A Detailed Look at CNN-based Approaches in Facial Landmark Detection

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A Detailed Look At CNN-based Approaches In Facial Landmark

Chih-Fan Hsu12 , Chia-Ching Lin12 , Ting-Yang Hung3 , Chin-Laung Lei2 , and Kuan-Ta Chen1
1 Institute
of Information Science, Academia Sinica
2 Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
3 Halicioǧlu Data Science Institute, University of California San Diego
arXiv:2005.08649v1 [cs.CV] 8 May 2020

ABSTRACT Instead of developing a new network architecture for detecting

Facial landmark detection has been studied over decades. Numer- facial landmarks, in this paper, we (1) investigate both CNN-based
ous neural network (NN)-based approaches have been proposed approaches, (2) generalize their advantages and disadvantages, and
for detecting landmarks, especially the convolutional neural net- (3) investigate a variation of the heatmap approach, the pixel-wise
work (CNN)-based approaches. In general, CNN-based approaches classification (PWC) model. Although, the PWC model is widely
can be divided into regression and heatmap approaches. How- used for the object instance segmentation [8, 9] and the joint de-
ever, no research systematically studies the characteristics of dif- tection [10], to the best of our knowledge, using the PWC model
ferent approaches. In this paper, we investigate both CNN-based to detect facial landmarks have not been comprehensively studied.
approaches, generalize their advantages and disadvantages, and in- Besides, detecting facial landmarks by the PWC model might be
troduce a variation of the heatmap approach, a pixel-wise classifi- problematic because numerous landmarks are located at positions
cation (PWC) model. To the best of our knowledge, using the PWC with similar image structure. To further improve the detection ac-
model to detect facial landmarks have not been comprehensively curacy of the PWC model by integrating the advantages from the
studied. We further design a hybrid loss function and a discrimi- regression and heatmap approaches, we design a hybrid loss func-
nation network for strengthening the landmarks’ interrelationship tion and a discrimination network to strengthen the landmarks’
implied in the PWC model to improve the detection accuracy with- interrelationship implied in the PWC model.
out modifying the original model architecture. Six common facial Six facial landmark datasets, AFW dataset [11], Helen dataset [12],
landmark datasets, AFW, Helen, LFPW, 300-W, IBUG, and COFW Labeled Face Parts in the Wild (LFPW) dataset [13], 300 Faces In-
are adopted to train or evaluate our model. A comprehensive eval- the-Wild Challenge (300-W) dataset, and the additional 135 images
uation is conducted and the result shows that the proposed model in difficult poses and expressions of the 300-W dataset (IBUG), and
outperforms other models in all tested datasets. the testing set of the Caltech Occluded Faces in the Wild (COFW)
dataset [14], are adopted to train or evaluate our model. We con-
KEYWORDS duct a comprehensive evaluation and the result shows that the de-
tection accuracy of the PWC model can be improved without mod-
Facial landmark detection, Convolutional neural network
ifying the model architecture. Besides, the proposed model out-
performs other models in all datasets. For making the community
1 INTRODUCTION reproduce our experiment and develop further, we also release the
source codes of all models on the GitHub1 .
Facial landmarks are the fundamental components for various ap-
plications. For instance, the landmarks can be used to understand
facial expressions [1], estimate head poses [2], recognize faces [3],
or manipulate facial components [4]. Facial landmark detection NETWORK-BASED APPROACHES
aims to automatically detect facial landmarks in an image and has Using deep learning models to detect facial landmarks is a popu-
been studied over decades [5]. lar research topic because CNN-based approaches become more
Various approaches were proposed to detect facial landmarks, efficient and powerful. Generally, CNN-based approaches can be
such as active appearance models (AAM) [6] and constrained local divided into regression and heatmap approaches.
models (CLM) [7]. Using deep learning approaches to detect land-
marks gradually dominates this research topic. Numerous neural 2.1 Regression Approaches
network (NN)-based approaches are proposed for detecting land- The regression approaches can be further divided into direct and
marks, especially the convolutional neural network (CNN)-based cascaded regression models.
approaches. Generally, CNN-based approaches can be further di- Direct regression models. Detecting facial landmarks by di-
vided into regression and heatmap approaches. Regression approaches rect regression models is studied for many years [2, 15–21]. The
directly infer the horizontal and vertical coordinates from a facial model detects the landmark coordinates S represented by a vector
image; heatmap approaches detect the spatial position in a set of from a facial image I . The dimension of the vector is the twice
two-dimension heatmaps. Many researchers dedicate to develop number of landmarks. Figure 1 shows an example of a direct re-
various network architectures for both approaches and prove that gression model for detecting 68 facial landmarks. The backbone
both approaches are robust and accurate for detecting landmarks. network can be any network architecture for extracting features
However, there is no systematic research to study the characteris-
tics of both approaches. 1 https://github.com/chihfanhsu/fl_detection

ϮϬϰϴ ϭϯϲ

Figure 1: An example model architecture of the direct regres-

sion model for detecting 68 facial landmarks. A rectangle Figure 2: Detected results of the regression approach. The
denotes a fully-connected layer and the number of nodes in face shape formed by detected landmarks is maintained
the layer is listed beneath the rectangle. even detection failed. However, the landmarks suffer from
inaccurate positions.
from the input facial image. Here, we assume that the last layer of
the backbone network contains 2,048 channels.

Cascaded regression models. Unlike direct regression models ĂĐŬďŽŶĞ
that directly detect landmark coordinates, the cascaded regression ŶĞƚǁŽƌŬ
models iteratively update a predefined or a pre-detected landmarks ϭൈϭ
S 0 to detect landmarks [22–31]. A sub-network is used to generate ϮϬϰϴ ϲϴ ϱϭϮ
an updating vector ∆Si to update the landmark positions in each
stage i. After n updates, the model outputs the final landmark co-
ordinates Sn . Generally, the cascaded regression models can be
simply formulated as Si = Si −1 + ∆Si −1, i = 1, 2, ..., n. Figure 3: An example of the network architecture of the
To train a regression approach, the L2 distance is adopted to distribution model. The goal of the model is to predict
evaluate the point-wise difference between the detected and the a set of heatmaps as similar to the corresponding ground-
ground-truth landmarks, which can be formulated as truth maps generated by the multivariate distribution. Here,
1 Õ the distribution is the multivariate Gaussian with the three-
lossr eд = kSl − Sˆl k2 , (1)
|L| pixel standard deviation. The cube denotes a tensor and the
l ∈L
channel size is listed beneath the cube.
where L is the set of landmarks, Sl and Sˆl represent the detected
and the ground-truth coordinates of the l th landmark, respectively.
Comparing the direct and the cascaded models, cascaded regres-
sion models generally are more effective than direct regression convolutional network (FCN) proposed by [8], which contains a
models because cascaded regression models follow the coarse-to- convolutional part to generate semantic features from the facial
fine strategy [32]. However, there is no standard to define how image and a de-convolutional part to decode semantic features to
many stages should be involved in a cascaded model to achieve a set of heatmaps. According to the characteristic of the heatmap
the best detection accuracy. Also, there is no standard to generate and the loss function, heatmap approaches can be divided into the
the predefined face shape. Hence, numerous studies obtained the distribution, the heatmap regression, and the pixel-wise classifica-
predefined shape by averaging face shapes of the training set or tion models.
predict the shape by an additional model. Distribution models. The distribution model indicates the po-
Generally, regression approaches benefit from the strong inter- sition of a landmark by a multivariate distribution. The center of
relationship between landmarks because the structural informa- the distribution is located at the landmark coordinates. Generally,
tion of a face is implicitly embedded and learned in the fully con- a two-dimensional Gaussian distribution is commonly used to in-
nected layers. Therefore, the detected landmarks can still form a dicate the landmark [33–36]. Figure 3 shows an example of the
face-like shape even if some key parts of a face are occluded. On de-convolutional part of a distribution model for detecting 68 fa-
the other hand, since the interrelationship is strong, the approach cial landmarks. We mention here that the number of channels con-
suffers from slightly inaccurate landmark positions. Namely, the tained in the heatmaps is the same as the number of landmarks.
approach tends to maintain the shape of landmarks as a face rather A spatial softmax function is used to force the sum of elements in
than detecting the true positions of landmarks. Once detecting each heatmap equal to one.
failed, the model may randomly place landmarks with a face-like To train a distribution model, Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence
shape. Figure 2 shows several examples detected by regression ap- is adopted to measure the distance between the predicted heatmap
proaches. The left two images illustrate examples that the detected hl and the ground-truth Gaussian distribution ĥl for each land-
landmarks suffer from inaccurate positions. The right two images Í
mark l. Namely, the loss can be calculated by lossdist = l ∈L KL(ĥl khl ),
illustrate examples that the detection is failed but the shape of land- where KL(·) is the KL divergence.
marks remains a face-like shape. Heatmap regression models. Wei et al. [37] proposed an al-
ternative model to detect landmarks from the heatmaps. Although
2.2 Heatmap Approaches the proposed model, Convolutional Pose Machines, is used to de-
Heatmap approaches detect a landmark by indicating the position tect landmarks of the human, the model can be extended to de-
of the landmarks in a two-dimensional heatmap. Generally, the tect facial landmarks. Differing from the distribution model, the
model structures of heatmap approaches are inspired by the fully output of the model contains an additional heatmap to indicate

ϭൈϭ ϭ ŝƐƚ͘
ϮϬϰϴ ϲϵ ϱϭϮ

Figure 4: An example of the pixel-wise classification model. ZĞŐ͘
The vector at each pixel in output heatmaps is a probabilistic
vector that indicates the pixel belonged to which landmark
classes or the background class. Wt

the background pixels. The L2 loss is adopted to evaluate the dif- Figure 5: Several fail results detected by the heatmap ap-
ference between the ground-truth distribution maps and the pre- proaches. The face shape suffers from serious distortion
dicted heatmaps. Namely, the loss function can be formulated as when some landmarks are not successfully detected. On
losshr eд = l ∈{L,b } (ĥl − hl )2 , where b represents the image back- the other hand, the successfully detected landmarks bene-
ground. fit from accurate positions.
Pixel-wise classification models. Using pixel-wise classifica-
tion (PWC) models to detect landmarks of the human are studied
by He et al. [9]. The model also can be extended to detect facial 3 A PIXEL-WISE CLASSIFICATION MODEL
landmarks, however, to the best of our knowledge, adopting PWC WITH DISCRIMINATOR
models to detect facial landmarks has not been comprehensively
We are seeking for a new method that contains the advantages
and restrains from the disadvantages of regression and heatmap
Despite the output of the PWC model is a set of heatmaps, which
approaches. Considering that the landmark accuracy is highly im-
are similar to the aforementioned heatmap models, the meaning
portant, we develop a new model based on the heatmap approach.
of the heatmap is different. The heatmaps of the distribution and
Moreover, because the PWC model outperforms the other two heatmap
heatmap regression models are generated by the multivariate dis-
models, we design a new model based on the PWC model (the ac-
tribution to indicate the spatial position of the landmarks; the heatmap
curacy will be discussed in Section 5).
of the PWC model is generated by a set of probabilistic vectors that
A hybrid loss function. To overcome the disadvantages of
indicates the probabilities of the pixel belonged to which landmark
heatmap approaches that the interrelationship among landmarks
or the background. Specifically, each vector contains |L| + 1 ele-
cannot be maintained, we introduce a hybrid loss function that
ments and the sum of elements is equal to one. Figure 4 shows an
combines the L2 loss and the PWC loss functions. The idea of the
example of the network architecture of the PWC model.
hybrid loss function is augmenting the PWC loss by the L2 dis-
To train a PWC model, the cross-entropy loss is adopted. Namely,
tance by penalizing the landmark shifting when detecting failed
1 Õ Õ p p
to strengthen the interrelationship implied in the model. Our loss
loss PW C = − ĥi loд(hi ), (2) function can be formulated by
|I |
p ∈I i ∈{L,b }
losshybr id = α × loss PW C + β × lossr eд , (3)
p p
where hi and ĥi represent the predicted probabilistic vector and where the hyperparameters α and β are used to balance between
the ground-truth vector at pixel p, respectively, i indicates the i th loss functions and we empirically set α to 1 and β to 0.25 in our
element of the vector. experiment.
To obtain the landmark positions from heatmaps, the coordi- A discrimination network. We also expect that the detected
nates of a landmark can be calculated by the position with the landmarks should form a face-like shape. To achieve this goal, we
maximum probability in each heatmap, which can be calculated add a discrimination network D after the detection network to en-
by Sl = argmax(x,y) hl , l ∈ L. The heatmap approaches bene- courage the detected landmarks to remain a face-like shape. Specif-
fit from highly accurate landmark positions but suffer from the ically, the loss function is modified by losstot al = losshybr id +
lack of the interrelationship between landmarks. It is because the loss f ace , where loss f ace is defined by −E[loд(D(S))], reflecting the
interrelationship gradually degrades when it passes through de- encouragement of the predicted landmarks being classified to have
convolutional layers. Once some landmarks are detected failed a face-like shape given by the discrimination network.
(mostly caused by the occlusion), the detected position tends to The detection and discrimination networks are jointly trained
shift to a nearby corner or edge. As a result, the shape of the de- as training a Generative Adversarial Networks proposed by Good-
tected landmarks is distorted. Figure 5 shows the detected results fellow et al. [38]. Specifically, in each training step, the training
of the heatmap approaches. As we can observe, landmarks cor- process can be divided into updating the detection network and
responding to occluded parts are commonly missing and the face updating the discrimination network stages. The losstot al is used
shape formed from the detected landmarks is distorted. to update the detection network and the loss function, lossdisc =
ĞƚĞĐƚŝŽŶŶĞƚǁŽƌŬ ࢎ ŝƐĐ͘

н ŶĞƚǁŽƌŬ ƐŚŽƌƚĐƵƚ


ŶĞƚǁŽƌŬ н ƐŚŽƌƚĐƵƚ



ϭൈϭ ϳൈϳ ϭൈϭ

ϮϬϰϴ ϲϵ ϱϭϮ ϱϭϮൈϰ ϱϭϮൈϰ ϮϬϰϴ ϮϬϰϴ


ϭϯϲ Ϯϱϲൈϰ

݈‫ݏݏ݋‬௉ௐ஼ ݈‫ݏݏ݋‬௥௘௚ ‫ܦ‬ሺࡿሻ
Figure 7: The backbone network. Each cube represents a ten-
sor with a specific size. We only show the first two tensors
Figure 6: The proposed model contains a detection network for figure conciseness. Beneath the cube, the number before
and a discrimination network. The detection network is a and after the × mark indicate the tensor’s channel size and
PWC model for detecting landmarks. The discrimination the number of convolutional blocks performed in the ten-
network is a 3-layer fully connected NN for testing the shape sor, respectively. The number of convolutional blocks will
of detected landmarks forms a face-like shape or not. be omitted when only one convolutional block is performed.
The mp represents the max-pooling layer with 2 × 2 kernel
size and stride two.
ˆ + E[loд(1 − D(S))]), is used to update the discrimi-
nation network. In our experiment, in each training step, we em-
pirically train the discrimination network once and the detection Table 1: The number of images in the training (T) and vali-
network twice. dation (V) sets.
Figure 6 shows the network architecture of our model. As we
previously mentioned, the backbone network can be any network 300-W
architecture. A cube in the figure represents a specific tensor size AFW Helen LFPW IBUG COFW
and the number of channels of the tensor is shown below the cube. #T 337 2,000 811 0/0 0 0
At least one convolutional block is performed under a certain ten- #V 0 330 224 300/300 135 507
sor size. The convolutional block comprises a convolutional layer,
a batch normalization layer, and an activation layer sequentially.
Once more than one convolutional block is performed, a × mark
will be shown after the channel size and the number after the × model, we crop the faces for every facial image according to the
mark indicates the number of convolutional blocks (Figure 7). The ground-truth landmarks to reduce negative impacts from unstable
number above the cube denotes the kernel size of filters in the con- face detection. Specifically, we calculate the maximum distance
volutional layer. The default kernel size is set to 3×3 and omitted in of the horizontal and the vertical distances (d h and dv ) of land-
the figure. The rectangular denotes a fully connected block and the marks for each image. Then, the facial image is cropped by a square
number below each is the number of nodes in the fully connected bounding box with 1.3 × max(d h , dv ) side length and the center of
layer. A fully connected block comprises a fully connected layer, a the bounding box is located at the centroid of landmarks. Finally,
batch normalization layer, and an activation layer sequentially. the cropped image is resized to 224 × 224 × 3 image size.


We implement models based on Tensorflow 1.8.0 and Python 3.5.3. We name the model hybrid+disc for avoiding model garble in the
The input image size is set to 224 × 224 × 3. The backbone network following sections, where hybrid+disc denotes the model trained
is implemented by the VGG19-like network architecture and two with losshybr id and supported with the discrimination network
shortcut links are used to improve the feature utilization for the during training. Figure 8 shows the detected results of the hy-
heatmap approaches (Figure 7). A data augmentation algorithm brid+disc model. As we can observe that the hybrid+disc model
is adopted to generate various orientations and sizes of faces to can handle various head orientations and facial expressions. Also,
increase the dataset diversity. Specifically, we randomly rotated the model can moderately handle partial occlusion.
the input image from −30◦ to 30◦ and rescaled the image with the We adopt the normalized mean squared error (NMSE) to quan-
ratio from 0.6 to 1.0 before the input image being fed to the model. titatively evaluate the models. The NMSE can be calculated by
Adam optimizer is used to update the network parameters. An 1 Í |L | kSl − Sˆl k2
N MSE = , where Sˆl and Sl represent the co-
early stopping mechanism is adopted to prevent the model from |L| l =1 d iod
overfitting. Specifically, we calculate the average validation loss ordinates of the l th ground-truth and detected landmarks, respec-
once every 1,000 training steps and stop the training process when tively. The notation d iod represents the inter-ocular distance that
the loss does not decrease ten times in a row. can be calculated by the L2 distance between the outer corners of
Several public facial landmark datasets, AFW, Helen, LFPW, 300- the ground-truth eyes.
W, IBUG, and COFW datasets, are trained or tested in our experi- Nine models are compared in our experiment, (1) the Dlib model,
ment. We use the default settings of datasets to separate the train- an ensemble of regression trees model presented by Kazemi and
ing and validation sets for making a fair comparison. Table 1 shows Sullivan [39], (2) the TCDCN model, a multi-task NN-based model
the number of images for both sets in each dataset. To train the presented by Zhang et al. [16], (3) a simple directly regression
method implemented by CNN, (4) a cascaded regression model im-
plemented by DAN model architecture, (5) a distribution model,
the ground-truth heatmaps are generated by the Gaussian distri-
bution with the three-pixels standard deviation, (6) a heatmap re-
gression model, the ground-truth heatmaps are same as the dis-
tribution model, (7) a PWC model, a CNN-based model trained
with loss PW C , (8) a hybrid model, a CNN-based model trained with
losshybr id , and (9) a hybrid+disc model.
To conduct a fair comparison among models, the backbone net-
work in the investigated models is the same except the DAN model.
It is because the cascaded model contains several sub-networks.
Adopting the backbone network to all sub-networks leads the model
to include massive parameters that exceed the memory limitation
of our training machine. Hence, we adopt the original three-stage Figure 8: Several results detected by the hybrid+disc model.
DAN suggested by Kowalski et al. [27]. Since the DAN model re-
quires 112 × 112 × 3 input image size, we resize the image size
68 Facial Landmarks 12 Eye Anchors
to meet the requirement and detect the landmark coordinates in


224 × 224 image size.


In the experiment, the direct and cascaded regression models



contain 178,682,440 and 35,053,144 parameters, respectively. The Direct reg. Direct reg.


distribution model contains 82,871,880 parameters. The number of Cascaded reg.
Cascaded reg.


parameters of the PWC model and the heatmap regression model Heatmap reg.
Heatmap reg.
hybrid+disc hybrid+disc
is the same because the difference between the two approaches

0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
is only the loss function, which contains 82,947,658 parameters. NMSE NMSE

The hybrid+disc model contains 82,982,347 parameters, in which (a) 68 facail landmarks (b) 12 eye anchors
the detection and discrimination networks contain 82,947,658 and
34,689 parameters, respectively. Overall, the direct regression model Figure 9: The ECDF of the NMSE for the investigated models.
contains the largest number of parameters.
Table 2 shows the average NMSE values of the nine models. We
also evaluate the standard deviation from five independent train-
ings. Since the standard deviations are small, we omit the standard Figure 9 shows the empirical cumulative distribution function
deviation to make the table concise. The Dlib and the TCDCN mod- (ECDF) of NMSE values to illustrate the model effectiveness on the
els are the baselines for comparison. The lowest NMSE value in validation set. Because the landmarks around the eyes (or called
each testing dataset is highlighted. We mention there that the Dlib eye anchors) are more widely used than other landmarks, such as
model cannot successfully detect the landmarks for all validation eye blink detection and gaze manipulation, we further evaluated
images. Therefore, the average NMSE values of the Dlib model are the detection accuracy for the 12 eye anchors. Figure 9(a) and Fig-
only used for reference and the detection rates are listed below the ure 9(b) show the ECDF results of all 68 landmarks and 12 eye an-
table. chors, respectively. As we previously mentioned that heatmap ap-
Generally, all investigated models outperform the base-line mod- proaches generally achieve higher detection accuracy than the re-
els except the heatmap regression model. It is because the heatmap gression approaches. However, the heatmap regression model suf-
regression model suffers from the weak interrelationship between fers from large NMSE value when the landmarks are hard to detect.
landmarks due to the network architecture and the small penalty The PWC model slightly outperforms the distribution model. The
for failure detection due to the loss function. Therefore, once the proposed hybrid loss function further improves the PWC model
landmark is detected failed, the detected position usually locates without enlarging the network architecture. Overall, the hybrid
at the position that has a similar structure as the landmarks with- model outperforms other investigated models.
out occlusion and the position might be far from the ground-truth
position. The largest NMSE value in the IBUG dataset and the rel- 5.1 Ablation Study
ative small NMSE value in the Helen dataset reveal this trend. In To ensure the hybrid loss function and the discrimination network
between the regression models, surprisingly, the DAN model per- can indeed improve the detection accuracy of the PWC model, we
forms worse than the direct regression model. We suspect that trained the models with several model and loss function combi-
the DAN model is limited by the network architecture of the sub- nations, which includes (1) the PWC model, (2) the PWC model
network because the sub-network only contains 11,146,312 param- supported by the discrimination network (PWC+disc), the hybrid
eters that are much smaller than the number of parameters con- model, and the hybrid+disc model.
tained in the direct regression model. In the heatmap models, the Table 2 shows the average NMSE of the investigated combina-
PWC model detects the landmarks more accurately than regres- tions. Generally, the model trained with the hybrid loss function
sion models and other heatmap models. The hybrid model outper- outperforms the model trained with the PWC loss function. The
forms other models in almost all datasets. result indicates that the regression loss function can support the
Table 2: The average NMSE of the investigated models for detecting 68 facial landmarks. The colored numbers indicate the
smallest NMSE in each dataset. The 300-W dataset contains the indoor (In) and the outdoor (Out) subsets and the results are
listed in two horizontal rows.

Dataset Dlib* TCDCN Direct Cascaded Dist. Heat. reg. PWC PWC+disc hybrid hybrid+disc
Helen 0.0298 0.0474 0.0356 0.0367 0.0337 0.0353 0.0334 0.0336 0.0315 0.0312
LFPW 0.0356 0.0454 0.0359 0.0360 0.0347 0.0371 0.0356 0.0359 0.0336 0.0337
300-W 0.0677 0.0781 0.0495 0.0520 0.0508 0.0597 0.0499 0.0505 0.0481 0.0486
In/Out 0.0640 0.0746 0.0500 0.0516 0.0503 0.0586 0.0487 0.0492 0.0470 0.0473
IBUG 0.0594 0.0795 0.0643 0.0678 0.0700 0.0812 0.0656 0.0663 0.0637 0.0639
Total 0.0496 0.0639 0.0452 0.0469 0.0455 0.0515 0.0446 0.0450 0.0427 0.0428
*Dlib does not successfully detect landmarks for all images in the validation set, the detection rate of Dlib in each dataset are listed as
follows: Helen (318/330), LFPW (218/224), 300-W indoor (264/300) and outdoor (252/300), and IBUG (98/135).

68 Facial Landmarks 12 Eye Anchors

PWC model to achieve better detection accuracy without modify-


ing the architecture of the detection network. However, the dis-


crimination network does not significantly improve detection ac-





Figure 10 shows the ECDF of NMSE values for every loss com- PWC PWC


PWC+disc PWC+disc
binations. As we can observe that the hybrid model supported by hybrid hybrid
hybrid+disc hybrid+disc


the discrimination network achieves slightly better results than the 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040

models without supported by the discrimination network about NMSE NMSE

60% and 80% of validation images for detecting 68 facial landmarks (a) 68 landmarks (b) 12 eye anchors
and 12 eye anchors, respectively. However, for the PWC model, the
discrimination network does not improve the detection accuracy. Figure 10: The ECDF of the NMSE values for different loss
To further explore the benefits by adopting the hybrid loss func- function combinations.
tion and the discrimination network, we carefully observe the de-
tected landmarks among the detected results. Generally, the land-
marks detected by the PWC model prefer to locate at the key point
(the edge or the corner). The result is not surprising because the
key point is easier to be preserved in the semantic features than
the smooth area and the facial landmarks should locate at the key 'ƌŽƵŶĚͲƚƌƵƚŚ Wt WtнĚŝƐĐ ŚLJďƌŝĚ ,LJďƌŝĚнĚŝƐĐ
point if the landmarks are not occluded. However, the landmark
positions are easy to be affected by the shape of the key point es- Figure 11: The hybrid loss function penalizes the landmark
pecially the landmarks located at the edge. Besides, once the land- shifting due to the shape of the key point or partial occlu-
marks are occluded, the detected positions tend to located at a key sion. The discrimination network encourages the detected
point near the position where the landmark should be. Therefore, landmarks to form a face-like shape.
the shape of the detected landmarks might be distorted. Figure 11
shows the illustration. In the result detected by the PWC model,
the landmark positions are affected by the shape of the edge (red 5.2 Occlusion Tolerance
and blue) and the occluded landmark located at a nearby corner
To explore the model’s ability for handling facial images with par-
(blue). Adding the L2 loss to the PWC model penalizes the posi-
tial occlusion, we mutually selected 298 images that some land-
tion shifting due to the occlusion or the negative impact from the
marks are occluded by objects or extreme light sources from the
shape of the key point, which greatly improves the detection ac-
validation datasets. Figure 12 shows several results detected by
curacy. However, the shape of the detected landmarks might still
the investigated models. As we can observe that the regression ap-
be distorted. Although adopting the discrimination network in the
proaches suffer from inaccurate landmark positions. The heatmap
training process might make landmarks slight inaccurate, the net-
approaches benefit from the accurate positions but the landmarks
work successfully improves the shape of the landmarks. Overall,
shift due to the occlusion. The hybrid+disc model eases the land-
adding the discrimination network has only a minor impact on de-
mark shifting and can moderately guess the landmark positions
tection accuracy. Besides, the discrimination network does not in-
when landmarks are occluded.
crease the inference time when testing. Training a model with a
Figure 13 shows the ECDF of the NMSE values for the images
discrimination network is worth being considered and explored
with and without partial occlusion. As we can observe that the
hybrid+disc model outperforms other models for the images with-
out partial occlusion. For the images with partial occlusion, the
hybrid+disc model achieves better model accuracy for about 70%
of validation images. It is worthwhile to mention that when the
68 Facial Landmarks 12 Eye Anchors


Direct reg.
Cascaded reg.


ηϭϯϴ PWC




hybrid+disc Direct reg.
Cascaded reg.




ηϵϯϵ hybrid


0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08

(a) 68 facial landmarks (b) 12 eye anchors


Figure 14: The ECDF of the NMSE values for evaluating oc-
clusion tolerance on the serious occluded images (the COFW
Figure 12: The hybrid+disc model can moderately guess the dataset).
landmark positions when landmarks are occluded.

68 Facial Landmarks 68 Facial Landmarks To further improve the detection accuracy of the PWC model,


Direct reg.
Cascaded reg. we propose the hybrid loss function and comprehensively verify


Heatmap reg.
the loss function that can improve the detection accuracy with-


out modifying the architecture of the detection network. Besides,


Direct reg.
a discrimination network is proposed to encourage the detected


Cascaded reg.
landmarks to form a face-like shape. Although the discrimination


Heatmap reg.
hybrid+disc network has little impact on detection accuracy, it can be further


0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05

0.06 0.07 0.08 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
0.06 0.07 0.08
studied. Our proposed model is evaluated on six common facial
(a) Without occlusion (b) With occlusion landmark datasets, AFW, Helen, LFPW, 300-W, IBUG, and COFW
datasets. The evaluated results reveal that the PWC model com-
Figure 13: The ECDF of the NMSE values for evaluating oc- bined with the hybrid loss function achieves higher landmark accu-
clusion tolerance. racy than other investigated approaches not only for the 68 facial
landmarks but also for the 12 eye anchors.

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