Make sure you are the one to Control the client, cus this one no be dating
[5/11, 10:18 PM] +234 708 079 0376: Your major work here is An Account manager
Meaning you have the potential to handle investors fund and have the ability to make profits with the
available funds been entrusted to you....
But here you are account manager that's is not real, so you are pretending to be real but you are not.
*The Novice*
[5/11, 10:18 PM] +234 708 079 0376: There are 3 types of people you will encounter in this bitcoin
1. Novice investors
3. Real investors with good Knowledge about bitcoin, but that doesn't matter
[5/11, 10:18 PM] +234 708 079 0376: 1. This class of people just know the name bitcoin, but does not
actually know what it is and how it works.
Now when you meet people in this category , they want to know what bitcoin is all about, and you are
expected to explain to the client for proper understanding before you can talk about investment
You can start like this, just a brief info about bitcoin...
Or ask, are you interested to mine your bitcoin to be earning daily profits to your wallet ?
The response the person gives as the conversation continues will make you to fish out the category of
investor/client the person belongs to
[5/11, 10:18 PM] +234 708 079 0376: Firstly,I have to educate you about bitcoin,it's the most popular
digital currency although it has no central authority controlling it but it has risen to prominence due to it
daily increasing value in the world stock market.
[5/11, 10:18 PM] +234 708 079 0376: He will request you to explain everything about bitcoin. Now you
can Google it or follow my own below
[5/11, 10:18 PM] +234 708 079 0376: You don't need to stress your self, you just Stay at home and make
money online through bitcoin mining investment. Receive 1000USD worth of bitcoin into your bitcoin
wallet every 24hrs. No referral needed No hidden fees
[5/11, 10:18 PM] +234 708 079 0376: Are you from CANADA, USA, UK,INDIA,
ASIA,AUSTRALIA,KENYA,SINGAPORE,AFRICA anywhere in the world,are you interested ? In Binary/Forex
Trade. trade online I can help you trade for a period of one week two week and a month or yearly profits
yes I give the best strategy to earn huge trade
Start up investment and earn directly to your wallet/account and other payment
[5/11, 10:18 PM] +234 708 079 0376: Now when the client agree you now send him this
[5/11, 10:18 PM] +234 708 079 0376: This are the invest plan list..
[5/11, 10:18 PM] +234 708 079 0376: You have to send us your personal information for your account
[5/11, 10:18 PM] +234 708 079 0376: 1. Direct investment approach
This approach is some how straight forward.... You use it mostly on Novice,and others it works also on
the 3 category
I'm assuming now I'm Chating with a client that was brought to me by my Facebook testifier account Or
Client that i got from where i bombed
[5/11, 10:18 PM] +234 708 079 0376: 2. Scammers. This kind of people we come and pretend to be an
investor. Most of them their most interior motive is to come steal your format or play prank with you
promising to invest huge amount of money and you will be very your mind you don
2. Broker approach.
3. Hacking approach
[5/11, 10:19 PM] +234 708 079 0376: *Or Rather , Assuming nobody inboxed u ,you can use this 👉 Hi
I'm Agent Smith From Usa ,a Successful Bitcoin Minner, Would u like to mine with me?*
Hi.I'm James from Dubai, please I got your contact on Facebook on how to earn via bitcoin mining
I'm Mr. Smith Jossy by name, I'm an expert bitcoin miner and a binary options trader from USA
Client : yes
So with that yes reply you know he is not a go straight to the point
One of our service is to help individual investor or group of investors to to mine their bitcoin using our
reliable mining pool server to mine and be making reasonable profits daily
Client: ok
[5/11, 10:19 PM] +234 708 079 0376: 👆 what you decide to use as a multiplier factor will determine
what you will get below
Here you can decide to use 5 to multiply the investment amount to get the profits. Also its you that will
determined minimum amount a client can invest. Its not fixed. So we can give the plans like this
100$ investment gives 500$ profit
The higher your investment capital the higher your profits at the end of the mining
[5/11, 10:19 PM] +234 708 079 0376: Me:Bitcoin mining is the best way of making money from your
comfort zone...if you been looking up for this opportunity, now is your chance, no experience is needed
to be part of it. with our unique mining strategy I guarantee you a great mining accuracy. if you are
interested to be earning extra income without interrupting your normal work here is the chance for you,
as all technical work are been done by us. You invest and wait for your capital to yield profits.
Client: interesting
Client : yes
Me: Below are some of our investment plans and their potential earnings in 48 hours after investment
Me: investing your bitcoin with us is the best decisions to take because so many people have benefited
from it and still be part of the beneficiaries we are empowering via our mining system,
consider the below mining plans...
[5/11, 10:19 PM] +234 708 079 0376: Client: Done: I have the bitcoin in my wallet now
Now by now. You should know the approach you will use to collect the 100$ bitcoin from the client
What ever you are to say next is just for Formality to make the client believe that you are real...
You are required to send the details below to me so it can registered into our mining server
Bitcoin mining has really helped a lot of people reach their financial dreams and make people reach their
various business aims around the globe with the help of our powerful mining platform
So may I know how much you are willing to invest so we can proceed further
Client: 500$
You have to purchase bitcoin to your wallet and notify me so we can get started
To make your investment you have to FUND our Mining Wallet Address with the amount you are willing
to invest. Ones your payment is detected by the system it will initiate the mining process which will
trigger your Hash Power Rate.
**************** *(where u will now paste the client your wallet address or I'd, u will now receive the
bitcoin in ur wallet)*
👆👆👆👆 Make payment to our mining wallet and screenshot the payment transaction to me here
Wallet address:
After the client have provided those details you can tell him to hold for few minutes to enable register
his details
Your details has been successfully registered into our mining server
[5/11, 10:19 PM] +234 708 079 0376: Bitcoin is a business that’s been global so the business is all about
[5/11, 10:19 PM] +234 708 079 0376: Now after 24 hrs, or 48 which is the time u promised he gonna get
his profit
U can tell him or her that the payout for 500$ is not available, that he or she should complete it to
1000$ so he gonna receive the payment Immediately