.

18 Programming Interfaces
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GLX is an OpenGL extension that supports using OpenGL within a window provided by the X
Window system. X11 for Mac OS X is available as an optional installation using the Mac OS X
installation DVD. (It's not shown in Figure 1-3 (page 17).) See OpenGL Programming for the X Window
System, published by Addison Wesley for more information.

This document does not show how to use these libraries. For detailed information, either go to the
OpenGL Foundation website, or see the most recent version of "The
Redbook"—OpenGL Programming Guide, published by Addison Wesley.


There are a number of terms that you’ll want to understand so that you can write code effectively
using OpenGL: renderer, renderer attributes, buffer attributes, pixel format objects, rendering contexts,
drawable objects, and virtual screens. As an OpenGL programmer some of these may seem familiar
to you. However, understanding the Apple-specific nuances of these terms will help you get the most
out of OpenGL on the Macintosh platform.

A renderer is the combination of the hardware and software that OpenGL uses to create an image
from a view and a model. (A software renderer is an exception; it does not use graphics hardware
and is typically used as a fallback.) The characteristics of the final image depends on the capabilities
of the graphics hardware associated with the renderer and the device used to display the image. A
particular renderer supports specific capabilities—for example, the ability to produce environmental
effects such as fog.

Mac OS X supports graphics accelerator cards with varying capabilities as well as systems without
graphics acceleration hardware. It is possible for multiple renderers, each with different capabilities
or features, to drive a single set of graphics hardware.

Renderer and Buffer Attributes

Renderer and buffer attributes are operating system-dependent extensions that communicate to
OpenGL the renderer and buffer requirements for your application. The Apple implementation of
OpenGL dynamically selects the best renderer for the current rendering task and does so transparently
to your application. But, if your application has very specific rendering requirements and wants to
control renderer selection, it can do so by supplying the appropriate renderer attributes. Buffer
attributes describe such things as color and depth buffer sizes, and whether the data is stereoscopic
or monoscopic.

Renderer and buffer attributes are represented by constants defined in the Apple-specific OpenGL
APIs. OpenGL uses the attributes you supply to perform the setup work needed prior to drawing
content. “Drawing to a Window or View” (page 29) provides simple example that show how to use
renderer and buffer attributes. “Techniques for Choosing Attributes” (page 85) provides tips on
choosing renderer and buffer attributes to achieve specific rendering goals.

Terminology 19
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Pixel Format Objects

A pixel format describes pixel data storage in memory. The description includes the pixel components
(that is, red, blue, green, alpha), the number and order of components, and other relevant information,
such as whether a pixel contains stencil and depth values. A pixel format object is an opaque data
type designed to hold a pixel format along with a list of renderers and display devices that satisfy
the requirements specified by an application.

Each of the Apple-specific OpenGL APIs defines a pixel format data type and accessor routines that
you can use to obtain the information referenced by this object. See “Virtual Screens” (page 21) for
more information on renderer and display devices.

Rendering Contexts
A rendering context, or simply context, contains state information for the rendering target of your
application. The context affects the rendered result much in the same way that the characteristics of
a drawing pen (ink color, point size, type of ink, and so forth) affect what's drawn on a piece of paper.
State variables are set per context. Once set, a value remains as such until you change it. State variables
include such things as drawing color, the viewing and projection transformations, lighting
characteristics, and material properties.

Although your application can maintain more than one context, only one context can be the current
context in a thread. The current context is the rendering context that receives OpenGL commands
issued by your application. The system initializes the context to the default OpenGL state. The context
then tracks all state changes made while it is the current context.

Drawable Objects
A drawable object refers to an object allocated outside of OpenGL, but that can serve as an OpenGL
framebuffer. A drawable object can be the target of OpenGL drawing operations. The behavior of
drawable objects is not part of the OpenGL specification. Rather, a drawable object is a platform-specific
construct provided by the Mac OS X windowing system.

A drawable object can be any of the following: a Carbon window, a Cocoa view, offscreen memory,
a full-screen graphics device, or a pixel buffer (available starting in Mac OS X v10.3).

Note: A pixel buffer (pbuffer) is an OpenGL buffer designed for hardware-accelerated offscreen
drawing and as a source for texturing. An application can render an image into a pixel buffer once
and then use the buffer contents multiple times to texture a variety of surfaces without copying the
image data.

Before OpenGL can draw to a drawable object, the object must be attached to a rendering context.
The characteristics of the drawable object narrow the selection of hardware and software specified
by the rendering context. OpenGL automatically allocates buffers, creates surfaces, and specifies
which renderer is the current renderer.

20 Terminology
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The logical flow of data from an application through OpenGL to a drawable object is shown in Figure
1-4. The application issues OpenGL commands that are sent to the current rendering context. The
current context, which contains state information, constrains how the commands are interpreted by
the appropriate renderer. The renderer converts the OpenGL primitives to an image in the framebuffer.
(See also “Running an OpenGL Program in Mac OS X ” (page 25).)

Figure 1-4 Data flow through OpenGL

Possible renderers Rendered Image

Application objects



Virtual Screens
The characteristics and quality of the OpenGL content that the user sees depends on both the renderer
and the physical display used to view the content. The combination of renderer and physical display
is called a virtual screen. This important concept has implications for any application that might run
on a system that has more than one renderer or more than one display.

A simple system, with one graphics card and one physical display, typically has two virtual screens.
One virtual screen consists of a hardware-based renderer and the physical display and the other
virtual screen consists of a software-based renderer and the physical display. Mac OS X provides a
software-based renderer as a fallback. It's possible for your application to decline the use of this
fallback. You'll see how in “Techniques for Choosing Attributes” (page 85).

The green rectangle around the OpenGL image in Figure 1-5 surrounds a virtual screen for a system
with one graphics card and one display. Note that a virtual screen is not the physical display, which
is why the green rectangle is drawn around the application window that shows the OpenGL content.
In this case, it is the renderer provided by the graphics card combined with the characteristics of the

Terminology 21
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Figure 1-5 A virtual screen displays what the user sees

Virtual screen

Graphics card

Because a virtual screen is not simply the physical display, a system with one display can use more
than one virtual screen at a time, as shown in Figure 1-6. The green rectangles are drawn to point out
each virtual screen. Imagine that the virtual screen on the right side uses a software-only renderer
and that the one on the left uses a hardware-dependent renderer. Although this is a contrived example,
it illustrates the point.

22 Terminology
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Figure 1-6 Two virtual screens

Virtual screen 1 Virtual screen 2

(Hardware renderer) (Software renderer)

Graphics card

It's also possible to have a virtual screen that can represent more than one physical display. The green
rectangle in Figure 1-7 is drawn around a virtual screen that spans two physical displays. In this case,
the same graphics hardware drives a pair of identical displays. This is also true when mirroring is

Figure 1-7 A virtual screen can represent more than one physical screen

Identical displays Virtual screen

graphics card

Terminology 23
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The concept of a virtual screen is particularly important when the user drags an image from one
physical screen to another. When this happens, the virtual screen may change, and with it, a number
of attributes of the imaging process, such as the current renderer, may change. With the dual-headed
graphics card shown in Figure 1-7 (page 23), dragging between displays preserves the same virtual
screen. However, Figure 1-8 shows the case for which two displays represent two unique virtual
screens. Not only are the two graphics cards different, but it's possible that the renderer, buffer
attributes, and pixel characteristics are different. A change in any of these three items can result in a
change in the virtual screen.

When the user drags an image from one display to another, and the virtual screen is the same for
both displays, the image quality should appear similar. However, for the case shown in Figure 1-8,
the image quality can be quite different.

Figure 1-8 Two virtual screens and two graphics cards

Virtual screen 1 Virtual screen 2

Graphics card 1

Graphics card 2

OpenGL for Mac OS X transparently manages rendering across multiple monitors. A user can drag
a window from one monitor to another, even though their display capabilities may be different or
they may be driven by dissimilar graphics cards with dissimilar resolutions and color depths.

OpenGL dynamically switches renderers when the virtual screen that contains the majority of the
pixels in an OpenGL window changes. When a window is split between multiple virtual screens, the
framebuffer is rasterized entirely by the renderer driving the screen that contains the largest segment
of the window. The regions of the window on the other virtual screens are drawn by copying the
rasterized image. When the entire OpenGL drawable object is displayed on one virtual screen, there
is no performance impact from multiple monitor support.

Applications need to track virtual screen changes and, if appropriate, update the current application
state to reflect changes in renderer capabilities. See “Techniques for Working with Rendering
Contexts” (page 71).

24 Terminology
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Running an OpenGL Program in Mac OS X

Figure 1-9 shows the flow of data in an OpenGL program, regardless of the platform that the program
runs on. Pixel data and vertex data can be sent to OpenGL for processing in two ways. The first is by
issuing OpenGL commands that are executed immediately, either to assemble a model from vertex
data or a texture from pixel data. When an application issues OpenGL commands that are executed
immediately, OpenGL is said to be operating in immediate mode. There are two immediate mode
paths in the figure: one from vertex data to per-vertex operations and the other from pixel data to
per-pixel operations.

The "display lists" rectangle in the figure represents the second way that an application can send data
to OpenGL. A display list is a set of OpenGL commands that is assembled and named by an
application. The display list is then stored on the OpenGL server. The application can refer to the list
by its assigned name when the data defined by the list is needed. Display lists are ideal for
computing-intensive operations because at the time you need to use the data, it is already uploaded
to the GPU and is usually preprocessed. There are two display list paths in the figure, one for vertex
data and one for pixel data.

Figure 1-9 The flow of data through OpenGL

Vertex data


Display lists Rasterization Framebuffer

Per-pixel Texture
operations assembly

Pixel data

Per-vertex operations include such things as applying transformation matrices to add perspective or
to clip and applying lighting effects. Per-pixel operations include such things as color conversion and
applying blur and distortion effects. Pixels destined for textures are sent to texture assembly where
OpenGL stores textures until it needs to apply them onto an object.

OpenGL rasterizes the processed vertex and pixel data, meaning that the data are converged to create
fragments. A fragment encapsulates all the values for a pixel, including color, depth, and sometimes
texture values. These values are used during anti-aliasing and any other calculations needed to fill
shapes and to connect vertices.

Per-fragment operations include applying environment effects, depth and stencil testing, and
performing other operations such as blending and dithering. Some operations—such as hidden-surface
removal—end the processing of a fragment. OpenGL draws fully processed fragments into the
appropriate location in the framebuffer.

Running an OpenGL Program in Mac OS X 25

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The dashed arrows in Figure 1-9 indicate reading pixel data back from the framebuffer. They represent
operations performed by OpenGL functions such as glReadPixels, glCopyPixels, and

So far you've seen how OpenGL operates on any platform. But how do Cocoa and Carbon applications
provide data to the OpenGL for processing? Regardless of the application environment (Cocoa or
Carbon), a Mac OS X application must perform these tasks:

■ Set up a list of buffer and renderer attributes that define the sort of drawing you want to perform.
(See “Renderer and Buffer Attributes” (page 19).)
■ Request the system to create a pixel format object that contains a pixel format that meets the
constraints of the buffer and render attributes and a list of all suitable combinations of displays
and renderers. (See “Pixel Format Objects” (page 20) and “Virtual Screens” (page 21).)
■ Create a rendering context to hold state information that controls such things as drawing color,
view and projection matrices, characteristics of light, and conventions used to pack pixels. When
you set up this context, you must provide a pixel format object because the rendering context
needs to know the set of virtual screens that can be used for drawing. (See “Rendering
Contexts” (page 20).)
■ Bind a drawable object to the rendering context. The drawable object is what captures the OpenGL
drawing sent to that rendering context. (See “Drawable Objects” (page 20).)
■ Make the rendering context the current context. OpenGL automatically targets the current context.
Although your application might have several rendering contexts set up, only the current one is
the active one for drawing purposes.
■ Issue OpenGL drawing commands. If you've completed the previous tasks, the contents of the
framebuffer shown in Figure 1-9 are drawn to the drawable object that's attached to the current
rendering context.

The tasks described in the first five bullet items are platform-specific. “Drawing to a Window or
View” (page 29) provides simple examples of how to perform them. As you read other parts of this
document, you'll see there are a number of other tasks that, although not mandatory for drawing, are
really quite necessary for any application that wants to use OpenGL to perform complex 3D drawing
efficiently on a wide variety of Macintosh systems.

See Also

Reference documentation for the Apple-specific OpenGL programming interfaces:

■ AGL Framework Reference

■ CGL Reference
■ NSOpenGLContext Class Reference
■ NSOpenGLPixelBuffer Class Reference
■ NSOpenGLPixelFormat Class Reference
■ NSOpenGLView Class Reference

26 See Also
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The Apple Developer Connection OpenGL technology page links to high-level technical articles on
OpenGL and Mac OS X.

See Also 27
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28 See Also
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C H A P T E R 2

Drawing to a Window or View

The OpenGL programming interface provides hundreds of drawing commands that drive graphics
hardware. It doesn't provide any commands that interface with the windowing system of an operating
system. Without a windowing system, the 3D graphics of an OpenGL program are trapped inside
the GPU. Figure 2-1 shows a cube drawn to a Cocoa view and a trefoil drawn to a Carbon window.
(You can just as easily draw the trefoil to the Cocoa view and the cube to the Carbon window.)

Figure 2-1 OpenGL content in a Cocoa view (left) and a Carbon window (right)

This chapter shows how to display OpenGL drawing onscreen using the APIs provided by Mac OS
X. You'll see how to draw to Cocoa views and Carbon windows. (This chapter does not show how
to use GLUT.) The first section describes the overall approach to drawing onscreen and provides an
overview to the functions and methods used by each API. You'll want to read this regardless of the
application framework that you use. The remaining sections in the chapter provide information that's
specific to Cocoa or Carbon. After you consult the appropriate section, take a look at “What's
Next” (page 41) for pointers to optimization strategies and other information that will help your
OpenGL application to perform at its best.

General Approach

Mac OS X provides three interfaces for drawing OpenGL content onscreen: the NSOpenGL classes,
AGL, and CGL. (See “Programming Interfaces” (page 17) for more information). You use the
NSOpenGL classes from within the Cocoa application framework, while AGL is the interface that

General Approach 29
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Drawing to a Window or View

supports drawing OpenGL content to a Carbon application. CGL can be used from either a Cocoa or
Carbon application. For drawing to a view or a window, you'll either use the NSOpenGL classes (for
a Cocoa view) or AGL (for a Carbon window), because CGL supports drawing only to the full screen.

Regardless of the application framework, to draw OpenGL content to a window or view, you need
to perform these tasks:

1. Set up the renderer and buffer attributes that support the OpenGL drawing you want to perform.

Each of the OpenGL APIs in Mac OS X has its own set of constants that represent renderer and
buffer attributes. For example, the all-renderers attribute is represented by the
NSOpenGLPFAAllRenderers constant in Cocoa and the AGL_ALL_RENDERERS constant in the AGL

2. Request, from the operating system, a pixel format object that encapsulates pixel storage
information and the renderer and buffer attributes required by your application. The returned
pixel format object contains all possible combinations of renderers and displays available on the
system that your program runs on and that meets the requirements specified by the attributes.
The combinations are referred to as virtual screens. (See “Virtual Screens” (page 21).)

There may be situations for which you want to ensure that your program uses a specific renderer.
“Techniques for Choosing Attributes” (page 85) discusses how to set up an attributes array that
will guarantee the system passes back a pixel format object that uses only that renderer.

You'll need to provide code that handles the case of getting back a NULL pixel format object.

3. Create a rendering context and bind the pixel format object to it. The rendering context keeps
track of state information that controls such things as drawing color, view and projection matrices,
characteristics of light, and conventions used to pack pixels.

Your application needs a pixel format object to create a rendering context.

4. Release the pixel format object. Once the pixel format object is bound to a rendering context, its
resources are no longer needed.

5. Bind a drawable object to the rendering context. You'll either bind a Cocoa view or a Carbon
window to the context.

6. Make the rendering context the current context. The system sends OpenGL drawing to whichever
rendering context is designated as the current one. It's possible for you to set up more than one
rendering context, so you'll need to make sure that the one you want to draw to is the current

7. Perform your drawing.

The specific functions or methods that you use to perform each of the steps are discussed in the
sections that follow.

30 General Approach
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Drawing to a Window or View

Drawing to a Cocoa View

There are two ways to draw OpenGL content to a Cocoa view. You can either use the NSOpenGLView
class or create a custom NSView class. If your application has modest drawing requirements, then you
can use the NSOpenGLView class. For example, if your application draws to a single view and does
not support dragging the view between monitors, you can use the NSOpenGLView class. See “Drawing
to an NSOpenGLView Class: A Tutorial”.

If your application is more complex and needs to support drawing to multiple rendering contexts,
you'll may want to consider subclassing the NSView class. For example, if your application supports
drawing to multiple views at the same time, you'll need to set up a custom NSView class. See “Drawing
OpenGL Content to a Custom View” (page 36).

Drawing to an NSOpenGLView Class: A Tutorial

The NSOpenGLView class is a lightweight subclass of the NSView class that provides convenience
methods for setting up OpenGL drawing. An NSOpenGLView object maintains an NSOpenGLPixelFormat
object and an NSOpenGLContext object into which OpenGL calls can be rendered. It provides methods
for accessing and managing the pixel format object and the rendering context, and handles notification
of visible region changes.

An NSOpenGLView object does not support subviews. You can, however, divide the view into multiple
rendering areas using the OpenGL function glViewport.

This section provides step-by-step instructions for creating a simple Cocoa application that draws
OpenGL content to a view. The tutorial assumes that you know how to use Xcode and Interface
Builder. If you have never created an application using the Xcode development environment, see
Getting Started with Tools.

1. Open Xcode and create a Cocoa application project named Golden Triangle.

2. In the File Name list, double click the MainMenu.nib file to open Interface Builder. A default
menu bar and window titled "Window" appears when the file opens.

3. Click the window and choose Tools > Show Inspector.

4. In the inspector window, change the Window Title entry to Golden Triangle.

Drawing to a Cocoa View 31

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Drawing to a Window or View

5. Click the Classes button in the MainMenu.nib window, as shown in Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 The Classes pane

6. Type NSOpenGLView in the Search text box. Click the class when it appears in the list.

7. Choose Classes > Subclass NSOpenGLView. MyOpenGLView should then appear in the
MainMenu.nib window, as shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3 Subclassing NSOpenGLView

32 Drawing to a Cocoa View

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Drawing to a Window or View

8. Choose Classes > Create Files for MyOpenGLView, as shown in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4 Creating files for MyOpenGLView

9. Verify that the checkboxes next to MyOpenGLView.h and MyOpenGLView.m are selected in the
"Create files" column, and that the checkbox next to Golden Triangle in the "Insert Into Targets"
column is selected. Then click Choose.

10. Drag an NSOpenGLView object from the Cocoa-Graphics Views palette to the window, as shown
in Figure 2-5. Resize the view to fit the window.

Figure 2-5 Dragging an NSOpenGLView object to a window

11. Open the Custom Class pane of the inspector and select MyOpenGLView.

Drawing to a Cocoa View 33

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Drawing to a Window or View

12. Open the Attributes pane of the inspector for the view, as shown in Figure 2-6, and take a look
at the renderer and buffer attributes that are available to set. These settings save you from setting
attributes programmatically.

Figure 2-6 The Attributes pane in the inspector

Only those attributes listed in the Interface Builder inspector are set when the view is instantiated.
If you need additional attributes, you'll need to set them programmatically.

13. Save your Interface Builder files and return to Xcode.

14. In Xcode, open the Frameworks folder in the Groups & File list. Then select the Linked Frameworks

15. Choose Project > Add to Project and navigate to the OpenGL framework, which is located in the
System/Library/Frameworks directory. In the sheet that appears, choose OpenGL.framework
and click Add. Then, in the next sheet that appears, click Add to add the framework to the target.

16. Open the Classes folder in the Groups & Files list in Xcode. If the files MyOpenGLView.h and
MyOpenGLView.m don't appear in the Classes folder, drag them to that folder. (They may be in
the Other Sources folder.)

17. Open the MyOpenGLView.h file and modify the file so that it looks like the code shown in Listing
2-1 to declare the interface.

Listing 2-1 The interface for MyOpenGLView

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

34 Drawing to a Cocoa View

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Drawing to a Window or View

@interface MyOpenGLView : NSOpenGLView

- (void) drawRect: (NSRect) bounds ;

18. Save and close the MyOpenGLView.h file.

19. Open the MyOpenGLView.m file and include the gl.h file, as shown in Listing 2-2.

Listing 2-2 Include OpenGL/gl.h

#import "MyOpenGLView.h"
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>

@implementation MyOpenGLView

20. Implement the drawRect: method as shown in Listing 2-2. The method sets the clear color to
black and clears the color buffer in preparation for drawing. Then, drawRect: calls your drawing
routine, which you’ll add next. The OpenGL command glFlush draws the content provided by
your routine to the view.

Listing 2-3 The drawRect: method for MyOpenGLView

-(void) drawRect: (NSRect) bounds

glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);

21. Add the code to perform your drawing. In your own application, you'd perform whatever drawing
is appropriate. But for the purpose of learning how to draw OpenGL content to a view, you'll
add the code shown in Listing 2-4. This code draws a 2-dimensional, gold-colored triangle, whose
dimensions are not quite the dimensions of a true golden triangle, but good enough to show how
to perform OpenGL drawing.

Make sure that you insert this routine before the drawRect: method in the MyOpenGLView.m file.

Listing 2-4 Code that draws a triangle using OpenGL commands

static void drawAnObject ()

glColor3f(1.0f, 0.85f, 0.35f);
glVertex3f( 0.0, 0.6, 0.0);
glVertex3f( -0.2, -0.3, 0.0);
glVertex3f( 0.2, -0.3 ,0.0);

Drawing to a Cocoa View 35

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Drawing to a Window or View

22. Click Build & Go. You should see content similar to the triangle shown in Figure 2-7.

Figure 2-7 The output from the Golden Triangle program

This example is extremely simple. In a more complex application, you'd want to do the following:

■ In the interface for the view, declare a variable that indicates whether the view is ready to accept
drawing. A view is ready for drawing only if it is bound to a rendering context and that context
is set to be the current one.
■ Cocoa does not call initialization routines for objects created in Interface Builder. If you need to
perform any initialization tasks, do so in the awakeFromNib method for the view. Note that because
you set attributes in the inspector, there is no need to set them up programmatically unless you
need additional ones. There is also no need to create a pixel format object programmatically; it
is created and loaded when Cocoa loads the nib file.
■ Your drawRect: method should test whether the view is ready to draw into. You need to provide
code that handles the case when the view is not ready to draw into.
■ OpenGL is at its best when doing real-time and interactive graphics. Your application will need
to provide a timer or support user interaction.

Drawing OpenGL Content to a Custom View

This section provides an overview of the key tasks you need to perform to customize the NSView class
for OpenGL drawing. Before you create a custom view for OpenGL drawing, you should read Creating
a Custom View in View Programming Guide for Cocoa. You will also want to download Custom Cocoa
OpenGL (available on the ADC website from Sample Code > Graphics & Imaging > OpenGL), which
is a full-featured OpenGL sample application that uses a custom subclass of NSView that behaves
similarly to the NSOpenGLView class. The custom class is declared and defined in the
CustomOpenGLView.h and CustomOpenGLView.m files. After you've set up your custom class, you
can use it just as you would use the built-in NSOpenGLView class.

36 Drawing to a Cocoa View

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C H A P T E R 2
Drawing to a Window or View

When you subclass the NSView class to create a custom view for OpenGL drawing, you'll override
any Quartz drawing or other content that is in that view. To set up a custom view for OpenGL drawing,
subclass NSView and create two private variables—one which is an NSOpenGLContext object and the
other an NSOpenGLPixelFormat object, as shown in Listing 2-5.

Listing 2-5 The interface for a custom OpenGL view

@class NSOpenGLContext, NSOpenGLPixelFormat;

@interface CustomOpenGLView : NSView

NSOpenGLContext* _openGLContext;
NSOpenGLPixelFormat* _pixelFormat;
+ (NSOpenGLPixelFormat*)defaultPixelFormat;
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect pixelFormat:(NSOpenGLPixelFormat*)format;
- (void)setOpenGLContext:(NSOpenGLContext*)context;
- (NSOpenGLContext*)openGLContext;
- (void)clearGLContext;
- (void)prepareOpenGL;
- (void)update;
- (void)setPixelFormat:(NSOpenGLPixelFormat*)pixelFormat;
- (NSOpenGLPixelFormat*)pixelFormat;

In addition to the usual methods for the private variables (openGLContext, setOpenGLContext:,
pixelFormat, and setPixelFormat:) you'll need to implement the following methods:

■ + (NSOpenGLPixelFormat*) defaultPixelFormat

Use this method to allocate and initialize the NSOpenGLPixelFormat object.

■ - (void) clearGLContext

Use this method to clear and release the NSOpenGLContext object.

■ - (void) prepareOpenGL

Use this method to initialize the OpenGL state after creating the NSOpenGLContext object.

You need to override the update and initWithFrame: methods of the NSView class.

■ update calls the update method of the NSOpenGLContext class.

■ initWithFrame:pixelFormat retains the pixel format and sets up the notification

NSViewGlobalFrameDidChangeNotification. See Listing 2-6.

If the custom view is not guaranteed to be in a window, you must also override the lockFocus method
of the NSView class. See Listing 2-7. This method makes sure that the view is locked prior to drawing
and that the context is the current one.

Listing 2-6 The initWithFrame:pixelFormat: method

- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect pixelFormat:(NSOpenGLPixelFormat*)format
self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect];
if (self != nil) {

Drawing to a Cocoa View 37

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C H A P T E R 2
Drawing to a Window or View

_pixelFormat = [format retain];

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
return self;

- (void) _surfaceNeedsUpdate:(NSNotification*)notification
[self update];

Listing 2-7 The lockFocus method

- (void)lockFocus
NSOpenGLContext* context = [self openGLContext];

[super lockFocus];
if ([context view] != self) {
[context setView:self];
[context makeCurrentContext];

The reshape method is not supported by the NSView class. You need to update bounds in the
drawRect: method, which should take the form shown in Listing 2-8.

Listing 2-8 The drawRect method for a custom view

-(void) drawRect
[context makeCurrent];
//Perform drawing here
[context flushDrawable];

There may be other methods that you want to add. For example, you might consider detaching the
context from the drawable object when the custom view is moved from the window, as shown in
Listing 2-9.

Listing 2-9 Detaching the context from a drawable object

-(void) viewDidMoveToWindow
[super viewDidMoveToWindow];
if ([self window] == nil)
[context clearDrawable];

38 Drawing to a Cocoa View

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C H A P T E R 2
Drawing to a Window or View

Drawing to a Carbon Window

Follow these steps to use the AGL API to set up onscreen drawing to a Carbon window:

1. Set up an array of attributes that describes the buffer characteristics and renderer capabilities that
you want. You can supply any of the pixel format attributes or extended attributes defined in
AGL Constants in AGL Framework Reference.

This example in Listing 2-10 (page 40) sets up attributes for RGBA, double buffering, and a pixel
depth of 24 bits. Your code would set up whatever attributes are appropriate. In later chapters
in this book, you'll see how to choose attributes for specific purposes. (See “Techniques for
Choosing Attributes” (page 85).)

2. Obtain a pixel format object by passing the attributes array to the function aglChoosePixelFormat.

The pixel format object contains a list of all appropriate renderer-display combinations. In the
example shown here, it's likely that the list will contain at least two items—one that uses a
hardware renderer and another that uses a software renderer.

3. Bind the pixel format object to a rendering context by passing the pixel format object to the function

If the pixel format object has more than one pixel format (renderer-display combination) in it,
AGL uses the first in the list. You can call the function aglNextPixelFormat if you want to use
the next pixel format in the list.

4. Release the pixel format object by calling the function aglDestroyPixelFormat.

5. Get the port associated with the Carbon window that you want to draw into by calling the Window
Manager function GetWindowPort. After you attach a rendering context to the Carbon window,
its viewport is set to the full size of the window.

Note: The AGL API for drawing to a Carbon window was developed prior to Mac OS X. Because
of this heritage, the AGLDrawable data type is a CGrafPtr data type under the hood. That's why
you must call GetWindowPort to obtain the associated graphics port from the WindowRef data
type passed to MySetWindowAsDrawableObject.

6. Bind the window to the rendering context by passing the port to the function aglSetDrawable.

7. Make the rendering context the current context by calling function aglSetCurrentContext.

Listing 2-10 shows how to implement these steps and how to check for errors along the way by calling
the application-defined function MySetWindowAsDrawableObject. It's recommended that your
application provides a similar error-checking function. In the case of an error you'll either want to
notify the user and abort the program or take some sort of fallback action that ensures you application
can draw OpenGL content. (See “Ensuring a Valid Pixel Format Object” (page 86) for an example of
backing out of attributes. See “Retrieve Error Information Only When Debugging” (page 136) for
guidelines on error checking and performance.)

Drawing to a Carbon Window 39

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C H A P T E R 2
Drawing to a Window or View

Note that the example passes the pixel format object returned from the aglChoosePixelFormat
function to the function aglCreateContext. By default, AGL uses the first pixel format in the pixel
format object regardless of how many pixel formats are actually in the object. You can iterate through
the pixel format object using the functionaglNextPixelFormat.

Listing 2-10 Setting a Carbon window as a drawable object

OSStatus MySetWindowAsDrawableObject (WindowRef window)

OSStatus err = noErr;
Rect rectPort;
GLint attributes[] = { AGL_RGBA,
AGLContext myAGLContext = NULL;
AGLPixelFormat myAGLPixelFormat;

myAGLPixelFormat = aglChoosePixelFormat (NULL, 0, attributes);

err = MyAGLReportError ();
if (myAGLPixelFormat) {
myAGLContext = aglCreateContext (myAGLPixelFormat, NULL);
err = MyAGLReportError ();
if (! aglSetDrawable (myAGLContext, GetWindowPort (window)))
err = MyAGLReportError ();
if (!aglSetCurrentContext (myAGLContext))
err = MyAGLReportError ();
return err;

OSStatus MyAGLReportError (void)

GLenum err = aglGetError();
if (AGL_NO_ERROR != err) {
char errStr[256];
sprintf (errStr, "AGL: %s",(char *) aglErrorString(err));
reportError (errStr);
if (err == AGL_NO_ERROR)
return noErr;
return (OSStatus) err;

40 Drawing to a Carbon Window

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C H A P T E R 2
Drawing to a Window or View

Note: Although this example shows how to draw OpenGL content to an entire Carbon window, it is
possible for Carbon applications to draw to a part of a window. Carbon developers can find additional
information on using windows on the Guides > Carbon > Carbon.

What's Next

After you've successfully drawn OpenGL content onscreen from within a Cocoa or a Carbon
application, you'll want to move on to more complex tasks. Most 3D applications have sophisticated
needs, especially with regard to performance and the need to ensure that the application works with
a variety of graphics cards and displays. Some of the chapters that follow will help you to fine tune
your code. Other chapters provide guidance and code examples for accomplishing common tasks,
such as checking for OpenGL functionality or using images as textures.

See Also

OpenGL sample code projects (Sample Code > Graphics & Imaging > OpenGL):

■ Cocoa OpenGL sets up a window and handles events for drawing OpenGL content to a Cocoa
■ Custom Cocoa OpenGL uses a custom view in Cocoa for OpenGL drawing.
■ GLCarbonAGLWindow contains code that sets up a Carbon window for OpenGL drawing, handles
events, and has a virtual trackball as well as a number of other features.

What's Next 41
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C H A P T E R 2
Drawing to a Window or View

42 See Also
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C H A P T E R 3

Drawing to the Full Screen

In Mac OS X, you don't have to restrict your OpenGL drawing to views and windows. You also have
the option to draw to the entire screen. The primary difference between drawing to a view or window
and drawing to the full screen is that you must prevent other applications and system services from
trying to do the same thing. You can capture the display by using the Quartz Display Services API.
Once captured by your application, other applications are not notified of display changes, thus
preventing them from repositioning their windows and preventing the Finder from repositioning
desktop icons. The screen is all yours for OpenGL drawing.

Figure 3-1 Drawing OpenGL content to the full screen

Each of the Apple-specific OpenGL APIs provides routines for setting up full-screen drawing. The
approach for using each is similar, as you'll see by reading the first section in this chapter, which
describes the general approach. This chapter also provides specific information for using each of the
Apple-specific OpenGL APIs and shows how to use Quartz Display Services to switch the display
mode and change screen resolutions, two tasks that are useful for any application that uses the full

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
C H A P T E R 3
Drawing to the Full Screen

General Approach

Many of the tasks for setting up full-screen drawing are similar to those required to set up drawing
OpenGL content to a Cocoa view or a Carbon window. The tasks that are similar are explained in
detail in “Drawing to a Window or View” (page 29) but only mentioned here. If you haven't read
that chapter, you should read it first.

Drawing OpenGL content to a full screen requires performing the following tasks:

1. Capture the display you want to draw to by calling the Quartz Display Services function
CGDisplayCapture and supplying a display ID that represents a unique ID for an attached display.
The constant kCGDirectMainDisplay represents the main display, the one that’s shown in the
menu bar.

If you want to capture all the displays attached to a system, call the function

2. Convert the display ID to an OpenGL display mask by calling the function


3. Set up the renderer and buffer attributes that support the OpenGL drawing you want to perform,
making sure to include a full-screen attribute and the OpenGL display mask that you obtained
in the previous step.

4. Request a pixel format object that encapsulates the renderer and buffer attributes required by
your application.

Some OpenGL renderers, such as the software renderer, do not support full-screen mode. If the
system returns NULL for the pixel format object, your application needs to take appropriate action.

5. Create a rendering context and bind the pixel format object to it.

6. Release the pixel format object.

7. Make the context the current context.

8. Bind a full-screen drawable object to the rendering context.

9. Perform your drawing.

10. When you are done drawing, perform the necessary cleanup work and make sure that you release
the captured display.

Using Cocoa to Create a Full-Screen Context

When you set up an attributes array, you need to include the attribute NSOpenGLPFAFullScreen to
specify that only renderers that are capable of rendering to the full screen should be considered when
the system creates a pixel format object. You also need to include the attribute NSOpenGLPFAScreenMask
along with the appropriate OpenGL display mask.

44 General Approach
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C H A P T E R 3
Drawing to the Full Screen

Listing 3-1 is a code fragment that shows how to use the NSOpenGLPixelFormat and NSOpenGLContext
classes along with calls from Quartz Display Services to set up full-screen drawing in a Cocoa
application. A detailed explanation for each numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing 3-1 Using Cocoa to set up full-screen drawing

CGDisplayErr err;
NSOpenGLContext fullScreenContext;
NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attrs[] = { // 1
NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, 24, // 2
NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, 16,
NSOpenGLPixelFormat *pixelFormat = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc]
fullScreenContext = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:pixelFormat
[pixelFormat release];
pixelFormat = nil;
if (fullScreenContext == nil) {
NSLog(@"Failed to create fullScreenContext");
err = CGCaptureAllDisplays(); // 3
if (err != CGDisplayNoErr) {
[fullScreenContext release];
fullScreenContext = nil;
[fullScreenContext setFullScreen]; // 4
[fullScreenContext makeCurrentContext]; // 5

Here's what the code does:

1. Sets up an array of renderer and buffer attributes, including the appropriate attributes to specify
full-screen mode and the display ID for the main display. This example also supplies a number
of other attributes. You would supply the attributes that are appropriate for your application.

2. Supplies a color size that matches the current display depth. Note that this value must match the
current display depth.

3. Calls the Quartz Display Services function that captures all displays. If you want to capture only
one display, you can call the function CGDisplayCapture, passing the ID of the display that you
want to capture.

4. Attaches the full-screen drawable object to the rendering context.

5. Makes the full-screen context the current context that will receive OpenGL commands. If you fail
to perform this step, you won't see any content drawn to the screen.

Using Cocoa to Create a Full-Screen Context 45

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C H A P T E R 3
Drawing to the Full Screen

When you no longer need to draw full-screen OpenGL content, you must release resources and release
the captured display (or displays).

Using AGL to Create a Full-Screen Context

This extended code example is an excerpt from an application that uses an application-defined
structure—pRecContext—to store information about the context, including display IDs for the displays
attached to the system and a rendering context. The MySetupAGL routine in Listing 3-2 takes as
parameters a pRecContext data type, a width and height that specifies the screen resolution, a bit
depth, and the refresh rate of the display.

The MySetupAGL routine sets the display mode and sets up a full-screen context. A detailed explanation
for each numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing 3-2 A function that sets up a full-screen context using AGL

OSStatus MySetupAGL (pRecContext pContextInfo, size_t width, size_t height,

size_t depth, CGRefreshRate refresh)
OSStatus err = noErr;
GLint attribs[] = { AGL_RGBA, AGL_NO_RECOVERY,
0 }; // 1
AGLPixelFormat pixelFormat = NULL;
long i, index;
GDHandle gdhDisplay;
CFDictionaryRef refDisplayMode = 0;

if (NULL == pContextInfo)
return paramErr;
refDisplayMode = CGDisplayBestModeForParametersAndRefreshRate(
depth, width, height, refresh, NULL); // 2
if (refDisplayMode) {
gOldDisplayMode = CGDisplayCurrentMode( pContextInfo->display); // 3
gOldDisplayModeValid = GL_TRUE;
CGDisplaySwitchToMode (pContextInfo->display, refDisplayMode); // 4
for (i = 0; i < gNumDisplays; i++) { // 5
if (pContextInfo->display == gDisplayCaps[i].cgDisplayID) index = i;
err = DMGetGDeviceByDisplayID ((DisplayIDType)pContextInfo->display,
&gdhDisplay, false); // 6
if (noErr == err)
if (!(pixelFormat = aglChoosePixelFormat (&gdhDisplay, 1, attribs)))
err = aglReportError ();
if (pixelFormat) {
if (!(pContextInfo->aglContext = aglCreateContext( pixelFormat,
err = aglReportError ();
aglDestroyPixelFormat (pixelFormat);

46 Using AGL to Create a Full-Screen Context

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C H A P T E R 3
Drawing to the Full Screen

if (pContextInfo->aglContext) {
short fNum;
GLint swap = 1;
if (!aglSetCurrentContext (pContextInfo->aglContext)) // 7
err = aglReportError ();
if ((noErr == err) && !aglSetFullScreen( pContextInfo->aglContext,
0, 0, 0, 0)) // 8
err = aglReportError ();
if (noErr == err) {
if (!aglSetInteger (pContextInfo->aglContext,
AGL_SWAP_INTERVAL, &swap)); // 9
err = aglReportError ();
/* Your code to perform other initializations here */
return err;

Here's what the code does:

1. Sets up renderer and buffer attributes. You must supply AGL_FULLSCREEN when you want to set
up a full-screen context using the AGL API. This example also provides a number of other
attributes: RGBA pixel format, double buffering, a depth size of 32 bits, and the no recovery
attribute. No recovery indicates that if a suitable hardware renderer isn't found, the operating
system should not substitute a software renderer.

2. Obtains the best display mode for the screen resolution, bit depth, and refresh rate passed to the
MySetupAGL function.

3. Gets the current display mode and then saves it so that it can be restored later. It's recommended
practice for you to save and restore the display mode.

4. Switches to the display mode.

5. Gets the display capabilities of interest for current display. For more information on determining
the capabilities of a display, see “Determining the OpenGL Capabilities Supported by the
Hardware” (page 65).

6. Calls the Display Manager function that obtains a handle for the video device with the specified
display ID. You must pass this handle to aglChoosePixelFormat.

7. Sets the current context to the newly created context. If you fail to perform this task, you won't
see any OpenGL content drawn on the screen.

8. Attaches the full-screen drawable object to the rendering context.

9. Synchronizes to the refresh rate by setting the swap interval to 1. (Recall that the swap variable
was previously assigned a value of 1). For more information, see “Synchronize with the Screen
Refresh Rate” (page 133). The function aglSetInteger allows you to set a variety of rendering
context parameters. For more information see “Techniques for Working with Rendering
Contexts” (page 71).

Using AGL to Create a Full-Screen Context 47

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C H A P T E R 3
Drawing to the Full Screen

Using CGL to Create a Full-Screen Context

Because the CGL API is at a lower level in the system architecture than either Cocoa or the AGL API,
you can use it to create a full-screen context in either a Cocoa or a Carbon application. The code in
Listing 3-3 shows how to capture the main display and create a full-screen context. As you can see,
the code parallels the examples shown in “Using Cocoa to Create a Full-Screen Context” (page 44)
and “Using AGL to Create a Full-Screen Context” (page 46). A detailed explanation for each numbered
line of code appears following the listing.

Depending on what you want to accomplish, there are a number of modifications that you can make
to the code, such as adjusting the display mode and synchronizing rendering to the screen refresh
rate. See “Adjusting Display Modes” (page 49) and “Quartz Display Services and Full-Screen
Mode” (page 153).

Listing 3-3 Setting up a full-screen context using CGL

CGDisplayCapture (kCGDirectMainDisplay); // 1
CGLPixelFormatAttribute attribs[] = { kCGLPFADoubleBuffer,
}; // 2
CGLPixelFormatObj pixelFormatObj;
long numPixelFormats ;

CGLChoosePixelFormat( attribs, &pixelFormatObj, &numPixelFormats );

CGLContextObj contextObj ;
CGLCreateContext( pixelFormatObj, NULL, &contextObj );

CGLDestroyPixelFormat( pixelFormatObj );

CGLSetCurrentContext( contextObj ); // 3
CGLSetFullScreen( contextObj ); // 4

//****** Perform your application's main loop

CGLSetCurrentContext(NULL); // 5

Here's what the code does:

1. Captures the main display.

2. Sets up an array of attributes that includes the full-screen attribute and the display mask associated
with the captured display.

3. Sets the current context to the one it will use for full-screen drawing.

4. Attaches a full-screen drawable object to the current context.

48 Using CGL to Create a Full-Screen Context

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C H A P T E R 3
Drawing to the Full Screen

5. After all drawing is completed, sets the current context to NULL, and goes on to perform the other
necessary clean up work: clearing the drawable object, destroying the rendering context, and
releasing the displays.

Adjusting Display Modes

The Quartz Display Services API provides several functions that adjust the display mode:

■ CGDisplayBestModeForParameters finds the display mode that is closest to a specified depth

and screen size.
■ CGDisplayBestModeForParametersAndRefreshRate finds the display mode that is closest to a
specified depth and resolution, and that also uses a refresh rate equal to or near the specified rate.
■ CGDisplayBestModeForParametersAndRefreshRateWithProperty finds the display mode that
is closest to a specified depth, resolution, and refresh rate and that also has a specific property.
Properties include whether the mode is safe for hardware, is interlaced, is stretched, or can provide
output suitable for television.

If you want to adjust the display mode, you first need to capture the display, as shown in Listing 3-4.
The Quartz Display Services function CGDisplaySwitchToMode switches to the display mode returned
by the function CGDisplayBestModeForParameters, which in this case, is the best display mode for
the main display with a bit depth of 32 bits per pixel and a screen resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels.
The display mode that's returned is not always what you asked for. It's the closest mode for the given
parameter. The last parameter passed to this function—exactMatch—specifies whether the returned
display mode matches exactly. If you don't need this information, you can pass NULL. When your
application quits, Quartz Display Services automatically restores the user’s display settings.

Note: Calling CGDisplaySwitchToMode does not guarantee that the display mode switches successfully.
Displays have physical limitations that can prevent them from operating in a particular mode.

Listing 3-4 Adjusting the display mode

CGDisplayCapture (kCGDirectMainDisplay ) ;
CGDisplaySwitchToMode (kCGDirectMainDisplay,
CGDisplayBestModeForParameters (kCGDirectMainDisplay,
32, 1024, 768, NULL) );

Listing 3-5 shows how to switch the main display to a pixel depth of 32 bits per pixel, a resolution of
640 x 480, and a refresh rate of 60 Hz. A detailed explanation for each numbered line of code appears
following the listing.

Listing 3-5 Switching the resolution of a display

CFDictionaryRef displayMode ;
CFNumberRef number ;
boolean_t exactMatch ;

CGDisplayCapture (kCGDirectMainDisplay); // 1
displayMode =
CGDisplayBestModeForParametersAndRefreshRate (kCGDirectMainDisplay,

Adjusting Display Modes 49

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C H A P T E R 3
Drawing to the Full Screen

32,640,480,60,&exactMatch); // 2
if (exactMatch){ // 3
CGDisplaySwitchToMode (kCGDirectMainDisplay, displayMode);
else {
// Your code to take appropriate action
// Run the event loop.
CGReleaseAllDisplays(); // 4

Here's what the code does:

1. Captures the main display.

2. Requests a display mode with a depth of 32 bits per pixel, a resolution 640 x 480, and a refresh
rate 60 Hz. The function finds the best match for these parameters.

3. If there is an exact match, then switches to the display mode.

4. Before the application quits, releases all displays.

What's Next?

The Quartz Display Services API performs a number of other tasks that are useful when drawing
OpenGL to the full screen. “Quartz Display Services and Full-Screen Mode” (page 153) describes many
of them, including enumerating displays and display modes, accessing display properties, fading the
display, and programmatically controlling the pointer. You may also want to read “Draw Only When
Necessary” (page 132) to see how to use Quartz Display Services to synchronize drawing with the
screen refresh.

See Also

OpenGL sample code projects (Sample Code > Graphics & Imaging > OpenGL):

■ GLCarbonAGLFullScreen is a full-featured OpenGL application that uses the AGL API to draw to
the full screen.
■ GLCarbonCGLFullScreen is a full-featured OpenGL application that uses the CGL API to draw to
the full screen.
■ NSOpenGL Fullscreen shows how to create and switch between windowed and full-screen OpenGL

50 What's Next?
2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
C H A P T E R 4

Drawing Offscreen

OpenGL programs draw offscreen for many reasons. They may need to store intermediate rendering
results as a scene is built or they may need to store data that is used repeatedly, such as a texture.
Mac OS X provides several options for rendering offscreen:

■ Offscreen drawable objects. The Apple-specific OpenGL APIs provide routines that support
drawing to CPU memory and are supported only by the software renderer. These objects are
available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later, but are not recommended for performance-critical
applications. See “Setting Up an Offscreen Drawable Object” (page 51).
■ Hidden Cocoa views or Carbon windows. Starting in Mac OS X v10.2, the NSOpenGLContext class
and AGL API provide routines that use the GPU to draw to hidden windows or views and then
draw that content to an onscreen rendering context. See “Using a Hidden View or Window” (page
■ Pixel buffer drawable objects. Each of the Apple-specific OpenGL APIs provides routines for
drawing to offscreen memory that's located on the GPU. An application can render an image into
a pixel buffer once and then use the buffer contents multiple times to texture a variety of surfaces
without copying the image data. Pixel buffers are available starting in Mac OS X v10.3. See
“Rendering to a Pixel Buffer” (page 55).
■ Framebuffer objects. A recently added OpenGL extension, these objects allow you to draw to
buffers other than the usual buffers provided by OpenGL or the Mac OS X windowing system.
Because these objects are window-system agnostic, they are easier to set up and more efficient to
use than pixel buffers. Framebuffer objects are available in Mac OS X v10.4.3 and later, but not
all hardware supports their use. See “Rendering to a Framebuffer Object” (page 58).

Setting Up an Offscreen Drawable Object

Offscreen drawable objects reside in CPU memory and are supported only by the software renderer.
If you must support versions of Mac OS X prior to 10.2, you may need to use offscreen drawable
objects. Otherwise, you should consider one of the other options for drawing offscreen.

The general procedure for setting up an offscreen drawable object is similar to setting up other
drawable objects:

1. Specify renderer and buffer attributes, making sure to specify the offscreen attribute.

2. Obtain a pixel format object.

Setting Up an Offscreen Drawable Object 51

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C H A P T E R 4
Drawing Offscreen

3. Create a context and make it current.

4. Bind the context to an offscreen drawable object.

Each of the Apple-specific OpenGL APIs provides a routine for binding the context to an offscreen
drawable object:

■ The setOffScreen:width:height:rowbytes: method of the NSOpenGLContext class instructs

the receiver to render into an offscreen buffer.
■ The AGL function aglSetOffScreen attaches an AGL rendering context to an offscreen buffer.
■ The CGL function CGLSetOffScreen attaches a CGL rendering context to an offscreen buffer.

After creating and drawing to an offscreen context, call the OpenGL function glFinish to ensure that
all submitted OpenGL commands have finished rendering into the memory buffer before you access
the data. You can read the buffer contents by calling the OpenGL function glReadPixels, or you can
use the buffer contents as a texture by calling the appropriate copy and surface texture functions.

The code in Listing 4-1 shows how to use the CGL API to create an offscreen drawable object that has
a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels and a depth of 32 bits per pixel. A detailed explanation for each
numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing 4-1 Using CGL to draw to an offscreen drawable object

CGLPixelFormatAttribute attribs[] = // 1
kCGLPFAColorSize, 32,
} ;
CGLPixelFormatObj pixelFormatObj;
long numPixelFormats;
CGLChoosePixelFormat (attribs, &pixelFormatObj, &numPixelFormats); // 2

CGLContextObj contextObj;
CGLCreateContext (pixelFormatObj, NULL, &contextObj); // 3
CGLDestroyPixelFormat (pixelFormatObj);
CGLSetCurrentContext (contextObj); // 4
void* memBuffer = (void *) malloc (1024 * 768 * 32 / 8); // 5
CGLSetOffScreen (contextObj, 1024, 768, 1024 * 4, memBuffer); // 6
//***** Perform offscreen drawing
CGLSetCurrentContext (NULL);
CGLClearDrawable (contextObj);
CGLDestroyContext (contextObj);

Here's what the code does:

1. Sets up an array of pixel format attributes—an offscreen drawable object and a color buffer with
a size of 32 bytes. Note that the list must be terminated by NULL.

2. Creates a pixel format object that has the specified renderer and buffer attributes.

3. Creates a CGL context using the newly created pixel format object.

4. Sets the current context to the newly created offscreen CGL context.

52 Setting Up an Offscreen Drawable Object

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5. Allocates memory for the offscreen drawable object.

6. Binds the CGL context to the newly allocated offscreen memory buffer. You need to specify the
width and height of the offscreen buffer (in pixels), the number of bytes per row, and a pointer
to the block of memory you want to render the context into. The number of bytes per row must
be at least the width times the bytes per pixels.

Using a Hidden View or Window

Starting in Mac OS X v10.2, you can use a hidden Carbon window or Cocoa view as a texture source.
Cocoa supports this kind of offscreen drawing through the
createTexture:fromView:internalFormat: method of the NSOpenGLContext class. Carbon provides
the function aglSurfaceTexture.

Note: Although these routines provide a flexible way to render to an offscreen texture and then use
that texture as a source, you should consider using pixel buffers and framebuffers instead. If your
application provides support for Mac OS X v10.2, however, you must use hidden views and windows
if you want accelerated offscreen drawing, because the other hardware-accelerated options are not
available for Mac OS X v10.2

The crucial concept behind using hidden views and windows is that there are two rendering contexts
involved, as shown in Figure 4-1: one that's bound to the hidden drawable object and the other that's
bound to the destination window. You must make sure that the current rendering context is set to
the appropriate context prior to drawing.

Using a Hidden View or Window 53

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Figure 4-1 Using the content from a hidden window as a texture source

Source content

Rendering context 1
glClearColor (0.8f, 0.8f, 0.6f, 1.0f);
glCallList (myDisplayList);
Draw content

Hidden window

Destination content

Rendering context 2 aglSurfaceTexture


Drawing the texture content is just like drawing to an offscreen window. The content is treated as a
texture only when you actually use it for the destination rendering context. You generate a texture
name, bind it, and set the texture environment after you set the current context to the destination
context. Once the texture is set, you call the routine that makes the texture content available to the
destination window (either the createTexture:fromView:internalFormat: method of the
NSOpenGLContext class or the AGL function aglSurfaceTexture). Then you can draw using the

Figure 4-1 depicts the steps, explained below, that are required to use an offscreen window as a texture

1. Create a window to use as the texture source. The window should specify a hidden attribute.

2. Create a destination window to use the texture in.

3. Set up each window as a drawable object attached to an AGL context. That is, set up buffer and
renderer attributes, get a pixel format object, create an AGL context, and attach the window to
the context. For details, see “Drawing to a Window or View” (page 29). The pixel format object
for each context must be compatible, but the contexts do not need to be shared.

4. Set the current rendering context to the texture source context and draw the texture. OpenGL
draws the contents to the hidden window.

5. Set the current rendering context to the destination window.

6. Enable texturing by calling the function glEnable.

7. Generate a texture name and bind the name to a texture target, using code similar to the following:

54 Using a Hidden View or Window

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glGenTextures (1, &mySurfaceTexName);

glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, mySurfaceTexName);

This code sets up a power-of-two texture. You can just as easily use a rectangular texture by
providing the GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB option.

8. Map the contents of the texture source window to the texture target bound in the destination
window, using code similar to the following:

aglSurfaceTexture (myDestinationContext,GL_TEXTURE_2D,
GL_RGBA8, mySurfaceTextureContext);

9. Draw to the destination window, using the texture just as you would any other texture.

10. When you are done using the texture, unbind it by calling glBindTexture with the texture set
to 0.

glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);

11. Flush the content to the destination window by calling the function aglSwapBuffers.

Rendering to a Pixel Buffer

The OpenGL extension string GL_APPLE_pixel_buffer provides hardware-accelerated offscreen

rendering to a pixel buffer. A pixel buffer is typically used as a texture source. It can also be used for
remote rendering.

When you are using a pixel buffer as a texture source, keep in mind that you must manage two
rendering contexts. One is the rendering context attached to the pixel buffer. That's the context that
you must draw to when you create the texture content. The other is the rendering context attached
to the onscreen drawable object that will use the texture.

The first step in using a pixel buffer is to create it. The Apple-specific OpenGL APIs each provide a
routine for this purpose:

■ The NSOpenGLPixelBuffer method


■ The AGL function aglCreatePBuffer

■ The CGL function CGLCreatePBuffer

Each of these routines requires that you provide a texture target, an internal format, a maximum
mipmap level, and the width and height of the texture.

The texture target must be one of these OpenGL texture constants: GL_TEXTURE_2D for a 2D texture,
GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB for a rectangular (not power-of-two) texture, or GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP
for a cube map texture.

The internal format specifies how to interpret the data for texturing operations. You can supply any
of these options: GL_RGB (each pixel is a three-component group), GL_RGBA (each pixel is a
four-component group), or GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT (each pixel is a single depth component).

Rendering to a Pixel Buffer 55

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The maximum mipmap level should be 0 for a pixel buffer that does not have a mipmap. The value
that you supply should not exceed the actual maximum number of mipmap levels that can be
represented with the given width and height.

Note that none of the routines that create a pixel buffer allocate the storage needed. The storage is
allocated by the system at the time that you attach the pixel buffer to a rendering context.

Setting Up a Pixel Buffer for Offscreen Drawing

After you create a pixel buffer, the general procedure for using a pixel buffer for drawing is similar
to the way you set up windows and views for drawing:

1. Specify renderer and buffer attributes.

2. Obtain a pixel format object.

3. Create a rendering context and make it current.

4. Attach a pixel buffer to the context using the appropriate Apple OpenGL attachment function:

■ The setPixelBuffer:cubeMapFace:mipMapLevel:currentVirtualScreen: method of the

NSOpenGLContext class instructs the receiver to render into a pixel buffer.

■ The AGL function aglSetPBuffer attaches an AGL rendering context to a pixel buffer.
■ The CGL function CGLSetPBuffer attaches a CGL rendering context to a pixel buffer.

5. Draw, as you normally would, using OpenGL.

Using a Pixel Buffer as a Texture Source

Pixel buffers let you perform direct texturing without incurring the cost of extra copies. After drawing
to a pixel buffer, you can create a texture by following these steps:

1. Generate a texture name by calling the OpenGL function glGenTextures.

2. Bind the named texture to a target by calling the OpenGL function glBindTexture.

3. Set the texture parameters by calling OpenGL function glTexEnvParameter.

4. Set up the pixel buffer as the source for the texture by calling one of the following Apple OpenGL

■ The setTextureImageToPixelBuffer:colorBuffer: method of the NSOpenGLContext class

attaches the image data in the pixel buffer to the texture object currently bound by the receiver.
■ The AGL function aglTexImagePBuffer binds the contents of an AGL pixel buffer as the
data source for a texture object.
■ The CGL function CGLTexImagePBuffer binds the contents of a CGL pixel buffer as the data
source for a texture object.

56 Rendering to a Pixel Buffer

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The context that you attach to the pixel buffer is the target rendering context: the context that
uses the pixel buffer as the source of the texture data. Each of these routines requires a source
parameter, which is an OpenGL constant that specifies the source buffer to texture from. The
source parameter must be a valid OpenGL buffer, such as GL_FRONT, GL_BACK, or GL_AUX0, and
should be compatible with the buffer attributes used to create the OpenGL context associated
with the pixel buffer. This means that the pixel buffer must possess the buffer in question for
texturing to succeed. For example, if the buffer attribute used with the pixel buffer is only single
buffered, then texturing from the GL_BACK buffer will fail.

If you modify content of any pixel buffer that contains mipmap levels, you must call the
appropriate Apple OpenGL function again (setTextureImageToPixelBuffer:colorBuffer:,
aglTexImagePBuffer, or CGLTexImagePBuffer) before drawing with the pixel buffer to ensure
that the content is synchronized with OpenGL. To synchronize the content of pixel buffers without
mipmaps, simply rebind to the texture object using glBind.

5. Draw primitives using the appropriate texture coordinates. (See "The Redbook"—OpenGL
Programming Guide—for details.)

6. Call glFlush to cause all drawing commands to be executed.

7. When you no longer need the texture object, call the OpenGL function glDeleteTextures.

8. Set the current context to NULL using one of the Apple OpenGL routines:

■ The makeCurrentContext method of the NSOpenGLContext class

■ The AGL function aglSetCurrentContext
■ The CGL function CGLSetCurrentContext

9. Destroy the pixel buffer by calling CGLDestroyPBuffer.

10. Destroy the context by calling CGLDestroyContext.

11. Destroy the pixel format by calling CGLDestroyPixelFormat.

You might find these guidelines useful when using pixel buffers for texturing:

■ You cannot make OpenGL texturing calls that modify pixel buffer content (such as
glTexSubImage2D or glCopyTexImage2D) with the pixel buffer as the destination. You can use
texturing commands to read data from a pixel buffer, such as glCopyTexImage2D, with the pixel
buffer texture as the source. You can also use OpenGL functions such as glReadPixels to read
the contents of a pixel buffer directly from the pixel buffer context.
■ Texturing can fail to produce the intended results without reporting an error. You must make
sure that you enable the proper texture target, set a compatible filter mode, and adhere to other
requirements described in the OpenGL specification.
■ You are not required to set up context sharing when you texture from a pixel buffer. You can
have different pixel format objects and rendering contexts for both the pixel buffer and the target
drawable object, without sharing resources, and still texture using a pixel buffer in the target

Rendering to a Pixel Buffer 57

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Rendering to a Pixel Buffer on a Remote System

Follow these steps to render to a pixel buffer on a remote system. The remote system does not need
to have a display attached to it.

1. When you set the renderer and buffer attributes, include the remote pixel buffer attribute

2. Log in to the remote machine using the ssh command to ensure security.

3. Run the application on the target system.

4. Retrieve the content.

Rendering to a Framebuffer Object

The OpenGL framebuffer extension provides a mechanism for applications to render offscreen to a
destination other than the usual OpenGL buffers or destinations provided by the windowing system.
This destination is called a framebuffer object.

Note: Extensions are available on a per-renderer basis. Before you use the framebuffer extension you
must check each renderer to make sure that it supports the extension.

A framebuffer object (FBO) contains state information for the OpenGL framebuffer and its set of
images. A framebuffer object is similar to a drawable object, except that a drawable object is a
window-system-specific object, whereas a framebuffer object is a window-agnostic object that's defined
in the OpenGL standard, not by Apple. After drawing to a framebuffer object it is straightforward to
display the content onscreen. A single command redirects all subsequent drawing back to the drawable
object provided by the window system, where the FBO content can then be used as a texture.

Framebuffer objects offer a number of benefits over using pixel buffers.

■ They are window-system independent, which makes porting code easier.

■ They are easy to set up and save memory. There is no need to set up attributes and obtain a pixel
format object.
■ They use a single OpenGL context, whereas each pixel buffer must be bound to a context.
■ You can switch between them faster since there is no context switch as with pixel buffers. What
this means is that an application doesn't need to ensure that all rendering commands to the
offscreen context are complete before using the results in the window context. Since there is only
one context, commands are guaranteed to be serialized.
■ They can share depth buffers; pixel buffers cannot.
■ You can use them for 2D pixel images and for texture images.

58 Rendering to a Framebuffer Object

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Completeness is a key concept to understanding framebuffer objects. Completeness is a state that

indicates whether a framebuffer object meets all the requirements for drawing. You test for this state
after performing all the necessary setup work. If a framebuffer object is not complete, it cannot be
used effectively as the destination for rendering operations and the source for read operations.

Completeness is dependent on many factors that are not possible to condense into one or two
statements, but these factors are thoroughly defined in the OpenGL specification for the framebuffer
object extension. The specification describes the requirements for internal formats of images attached
to the framebuffer, how to determine if a format is color-, depth-, and stencil-renderable, as well as
a number of other requirements.

Prior to using framebuffer objects, you should take a look at the OpenGL specification, which not
only defines the framebuffer object API, but provides detailed definitions of all the terms necessary
to understand their use and shows several code examples.

The remainder of this section provides an overview of how to use a framebuffer in the simplest case.
You'll get an idea of how the setup of a framebuffer object compares to the other methods described
in this chapter. To learn how powerful framebuffer objects are and to see examples of how to use
them for a variety of purposes (such as for mipmaps) you'll want to read the OpenGL specification.

Similar to pixel buffers, framebuffer objects are suited for two types of drawing: textures and images.
The functions used to set up textures and images are slightly different. The API for images uses the
renderbuffer terminology defined in the OpenGL specification. A renderbuffer image is simply a 2D
pixel image. The API for textures uses texture terminology, as you might expect. For example, one
of the calls for setting up a framebuffer object for a texture is glFramebufferTexture2DEXT, whereas
the call for setting up a framebuffer object for an image is glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT. You'll
see how to set up a simple framebuffer object for each type of drawing, starting first with textures.

Drawing a Texture Offscreen

These are the basic steps needed to set up a framebuffer object for drawing a texture offscreen:

1. Make sure the framebuffer extension (EXT_framebuffer_object) is supported on the system

that your code runs on. See “Determining the OpenGL Capabilities Supported by the
Hardware” (page 65).

2. Check the renderer limits. For example, you might want to call the OpenGL function
glGetIntegerv to check the maximum texture size (GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE) or find out the
maximum number of color buffers (GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT).

3. Generate a framebuffer object name by calling the following function:

void glGenFramebuffersEXT (GLsizei n, GLuint *ids);

n is the number of framebuffer object names that you want to create.

On return, *ids points to the generated names.

4. Bind the framebuffer object name to a framebuffer target by calling the following function:

void glBindFramebufferEXT(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer);

target should be the constant GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT.

Rendering to a Framebuffer Object 59

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framebuffer is set to an unused framebuffer object name.

On return, the framebuffer object is initialized to the state values described in the OpenGL
specification for the framebuffer object extension. Each attachment point of the framebuffer is
initialized to the attachment point state values described in the specification. The number of
attachment points is equal to GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT plus 2 (for depth and stencil
attachment points).

5. Generate a texture name.

6. Bind the texture name to a texture target.

7. Set up the texture environment and parameters.

8. Define the texture by calling the appropriate OpenGL function to specify the target, level of detail,
internal format, dimensions, border, pixel data format, and texture data storage.

9. Attach the texture to the framebuffer by calling the following function:

void glFramebufferTexture2DEXT (GLenum target, GLenum attachment,

GLenum textarget, GLuint texture,
GLint level);

target must be GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT.

attachment must be one of the attachment points of the framebuffer:

where n is a number from 0 to GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT-1.

textarget is the texture target.

texture is an existing texture object.

level is the mipmap level of the texture image to attach to the framebuffer.

10. Check to make sure that the framebuffer is complete by calling the following function:

GLenum glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GLenum target);

target must be the constant GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT.

This function returns a status constant. You must test to make sure that the constant is
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT. If it isn't, see the OpenGL specification for the framebuffer
object extension for a description of the other constants in the status enumeration.

11. Render content to the texture. You must make sure to bind a different texture to the framebuffer
object or disable texturing before you render content. That is, if you render to a framebuffer object
texture attachment with that same texture currently bound and enabled, the result is undefined.

12. To view the contents of the texture, make the window the target of all rendering commands by
calling the function glBindFramebufferEXT and passing the constant GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT and
0. The window is always specified as 0.

13. Use the texture attachment as a normal texture by binding it, enabling texturing, and drawing.

14. Delete the texture.

60 Rendering to a Framebuffer Object

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Drawing Offscreen

15. Delete the framebuffer object by calling the following function:

void glDeleteFramebuffersEXT (GLsizei n, const GLuint *framebuffers);

n is the number of framebuffer objects to delete.

*framebuffers points to an array that contains the framebuffer object names.

Listing 4-2 shows code that performs these tasks. This example sets up and draws to a single
framebuffer object. Your application can set up more than one framebuffer object if it requires them.

Listing 4-2 Setting up a framebuffer for texturing

GLuint framebuffer, texture;

GLenum status;
glGenFramebuffersEXT(1, &framebuffer);
// Set up the FBO with one texture attachment
glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, framebuffer);
glGenTextures(1, &texture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture, 0);
status = glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT);
// Handle error here
// Your code to draw content to the FBO
// ...
// Make the window the target
glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);
//Your code to use the contents of the FBO
// ...
//Tear down the FBO and texture attachment
glDeleteTextures(1, &texture);
glDeleteFramebuffersEXT(1, &framebuffer);

Drawing a Renderbuffer Image Offscreen

There is a lot of similarity between setting up a framebuffer object for drawing images and setting
one up to draw textures. These are the basic steps needed to set up a framebuffer object for drawing
a 2D pixel image (a renderbuffer image) offscreen:

1. Make sure the framebuffer extension (EXT_framebuffer_object) is supported on the renderer

that your code runs on. See “Determining the OpenGL Capabilities Supported by the
Hardware” (page 65).

2. Check the renderer limits. For example, you might want to call the OpenGL function
glGetIntegerv to find out the maximum number of color buffers

3. Generate a renderbuffer object name by calling the following function:

Rendering to a Framebuffer Object 61

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void glGenRenderbuffersEXT (GLsizei n, GLuint *renderbuffers );

n is the number of renderbuffer object names to create.

*renderbuffers points to storage for the generated names.

4. Bind the renderbuffer object name to a renderbuffer target by calling the following function:

void glBindRenderbufferEXT (GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer);

target must be the constant GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT

renderbuffer is the renderbuffer object name generated previously.

5. Create data storage and establish the pixel format and dimensions of the renderbuffer image by
calling the following function:

void glRenderbufferStorageEXT (GLenum target, GLenum internalformat,

GLsizei width, GLsizei height);

target must be the constant GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT.

internalformat is the pixel format of the image. The value must be RGB, RGBA, DEPTH_COMPONENT,
STENCIL_INDEX, or one of the other formats listed in the OpenGL specification.

width is the width of the image, in pixels.

height is the height of the image, in pixels.

6. Attach the renderbuffer to a framebuffer target by calling the function


void FramebufferRenderbufferEXT(GLenum target, GLenum attachment,

GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer);

target must be the constant GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT.

attachment should be one of the attachment points of the framebuffer:

where n is a number from 0 to GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT–1.

renderbuffertarget must be the constant GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT.

renderbuffer should be set to the name of the renderbuffer object that you want to attach to the

7. Check to make sure that the framebuffer is complete by calling the following function:

enum glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GLenum target);

target must be the constant GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT.

This function returns a status constant. You must test to make sure that the constant is
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT. If it isn't, see the OpenGL specification for the framebuffer
object extension for a description of the other constants in the status enumeration.

8. Draw the 2D pixel image to the renderbuffer.

62 Rendering to a Framebuffer Object

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9. To view the contents of the renderbuffer, make the window the target of all rendering commands
by calling the function glBindFramebufferEXT and passing the constant GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT
and 0. The window is always specified as 0.

10. To access the contents of the renderbuffer object, use OpenGL functions such as glReadPixels
or glCopyTexImage2D.

11. Delete the framebuffer object with its renderbuffer attachment.

Listing 4-3 shows code that sets up and draws to a single renderbuffer object. Your application can
set up more than one renderbuffer object if it requires them.

Listing 4-3 Setting up a renderbuffer for drawing images

GLuint renderbuffer;
GLenum status;
// Set the width and height appropriately for you image
GLuint texWidth = 1024,
texHeight = 1024;
//Set up a FBO with one renderbuffer attachment
glGenRenderbuffersEXT(1, &renderbuffer);
glBindRenderbufferEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, renderbuffer);
glRenderbufferStorageEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, GL_RGBA8, texWidth, texHeight);
GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, renderbuffer);
status = glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT);
// Handle errors
//Your code to draw content to the renderbuffer
// ...
// Make the window the target
glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);
//Your code to use the contents
// ...
// Delete the renderbuffer attachment
glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT(1, &renderbuffer);

See Also

This chapter provided an overview of the various ways to perform offscreen OpenGL drawing. It's
only a starting point, especially for those who want to use textures and who are concerned with
performance. You'll also want to read the following:

■ “Techniques for Working with Texture Data” (page 103)

■ “Improving Performance” (page 129)
■ OpenGL specification for the framebuffer object extension describes the framebuffer API in detail
and provides sample code for setting up and using framebuffer objects and renderbuffers.

OpenGL sample code projects (Sample Code > Graphics & Imaging > OpenGL):

■ AGLSurfaceTexture shows how to render to a texture.

See Also 63
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Drawing Offscreen

■ GLCarbon1ContextPbuffer renders surfaces into a pixel buffer and uses it as a texture to draw on
a cube; uses a single context.
■ GLCarbonSharedPbuffer shares a single pixel buffer with multiple other contexts.
■ Quartz Composer Offline Rendering shows how to render a Quartz Composer composition as a
series of images using an OpenGL pixel buffer.

64 See Also
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C H A P T E R 5

Determining the OpenGL Capabilities

Supported by the Hardware

One of the benefits of using OpenGL is that it is extensible. An extension is typically introduced by
one or more vendors and then later is accepted by the OpenGL Architecture Review Board (ARB).
Some extensions are promoted from a vendor-specific extension to a common one while others become
part of the core OpenGL API. Extensions allow OpenGL to embrace innovation, but they also have
implications for how you verify that the OpenGL functionality you want to use is available.

Because extensions can be introduced at the vendor level, more than one extension can provide the
same basic functionality. There might also be an ARB extension that has functionality similar to that
of a vendor-specific extension. As particular functionality becomes widely adopted, it can be moved
into the core OpenGL API by the ARB. As a result, functionality that you want to use could be included
as an extension, as part of the core API, or both. For example, the ability to combine texture
environments is supported through the GL_ARB_texture_env_combine and the
GL_EXT_texture_env_combine extensions. It's also part of the core OpenGL version 1.3 API. Although
each has similar functionality, they use a different syntax. What this means is that you may need to
check in several places (core OpenGL API and extension strings) to determine whether a specific
renderer supports functionality that you want to use.

Detecting Functionality

OpenGL has two types of commands—those that are part of the core API and those that are part of
an extension to OpenGL. Your application first needs to check for the version of the core OpenGL
API and then check for the available extensions. Keep in mind that OpenGL functionality is available
on a per-renderer basis. Not all renderers support all the available functionality. For example, a
software renderer might not support fog effects even though fog effects are available in an OpenGL
extension installed on the current system. For this reason, it's important that you check for particular
functionality on a per-renderer basis.

Regardless of which extension you are checking for, the approach is the same. You need to call the
OpenGL function glGetString twice. The first time pass the GL_VERSION constant. The function
returns a string that specifies the version of OpenGL. The second time, pass the GL_EXTENSIONS
constant. The function returns a pointer to an extension name string. The extension name string is a
space-delimited list of the OpenGL extensions that are supported by the current renderer. This string
can be rather long, so make sure that you don't allocate a fixed-length string for the return value of
the glGetString function. That is, do not use the function strcpy; use a pointer and evaluate the
string in place.

Detecting Functionality 65
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Determining the OpenGL Capabilities Supported by the Hardware

Pass the extension name string to the function gluCheckExtension along with the name of the
extension you want to check for. The gluCheckExtension function returns a Boolean value that
indicates whether or not the extension is available for the current renderer.

If an extension becomes part of the core OpenGL API, OpenGL continues to export the name strings
of the promoted extensions. It also continues to support the previous versions of any extension that
has been exported in earlier versions of Mac OS X. The fact that extensions are not typically removed
guarantees that the methodology you use today to check for a feature will work in all future versions
of Mac OS X.

OpenGL has a tremendous amount of functionality, as you can see by looking at the extensions listed
in “OpenGL Functionality by Version” (page 143). You need to call gluCheckExtension for each
extension you want to check, and you need to check each extension for each renderer. Checking for
functionality, although fairly straightforward, involves writing a large chunk of code. The best way
to check for OpenGL functionality is to implement a capability-checking function that you call when
your program starts up, and then any time a display configuration changes. Listing 5-1 shows how
to check for a few extensions. You can extend this example to make a comprehensive
functionality-checking routine for your application. A detailed explanation for each line of code
appears following the listing.

Listing 5-1 Checking for OpenGL functionality

GLint maxRectTextureSize;
const GLubyte * strVersion;
const GLubyte * strExt;
float myGLVersion;
GLboolean isVAO, isTexLOD, isColorTable, isFence, isShade, isTextureRectangle;
strVersion = glGetString (GL_VERSION); // 1
sscanf((char *)strVersion, "%f", &myGLVersion);
strExt = glGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS); // 2
glGetIntergerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS, &myMaxTextureUnits); // 3
glGetIntergerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &myMaxTextureSize); // 4
isVAO =
gluCheckExtension ((const GLubyte*)"GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object",strExt); // 5

isFence = gluCheckExtension ((const GLubyte*)"GL_APPLE_fence", strExt); // 6

isShade =
gluCheckExtension ((const GLubyte*)"GL_ARB_shading_language_100", strExt);// 7

isColorTable =
gluCheckExtension ((const GLubyte*)"GL_SGI_color_table", strExt) ||
gluCheckExtension ((const GLubyte*)"GL_ARB_imaging", strExt); // 8
isTexLOD =
gluCheckExtension ((const GLubyte*)"GL_SGIS_texture_lod", strExt) ||
(myGLVersion >= 1.2); // 9
isTextureRectangle = gluCheckExtension ((const GLubyte*)
"GL_EXT_texture_rectangle", strExt);
if (isTextureRectangle)
glGetIntegerv (GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXT, &maxRectTextureSize);
maxRectTextureSize = 0; // 10

Here what the code does:

1. Gets a string that specifies the version of OpenGL.

66 Detecting Functionality
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C H A P T E R 5
Determining the OpenGL Capabilities Supported by the Hardware

2. Gets the extension name string.

3. Calls the OpenGL function glGetIntegerv to get the value of the attribute passed to it which,
in this case, is the maximum number of texture units.

4. Gets the maximum texture size.

5. Checks whether vertex array objects are supported.

6. Checks for the Apple fence extension.

7. Checks for support for version 1.0 of the OpenGL shading language.

8. Checks for RGBA-format color lookup table support. In this case, the code needs to check for the
vendor-specific string and for the ARB string. If either is present, the functionality is supported.

9. Checks for an extension related to the texture level of detail parameter (LOD). In this case, the
code needs to check for the vendor-specific string and for the OpenGL version. If either the vendor
string is present or the OpenGL version is greater than or equal to 1.2, the functionality is

10. Gets the OpenGL limit for rectangle textures. For some extensions, such as the rectangle texture
extension, it may not be enough to check whether the functionality is supported. You may also
need to check the limits. You can use glGetIntegerv and related functions (glGetBooleanv,
glGetDoublev, glGetFloatv) to obtain a variety of parameter values.

Keep in mind that you must check functionality on a per-renderer basis. The code in Listing 5-2 shows
one way to query the current renderer. It uses the CGL API, which can be called from Cocoa or Carbon
applications. In reality, you need to iterate over all displays and all renderers for each display to get
a true picture of the OpenGL functionality available on a particular system. You also need to update
the your functionality "snapshot" each time the list of displays or display configuration changes.

Listing 5-2 Setting up a valid rendering context to get renderer functionality information

#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
CGDirectDisplayID display = CGMainDisplayID (); // 1
CGOpenGLDisplayMask myDisplayMask =
CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask (display); // 2

{ // Check capabilities of display represented by display mask

CGLPixelFormatAttribute attribs[] = {kCGLPFADisplayMask,
NULL}; // 3
CGLPixelFormatObj pixelFormat = NULL;
long numPixelFormats = 0;
CGLContextObj myCGLContext = 0;
CGLContextObj curr_ctx = CGLGetCurrentContext (); // 4
CGLChoosePixelFormat (attribs, &pixelFormat, &numPixelFormats); // 5
if (pixelFormat) {
CGLCreateContext (pixelFormat, NULL, &myCGLContext); // 6
CGLDestroyPixelFormat (pixelFormat); // 7
CGLSetCurrentContext (myCGLContext); // 8
if (myCGLContext) {
// Check for capabilities and functionality here

Detecting Functionality 67
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Determining the OpenGL Capabilities Supported by the Hardware

CGLDestroyContext (myCGLContext); // 9
CGLSetCurrentContext (curr_ctx); // 10

Here's what the code does:

1. Gets the display ID of the main display.

2. Maps a display ID to an OpenGL mask.

3. Fills a pixel format attributes array with the display mask attribute and the mask value.

4. Saves the current context so that it can be restored later.

5. Gets the pixel format object for the display. The numPixelFormats parameter specifies how many
pixel formats are listed in the pixel format object.

6. Creates a context based on the first pixel format in the list supplied by the pixel format object.
Only one renderer will be associated with this context.

In your application, you would need to iterate through all pixel formats for this display.

7. Destroys the pixel format object when it is no longer needed.

8. Sets the current context to the newly created, single-renderer context. Now you are ready to check
for the functionality supported by the current renderer. See Listing 5-1 (page 66) for an example
of functionality checking code.

9. Destroys the context because it is no longer needed.

10. Restores the previously saved context as the current context, thus ensuring no intrusion upon
the user.

Guidelines for Code That Checks for Functionality

The guidelines in this section will ensure that your functionality checking code is thorough yet efficient.
See “Detecting Functionality” (page 65) for specific details on implementing these guidelines.

■ Don't rely on what's in a header file. A command declaration in a header file does not ensure that
a feature is supported by the current renderer. Neither does linking against a stub library that
exports a function.
■ Make sure that a renderer is attached to a valid rendering context before you check the functionality
of that renderer.
■ Check the API version or the extension name string for the current renderer before you issue
OpenGL commands.
■ Check only once per renderer. After you've determined that the current renderer supports an
OpenGL command, you don't need to check for that functionality again for that renderer.

68 Guidelines for Code That Checks for Functionality

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C H A P T E R 5
Determining the OpenGL Capabilities Supported by the Hardware

■ Ensure that your code supports a feature, whether the feature is part of the core OpenGL API or
is an extension. Keep in mind that different constants and command names are often used for
functionality that is both part of the core API and an extension.
■ Enable only those OpenGL features that are tested. Enabling untested features can lead to
application failures.

See Also

OpenGL extension information:

■ The OpenGL Extensions Registry at

■ OpenGL Extensions Guide provides a list of extensions and availability according to OpenGL
version, Mac OS X version, and renderer.

Many OpenGL sample code projects (Sample Code > Graphics & Imaging > OpenGL) contain code
to check for OpenGL functionality. For example, see the glCheck.c and glCheck.h files in the Cocoa
OpenGL sample application or in the GLCarbonCGLFullScreen sample application.

See Also 69
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C H A P T E R 5
Determining the OpenGL Capabilities Supported by the Hardware

70 See Also
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C H A P T E R 6

Techniques for Working with Rendering


A rendering context is a container for state information. When you designate a rendering context as
the current rendering context, subsequent OpenGL commands modify the drawable object associated
with that context. The actual drawing surfaces are never really owned by the rendering context but
are created, as needed, only when the rendering context is actually attached to a drawable object. You
can attach multiple rendering contexts to a set of drawing surfaces. Each context draws with its own
unique “pen” represented by its current state.

“Drawing to a Window or View” (page 29), “Drawing to the Full Screen” (page 43), and “Drawing
Offscreen” (page 51) show how to create a rendering context and attach it to a drawable object. As
you'll recall, each of the Apple-specific OpenGL APIs provides a routine that's fairly easy to use for
creating a rendering context. This chapter goes beyond creating rendering contexts; it shows how to
set context parameters, update rendering contexts, and set up a shared context.

Context Parameters

A rendering context has a variety of parameters that you can set to suit the needs of your OpenGL
drawing. Some of the most useful, and often overlooked, context parameters are discussed in this
section: swap interval, surface opacity, surface drawing order, and back-buffer size control.

Each of the Apple-specific OpenGL APIs provides a routine for setting and getting rendering context

■ The setValues:forParameter: method of the NSOpenGLContext class takes as arguments a list

of values and a list of parameters.
■ The aglSetInteger function takes as parameters a rendering context, a constant that specifies
an option, and a value for that option.
■ The CGLSetParameter function takes as parameters a rendering context, a constant that specifies
an option, and a value for that option.

Some parameters need to be enabled for their values to take effect. The reference documentation for
a parameter indicates whether a parameter needs to be enabled. See NSOpenGLContext Class Reference,
AGL Framework Reference, and CGL Reference.

Context Parameters 71
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Techniques for Working with Rendering Contexts

Swap Interval
The swap interval parameter synchronizes the vertical retrace. If the swap interval is set to 0 (the
default), buffers are swapped as soon as possible, without regard to the vertical refresh rate of the
monitor. If the swap interval is set to any other value, the buffers are swapped only during the vertical
retrace of the monitor. For more information, see “Draw Only When Necessary” (page 132).

You can use the following constants to specify that you are setting the swap interval value:

■ For Cocoa, use NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval.

■ For Carbon, use AGL_SWAP_INTERVAL.
■ If you are using the CGL API, use kCGLCPSwapInterval. See Listing 6-1.

Listing 6-1 Using CGL to set up synchronization

long sync = 1;
// ctx must be a valid context
CGLSetParameter (ctx, kCGLCPSwapInterval, &sync);

Surface Opacity
OpenGL surfaces are typically rendered as opaque. Thus the background color for pixels with alpha
values of 0.0 is the surface background color. If you set the value of the surface opacity parameter
to 0, then the contents of the surface are blended with the contents of surfaces behind the OpenGL
surface. This operation is equivalent to OpenGL blending with a source contribution proportional to
the source alpha and a background contribution proportional to 1 minus the source alpha. A value
of 1 means the surface is opaque (the default); 0 means completely transparent.

You can use the following constants to specify that you are setting the surface opacity value:

■ For Cocoa, use NSOpenGLCPSurfaceOpacity.

■ For Carbon, use AGL_SURFACE_OPACITY.
■ If you are using the CGL API, use kCGLCPSurfaceOpacity. See Listing 6-2.

Listing 6-2 Using CGL to set surface opacity

long opaque = 0;
// ctx must be a valid context
CGLSetParameter (ctx, kCGLCPSurfaceOpacity, &opaque);

Surface Drawing Order

The surface drawing order parameter specifies the position of the OpenGL surface relative to the
window. A value of 1 means that the position is above the window; a value of –1 specifies a position
that is below the window. When you have overlapping views, setting the order to -1 causes OpenGL
to draw underneath, 1 causes OpGL to draw on top. This parameter is useful for drawing user interface
controls on top of an OpenGL view.

72 Context Parameters
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Techniques for Working with Rendering Contexts

You can use the following constants to specify that you are setting the surface drawing order value:

■ For Cocoa, use NSOpenGLCPSurfaceOrder.

■ For Carbon, use AGL_SURFACE_ORDER.
■ If you are using the CGL API, use kCGLCPSurfaceOrder. See Listing 6-3.

Listing 6-3 Using CGL to set surface drawing order

long order = –1; // below window

// ctx must be a valid context
CGLSetParameter (ctx, kCGLCPSurfaceOrder, &order);

Vertex and Fragment Processing

CGL provides two parameters for checking whether the system is using the GPU for processing:
kCGLCPGPUVertexProcessing and kCGLCPGPUFragmentProcessing. To check vertex processing,
pass the vertex constant to the CGLGetParameter function. To check fragment processing, pass the
fragment constant to CGLGetParameter.

Listing 6-4 Using CGL to check whether the GPU is processing vertices and fragments

BOOL gpuProcessing;
GLint fragmentGPUProcessing, vertexGPUProcessing;
CGLGetParameter (CGLGetCurrentContext(), kCGLCPGPUFragmentProcessing,
CGLGetParameter(CGLGetCurrentContext(), kCGLCPGPUVertexProcessing,
gpuProcessing = (fragmentGPUProcessing && vertexGPUProcessing) ? YES : NO;

Back Buffer Size Control

Normally, the back buffer is the same size as the window or view that it's drawn into, and it changes
size when the window or view changes size. For a window whose size is 720 by 480 pixels, the OpenGL
back buffer is sized to match. If the window grows to 1024 by 768 pixels, for example, then the back
buffer tracks this growth. If you do not want this behavior, use the back buffer size control parameter.

Using this parameter fixes the size of the back buffer and lets the system scale the image automatically
when it moves the data to a variable size buffer (see Figure 6-1). The size of the back buffer remains
fixed at the size that you set up regardless of whether the image is resized to display larger onscreen.

You can use the following constants to specify that you are setting the surface drawing order value:

■ If you are using the CGL API, use kCGLCPSurfaceBackingSize, as shown in Listing 6-5.

Listing 6-5 Using CGL to set up back buffer size control

long dim[2] = {720, 480};

// ctx must be a valid context

Context Parameters 73
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Techniques for Working with Rendering Contexts

CGLSetParameter(ctx, kCGLCPSurfaceBackingSize, dim);

CGLEnable (ctx, kCGLCESurfaceBackingSize);

Figure 6-1 A fixed size back buffer and variable size front buffer

Updating a Rendering Context

A rendering context must be updated whenever the renderer or geometry changes. A renderer change
can occur when the user drags a window from one display to another. Geometry changes occur when
the display mode changes or when a a window is resized or moved. If the system does not update
the context automatically, then your application must perform the update. You need to track the
appropriate events and call the update function provided by the Apple-specific OpenGL API that
you're using.

Updating a rendering context is not the same as flushing graphics buffers. An update notifies the
rendering context of geometry changes; it doesn't flush content. Calling an update function allows
the OpenGL engine to ensure that the surface size is set and that the renderer is properly updated
for any virtual screen changes. If you don't update the rendering context you either do not see any
OpenGL rendering or you see rendering artifacts.

The routine that you call for updating determines how events related to renderer and geometry
changes are handled. For applications that subclass NSOpenGLView, Cocoa calls the update method
automatically. Applications that use the NSOpenGLContext class without subclassing its view must
call the update method of NSOpenGLContext directly. For a full-screen Cocoa application, calling the
setFullScreen method of NSOpenGLContext ensures that depth, size, or display changes take affect.

74 Updating a Rendering Context

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Techniques for Working with Rendering Contexts

Carbon applications drawing OpenGL content to a window should call the function aglUpdateContext.
For full-screen CGL and AGL applications, you need to call CGLSetFullScreen and aglSetFullScreen
respectively to ensure that depth, size, or display changes take affect rather than calling an update

Your application must update the rendering context after the system event but before drawing to the
context. If the drawable object is resized, you may want to issue a glViewport command to ensure
that the content scales properly.

Note: Some system-level events (such as display mode changes) that require a context update could
reallocate the buffers of the context, thus you need to redraw the entire scene after all context updates.

It's important that you don't update rendering contexts more than necessary. Your application should
respond to system-level events and notifications rather than updating every frame. For example,
you'll want to respond to window move and resize operations and to display configuration changes
such as a color depth change.

The sections that follow describe in more detail how to use Cocoa, AGL, and CGL to update a rendering
context, but you'll want to read “Tracking Renderer Changes” before going on to the sections specific
to the three APIs.

Tracking Renderer Changes

It's fairly straightforward to track geometry changes, but how are renderer changes tracked? This is
where the concept of a virtual screen becomes important (see “Virtual Screens” (page 21)). A change
in the virtual screen indicates a renderer change, a change in renderer capability, or both. When your
application detects a window resize event, window move event, or display change, it can then check
for a virtual screen change and respond to the change appropriately. This ensures that the current
application state reflects any changes in renderer capabilities.

Each of the Apple-specific OpenGL APIs has a function that returns the current virtual screen number:

■ The currentVirtualScreen method of the NSOpenGLContext class

■ The aglGetVirtualScreen function
■ The CGLGetVirtualScreen function

The virtual screen number represents an index in the list of virtual screens that were set up specifically
for the pixel format object used for the rendering context. The number is unique to the list but is
meaningless otherwise.

Updating a Rendering Context for a Custom Cocoa View

If you subclass NSView instead of using the NSOpenGLView class, your application must update the
rendering context. That's due to a slight difference between the events normally handled by the NSView
class and those handled by the NSOpenGLView class. Cocoa does not call a reshape method for the
NSView class when the size changes because that class does not export a reshape method to override.

Updating a Rendering Context 75

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Techniques for Working with Rendering Contexts

Instead, you need to perform reshape operations directly in your drawRect: method, looking for
changes in view bounds prior to actually drawing content. Using this approach provides results that
are equivalent to using the reshape method of the NSOpenGLView class.

Listing 6-6 is a partial implementation of a custom view that shows how to handle context updates.
The update method is called after move, resize, and display change events and when the surface
needs updating. The class adds an observer to the notification
NSViewGlobalFrameDidChangeNotification, giving a callback upon which to base context updates.
This notification is posted whenever an NSView object that has attached surfaces (that is,
NSOpenGLContext objects) resizes, moves, or changes coordinate offsets.

It's slightly more complicated to handle changes in the display configuration. For that, you need to
register for the notification NSApplicationDidChangeScreenParametersNotification through the
NSApplication class. This notification is posted whenever the configuration of any of the displays
attached to the computer is changed (either programmatically or when the user changes the settings
in the interface).

Listing 6-6 Handling context updates for a custom view

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
#import <OpenGL/gl.h>

@class NSOpenGLContext, NSOpenGLPixelFormat;

@interface CustomOpenGLView : NSView

NSOpenGLContext* _openGLContext;
NSOpenGLPixelFormat* _pixelFormat;

- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect

- (void)update;

@implementation CustomOpenGLView

- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect
self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect];
if (self != nil) {
_pixelFormat = [format retain];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
return self;

- (void)dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self

76 Updating a Rendering Context

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Techniques for Working with Rendering Contexts

[self clearGLContext];
[_pixelFormat release];
[super dealloc];

- (void)update
if ([_openGLContext view] == self) {
[_openGLContext update];

- (void) _surfaceNeedsUpdate:(NSNotification*)notification
[self update];


Updating a Rendering Context for a Carbon Window

The simplest way to handle resize and move events is by using Carbon events. To cover window
resize and move operations, your application can handle the events kEventWindowBoundsChanged
and kEventWindowZoomed. The system generates the event kEventWindowBoundsChanged for window
resize and window drag operations, which takes care of most cases other than a window zoom
operation. For that, track the event kEventWindowZoomed. For more information on these and other
Carbon events see Carbon Event Manager Programming Guide and Carbon Event Manager Reference.

Listing 6-7 demonstrates a simple window event handler. Note that the supporting routines needed
by the window event handler—MyHandleWindowUpdate, MyDisposeGL, and MyBuildGL—are not
shown in the listing. These are routines that you need to write. A detailed explanation for each
numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing 6-7 Handling Carbon events associated with an AGL context

#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>

static pascal OSStatus windowEvtHndlr (EventHandlerCallRef myHandler,

EventRef event,
void* userData)
WindowRef window;
AGLContext aglContext = (AGLContext) userData; // 1
Rect rectPort = {0,0,0,0};
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr;
UInt32 class = GetEventClass (event);
UInt32 kind = GetEventKind (event);

GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamDirectObject, typeWindowRef,

NULL, sizeof(WindowRef), NULL, &window);
if (window) {
GetWindowPortBounds (window, &rectPort);
switch (class) {

Updating a Rendering Context 77

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Techniques for Working with Rendering Contexts

case kEventClassWindow:
switch (kind) {
case kEventWindowActivated: // 2
case kEventWindowDrawContent: // 3
case kEventWindowClose: // 4
HideWindow (window);
MyDisposeGL (window);
case kEventWindowShown: // 5
MyBuildGL (window);
if (window == FrontWindow ())
SetUserFocusWindow (window);
InvalWindowRect (window, &rectPort);
case kEventWindowBoundsChanged: // 6
MyResizeGL (window, aglContext);
case kEventWindowZoomed: // 7
MyResizeGL (window, aglContext);
return result;

Here's what the code does:

1. Stores the rendering context, which is passed to the event handler through the userData parameter.

2. Passes the activation event through, which prevents an initial flash of the screen.

3. Handles a draw content event by calling your window update function.

4. Handles a window close event by calling your dispose function to perform the necessary cleanup

5. Handles a window shown event by calling your function that performs the necessary work to
render OpenGL to the window and to make the window frontmost with user focus.

6. Handles a window bounds changed event by resizing the window appropriately and then updating
the content.

7. Handles a zoom event by resizing the window.

The code to handle the context update is shown in Listing 6-8. In its simplest form this code ensures
the context of interest is current and then updates the context. Your application can also call the
function glViewport to update the size of the drawable object to the current window size or to some
other meaningful value. You might also want to update the projection matrix because the window
dimensions have changed, and thus the relative geometry of the window has changed.

78 Updating a Rendering Context

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Techniques for Working with Rendering Contexts

Listing 6-8 Updating a context using AGL

#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <AGL/agl.h>
#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>

void MyUpdateContextAGL (WindowRef window, AGLContext aglContext)

Rect rectPort;

aglSetCurrentContext (aglContext);
aglUpdateContext (aglContext);
GetWindowPortBounds (window, &rectPort);
glViewport (0, 0, rectPort.right - rectPort.left,
rectPort.bottom -;
/* Your code to update the projection matrix if needed */

It's slightly more complicated to handle changes in display configuration. You can detect these using
Display Manager callback functions. (See Display Manager Reference and Optimizing Display Modes and
Window Arrangement With the Display Manager.) You need to provide a callback function that conforms
to the DMExtendedNotificationProcPtr callback. Then, after creating a universal procedure pointer
to this function by calling the function NewDMExtendedNotificationUPP, register this UPP by calling
the function DMRegisterExtendedNotifyProc.

Listing 6-9 shows the callback, the UPP creation and registration tasks, and other tasks you need for
perform when handling display configuration changes. The callback function handleWindowDMEvent
is simple. It calls the context update routine and invalidates the full window graphics port bounds
to force an update event. Make sure to check for the kDMNotifyEvent message type; otherwise, the
event is probably not one for which you need to update the context. If you use multiple rendering
contexts or windows, it may be helpful to add the window or context to the user data.

Listing 6-9 Handling display configuration changes

#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <AGL/agl.h>

void handleWindowDMEvent (void *userData,

short msg, void *notifyData)
AGLContext aglContext = (AGLContext) userData;
if (kDMNotifyEvent == msg) {
MyUpdateContextAGL (window, aglContext);
GetWindowPortBounds (window, &rectPort);
InvalWindowRect (window, &rectPort);

void setupDMNotify (WindowRef window)

gWindowEDMUPP = NewDMExtendedNotificationUPP(handleWindowDMEvent);
DMRegisterExtendedNotifyProc (gWindowEDMUPP,
(void *)window, NULL, &psn);

OSStatus disposeDM Notify (WindowRef window)


Updating a Rendering Context 79

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Techniques for Working with Rendering Contexts

if (gWindowEDMUPP) {
DisposeDMExtendedNotificationUPP (gWindowEDMUPP);

Updating Full-screen AGL and CGL Rendering Contexts

It's easier to update full-screen drawable objects than it is windowed ones since the drawable object
position is fixed. Its size is directly linked to the display configuration, so full-screen applications
need to perform updates only when they actually change the configuration. Instead of calling a context
update routine, a full-screen application issues a set-full-screen call. Listing 6-10 and Listing 6-11 (page
81) show examples of AGL and CGL routines, respectively, to reset the full-screen context.

For AGL, the aglSetFullScreen function handles screen capture and display resizing; thus you just
need to ensure that a valid full-screen pixel format object and rendering context are created prior to
resizing. For CGL, you can use the Quartz Display Services functions CGCaptureAllDisplays,
CGDisplayBestModeForParametersAndRefreshRate (or similar function), and
CGDisplaySwitchToMode to set the requested display configuration. Then set the pixel format for the
display and call the resize function.

Note: When you capture all displays, using either the function aglSetFullScreen (but without
setting AGL_FS_CAPTURE_SINGLE) or the function CGCaptureAllDisplays, your application does not
see any Display Manager notifications, because the display configuration is fixed and does not change
until released. If you do not capture all displays, the application still receives display configuration
changes for the noncaptured displays. Normally full-screen applications do not need to handle these
display notifications, because they are for the displays not currently in use or of interest.

Listing 6-10 Handling full-screen updates using AGL

#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <AGL/agl.h>
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>

void MyResizeAGLFullScreen (AGLContext aglContext, GLSizei width,

GLSizei height)
GLint displayCaps [3];

if (!aglContext) // 1
aglSetCurrentContext (aglContext); // 2
aglSetFullScreen (aglContext, width, height, 0, 0); // 3
aglGetInteger (aglContext, AGL_FULLSCREEN, displayCaps); // 4
glViewport (0, 0, displayCaps[0], displayCaps[1]); // 5
// Your code to update the projection matrix here if needed

Here's what the code does:

1. Checks for a valid context and returns if the context is not valid. Note that the
MyResizeAGLFullScreen function assumes that the pixel format object associated with the context
was created with the full-screen attribute.

80 Updating a Rendering Context

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Techniques for Working with Rendering Contexts

2. Sets the context to the current context.

3. Attaches a full-screen drawable object to the context to ensure the context is updated.

4. Gets the display capabilities of the display, which are the width, height, and screen resolution.

5. Sets the viewport, specifying (0,0) as the left corner of the viewport rectangle, and the width
and height of the screen (which were obtained with the previous call to aglGetInteger).

Listing 6-11 assumes that the pixel format object associated with the context was created with the
full-screen, single display, and pixel depth attributes. Additionally, this code assumes that the screen
is captured and set to the requested dimensions. The viewport is not set here since the calling routine
actually sets the display size.

Listing 6-11 Handling full-screen updates using CGL

#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>

void MyResizeCGL (CGLContextObj cglContext)

if (!cglContext)
CGLSetCurrentContext (cglContext);
CGLSetFullScreen (cglContext);

Sharing Rendering Contexts

A rendering context does not own the drawing objects attached to it, which leaves open the option
for sharing. Rendering contexts can share resources and can be attached to the same drawable object
(see Figure 6-2) or to different drawable objects (see Figure 6-3). You set up context sharing—either
with more than one drawable object or with another context—at the time you create a rendering

Contexts can share object resources and their associated object state by indicating a shared context at
context creation time. Shared contexts share all texture objects, display lists, vertex programs, fragment
programs, and buffer objects created before and after sharing is initiated. The state of the objects are
also shared but not other context state, such as current color, texture coordinate settings, matrix and
lighting settings, rasterization state, and texture environment settings. You need to duplicate context
state changes as required, but you need to set up individual objects only once.

Sharing Rendering Contexts 81

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Figure 6-2 Shared contexts attached to the same drawable object

Context Context
object state


When you create an OpenGL context you can designate a second context to share object resources.
All sharing is peer to peer. Shared resources are reference-counted and thus are maintained until
explicitly released or when the last context sharing resource is released.

Not every context can be shared with every other context. Much depends on ensuring that the same
set of renderers supports both contexts. You can meet this requirement by ensuring each context uses
the same virtual screen list, using either of the following techniques:

■ Use the same pixel format object to create all the rendering contexts that you want to share.
■ Create pixel format objects using attributes that narrow down the choice to a single display. This
practice ensures that the virtual screen is identical for each pixel format object.

Figure 6-3 Shared contexts and more than one drawable object

Context Context
object state

Drawable Drawable
object object

Setting up shared rendering contexts is very straightforward. Each Apple-specific OpenGL API
provides functions with an option to specify a context to share in its context creation routine.

■ Use the share argument for the initWithFormat:shareContext: method of the NSOpenGLContext
class. See Listing 6-12 (page 82).
■ Use the share parameter for the function aglCreateContext. See Listing 6-13 (page 83).
■ Use the share parameter for the function CGLCreateContext. See Listing 6-14 (page 83).

Listing 6-12 ensures the same virtual screen list by using the same pixel format object for each of the
shared contexts.

Listing 6-12 Setting up an NSOpenGLContext object for sharing

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
+ (NSOpenGLPixelFormat*)defaultPixelFormat

82 Sharing Rendering Contexts

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Techniques for Working with Rendering Contexts

NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attributes [] = {
(NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)nil };
return [[(NSOpenGLPixelFormat *)[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc]
initWithAttributes:attribs] autorelease];

- (NSOpenGLContext*)openGLContextWithShareContext:(NSOpenGLContext*)context
if (_openGLContext == NULL) {
_openGLContext = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc]
initWithFormat:[[self class] defaultPixelFormat]
[_openGLContext makeCurrentContext];
[self prepareOpenGL];
return _openGLContext;

- (void)prepareOpenGL
// Your code here to initialize the OpenGL state

Listing 6-13 sets up two pixel formats objects—aglPixFmt and aglPixFmt2—that share the same

Listing 6-13 Getting the same virtual screen list with different attributes


disp = GetMainDevice();
aglPixFmt = aglChoosePixelFormat(&disp, 1, attrib);
aglContext = aglCreateContext(aglPixFmt, NULL);
//Use same display
aglPixFmt2 = aglChoosePixelFormat (&disp, 1, attrib2);
aglContext2 = aglCreateContext(aglPixFmt2, aglContext);

Listing 6-14 ensures the same virtual screen list by using the same pixel format object for each of the
shared contexts.

Listing 6-14 Setting up a CGL context for sharing

#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>

CGLPixelFormatAttribute attrib[] = {kCGLPFADoubleBuffer, 0};

CGLPixelFormatObj pixelFormat = NULL;
long numPixelFormats = 0;
CGLContextObj cglContext1 = NULL;
CGLContextObj cglContext2 = NULL;
CGLChoosePixelFormat (attribs, &pixelFormat, &numPixelFormats);
CGLCreateContext(pixelFormat, NULL, &cglContext1);
CGLCreateContext(pixelFormat, cglContext1, &cglContext2);

Sharing Rendering Contexts 83

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Techniques for Working with Rendering Contexts

See Also

OpenGL sample code projects (Sample Code > Graphics & Imaging > OpenGL):

■ GLCarbon1ContextPbuffer demonstrates using a single shared rendering context with OpenGL

pixel buffer objects.

84 See Also
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C H A P T E R 7

Techniques for Choosing Attributes

Renderer and buffer attributes determine the renderers that the system chooses for your application.
Each of the Apple-specific OpenGL APIs provides constants that specify a variety of renderer and
buffer attributes. You supply a list of attribute constants to one of the Apple OpenGL functions for
choosing a pixel format object. The pixel format object maintains a list of appropriate renderers. In
previous chapters, you saw how to set up an attributes array that contains a small set of attributes.

In a real-world application, selecting attributes is an art because you don't know the exact combination
of hardware and software that your application will run on. An attribute list that is too restrictive
could miss out on future capabilities or not be able to run on many systems. For example, if you
specify a buffer of a specific depth, your application won't be able to take advantage of a larger buffer
when more memory is available in the future. In this case, you might specify a required minimum
and direct OpenGL to use the maximum available.

Although you might want to specify attributes that make your OpenGL content look and run its best,
you also need to consider whether you'll allow your application to run on a less-capable system at
the expense of speed or detail. If tradeoffs are acceptable, you'll need to set the attributes accordingly.

Buffer Size Attribute Selection Tips

Follow these guidelines to choose buffer attributes that specify buffer size:

■ To choose color, depth, and accumulation buffers that are greater than or equal to a size you
specify, use the minimum policy attribute (NSOpenGLPFAMinimumPolicy, AGL_MINIMUM_POLICY,
and kCGLPFAMinimumPolicy).
■ To choose color, depth, and accumulation buffers that are closest in size to a size you specify, use
the closest policy attribute (NSOpenGLPFAClosestPolicy, AGL_CLOSEST_POLICY, and

■ To choose the largest color, depth, and accumulation buffers available, use the maximum policy
attribute (NSOpenGLPFAMaximumPolicy, AGL_MAXIMUM_POLICY, and kCGLPFAMaximumPolicy).
As long as you pass a value that is greater than 0, this attribute specifies the use of color, depth,
and accumulation buffers that are the largest size possible.

Buffer Size Attribute Selection Tips 85

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Techniques for Choosing Attributes

Attributes that are not Recommended

There are several renderer and buffer attributes that are no longer recommended either because they
are too narrowly focused or no longer useful:

■ The backing store attribute (NSOpenGLPFABackingStore, AGL_BACKING_STORE, and

kCGLPFABackingStore) specifies only renderers that have a back color buffer that matches the
full size of the drawable object and that guarantee that the back buffer contents are valid after a
buffer flushing operation (such as a call to the flushBuffer method of the NSOpenGLContext
■ The robust attribute (NSOpenGLPFARobust, AGL_ROBUST, and kCGLPFARobust) specifies only those
renderers that do not have any failure modes associated with a lack of video card resources.
■ The multiple-screen attribute (NSOpenGLPFAMultiScreen, AGL_MULTISCREEN, and
kCGLPFAMultiScreen) specifies only those renderers that can drive more than one screen at a
■ The multiprocessing-safe attribute (AGL_MP_SAFE and kCGLPFAMPSafe) specifies only those
renderers that are thread safe. This attribute is deprecated in Mac OS X because all renderers can
accept commands for threads running on a second processor. However, this does not mean that
all renderers are thread safe or reentrant. See “Multithreading and OpenGL” (page 125).
■ The compliant attribute (NSOpenGLPFACompliant, AGL_COMPLIANT, and kCGLPFACompliant)
specifies only OpenGL-compliant renderers. All Mac OS X renderers are OpenGL-compliant, so
this attribute is no longer useful.

Ensuring a Valid Pixel Format Object

The pixel format routines (the initWithAttributes method of the NSOpenGLPixelFormat class,
aglChoosePixelFormat, and CGLChoosePixelFormat) return a pixel format object to your application
that you use to create a rendering context. The buffer and renderer attributes that you supply to the
pixel format routine determine the characteristics of the OpenGL drawing sent to the rendering
context. If the system can't find at least one pixel format that satisfies the constraints specified by the
attribute array, it returns NULL for the pixel format object. In this case, your application should have
an alternative that ensures it can obtain a valid object.

One alternative is to set up your attribute array with the least restrictive attribute first and the most
restrictive attribute last. Then, it is fairly easy to adjust the attribute list and make another request for
a pixel format object. The code in Listing 7-1 illustrates this technique using the CGL API, but you
can just as easily use Cocoa or the AGL API. Notice that the initial attributes list is set up with the
supersample attribute last in the list. If the function CGLChoosePixelFormat returns NULL the first
time it's called, the code sets the supersample attribute to NULL and once again requests a pixel format

Listing 7-1 Using the CGL API to create a pixel format object

int last_attribute = 6;
CGLPixelFormatAttribute attribs[] =

86 Attributes that are not Recommended

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C H A P T E R 7
Techniques for Choosing Attributes

kCGLPFAColorSize, 24
kCGLPFADepthSize, 16,

CGLPixelFormatObj pixelFormatObj;
long numPixelFormats;
long value;

CGLChoosePixelFormat (attribs, &pixelFormatObj, &numPixelFormats);

if( pixelFormatObj == NULL ) {

attribs[last_attribute] = NULL;
CGLChoosePixelFormat (attribs, &pixelFormatObj, &numPixelFormats);

if( pixelFormatObj == NULL ) {

// Your code to notify the user and take action.

Ensuring a Specific Type of Renderer

There are times when you'll want to ensure that you obtain a pixel format that supports a specific
renderer type, such as a hardware-accelerated renderer. Table 7-1 lists attributes that support specific
types of renderers. The table reflects the following tips for setting up pixel formats:

■ To select only hardware-accelerated renderers, use both the accelerated and no recovery attributes.
■ To use only the floating point software renderer, use the appropriate generic floating-point
■ To render to system memory, use the offscreen pixel attribute. Note that this rendering option
does not use hardware acceleration.
■ To render offscreen with hardware acceleration, specify a pixel buffer attribute. (See “Rendering
to a Pixel Buffer” (page 55).)

Table 7-1 Renderer types and pixel format attributes

Renderer type CGL AGL Cocoa

Hardware-accelerated kCGLPFAAccelerated AGL_ACCELERATED NSOpen-

onscreen kCGLPFANoRecovery AGL_NO_RECOVERY GLPFAAccelerated


(floating-point) kCGLRendererGeneric- AGL_RENDERER_- ID
FloatID GENERIC_FLOAT_ID kCGLRendererGeneric-

Ensuring a Specific Type of Renderer 87

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Renderer type CGL AGL Cocoa

Software (deprecated on kCGLPFARendererID AGL_RENDERER_ID NSOpenGLPFARenderer-

Intel-based Macs) kCGLRenderer- AGL_RENDERER_- ID
GenericID GENERIC_ID kCGLRenderer-

System memory (not kCGLPFAOffScreen AGL_OFFSCREEN NSOpenGLPFAOffScreen


Hardware-accelerated kCGLPFAPBuffer AGL_PBUFFER NSOpenGLPFAPixel-

offscreen Buffer

Ensuring a Single Renderer for a Display

In some cases you may want to use a specific hardware renderer and nothing else. Since the OpenGL
framework normally provides a software renderer as a fallback in addition to whatever hardware
renderer it chooses, you need to prevent OpenGL from choosing the software renderer as an option.
You either need to specify the no recovery attribute for a windowed drawable object or use a full-screen
drawable object. (The full-screen attribute always implies not to use the software renderer as an

Limiting a context to use a specific display, and thus a single renderer, has its risks. If your application
runs on a system that uses more than one display, then dragging a windowed drawable object from
one display to the other will likely yield a less than satisfactory result. Either the rendering will fail,
or OpenGL uses the specified renderer to copy the drawing to the second display. The same
unsatisfactory result happens when attaching a full-screen context to another display. If you choose
to use the hardware renderer associated with a specific display, you need to add code that detects
and handles display changes.

The three code examples that follow show how to use each of the Apple-specific OpenGL APIs to set
up a context that uses a single renderer. Listing 7-2 shows how to set up an NSOpenGLPixelFormat
object that supports a single renderer. The attribute NSOpenGLPFANoRecovery specifies to OpenGL
not to provide the fallback option of the software renderer.

Listing 7-2 Setting an NSOpenGLContext object to use a specific display

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
+ (NSOpenGLPixelFormat*)defaultPixelFormat
NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attributes [] = {
NSOpenGLPFAScreenMask, 0,
(NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)nil };
CGDirectDisplayID display = CGMainDisplayID ();
// Adds the display mask attrib for selected display
attributes[1] = (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)
CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask (display);
return [[(NSOpenGLPixelFormat *)[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc]

88 Ensuring a Single Renderer for a Display

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Listing 7-3 shows how to use AGL to set up a context that uses a single renderer. The attribute
AGL_NO_RECOVERY specifies to OpenGL not to provide the fallback option of the software renderer.

Listing 7-3 Setting an AGL context to use a specific display

#include <AGL/agl.h>
GDHandle display = GetMainDevice ();
AGLPixelFormat aglPixFmt = aglChoosePixelFormat (&display, 1, attrib);

Listing 7-4 shows how to use CGL to set up a context that uses a single renderer. The attribute
kCGLPFAFullScreen ensures that OpenGL does not provide the fallback option of the software

Listing 7-4 Setting a CGL context to use a specific display

#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
CGLPixelFormatAttribute attribs[] = { kCGLPFADisplayMask, 0,
0 };
CGLPixelFormatObj pixelFormat = NULL;
long numPixelFormats = 0;
CGLContextObj cglContext = NULL;
CGDirectDisplayID display = CGMainDisplayID ();
// Adds the display mask attrib for selected display
attribs[1] = CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask (display);
CGLChoosePixelFormat (attribs, &pixelFormat, &numPixelFormats);

See Also

Reference documentation for buffer and renderer attributes in the Constants sections of:

■ AGL Framework Reference

■ CGL Reference
■ NSOpenGLPixelFormat Class Reference

See Also 89
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Techniques for Choosing Attributes

90 See Also
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C H A P T E R 8

Techniques for Working with Vertex Data

Complex shapes and detailed 3D models require large amounts of vertex data to describe them in
OpenGL. Moving vertex data from your application to the graphics hardware incurs a performance
cost that can be quite large depending on the size of the data set. Applications that use large vertex
data sets can adopt one or more strategies to optimize how the data flows to OpenGL.

Figure 8-1 Vertex data sets can be quite large

This chapter provides best practices for working with vertex data, describes how to use extensions
to optimize performance, shows how to use a fence command to test for completion of OpenGL
commands, and discusses how to set up double buffers.

Best Practices for Working with Vertex Data

Understanding how vertex data flows through an OpenGL program is important to choosing strategies
for handling the data. Vertex data can travel through OpenGL in two ways, as shown in Figure 8-2.
The first way, from vertex data to per-vertex operations, is as part of an OpenGL command sequence
that is issued by the application and executed immediately (immediate mode). The second is packaged
as a named display list that can be preprocessed ahead of time and used later in the program.

Best Practices for Working with Vertex Data 91

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Figure 8-2 Vertex data path

Vertex data


Display lists Rasterization Framebuffer

Per-pixel Texture
operations assembly

Pixel data

Figure 8-3 provides a closer look at the vertex data path when using immediate mode. Without any
optimizations, your vertex data can be copied at various points in the data path. OpenGL is required
to capture the current vertex state when you use immediate mode. If your code uses functions that
operate on vertex arrays, you can eliminate the command buffer copy shown in Figure 8-3. The
OpenGL commands glDrawRangeElements, glDrawElements, and glDrawArrays render multiple
geometric primitives from array data, using very few subroutine calls. It's best to use
glDrawRangeElements, with glDrawElements the second choice, and glDrawArrays the third.

Figure 8-3 Immediate mode requires a copy of the current vertex data

Application Original

Current vertex Copy

Command buffer Copy



In addition to using functions that operate on vertex arrays, there are a number of other strategies
that you can adopt to optimize the flow of vertex data in your application:

■ Minimize data type conversions by supplying OpenGL data types for vertex data. Use GLfloat,
GLshort, or GLubyte data types because most graphics processors handle these types natively.
If you use some other type, then OpenGL may need to perform a costly data conversion.

92 Best Practices for Working with Vertex Data

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Techniques for Working with Vertex Data

■ The most desirable want to handle vertex data is to use the GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range or
GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object extensions. (See “Using Extensions to Improve
Performance” (page 93).) If you can't use these extensions, then make sure you use vertex arrays
and display lists. Avoid using immediate mode. But if your code must use immediate mode,
maximize the number of vertices per draw command or within a begin-end code block.
■ Use vertex programs to perform computations on vertex data instead of using the CPU to perform
the computations.
■ If your code must use immediate mode, use CGL macros (for Cocoa or Carbon) or AGL macros
(Carbon only). Macros use the function call dispatch table directly, which can dramatically reduce
function call overhead. See “Use OpenGL Macros” (page 133).

Using Extensions to Improve Performance

The vertex array range (GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range) and vertex buffer object

(GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object) extensions were created to help streamline the vertex data path.
Although both can improve application performance, the vertex buffer object extension should be
your first choice and the vertex array range extension your second. The vertex array range extension
provides the GPU with direct access to your data. When your data is dynamic, the burden is on your
application to synchronize access to that data. Vertex buffer objects, on the other hand, don't require
your application to synchronize data access, which is the primary reason why they are preferred.
You'll read more about each extension in the sections that follow.

For dynamic vertex array data, these extensions set up DMA from the application to the GPU, as
shown in Figure 8-4. Notice that copies of the vertex data are not maintained in VRAM. This means
that each time the data is drawn, it gets moved from the application to the GPU. It's important to
ensure that this happens asynchronously.

Figure 8-4 Extensions allow dynamic data to use DMA

Application Original

Current vertex

Command buffer



For static vertex data, you can use these extensions to cache the data in VRAM, which allows the data
to utilize the full bandwidth of the graphics processor bus, as shown in Figure 8-5. Data needs to be
copied to VRAM only once.

Using Extensions to Improve Performance 93

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Figure 8-5 Extensions allow static vertex data to use VRAM storage

Application Original

Current vertex

Command buffer



The next sections describe these extensions in more detail as well as the Apple fence extension
(GL_APPLE_fence), which is used to synchronize drawing commands.

Vertex Array Range Extension

The vertex array range extension (APPLE_vertex_array_range) lets you define a region of memory
for your vertex data. This allows the OpenGL driver to optimize memory usage by creating a single
memory mapping for your vertex data. You can also provide a hint as to how the data should be
stored: cached or shared. The cached option specifies to cache vertex data in video memory. The
shared option indicates that data should be mapped into a region of memory that allows the GPU to
access the vertex data directly using DMA transfer. This option is best for dynamic data. If you use
shared memory, you'll need to double buffer your data. See “Double Buffering Vertex Data” (page

You can set up and use the vertex array range extension by following these steps:

1. Enable the extension by calling glEnableClientState and supplying the


2. Allocate storage for the vertex data. You are responsible for maintaining storage for the data.

3. Define an array of vertex data by calling a function such as glVertexPointer. You need to supply
a pointer to your data.

4. Optionally set up a hint about handling the storage of the array data by calling the function

GLvoid glVertexArrayParameteriAPPLE(GLenum pname, GLint param);


param is a hint that specifies how your application expects to use the data. OpenGL uses this hint
to optimize performance. You can supply either STORAGE_SHARED_APPLE or
STORAGE_CACHED_APPLE. The default value is STORAGE_SHARED_APPLE, which indicates that the

94 Using Extensions to Improve Performance

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Techniques for Working with Vertex Data

vertex data is dynamic and that OpenGL should use optimization and flushing techniques suitable
for this kind of data. If you expect the data to be static supply, STORAGE_CACHED_APPLE so that
OpenGL uses VRAM caching and other techniques to optimize memory bandwidth.

5. Call the OpenGL function glVertexArrayRangeAPPLE to establish the data set.

void glVertexArrayRangeAPPLE(GLsizei length, GLvoid *pointer);

length specifies the length of the vertex array range. The length is typically the number of
unsigned bytes.

*pointer points to the base of the vertex array range.

6. Draw with the vertex data using standard OpenGL vertex array commands.

7. Call glFlushVertexArrayRangeAPPLE.

void glFlushVertexArrayRangeAPPLE(GLsizei length, GLvoid *pointer);

length specifies the length of the vertex array range, in bytes.

*pointer points to the base of the vertex array range.

For dynamic data, each time you change the data, you need to maintain synchronicity by calling
glFlushVertexArrayRangeAPPLE. You supply as parameters an array size and a pointer to an
array, which can be a subset of the data, as long as it includes all of the data that changed. Contrary
to the name of the function, glFlushVertexArrayRangeAPPLE doesn't actually flush data like
the OpenGL function glFlush does. It simply makes OpenGL aware that the data has changed.

To make sure that your data is fully coherent, in addition to calling

glFlushVertexArrayRangeAPPLE after drawing and prior to modifying the data, you need either
to call glFinish or to set up a fence. The APPLE_fence extension lets you set up selective
synchronization. See “Fence Extension” (page 98) and “Double Buffering Vertex Data” (page

Listing 8-1 shows code that sets up and uses the vertex array range extension with dynamic data. It
overwrites all of the vertex data during each iteration through the drawing loop. The call to the
glFinishFenceAPPLE command guarantees that the CPU and the GPU don't access the data at the
same time. Although this example calls the glFinishFenceAPPLE function almost immediately after
setting the fence, in reality you need to separate these calls to allow parallel operation of the GPU
and CPU. To see how that's done, read “Double Buffering Vertex Data” (page 99).

Listing 8-1 Using the vertex array range extension with dynamic data

// To set up the vertex array range extension

glVertexArrayRangeAPPLE(buffer_size, my_vertex_pointer);

glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, my_vertex_pointer);

// When you want to draw using the vertex data

Using Extensions to Improve Performance 95

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Techniques for Working with Vertex Data

draw_loop {
glFlushVertexArrayRangeAPPLE(buffer_size, my_vertex_pointer);

Listing 8-2 shows code that uses the vertex array range extension with static data. Unlike the setup
for dynamic data, the setup for static data includes using the hint for cached data. Because the data
is static, it's unnecessary to set a fence.

Listing 8-2 Using the vertex array range extension with static data

// To set up the vertex array range extension

glVertexArrayRangeAPPLE(array_size, my_vertex_pointer);

glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, stride, my_vertex_pointer);

// When you want to draw using the vertex data

draw_loop {

For detailed information on this extension, see the OpenGL specification for the vertex array range

Vertex Buffer Object Extension

The vertex buffer object extension (GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object) can be used along with vertex
arrays to improve the throughput of static or dynamic vertex data in your application. A buffer object
is a chunk of memory. You can read and write directly to this memory using OpenGL calls such as
glBufferData, glBufferSubData, and glGetBufferSubData or you can access memory through a
pointer, an operation referred to as mapping a buffer.

You can set up and use the vertex buffer object extension by following these steps:

1. Call the function glBindBufferARB to bind an unused name to a buffer object. After this call, the
newly created buffer object is initialized with a memory buffer of size zero and a default state.
(For the default setting, see the OpenGL specification for ARB_vertex_buffer_object.)

void glBindBufferARB(GLenum target, GLuint buffer);

target must be set to ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB.

buffer specifies the unique name for the buffer object.

2. So that you can use vertex arrays with the vertex buffer object, enable the vertex array by calling
glEnableClientState and supplying the GL_VERTEX_ARRAY constant.

96 Using Extensions to Improve Performance

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Techniques for Working with Vertex Data

3. Define an array of vertex data by calling a function such as glVertexPointer. You need to supply
an offset into your data buffer.

4. Create and initialize the data store of the buffer object by calling the function glBufferDataARB.
Essentially, this call uploads your data to the GPU.

void glBufferDataARB(GLenum target, sizeiptrARB size,

const GLvoid *data, GLenum usage);

target must be set to ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB.

size specifies the size of the data store.

*data points to the source data. If this is not NULL, the source data is copied to the data store of
the buffer object. If NULL, the contents of the data store are undefined.

usage is a constant that provides a hint as to how your application plans to use the data store.
You can supply any of nine constants defined by the OpenGL specification. OpenGL uses the
hint to optimize performance, not to constrain your use of the data. You'll see two of these constants
in the examples that follow: GL_STREAM_DRAW_ARB, which indicates that the application plans to
draw with the data repeatedly and to modify the data, and GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB, which indicates
that the application will define the data once but use it to draw many times.

5. Map the data store of the buffer object to your application address space by calling the function

void *glMapBufferARB(GLenum target, GLenum access);

target must be set to ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB.

access indicates the operations you plan to perform on the data. You can supply READ_ONLY_ARB,

6. Write the vertex data to its destination.

7. When you no longer need the vertex data, call the function glUnmapBufferARB. You must supply
ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB as the parameter to this function.

Listing 8-3 shows code that uses the vertex buffer object extension for dynamic data. This example
overwrites all of the vertex data during every draw operation.

Listing 8-3 Using the vertex buffer object extension with dynamic data

// To set up the vertex buffer object extension

#define BUFFER_OFFSET(i) ((char*)NULL + (i))
glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, myBufferName);

glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, stride, BUFFER_OFFSET(0));

// When you want to draw using the vertex data

draw_loop {
my_vertex_pointer = glMapBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, GL_WRITE_ONLY_ARB);

Using Extensions to Improve Performance 97

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Techniques for Working with Vertex Data


Listing 8-4 shows codes that uses the vertex buffer object extension with static data.

Listing 8-4 Using the vertex buffer object extension with static data

// To set up the vertex buffer object extension

#define BUFFER_OFFSET(i) ((char*)NULL + (i))
glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, myBufferName);
GLvoid* my_vertex_pointer = glMapBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB,

glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, stride, BUFFER_OFFSET(0));

// When you want to draw using the vertex data

draw_loop {

For detailed information on this extension, see the OpenGL specification for the vertex buffer object

Fence Extension
The fence extension (APPLE_fence) is designed to synchronize drawing commands with modifications
that you make to vertex data. A fence is a token used to mark the current point in the command
stream. When used correctly, it allows you to ensure that drawing with a range of vertex array data
(whether it's the entire set or a subset) is complete before you modify the data. When you use the
fence you must synchronize the data.

This extension was created because the OpenGL commands glFlush and glFinish don't offer the
level of granularity that is often needed to synchronize drawing and data modifications. A fence can
help you coordinate activity between the CPU and the GPU when they are using the same resources.
You'll want to use a fence when you are using the vertex array range extension for dynamic data.
You do not need to use a fence for vertex buffer objects, but you do need to use a fence when you use
the vertex array range extension and the shared memory hint.

Follow these steps to set up and use a fence:

1. Set up the fence by calling the function glSetFenceApple. This function inserts a token into the
command stream and sets the fence state to false.

void glSetFenceAPPLE(GLuint fence);

fence specifies the token to insert. For example:

GLint myFence = 1;

98 Using Extensions to Improve Performance

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Techniques for Working with Vertex Data

2. Wait for all OpenGL commands issued prior to the fence to complete by calling the function

void glFinishFenceAPPLE(GLuint fence);

fence specifies the token that was inserted previously. For example:


There is an art to determining where to insert a fence in the command stream. If you insert a fence
for too few drawing commands, you risk having your application stall while it waits for drawing to
complete. You'll want to set a fence so your application operates as asynchronously as possible without

The fence extension also lets you synchronize buffer updates for objects such as vertex arrays and
textures. For that you call the function glFinishObjectAPPLE, supplying an object name along with
the token.

For detailed information on this extension, see the OpenGL specification for the Apple fence extension.

Double Buffering Vertex Data

When you use the vertex array range extension and the shared memory hint, the GPU reads data
directly from memory managed by your application. To avoid having the GPU and your application
access the data at the same time, you'll need to synchronize access. A simple approach is for your
application to operate on the vertex array data, flush it to the GPU, and wait until the GPU is finished
before working on the data again. This is what Figure 8-6 shows.

To ensure that the GPU is finished executing commands before the CPU sends more data, you can
insert a token into the command stream and use that to determine when the CPU can touch the data
again, as described in “Fence Extension” (page 98). Figure 8-6 uses the fence extension command
glFinishObject to synchronize buffer updates. Notice that when the CPU is processing data, the
GPU is waiting. Similarly, when the GPU is processing data, the CPU is waiting. In other words, the
application executes synchronously. A more efficient way is for the application to double buffer your
data so that you can use the waiting time to process more data.

Double Buffering Vertex Data 99

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Techniques for Working with Vertex Data

Figure 8-6 Single-buffered vertex array data

TIME Frame 1 Frame 2

glFinishObject(..., 1) glFinishObject(..., 1)

CPU Vertex array 1 Vertex array 1

glFlush glFlush

GPU Vertex array 1 Vertex array 1

To double buffer your data, you must supply two sets of data to work on. Notice in Figure 8-7 that
while the GPU is operating on one set of vertex array data, the CPU is processing the next. After the
initial startup, neither processing unit is idle. Using the glFinishObject function provided by the
fence extension, as shown, ensures that buffer updates are synchronized

Figure 8-7 Double-buffered vertex array data

TIME Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4

glFinishObject(..., 2) glFinishObject(..., 2)

glFinishObject(..., 1) glFinishObject(..., 1)

CPU Vertex array 1 Vertex array 2 Vertex array 1 Vertex array 2

glFlush glFlush glFlush glFlush

GPU Vertex array 1 Vertex array 2 Vertex array 1 Vertex array 2

See Also

OpenGL extension specifications:

■ APPLE_vertex_array_range
■ ARB_vertex_buffer_object
■ APPLE_fence

OpenGL sample code projects (Sample Code > Graphics & Imaging > OpenGL):

100 See Also

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Techniques for Working with Vertex Data

■ Vertex Optimization demonstrates different ways to optimize vertex programs.

■ VertexPerformanceTest shows slow and fast vertex data paths.
■ VertexPerformanceDemo measures triangle throughput and compares different coding methods.

See Also 101

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Techniques for Working with Vertex Data

102 See Also

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C H A P T E R 9

Techniques for Working with Texture Data

Textures add realism to OpenGL objects. They are what makes the objects defined by vertex data take
on the material properties of real-world objects, such as wood, brick, metal, and fur. Texture data can
originate from many sources, including images. As with vertex data, there are a variety of techniques
you can use to minimize the number of times texture data is copied and converted as it's moved
throughout the system.

Figure 9-1 Textures add realism to a scene

Textures start as pixel data that flows through an OpenGL program, as shown in Figure 9-2. As with
vertex data you can supply pixel data in two ways. The first way, from pixel data to per-pixel
operations, is as part of an OpenGL command sequence that is issued by the application and executed
immediately (immediate mode). The second is packaged as a named display list that can be
preprocessed ahead of time and used later in the program.

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Techniques for Working with Texture Data

Figure 9-2 Texture data path

Vertex data


Display lists Rasterization Framebuffer

Per-pixel Texture
operations assembly

Pixel data

The precise route that texture data takes from your application to its final destination can impact the
performance of your application. The purpose of this chapter is to provide techniques you can use
to ensure optimal processing of texture data in your application. This chapter

■ shows how to use OpenGL extensions to optimize performance

■ lists optimal data formats and types
■ provides information on working with textures whose dimensions are not a power of two
■ describes creating textures from image data
■ shows how to download textures
■ discusses using double buffers for texture data

Using Extensions to Optimize

Without any optimizations, texture data flows through an OpenGL program as shown in Figure 9-3.
Data from your application first goes to the OpenGL framework, which may make a copy of the data
before handing it to the driver. If your data is not in a native format for the hardware (see “Optimal
Data Formats and Types” (page 109)), the driver may also make a copy of the data to convert it to a
hardware-specific format for uploading to video memory. Video memory, in turn, can keep a copy
of the data. Theoretically, there could be four copies of your texture data throughout the system.

104 Using Extensions to Optimize

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Figure 9-3 Data copies in an OpenGL program


OpenGL framework

OpenGL driver



Data flows at different rates through the system, as shown by the size of the arrows in Figure 9-3. The
fastest data transfer happens between VRAM and the GPU. The slowest transfer occurs between the
OpenGL driver and VRAM. Data moves between the application and the OpenGL framework, and
between the framework and the driver at the same "medium" rate. Eliminating any of the data transfers,
but the slowest one in particular, will improve application performance.

There are several extensions you can use to eliminate one or more data copies and control how texture
data travels from your application to the GPU:

■ GL_APPLE_client_storage

■ GL_APPLE_texture_range along with a storage hint, either GL_STORAGE_CACHED_APPLE or


■ GL_ARB_texture_rectangle

The sections that follow describe the extensions and show how to use them.

Apple Client Storage

The Apple client storage extension (APPLE_client_storage) lets you provide OpenGL with a pointer
to memory that your application allocates and maintains. OpenGL retains a pointer to your data but
does not copy the data. Because OpenGL references your data, this extension requires that you retain
a copy of your texture data until it is no longer needed. By using this extension you can eliminate the
OpenGL framework copy as shown in Figure 9-4.

Using Extensions to Optimize 105

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Figure 9-4 The client storage extension eliminates a data copy


OpenGL framework

OpenGL driver



The Apple client storage extension defines a pixel storage parameter,

GL_UNPACK_CLIENT_STORAGE_APPLE, that you pass to the OpenGL function glPixelStorei to specify
that your application retains storage for textures. The following code sets up client storage:


For detailed information, see the OpenGL specification for the Apple client storage extension.

Apple Texture Range and Rectangle Texture

The Apple texture range extension (APPLE_texture_range) lets you define a region of memory used
for texture data. Typically you specify an address range that encompasses the storage for a set of
textures. This allows the OpenGL driver to optimize memory usage by creating a single memory
mapping for all of the textures. You can also provide a hint as to how the data should be stored:
cached or shared. The cached hint specifies to cache texture data in video memory. This hint is
recommended when you have textures that you plan to use multiple times or that use linear filtering.
The shared hint indicates that data should be mapped into a region of memory that enables the GPU
to access the texture data directly (via DMA) without the need to copy it. This hint is best when you
are using large images only once, perform nearest-neighbor filtering, or need to scale down the size
of an image.

The texture range extension defines the following routine for making a single memory mapping for
all of the textures used by your application:

void glTextureRangeAPPLE(GLenum target, GLsizei length, GLvoid *pointer);

target is a valid texture target, such as GL_TEXTURE_2D.

length specifies the number of bytes in the address space referred to by the pointer parameter.

*pointer points to the address space that your application provides for texture storage.

You provide the hint parameter and a parameter value to to the OpenGL function glTexParameteri.
The possible values for the storage hint parameter (GL_TEXTURE_STORAGE_HINT_APPLE) are

106 Using Extensions to Optimize

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Techniques for Working with Texture Data

Some hardware requires texture dimensions to be a power-of-two before the hardware can upload
the data using DMA. The rectangle texture extension (ARB_texture_rectangle) was introduced to
allow texture targets for textures of any dimensions—that is, rectangle textures
(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB). You need to use the rectangle texture extension together with the
Apple texture range extension to ensure OpenGL uses DMA to access your texture data. These
extensions allow you to bypass the OpenGL driver, as shown in Figure 9-5.

Note that OpenGL does not use DMA for a power-of-two texture target (GL_TEXTURE_2D). So, unlike
the rectangular texture, the power-of-two texture will incur one additional copy and performance
won't be quite as fast. The performance typically isn't an issue because games, which are the
applications most likely to use power-of-two textures, load textures at the start of a game or level and
don't upload textures in real time as often as applications that use rectangular textures, which usually
play video or display images.

The next section has code examples that use the texture range and rectangle textures together with
the Apple client storage extension.

Figure 9-5 The texture range extension eliminates a data copy


OpenGL framework

OpenGL driver



For detailed information on these extensions, see the OpenGL specification for the Apple texture
range extension and the OpenGL specification for the ARB texture rectangle extension.

Combining Extensions
You can use the Apple client storage extension along with the Apple texture range extension to
streamline the texture data path in your application. When used together, OpenGL moves texture
data directly into video memory, as shown in Figure 9-6. The GPU directly accesses your data (via
DMA). The set up is slightly different for rectangular and power-of-two textures. The code examples
in this section upload textures to the GPU. You can also use these extensions to download textures,
see “Downloading Texture Data” (page 114).

Using Extensions to Optimize 107

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Techniques for Working with Texture Data

Figure 9-6 Combining extensions to eliminate data copies


OpenGL framework

OpenGL driver



Listing 9-1 shows how to use the extensions for a rectangular texture. After enabling the texture
rectangle extension you need to bind the rectangular texture to a target. Next, set up the storage hint.
Call glPixelStorei to set up the Apple client storage extension. Finally, call the function
glTexImage2D with a with a rectangular texture target and a pointer to your texture data.

Note: The texture rectangle extension limits what can be done with rectangular textures. To understand
the limitations in detail, read the OpenGL extension for texture rectangles. See “Working with
Non–Power-of-Two Textures” (page 109) for an overview of the limitations and an alternative to using
this extension.

Listing 9-1 Using texture extensions for a rectangular texture

0, GL_RGBA, sizex, sizey, GL_BGRA,

Setting up a power-of-two texture to use these extensions is similar to what's needed to set up a
rectangular texture, as you can see by looking at Listing 9-2. The difference is that the GL_TEXTURE_2D
texture target replaces the GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB texture target.

Listing 9-2 Using texture extensions for a power-of-two texture

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, myTextureName);



108 Using Extensions to Optimize

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Techniques for Working with Texture Data

glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA,
sizex, sizey, GL_BGRA,
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, myImagePtr);

Optimal Data Formats and Types

The best internal format and data type combinations to use for texture data are:


The combination GL_RGBA and GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE needs to be swizzled by many cards when the
data is loaded, so it's not recommended.

Working with Non–Power-of-Two Textures

With more and more frequency, OpenGL is being used to process video and images, which typically
have dimensions that are not a power-of-two. Until OpenGL 2.0, the texture rectangle extension
(ARB_texture_rectangle) provided the only option for a rectangular texture target. This extension,
however, imposes the following restrictions on rectangular textures:

■ You can't use mipmap filtering with them.

■ You can use only these wrap modes: GL_CLAMP, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, and GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER.
■ The texture cannot have a border.
■ The texture uses non-normalized texture coordinates. (See Figure 9-7.)

OpenGL 2.0 adds another option for a rectangular texture target through the
ARB_texture_non_power_of_two extension, which supports these textures without the limitations
of the ARB_texture_rectangle extension. Before using it, you must check to make sure the
functionality is available. You'll also want to consult the OpenGL specification for the
non—power-of-two extension.

Figure 9-7 Normalized and non-normalized coordinates

1 Height

0 1 0 Width

Normalized Non-normalized

Optimal Data Formats and Types 109

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Techniques for Working with Texture Data

If your code runs on a system that does not support either the ARB_texture_rectangle or
ARB_texture_non_power_of_two extensions you have these options for working with with rectangular

■ Use the OpenGL function gluScaleImage to scale the image so that it fits in a rectangle whose
dimensions are a power of two. The image undoes the scaling effect when you draw the image
from the properly sized rectangle back into a polygon that has the correct aspect ratio for the

Note: This option can result in the loss of some data. But if your application runs on hardware
that doesn't support the ARB_texture_rectangle extension, you may need to use this option.

■ Segment the image into power-of-two rectangles, as shown in Figure 9-8 by using one image
buffer and different texture pointers. Notice how the sides and corners of the image shown in
Figure 9-8 are segmented into increasingly smaller rectangles to ensure that every rectangle has
dimensions that are a power of two. Special care may be needed at the borders between each
segment to avoid filtering artifacts if the texture is scaled or rotated.
The OpenGL Image sample application available on Sample Code > Graphics & Imaging > OpenGL
contains segmentation code and demonstrates other OpenGL features that support
high-performance image display.

Figure 9-8 An image segmented into power-of-two tiles

110 Working with Non–Power-of-Two Textures

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Techniques for Working with Texture Data

Creating Textures from Image Data

OpenGL on the Macintosh provides several options for creating high-quality textures from image
data. Mac OS X supports floating-point pixel values, multiple image file formats, and a variety of
color spaces. You can import a floating-point image into a floating-point texture. Figure 9-9 shows
an image used to texture a cube.

Figure 9-9 Using an image as a texture for a cube

For Cocoa, you need to provide a bitmap representation. You can create an NSBitmapImageRep object
from the contents of an NSView object. For either Cocoa or Carbon, you can use the Image I/O
framework (see CGImageSource Reference). This framework has support for many different file formats,
floating-point data, and a variety of color spaces. Furthermore, it is easy to use. You can import image
data as a texture simply by supplying a CFURL object that specifies the location of the texture. There
is no need for you to convert the image to an intermediate integer RGB format.

Creating a Texture from a Cocoa View

You can use the NSView class or a subclass of it for texturing in OpenGL. The process is to first store
the image data from an NSView object in an NSBitmapImageRep object so that the image data is in a
format that can be readily used as texture data by OpenGL. Then, after setting up the texture target,
you supply the bitmap data to the OpenGL function glTexImage2D. Note that you must have a valid,
current OpenGL context set up.

Creating Textures from Image Data 111

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Techniques for Working with Texture Data

Note: You can't create an OpenGL texture from image data that's provided by a view created from
the following classes: NSProgressIndicator, NSMovieView, and NSOpenGLView. This is because these
views do not use the window backing store, which is what the method initWithFocusedViewRect:
reads from.

Listing 9-3 shows a routine that uses this process to create a texture from the contents of an NSView
object. A detailed explanation for each numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing 9-3 Building an OpenGL texture from an NSView object

NSBitmapImageRep * bitmap = [NSBitmapImageRep alloc]; // 1
int samplesPerPixel = 0;

[theView lockFocus]; // 2
[bitmap initWithFocusedViewRect:[theView bounds]]; // 3
[theView unlockFocus];
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, [bitmap pixelsWide]); // 4
glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); // 5
if (*texName == 0) // 6
glGenTextures (1, texName);
glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, *texName); // 7
samplesPerPixel = [bitmap samplesPerPixel]; // 9

if(![bitmap isPlanar] &&

(samplesPerPixel == 3 || samplesPerPixel == 4)) { // 10
samplesPerPixel == 4 ? GL_RGBA8 : GL_RGB8,
[bitmap pixelsWide],
[bitmap pixelsHigh],
samplesPerPixel == 4 ? GL_RGBA : GL_RGB,
[bitmap bitmapData]);
} else {
// Your code to report unsupported bitmap data
[bitmap release]; // 11

Here's what the code does:

1. Allocates an NSBitmapImageRep object.

2. Locks the focus on the the NSView object so that subsequent commands take effect in coordinate
system of the NSView object. You must invoke lockFocus before invoking methods that send
commands to the window server, which is the case with the next line of code. Later, you must
balance a lockFocus message with an unlockFocus message.

112 Creating Textures from Image Data

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Techniques for Working with Texture Data

3. Initializes the NSBitmapImageRep object with bitmap data from the current view using the bounds
returned by the NSView object passed to the myTextureFromView:textureName routine.

4. Sets the appropriate unpacking row length for the bitmap.

5. Sets the byte-aligned unpacking that's needed for bitmaps that are 3 bytes per pixel.

6. If a texture object is not passed in, generates a new texture object.

7. Binds the texture name to the texture target.

8. Sets filtering so that it does not use a mipmap, which would be redundant for the texture rectangle

9. Gets the number of samples per pixel.

10. Checks to see if the bitmap is nonplanar and is either a 24-bit RGB bitmap or a 32-bit RGBA
bitmap. If so, retrieves the pixel data using the bitmapData method, passing it along with other
appropriate parameters to the OpenGL function for specifying a 2D texture image.

11. Releases the NSBitmapImageRep object when it is no longer needed.

Creating a Texture from a Quartz Image Source

Quartz images (CGImageRef data type) are defined in the Core Graphics framework
(ApplicationServices/CoreGraphics.framework/CGImage.h) while the image source data type
for reading image data and creating Quartz images from an image source is declared in the Image
I/O framework (ApplicationServices/ImageIO.framework/CGImageSource.h). Quartz provides
routines that read a wide variety of image data.

To use a Quartz image as a texture source, follow these steps:

1. Create a Quartz image source by supplying a CFURL object to the function


2. Create a Quartz image by extracting an image from the image source, using the function

3. Extract the image dimensions using the function CGImageGetWidth and CGImageGetHeight.
You'll need these to calculate the storage required for the texture.

4. Allocate storage for the texture.

5. Create a color space for the image data.

6. Create a Quartz bitmap graphics context for drawing. Make sure to set up the context for
pre-multiplied alpha.

7. Draw the image to the bitmap context.

8. Release the bitmap context.

9. Set the pixel storage mode by calling the function glPixelStorei.

Creating Textures from Image Data 113

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10. Create and bind the texture.

11. Set up the appropriate texture parameters.

12. Call glTexImage2D, supplying the image data.

13. Free the image data.

Listing 9-4 shows a code fragment that performs these steps. Note that you must have a valid, current
OpenGL context.

Listing 9-4 Using a Quartz image as a texture source

CGImageSourceRef myImageSourceRef = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(url, nil);

CGImageRef myImageRef = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex (myImageSourceRef, 0,
GLint myTextureName;
size_t width = CGImageGetWidth(myImageRef);
size_t height = CGImageGetHeight(myImageRef);
CGRect rect = {{0, 0}, {width, height}};
void * myData = calloc(width * 4, height);
CGColorSpaceRef space = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
CGContextRef myBitmapContext = CGBitmapContextCreate (myData,
width, height, 8,
width*4, space,
CGContextDrawImage(myBitmapContext, rect, myImageRef);
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, width);
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
glGenTextures(1, myTextureName);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, *myTextureName);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, 0, GL_RGBA8, width, height,
0, GL_BGRA_EXT, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, myData);

For more information on using Quartz, see Quartz 2D Programming Guide, CGImage Reference, and
CGImageSource Reference.

Downloading Texture Data

A texture download operation uses the same data path as an upload operation except that the data
path is reversed. Downloading transfers texture data, using direct memory access (DMA), from VRAM
into a texture that can then be accessed directly by your application. You can use the Apple client
range, texture range, and texture rectangle extensions for downloading, just as you would for

To download texture data using the Apple client storage, texture range, and texture rectangle

■ Bind a texture name to a texture target.

114 Downloading Texture Data

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■ Set up the extensions

■ Call the function glCopyTexSubImage2D to copy a texture subimage from the specified window
coordinates. This call initiates an asynchronous DMA transfer to system memory the next time
you call a flush routine. The CPU doesn't wait for this call to complete.
■ Call the function glGetTexImage to transfer the texture into system memory. Note that the
parameters must match the ones that you used to set up the texture when you called the function
glTexImage2D. This call is the synchronization point; it waits until the transfer is finished.

Listing 9-5 shows a code fragment that downloads a rectangular texture that uses cached memory.
Your application processes data between the glCopyTexSubImage2D and glGetTexImage calls. How
much processing? Enough so that your application does not need to wait for the GPU.

Listing 9-5 Code that downloads texture data

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, myTextureName);
sizex, sizey, GL_BGRA,
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, myImagePtr);

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, image_width, image_height);
// Do other work processing here, using a double or triple buffer

GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, pixels);

Double Buffering Texture Data

When you use any technique that allows the GPU to access your texture data directly, such as the
texture range extension, it's possible for the GPU and CPU to access the data at the same time. To
avoid such a collision, you must synchronize the GPU and the CPU. The simplest way is shown in
Figure 9-10. Your application works on the data, flushes it to the GPU and waits until the GPU is
finished before working on the data again.

One technique for ensuring that the GPU is finished executing commands before your application
sends more data is to insert a token into the command stream and use that to determine when the
CPU can touch the data again, as described in “Fence Extension” (page 98). Figure 9-10 uses the fence
extension command glFinishObject to synchronize buffer updates for a stream of single-buffered
texture data. Notice that when the CPU is processing texture data, the GPU is idle. Similarly, when
the GPU is processing texture data, the CPU is idle. It's much more efficient for the GPU and CPU to
work asynchronously than to work synchronously. Double buffering data is a technique that allows
you to process data asynchronously, as shown in Figure 9-11 (page 116).

Double Buffering Texture Data 115

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Figure 9-10 Single-buffered data

TIME Frame 1 Frame 2

glFinishObject(..., 1) glFinishObject(..., 1)


glFlush glFlush


To double buffer data, you must supply two sets of data to work on. Note in Figure 9-11 that while
the GPU is rendering one frame of data, the CPU processes the next. After the initial startup, neither
processing unit is idle. Using the glFinishObject function provided by the fence extension ensures
that buffer updating is synchronized.

Figure 9-11 Double-buffered data

TIME Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4

glFinishObject(..., 2) glFinishObject(..., 2)

glFinishObject(..., 1) glFinishObject(..., 1)


glFlush glFlush glFlush glFlush


See Also

OpenGL extension specifications:

■ APPLE_client_storage
■ APPLE_texture_range
■ ARB_texture_rectangle

116 See Also

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Techniques for Working with Texture Data

■ ARB_texture_non_power_of_two

OpenGL sample code projects (Sample Code > Graphics & Imaging > OpenGL):

■ OpenGL Image segments a rectangular image into several power-of-two textures and shows how
to use OpenGL for high performance image display.
■ Quartz Composer Texture shows how to use the QCRenderer class to render a Quartz Composer
composition into an OpenGL pixel buffer, create a texture from it, and use the texture in an
OpenGL scene.
■ TexturePerformanceDemo provides code that uploads textures using two different ways, one of
which is more optimized than the other.
■ TextureRange shows how to use various OpenGL extensions to optimize uploading texture data.
■ NSGLImage demonstrates how to use the NSImage and NSBitmapImageRep classes for texturing.

More information on the Quartz API and how to use Quartz:

■ CGImageSource Reference describes the CGImageSourceRef data type and the functions that operate
on it.
■ CGColorSpace Reference describes the CGColorSpaceRef data type and the functions that operate
on it.
■ Quartz 2D Programming Guide describes how to write code that uses all the Quartz data types,
including the CGImageSourceRef and CGColorSpaceRef data types.

See Also 117

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Techniques for Working with Texture Data

118 See Also

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Techniques for Scene Anti-Aliasing

Aliasing is the bane of the digital domain. In the early days of the personal computer, jagged edges
and blocky graphics were accepted by the user simply because not much could be done to correct
them. Now that hardware is faster and displays are higher in resolution, there are several anti-aliasing
techniques that can smooth edges to achieve a more realistic scene.

OpenGL supports anti-aliasing that operates at the level of lines and polygons as well as at the level
of the full scene. This chapter discusses techniques for full scene anti-aliasing (FSAA). The three
anti-aliasing techniques in use today are multisampling, supersampling, and alpha channel blending:

■ Multisampling defines a technique for sampling pixel content at multiple locations for each pixel.
This is a good technique to use if you want to smooth polygon edges.
■ Supersampling renders at a much higher resolution than what's needed for the display. Prior to
drawing the content to the display, OpenGL scales and filters the content to the appropriate
resolution. This is a good technique to use when you want to smooth texture interiors in addition
to polygon edges.
■ Alpha channel blending uses the alpha value of a fragment to control how to blend the fragment
with the pixel values that are already in the framebuffer. It's a good technique to use when you
want to ensure that foreground and background images are composited smoothly.

The ARB_multisample extension defines a specification for full scene anti-aliasing. It describes
multisampling and alpha channel sampling. The specification does not specifically mention
supersampling but its wording doesn't preclude supersampling. The anti-aliasing methods that are
available depend on the hardware and the actual implementation depends on the vendor. Some
graphics cards support anti-aliasing using a mixture of multisampling and supersampling. The
methodology used to select the samples can vary as well. Your best approach is to query the renderer
to find out exactly what is supported. OpenGL lets you provide a hint to the renderer as to which
anti-aliasing technique you prefer. Hints are available starting in Mac OS X v10.4 as renderer attributes
that you supply when you create a pixel format object.


You'll want to keep the following in mind when you set up full scene anti-aliasing:

Guidelines 119
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Techniques for Scene Anti-Aliasing

■ Although a system may have enough VRAM to accommodate a multisample buffer, a large buffer
can affect the ability of OpenGL to maintain a properly working texture set. Keep in mind that
the buffers associated with the rendering context—depth and stencil—increase in size by a factor
equal to number of samples per pixel.
■ The OpenGL driver allocates the memory needed for the multisample buffer; your application
should not allocate this memory.
■ Any anti-aliasing algorithm that operates on the full scene requires a fair amount of computing
resources. In some cases, there is a tradeoff between performance and quality. For that reason,
developers sometimes provide a user interface element that allows the user to enable and disable
FSAA, or to choose the level of quality for anti-aliasing.
■ The commands glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE) and glDisable(GL_MULTISAMPLE) are ignored on
some hardware because some graphics cards have the feature enabled all the time. That doesn't
mean that you should not call these commands because you'll certainly need them on hardware
that doesn't ignore them.
■ A hint as to the variant of sampling you want is a suggestion, not a command. Not all hardware
supports all types of anti-aliasing. Other hardware mixes multisampling with supersampling
techniques. The driver dictates the type of anti-aliasing that's actually used in your application.
■ The best way to find out which sample modes are supported is to call the CGL function
CGLDescribeRenderer with the renderer property kCGLRPSampleModes or kCGLRPSampleAlpha.

General Approach

The general approach to setting up full scene anti-aliasing is as follows:

1. Check to see what's supported. Not all hardware is capable of supporting the ARB multisample
extension, so you need to check for this functionality (see “Detecting Functionality” (page 65)).

To find out what type of anti-aliasing a specific renderer supports, call the function
CGLDescribeRenderer. Supply the renderer property kCGLRPSampleModes to find out whether
the renderer supports multisampling and supersampling. Supply kCGLRPSampleAlpha to see
whether the renderer supports alpha sampling.

You can choose to exclude unsupported hardware from the pixel format search by specifying
only the hardware that supports multisample anti-aliasing. Keep in mind that if you exclude
unsupported hardware, the unsupported displays will not render anything. If you instead choose
to include unsupported hardware, OpenGL uses normal aliased rendering to the unsupported
displays and multisampled rendering to supported displays.

2. Include these buffer attributes in the attributes array:

■ The appropriate sample buffer attribute constant (NSOpenGLPFASampleBuffers,

AGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB, or kCGLPFASampleBuffers) along with the number of multisample
buffers. At this time the specification allows only one multisample buffer.
■ The appropriate samples constant (,NSOpenGLPFASamples, AGL_SAMPLES_ARB, or
kCGLPFASamples) along with the number of samples per pixel. You can supply 2, 4, 6, or
more depending on what the renderer supports and the amount of VRAM available. The

120 General Approach

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Techniques for Scene Anti-Aliasing

value that you supply affects the quality, memory use, and speed of the multisampling
operation. For fastest performance, and to use the least amount of video memory, specify 2
samples. When you need more quality, specify 4 or more.
■ The no recovery attribute ( NSOpenGLPFANoRecovery, AGL_NO_RECOVERY, or
kCGLPFANoRecovery). Although enabling this attribute is not mandatory, it's recommended
to prevent OpenGL from using software fallback as a renderer. The software renderer does
not support multisample antialiasing prior to Mac OS X v10.4. In versions that the software
renderer does support multisampling (4, 9, or 16 samples), antialiasing performance is slow.

3. Optionally provide a hint for the type of anti-aliasing you want—multisampling, supersampling,
or alpha sampling. See “Hinting for a Specific Anti-Aliasing Technique” (page 121).

4. Enable multisampling with the following command:


Regardless of the enabled state, OpenGL always uses the multisample buffer if you supply the
appropriate buffer attributes when you set up the pixel format object. If you haven't supplied the
appropriate attributes, enabling multisampling has no effect.

When multisampling is disabled, all coverage values are set to 1, which gives the appearance of
rendering without multisampling.

Some graphics hardware leaves multisampling enabled all the time. However, don't rely on
hardware to have multisampling enabled; use glEnable to programmatically turn on this feature.

5. Optionally provide hints for the rendering algorithm. You perform this optional step only if you
want OpenGL to compute coverage values by a method other than uniformly weighting samples
and averaging them.

Some hardware supports a multisample filter hint through an OpenGL

extension—GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint. This hint allows an OpenGL implementation to
use an alternative method of resolving the color of multisampled pixels.

You can specify that OpenGL uses faster or nicer rendering by calling the OpenGL function
glHint, passing the constant GL_MULTISAMPLE_FILTER_HINT_NV as the target parameter and
GL_FASTEST or GL_NICEST as the mode parameter. Hints allow the hardware to optimize the
output if it can. There is no performance penalty or returned error for issuing a hint that's not

For more information, see the OpenGL extension registry for NV_multisample_filter_hint.

“Setting Up Full Scene Anti-Aliasing” (page 122) provides specific code examples.

Hinting for a Specific Anti-Aliasing Technique

In Mac OS X v10.4 and later, when you set up your renderer and buffer attributes for full scene
antialiasing, you can specify a hint to prefer one anti-aliasing technique over the others. If the
underlying renderer does not have sufficient resources to support what you request, OpenGL ignores

Hinting for a Specific Anti-Aliasing Technique 121

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Techniques for Scene Anti-Aliasing

the hint. If you do not supply the appropriate buffer attributes when you create a pixel format object,
then the hint does nothing. Table 10-1 lists the hinting constants available for the NSOpenGLPixelFormat
class, AGL, and CGL.

Table 10-1 Anti-aliasing hints available starting in Mac OS X v10.4

Multisampling Supersampling Alpha blending

NSOpenGLPFAMultisample NSOpenGLPFASupersample NSOpenGLPFASampleAlpha


kCGLPFAMultisample kCGLPFASupersample kCGLPFASampleAlpha

Setting Up Full Scene Anti-Aliasing

The code listings in this section show how to set up full scene anti-aliasing using the
NSOpenGLPixelFormat class, AGL, and CGL. You'll see that the code to set buffer and renderer
attributes and to create a context looks similar to what you'd normally use to set up any rendering
context. Regardless of the API that you use, you need to specify the appropriate attributes. Although
you need to specify the context slightly differently for each of the APIs, the outcome is the same—a
pixel format and context that supports full-scene anti-aliased rendering.

Listing 10-1 sets up full scene anti-aliasing using the NSOpenGLPixelFormat class, but does not provide
a hint, which is optional. A detailed explanation for each numbered line of code appears following
the listing.

Listing 10-1 Using NSOpenGLPixelFormat to set up full scene anti-aliasing

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
@implementation BasicOpenGLView
+ (NSOpenGLPixelFormat*)defaultPixelFormat
NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attributes [] = { // 1
NSOpenGLPFASampleBuffers, 1,
NSOpenGLPFASamples, 2,
return [[[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc]
initWithAttributes:attributes] autorelease]; // 2
-(id) initWithFrame: (NSRect) frameRect
NSOpenGLPixelFormat *pixelFormat = [BasicOpenGLView
defaultPixelFormat]; // 3
self = [super initWithFrame: frameRect
pixelFormat: pixelFormat]; // 4
return self;

122 Setting Up Full Scene Anti-Aliasing

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Techniques for Scene Anti-Aliasing

// Define other class methods here.


Here's what the code in Listing 10-1 does:

1. Sets up attributes for OpenGL to use for choosing the pixel format. The attributes include the two
required for multisampling: NSOpenGLPFASampleBuffers and NSOpenGLPFASamples, along with
those to support a Cocoa window, double buffering, and no recovery.

2. Allocates and initializes an NSOpenGLPixelFormat object with the requested multisampling (and
other) attributes.

3. Creates an NSOpenGLPixelFormat object for a custom NSOpenGLView class (BasicOpenGLView)

that was previously created by the application using Interface Builder but is not shown in this

4. Initializes the view with the newly created pixel format.

Listing 10-2 sets up full scene anti-aliasing in Carbon and provides a hint for supersampling. A detailed
explanation for each numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing 10-2 Using AGL to set up full scene anti-aliasing with a hint for supersampling

#include <AGL/agl.h>
GLint attribs[] = { AGL_RGBA, // 1

AGLPixelFormat pixelFormat = NULL;

AGLContext context = NULL;
pixelFormat = aglChoosePixelFormat (NULL, 0, attribs); // 2
if (pixelFormat) {
context = aglCreateContext (pixelFormat, NULL); // 3
aglDestroyPixelFormat (pixelFormat);

Here's what the code in Listing 10-2 does:

1. Sets up attributes for OpenGL to use for creating an AGL pixel format object. The attributes
include the two required for multisampling (AGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB and AGL_SAMPLES_ARB)
along with those to support RGBA pixels, double buffering, and no recovery.

2. Creates a pixel format object. Prior to this call you can optionally provide a list of GDHandle values
that specify the supported displays.

3. Creates a rendering context based on the newly created pixel format object that is set up to support
full scene antialiasing.

Listing 10-3 sets up full scene anti-aliasing using the CGL API and provides a hint for multisampling.
A detailed explanation for each numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Setting Up Full Scene Anti-Aliasing 123

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Techniques for Scene Anti-Aliasing

Listing 10-3 Using CGL to set up full scene anti-aliasing with a hint for multisampling

#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
CGLPixelFormatAttribute attribs[] = { kCGLPFADisplayMask, 0, // 1
kCGLPFASampleBuffers, 1,
kCGLPFASamples, 2,
0 };

CGLPixelFormatObj pixelFormat = NULL;

CGLContextObj context = NULL;
long numPixelFormats = 0;
attribs[1] = CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask (CGMainDisplayID ()); // 2
CGLChoosePixelFormat (attribs, &pixelFormat, &numPixelFormats)); // 3
if (pixelFormat) {
CGLCreateContext (pixelFormat, NULL, &context); // 4
CGLDestroyPixelFormat (pixelFormat);

Here's what the code in Listing 10-3 does:

1. Sets up attributes for OpenGL to use for creating a CGL pixel format object. The attributes include
the two multisampling attributes: kCGLPFASampleBuffers and kCGLPFASamples, along with
those to support full-screen drawing, double buffering, and no recovery. The associated value
for kCGLPFASamples is the number of samples per multisample buffer, which in this case is 2.
The associated value for kCGLPFASampleBuffers is a nonnegative integer that indicates the
number of existing independent sample buffers, which in this case is 1.

2. Sets the value of the display mask attribute to the main display. (Note that this code example
does not capture the main display. See Listing 3-3 (page 48).)

3. Creates a pixel format object with the requested attributes.

4. Creates a context for the pixel format that isn't shared.

See Also

You can find the complete specification for the GL_ARB_multisample extension in the OpenGL
extensions registry at

If your application needs point or line anti-aliasing instead of full scene anti-aliasing, use the built in
OpenGL point and line anti-aliasing functions. These are described in Section 3.4.2 in the OpenGL

124 See Also

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Multithreading and OpenGL

Each process in Mac OS X is made up of one or more threads. A thread is a stream of execution that
runs code for the process. You can improve application performance and enhance the perceived
responsiveness of the user interface when you set up your application to use multiple threads. On
computers with one processor, multithreading can allow a program to execute multiple pieces of
code independently. On computers with more than one processor, multithreading can allow a program
to execute multiple pieces of code simultaneously.

Multithreading, however, is not the solution for all performance issues. When it is a possible solution,
it enhances performance only when it's set up correctly. Getting multithreading to work properly in
an OpenGL application requires advanced programming techniques—the OpenGL API is not inherently
thread-safe. If you want to make your OpenGL program multithreaded, read this chapter to get
started, then roll up your sleeves. Be prepared to undertake a lot of detective work if things go wrong.
In threaded applications, the cause of the problem is often difficult to isolate.

Program Design

You'll have the best chance of success with multithreading if you design your program with threading
in mind. It's difficult, and often risky, to retrofit an existing OpenGL application to use multiple
threads. Before you write any threading code, choose a strategy for dividing work among threads.

Consider using one of the following strategies for your OpenGL application:

■ Move OpenGL onto a separate thread.

■ Split OpenGL texture and vertex processing onto separate threads. You gain performance
advantages by applying threads on single processor machines but threads are most efficient on
computers with multiple CPUs since each processor can devote itself to a thread, potentially
doubling the throughput.
■ For contexts on separate threads, share surfaces or OpenGL object state: display lists, textures,
vertex and fragment programs, vertex array objects, and so on.

Applications that move OpenGL onto a separate thread are designed as shown in Figure 11-1. The
CPU writes its data to a shared space, accessible to OpenGL. This design provides a clear division of
labor and is fairly straightforward to implement. You can use this design to load data into your
application on one thread, and then draw with the data on the other thread.

Program Design 125

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Multithreading and OpenGL

Figure 11-1 CPU processing and OpenGL on separate threads

Thread 1 Thread 2

CPU Shared OpenGL

Processing data context
Texture data
Vertex data



The Apple-specific OpenGL APIs provide the option for sharing data between contexts. You can
leverage this feature in a threaded application by creating a separate thread for each of the contexts
that share data, as shown in Figure 11-2. Shared resources are automatically set up as mutual exclusion
(mutex) objects. Notice that Thread 2 draws to a pixel buffer that is linked to the shared state as a
texture. Thread 1 can then draw using that texture.

Figure 11-2 Two contexts on separate threads

Thread 1 Thread 2

OpenGL context 1 OpenGL context 2

OpenGL state 1 OpenGL state 2

OpenGL OpenGL OpenGL

shared state shared state shared state

OpenGL PBuffer
surface surface


Guidelines for Threading OpenGL Applications

Follow these guidelines to ensure successful threading in an application that uses OpenGL:

■ Use only one thread per context. OpenGL commands for a specific context are not reentrant. You
should never have more than one thread accessing a single context simultaneously.

126 Guidelines for Threading OpenGL Applications

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Multithreading and OpenGL

If for some reason you decide to set more than one thread to target the same context, then you
must synchronize threads by placing a mutex around all OpenGL calls to the context, such as
gl* and CGL*. You can use one of the APIs listed in “Threading APIs” (page 128) to set up a mutex.
OpenGL commands that block—such as fence commands—do not synchronize threads.
■ Contexts that are on different threads can share object resources. For example, it is acceptable for
one context in one thread to modify a texture and a second context in a second thread to modify
the same texture. Why? Because the shared object handling provided by the Apple APIs
automatically protects against thread errors. And, your application is following the "one thread
per context" guideline.
■ When you use an NSOpenGLView object with OpenGL calls that are issued from a thread other
than the main one, you must set up mutex locking. Why? Unless you override the default behavior,
the main thread may need to communicate with the view for such things as resizing.
Applications that use Objective-C with multithreading can lock contexts using the functions
CGLLockContext and CGLUnlockContext, which were introduced in Mac OS X v10.4. If you want
to perform rendering in a thread other than the main one, you can lock the context that you want
to access and safely execute OpenGL commands. The locking calls must be placed around all of
your OpenGL calls in all threads. You can't set up your own mutex in versions of Mac OS X earlier
than v10.4.
CGLLockContext blocks the thread it is on until all other threads have unlocked the same context
using the function CGLUnlockContext. You can use CGLLockContext recursively. Context-specific
CGL calls by themselves do not require locking, but you can guarantee serial processing for a
group of calls by surrounding them with CGLLockContext and CGLUnlockContext. Keep in mind
that calls from the OpenGL API (the API provided by the Architecture Review Board) require
■ Keep track of the current context. When switching threads it is easy to switch contexts
inadvertently, which causes unforeseen effects on the execution of graphic commands. You must
set a current context when switching to a newly created thread.

Note: The guidelines in this section are specific to OpenGL applications. Any threading code that
you write also needs to comply with general threading practices. You can find general resources for
thread programming in the “See Also” (page 128) section.

When Things Go Wrong

If you don't set up threading correctly, you'll most likely see your application freeze or crash. Things
typically go wrong when your application introduces a command to the graphics processor that
violates threading practices. The bad command will cause the processor to hang. The CPU blocks
against that, causing any drawing onscreen to stop and the spinning wait cursor to appear.

You can use OpenGL Profiler to check thread safety in OpenGL. In the breakpoints window, set the
"Break on thread error" option to check whether a problem is due to a thread error.

When Things Go Wrong 127

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Multithreading and OpenGL

Threading APIs

The following APIs are available for creating threaded applications in Mac OS X:

■ Foundation provides threading support for Cocoa application through the NSThread class.
■ UNIX provides POSIX threads to support threading for any layer in Mac OS X.
■ Carbon provides thread support through the Multiprocessing Services API.

See Also

The OpenGL sample code project Vertex Optimization (available from Sample Code > Graphics &
Imaging > OpenGL) has an option to run as a multithreaded application.

Multithreading programming guides and reference documentation:

■ Multithreading Programming Topics explains how to use threads in Cocoa applications.

■ NSThread Class Reference describes the Foundation threading class and its methods.
■ Multiprocessing Services Programming Guide explains how to implement preemptive tasks in Carbon
■ Multiprocessing Services Reference describes the C API for creating preemptively scheduled tasks
in Carbon applications.
■ "Debugging programs with multiple threads" in the "Running Programs Under GDB" chapter of
Debugging with GDB provides useful information for any multithreaded application.

128 Threading APIs

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Improving Performance

OpenGL performs many complex operations—transformations, lighting, clipping, texturing,

environmental effects, and so on—on large data sets. The amount of data and the number of operations
can impact performance, making your stellar 3D graphics shine less brightly than you'd like. Unless,
of course, you take steps to streamline your application.

Figure 12-1 OpenGL performs complex operations as data flows through a program

Application Primitives and image data

Transform and lighting

Clipping and viewport


Alpha, stencil, and depth tests

Fragment operations
Framebuffer blending

Techniques for improving data throughput and increasing program efficiency are discussed throughout
this book. This chapter provides additional performance guidelines and discusses some of the tools
that you can use to analyze your application.

■ “Best Practices” (page 130) summarizes coding tips that can help achieve optimal performance
and provides links to other sections, either in this chapter or elsewhere in the book, where you
can read more details.
■ “Gathering and Analyzing Baseline Performance Data” (page 136) shows how to use top and
OpenGL Profiler to obtain and interpret baseline performance data.
■ “Identifying Bottlenecks with Shark” (page 141) discusses the patterns of usage that the Shark
performance tool can make apparent and that indicate places in your code that you may want to

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Improving Performance

Best Practices

Each of the following sections provides information that can help your application perform optimally:

■ “Use Flush and Finish Routines Effectively” (page 130).

■ “Be Mindful of OpenGL State Variables” (page 131).
■ “Draw Only When Necessary” (page 132).
■ “Synchronize with the Screen Refresh Rate” (page 133).
■ “Use OpenGL Macros” (page 133).
■ “Use the CPU and the GPU Asynchronously” (page 134).
■ Adopt “Techniques for Working with Vertex Data” (page 91) and “Techniques for Working with
Texture Data” (page 103) to optimize data throughput and decrease memory footprint.
■ “Use Appropriate Routines for Images and Pixel Data” (page 135).
■ Use threading appropriately. See “Multithreading and OpenGL” (page 125).
■ Use performance tools to assess your application and identify areas that can be optimized. See
“Gathering and Analyzing Baseline Performance Data” (page 136) and “Identifying Bottlenecks
with Shark” (page 141).
■ “Retrieve Error Information Only When Debugging” (page 136).
■ “Use Optimal Data Types and Formats” (page 136)

Use Flush and Finish Routines Effectively

OpenGL commands are not executed immediately. They are queued to a command buffer and then
read and executed by the hardware. The command buffer is used for vertices, normals, texture
coordinates, and so forth, but not for textures themselves, which are stored elsewhere.

These functions force OpenGL to submit the command buffer to the hardware for execution.

■ The function glFlush waits until commands are submitted but does not wait for the commands
to finish executing.
■ The function glFinish waits for the submitted commands to complete executing.

For double-buffered contexts, the current OpenGL command buffer is not sent to the graphics processor
until glFlush or glFinish is called, a buffer swap is requested, or the command buffer is full. This
also applies to single-buffered contexts, although executing a buffer swap is really just an implicit
call to glFlush to submit the queued commands to the renderer. This means that, for single-buffered
contexts, glFlush and glFinish are equivalent to a swap operation, since all rendering is taking
place directly in the front buffer.

There are only a few cases that require you to call the glFlush function:

■ Multithreaded applications. To keep drawing synchronized across the threads and prevent
command buffer corruption, as each thread completes its command submissions, it should call

130 Best Practices

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Improving Performance

■ A drawable object that changes during rendering. Before you can switch from one drawable object
to another, you must call glFlush to ensure that all commands written in the command queue
for the previous drawable object have been submitted.

When used incorrectly, glFlush or glFinish can cause your application to stall or slow down, using
a higher percentage of the CPU than is necessary. You might also see visual anomalies, such as
flickering or tearing. Most of the time you don't need to call glFlush or glFinish to move image
data to the screen.

These are situations for which you don't need to, or should not, call glFlush:

■ When the scene back buffer is not complete. For best results, keep the back buffer as current as
possible with a complete scene. Since the flushing and finishing routines force OpenGL to process
queued commands, calling either of these when the scene in the back buffer is incomplete causes
the incomplete scene to be rendered.
■ When calling a buffer swapping routine (the flushBuffer method of the NSOpenGLContext class,
the aglSwapBuffers function, or the CGLFlushDrawable function), because such functions
implicitly call the OpenGL command glFlush. Note that when using the NSOpenGLContext class
or the CGL API, the term flush actually refers to a buffer swapping operation.

Be Mindful of OpenGL State Variables

The hardware has one current state, which is compiled and cached. Switching state is expensive, so
it's best to design your application to minimize state switches.

Don't set a state that's already set. Once a feature is enabled, it does not need to be enabled again.
Calling an enable function more than once does nothing except waste time because OpenGL does not
check the state of a feature when you call glEnable or glDisable. For instance, if you call
glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) more than once, OpenGL does not check to see if the lighting state is already
enabled. It simply updates the state value even if that value is identical to the current value.

You can avoid setting a state more than necessary by using dedicated setup or shutdown routines
rather than putting such calls in a drawing loop. Setup and shutdown routines are also useful for
turning on and off features that achieve a specific visual effect—for example, when drawing a
wire-frame outline around a textured polygon.

If you are drawing 2D images, disable all irrelevant state variables, similar to what's shown in Listing

Listing 12-1 Disabling state variables

// Disable other state variables as appropriate.

Best Practices 131

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Improving Performance

Draw Only When Necessary

You can ensure that your application draws only when necessary by following a few simple guidelines:

■ Allow the system to regulate drawing. For example, in Cocoa use the setNeedsDisplay: method.
■ Use a timer effectively.
■ Advance an animation only when necessary. To determine when to draw the next frame of an
animation, calculate the difference between the current time and the start of the last frame. Use
the difference to determine how much to advance the animation. You can use the Core Foundation
function CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent to obtain the current time. Don't simply draw each time
the system sends the drawRect: method because the view can be redrawn for reasons other than
a timer firing—such as when the user resizes the window.

Drawing is typically triggered by a timer that fires at a set interval. Timer intervals that are set to very
small values (such as 0.001 to yield 1000 executions per second) degrade application performance
because they consume CPU time at a far higher rate than is necessary. In most cases, drawing 30 to
60 frames per second is sufficient (.033 to .0167 seconds). You'll get the best performance if you
synchronize drawing to the refresh rate of the screen, which means that you should not set the timer
interval to anything faster than the refresh rate.

The code in Listing 12-2 shows how to set up a timer in the rendering loop of a Cocoa application.
When using a timer in Cocoa, make sure that you do not invoke the drawRect: method from the
rendering loop. Instead, allow the system to send the drawRect: message when it needs to draw.
This way, the system also takes care of locking and unlocking focus on the view.

The timer code shown in Listing 12-2 is in the awakeFromNib method to ensure that the timer starts
up when the application launches. The timer interval is set to 100 milliseconds, which is 10 frames
per second. Note that this is slower than the refresh rate, so that there is no risk of overdriving the
animation and degrading performance. The timerFired: method is called by the system each time
the timer fires. When called, this method signals to the system that the display needs refreshing.

Listing 12-2 Setting up a drawing loop timer

renderTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:

- (void)timerFired:(id)sender
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];

132 Best Practices

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Improving Performance

Synchronize with the Screen Refresh Rate

Tearing is a visual anomaly caused when part of the current frame overwrites previous frame data
in the framebuffer before the current frame is fully rendered on the screen. Applications synchronize
with the screen refresh rate (sometimes called VBL, vertical blank, or vsynch) to eliminate frame

Note: During development, it's best to disable synchronization so that you can more accurately
benchmark your application. Enable synchronization when you are ready to deploy your application.

The refresh rate of the display limits how often the screen can be refreshed. The screen can be refreshed
at rates that are divisible by integer values. For example, a CRT display that has a refresh rate of 60
Hz can support screen refresh rates of 60 Hz, 30 Hz, 20 Hz, and 15 Hz. LCD displays do not have a
vertical retrace in the CRT sense and are typically considered to have a fixed refresh rate of 60 Hz.

OpenGL blocks drawing to the display while waiting for the next vertical retrace. Applications that
attempt to draw to the screen during this waiting period waste time that could be spent performing
other drawing operations or saving battery life and minimizing fan operation.

Listing 12-3 shows how to use the CGL API to synchronize with the screen refresh rate, but you can
use a similar approach if your application uses Cocoa or the AGL API. It assumes that you set up the
context for double buffering. The swap interval can be set only to 0 or 1. If the swap interval is set to
1, the buffers are swapped only during the vertical retrace. After you set up synchronization, call the
function CGLFlushDrawable to copy the back buffer to the front buffer during the vertical retrace of
the display.

Listing 12-3 Setting up synchronization

long swapInterval = 1;
CGLSetParameter (CGLGetCurrentContext(), kCGLCPSwapInterval, &swapInterval);

Use OpenGL Macros

OpenGL performs a global context and renderer lookup for each command it executes to ensure that
all OpenGL commands are issued to the correct rendering context and renderer. There is significant
overhead associated with these lookups; applications that have extremely high call frequencies may
find that the overhead measurably affects performance. Mac OS X allows your application to use
macros to provide a local context variable and cache the current renderer in that variable. You'll get
the most out of using macros when your code makes millions of function calls per second. Then you'll
see a noticeable boost in imaging response.

You can use the CGL macro header (CGL/cglMacro.h) if your application uses CGL from either a
Cocoa or a Carbon application, and the AGL macro header (AGL/aglMacro.h) for Carbon applications.
You must define the local variable cgl_ctx or agl_ctx to be equal to the current context. Listing 12-4
shows what's needed to set up macro use for the AGL API. You use a similar approach for the CGL
API. First, you need to include the correct macro header. Then, you must set the current context.

Listing 12-4 Using AGL macros

#include <AGL/aglMacro.h> // include the header

AGLContext agl_ctx = myContext; // set the current context

Best Practices 133

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Improving Performance

glBegin (GL_QUADS); // This code now uses the macro

// draw here
glEnd ();

Use the CPU and the GPU Asynchronously

Whenever it’s feasible to do so, it's best to keep both the CPU and GPU busy and working as
asynchronously as possible. You'll want to avoid pushing data through the bottleneck between the
two units unless it is absolutely necessary.

These tips can help use the CPU and GPU optimally:

■ Consider using the GPU to perform intense mathematical computations to take some of the load
off the CPU.
■ Use double buffering and asynchronous vertex transfer, as described in “Double Buffering Vertex
Data” (page 99). If you are using the vertex array range extension, consider experimenting with
triple buffers or changing buffer size.
■ Use asynchronous texture fetching (see “Downloading Texture Data” (page 114)) rather than
calling the function glReadPixels. This call is an expensive one because it forces synchronization
between the CPU and GPU, which can have the effect of stalling the rendering pipeline.
Performance degrades if either the CPU or GPU is waiting for the other processing unit to catch
■ Upload textures asynchronously using DMA. See “Apple Texture Range and Rectangle
Texture” (page 106).

You can use OpenGL Driver Monitor to analyze how long the CPU waits for the GPU, as shown in
Figure 12-2. OpenGL Driver Monitor is useful for analyzing other parameters as well. You can choose
which parameters to monitor simply by clicking a parameter name from the drawer shown in the

134 Best Practices

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Improving Performance

Figure 12-2 The graph view in OpenGL Driver Monitor

Use Appropriate Routines for Images and Pixel Data

The size of an image should guide the routine you choose to draw it. Most images you'll draw will
have dimensions greater than 128 pixels by 128 pixels. It's best to treat those images as texture data.
See the OpenGL Image sample application on Sample Code > Graphics & Imaging > OpenGL for an
example of high performance image display.

For small images, those whose dimensions are less than or equal to 128 pixels by 128 pixels, use the
OpenGL function glDrawPixels. See the Draw Pixels sample application on Sample Code > Graphics
& Imaging > OpenGL for an example of the correct use of glDrawPixels.

Copying pixel data from one VRAM location to another VRAM location, for example, to an auxiliary
buffer, requires an approach similar to the one used to draw image data. Perform the copy operation
using the OpenGL function glCopyPixels, as shown in Listing 12-5. If you are using Cocoa, you can
use the NSOpenGLPFAAuxBuffers and NSOpenGLPFAAuxDepthStencil pixel format attributes in
conjunction with glReadBuffer andglDrawBuffer to set up auxiliary buffers for temporary pixel

Using OpenGL for drawing images and copying pixel data can incur a performance cost if the OpenGL
state is a complex one. State variables such as dithering, fog, and depth testing don't need to be enabled
for 2D drawing. To ensure efficient drawing, first disable irrelevant state variables as shown in Listing
12-1 (page 131).

Listing 12-5 Copying pixels

void drawRect:(NSRect) aRect

Best Practices 135

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Improving Performance


glCopyPixels(x, y, width, height, GL_COLOR);


Retrieve Error Information Only When Debugging

When errors occur OpenGL sets an error flag that you can retrieve with the function glGetError.
During development, it's crucial that your code contains error checking routines, not only for the
standard OpenGL calls, but for the Apple-specific functions provided by the AGL and CGL APIs.
AGL uses a mechanism for errors that's similar to OpenGL through the functions aglGetError and
aglErrorString. CGL functions return error codes.

If you are developing a performance-critical application, you'll want to retrieve error information in
the debugging phase. When you deploy your application you'll want to remove the error-retrieval
information for all but the most critical cases. If you retrieve error codes and strings for frequently-called
functions, you'll cause performance to slow down.

Use Optimal Data Types and Formats

If you don't use data types and formats that are native to the graphics processor, you'll incur a costly
data conversion.

For vertex data, use GLfloat, GLshort, or GLubyte data types. Most graphics processors handle these
types natively.

For texture data, you’ll get the best performance, regardless of architecture, if you use the following
format and data type combination:


These format and data type combinations also provide acceptable performance:


The combination GL_RGBA and GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE needs to be swizzled by many cards when the
data is loaded, so it's not recommended.

Gathering and Analyzing Baseline Performance Data

Analyzing performance is a systematic process that starts with gathering baseline data. Mac OS X
provides several applications that you can use to assess baseline performance for an OpenGL

■ top is a command-line utility that you run in the Terminal window. You can use top to assess
how much CPU time your application consumes.

136 Gathering and Analyzing Baseline Performance Data

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Improving Performance

■ OpenGL Profiler is an application that determines how much time an application spends in
OpenGL. It also provides function traces that you can use to look for redundant calls.
■ OpenGL Driver Monitor lets you gather real-time data on the operation of the GPU and lets you
look at information (OpenGL extensions supported, buffer modes, sample modes, and so forth)
for the available renderers. For more information, see OpenGL Tools for Serious Graphics
Development and “Use the CPU and the GPU Asynchronously” (page 134).

This section shows how to use top along with OpenGL Profiler to analyze where to spend your
optimization efforts—in your OpenGL code, your other application code, or in both. You'll see how
to gather baseline data and how to determine the relationship of OpenGL performance to overall
application performance.

1. Launch your OpenGL application.

2. Open a Terminal window and place it side-by-side with your application window.

3. In the Terminal window, type top and press Return. You'll see output similar to that shown in
Figure 12-3.

The top program indicates the amount of CPU time that an application uses. The CPU time serves
as a good baseline value for gauging how much tuning your code needs. Figure 12-3 shows the
percentage of CPU time for the OpenGL application GLCarbon1C (highlighted). Note this
application utilizes 31.5% of CPU resources.

Figure 12-3 Output produced by the top application

Gathering and Analyzing Baseline Performance Data 137

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Improving Performance

4. Open the OpenGL Profiler application, located in /Developer/Applications/Graphics Tools/.

In the window that appears, select the options to collect a trace and include backtraces, as shown
in Figure 12-4.

Figure 12-4 The OpenGL Profiler window

5. Select Attach to application, then select your application from the Application list.

You may see small pauses or stutters in the application, particularly when OpenGL Profiler is
collecting a function trace. This is normal and does not significantly affect the performance
statistics. The "glitches" are due to the large amount of data that OpenGL Profiler is writing out.

6. Click Suspend to stop data collection.

7. Open the Statistics and Trace windows by choosing them from the Views menu.

Figure 12-5 provides an example of what the Statistics window looks like. Figure 12-6 (page 140)
shows a Trace window.

The estimated percentage of time spent in OpenGL is shown at the bottom of Figure 12-5. Note
that for this example, it is 28.91%. The higher this number, the more time the application is
spending in OpenGL and the more opportunity there may be to improve application performance
by optimizing OpenGL code.

138 Gathering and Analyzing Baseline Performance Data

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Improving Performance

You can use the amount of time spent in OpenGL along with the CPU time to calculate a ratio of
the application time versus OpenGL time. This ratio indicates where to spend most of your
optimization efforts.

Figure 12-5 A statistics window

8. In the Trace window, look for duplicate function calls and redundant or unnecessary state changes.

Look for back-to-back function calls with the same or similar data. These are areas that can typically
be optimized. Functions that are called more than necessary include glTexParameter,
glPixelStore, glEnable, and glDisable. For most applications, these functions can be called
once from a setup or state modification routine and only called when necessary.

It's generally good practice to keep state changes out of rendering loops (which can be seen in
the function trace as the same sequence of state changes and drawing over and over again) as
much as possible and use separate routines to adjust state as necessary.

Gathering and Analyzing Baseline Performance Data 139

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Look at the time value to the left of each function call to determine the cost of the call.

Figure 12-6 A Trace window

Use these to determine

the cost of a call

9. Determine what the performance gain would be if it were possible to reduce the time to execute
all OpenGL calls to zero.

For example, take the performance data from the GLCarbon1C application used in this section
to determine the performance attributable to the OpenGL calls.

Total Application Time (from top) = 31.5%

Total Time in OpenGL (from OpenGL Profiler) = 28.91%

At first glance, you might think that optimizing the OpenGL code could improve application
performance by almost 29%, thus reducing the total application time by 29%. This isn't the case.
Calculate the theoretical performance increase by multiplying the total CPU time by the percentage
of time spent in OpenGL. The theoretical performance improvement for this example is:

31.5 X .2891 = 9.11%

If OpenGL took no time at all to execute, the application would see a 9.11% increase in performance.
So, if the application runs at 60 frames per second (FPS), it would perform as follows:

New FPS = previous FPS * (1 +(% performance increase)) = 60 fps *(1.0911) =

65.47 fps

The application gains almost 5.5 frames per second by reducing OpenGL from 28.91% to 0%. This
shows that the relationship of OpenGL performance to application performance is not linear.
Simply reducing the amount of time spent in OpenGL may or may not offer any noticeable benefit
in application performance.

140 Gathering and Analyzing Baseline Performance Data

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C H A P T E R 1 2
Improving Performance

Identifying Bottlenecks with Shark

Shark is an extremely useful tool for identifying places in your code that are slow and could benefit
from optimization. If you are not familiar with Shark, read some of the documents listed in “See
Also” (page 141) that describe Shark in detail and show how to use it. Once you learn the basics, you
can use it on your OpenGL applications to identify bottlenecks.

There are three issues to watch out for in Shark when using it to analyze OpenGL performance:

■ Costly data conversions. If you notice the glgProcessPixels call (in the libGLImage.dylib
library) showing up in the analysis, it's an indication that the driver is not handling a texture
upload optimally. The call is used when your application makes a glTexImage or glTexSubImage
call using data that is in a nonnative format for the driver, which means the data must be converted
before the driver can upload it. You can improve performance by changing your data so that it
is in a native format for the driver. See “Use Optimal Data Types and Formats” (page 136).

Note: If your data needs only to be swizzled, glgProcessPixels performs the swizzling reasonably
fast although not as fast if the data didn't need swizzling. But non-native data formats are converted
one byte at a time and will incur a performance cost that is best to avoid.

■ Time in the mach_kernel library. If you see time spent waiting for a timestamp or waiting for
the driver, it indicates that your application is waiting for the GPU to finish processing. You'll
see this during a texture upload. See “Double Buffering Texture Data” (page 115) and “Use the
CPU and the GPU Asynchronously” (page 134) for ideas on how you might optimize asynchronous
behavior between the CPU and the GPU.
■ Misleading symbols. You may see a symbol, such as glgGetString, that appears to be taking
time but shouldn't be taking time in your application. That sometimes happens because the
underlying optimizations performed by the system don't have any symbols attached to them on
the driver side. Without a symbol to display, Shark shows the last symbol. You need to look for
the call that your application made prior to that symbol and focus your attention there. You don't
need to concern yourself with the calls that were made "underneath" your call.

See Also

If you are unfamiliar with general performance issues on the Macintosh platform, you will want to
read Getting Started with Performance and Performance Overview. Performance Overview contains
general performance tips that are useful to all applications. It also describes most of the performance
tools provided with Mac OS X, including:

■ Analysis tools—MallocDebug, ObjectAlloc, OpenGL Profiler, Sampler, Saturn, Shark, heap, leaks,
and vmmap
■ Monitoring tools—BigTop, Quartz Debug, Spin Control, Thread Viewer, fs_usage, sc_usage,
and top
■ Hardware analysis tools—CacheBasher, MONster, PMC Index, Reggie SE, Skidmarks GT, acid,
amber, simg4, and simg5

Identifying Bottlenecks with Shark 141

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Improving Performance

■ Assorted command-line tools—atos, c2ph, gprof, kdump, malloc_history, nm, otool, pagestuff,
pstruct, sample, vm_stat

There are two tools other than OpenGL Profiler that are specific for OpenGL development—OpenGL
Driver Monitor and OpenGL Shader Builder. OpenGL Driver Monitor collects real-time data from
the hardware. OpenGL Shader Builder provides immediate feedback on vertex and fragment programs
that you write.

For more information on these tools, see:

■ OpenGL Tools for Serious Graphics Development

■ Using Shark
■ Optimizing with Shark: Big Payoff, Small Effort
■ Shark User Guide, available by launching Shark and choosing Help > Shark Help.
■ CHUD Tools
■ OpenGL Profiler
■ OpenGL Driver Monitor

The following books contain many techniques for getting the most performance from the GPU:

■ GPU Gems: Programming Techniques, Tips, and Tricks for Real-Time Graphics, Randima Fernando.
■ GPU Gems 2: Programming Techniques for High-Performance Graphics and General-Purpose Computation,
Matt Pharr and Randima Fernando.

142 See Also

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

OpenGL Functionality by Version

The core OpenGL functionality changes with each new version of the OpenGL API. This appendix
describes the functionality that was added with each version. See the official OpenGL specification
for detailed information.

The functionality for each version is guaranteed to be available through the core OpenGL API even
if a particular renderer does not support all of the extensions in a version. For example, a renderer
that claims to support OpenGL 1.3 might not export the GL_ARB_texture_env_combine or
GL_EXT_texture_env_combine extensions. It's important that you query both the renderer version
and extension string to make sure that the renderer supports any functionality that you want to use.

Note: It's possible for vendor and ARB extensions to provide similar functionality. As particular
functionality becomes widely adopted, it can be moved into the core OpenGL API. As a result,
functionality that you want to use could be included as an extension, as part of the core API, or both.
You should read the extensions and the core OpenGL specifications carefully to see the differences.
Furthermore, as an extension is promoted, the API associated with that functionality can change. For
more information, see “Determining the OpenGL Capabilities Supported by the Hardware” (page

In the following tables, the extensions describe the feature that the core functionality is based on. The
core functionality might not be the same as the extension. For example, compare the core texture
crossbar functionality with the extension that it's based on.

Version 1.1

Table A-1 Functionality added in OpenGL 1.1

Functionality Extension

Copy texture and subtexture GL_EXT_copy_texture and GL_EXT_subtexture

Logical operation GL_EXT_blend_logic_op

Polygon offset GL_EXT_polygon_offset

Texture image formats GL_EXT_texture

Version 1.1 143

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
OpenGL Functionality by Version

Functionality Extension

Texture objects GL_EXT_texture_object

Texture proxies GL_EXT_texture

Texture replace environment GL_EXT_texture

Vertex array GL_EXT_vertex_array

A number of other minor changes outlined in Appendix C section 9 of the OpenGL specification. See

Version 1.2

Table A-2 Functionality added in OpenGL 1.2

Functionality Extension

BGRA pixel formats GL_EXT_bgra

Imaging subset (optional) GL_SGI_color_table , GL_EXT_color_subtable,

GL_EXT_convolution, GL_HP_convolution_border_modes,
GL_SGI_color_matrix, GL_EXT_histogram,
GL_EXT_blend_minmax, and GL_EXT_blend_subtract

Normal rescaling GL_EXT_rescale_normal

Packed pixel formats GL_EXT_packed_pixels

Separate specular color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color

Texture coordinate edge clamping GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp

Texture level of detail control GL_SGIS_texture_lod

Three-dimensional texturing GL_EXT_texture3D

Vertex array draw element range GL_EXT_draw_range_elements

Note: The imaging subset might not be present on all implementations; you must verify by checking
for the ARB_imaging extension.

OpenGL 1.2.1 introduced ARB extensions with no specific core API changes.

144 Version 1.2

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
OpenGL Functionality by Version

Version 1.3

Table A-3 Functionality added in OpenGL 1.3

Functionality Extension

Compressed textures GL_ARB_texture_compression

Cube map textures GL_ARB_texture_cube_map

Multisample GL_ARB_multisample

Multitexture GL_ARB_multitexture

Texture add environment mode GL_ARB_texture_env_add

Texture border clamp GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp

Texture combine environment mode GL_ARB_texture_env_combine

Texture dot3 environment mode GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3

Transpose matrix GL_ARB_transpose_matrix

Version 1.4

Table A-4 Functionality added in OpenGL 1.4

Functionality Extension

Automatic mipmap generation GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap

Blend function separate GL_ARB_blend_func_separate

Blend squaring GL_NV_blend_square

Depth textures GL_ARB_depth_texture

Fog coordinate GL_EXT_fog_coord

Multiple draw arrays GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays

Point parameters GL_ARB_point_parameters

Secondary color GL_EXT_secondary_color

Separate blend functions GL_EXT_blend_func_separate, GL_EXT_blend_color

Shadows GL_ARB_shadow

Stencil wrap GL_EXT_stencil_wrap

Version 1.3 145

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
OpenGL Functionality by Version

Functionality Extension

Texture crossbar environment mode GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar

Texture level of detail bias GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias

Texture mirrored repeat GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat

Window raster position GL_ARB_window_pos

Version 1.5

Table A-5 Functionality added in OpenGL 1.5

Functionality Extension

Buffer objects GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object

Occlusion queries GL_ARB_occlusion_query

Shadow functions GL_EXT_shadow_funcs

Version 2.0

Table A-6 Functionality added in OpenGL 2.0

Functionality Extension

Multiple render targets GL_ARB_draw_buffers

Non–power-of-two textures GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two

Point sprites GL_ARB_point_sprite

Separate blend equation GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate

Separate stencil GL_ATI_separate_stencil


Shading language GL_ARB_shading_language_100

Shader objects GL_ARB_shader_objects

Shader programs GL_ARB_fragment_shader


146 Version 1.5

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Setting Up Function Pointers to OpenGL


Function pointers to OpenGL routines allow you to deploy your application across multiple versions
of Mac OS X regardless of whether the entry point is supported at link time or runtime. This practice
also provides support for code that needs to run cross-platform—in both Mac OS X and Windows.

Note: If you are deploying your application only in Mac OS X v10.4 or later, you do not need to read
this chapter. Instead, consider the alternative, which is to set the gcc attribute that allows weak linking
of symbols. Keep in mind, however, that weak linking may impact your application's performance.
For more information, see Frameworks and Weak Linking.

This appendix discusses the tasks needed to set up and use function pointers as entry points to OpenGL

■ “Obtaining a Function Pointer to an Arbitrary OpenGL Entry Point” (page 147) shows how to
write a generic routine that you can reuse for any OpenGL application on the Macintosh platform.
■ “Initializing Entry Points” (page 150) describes how to declare function pointer type definitions
and initialize them with the appropriate OpenGL command entry points for your application.

Obtaining a Function Pointer to an Arbitrary OpenGL Entry


Getting a pointer to an OpenGL entry point function is fairly straightforward from either Cocoa or
Carbon. In either framework in Mac OS X, you can use the Dynamic Loader function
NSLookupAndBindSymbol to get the address of an OpenGL entry point. The Dynamic Loader is part
of the system framework, not part of Cocoa, which is why NSLookupAndBindSymbol (declared in
/usr/include/mach-o/dyld.h) works in Mach-O Carbon applications as well as Cocoa ones. Carbon
applications also have the option of using the AGL API, although this approach involves a bit more
code. You'll see how to use both approaches in this section.

Keep in mind that getting a valid function pointer means that the entry point is exported by the
OpenGL framework; it does not guarantee that a particular routine is supported and valid to call
from within your application. You still need to check for OpenGL functionality on a per-renderer
basis as described in “Detecting Functionality” (page 65).

Obtaining a Function Pointer to an Arbitrary OpenGL Entry Point 147

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Setting Up Function Pointers to OpenGL Routines

Listing B-1 shows how to use NSLookupAndBindSymbol from within the function
MyNSGLGetProcAddress. When provided a symbol name, this application-defined function returns
the appropriate function pointer from the global symbol table. A detailed explanation for each
numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing B-1 Using NSLookupAndBindSymbol to obtain a symbol for a symbol name

#import <mach-o/dyld.h>
#import <stdlib.h
#import <string.h>
void * MyNSGLGetProcAddress (const char *name)
NSSymbol symbol;
char *symbolName;
symbolName = malloc (strlen (name) + 2); // 1
strcpy(symbolName + 1, name); // 2
symbolName[0] = '_'; // 3
symbol = NULL;
if (NSIsSymbolNameDefined (symbolName)) // 4
symbol = NSLookupAndBindSymbol (symbolName);
free (symbolName); // 5
return symbol ? NSAddressOfSymbol (symbol) : NULL; // 6

Here's what the code does:

1. Allocates storage for the symbol name plus an underscore character ('_'). The underscore character
is part of the UNIX C symbol-mangling convention, so make sure that you provide storage for

2. Copies the symbol name into the string variable, starting at the second character, to leave room
for prefixing the underscore character.

3. Copies the underscore character into the first character of the symbol name string.

4. Checks to make sure that the symbol name is defined, and if it is, looks up the symbol.

5. Frees the symbol name string because it is no longer needed.

6. Returns the appropriate pointer if successful, or NULL if not successful. Before using this pointer,
you should make sure that is it valid.

Using the AGL API to obtain a function pointer for an OpenGL entry point requires that you get a
Core Foundation bundle reference. As a result, you need to perform a bit of set up work before you
make the critical call to the Core Foundation function CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName, as
you'll see by looking at the code in Listing B-2. This code requires Carbon and is designed for use
with Mach-O and CFM Carbon applications. You would use this approach only if you need to support
older versions of your application. If your application runs only in Mac OS X, it should be a Mach-O
application. A detailed explanation for each numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing B-2 Using AGL to get a function pointer for an entry in the OpenGL framework

#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
CFBundleRef gBundleRefOpenGL = NULL;

148 Obtaining a Function Pointer to an Arbitrary OpenGL Entry Point

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Setting Up Function Pointers to OpenGL Routines

OSStatus MyAGLInitEntryPoints (void)

OSStatus err = noErr;
const Str255 frameworkName = "\pOpenGL.framework"; // 1
FSRefParam fileRefParam;
FSRef fileRef;
CFURLRef bundleURLOpenGL;

memset (&fileRefParam, 0, sizeof(fileRefParam)); // 2

memset (&fileRef, 0, sizeof(fileRef));
fileRefParam.ioNamePtr = frameworkName; // 3
fileRefParam.newRef = &fileRef;
err = FindFolder (kSystemDomain, kFrameworksFolderType, false,
&fileRefParam.ioVRefNum, &fileRefParam.ioDirID); // 4
if (noErr != err) {
DebugStr ("\pCould not find frameworks folder");
return err;
err = PBMakeFSRefSync (&fileRefParam); // 5
if (noErr != err) {
DebugStr ("\pCould make FSRef to frameworks folder");
return err;
bundleURLOpenGL = CFURLCreateFromFSRef (kCFAllocatorDefault,&fileRef); // 6
if (!bundleURLOpenGL) {
DebugStr ("\pCould not create OpenGL Framework bundle URL");
return paramErr;
gBundleRefOpenGL = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, bundleURLOpenGL); // 7
if (!gBundleRefOpenGL) {
DebugStr ("\pCould not create OpenGL Framework bundle");
return paramErr;
CFRelease (bundleURLOpenGL); // 8
if (!CFBundleLoadExecutable (gBundleRefOpenGL)) { // 9
DebugStr ("\pCould not load Mach-O executable");
return paramErr;
return err;

void MyAGLDeAllocEntryPoints (void) // 10

if (gBundleRefOpenGL != NULL) {
CFBundleUnloadExecutable (gBundleRefOpenGL);
CFRelease (gBundleRefOpenGL);
gBundleRefOpenGL = NULL;

void * MyAGLGetProcAddress (char * pszProc) // 11

return CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName (gBundleRefOpenGL,
CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy (NULL,
pszProc, CFStringGetSystemEncoding (), NULL) );

Obtaining a Function Pointer to an Arbitrary OpenGL Entry Point 149

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Setting Up Function Pointers to OpenGL Routines

Here's what the code does:

1. Declares a string for the framework name (OpenGL.framework), which is where you need to
search for OpenGL function.

2. Sets up a buffer for the framework name. The next line does the same for the file reference.

3. Assigns the framework and then the file reference.

4. Finds the OpenGL framework directory; handles the error condition if the folder isn't found.

5. Creates an FSRef data structure for the OpenGL framework directory and handles an error
condition should one occur.

6. Creates a Core Foundation URL from the FSRef data structure and handles an error condition
should one occur.

7. Creates a Core Foundation bundle reference to the OpenGL framework and handles an error
condition should one occur.

8. Releases the Core Foundation URL because it is no longer needed.

9. Loads the bundle.

10. Performs necessary clean up work.

11. Gets a function pointer for an OpenGL entry point.

Initializing Entry Points

Listing B-3 shows how to use the MyNSGLGetProcAddress function from Listing B-1 (page 148) to
obtain a few OpenGL entry points. A detailed explanation for each numbered line of code appears
following the listing.

Listing B-3 Using NSGLGetProcAddress to obtain an OpenGL entry point

#import "MyNSGLGetProcAddress.h" // 1
static void InitEntryPoints (void);
static void DeallocEntryPoints (void);

// Function pointer type definitions

typedef void (*glBlendColorProcPtr)(GLclampf red,GLclampf green,
GLclampf blue,GLclampf alpha);
typedef void (*glBlendEquationProcPtr)(GLenum mode);
typedef void (*glDrawRangeElementsProcPtr)(GLenum mode, GLuint start,
GLuint end,GLsizei count,GLenum type,const GLvoid *indices);

glBlendColorProcPtr pfglBlendColor = NULL; // 2

glBlendEquationProcPtr pfglBlendEquation = NULL;
glDrawRangeElementsProcPtr pfglDrawRangeElements = NULL;

static void InitEntryPoints (void) // 3


150 Initializing Entry Points

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Setting Up Function Pointers to OpenGL Routines

pfglBlendColor = (glBlendColorProcPtr) MyNSGLGetProcAddress

pfglBlendEquation = (glBlendEquationProcPtr)MyNSGLGetProcAddress
pfglDrawRangeElements = (glDrawRangeElementsProcPtr)MyNSGLGetProcAddress
// -------------------------
static void DeallocEntryPoints (void) // 4
pfglBlendColor = NULL;
pfglBlendEquation = NULL;
pfglDrawRangeElements = NULL;;

Here's what the code does:

1. Imports the header file that contains the MyNSGLProcAddress function from Listing B-1 (page

2. Declares function pointers for the functions of interest. Note that each function pointer uses the
prefix pf to distinguish it from the function it points to. Although using this prefix is not a
requirement, it's best to avoid using the exact function names.

3. Initializes the entry points. This function repeatedly calls the MyNSGLProcAddress function to
obtain function pointers for each of the functions of interest—glBlendColor, glBlendEquation,
and glDrawRangeElements.

4. Sets each of the function pointers to NULL when they are no longer needed.

Listing B-4 demonstrates how to use the function aglGetProcAddress to obtain a few OpenGL entry
points. Note that the approach used by this code is similar to that used in Listing B-3 (page 150). A
detailed explanation for each numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing B-4 Using AGL to obtain an OpenGL entry point

#include "MyAGLGetProcAddress.h" // 1

static OSStatus InitEntryPoints (void);

static void DeallocEntryPoints (void);

typedef void (*glBlendColorProcPtr)(GLclampf red,GLclampf green,

GLclampf blue,GLclampf alpha); // 2
typedef void (*glBlendEquationProcPtr)(GLenum mode);
typedef void (*glDrawRangeElementsProcPtr)(GLenum mode,GLuint start,
GLuint end,GLsizei count,GLenum type,
const GLvoid *indices);

glBlendColorProcPtr pfglBlendColor = NULL; // 3

glBlendEquationProcPtr pfglBlendEquation = NULL;
glDrawRangeElementsProcPtr pfglDrawRangeElements = NULL;

static OSStatus InitEntryPoints (void)

OSStatus err = MyAGLInitEntryPoints(); // 4
if (noErr == err) { // 5

Initializing Entry Points 151

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Setting Up Function Pointers to OpenGL Routines

pfglBlendColor = (glBlendColorProcPtr)
MyAGLGetProcAddress ("glBlendColor");
pfglBlendEquation = (glBlendEquationProcPtr)
MyAGLGetProcAddress ("glBlendEquation");
pfglDrawRangeElements = (glDrawRangeElementsProcPtr)
return err;

static void DeallocEntryPoints (void)

pfglBlendColor = NULL; // 6
pfglBlendEquation = NULL;
pfglDrawRangeElements = NULL;
MyAGLDellocEntryPoints (); // 7

Here's what the code does:

1. Imports the header file that contains the MyAGLGetProcAdress function from Listing B-2 (page

2. Declares function pointers for the functions of interest.

3. Initializes each function pointer to NULL.

4. Calls the initialization function defined in Listing B-2 (page 148).

5. After checking for an error condition, obtains the function pointers for the functions of interest
by calling the MyAGLGetProcAddress function defined in Listing B-2 (page 148).

6. Sets each of the function pointers to NULL when they are no longer needed.

7. Deallocates the function pointers when they are no longer needed by calling the deallocation
function defined in Listing B-2 (page 148).

152 Initializing Entry Points

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Quartz Display Services and Full-Screen


The Quartz Display Services API provides functionality that is useful for any Mac OS X application
using full-screen mode. In other parts of this programming guide, you've seen how to use Quartz
Display Services to obtain exclusive access to the display, query the display, and adjust the resolution,
depth, and refresh rate of the display. This appendix shows how to perform some additional tasks
that are relevant to full-screen OpenGL applications:

■ “Displays and Display Modes” (page 153) shows how to obtain information about the display
and switch modes.
■ “Fading the Display” (page 155) describes how to fade a display to black and then set it to its
original state.
■ “Controlling the Pointer” (page 158) discusses how to programmatically manage the cursor and
disassociate mouse movement from the cursor.

For more information, see Quartz Display Services Reference.

Displays and Display Modes

Quartz Display Services functions allow you to enumerate all displays as well as the supported modes
for each display. The Quartz Display Services functions CGDisplaySwitchToMode and
CGDisplayBestModeForParameters use on the Core Foundation CFDictionary data type. Each
display mode has a dictionary whose key-value pairs you can query. You can use accessor functions
to query the properties of the current display mode. You can also use Core Foundation functions to
access the dictionary associated with a display mode. See CFDictionary Reference.

You can enumerate the display modes for a display by using its display ID. You can obtain an array
of display IDs that correspond to all displays in the system by calling the function
CGGetActiveDisplayList. The first display in the list is always the main display. The main display
is also represented by the constant kCGDirectMainDisplay.

These functions also obtain an array of display IDs:

■ CGGetDisplaysWithPoint obtains the display IDs for online displays whose bounds include a
specified point.
■ CGGetDisplaysWithRect obtains the display IDs for online displays whose bounds include a
specified rectangle.

Displays and Display Modes 153

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Quartz Display Services and Full-Screen Mode

■ CGGetDisplaysWithOpenGLDisplayMask obtains the display IDs for online displays that

correspond to the bits set in an OpenGL display mask.

Typically you use the functions CGGetDisplaysWithPoint and CGGetDisplaysWithRect when

tracking user interactions. You choose which display to capture based on where the user places the
pointer. After capturing the display, you can the obtain the supported modes by calling the function

Listing C-1 shows how to switch the last display in a display list into its first mode and then print the
height and width of the display. A detailed explanation for each numbered line of code appears
following the listing.

Listing C-1 Switching modes for a display in a list

#define MAX_DISPLAYS 32

CGDirectDisplayID lastDisplay, displayArray[MAX_DISPLAYS] ;

CGDisplayCount numDisplays;

CFArrayRef displayModeArray;
CFDictionaryRef displayMode;

CFNumberRef number;
long height, width;

CGGetActiveDisplayList (MAX_DISPLAYS, displayArray, &numDisplays); // 1

lastDisplay = displayArray [numDisplays - 1]; // 2
CGDisplayCapture (lastDisplay); // 3
displayModeArray = CGDisplayAvailableModes (lastDisplay); // 4
displayMode = (CFDictionaryRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (displayModeArray, 0); // 5
CGDisplaySwitchToMode (lastDisplay, displayMode); // 6
/* Run the event loop. */
CGReleaseAllDisplays(); // 7

Here's what the code does:

1. Gets the array of active displays, which are the ones available for drawing.

2. Gets the display ID of the last display in the array. The array is zero-based.

3. Captures the display associated with the last display in the array.

4. Gets all the display modes for the display.

5. Gets the first display mode for the display. Recall that the display mode is stored as a
CFDictionary object that contains key-value pairs for the attributes of the display mode.

6. Switches the display mode.

7. Before the application quits, releases all displays.

Quartz Display Services provides simple accessor functions for many properties of the current display
mode. For these properties, you don't need to call CFDictionaryGetValue. Listing C-2 shows how
to obtain the properties of the current mode of every display (up to 32) in the system.

154 Displays and Display Modes

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Quartz Display Services and Full-Screen Mode

Listing C-2 Getting display properties

#define MAX_DISPLAYS 32

CGDirectDisplayID displayArray [MAX_DISPLAYS];

CGDisplayCount numDisplays;
CFNumberRef number;
CFBoolean booleanValue;
long height, width, refresh, mode,
bpp, bps, spp, rowBytes, gui, ioflags;
int i;

CGGetActiveDisplayList (MAX_DISPLAYS, displayArray, &numDisplays); // 1

printf ("Displays installed: %d\n", numDisplays); // 2
for(i = 0; i < numDisplays; i++) { // 3
width = CGDisplayPixelsWide (displayArray[i]);
height = CGDisplayPixelsHigh (displayArray[i]);
bpp = CGDisplayBitsPerPixel (displayArray[i]);
bps = CGDisplayBitsPerSample (displayArray[i]);
spp = CGDisplaySamplesPerPixel (displayArray[i]);
rowBytes = CGDisplayBytesPerRow (displayArray[i]);
number = CFDictionaryGetValue (CGDisplayCurrentMode (displayArray[i]),
CFNumberGetValue (number, kCFNumberLongType, &mode);
number = CFDictionaryGetValue (CGDisplayCurrentMode (displayArray[i]),
CFNumberGetValue (number, kCFNumberLongType, &refresh);
booleanValue = CFDictionaryGetValue (CGDisplayCurrentMode(displayArray[i]),
CFNumberGetValue (number, kCFNumberLongType, &gui);
number = CFDictionaryGetValue (CGDisplayCurrentMode (displayArray[i]),
CFNumberGetValue (number, kCFNumberLongType, &ioflags);

Here's what the code does:

1. Gets the array of displays.

2. Prints out the number of displays.

3. Gets the properties for the current mode of each display. Note that Quartz Display Services
provides several functions that obtain properties. For information about the current display mode,
you must use the function CFDictionaryGetValue, along with the appropriate key, to retrieve
a value from the display mode dictionary returned by the function CGDisplayCurrentMode.

Fading the Display

Fading a display ensures a smooth transition when entering full-screen mode, especially when
switching display modes. There are two options for fading displays:

■ Call the function CGDisplayFade to fade all displays connected to the system. See Listing C-3.

Fading the Display 155

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Quartz Display Services and Full-Screen Mode

■ Adjust the display gamma value to fade a single display on a system that has more than one
display connected. See Listing C-4 (page 156).

Listing C-3 Fading all displays connected to the system

CGDisplayFadeReservationToken token;
CGDisplayErr err;

err = CGAcquireDisplayFadeReservation (kCGMaxDisplayReservationInterval, &token);// 1

if (err == kCGErrorSuccess)
err = CGDisplayFade (token, 0.5, kCGDisplayBlendNormal,
kCGDisplayBlendSolidColor, 0, 0, 0, true); // 2
// Your code to change the display mode and
// set the full-screen context.
err = CGDisplayFade (token, 0.5, kCGDisplayBlendSolidColor,
kCGDisplayBlendNormal, 0, 0, 0, true); // 3
err = CGReleaseDisplayFadeReservation (token); // 4

Here's what the code does:

1. Reserves the display hardware for the maximum amount of time allowable. Your application
must perform this step before it can fade the displays. During this time, your application has
exclusive rights to use the fade hardware.

2. Fades displays to black over a duration of 0.5 seconds

3. Performs a fade-in for all displays, from black to normal, over a duration of 0.5 seconds

4. Releases the fade reservation and invalidates the fade token.

When you adjust the gamma value to fade a display, you can't assume that the maximum gamma
value is 1.0 because the user might have specified a different maximum value in System Preferences.
You need to retrieve the current settings and scale them so that they range from 0 to 1. Listing C-3
shows how to fade the main display to black and back. Note that the code uses a loop is used to obtain
a smooth fade. A more robust technique is to use a timer to ensure a fixed fade duration on different
systems. A detailed explanation for each numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing C-4 Fading a single display on a system with multiple displays

#define kMyFadeTime 1.0

#define kMyFadeSteps 100
#define kMyFadeInterval ( kMyFadeTime/(double) kMyFadeSteps)

int step;
double fadeValue ;
CGGammaValue redMin, redMax, redGamma,
greenMin, greenMax, greenGamma,
blueMin, blueMax, blueGamma;

CGGetDisplayTransferByFormula (kCGDirectMainDisplay,
&redMin, &redMax, &redGamma,
&greenMin, &greenMax, &greenGamma,

156 Fading the Display

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Quartz Display Services and Full-Screen Mode

&blueMin, &blueMax, &blueGamma ); // 1

for ( step = 0; step < kMyFadeSteps; ++step ) {

fadeValue = 1.0 - (step * kMyFadeInterval);
CGSetDisplayTransferByFormula (kCGDirectMainDisplay,
redMin, fadeValue*redMax, redGamma,
greenMin, fadeValue*greenMax, greenGamma,
blueMin, fadeValue*blueMax, blueGamma ); // 2
usleep( (useconds_t)(1000000.0 * kMyFadeInterval) ); // 3
// Your code to change the display mode and
// attach the context to a full-screen drawable object.
// Run the event loop.
for ( step = 0; step < kMyFadeSteps; ++step ) {
fadeValue = (step * kMyFadeInterval);
CGSetDisplayTransferByFormula( kCGDirectMainDisplay,
redMin, fadeValue*redMax, redGamma,
greenMin, fadeValue*greenMax, greenGamma,
blueMin, fadeValue*blueMax, blueGamma ); // 4
usleep( (useconds_t)(1000000.0 * kMyFadeInterval) ); // 5
CGDisplayRestoreColorSyncSettings() // 6

Here's what the code does:

1. Gets the current coefficients of the gamma transfer formula for a display as the starting gamma

2. Fades from the current gamma by setting the color gamma function for the display, specified as
the coefficients of the gamma transfer formula. Starts with the current gamma (multiplying by a
factor of 1.0) and ends with black (multiplying by a factor of 0.0).

3. Suspends processing for a short interval. You either need to use a timer or insert a short delay to
achieve a fade effect because the call to change the display gamma returns within 100 microseconds
or so, and the actual gamma is applied asynchronously during the next vertical blanking period.
Without the delay, you'll get what appears as an instantaneous switch to black rather than a fade

4. Fade from black (multiplying by a factor of 0.0) back to original gamma (multiplying by a factor
of 1.0).

5. Suspends processing for a short interval to achieve a smooth fade-in effect.

6. Finds and applies all ColorSync settings for all attached displays, restoring the gamma tables to
the values in the user's ColorSync display profile. It's a good idea to call this function because the
operation performed by the function CGSetDisplayTransferByFormula can't reproduce precisely
the color correction data for all displays, particularly LCD panels.

Fading the Display 157

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Quartz Display Services and Full-Screen Mode

Controlling the Pointer

When you use full-screen mode, you may want to hide the pointer, programatically move the pointer,
or disassociate mouse movement from pointer position. To hide or show the pointer, use the functions
CGDisplayHideCursor and CGDisplayShowCursor. These functions control the pointer visibility on
all displays.

Quartz Display Services provides a convenient function for disassociating mouse movement from
pointer position while an application is in the foreground. By passing false to the function
CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition, you can prevent mouse movement from changing
the pointer position. Pass true to reverse the effect. You should also hide the menu bar because
clicking it can cause the pointer to become visible again, even after capturing the display.

You can move the pointer programatically by calling the function CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint.
This function takes two parameters, a display ID and a point. The location of the point is relative to
the display origin (the upper-left corner of the display).

Listing C-5 shows how you would hide and move the cursor on the main display, disassociate the
cursor from mouse movement, and restore the cursor and mouse when you are done.

Listing C-5 Controlling the pointer programmatically

CGDisplayHideCursor (kCGDirectMainDisplay); //Hide cursor

CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint (kCGDirectMainDisplay,CGPointZero); //Place at display
CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition (FALSE);
// Perform your application's main loop.
//In the mouse movement notification function, get the motion deltas
CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition (TRUE);
CGDisplayShowCursor (kCGDirectMainDisplay);

See Also

Quartz Display Services Reference which describes the application programming interface that configures
and controls the display hardware.

158 Controlling the Pointer

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This glossary contains terms that are used specifically CGL (Core OpenGL) framework The Apple
for the Apple implementation of OpenGL and a few framework for using OpenGL graphics in Mac OS
terms that are common in graphics programming. For X applications (Cocoa or Carbon) that need
definitions of additional OpenGL terms, see OpenGL low-level access to OpenGL.
Programming Guide, by the OpenGL Architecture
Review Board. clipping An operation that identifies the area of
drawing. Anything not in the clipping region is
AGL (Apple Graphics Library) framework The not drawn.
Apple framework for using OpenGL graphics in
Mac OS X applications written in the Carbon clip coordinates The coordinate system used for
environment. view-volume clipping. Clip coordinates are
applied after applying the projection matrix and
aliased Graphics whose edges appear jagged; can prior to perspective division.
be remedied by performing anti-aliasing
operations. color-lookup table A table of values used to map
color indexes into actual color values.
anti-aliasing In graphics, a technique used to
smooth and soften the jagged (or aliased) edges completeness A state that indicates whether a
that are sometimes apparent when graphical framebuffer object meets all the requirements for
objects such as text, line art, and images are drawing.
context A set of OpenGL state variables that affect
ARB The OpenGL Architecture Review Board, how drawing is performed for a drawable object
which is the group that oversees the OpenGL attached to that context. Also called a rendering
specification and extensions to it. context.

attach An operation that establishes a connection culling Eliminating parts of a scene that can't be
between two existing objects. Compare with seen by the observer.
current context The rendering context to which
bind An operation that creates a new object and OpenGL routes commands issued by your
then establishes a connection between that object application.
and a rendering context.
current matrix A matrix used by OpenGL to
bitmap A rectangular array of bits. transform coordinates in one system to those of
another system, such as the modelview matrix,
bitplane A rectangular array of pixels. the perspective matrix, and the texture matrix. GL
shading language allows user-defined matrices.
buffer A block of memory dedicated to storing
a specific kind of data, such as depth values, green depth In OpenGL, refers to the z coordinate and
color values, stencil index values, color index specifies how far a pixel lies from the observer.
values, and so forth.

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

depth buffer A block of memory used to store a fog An effect achieved by fading colors to a
depth value for each pixel. The depth buffer is background color based on the distance from the
used to determine whether or not a pixel can be observer. Fog provides depth cues to the observer.
seen by the observer. Those that are hidden are
typically removed. fragment The color and depth values for a single
pixel; can also include texture coordinate values.
display list A list of OpenGL commands that A fragment is the result of rasterizing primitives.
have an associated name and that are uploaded
to the GPU, preprocessed, and then executed at a framebuffer The collection of buffers associated
later time. Display lists are often used for with a window or a rendering context.
computing-intensive commands.
framebuffer attachable image The rendering
double buffering The practice of using a front destination for a framebuffer object.
and back color buffer to achieve smooth
animation. The back buffer is not displayed, but framebuffer object An OpenGL extension that
swapped with the front buffer. allows rendering to a destination other than the
usual OpenGL buffers or destinations provided
drawable object In Mac OS X, an object allocated by the windowing system. A framebuffer object
outside of OpenGL that can serve as an OpenGL (FBO) contains state information for the OpenGL
framebuffer. A drawable object can be any of the framebuffer and its set of images. A framebuffer
following: a window, a view, a pixel buffer, object is similar to a drawable object, except that
offscreen memory, or a full-screen graphics device. a drawable object is a window-system specific
See also framebuffer object object whereas a framebuffer object is a
window-agnostic object. The context that's bound
extension A feature of OpenGL that's not part of to a framebuffer object can be bound to a
the OpenGL core API and therefore not window-system-provided drawable object for the
guaranteed to be supported by every purpose of displaying the content associated with
implementation of OpenGL. The naming the framebuffer object.
conventions used for extensions indicate how
widely accepted the extension is. The name of an frustum Defines the region of space that is seen
extension supported only by a specific company by the observer and that is warped by perspective
includes an abbreviation of the company name. division.
If more then one company adopts the extension,
the extension name is changed to include EXT FSAA (full scene anti-aliasing) A technique that
instead of a company abbreviation. If the OpenGL takes multiple samples at a pixel and combines
Architecture Review Board approves an extension, them with coverage values to arrive at a final
the extension name changes to include ARB instead fragment.
of EXT or a company abbreviation.
gamma correction A function that changes color
eye coordinates The coordinate system with the intensity values to correct for the nonlinear
observer at the origin. Eye coordinates are response of the eye or of a display.
produced by the modelview matrix and passed
to the projection matrix. GLU Graphics library utilities.

fence A token used by the GL_APPLE_fence GL Graphics library.

extension to determine whether a given command
has completed or not. GLUT Graphics library utilities toolkit, which is
independent of the window system. In Mac OS
filtering A process that modifies an image by X, GLUT is implemented on top of Cocoa.
combining pixels or texels.
GLX An OpenGL extension that supports using
OpenGL within a window provided by the X
Window system.

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

image A rectangular array of pixels. pixel format A format used to store pixel data in
memory. The format describes the pixel
immediate mode The practice of OpenGL components (that is, red, blue, green, alpha), the
executing commands at the time an application number and order of components, and other
issues them. To prevent commands from being relevant information, such as whether a pixel
issued immediately, an application can use a contains stencil and depth values.
display list.
primitives The simplest elements in
interleaved data Arrays of dissimilar data that OpenGL—points, lines, polygons, bitmaps, and
are grouped together, such as vertex data and images.
texture coordinates. Interleaving can speed data
retrieval. projection matrix A matrix that OpenGL uses to
transform points, lines, polygons, and positions
mipmaps A set of texture maps, provided at from eye coordinates to clip coordinates.
various resolutions, whose purpose is to minimize
artifacts that can occur when a texture is applied rasterization The process of converting vertex
to a geometric primitive whose onscreen and pixel data to fragments, each of which
resolution doesn't match the source texture map. corresponds to a pixel in the framebuffer.
Mipmapping derives from the latin phrase multum
in parvo, which means "many things in a small renderbuffer A rendering destination for a 2D
place." pixel image, used for generalized offscreen
rendering, as defined in the OpenGL specification
modelview matrix A 4 X 4 matrix used by for the GL_EXT_framebuffer_object extension.
OpenGL to transforms points, lines, polygons,
and positions from object coordinates to eye renderer A combination of hardware and/or
coordinates. software that OpenGL uses to create an image
from a view and a model. The hardware portion
mutex A mutual exclusion object in a of a renderer is associated with a particular
multithreaded application. display device and supports specific capabilities,
such as the ability to support a certain color depth
NURBS (non-uniform rational B-spline) A or buffering mode. A renderer that uses only
methodology use to specify parametric curves and software is called a software renderer and is
surfaces. typically used as a fallback.

packing Converting pixel color components from rendering context A container for state
a buffer into the format needed by an application. information.

pbuffer See “pixel buffer”. rendering pipeline The order of operations used
by OpenGL to transform pixel and vertex data to
pixel A picture element; the smallest element that an image in the framebuffer.
the graphics hardware can display on the screen.
A pixel is made up of all the bits at the location x, render-to-texture An operation that draws
y, in all the bitplanes in the framebuffer. content directly to a texture target.

pixel buffer A type of drawable object that allows RGBA Red, green, blue, and alpha color
the use of offscreen buffers as sources for OpenGL components.
texturing. Pixel buffers, introduced in Mac OS X
v10.3, allow hardware-accelerated rendering to a shader A program that computes surface
texture. properties.

pixel depth The number of bits per pixel in a pixel


2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

shading language A high-level language, vertex array A data structure that stores a block
accessible in C, used to produce advanced imaging of data that specifies such things as vertex
effects. The Apple implementation of OpenGL coordinates, texture coordinates, surface normals,
supports ARB_shading_language_100. RGBA colors, color indices, and edge flags.

stencil buffer Memory used specifically for virtual screen A combination of hardware,
stencil testing. A stencil test is typically used to renderer, and pixel format that OpenGL selects
identify masking regions, identify solid geometry as suitable for an imaging task. When the current
that needs to be capped, and to overlap virtual screen changes, the current renderer
translucent polygons. typically changes.

surface The internal representation of a single

buffer that OpenGL actually draws to and reads
from. For windowed drawable objects, this surface
is what the Mac OS X window server uses to
composite OpenGL content on the desktop.

tearing A visual anomaly caused when part of

the current frame overwrites previous frame data
in the framebuffer before the current frame is fully
rendered on the screen.

tessellation An operation that reduces a surface

to a mesh of polygons or a curve to a sequence of

texel A texture element used to specify the color

to apply to a fragment.

texture Image data used to modify the color of

rasterized fragments; can be one-, two-, three-
dimensional or be a cube map.

texture mapping The process of applying a

texture to a primitive.

texture matrix A 4 x 4 matrix that OpenGL uses

to transform texture coordinates to the coordinates
that are used for interpolation and texture lookup.

texture object An opaque data structure used to

store all data related to a texture. A texture object
can include such things as an image, a mipmap,
and texture parameters (width, height, internal
format, resolution, wrapping modes, and so forth).

vertex A three-dimensional point. A set of vertices

specify the geometry of a shape. Vertices can have
a number of additional attributes such as colors,
and texture coordinates. See “vertex array”.

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac OS X.

Date Notes

2006-10-03 Added a section on checking for GPU processing.

Added “Vertex and Fragment Processing” (page 73).

Fixed a number of minor typos in the code and in the text.

2006-09-05 Fixed minor technical problems.

2006-07-24 Made minor technical and typograhical changes throughout.

Added information to “Surface Drawing Order” (page 72).

Changed glCopyTexSubImage to glCopyTexSubImage2D in “Downloading

Texture Data” (page 114).

Made minor improvements to Listing 9-5 (page 115).

Removed information about 1-D textures.

2006-06-28 Made several minor technical corrections.

Redirected links to the OpenGL specification for the framebuffer object

extension so that they point to the SGI Open Source website, which hosts
the most up-to-date version of this specification.

Removed the logic operation blending entry from Table A-6 (page 146)
because this functionality is not available in OpenGL 2.0.

2006-05-23 First version.

This document replaces Macintosh OpenGL Programming Guide and AGL

Programming Guide.

This document incorporates information from the following Technical


TN2007 “The CGDirectDisplay API”

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Document Revision History

Date Notes

TN2014 “Insights on OpenGL”

TN2080 “Understanding and Detecting OpenGL Functionality”

TN2093 “OpenGL Performance Optimization: The Basics”

This document incorporates information from the following Technical


Technical Q&A OGL01 “aglChoosePixelFormat, The Inside Scoop”

Technical Q&A OGL02 “Correct Setup of an AGLDrawable”

Technical Q&A QA1158 “glFlush() vs. glFinish()”

Technical Q&A QA1167 “Using Interface Builder's NSOpenGLView or

Custom View objects for an OpenGL application”

Technical Q&A QA1188 “GetProcAdress and OpenGL Entry Points”

Technical Q&A QA1209 “Updating OpenGL Contexts”

Technical Q&A QA1248 “Context Sharing Tips”

Technical Q&A QA1268 “Sharpening Full Scene Anti-Aliasing Details”

Technical Q&A QA1269 “Mac OS X OpenGL Interfaces”

Technical Q&A QA1325 “Creating an OpenGL texture from an NSView”

2006-10-03 | © 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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