Curriculum Mapping Grade 12
Curriculum Mapping Grade 12
Curriculum Mapping Grade 12
Department of Education
Region XI
Division Of Panabo
Prk. 3 Cabaluna St. New Visayas, Panabo City
Introduction of A. Starting points for the understanding 2 weeks (8 Articulates observations on Modular
August 2021 Culture, Society, of culture, society, and politics hours) human cultural variation, instruction Industry
and Politics Sharing of social and cultural backgrounds social differences, social
change, and political Virtual discussion
of students as acting subjects or social identities via zoom or
Social, Political, actors, agents, persons; (examples: Google classroom
and Cultural gender, socioeconomic class, ethnicity, Demonstrate curiosity and
Change religion, exceptionality/non-exceptionality, an openness to explore the Graphical images
nationality) origins and dynamics of
Elements and culture and society, and Online individual
Types of Society Observations about social, political, and political identities task
cultural behavior and phenomena
(examples: food taboos, istambay, political Analyzes social, political, Video
1st Quarter dynasties, elections) and cultural change presentation sent
thru messenger
Observations on social, political,and Recognizes the common
cultural change (examples: txting, concerns or intersections of Courtesy
transnational families, local public anthropology, sociology, and
services, youth volunteerism) political science with respect
to the phenomenon of
Definition of anthropology, political change
Categories of science, and sociology
Culture, Society, Identifies the subjects of
and Politics inquiry and goals of
Anthropology, Political
Science, and Sociology Excellence
August - Agents of B. Defining Culture and Society from the 4 weeks Explains anthropological and Modular
September Socialization perspectives of anthropology and (16 hours) sociological perspectives on instruction Excellence
2021 sociology culture and society
Society as a group of people sharing a common Virtual discussion
Social Control, culture Describes society and via zoom or
Sanctions, and culture as a complex whole Google classroom
Punishment Culture as a “‘that complex whole which
encompasses beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, Identifies aspects of culture Graphical images
Social laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and and society
Organizations everything that a person learns and shares as a Online individual
member of society.” (E.B. Tylor 1920 [1871]). Raises questions toward a task
holistic appreciation of
Aspects of Culture a. Dynamic, Flexible, & cultures and societies Video
Adaptive b. Shared & Contested (given the reality presentation sent
of social differentiation) c. Learned through Becomes aware of why and thru messenger Courtesy
socialization or enculturation d. Patterned social how cultural relativism
interactions e. Integrated and at times unstable f. mitigates ethnocentrism
Transmitted through socialization/enculturation g.
Requires language and other forms of Identifies forms of tangible
communication and intangible heritage and
the threats to these
Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism as
orientations in viewing other cultures
September – C. Looking back at Human Bio-cultural 4 weeks Traces the biological and Modular
October Social Mobility and Social Evolution (16 hours) cultural evolution of early to instruction Industry
2021 Biological and cultural evolution: from Homo modern humans
habilis (or earlier) to Homo sapiens sapiens in the Virtual discussion
Causes and fossil record Explores the significance of via zoom or
Effects of Poverty human material remains and Google classroom
Cultural and socio-political evolution: from artefactual evidence in
hunting and gathering to the agricultural, interpreting cultural and Graphical images
Race and industrial, and post-industrial revolutions social, including political and
Ethnicity Defined a. The Neolithic Revolution economic, processes Online individual
b. Early civilization and the rise of the state task
c. Democratization Recognizes national, local, Integrity
and specialized museums, Video
Biological and
and archaeological and presentation sent
Cultural Evolution
historical sites as venues to thru messenger
appreciate and reflect on the
complexities of biocultural
and social evolution as part
of being and becoming Courtesy
Defining Crime D. Becoming a member of society Explains the development of Modular Excellence
one’s self and others as a instruction
1. Enculturation/Socialization a. Identity product of socialization and
Characteristics of formation (identities, disciplines, and enculturation Virtual discussion
Human Rights aspirations) b. Norms and values c. via zoom or
Statuses and roles (e.g. age, gender) Identifies the context, Google classroom
content, processes, and
consequences of Graphical images
Human dignity enculturation and
and Human socialization Online individual
Rights 2. Conformity and deviance a. Social task
control (gossip, social ostracism, laws Identifies the social goals
and punishments) b. Forms of deviance and the socially acceptable Video
(ritualism, retreatism, rebellion, and means of achieving these presentation sent
innovation) goals thru messenger
Advocates inclusive
2nd Quarter October E. How society is organized 2 weeks (8 Traces kinship ties and Modular
2021 Groups within 1. Groups within society: Primary and hours) social networks instruction
Society Secondary
2. In-groups and out-groups Describes the organized Virtual discussion Industry
3. Reference groups nature of social life and rules via zoom or
4. Networks governing behaviour Google classroom
F. Cultural, social and political
institutions Compares different social Graphical images
1. Kinship, marriage, and the household forms of social organization
a. Kinship by blood Descent and according to their manifest Online individual
marriage (unilineal, matrilineal, and latent functions task
Growth and patrilineal, bilateral)
Development of b. Kinship by marriage Marriage rules Analyzes social and political Video
Societies cross-culturally (monogamy vs. structures presentation sent
polygamy, post-marital residency thru messenger
rules, referred marriage partners) Analyzes economic
c. Kinship by ritual (Compadrazgo) organization and its impacts
d. Family and the household Nuclear, on the lives of people in the
extended, and reconstituted families society
(separated, transnational)
e. Politics of kinship (political dynasty,
Differentiates functions of Excellence
non-state institutions in
2. Political and leadership structures
a. Political organization
i. Bands
ii. Tribes Evaluates how functions of
iii. Chiefdoms education affect the lives of
iv. States and nations people in society
The Evolution of b. Authority and legitimacy
Social and i. Traditional Promotes primary education
Political ii. Charismatic as a human right
Institutions iii. Rational
3. Economic Institutions Conducts participant
Theories on a. Reciprocity observation (e.g., attend,
Society and State b. Transfers describe, and reflect on a
c. Redistribution religious ritual of a different
d. Market transactions group; observe elections Industry
e. Markets and state practices)
November – 4. Non-state institutions 8 weeks
Recognizes the practice of Modular
December a. Banks and corporations (32 hours)
medical pluralism in light of instruction
2021 b. Cooperatives and trade unions
c. Transnational advocacy groups cultural diversity and
d. Development agencies relativism Virtual discussion
Social Institutions e. International organizations via zoom or
Google classroom
7. Health
a. Culture-specific syndromes and
illnesses (e.g., “bughat”,
b. Systems of diagnosis, prevention
and healing (e.g., traditional, Courtesy
western, alternative healing
c. Health as a human right
Political G. Social and political stratification Examines stratification from Modular
Institutions a. Social desirables (wealth, power, the functionalist and conflict instruction
prestige) perspectives
The Concept of b. Social mobility system Virtual discussion Excellence
Social i. Open (Class) Identifies characteristics of via zoom or
Stratification ii. Closed (Caste) the systems of stratification Google classroom
c. Social inequality
i. Access to social, political, Suggests ways to address Graphical images
Systems of and symbolic capital global inequalities
Stratification ii. Gender inequality Online individual
iii. Ethnic minorities task
iv. Other minorities (e.g.,
persons with disabilities) Video
v. Global Inequality presentation sent
Perspective on
(relationships between states thru messenger
and nonstate actors in the
global community)
Social and
Cultural Change
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Division Of Panabo
Prk. 3 Cabaluna St. New Visayas, Panabo City
September Range of Identifying the Inquiry and 4 weeks (16 Designs a research useful in daily Modular instruction
2021 Research Stating the Problem hours) life Excellence
Topics in the Virtual discussion via zoom or
Area of Inquiry Writes a research title Google classroom
October 2021 What is Learning from Others and 4 weeks (16 Follows ethical standards in writing Courtesy
Review of Reviewing the Literature hours) related literature
Literature Illustrates and explain conceptual
Steps in Defines terms used in study
Writing RRL
Lists research hypotheses (if
Framework Presents written review of related
literature and conceptual framework
2nd Quarter Understanding Data and Chooses appropriate quantitative Modular instruction
Ways to Systematically research design
Sampling Collect Data Virtual discussion via zoom or
Design Describes sampling procedure and Google classroom
the sample
Research Online individual task
Instrument Constructs an instrument and
establishes its validity and reliability Video presentation sent thru
Developing a messenger
questionnaire Describes intervention (if applicable)
Other forms of digital materials
Plans data collection procedure Excellence
Plans data analysis using statistics
and hypothesis testing (if
Reliability appropriate)
November Methods of Finding Answers through Data 4 weeks (16 Collects data using appropriate Modular instruction Industry
2021 Data Collection hours) instruments
Collection Virtual discussion via zoom or
Presents and interprets data in Google classroom
Sampling tabular and graphical forms
Techniques Graphical images
Uses statistical techniques to
Organizing analyze data— study of differences Online individual task
Data and relationships limited for bivariate
analysis Video presentation sent thru
Scope and messenger
Purpose of
Data Analysis
Techniques in
December Drawing Reporting and Sharing 4 weeks (16 Draws conclusions from research
2021 Conclusion Findings hours) findings
General Parts
of Quantitative
Your Own
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Division Of Panabo
Prk. 3 Cabaluna St. New Visayas, Panabo City
Grade : 12_
1st Quarter August 2021 Nature and A. 21stCentury literature 4 weeks (16 Identifies the geographic, linguistic, Modular instruction
Meaning of from the region where hours) and ethnic dimensions of Philippine
Literature the school is based in li Virtual discussion via zoom or Excellence
relation to the literature terary history from pre-colonial to Google classroom
of other regions in the contemporary
Elements of various genres and Online individual task
Literature forms in consideration Identifies representative texts and
of: authors from each region (e.g. Video presentation sent thru
1. various dimensions of engage in oral history research with messenger
Types of Philippine literary focus on key personalities from the
Literature history from pre- students’ region/province/ town) Other forms of digital
colonial to materials
contemporary Values the contributions of local
2. canonical authors and writers to the development of
Contemporary works of Philippine
Forms of regional literary traditions Courtesy
National Artists in
Literature Literature Appreciates the contributions of the
3. name of authors and canonical Filipino writers to the
their works, and development of national literature
backgrounds of the
Literary literature from the
Devices region where the high
school is located.
September Literature from B. Study and appreciation 4 weeks (16 Appreciates the contributions of the
2021 Luzon of literary texts from hours) canonical Filipino writers to the Integrity
the different regions development of national literature
written in different
genres covering: Differentiates/compares and
1. regions in Luzon, contrast the various 21st century
Visayas, Mindanao literary genres and the ones from
2. major genres the earlier genres/periods citing their
(poetry, fiction, elements, structures and traditions
drama, creative
nonfiction, as well Infers literary meaning from literal
as hyperpoetry, language based on usage
blogs, mobile Industry
phone Texttula, Analyzes the figures of speech and
chick lit, other literary techniques and
Literature form speculative fiction, devices in the text
Visayas flash fiction, etc.)
Explains the literary, biographical,
linguistic, and sociocultural contexts
and discuss how they enhance the
text’s meaning and enrich the Excellence
reader’s understanding
2nd Quarter October – Literature from A. Literary genres, 6 weeks (24 Modular instruction
November Asia and Africa traditions and forms hours) Identifies representative texts and
2021 from different national authors from Asia, North America, Virtual discussion via zoom or
literature and cultures, Europe, Latin America, and Africa Google classroom
namely, Asian, Anglo-
American, European, Online individual task Excellence
Latin American, and
Africa Explains the texts in terms of literary Video presentation sent thru
Literature from elements, genres, and traditions messenger
Other forms of digital
Situates the texts in the context of materials
the region, nation, and the world
December Literature form B. Basic textual and 4 weeks (16 Appreciates the cultural and
2020 Latin America contextual reading hours) aesthetic diversity of literature of the Integrity
approach in the study world
and appreciation of
literature Compares and contrasts the various
21st century literary genres and their
elements, structures, and traditions
from across the globe
Grade : 12_
May 2022