Creative Writing - EnGL15
Creative Writing - EnGL15
Creative Writing - EnGL15
LET Competencies
Apply the theories and principles in creative writing.
Identify the methods, approaches, techniques, and strategies in teaching creative
Evaluate and analyze the creative process involved in public literary works.
Exhibit a better understanding of literary genres,, their nature, elements and forms.
I. Fiction Writing
A. Definition of Fiction
Fiction - Fiction tells an untrue story in prose. Fiction is “untrue” in the sense that it is
at least partly made up. It is an artistic creation that stands on its own no matter how
much it makes use of characters, events, and settings from life.
Simple fiction not only reduces the complexity of the plot, but it usually avoids
originality as well. Simple plots tend to be based on well-used conventions known as
“formulas.” - Traditional
Sophisticated fiction tends to avoid the hackneyed and the bizarre. The setting is
used as a way of increasing credibility and placing the reader in the center of the
story regardless of whether it is based on the actual place or upon the dreamscape of
the author. - That goes beyond what is conventional.
B. Forms of Fiction
Short Story - The short story usually refers to a work that is from 2000 to 6000 words
from eight to 24 pages. The short story limits the author’s ability to develop character
interrelationships between characters, setting, and plot.
Novella - The Novella is halfway between a story and a novel. It is often thought of as
between 50 and 150 manuscript pages.
Novel - The novel form is really more than just a story that has been expanded beyond
250 pages - or it should be. The writer can introduce many more characters than in the
story or novella, and some of them can change and develop over the course of time.
Sudden Fiction
- A woman is sitting in her old, shuttered house. She knows that she is alone in the world;
every other thing is dead.
- The doorbell rings
Thomas Bailey Aldrich
C. Sources of Fiction
Interior Place - interior setting has come to mean, basically, an indoor place.
Good writers understand that the objects people own comment on them at times
even define them.
Exterior Place - the relationship between character and exterior setting is more
mysterious. The things we own can own us in return.
Destiny in Place - in the end, the only compelling reason to pay more attention
to place, to exterior setting, is the belief or the faith, that place and its people are
intertwined, that place is character, and to know the rhythms, the textures, the
feel of a place is to know more deeply and truly its people.
1. Describe selectively (1)
2. See clearly from the start (2)
3. Create distance (3)
4. Use research selectively (4)
The Iceberg Theory - The idea being that what’s unstated must nonetheless
exist clearly in the author’s mind for a character to have sufficient depth. Much
what readers know about any given character is never stated explicitly but is
rather submerged in a way the character speaks and moves and thinks and all of
this, in turn is shaped by the author’s knowledge of each character.
Historical Inspiration - Sometimes authors take the idea of using a true fact or
a true line one step further, and use an actual historical character as an
inspiration for a fictional one.
Living in the World - Fictionist and their characters both don’t live in a
vacuum. Our interactions with the events of the world keep us in a continual
state of discovery about our own hidden selves, so, too, our characters reveal
themselves through their exchanges with others.
Breaking through the Ice - Characters are the beating heart of any story. Who
people are defines what they do, how they respond to a given situation they must
step out of the icy region between the unknown and the imagined, melt through
barriers and emerge into the world, vibrant, radiant and alive.
My son, when you asked me this evening how many Japanese had I killed during the war,
and I answered you in the negative, I saw disappointment cross your facee and smirk
play on your lips.
” To kill the Enemy,’ Roman A. Dela Cruz
Third Person - the two most common forms of contemporary fiction are third-
person limited and third-person narrative.
- In third limited narrative, the story is told from the point of view of a participant
in the action, although that character is not directly speaking. It does allow more
latitude than first person for physical and emotional description.
- In third person omniscient narrative, the omniscient speaker often knows more
(bout tomorrow, for instance, or about the motives of minor character) than can be
expressed in third-person limited.
Voice Still Mystified - don’t go looking for your voice; write a story.
Style is how you say what you say. Style is the way words take on an identity on the
page. It is a kind of ownership agreement, in which any given writer lays claim, with his
or her identity, to an arrangement of words turned into self revealing lines, turned into a
‘work’ of fiction, nonfiction, poetry.
- The micro level begins with a sentence or smaller than that with a word. The first
task is to eliminate redundancy. Make the story, on its own minimal level, have a
purpose. Apply its specificity.
- The macro approach implies attention to the larger question of story intent, or the
“heart” of the story. Follow, as Socrates said, where the question leads. Your story is
about what? And then what? And then?
- The boundaries between minimalism and maximalism are permeable. One kind of
style enhances another, and just as there are no hard-and-fast rule for when to use a
particular point of view or a particular plot structure, style itself is a mystery that
evolves, as the skills and voice of writers evolve, with practice and experimentation.
2. Multiple Flashback - The multiple flashback are sometimes used when the author
wants to suggest a complicated set of clues leading to a symbolic or a literal trial.
4. Frame Story - The frame story traditionally refers to a tale told by a character
appearing in a larger work, such as the separate narrations within the A thousand and
One Nights, Decameron and Canterbury Tales.
5. Figure Eight - The figure eight loops time around a central moment or keeps returning
to the same image or central event. A story begins at one point in time, then leaps
backward, returning gradually, in scenes, to the story’s opening, then continues forward
to show more scenes that follow the events of the opening and have been irrevocably
affected by it.
6. Reverse Order - The reverse order marches the characters into the past. The technique
depends on the power of the stories behind a story. Examples are Charles Baxter’s First
Light and Martin Amis’ Time’s Arrow.
7. Out of Sequence - The out of sequence works best when the information is scrambled,
or given out of sequence. An example is William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” which
relies in part upon the suspense created as information is slowly given to the reader.
F. Characterization
Complexity develops more than one aspect of a character. You can do this
by establishing a pattern, countering it in some way and then showing how
both elements are a part of the whole character. Complexity, then involves
adding at least one other aspect to the character’s original pattern.
G. Narrative Tension
Tension is the recurring force that maintains the sense of forward motion throughout a
story or novel.
Arousing curiosity can be done by means of dramatic question (also called the
hook) and by suspense and shock. The element that arouses curiosity is the
dramatic question. Suspense is simply a heightened form of curiosity. Shock
is also used to create a tension, but it cannot be sustained; it’s generally a single
Irony and Satire. Verbal Irony occurs when characters make statements that
are knowingly different or even opposite of what they really mean. In casual
conversation we sometimes call it sarcasm. Dramatic Irony is similar except
that the character making the statement does not understand that it is ironic. It is
also called unconscious irony.
Theme, also called the central concern, serves as a reminder we are not dealing
with something as logically specific as a thesis or as ethically concerned as a
Symbol is any detail that takes on a range of meaning beyond and larger than
The Poe Gimmick - Edgar Allan Poe was a master of the strange, the bizarre,
and the surprise ending. His stories remain popular, but they provide poor
models for contemporary writers.
Mock Faulkner - Imitation deprives writers their own voice at best and
sometimes results in unintended satire. Hemingway's sparse style can be a
problem, but Faulkner's opaque scenes of the southern decadence and
occasional violence simply self-destruct when imitated in short stories.
The Yuppie Gone Wrong - This is done of the most common patterns in
collage writing courses. The protagonist is a young, upwardly mobile individual
who has put career and love of material object ahead of personal relationships
and spiritual values.
1. Are the primary characters convincing or, in the case of satire, effective? 2. Is the story
constructed successfully?
3. Does the story contain the type of tensions that keep fiction alive and interesting?
4. What is the theme? Is it sophisticated enough to be fresh and evocative?
5. Is the setting vivid, and does it contribute to the theme?
6. Is the tone effective?
A. What is a Poem?
1. Line Graph — Poets determine the length of each verse they write; it is part of the art
form itself. Meter is based on a specific number of stressed and unstressed syllables in
each line, so the length of the line is determined in advance by the metrical scheme the
poet adopts.
2. The Heightened Use of Sound — Rhyme is a device that ends two lines with the
same sound; it can be muted to keep it from becoming obtrusive. There are other ways to
link words by sound: alliteration (matching the initial consonant sounds of words),
alliteration (internal syllables which echo each other.)
3. Use of Rhythm — Rhythm is a systematic variation in flow of sound. Some poets use
a recurring pattern based on the number of syllables per line. Others arrange long and
short lines on the page in such a way as to highlight certain phrases or even trip the
4. Compression — Poems usually say a lot in a few words. This is done through the use
of language which suggests much more than the immediate, surface meaning.
Levels of usage
Poetry often deals with personal and insights, so it frequently uses a vocabulary
that is more varied and phrasing that is denser in implication than what we might
use in a casual letter to a friend.
The poet's task is to find the appropriate words and phrases, not fancy ones.
What is appropriate for one poem may not be for another.
Effective language is that which is appropriate to the tone of the poem and to
the persona.
Cliché is a dying metaphor; an expression that was once fresh enough to create a
clear picture in the reader's mind but has now lost its vitality through constant use.
Examples are — nip in the bud, busy as a bee, packed like sardines, clean as a
Dealing with a cliché; (1) work hard to find a fresh simile or metaphor (2) drop the
comparison completely and deal with the subject directly, and (3) twist the cliché around
so that it is reborn in some slightly altered form.
Hackneyed language includes not only the cliche but the far broader areas or
phrases that have simply been overused. It also includes description that has been
seen in print too long to provide impact. Examples are — golden resplendent,
magnificent, or richly scarlet to describe the sunset; radiant, infectious, or glowing to
describe smiles.
- An image is any significant piece of sense data. It includes objects seen, sounds
heard, texture felt, odors smelled, and objects tasted. An image refers to an object seen or
perceived by the other senses regardless of whether that word is used literally or
figuratively. Images tend to be concrete nouns.
Images as figures of speech — images also serve as the concrete element in almost
any figure of speech. Figurative language usually takes the form of the simile and
Tenor— describes the poet's actual subject of concern. o Vehicle — the image
associatedwith it o Mixed metaphor— is one with two contradictory vehicles
Building image clusters — images may also appear as a series of related details or
interlocking images
A more radical method of muting rhyme is simply to separate the rhyming lines.
The rhyme is muted still further if you have certain lines unrhymed (abcd).
Slant rhyme (also called off rhymes) are similar but not identical in sound.
Examples: barnacles-snails, stone-gone
D. Rhythms of Stress
Meter Example
Iamb (Iambic) Unstressed, stressed Accept
Trochee (trochaic) Stressed, unstressed Widow
Anapest (anapestic) 2 unstressed, stressed Disappoint
Dactyl (dactylic) Stressed, 2 unstressed Happily
Spondee ( spondaic) 2 stressed Heartbreak
Phyrric (phyrric) 2 unstressed In the
Syllabics involve counting of syllables (like the haiku) Breath units are the loosest
form of rhythm in poetry today. Essentially, the line is broken at the point where the
reader might be expected to take a breath.
Basic Tools
• Create a festive atmosphere
• Show, don't tell
• Do more with less: Say the most you can in the fewest words.
• Start with the basics, not rhyme
• Match sounds with meaning
• Sounds
• If you want to say something tender and loving, you might want to use liquid
consonants like l, f, s, w, h, or y or long vowels like é, ö or maybe a(hs) or o(ooos).
• ii. If you want to say something wit conviction or emphasis; if you want to be
didactic, or use a lot of energy, then perhaps you should use short vowels like i in pit
and harsh consonants like z, k, t, ch, p, and b.
Simile — like, as, —stated, direct
Metaphor — (lie) (is) — implied, indirect
Sideways thinking
i. "rational" or "straight thinking" — teaching students to funnel or channel and
departmentalize their thoughts ii.
ii. "irrational" or sideways thinking — you are expanding though instead of
funnelling it.
3. Dramatic Irony — the audience knows more than the characters involved in the
Organizing principle — every good poem has its own prosody
Imagery —we dream in images not in written words.
4. Intimate Conversation
Talking to friends you haven't met
What would you say to your future partner, future children, your in-laws, your pet,
your sunglasses
Be specific: your audience must taste, touch, feel, smell, hear, and see
I feel blue
The light exploded into the room
I can almost thumb his grief
She was pink with happiness
6.Vivid Imagery
Poems from pictures
8.Student Reading
A poem should always be read out loud
9.Formal Verse
The villanelle is an old French form, the lines may be of any length, there are 19 lines
divided into six stanzas (fie triplets and one quatrain), turning on two rhymes and built on
two refrains. The refrains consist of lines one and three. Line one reappears as lines 6, 12,
and 18; line 3 reappears as line 19, 15, and 19.
Do not go gentle into that good night 1. refrain 1 -------a
Old age should burn and rave at close of the days. 2.--------------------b
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 3 refrain 2---------a
Though wise men at their end know dark is right. 4.--------------------a
Because their words had forked no lightning they 5.--------------------b
Do not go gentle into that good night. 6. refrain 1 -------a
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright. 7.--------------------a
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,. 8.--------------------b
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 9. refrain 2-------a
Wild men who caught and sang the sun flight 10. -------------------a
And learn, too, late they grieved it on its way 11.-------------------b
-Dylan Thomas
A. Definition of a Play
A play is a structured and unified story, comic or dramatic, complete in itself with a
beginning, middle, and end, that expresses the playwright's passion and vision of life,
shows unfolding conflict that builds a climax, and deals with dimensional lifelike humans
who have strong emotions, needs, and objectives that motivate them to take action. It is
constructed with a plausible and probable series of events, written to be performed and
therefore told with speeches and actions plus silences and inactions, projected by actors
from a stage to an audience that is made to believe the events are happening as they
Types of Plays
1. Monodrama
A one- character play, also known as a theatrical monologue, a oneperson show, or
(in an evocation of vaudeville) a solo turn.
Can be a powerful theatrical work, often using elevated language and powerful
images to create poetic enlargement of the character or subject. Playing time can
vary from ten minutes to several hours.
Although only one character is onstage, others can be implied offstage. May or may
not have a conflict but often conclude with a snap, a piercing insight.
Examples: Talking With... (Jane Martin), Mark Twain Tonight! (Hal Holbrook),
Drinking in America ( Eric Bogosian)
2. One-Act Play
A theatrical version of the short story
A compressed dramatization of a single incident or sequence of action. Playing time
is from 30 minutes to over an hour; most are around 40 minutes long.
John Millington Synge's Riders to the Sea is often considered the formal beginning
of the modern form.
The number of characters may be two or four.
Maintains unity of action, focused on one particular conflict; unity of place, within a
single physical location; and unity of time, without changes of time
Examples: Hopscotch (Israel Horovitz), Minnesota Moon (John Olive), The Zoo
Story (Edward Albee), Pvt. Wars ( James McLure), The Dance and the Railroad
( David Henry Hwang)
3. Full-length Play
Requires a number of actions or incidents to show the play's theme and conflicts, the
development of an involved story, complex character evolution and change, and
possibly movement in time and space,
Usually two to two and a half hours of playing time (exemption: Morning Becomes
Electra (Eugene O'Neill), The Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby ( David
Has two or three acts; the five-act form, once standard, is out of style. An act is the
largest division of the play consisting of a unified group of activities and containing
smaller divisions such as beats, segments, and scenes.
Has one major through-lien conflict, typically involving a protagonist fighting to
achieve a goal against determined opposition.
The conflict starts early at the point of attack, is continually refreshed and refocused
at the climax with complications, and finally reaches its peak
Uses secondary conflict or subplot directly related to the single basic struggle
Examples: A Soldier's Play (Charles Fuller), Crimes of the Heart ( Beth Henley), A
Raisin in the Sun ( Lorraine Hansberry)
2. Drama is a visual art. Action on the stage is usually a significant and organic part of
the whole production. Other parts include the set, the lighting boards, projected images,
and experiments in mixed media.
3. Drama is an auditory art. Except for stage directions, every word is dialogue and
Intended to be spoken out loud. In theatre, silence can have as much
5. Drama is a continuous art. The audience must receive the play at whatever pace the
playwright sets.
6. Drama is a spectator art. Playwrights often revise when theatre work is in rehearsal
and after the opening-night reviews and even later if changes seem necessary.
What Makes a Play?
E. Creating Characters
Characters and plot work together. Plays that involve characters in conflict are more
effective than plays that do not.
Clues to character:
• What the character does; action
• What the character will do; action through inaction
• What the character says
• What the character does not say: communication through silence
• The characters emotional range
• What the characters wants: goals
• Why the character acts, speaks, or seeks a goal; motivation
• How the character responds to stimuli
• Self-description
• Description by others
• Stage directions, descriptions
• The play's environment
• In full-length plays, the word scene is generally used to describe subdivisions of acts.
Often they are written into the program notes and may involve a lapse of time or even a
change of setting.
• For dramatists, scene also refers to each unit of action that begins with an entrance or
an exit and ends with the next shift of characters on the stage. To avoid confusion,
think of these as secondary scenes.
• A secondary scene may have a strong dramatic unity. It may build to a climax that is
dramatically punctuated by the departure of one or more characters.
• The opening dramatic question is the hook. It arouses interest from the start.
• Most plays move from one dramatic question to the next so that the audience is kept
wondering about immediate outcomes as well as what the ultimate resolution will be.
1. Traditional plays. Risinq action accurately describes the mounting complication with
which many plays from all historical periods are begun. In full-length dramas problems
may be compounded with subplots involving secondary characters acting as foils to
highlight or set off the major characters. The crisis is not the very end but the turning
point at which the protagonist's fortunes begin to fail. From there on we have falling
action, which in tragedies results in a catastrophe — often the death of the hero.
2. The onion approach focuses on characterization. A series of scenes exposes the inner
life of a character or a couple like peeling the layers Of an onion. Ex. Eugene O'Neil's
The Icemen Cometh and Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf?
3. The Grand Hotel pattern or the episodic plot. This approach weaves together many
parallel plots and lends itself to longer plays. The pace in the plays like this is
controlled not by the rise and fall of a protagonist, but by a series of dramatic questions
based on the problems faced y a number of different characters.
4. Some plays control the pace without following any classifiable plan. In Edward
Albee's The Sandbox, the pace is controlled by the unusual tonal shift than by action.
• Comedy also has a plot. Three closely related and frequently overlapping types are
used: humor, wit, and satire.
1. Humor tends to be warm and appreciative and usually focuses on character. The
playwright adopts a fond tone and the audience in a sense laugh with the characters rather
than at them.
2. Satire is a form of wit. It involves two basic elements: exaggeration and ridicule.
Comic relief is the use of light touches here and there, or in longer plays, comic
characters used as contrast with the protagonist. Such comic elements are one of the
best ways to counter the risk of melodrama in a highly dramatic plot.
G. Conflict
Simple conflicts are used in simple dramas. They erode characterization and
reduce the work to a fight between good and evil.
Multiple conflicts may be dramatized through one or more subplots involving
secondary characters who echo, amplify, or contrast the conflicts of the main plot.
Inner conflicts are another effective method at achieving subtlety. The very phrases
with which we describe such indecision suggest dramatic tension: a character is "of
two minds," "struggling with himself," or even "at war with herself." Triangular
conflicts provide an additional dimension. Examples are love triangles or a couple
threatened by a third party. Sometimes the malevolent agent is not another lover but
simply an evil force, as in Othello.
The individual against society -- conflict between individuals is often given greater
resonance when it is played against a larger struggle with society.
• Inciting incident is the major event that happened before your play began. It can provide
the point of attack.
Inciting incident
In Hamlet, the combination of hamlet's father's death and his mother's remarriage to
Claudius form the inciting Incident. Hamlet discovers the importance of that incident
when the ghost appears.
• A sense of equilibrium — a play starts with a certain balance. Forces may be aligned
equally or might be unbalanced but at rest.
• Point of attack begins the play's action, stimulates the protagonist to drive for a goal,
introduces the play's major dramatic question (MDQ), and shifts the play from neutral to
forward gear.
• The protagonist's goal — in the uneasy balance before the point of attack, the
protagonist is static, with no reason to take action. The point of attack gives the
protagonist a goal, which provides the action of the rest of the play.
• Major dramatic question is a central force that unifies all action and refers to the basic
reason you write the play. The MDQ is answered at the climax, ending the action.
ESTRAGON; well, shall we go?
VLADIMIR: Yes, let's go
They do not move.
Catharsis may be better understood as the conclusion of the emotional aspects of the
action and characters.
I. Visual Impact
Three types of stage sets; (1) realistic, (2) symbolic, and (3) bare.
Lightning is used for emphasis and symbolic suggestions.
Costumes in non-realistic plays take on a symbolic significance.
Action — most plays are divided into a number of secondary scenes. Those units are
begun and ended by entrances and exits. "Stage business" is a mirror activity added
by good directors to enliven a static scene.
It covers a large field that ranges from the literary journalism or new journalism —
writing in a personal way about facts in a news event -- to the literary memoir.
Stephen Minot in Literary Nonfiction identifies six basic forms of literary nonfiction.
1. Personal experience
2. Biographical sketch
3. Personal opinions
4. Reflections
5. A slice of history
a. ceremonies
b. role reversals
c. moments of sudden growth
d. moments of high emotions
e. reversal of expectations
The essay is generally used to refer to a prose piece that is more personal than
objective or verifiable than a feature article.
A feature refers to an article in a magazine or newspaper or e-zine. It tends to address
a specific type of reader (the particular market or audience of the periodical or
website) which it appears.
4. Structure
Organization may be suggested by the subject, such as:
• Chronological
• Explanation-of-a-process
• Flashback
• Parallel structure
• Collage or mosaic structure
• Diary or log book structure
• Question- and-Answer structure
• Frame or story-within-a-story
5. Rhetorical Techniques
• Definition
• Comparison and Contrast
• Illustration or example
• Classification
• Enumeration
6. Character
• Character in action
• Description of physical appearance
• Reconstruction of the subjects special setting or ambiance
• Presenting characters through the eyes of other people
• Dialogue or monologue
• Idiosyncratic behaviour
8. Scene
• The chief distinction between traditional reportage and creative nonfiction is the use of
scenes or dramatic writing.
In their book The Fourth Genre: Contemporary Writers of/on Creative Nonfiction (1999),
Robert, Jr and Michael Steinberg listed down some elements of creative nonfiction
• Personal presence — whether the subject is the writer's self or an objective, observed
reality outside the self, the reader is taken on a journey ito the mind and personality of the
• Flexibility of form — contemporary writers "stretch the limits of the form" and "are
developing a nonfiction prose that lives along the borders of fiction and poetry." Creative
nonfiction writers are likely to innovate and experiment with structure.